Contributions to Zoology, 84 (2) 115-127 (2015)

The relationships of Cuspicephalus scarfi Martill and Etches, 2013 and Normannognathus wellnhoferi Buffetaut et al., 1998 to other monofenestratan pterosaurs

Mark P. Witton1, 2, Michael O’Sullivan1, David M. Martill1 1 School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Portsmouth, Burnaby Building, Burnaby Road, Portsmouth, PO1 3QL, UK 2 E-mail: [email protected]

Key words: Cuspicephalus scarfi, Jurassic, Monofenestrata, Normannognathus wellnhoferi, Pterosauria, Wukongo­ pteridae

Abstract Discussion ...... 122 Cuspicephalus scarfi ...... 122 The evolution of pterodactyloid pterosaurs occurred in a ‘modular’ Normannognathus wellnhoferi ...... 123 fashion with ‘pterodactyloid’-type crania and cervical vertebrae Significance of Cuspicephalus scarfi interpreted evolving in pterodactyloid sister taxa – early monofenestratan as a wukongopterid ...... 125 pterosaurs – before later postcervical modifications marked the Acknowledgements ...... 125 development of the true pterodactyloid condition. This means of References ...... 126 evolution creates problems for distinguishing isolated pterodac- tyloid crania from those of non-pterodactyloid monofenestratans, and has led to uncertainty over the affinities of two Late Jurassic Introduction European pterosaurs known only from skulls, Cuspicephalus scarfi Martill and Etches, 2013 and Normanno­gnathus well- nhoferi Buffetaut et al., 1998. Some aspects of their cranial The origin of the Pterodactyloidea is currently a hot anatomy suggest affinities to early pterodactyloids – specifically topic in pterosaur research. Whereas a clear morpho- the Germanodactylidae – while others indicate a relationship with logical divide once separated pterodactyloids from a group of non-pterodactyloid monofenestratans, the Wukongop- other pterosaurs, new discoveries have revealed major teridae. Here, we characterise the skulls of Jurassic monofenes- tratans to provide greater insight into the identity of these ptero- stages of their early evolution. These include the pur- saurs. We find a suite of characters indicating thatCuspicephalus ported earliest known member of the Pterodactyloidea is a wukongopterid, notable for being a particularly large and long (Andres et al., 2014) and ‘transitional’ taxa bridging snouted member of the group, as well as the youngest, and the pterodactyloid-like anatomy to earlier pterosaurs (Lü et Norman- first European record of this clade. The affinities of al., 2010; Tischlinger and Frey, 2014). Perhaps the most nognathus are less clear however. We consider its previous al- location to the Germanodactylidae doubtful, and note some significant of these ‘transitional’ species is the Callovi- similarities it shares with ctenochasmatoid pterodactyloids, but an-Oxfordian Tiaojishan Formation species Darwinop- the only known specimen is probably too fragmentary for confi- terus modularis Lü et al., 2010, a small pterosaur with dent referral to any specific clade within Monofenestrata. anatomy ‘intermediate’ between that of pterodactyloids and their historically recognised sister group, the Rham- phorhynchidae (Lü et al., 2010). The anatomy of Dar- Contents winopterus is noted for its ‘modular’ nature, combining ‘pterodactyloid-grade’ head and neck anatomy with Introduction ...... 115 et al. E urope’s possible non-pterodactyloid non-pterodactyloid postcervical features (Lü , Darwinopterus monofenestratans ...... 117 2010). and the Pterodactyloidea appear Institutional abbreviations ...... 118 to form a monophyletic clade, the Monofenestrata, Material and methods ...... 119 named after the combined nasal and antorbital opening Systematic declaration ...... 119 common to all members of this group (Lü et al., 2010). Comparative anatomy ...... 119 Another recent discovery, a privately-owned complete Results ...... 119 Cranial characteristics of the Wukongopteridae ...... 119 skeleton from the latest Kimmeridgian Painten Forma- C ranial characteristics of the ‘Painten tion of Germany, apparently represents a grade of pro-pterodactyloid’ ...... 122 monofenestratan between Darwinopterus and the

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Pterodactyloidea (Tischlinger and Frey, 2014). As in cervical vertebrae with more plesiomorphic, non-ptero- Darwinopterus, its skull and neck possesses typical dactyloid-like postcervical anatomy (Wang et al., 2010, ‘pterodactyloid’ features while its postcranial skeleton, Hone, 2012; Andres et al., 2014). The purported early despite being relatively pterodactyloid-like, retains clear istiodactylid Archaeoistiodactylus linglongtaensis Lü hallmarks of an earlier pterosaur bauplan. This specimen and Fucha, 2010 is also probably a wukongopterid has not been named because of its lack of public acces- (Martill and Etches, 2010; Witton, 2013) or a close rela- sion and, following Tischlinger and Frey (2014), is tive of this group (Sullivan et al., 2014). It is highly hereafter referred to as the ‘Painten Pro-pterodactyloid’. likely that the Tiaojishan wukongopterids are oversplit Since Darwinopterus was described, a number of (Lü et al., 2012; Witton, 2013). similar taxa have been identified from the Tiaojishan The characterisation of non-pterodactyloid monofen- Formation. These include two other Darwinopterus estratans has solely used relatively complete skeletons species, D. robustodens Lü et al., 2011a and D. linglong- unambiguously demonstrating their distinctive, ‘modu- taensis Wang et al., 2010; as well as Kunpengopterus lar’ anatomy. Problems arise when applying these means sinensis Wang et al., 2010, Wukongopterus lii Wang et of identifying wukongopterids to more fragmentary al., 2009 and Changchengopterus pani Lü, 2009. These Jurassic pterosaur material, however. Non-pterodactyloid taxa are considered to form a clade, the Wukongopteri- monofenestratan skeletons are distinctive, but their in- dae (Wang et al., 2010), diagnosed by their combination dividual ‘modules’ are not strongly apomorphic, instead of relatively derived pterodactyloid-like skulls and showing plesiomorphic anatomies which are very simi-

Fig. 1. A, MJML K1918, holotype skull of the long-snouted pterosaur Cuspicephalus scarfi Martill and Etches, 2013; B, MGCL 59’583, holotype of Normannognathus wellnhoferi Buffetaut et al., 1998. Scale bars represent 50 mm (A) and 10 mm (B).

