The 5-Million Crusade

For the Church and the Consecration of Russia Table of Contents

How to Use This Booklet...... 3 Letter from the District Superior...... 4 Extracts from the Superior General’s Letter #81...... 5 Rosary Crusade Sacrifices...... 8 Rosary Crusade Calendars: January...... 9 February...... 11 March...... 13 April...... 15 May...... 17 June...... 19 Prayer of the Angel of Fatima...... 23

SSPX Rosary Crusade Tally Booklet © 2014 Society of Saint Pius X District of the United States of America 11485 N. Farley Road Platte City, MO 64079 T +1 (816) 753 0073 F +1 (816) 753 3560 [email protected]

2 The 5-Million Rosary Crusade

How to Use This Booklet The 5-Million Rosary Crusade lasts from January 1 until June 8, 2014. We are praying for the Church and the Consecration of Russia, offering also sacrifices in union with the divine Victim in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

1. Keep this booklet in a convenient place!

2. Fill in the number of in the calendar pages. A Family Rosary should be multiplied by the number of people reciting it; so if 7 people say the Rosary together, you will count 7 Rosaries. Remember only to count whole 5-decade Rosaries and not the number of individual decades.

3. Add up all the Rosaries for each month and write the number in the space indicated at the bottom of the page.

4. Tear out the Calendar Page for the month which you need to turn in.

5. Turn in your Calendar Page on the FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH, to your chapel’s Coordinator. The Coordinator will add up all of your chapel’s totals and send it in.

Note: If you do not attend an SSPX chapel, please mail your calendar pages directly to the District Office:

5-Million Rosary Crusade 11485 North Farley Road Platte City, MO 64079

or FAX them to: 816-753-3560

or e-mail your tally to: [email protected]

3 Letter from the District Superior

Dear Faithful,

We are invited to a new Rosary Crusade from January 1, 2014 to the Feast of Pentecost (June 8, 2014). This is an occasion to revive our devo- tion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. A Rosary Crusade is a spiritual expedition or campaign to obtain spe- cial blessings and graces from God. Here are the goals:

-- To implore from the Immaculate Heart of Mary a special protection for the traditional apostolate; -- For the return to Tradition within the Church; -- For the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the consecration of Russia.

In addition to saying the rosaries we are invited to special generosity, for example:

-- Prayer and penance as asked for at Fatima; -- Sanctification through the duty of state; -- A spirit of sacrifice in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

We need an on-going spirit of Crusade to renew our spiritual life, to participate in this triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to obtain from God a blossoming of His Church, to be protected in danger. With that in mind, at the end of this Rosary Crusade on the Feast of Pentecost, we will have a Statue of Our Lady of Fatima starting a pilgrim- age across the District of the United States of America to maintain in us the crusader spirit and call many others to join us. This Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady will be taken from chapel to chapel all around the country. On that occasion, a Marian mission in honor of her Immaculate Heart will be held in order to form in our hearts a true and profound devotion to Her. Sure of your generous and enthusiastic response to this great cause, I am most happy to bless your efforts for the greater glory of God and of our Beloved Mother. In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Father Arnaud Rostand December 8, 2014

