Fbreeaiit by U. & Wea|ber Bvm m i, NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULA'nON for the Month of March, 1980 colder tonight; partly doody to^ 5,511 id|^i had Thursday. Members of the Audit Bureau of Ctrcnlatlons _____ RRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1930 SIXTEEN! PAGES VOL. XUV., NO. i56. (Classified Advertising on Page 14) FUERS REACH Expect Early Arrests CHENEYS SEEK MINISTER ■t : BERMUDA; GEI In Hartford Murder PAY FOR WORK A S EIRE BIG WELCOME Hartford, April 2.— (AP)—Faced *een hours before his body was found, ONWYBROOK’ with the work of solving the fourth | state and county authorities, aided mysterious murder in Hartford | by detectives of the Hartford force, TO SOLVE PROBLEM coimty since the first of the year, today redoubled their efforts to pre- [ T 1|0 ||> Xonifarv SPWPT |J1S> State .Police Commissioner Robert!Robert 1 vent the adding of a fourth unsolved | *“ ''*1 uaUHOI J ucnca no Spend the Night on Ocean T. Hurley this morning expressed | crime to the record, confidence that he would be able to i Thus far, all that has been defin- trict Offers to Sell All PLAN A MOTORWAY Reservations Included But 60 Miles from Goal in clear up within a few days, the case itely learned is that the young me- of Nfis Einar Anderson, 28 years old i chanic, telling relatives that he was These Will Not Up­ mechanic, whose body was foimd going out to a meet a man who i Rights and Improvements Trip from New York; shot through the head, in the owed him money, left his home at 31 i N. Y . TO NEW HAVEN Wethersfield river meadows yester­ Rowe avenue shortly after 7:15 M on -; set Agreement, Observers. day afternoon shortly after 1 day night, went to a store two doors i In StonnW ater System. Land at Hamilton. o’clock. away, and there telephoned to some { Though still working without one with whom he talked in | Two Hundred Million Pro­ Declare; Meeting Tomor­ definite information which might Swedish. Nathan Fisher, proprietor j The South Manchester Sanitary Hamilton, Bermuda, April 2.— lead to identification of the unidenti­ of the store, says he did not imder-; gewer District; in a commimication (A P )—^The American monoplane fied Swe'dish debtor whom Anderson stand any of the conversafion, and j Board of Selectmen, read in ject is Proposed in Bill row to Discuss Further planned to see when he left his Rowe cannot recall the number Anderson “Pilot” which left New York yester­ special meeting last night asks the avenue home Monday evening, eight- called. j day for the Bermudas, reached I town to purchase its rights of way Submitted in Albany. the Reply from Tokyo. Hamilton safely shortly before ten i in the so-called "dry brook” area- o’clock this morning after having 1 and rdmburse the Sanitary Sewer spent the night at sea a scant 60 I District for construction already Albany,tN. Y., April 2.-r-(AP) London, April 2.— (AP)—Reijlro completed. The sewer district, Wakatsuki, head of the Japan^e miles from her goal. EXPECT HOOVER VETO ! which is controlled by Cheney A $200,000;000 express t611 motdr- She came into Hamilton harbor I Brothers, purchased rights of way ! ways between New York City and naval delegation, this afternoon de­ \mder tow of the motor launch Gre­ I between School street and Brainard New Haven, Conn., is proposed in a livered his government’s reply gory which had picked her up quite Place, constructed culverts and geirding a tripartite agreement ne­ close to the coast, but soon after be- j ON BIG POWER PROJEQ bill in the Legislature to incorporate sewers leading into the "dry brook” gotiated in London to Secretary, of . ing anchored off the dockyard took | and has maintained the partially the New York and New England the air and made a triumphant ■ <5>- -<*= completed open sewer for several motorways, corporation. State Stimson and Prime Minister flight over the city of Hamilton. FARMER DEVELOPS MacDonald. BRAND NEW GRAIN years. It was iannounced further that the The ship, for the flrst time in the Improvement Ass’n. Chair­ Since the town seems ready to go j plans included eventual extension to It was s^ted in conference circle history of ocean flying, had descend­ that the a^wer was a virtual ac­ Readljm, la., April 2.