Fig. 2. Simplified stratigraphic distribution of Monofenestratan groups at the Jurassic/ Cretaceous boundary, and the stratigraph- ic position of the two species discussed herein, Normannognathus welln­hoferi and Cuspicephalus scarfi. Phylogeny largely based on Lü et al. (2010, 2012), but the position of the ‘Painten Pro-pterodacty- loid’ is inferred from recent work by Tischlinger and Frey (2014). 1, Monofen- estrata; 2, Pterodactyloidea. Abbreviations of geologic ages: Aal, Aalenian; Alb, Al- bian; Apt, Aptian; Bar, Barremian; Baj, Bajocian; Bat, Bathonian; Ber, Berriasian; Cal, Callovian; Hau, Hauterivian; Kim, Kimmeridgian; Oxf, Oxfordian; Tit; Titho- nian; Val, Valanginian.

Downloaded from Brill.com10/06/2021 05:36:39AM via free access Contributions to Zoology, 84 (2) – 2015 117 lar to those of other Jurassic pterosaur clades. This (Andres pers. comm.), and we accordingly await publica- raises questions over how precisely incomplete monofen- tion of this before discussing this specimen further. estratan can be classified if evidence of a com- MJML K1918, the holotype of the long-snouted bined pterodactyloid/non-pterodactyloid bauplan is pterosaur Cuspicephalus scarfi Martill and Etches, 2013 absent: do they represent wukongopterids, pterodacty- from the Kimmeridgian Clay of Dorset, loids, or something else entirely? Lü et al. (2010) vali- UK (Fig. 1A) represents a second possible non-ptero- dated this concern when performing separate cladistic dactyloid monofenestratan. Known from a nearly com- analyses of the cranial and cervical, and postcervical plete skull, Martill and Etches (2013) noted some simi- anatomy of Darwinopterus modularis. The head and larities in cranial and dental features between MJML neck ‘modules’ were found to nest deeply within the K1918 and the wukongopterid Darwinopterus, but Pterodactyloidea while the postcervical module plotted concluded that ‘a close relationship cannot be proved’ as the sister taxon to the Rhamphorhynchidae (Lü et al., (Martill and Etches, 2013: p. 285). This was in part 2010). This problem has also been borne out in other because the specimen also bears several similarities to studies where classifying isolated monofenestratan the pterodactyloid Germanodactylus (Martill and Et­ crania has proved challenging (Martill and Etches, 2013; ches, 2013: p. 291), suggesting possible affinities to a also see below). The current diagnosis of Wukongo­ more derived monofenestratan clade. The significance pteridae, suggested by Wang et al. (2010), is of little help of Cuspicephalus potentially being related to Germa­ here because it is reliant on characteristics of relatively nodactylus is confused by the taxonomic controversies complete specimens. Most wukongopterid cranial char- surrounding the latter. Germanodactylus has been ar- acters provided by Wang et al. (2010) are plesiomorphic gued as belonging to two different pterodactyloid line- for the Monofenestrata (‘confluent naris and antorbital ages, Archaeopterodactyloidea (sensu Kellner, 2003) or fenestra; maxillary ramus of the jugal long, anteriorly Dsungaripteroidea (sensu Unwin, 2003), and the conge- projected and splint-like; free lateral nasal process’), and neric status, and placement within Pterodactyloidea, of thus are of little significance without associated ‘non- the two recognised Germanodactylus species (G. cris- pterodactyloid’-like postcrania. Other suggested cranial tatus Plieninger, 1901 and G. rhamphastinus Wellnhofer, characters may be of questionable application to the 1970) are also disputed (e.g. Maisch et al., 2004; Vidovic group (‘quadrate inclined backwards for about 120°’; see and Martill 2014). Irrespective of the outcome of these Martill and Etches [2013] for contrasting measurements). controversies, that Cuspicephalus has been likened to Wukongopterid postcranial characters, relating to neck both pterodactyloids and basal monofenestratans vali- and forelimb bone length ratios, may be synapomorphic dates the problems outlined above concerning to clas- (Wang et al., 2010; Sullivan et al., 2014, but require sifying fragmentary monofenestratans. associations of several bones for their application. With Considerations of a third potential non-pterodactyloid the majority of the Jurassic pterosaur record comprising monofenestratan, MGCL 59’583, are similar to those of isolated and fragmented material (e.g. Unwin, 1996; Cuspicephalus. MGCL 59’583 represents the holotype Barrett et al., 2008), there is a clear need for greater jaw tips of Normannognathus wellnhoferi Buffetaut characterisation of early monofenestratan anatomy to et al., 1998, from the Upper Kimmeridgian Argiles ensure an accurate understanding of Jurassic pterosaur d’Ecqueville, Normandy, France (Fig. 1B). This taxon diversity. has traditionally been likened to the pterodactyloid Germanodactylus (Buffetaut et al., 1998; Unwin, 2005) Europe’s possible non-pterodactyloid monofenestratans and sometimes considered part of the Germanodactyli- dae (Buffetaut et al., 1998; Unwin and Heinrich, 1999; Three fragmentary pterosaur specimens have been iden- Andres and Myers, 2013), a possibly paraphyletic (Unwin tified as possible non-pterodactyloid monofenestratans, and Heinrich, 1999; Maisch et al., 2004) taxon compris- and all are from Europe (Steel, 2010; Andres et al., 2011a, ing Normannognathus, Tendaguripterus recki Unwin b; Martill and Etches, 2013; Witton, 2013; Tischlinger and Heinrich, 1999, and Germanodactylus. However, and Frey, 2014). Each is represented only by cranial re- Martill and Etches (2013) cast doubt on this identifica- mains. They include NHMUK R 464, a fragmentary tion, stating ‘[in] the light of the discovery of non-pter- skull from the Bathonian Taynton Limestone Formation odactyloid monofenestratans, the holotype and only (the ‘Stonesfield Slate’) of Oxfordshire (Steelet al., 2010; specimen of Normannognathus (MGCL 59’583) can no Andres et al., 2011a, b). A full appraisal of NHMUK R longer be placed in Germanodactylidae with confidence, 464 has yet to be published but is currently underway and should be regarded as Monofenestrata indet.’(p. 292).