4 Extract from the Superior General’s Letter #81

Prayer and Penance

In this dramatic context, it seems to us essential to launch a new crusade in the same spirit as the preceding ones, keeping in view the requests and the promises of the Immaculate Heart of Mary as they were expressed at Fatima, but insisting more this time on its universal charac- ter. We have to put our whole heart, our whole soul into this new crusade: not just being content with the daily recitation of the Rosary, but care- fully carrying out Our Lady’s second request, which is penance. Prayer and penance. Penance, understood certainly as the acceptance of certain forms of self-denial, but especially as the very faithful performance of our duties of state. A Crusade Centered on the Mass This is why this fourth crusade will be based on the one desired by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1979. A crusade centered on the Holy Mass, which is the source of all grace, of all virtue. In the sermon at his priestly jubilee in Paris, he forcefully called us to a threefold crusade: a crusade of youth, a crusade of families, a crusade of heads of families for Christian civilization. Do Not Abandon My Sacrifice In that sermon, our venerable founder declared: “I think I can say that we should have a crusade based on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, on the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, on that invincible rock, that inexhaustible source of grace which is the Mass.... We must undertake a crusade, a crusade which is based specifically on this idea of sacrifice, in order to recreate Christendom, to re-establish a Christendom such as the Church desires, such as she has always done, with the same principles, the same Sacrifice of the Mass, the same sacra- ments, the same catechism, the same Sacred Scripture. We must recreate this Christendom! It is to you, my dear brethren, you who are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, you to whom Our Lord Jesus Christ addressed Himself in saying: ‘Do not waste the fruit of My Blood, do not abandon My Calvary, do not abandon My Sacrifice.’ And the Virgin Mary, who stands beneath the Cross, tells you this as well; she, whose heart is pierced, full of sufferings and sorrows, and yet filled with the joy of unit-

5 ing herself to the Sacrifice of her divine Son, she too says it to you: ‘Let us be Christians, let us be Catholics!’” Embrace the Cross of Our Lord Archbishop Lefebvre described the role that everyone—young people, families, heads of families—had to play in this crusade: “If we want to go to heaven we must follow Our Lord Jesus Christ, car- ry our cross and follow Our Lord Jesus Christ, imitating Him in his Cross, in his suffering, in his sacrifice. Thus, I ask the youth, the young people who are here in this hall, to ask the priests to explain to them these things that are so beautiful and so great, so as to choose their vocations, and in whatever calling they may choose—be they priests or religious men and women, or married—they embrace the Cross of Our Lord. If they choose to form a family under the sacrament of matrimony, and therefore under the Cross of Jesus Christ and the Blood of Jesus Christ, married by the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, let them understand the greatness of this path and let them prepare themselves worthily for it by purity and chastity, by prayer and reflection. Let them not be carried away by all the passions which agitate the world. Thus, let this be the crusade of the young who must aspire to the true ideal! “Let it be, as well, a crusade of Christian families. You Christian fami- lies who are here, consecrate your families to the Heart of Jesus, to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Pray together in the family! Oh, I know that many of those among you already do so, but may there always be more and more of you who do so fervently! Let Our Lord truly reign in your homes! ...” Have Confidence in the Grace of the Mass “Finally, a crusade for the heads of families. You who are heads of your households, you have a serious responsibility in your countries.... Just a few moments ago you sang, Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat! Are these just words, mere lyrics, mere songs? No! They must be a reality. You heads of families, you are the ones responsible for that, both for your children and for the generations to come. Thus, you should orga- nize yourselves now—hold meetings and come to an understanding, so that France [your country] might become Christian again, Catholic again. It is not impossible—otherwise one would have to say that the grace of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is no longer grace, that God is no longer God, that Our Lord Jesus Christ is no longer Our Lord Jesus Christ. One must have confidence in the grace of Our Lord, for Our Lord is all-pow- erful. I have seen this grace at work in Africa—there is no reason why it should not be at work here as well, in our countries.”

6 Spread This Crusade Then, addressing his priests in particular, Archbishop Lefebvre asked them: “And you, dear priests, who are listening to me now, you too must form a profound priestly union to spread this crusade, to organize this crusade so that Jesus Christ might reign. And in order to do that you must be holy, you must seek sanctity and manifest sanctity, this grace which acts in your souls and in your hearts, this grace which you receive by the sacra- ment of the Holy Eucharist and by the Holy Mass which you offer. You alone can offer it.” Encouraged by these vibrant words of our founder, all the members of the Society will join with you, dear faithful, in a great crusade for Our Lord and his reign, for Our Lady and the triumph of her Immaculate Heart. When we have a declared enemy, as the Apocalypse puts it, we must respond to his attacks proportionately. God wills it!

