Page 1 of 9 Original Research The power of praise psalms to encourage awareness of ecological issues amongst worshippers Author: The liturgy ought to sensitise believers anew to glorifying God as the Creator and the Recreator 1 Barend J. de Klerk of the universe. The Book of Psalms may be used to great effect to sharpen the ecological Affiliation: awareness of believers. The topic is investigated on the basis of three creation psalms, namely 1Faculty of Theology, North- Psalm 19, 104 and 148. In particular, it asks how the praise of the so-called creation psalms West University, South Africa serves to alert believers not only to conserve nature in their own context, but also, together with nature, to praise God in word and deed? The fact that the ecological crisis directly Correspondence to: Barend de Klerk concerns our earth, air and water, that is, our basic sustenance ought to lead worshippers in the worship service to serious reflection. The destruction of ecological systems has a direct Email: effect on every other problem faced by plant, human and animal. The focus of Psalm 19 on
[email protected] the heavens puts air pollution, global warming and damage to the ozone layer on the agenda Postal address: of every worship-service participant. In the songs of praise in Psalm 104 and 148, humans are PO Box 20764, Noordbrug seen as part of the artistic creation web which ought to be conserved. 2522, South Africa Dates: Received: 25 June 2013 Die krag van lofpsalms om bewustheid van ekologiese aangeleenthede by erediensdeelnemers Accepted: 30 Sept.