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Martill and Etches (2013) made no further elaboration rial of early monofenestratan pterosaurs from those of on this point, but clear similarities between the crest early pterodactyloids, and apply our findings to Cuspi- morphology, jaw tips and dental alveoli of MGCL 59’583 cephalus and Normannognathus. and those of non-pterodactyloid monofenestratans are good cause for considering the affinities of Norman- Institutional abbreviations nognathus open to question. If Cuspicephalus and Normannognathus have af- BSP, Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und finities with germanodactylids, these pterosaurs repre- Geologie, Munich, Germany; HGM, Henan Geological sent some of the oldest pterodactyloid material known Museum, China; GPIT, Paläontologische Forschungs, and certainly the oldest pterodactyloid crania (Fig. 2). Lehrund Schausammlung, Institut für Geowissenschaf- If they represent wukongopterids or another form of ten, Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; IVPP; non-pterodactyloid monofenestratan, they provide im- Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthro- portant new data on this poorly understood portion of pology, Beijing, China; MGCL, Musée Géologique pterosaur evolution. Because evidence presented for both Cantonal de Lausanne, France; MJML, Museum of possible identifications is either equivocal Cuspicepha( - Jurassic Marine Life (), Kim- lus) or in need of review (Normannognathus), we have meridge, Dorset, UK; NHMUK, Natural History Mu- attempted to resolve the phylogenetic placement of these seum, London, UK; NMING, National Museum of poorly known taxa via detailed characterisation of non- Ireland, Dublin, YH, Yizhou Museum, Yixian, Liaoning pterodactyloid monofenestratan skulls. From this, we Province, China; ZMNH, Zhejiang Museum of Natural propose means to distinguish fragmentary skull mate- History, Hanzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.

Fig. 3. Monofenestratan skulls. A, the wukongopterid Darwinopterus robustodens; B, likely pterodactyloid sister-taxon the ‘Painten Pro-pterodactyloid’; C, ctenochasmatoid Pterodactylus antiquus; D, azhdarchoid Tupuxuara leonardii; E, early dsungaripteroid Ger- manodactylus rhamphastinus; F, ornithocheiroid Ornithocheirus mesembrinus; G, early dsungaripteroid Germanodactylus cristatus. Scale bars represent 10 mm, except for D and F, which represent 100 mm. A, after Lü et al., 2011a; B, after Tischlinger and Frey, 2014; C and E, after Wellnhofer, 1970; D and F, after Witton, 2013.

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Material and methods Results

