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Environment Canterbury Environment Canterbury Oamaru to Timaru Coastal Report Status of Gravel Resources and Management Implications Report No R06/14 ISBN 1-86937-595-5 Prepared by: Martin Single MWH New Zealand Ltd Christchurch January 2006 This document has been prepared for the benefit of Environment Canterbury. No liability is accepted by this company or any employee or sub-consultant of this company with respect to its use by any other person. This disclaimer shall apply notwithstanding that the report may be made available to other persons for an application for permission or approval to fulfil a legal requirement. Report No R06/14 ISBN 1-86937-595-5 MWH New Zealand Ltd Tower 2, Deans Park, 7 Deans Avenue P O Box 13 249 Christchurch Tel: 64-3-366 7449 Fax: 64-3-341 5345 58 Kilmore Street 75 Church Street P O Box 345 P O Box 550 CHRISTCHURCH TIMARU Phone: (03) 365 3828 Phone: (03) 684 0500 Fax: (03) 365 3194 Fax: (03) 684 0505 Website: www.ecan.govt.nz Customer Services Phone 0800 324 636 Oamaru to Timaru Coastal Report - Status of Gravel Resources and Management Implications Contents 1. Introduction .....................................................................................................................1 2. South Canterbury Coast Description..............................................................................1 3. Coastal Hazards.............................................................................................................2 4. Gravel Extraction ............................................................................................................2 5. Beach Profile Changes...................................................................................................4 6. Gravel Supply.................................................................................................................4 6.1 Analysis ...........................................................................................................4 6.1.1 Inputs ...............................................................................................5 6.1.2 Outputs ............................................................................................6 6.1.3 Gravel Budget Balance....................................................................6 7. Discussion and Recommendations ................................................................................6 8. References .....................................................................................................................7 Page i Oamaru to Timaru Coastal Report - Status of Gravel Resources and Management Implications Page ii Oamaru to Timaru Coastal Report - Status of Gravel Resources and Management Implications 1. Introduction As part of Environment Canterbury’s wider “Regional Gravel Management Investigation” MWH were commissioned to investigate and report on the potential annual sustainable supply of gravel for the region from the coast for the next 10 years. Three coastal areas were identified by Environment Canterbury for the investigation. These are Oamaru to Timaru, Timaru to Banks Peninsula, and Pegasus Bay. This report covers the area from Oamaru to Timaru. This area is also known as the South Canterbury coast, and includes three major coastal compartments: 1. Waitaki Fan, comprising the stretch from Oamaru to Waitaki River, and the Morven – Glenavy Cliffs to the Waihao River, 2. Wainono Lowland Coast (Waihao River to Otaio River), 3. South Beach – Port of Timaru (Otaio River to Port of Timaru) The coastal reach south of the Waitaki River will not be discussed in detail as it is outside of the Canterbury region. However the connection between sediment supply and transport across the regional boundary will be described. This report initially presents an overview of the South Canterbury coast before reviewing documented changes to the coastal geomorphology based on beach profile and cliff retreat studies and gravel extraction records to assess the available gravel supply. On the basis of the assessed available gravel supply recommendations are made as to future gravel resource management for this section of coast. 