Adopt a Permanent Spirit of Crusade We encourage you therefore to adopt a permanent spirit of crusade, although, because of human considerations, we will officially begin this new Rosary crusade on January 1, 2014, and conclude it on the Feast of Pentecost (June 8, 2014) for the purpose of collecting a spiritual bouquet of five million Rosaries in reparation for the outrages committed against the honor of Our Lady, against her Heart as a Virgin and Mother of God. We commend to her maternal goodness your sufferings and your joys, your cares and your hopes, so that she may keep you all faithful to the Church, until heaven.

On the feast of St. Nicholas, December 6, 2013 +Bernard Fellay

2014 Rosary Crusade Intentions January 1 until June 8, 2014 Goal: 5 million Rosaries Means: 1) To implore from the 1) Prayer and penance as asked Immaculate Heart of Mary for at Fatima; a special protection for the 2) Sanctification through the traditional apostolate; duty of state; 2) For the return to Tradition 3) Spirit of sacrifice in union within the Church; with the Holy Sacrifice of the 3) For the triumph of the Mass. Immaculate Heart of Mary by the consecration of Russia. 7 Rosary Crusade Sacrifices

Part of our Crusade is to offer millions of sacrifices. You may make any type of sacrifice, provided it is in conformity with prudence and moderation. If there be any doubt, the best thing is simply to ask your priest for advice. We here give you some examples of various sacrifices and good works. Remember, the more these sacrifices help us to fulfill our Catholic duties according to our state of life, the better they are for our sanctification and the more they please Almighty God. Offer up these sacrifices in union with the sacrifice of Our Lord on the Cross, renewed daily on the altar.

Children Adults

Being attentive at school Being attentive while praying Being attentive while praying Being attentive during Mass Saying our morning and night Meals on time and in common prayers well Keeping a good schedule Doing homework first, before Keeping the house clean sports or play Avoiding internet and movies Helping at home Being punctual for work Keeping the bedroom clean Being attentive at work Acts of obedience Returning home on time Giving up candy and desserts Avoiding wasting time Giving up video games, movies or Not being obstinate with our television opinions Obeying right away Moderation in food and drink Not procrastinating with chores Not complaining Not talking back to parents Bearing our tribulations well Not complaining Preparing well for confession Being respectful Going often to Holy Communion Preparing well for confession Frequent spiritual communions Frequent spiritual communions Frequent confession

8 9 4 11 18 25 Sat 3 10 17 24 31 Fri 2 9 16 23 30 Thu Rosary Count: 1 8 15 22 29 Wed 7 14 21 28 Tue 6 13 20 27 Name: Mon 5 12 19 26 Sun January 2014 Please submit to your chapel coordinator or mail to: Crusade Rosary 5-Million North11485 Farley Road Platte MO 64079 City,

" 80 pp. – Softcover – STK# 8600 – $7.95 Let Yourself Be Led by the Immaculate

St. Maximilian Kolbe This short book is nothing else but the very words of St. Maximilian Kolbe about devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. You will return to this book over and over to bring a Marian focus to your daily life, and to help you truly love the Immaculate. There is nothing else like this available.

“We believe that the Immaculate exists and that she leads us to our Lord Jesus Christ, and if someone teaches otherwise, let him be anathema!”

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St. His best known work. Develops the True Devotion introduced in The Love of Eternal Wisdom. Has some of the greatest passages ever written on the Mother of God. It inspired a series of saints from the Little Flower to the reformed alcoholic Saint Matthew Talbot and provided the spiritual foundations for the . Fr. Faber's famous translation. — 1-800-966-7337 Please visit our website to see our entire selection of books and music.