Systematic declaration Cranial characteristics of the Wukongopteridae

Many aspects of pterosaur systematics remain con- Although undeniably pterodactyloid-like, the skulls of tested. Key arguments include the relationships of wukongopterids lack synapomorphies of most major major taxa, the diagnoses, names and content of many pterodactyloid clades (Fig. 3; Kellner, 2003; Unwin, clades, methods to distinguish species and genera, and 2003; Andres and Ji, 2008). For example, they lack the the number of valid species (e.g. Kellner, 2003, 2010; rounded and reclined posterior skull regions of cteno- Unwin, 2003; Lü et al., 2010, 2011b; Andres and Mey- chasmatoids, the depressed orbits and edentulous jaws ers, 2013; Naish et al., 2013). The result is poor con- of azhdarchoids, and the unusual rostral anatomy and sensus on many components of pterosaur phylogeny, dentition of ornithocheiroids (Kellner, 2003; Unwin, competing nomenclatural schemes with contradicting 2003; Andres and Ji, 2008). The wukongopterid skull meanings for many established groups (e.g. compare most closely resembles those of early dsungaripteroids Unwin, 2003; Kellner, 2003; Andres and Meyers, 2013) in overall skull proportions and shape, and particularly and multiple names for essentially identical clades (e.g. that of Germanodactylus rhamphastinus (Fig. 3E). Novialoidea Kellner, 2003 vs. Breviquartossa Unwin, A number of similarities are present between wukon- 2003). We are not the first authors to note these issues gopterids and Germanodactylus. Both have striated and the problems they create for modern pterosaur cranial crests extending to the posterior region of the researchers (Naish et al., 2013; Geist et al., 2014): even prenarial rostrum, generally with a gently sloping ante- basic discussion of pterosaur systematics now requires rior margin. The crest of G. rhamphastinus differs here regular citation of the specific taxonomic scheme be- in terminating almost directly above the anterior margin ing followed (e.g. as in Andres and Meyers, 2013; Naish of the nasoantorbital fenestra. This may reflect a genuine et al., 2013) or frequent mentions of conflicting inter- anatomical difference, but we are aware of the problems pretations (e.g. discussions in Witton, 2013). Pending presented by poor preservation and historically errone- resolution of these issues, and to ease readability, we ous preparation of pterosaur crests (Bennett, 2013a), as follow other authors working in fields with controver- well as the current low number of G. rhamphastinus sial classifications by clearly stating the taxonomic specimens (Bennett, 2006). The discovery of more scheme followed by the present article. Unless other- specimens will clarify this morphology. wise mentioned, we follow the nomenclature and The anterior crests of wukongopterids and ger- taxonomy of Lü et al. (2010, 2012). Wang et al. (2010) manodactylids are relatively low compared to some and Andres et al. (2014) offer alternative schemes to pterosaurs. Each is lower than the height of the under- those used here. lying prenarial rostrum, but the same crest portions of Cycnorhamphus and Dsungaripterus are as tall, if not Comparative anatomy taller, than the underlying rostrum (Young, 1973; Ben- nett, 2013b). The rostral indices (Martill and Naish, Measurements and observation of the anatomy of 2006) of sub-adult or older wukongopterids and Ger- Cuspicephalus scarfiMJML K1918 were made from manodactylus all plot within 3.04-5.07, with each the holotype specimen and data in Martill and Etches group showing a wide range of values within this range (2013), while measurements of Normannognathus (Martill and Etches, 2013). The preorbital skull length wellnhoferi MGCL 59’583 were obtained from a high- is rather short in G. cristatus (70% of jaw tip to squa- quality cast of the holotype and Buffetaut et al. (1998). mosal length), but the value for G. rhamphastinus Data on Tiaojishan wukongopterids and the ‘Painten (78%) is very similar to those measured for wukon- Pro-pterodactyloid’ were obtained from literature (Lü gopterids (72-78%). Wukongopterid and Germanod- et al., 2010, 2011a, b; Wang et al., 2009, 2010; Tisch- actylus tooth spacing is relatively uniform, with a slight linger and Frey, 2014). Data on Germanodactylus increase in spacing posteriorly. Wukongopterid and specimens and other Jurassic pterodactyloids were Germanodactylus inter-alveoli spacing is generally obtained from specimens, referred material (casts and larger than corresponding alveolus length, although original specimens), literature (e.g. Wellnhofer, 1970) this is less apparent for G. cristatus than for G. rham- and photographs. phastinus. Teeth occur under the anterior half of the nasoantorbital fenestra along a relatively straight

Downloaded from Brill.com10/06/2021 05:36:39AM via free access 120 Witton et al. – Affinities of pterosaursCuspicephalus and Normannognathus ventral skull margin in both wukongopterids and also see Hone, 2010). It seems that expanded exoc- Germanodactylus. cipital processes are common to all dsungaripteroids In other respects wukongopterid crania differ mark- (Unwin, 2003), although their presence in G. rhampha- edly from skulls of both Germanodactylus species. stinus cannot be evaluated because appropriate skull Some distinctions concern characters which have regions are not clearly preserved in any specimens we previously suggested a close relationship between the are aware of. Dsungaripteridae and Germanodactylus (Unwin, The orbits of wukongopterids are piriform, as they 2003), such as the expanded exoccipital processes of are in Germanodactylus and several other pterodactyloid Germanodactylus cristatus (Unwin, 2003). This fea- lineages (see Lü et al., 2006 for a discussion of this ture, unknown for any wukongopterid, is rarely dis- character among the Pterodactyloidea). The anterodorsal cussed for Germanodactylus because it is poorly pre- region of their orbits are convex, this portion of their served in the holotype slab, BSP 1892 IV 1. However, orbits being partially occupied by lacrimal and nasal a large exoccipital can clearly be seen in NMING:F15005, bones. Orbits with similarly convex anterodorsal margins the counter-slab of the G. cristatus holotype (Fig. 4, evolved repeatedly in pterosaurs, being present in rham-

Fig. 4. Skull of NMING:F15005, Germanodactylus cristatus, holotype counter-slab, showing well-preserved expanded exoccipital pro- cess. This feature is vaguely discernible on the holotype, but much clearer on this slab. Scale bar represents 50 mm. Photograph cour- tesy of David Hone.

Fig. 5. Nasoantorbital fenestra length against jaw length in Late Jurassic monofenestratans. Cteno., Ctenochasmatoidea; Dsun., Dsun- garipteroidea; Wukong., Wukongopteridae.

