'TVTOTICE is hereby -given, that application is railway and pier or jetty, works, stations, and _13! intended to be made to Parliament in the conveniences; and it is intended to apply for the next session, for leave to bring in a Bill for making powers usually conferred for the curnpulsory pur- and maintaining a railway, with proper works, chase of lands, houses, and other property, to be stations, and conveniences connected therewith, to described upon the said plans, for the purposes commence within the port or harbour of the bo- aforesaid; and also for power to vary or extinguish rough of , in the county of , and to all rights or privileges in any manner connected terminate by a junction with the Eastern Counties with the lands, houses, and other' property pro- Railway at or near its present terminus, in the posed to be taken for the purposes of such railway parish of , in the borough of , in and pier or jetty, and works, and to confer other the said county of Essex; and also for erecting, rights and privileges; and also to alter, divert, constructing, and maintaining a pier or jetty and vary all such turnpike roads, parish roads, within the said port or harbour of the said borough and other liighways, streams, rivers, navigations, of Harwich, at the commencement of such intended canals, and railways within the several parishes, railway, in the said port or harbour; and which townships, extra parochial or other places herein- intended railway, pier, or jetty, and the works, before mentioned, as may be necessary for the stations, and conveniences connected therewith, purposes of the said railway and pier or jetty, will be situated in or pass from, in, through, or •works, stations, and conveniences.—Dated this 1st into the several parishes, townships, extra paro- day of November 1843. chial, and other places hereinafter mentioned, Bourdillon and Son, Great Winchester- some or all of them (that is to say), the street, London, Solicitors for the Bill. borough of Harwich, Saint Nicholas Harwich, , Ramsey, Wrabness, Little Oakley, OTICE is hereby given, that application is Great Oakley, Wix otherwise Wickes or Wicks, N intended to be made to Parliament in the Bradfield, , , , Man- next session, for leave to bring in a Bill to make ningtree, Little Bromley, , Elm- and maintain a railway, with all necessary works stead, Wlvenhoe, , Declham, Saint An- and conveniences connected therewith, commenc- drew Greensteed otherwise Greenstead, Colches- ing on the north side or bank of the river Thames, ter, Saint Botolph, Colchester, Saint Botolph at or near the ferry at -fort, in the parishes East and West, Colchester, Saint James Colches- of West Tilbury or Chadwell, or one of them, in ter, All Saints Colchester, Saint Michael the county of Essex; and to pass from, in, through otherwise Mile-end Colchester, Saint Peter Col- or into the several parishes, townships, and extra- chester, Lexden Colchester, and the borough of parochial places following, that is to say, West Colchester, all in the aforesaid county of Essex. Tilbury, East Tilbury, Little , Gray's And notice is hereby further given, that dupli- Thurrock, Stifford, North Ockendon otherwise cate plans, describing the line or situation of the North Okendon, otherwise South said railway and pier or jetty, and the lands in or Okendon, Orsett otherwise Horsett, Cranham, through which the same are severally intended to Upminster, Raynham otherwise Rainham, Horn- be made or situated, with duplicate sections of the church, Dagenham, Barking otherwise Berking, said railway, together with a book of reference Little Hfbrd, Wall-end, Plaskett, East Ham, thereto, containing the names of the owners or Plaistow, and West Ham, all in the said county of reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and Essex: Bromley, Saint Leonard, Saint Mary-le- occupiers of such lands, will be deposited, for bow, Mile-end Old-, Mile-end New-town, public inspection, at the office of the Clerk of the Saint Dunstan Stepney otherwise Stebon-heath, Peace for the said county of Essex, at Chclmsford, All Saint's Poplar, and Saint Ann's Limehouse, and at the office of the Clerk of the Peace for the all in the county of Middlesex ; and by a borough of Colchester, at Colchester, on or before junction with the London and Blackwall Railway, the thirtieth day of November instant; and a copy at or near the Stepney station of the said railway, of so much of the said plans and sections as relate in or near Rose-lane, in the parishes of Saint to each of the aforesaid parishes, together with a Ann's Limehouse, or Saint Dunstan's Stepney book of reference thereto, .will be deposited with otherwise Stebon-heath, or one of them, in the said the parish clerk of each such parish, respectively, county of Middlesex. OB or before the thirty-first day of December next. And notice is also hereby given, that plans And notice is hereby further given, that it is and sections, describing the lines and levels proposed by the said Bill to incorporate a com- of the said intended railway, and the lands to pany for the purpose of executing and carrying be taken for the purposes thereof, and of the into effect the said railway and pier or jetty; and works connected thereAvith, together with books of it is intended to apply for power in the said reference to such plans, containing the names of Bill to deviate in the construction of the said the owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed intended railway and pier or jetty, and works, lessees, and occupiers of such lands, will be depo- stations, and conveniences on cither side of the sited, for public inspection, with the Clerk of the line, as laid down on the said plans, to the extent Peace for the said county of Essex, at his office at shewn or defined on the said plans; also for powers , in the said county, and with the Clerk to levy, raise, and collect rates, tolls, and duties, of the Peace for the said county of Middlesex, at upon or in respect of the use of the said intended his office at Clerkcnwell, in the said county, on or