2. South Canterbury Coast Description The coast north of the Waitaki River contains 14 kilometres of alluvial cliffs comprised of glacial outwash gravels and loess deposits. The cliffs are the result of truncating of the Waitaki Fan by coastal erosion due to post-glacial sea level rise. Northwards for 28km from the Waihao River, the coast is comprised of a sand and gravel barrier beach ridge fronting low-lying hinterland. The stretch of shore from the Otaio River to the Port of Timaru is composed of sand and gravel beaches backed by loess cliffs dissected by small rivers and creeks. The northernmost 4km of this stretch encompasses beaches on a bay and headland coast associated with the basalt cliffs of Patiti Point. The beach sediments are sand and gravel and form an aggradational feature built up against the Timaru Harbour breakwater. The beach and alluvial cliff sediments are derived from greywacke (indurated sandstone) outwash gravels and sands. The plains and fan hinterland are crossed by major rivers, streams and artificial drainage channels. The alluvial fan sands and gravels are poorly consolidated and extend more than 50km out to sea to the edge of the continental shelf. In the nearshore they are covered by a thin layer of fine sand. It has been estimated (Hewson 1977) that as much as 4.5km of retreat of the Waitaki Fan has occurred in the last four to six thousand years. The coast is almost entirely erosional, with long term rates of shoreline retreat in the range of 0.5 to 4.0 metres per year. The process environment is dominated by storm and swell waves from the south to south- east. The waves break close to the shore, generally in a single line of breakers, and form a line that delineates the beach from the nearshore seabed. The mixed sand and gravel beaches are different to sand beaches in that there is minimal transfer of gravel sediments on and offshore, and nearly all of the coarse sediment (sands and gravels) is transported in the swash zone. Fine sand is transported in the nearshore and on the seabed, and removed from the beach, but is not transported or resident on the beaches. Page 1 Oamaru to Timaru Coastal Report - Status of Gravel Resources and Management Implications The dominant storm and swell waves are generated in the Southern Ocean and result in significant net longshore transport of sediment from the south to north. The main sources of transported sediment are the Waitaki River and erosion of the alluvial cliffs. Short duration storms from the north-east can transport sediment to the south, but the net northward transport is about 60,000m3/yr. The volume of fine sand transported northward on the seabed is in excess of 600,000m3/yr. The mixed sand and gravel beaches which occur at the base of the alluvial and loess cliffs, and comprise the barrier ridge section of the Wainono Lowland Coast varying in width from 20 to 100m depending on the supply of sediment. The height of the gravel barrier ridge ranges from 5 to 7 metres above mean sea level, but the beach is overtopped by storm waves in excess of 2.5m high. The foreshore is very steep (up to 25˚) and so there is very little horizontal translation of the position of the breaking waves across the beach. Unlike composite gravel and sand beaches, there is no exposed sandy intertidal surface at low tide. The beach gravels sit on top of alluvial fan gravels or reworked peat. In most areas it is difficult to determine the depth of the active beach, but it is thought that erosion and retreat of the shore can rework older gravel deposits of the hinterland. 3. Coastal Hazards Erosion, sea water inundation through storm overtopping, freshwater flooding due to impoundment, and tsunami present hazards to human use of the South Canterbury coast. The barrier beach provides a natural buffer against sea water inundation during high energy storm events. However, it is insufficient to mitigate the hazard completely, and sea water inundation occurs to some extent on the lowland coast during most years. There has been no recorded damage by tsunami waves, but the potential for damage from a far field tsunami is recognised in hazard management and planning for the region. Erosion is a widespread issue between the Waitaki and Otaio Rivers. Retreat of the cliff coast between the Waitaki and Waihao Rivers has resulted in loss of farmland. Erosion is a result of wave action at the base of the cliffs removing the beach and cliff toe support. The cliff collapses and the resulting tallus sediment is distributed alongshore by wave and swash action. Along the barrier shore, erosion takes the form of landward migration of the barrier beach. The volume and dimensions of the barrier fall within an envelope of dynamic change, but the position of the barrier is moving landward. 4. Gravel Extraction Environment Canterbury gravel extraction consent information shows five areas of extraction from the coastal environment for the South Canterbury coast. These are upstream of the mouth of the Makikihi River (therefore not strictly in the coastal environment), the beach at Lyalldale Creek, the mouth and beach at Pig Hunting Creek, South Beach in Timaru, and Caroline Bay. Of those areas only three consents are current. Those are: • CRC970563.1 held by Primeport Timaru Ltd; location - South Beach; term of consent - 1997 to Dec.2006; no annual volume specified. • CRC022054 held by GJH Rooney; location
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