Downloaded from Brill.com10/06/2021 05:36:39AM via free access Contributions to Zoology, 84 (2) – 2015 121 phorhynchids, ctenochasmatoids, ornithocheirids and garipteroid monofenestratans. Germanodactylus cris- thalassodromids (e.g. Wellnhofer, 1970, 1975, 1987; tatus, however, has edentulous jaw tips. Witton, 2013). They do not occur in either Germanod- The first premaxillary tooth pair arrangement in actylus species however. The nasal processes of many wukongopterids is distinctive. These alveoli are situ- Jurassic monofenestratans are rather long (e.g. Ger- ated on the anteroventral margin of the jaw, a condition manodactylus, Cycnorhamphus, Pterodactylus; see which sees the anterior teeth over-biting the lower jaw Wellnhofer, 1970; Bennett, 2013b), but are relatively (Wang et al., 2009, 2010). This is somewhat reminiscent short in wukongopterids. Conversely, the anterior jugal of the anterior dentition of ornithocheirids (e.g. Well- process is suggested to be longer in some wukongop- nhofer, 1987) and some ctenochasmatids (e.g. Howse terids (e.g. D. linglongtaensis; Wukongopterus) than in and Milner, 1995), but the dentition and tooth arrange- Germanodactylus (e.g. Wang et al., 2009, 2010; Martill ment of these pterosaurs is clearly demarked from and Etches, 2013). Long anterior jugal processes may wukongopterids and is very likely convergent. Wang et not be common to all wukongopterids however, being al. (2009, 2010) considered over-biting first premaxillary reportedly truncated in at least the holotype of D. tooth pairs autapomorphic for Wukongopterus lii, but modularis (Lü et al., 2010). We propose that this feature other wukongopterids demonstrate an identical condi- is variable within wukongopterids, or alternatively, that tion (e.g. Lü et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2010). This feature some interpretations of their jugal margins are errone- is likely characteristic of the Wukongopteridae rather ous. Cracks and marks interpreted as anterior margins than a single wukongopterid genus. of ‘short’ and ‘long’ jugal processes can be seen on many Our assessment suggests that wukongopterid skulls wukongopterid specimens, suggesting further investiga- can be distinguished from other Jurassic monofenestra- tion may be warranted to confirm their anterior jugal tans by not only lacking the well-documented cranial limits. synapomorphies of pterodactyloid clades, but also The nasoantorbital fenestra is longer with respect to through a unique combination of characters: jaw length in the Wukongopteridae than in other Juras- 1. S triated bony crest lower than the underlying pre- sic monofenestratans (Fig. 5). Nasoantorbital openings narial rostrum, with sloping anterior margin are generally less than 40% of jaw length in ctenochas- 2. Anterior crest terminates in the posterior region of matoids and the ‘Painten pro-pterodactyloid’, 43-48% the prenarial rostrum, closer to the anterior border of the jaw length in Germanodactylus, but 51-58% of of the nasoantorbital fenestra than the jaw tip the jaw length in wukongopterids. Such a value places 3. Reclined, but not sub-horizontal, occipital regions wukongopterid nasoantorbital openings amongst the 4. Piriform orbit longest of any monofenestratan, second only to istiodac- 5. Convex anterodorsal orbital margin tylids and azhdarchoids (Kellner, 2003; Unwin, 2003; 6. Short nasal process Witton, 2012). The dorsal margin of the wukongopterid 7. Unexpanded exoccipital processes preorbital rostrum, excluding the cranial crest, is con- 8. Concave dorsal skull surface cave, which contrasts with the straight dorsal margin of 9. Straight ventral skull surface Germanodactylus rostra. 10. Nasoantorbital fenestra over 50% of jaw length The expanded dentition of Germanodactylus is not 11. Small, equally sized alveoli mirrored in any wukongopterid. This is even the case in 12. First alveolus pair located on anterior face of jaw, Darwinopterus robustodens, a species named for its with mandible over-bitten by first premaxillary tooth relatively robust teeth (Lü et al., 2011a). Wukongopterids pair have a relatively slender, sharp, and pointed dentition 13. Regular tooth spacing generally similar to that of pterodactyloids like Ptero- 14. Interalveolar spacing generally greater than tooth dactylus and Haopterus (Wellnhofer, 1970; Wang and length Lü, 2001). Wukongopterid teeth are also mostly evenly 15. Dentition extends under anterior half of the nasoan- sized, whereas those of Germanodactylus expand mark- torbital region edly from the jaw tip with the broadest teeth at the 16. Relatively slender, sharply pointed conical teeth midpoint of the toothrow (Wellnhofer, 1970). The The particularly long nasoantorbital fenestra appears larger teeth of wukongopterids are, like virtually all to be the most characteristic feature of wukongopterid toothed pterosaurs, found towards the front of the jaw. skulls even though, as noted above, large nasoantorbital Wukongopterid toothrows extend to the end of the jaws fenestrae are not unique to the Wukongopteridae as they do in G. rhamphastinus and most non-dsun- within Monofenestrata. Among Jurassic pterosaurs

