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.. •"' ··~ I PRESEl'iTS. CHOPIN ; , 'I, ··~ • available at THE·D ILY~ NEWS - (Price 5 cenh) ona_. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1957 Vol. 64. ·No •. 98 - d. ntng,• ghbor I' Mrs. J. G. Wiseman and lllJUfY sustained in land· . ing on'.the rocky terrain.' Wilde. n .\lain·. owned by Rosie Tuma ·of Erin· House, a tmployrtl with Corner Brook. West, ,_, ... ~·· ' . litructure, was cOI!llOletel Company, the There were some 20 a:uttcd. boarders registered at the MO&t Letter time. were 'employees of C<Jm· l\lr. and !\Irs. Wiseman stock, ~d they lost, in barely ~scaped with their addition to personal be· lives. Boarders jumped longings, their pay money which they received for from windows onto the r· roof of 'what formed an last week's work. ' extension to rear of the · The victim, Herbert dwelling. Eight persons Wilde, was 44 years of are in hospital suffering age, and a resident of the from varying degrees of Montreal area. Trek (\\\!Jl.\''·t! .. : l'J•. tL ·~ S . 11m reverence f?r tradition but J'• C,n.L: . ' . "11! 1 the casing of wmtcr's grip still , .; •· ·•erk and neg1n · mnk~s )lay the most popular mov· 1 · · r.~.l li·:k to new ing month for more practical rea· t:. lra'L•' . son,s. 11C~:~"·· .. ~nal ~~~11ng New homes should be easier to ";:;··'. •~d a 1 ann. flnd this year because of reeord . ;, ), 1 ~ 011 ' H I; ~all\ bulldlng in most areas during 195.1 1 :, ~ .Gr err •• ,:"~ ~cw and 1956, The move Is still gen :nl~~ .u~1\'m·. '·~ .. ('~.''· . erally one to the suburbs as !arm· ' • :.' 1 ~5 romp:1nJcs land; around large munlcipalilies ll/lOCIJta.1ng o·J• r·rs as contmue· to be subdlvlded and de.
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