The Board of Directors of the Eastern Irrigation District sponsors the Water and Ag Tours to assist educators and students in developing an understanding of the importance of water management in Alberta and specifically to the south east Alberta region serviced by the district. Eastern Irrigation District Phone (403) 362-1400 P.O. Bag 8 Fax (403) 362-6206 550 Industrial Road URL: Brooks, Alberta T1R 1B2 Email:
[email protected] Units of Measurement, Conversion and Abbreviations Note: All of the units of measurement in this pamphlet are shown in Imperial Units. A listing of abbreviations for measurement units is provided. To convert from Imperial Units to SI Metric Units the following conversion factors may be used: 1 acre = 0.40469 hectare 1 hectare = 2.47104 acre 1 acre = 43,560.00 square feet 1 acre = 0.00156 square miles 1 square mile = 640 acres 1 square mile = 2.58999 square kilometres 1 foot = 0.3048 metres 1 metre = 3.28084 feet 1 pound = 0.45359 kilograms 1 kilogram = 2.20462 pounds 1 cubic foot = 6.22884 imperial gallons 1 cubic foot = 28.31685 litres 1 cubic foot = 0.02832 cubic metres 1 cubic metre = 35.31467 cubic feet 1 acre foot = 43,560.00 cubic feet 1 acre foot = 1233.48184 cubic metres 1 acre foot = 1.23348 cubic decametres acre = ac hectare = ha square feet = ft2 square miles = mi2 miles = mi foot/feet = ft metre = m pound = lb square kilometres = km2 kilometres = km acre feet = acft cubic decametres = dam3 On-Line Unit Conversion Site: Eastern Irrigation District Profile In 1903 the Dominion Government of Canada approved a 3 million acre land grant to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company Ltd.