Downloaded from Brill.com10/06/2021 05:36:39AM via free access 122 Witton et al. – Affinities of pterosaursCuspicephalus and Normannognathus however, wukongopterid nasoantorbital openings are the Thus the ‘Painten pro-pterodactyloid’ can be distin- longest of any group, and only distantly related, derived guished from other Jurassic monofenestratans by a Cretaceous pterodactyloids demonstrate a similar condi- combination of 13 character states: tion. This feature therefore provides a useful synapo- 1. Near-horizontal occipital region morphy for Wukongopteridae. 2. Rounded posterior skull 3. Sub-circular orbit Cranial characteristics of the ‘Painten pro-pterodacty- 4. Convex anterodorsal orbital margin loid’ 5. Concave dorsal skull surface 6. Straight ventral skull surface Remarkably, the skull of the ‘Painten pro-pterodactyloid’ 7. Robust prenarial rostrum (Fig. 3B) bears several features considered characteristic 8. Interalveolar spacing much greater than alveolus of derived ctenochasmatoids, including a near-circular lengths orbit, almost horizontal occipital region, and a rounded 9. Consistent alveolus spacing posterior skull (Kellner, 2003; Unwin, 2003; Tischlinger 10. Dentition extends under anterior half of the nasoan- and Frey, 2014). The possession of these features in a torbital region taxon clearly demarked from the Pterodactyloidea by its 11. No anteriorly-facing premaxillary teeth at jaw tip postcrania is quite striking, and complicates our under- 12. Relatively slender, sharply pointed conical teeth standing of early pterodactyloid evolution. More pertinent 13. Procumbent first and second pairs of mandibular to this study, they also allow for easy distinction of the teeth crania of the ‘Painten pro-pterodactyloid’ from monofen- Most of these characters are not diagnostic in isola- estratan groups with mostly plesiomorphic skull anatomy, tion. However, some features of the dentition seem the wukongopterids and germanodactylids. apomorphic. The combination of procumbent anterior Within Ctenochasmatoidea, the skull of the ‘Painten mandibular teeth with vertical anterior premaxillary pro-pterodactyloid’ is most similar to that of Pterodac- teeth is unique, as is the arrangement of the mandibular tylus (Fig. 3C). This occurs through its short nasoantor- dentition, where only the anteriormost two tooth pairs bital fenestra (Fig. 5), straight ventral skull margin, are procumbent, while the remaining teeth are vertical. convex anterodorsal orbital margin, long nasal process, relatively short, pointed teeth and (as seen in juvenile Pterodactylus) concave dorsal skull margin. They are Discussion primarily differentiated by the very wide spacing and reduced number of teeth of the Painten specimen, as Cuspicephalus scarfi well as its procumbent anterior mandibular dentition (Tischlinger and Frey, 2014). The anterior premaxillary Twelve of the 16 wukongopterid features listed above teeth, by contrast, are not procumbent. The regular al- can be evaluated on the holotype of Cuspicephalus veolar spacing of the ‘Painten pro-pterodactyloid’ is a scarfi. Virtually all of them meet the conditions seen in further distinguishing feature, contrasting with the wukongopterid skulls. These include a low striated crest posteriorly-increasing alveolus spacing of Pterodactylus terminating above the posterior region of the prenarial and other Late Jurassic monofenestratans. The heavier rostrum; reclined posterior skull face; piriform orbit; a construction of the prenarial rostrum and proportion- nasoantorbital fenestra exceeding 50% of the jaw length ally shorter, taller skull are also characteristic for the (at least 54%; Fig 5); small, relatively uniformly-sized Painten specimen, but these features vary with ontogeny alveoli, and a toothrow terminating under the anterior (e.g. Bennett, 1995, 2006, 2013a) and their taxonomic end of the nasoantorbital fenestra. The dorsal margin of significance is questionable. Likewise, the absence of a the rostrum is not entirely preserved, but it can be re- striated crest in the Painten specimen might be a useful constructed as gently concave with fair confidence identifying feature given the propensity of crests in (Martill and Etches, 2013), and the ventral skull margin ctenochasmatoids (e.g. Wellnhofer, 1970; Dong, 1980; is straight. The exoccipital processes are unexpanded: Bennett, 2013a), but could also reflect ontogenetic or they look relatively large on MJML K1918, but this is individual variation (Lü et al. 2011b). Studies into the largely an artefact of distortion around the occipital ontogenetic status of the ‘Painten pro-pterodactyloid’ region, and they are not as prominent as those of Ger- will hopefully provide some insights into the diagnostic manodactylus or dsungaripterids. Only one feature of utility of these characters (see Bennett, 1993). MJML K1918 is inconsistent with a wukongopterid

