English Corpus Linguistics: an Introduction - Charles F
Cambridge University Press 0521808790 - English Corpus Linguistics: An Introduction - Charles F. Meyer Index More information Index Aarts, Bas, 4, 102 Biber, Douglas, et al. (1999) 14 adequacy, 2–3, 10–11 Birmingham Corpus, 15, 142 age, 49–50 Blachman, Edward, 76–7 Altenberg, Bengt, 26–7 BNC see British National Corpus AMALGAM Tagging Project, 86–7, 89 Brill, Eric, 86 American National Corpus, 24, 84, 142 Brill Tagger, 86–8 American Publishing House for the Blind British National Corpus (BNC), 143 Corpus, 17, 142 annotation, 84 analyzing a corpus, 100 composition, 18, 31t, 34, 36, 38, 40–1, 49 determining suitability, 103–7, 107t copyright, 139–40 exploring a corpus, 123–4 planning, 30–2, 33, 43, 51, 138 extracting information: defining parameters, record keeping, 66 107–9; coding and recording, 109–14, research using, 15, 36 112t; locating relevant constructions, speech samples, 59 114–19, 116f, 118f tagging, 87 framing research question, 101–3 time-frame, 45 future prospects, 140–1 British National Corpus (BNC) Sampler, see also pseudo-titles (corpus analysis 139–40, 143 case study); statistical analysis Brown Corpus, xii, 1, 143 anaphors, 97 genre variation, 18 annotation, 98–9 length, 32 future prospects, 140 research using, 6, 9–10, 12, 42, 98, 103 grammatical markup, 81 sampling methodology, 44 parsing, 91–6, 98, 140 tagging, 87, 90 part-of-speech markup, 81 time-frame, 45 structural markup, 68–9, 81–6 see also FROWN (Freiburg–Brown) tagging, 86–91, 97–8, 111, 117–18, 140 Corpus types, 81 Burges, Jen, 52 appositions, 42, 98 Burnard,
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