10 11 1 8 15 22 Sat 7 14 21 28 Fri 6 13 20 27 Thu Rosary Count: 5 12 19 26 Wed 4 11 18 25 Tue 3 10 17 24 Name: Mon 2 9 16 23 Sun February 2014 Please submit to your chapel coordinator or mail to: Crusade Rosary 5-Million North11485 Farley Road Platte MO 64079 City,

" 192 pp. – Softcover – STK# 8133 – $17.95 The Immaculata, Our Ideal

Fr. Karl Stehlin, SSPX This book by Fr. Karl Stehlin of the Eastern European District of the Society of Saint Pius X is partly biographical but primarily focuses on St. Maximilian Kolbe’s apostolate of spreading devotion to Our Immaculate Lady following the method of St. Louis de Montfort. Father debunks the typical myths of this so-called “Saint of Ecumenism” and shows his concern with combatting heresy, liberalism, modernism, and Freemasonry. He also shows St. Maximilian preaching the need to convert... heretics and Jews. One of the best features of this book is that Fr. Stehlin continually relates Kolbe’s message with the Crisis in the Church...going so far, for example, as to point out how Lumen Gentium makes it nearly impossible for modern Catholics to understand the doctrine of this friar-knight of Our Lady.

12 CDs – STK# 8605 – $49.95 2013 Conference Audio: That She Might Reign

Mary, Hope of the Church An informative and inspiring collection of talks on the Blessed Virgin Mary taken from our conference held in Kansas City, MO (Oct. 11th-13th, 2013). Topics included: “,” “Defending the Marian Dogmas,” “Our Lady and Perseverance,” and many more! — 1-800-966-7337 Please visit our website to see our entire selection of books and music.

12 "

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13 174 pp. – Hardcover – STK# 8597 – $19.50 Mother of God

Fr. Cyril Bernard Papali, O.C.D. “The number of books on Mary is immense, significantly proving a realization of her essential place in the Christian system. But for all their number, they leave a gap, and this masterly work of Fr. Cyril Bernard fits neatly into it. The great bulk of those books do not get down to the doctrinal bedrock on which all devotion stands; they take it for granted.” It is precisely this doctrinal bedrock on which Fr. Cyril Bernard Papali places his profound, yet approachable book, Mother of God. The author considers Marian doctrine from the perspectives of both Scripture and Tradition. This book will help you better defend and explain the Church’s teaching about the Blessed Virgin Mary and will also lead to an increase in devotion to our Heavenly Queen.

123 pp. – Softcover – STK# 6401 – $15.95 Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness

Warren H. Carroll The extraordinary story of the conversion of Mexico and its deliverance from the Aztec tyranny is told in an engrossing narrative. The history of Cortez’s conquest, the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the subsequent conversion of Mexico are described in detail. Might not true devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe begin here? — 1-800-966-7337 Please visit our website to see our entire selection of books and music.

14 "

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15 1 Disc – 45 min – STK# 8479F – $17.95 Feasts of Our Lady

Solesmes Monastery CD Two Masses of Our Lady plus the four Antiphons to the Holy Virgin in both Solemn and Simple tones celebrate the humble maiden whom all generations call Blessed.

330 pp. – Softcover – STK# 6713✱ – $ 19.95 Consecration to Mary

According to St. Louis de Montfort True Devotion to Mary, by St. Louis de Montfort, is THE book on consecration to the Blessed Virgin. THIS book is the perfect way to make that Consecration. All the readings necessary for consecration preparation are here: the Bible, The Imitation of Christ, True Devotion to Mary, The Love of Eternal Wisdom, , The Secret of Mary and Friends of the Cross. — 1-800-966-7337 Please visit our website to see our entire selection of books and music.

16 "

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17 168 pp. – Softcover – STK# 8277 – $13.95 The Shepherds of Fatima

Fr. John De Marchi In Heaven, where all know what is really important, they marvel that we fail to see that our Lady’s coming to Fatima is the most tremendous event of the 20th century. Our Lady’s message for the whole world was entrusted to three children; children, then, have the right to hear all about it, and are disposed to understand what our Lady wants and to cooperate with her requests. This book is for them. No more enthralling story was ever told, and this story is true!