Downloaded from Brill.com10/06/2021 05:36:39AM via free access Contributions to Zoology, 84 (2) – 2015 123 identification: the anterior alveoli of MJML K1918 are Normannognathus wellnhoferi separated by less than one alveolus-length, although the spacing of the posterior alveoli is more typical of the In being represented by less material than Cuspicepha- wukongopterid condition. The status of the anterodorsal lus, Normannognathus presents a much greater chal- region of the orbit, the presence of anteriorly-facing lenge for identification. Normannognathus can only be premaxillary alveoli and the length of the nasal process fully evaluated for nine of the features identified in our cannot be confidently determined for MJML K1918. list of wukongopterid characteristics, with five positive Martill and Etches (2013) indicated that the nasal process comparisons. It can be compared with six characteristics may be represented by a small, faint trace in MJML of the ‘Painten Pro-pterodactyloid’, but none compare K1918, but its length cannot be accurately assessed. favourably. Nevertheless, we conclude that 11 of the 12 observable Normannognathus bears a striated crest extending or inferable characters of Cuspicephalus resemble a beyond the nasoantorbital region and terminating with wukongopterid-like skull configuration and only one, an overturned leading edge. This crest is proportionally alveolus spacing, shows a slightly different state. very tall – perhaps the tallest of any pterosaur when In contrast, Cuspicephalus does not possess charac- compared to the underlying rostrum height. We agree ters clearly indicative of close relationships to other with Buffetaut et al. (1998) that the crest shape of monofenestratan taxa, including the ‘Painten Pro-pter- Normanno­gnathus is more reminiscent of Dsungaripter- odactyloid’ and Germanodactylidae. MJML K1918 can us than any other pterosaur, and it certainly differs from be evaluated for nine characters provided here for the the condition in Germanodactylus, wukongopterids and ‘Painten Pro-pterodactyloid’ skull but is congruous with the crestless ‘Painten Pro-pterodactyloid’ specimen. only three (concave dorsal rostrum; straight ventral skull; Only the ctenochasmatoid Huanhepterus quingyangen- dentition under nasoantorbital fenestra). Similarly, Cus- sis offers a crest of similar height when compared to picephalus differs from Germanodactylus in lacking a underlying rostral proportions (Dong, 1982). The prox- straight dorsal rostral margin and expanded exoccipital imity of the Normannognathus anterior crest margin to processes. Based on alveolus size, it also possessed more the nasoantorbital fenestra cannot be evaluated, nor is it gracile teeth which increased in size anteriorly, not clear from the dorsal and ventral rostral margins how medially as in Germanodactylus. Martill and Etches the skull shape continued beyond the broken jaw tips. (2013) argued that the shortness of the anterior jugal We see no reason to infer a short, Germanodactylus-like process suggested affinities withGermanodactylus but, skull for Normannognathus any more than a much as noted above, long anterior jugal processes may not be longer, lower skull akin to that of the ctenochasmatoids ubiquitous across the Wukongopteridae. Feilongus (Wang et al., 2005) or Huanhepterus. MGCL The Cuspicephalus skull meets nearly all character 59’583 possesses a low, concave dorsal rostral margin conditions of wukongopterid pterosaurs, but lacks many but also a convex ventral surface, together forming an defining characteristics of other Jurassic pterosaurs, sup- upturned jaw tip. The upturned jaw of MGCL 59’583 is porting the suggested close relationship with Darwinop- genuine, but the specimen is slightly distorted and terus (Martill and Etches, 2013) and indicating placement obliquely preserved, so this feature is not as pronounced elsewhere among the Monofenestrata is unlikely. Fur- as it may first appear (Buffetautet al., 1998). Upturned thermore, its possession of a feature unseen in Jurassic jaws are known from Pteranodon, ctenochasmatoid, pterosaurs outside of wukongopterids – the especially dsungaripterid and istiodactylid pterodactyloids (e.g. elongate nasoantorbital fenestra – strongly suggests Young, 1973; Bennett, 1996, 2001; Wang et al., 2005; placement within Wukongopteridae. The differences it Witton, 2012), but are not apparent in either wukongo­ has with other wukongopterids – a proportionally long pterids or the ‘Painten Pro-pterodactyloid’. The rostrum skull, higher tooth count and more condensed alveolus of Normannognathus is rather more slender than that of spacing at the jaw tip (Martill and Etches, 2013) – are the ‘Painten Pro-pterodactyloid’. not problematic for this identification: variable rostrum Some aspects of the MGCL 59’583 alveoli match the length and dental counts are typical within pterosaur wukongopterid condition, being of approximately uni- clades. Indeed, greater rostrum length and tooth counts form size with the anterior pair situated on the anter- may be expected for a pterosaur of larger absolute size oventral surface of the premaxilla. The spacing of the than its close relatives (see below). We thus consider a alveoli is generally tighter than those of wukongopterids wukongopterid placement most likely for Cuspicephalus: however, surpassing even the spacing frequency of Cus- the significance of this is discussed below. picephalus. A solitary tooth is preserved in the mandible

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Table 1. Skull and wing bone lengths (mm) of complete wukongopterids from the Tiaojishan Formation, used in wingspan estimation of MJML K1918. McIV, metacarpal IV.

Wing finger phalanges

Taxon Specimen Skull Hum Ul McIV I II III IV Wingspan

Darwinopterus linlongtaensis IVPP V16049 119.2 40.4 58 23.6 46.2 50.7 53.2 53.6 651.4 Kunpengopterus sinensis IVPP V16047 106.9 36.2 59.2 23 54.2 58 59.2 48.8 677.2 Darwinopterus robustodens HGM 41HIII-0309A 175 50 80 30 65 75 75 67 884 Darwinopterus modularis YH-2000 140 44 64 26 48 55 59 53 698 of MGCL 59’583 but does not taper to a sharp point like groups. For Jurassic monofenestratans at least, this re- the teeth of wukongopterids. Rather, it is relatively long flects the frequent lateral crushing of pterosaur skulls. and slender, more akin to the teeth of ctenochasmatids Nevertheless, the germanodactylid Tendaguripterus and certainly very different to the robust dentition seen lacks a mandibular groove (Unwin and Heinrich, 1999), in Germanodactylus and Tendaguripterus. This tooth as do dsungaripterids (e.g. Young et al., 1973). The Juras- projects anterolaterally from the alveolus in a ctenochas- sic ctenochasmatoid Gnathosaurus macrurus bears a matid manner, although additional discoveries are prob- symphyseal trough (Howse and Milner, 1995). The ably required to verify this as the in vivo condition and status of jaw grooves in wukongopterids and the ‘Paint- not post-mortem displacement. The alveolar spacing, en Pro-pterodactyloid’ remains unknown. positions and apparent dental orientations contrast mark- Normannognathus possesses a mosaic of monofen- edly with the distinctive dentition of the ‘Painten Pro- estratan features with conflicting phylogenetic signals, pterodact yloid’. preventing confident referral to any specific monofes- Further features of interest in MGCL 59’583 are the tratan clade, including the Germanodactylidae. Buffetaut midline grooves on the occlusal surfaces of the upper et al. (1998) referred Normannognathus to this group jaw and mandibular symphysis. The symphyseal trough because of its crest morphology, similar tooth distribu- is wider and deeper than the groove of the upper jaw, tion to G. rhamphastinus and the possible close relation- which is relatively shallow and only clearly seen at the ship of Germanodactylus to Dsungaripterus, which jaw tip. Among toothed pterosaurs, midline jaw grooves Normannognathus resembles by its upturned jaw and are well documented in ornithocheirids and lonchodec- crest size. However, these features are now recognised tids (e.g. Unwin, 2001), but are poorly known in other as widely distributed across the Monofenestrata, and no

Fig. 6. Life reconstructions of wukongopterid pterosaurs showing size range across the group with extant avian for scale. A, Darwino­ pterus robustodens, the largest Tiaojishan Formation wukongopterid with a 884 mm wingspan; B, Cuspicephalus scarfi, with a pro- jected wingspan of 1.2 m; C, European robin, Erithacus rubecula (wingspan c., 200 mm).

