Bulletin Describes the Operations of the Artmobile, Presents Some
DOCUMENT RESUME' ED 027 356 UD 007 709 Artmobile Exhibit # I: A Manual on, Operations and Instructions. Los Angeles City Schools, Calif. Div. of Secondary Education. Report No- LACS -ESEA-T -A-127-67 Pub Date 30 Jun 67 . Note-60p. EDRS Price MF-$0.50 HC-$3.10 Descriptors-Art Activities, *Art Education, Artists, *Art Materials, Educational Objectives, Instructional Materials, Learning Activities, *Mobile Educational services, *Secondary Schools Identifiers-Californik Los Angeles . An Artmobile exhibit was developed for Los Angeles secondary schools underan ESEA specially funded program. The exhibit involves two trailers and packaged instructional materials for a display of the work of 33 local artists. An instructional bulletin describes the operations of the Artmobile, presents some relevant art concepts, outlines several art education objectives, and offers some suggested learning activities for art classrooms. The document includes information about the 33 artists 'and their work (NH) r SPECIALLY FUNDED PROGRAMS" FOR CLASSROOM TRIAL ONLY ESEA NO. T - -61., SUMMER, 1967 ....... : . ,.. ARTMOBILE Exhibit #1 ii . .:: .... ... A AAANIJAL A*. :?.....,.... On Oporations ..::::::...,.. .(44,E.... .... .. :......,...:.::, AndInstructions ,.-....:E.:::::.....,. : " U.3. UtVAKIMUll Ut MAW!, CUULAIIUM Ca WELIMIL OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION MHITMNORPOLMt LoSANGELES CITY SCHOOL DISTRICTS Divi9ion of Secondary Education Beverly Boulevard Center Specially-PundedPrograms DATE: June 30, 1967 ............-______...............CLASSROOM TRIAL APPROVAL PROJECT: FINE ARTS --ART (ARTmOBILE) ARTMOBILE EXHIBIT # I TITLE OF PUBLICATION: A Manual on Operations and Instruction The material isaccepted and approvedfor classroom trial. c../ onsultant in Charge , Project Coordinator .../ .
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