— (AP.) ahead and complete the projects! Boston. ed at sea, spent the night there and ceptance. man Writes That Presi­ —William Schumacher has an­ and has practically decided that the | ‘ " 'Two tracks for eastbound and two then was able to continue her voy­ expense should be borne by the! for westblTund traffic wdulti be pro­ Mr. Wakatsuki explained the nounced the development of a Japanese re'servations, which are age under her own power. grain that in the field resembles town as a whole rather than by vided, according to plans. The, Forced To Descend the assessment of benefits and dam­ said to be of such nature that they dent Would Not Agree to barley with the color of rye, the The Rev. Henry Steel Habersham, 70-year-old dergyman of Moiwoe, motorways’would be so laid out that The monoplane, which was equip­ ages, the South Manchester Sani­ all crossings would be done away will not upset the agreement among flavor of oats and a kernel Connecticut, is pictured above in the fire helmet he weMS as chief of the three nations. ped with pontoons, was forced to de­ shaped like wheat tary Sewer District steps into the with. It would be elevated where scend on the sea when only sixty Government Operation. picture by, asking that it be reim­ the fire department. The pastor has headed the department for seven unobstnicted right of way would be Others. Invited. , Sctumacher calls it barley, ’The meeting-of Wakatsuki, Stim-> miles from the tiny Bermuda group but says it has no barley in its bursed for work in connection with years. impossible. because of darkness last night. She son and MacDonald was. at ^St. composition. He developed the the project which it has completed T With its plan to have the motor­ had been in the air eight hours. James’s palace and shortly after­ Washington, April 2.—(AP)—A grain, he said, by conducting a over a period of several years. Al­ Monroe, Conn., April 2.—^With the leader of such a worthy enter­ ways follow the right of way of the This morning the sturdy craft ap­ ward merged into a five power prediction, that President Hoover hand pollinated cross between though a logical request the possi­ great zeal and enthusiasm, a 70- prise. ■ New York, New Haven and Hart­ peared off North Rock, about five meeting with the arrival of the blue stem wheat and giant oats, bility that this question would arise year-old Episcopal clergyman of “The task of directing the organi­ ford r^road the corporation hp miles from St. George’s, and anchor­ would veto a.Muscle Shoals bill pro­ French Foreign Minister. Aristide and then by crossing the hybrid has never previously entered into this little (Connecticut village is zation rested on me because, I su]?- proposed to the railroad that, rail­ viding for government operation, discus^ons of the cost of covering Briand, and the chief Italian dele- ed there. thus obtained with blue stem carrying on a battle against the fires pose, I was usually on the spot,” road stations he used as terminals She remained there an hour or the “dry brook.” It creates an en­ gafe, Dino Grandi. was made in a memo prepared by wheat. of the infernal regions and the the pastor said. ’ ‘That ! for bus, truck and private passen­ more preparing for the final stage tirely new phase of the subject. The Americans, British and Japan J. W. Worthington, chairman of the 'This ‘ resulted, Schumacher flames of earthly destruction. cept it alao seeq^ed. natUT^ It of her 750 miles perilous flight from ger cars,-the exclusive privilege of will meet again tomorrow to discuss executive comittwe of the Tennessee said, in a grsdn with a large Rights of Way More than onpe - has. the Rev. is the du^^of- asrve. opftratiitg'lnbtor buses tm the motor­ New York and then was seen flying The South Manchester Sanitary the reply further. River Improvement Association meat and a thin hifll, maturing lienry Steel Habersham halted his and to do eve^hiteg he can for the toward Hamilton harbor. She was at Sewer District owns 14 of 15 rights ways >beirig Ranted to the railroad The American spokesman said in 90 days. He is experimenting sermon, listened intently to the town community in w hichhe' lators. I in return for use of terminals hnd a low height, about 100 feet above which was placed today in the of way through which the storm­ there was every indication the nego­ on its value as an early hog feed. fire-alarm; and evacuated the pulpit like the work. A t tim es'it’s ’ quite parts of the right of way to other the surface of the sea. Finally ob­ record of the Senate lobby commit­ water runs between School street tiations would result in solution of of St. Peter’s church. While the dangerous.” <-v- . y ’ servers on the shore reported that ^ tee. and Brainard Place; the 15th is Stations. the American-British-Japan prob­ choir sings and elders make an­ Thus does he derive^ an exciting she descended and was taken in tow ! “With this evidence before us,” owned by the town.
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