Downloaded from Brill.com10/06/2021 05:36:39AM via free access Contributions to Zoology, 84 (2) – 2015 125 longer exclusively indicate a close relationship with Europe. This makes wukongopterid palaeobiogeography Germanodactylus. Indeed, we do not find any features comparable to that of other Middle and Late Jurassic on MGCL 59’583 which unambiguously indicate ger- pterosaur lineages, most of which are distributed across manodactylid affinities and, to the contrary, find much multiple continents or even cosmopolitan in their distri- of its anatomy inconsistent with this placement. bution (see Barrett et al., 2008 and Witton, 2013 for What Normannognathus represents remains difficult recent overviews of pterosaur palaeobiogeography). to ascertain, however. It remains a valid genus due to its Cuspicephalus further offers new insights into wu- unique assemblage of characters, but placing it within kongopterid disparity. It is the first wukongopterid to an existing pterosaur group is problematic. It differs from obviously differ from the Darwinopterus-like taxa of wukongopterids as much as it resembles them, bears no the Tiaojishan Formation, animals which are so mor- features of the ‘Painten Pro-pterodactyloid’ or clear phologically similar that Lü et al. (2011b) suggest they synapomorphies of any major pterodactyloid clade. The represent a single taxon. The skull of Cuspicephalus is constituent components of Normannognathus anatomy proportionally longer and lower than any Tiaojishan – steeply terminating, relatively tall striated crests; form, its teeth more numerous and tightly packed at the slightly upturned, shallow rostra with slender, anteri- jaw tip. This presumably reflects ecological differentia- orly directed teeth and symphyseal troughs – occur in tion from the Chinese wukongopterids, perhaps allowing several ctenochasmatoids including Huanhepterus for greater reach during foraging and manipulating (Dong, 1982); Cycnorhamphus suevicus (Bennett, relatively small or slippery prey. Moreover, Cuspi- 2013a), Aurorazhdarcho micronyx (Bennett, 2013b), cephalus is also considerably larger than its relatives. At Feilongus youngi (Wang et al., 2005) and Gnathosaurus 326 mm long, the skull of Cuspicephalus is much macrurus Normannognathus (Howse and Milner, 1995). longer than those of its fellow wukongopterids and also may therefore have affinities with the Ctenochasma- one of the largest Jurassic pterosaur skulls known. Only toidea, but more complete remains are required to make the Morrison Formation scaphognathine Harpactogna- a confident assessment of its systematic position. At thus gentryii is estimated to have a skull of comparable incer- present it may be best considered Monofenestrata length (280-300 mm; Carpenter et al., 2003). By contrast, tae sedis . the largest Tiaojishan wukongopterid skull (HGM 41HIII-0309A; the osteologically mature holotype of Significance of interpreted as a Cuspicephalus scarfi Darwinopterus robustodens) is 175 mm long (Fig. 3A), wukongopterid 53% of the skull length of Cuspicephalus. A regression of skull length against wingspan of complete Tiaojishan The suggestion that wukongopterid skulls can be distin- wukongopterids (Table 1) shows that their skull length guished from those of other early monofenestratans scales with negative allometry to wingspan (n = 4, r2 = without associated postcranial material bodes well for 0.7997), predicting a wing spread of 1.2 m for Cuspi- further research into this group. However, their low cephalus. This is 35% greater than the 884 mm esti- number of cranial synapomorphies proves limiting when mated for D. robustodens (Fig. 6) and, while smaller considering particularly fragmentary monofenestratan than the predicted 1.8-2.5 m wingspans of the largest crania, as evidenced by difficulties resolving the affini- Jurassic pterosaurs, such as Harpactognathus and Rham- ties of Normannognathus. We hope the comparisons phorhynchus, still brings wukongopterids into a new made here will be useful in future assessments of Juras- size class of pterosaurs. sic monofenestratan material, such as the fragmentary crania from the Purbeck Limestone, and Morrison formations. Acknowledgements The occurrence of a wukongopterid in Kimmeridgian deposits of the southern UK expands the stratigraphic We thank Sandra Chapman and Lorna Steel for access to and geographic range of this group significantly. Pres- NHMUK specimens, and Steve Etches for access to specimens ently, all wukongopterids are known from the upper in his care. Stephen Vidovic and David Hone are thanked for Oxfordian or Lower Callovian Tiaojishan Formation of kindly providing photographs of G. rhamphastinus and the G. cristatus northeast China. Cuspicephalus scarfiextends the wu- counter-slab. Chris Bennett and an anonymous referee are thanked for constructive comments provided in peer review. kongopterid stratigraphic range into the Kimmeridgian, DMM thanks David Unwin for making images available of Dar- being the youngest wukongopterid by at least 5 million winopterus available before their publication and Helmut Tisch- years, and expands the geographic range of the group to linger for discussions on the ‘Painten Pro-pterodactyloid‘.

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