3 CD Set – STK# 8458 – $29.95 Lepanto: The Battle That Saved the West CD

Christopher Check On October 7, 1571, the most important sea battle in history was fought near the mouth of the Gulf of Patras, then the Gulf of Lepanto. On one side were the war galleys of the Holy League and on the other, those of the Ottoman Turks, rowed by tens of thousands of Christian galley slaves. Although the battle decided the future of Europe, few Europeans, and even fewer Americans, know the story. G. K. Chesterton honored the battle with what is perhaps the greatest ballad of the 20th century. He finished writing this extraordinary poem while the postman impatiently waited for the copy. It was instantly popular and remained so for years. The ballad is no less inspiring today and is more timely than ever, as the West faces the growing threat of Islam. Christopher Check tells the exhilarating story of Lepanto, first in his own words and then through the poem of G. K. Chesterton. — 1-800-966-7337 Please visit our website to see our entire selection of books and music.

18 19 7 Sat 6 Fri 5 Thu Rosary Count: 4 Wed 3 Tue Thank note you 2 Name: Mon 1 8 As we arrive at the feast Pentecost of our Rosary Crusade thisTo and end Rostand as Fr. announced, a pilgrim statue of comes thank to an end. We your participation. generous for you Please the spirit keep our of Crusade in these troubledtimes. Our Lady Fatima of will be coming to your chapel. May she find this spirit crusade of still alive in your souls! Sun June 2014 Please submit toyour chapel coordinator or mail to: Crusade Rosary 5-Million North11485 Farley Road Platte MO 64079 City,

" 22 pp. – Softcover – STK# 8433✱ – $3.15 Enthronement of the Sacred Heart In the Home

Enthronement is a crusade to establish the Social Reign of the Sacred Heart in society through the family, the fundamental social cell. It is based on Our Lord’s statement to St. Margaret Mary: “I will reign through My Heart!”

1CD – 64 min – Audiobook – STK# 8557Q – $9.95 The Knights Templar CD

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96 pp. – Softcover – Illustrations and photos – STK# 8466 – $7.50 Saint Louis, King of France

Noted for his justice, ability, charity and personal piety, Saint Louis became the arbiter of Europe. His zeal for the glory of God was incomparable in his private and public life, and in his direction of the great nation that God had given him to rule. This outstanding model for Christian statesmen was every inch a king and every inch a Saint. — 1-800-966-7337 Please visit our website to see our entire selection of books and music.

20 60 pp. – 9" x 12" – Full-color throughout – Softcover – STK# 8403✱ – $15.95 The Holy Rosary

Praying your family Rosary does not have to be an arduous experience. The Rosary is less strenuous when one focuses on the mysteries with the aid of religious art—pictures which accurately recount the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries. Give yourself—and your children—the chance to pray with less distraction. Useful for both children and adults, The Holy Rosary features detailed imagery and short meditations that will inspire readers of all ages. 150 ’s—150 Color Pictures—150 Meditations.

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A book of rosary meditations First published in Bavaria, Germany in 1929, this book contains a beautiful line illustration of each mystery, several paragraphs from the Gospels (or a Father of the Church) on each mystery, followed by ten profound mini-meditations—one for each Hail Mary. An indispensable book (that fits in your pocket) for anyone who wants to pray the Rosary well.

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21 325 pp. – Softcover – Indexed – 795 footnotes – STK# 8249✱ – $26.95 The Mass of All Time

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre A collection of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre’s sermons, classes, and notes on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass—its rites, spirit, prayers, theology, spirituality, and grace. Part One is a running commentary on the prayers, parts, and actions of the entire liturgy. Part Two covers the New Order of Mass and includes commentary on liturgical history, the liturgical revolution and the history of the SSPX’s defense of the traditional Mass. Here we see the love and depth of understanding that Marcel Lefebvre had for the Mass of All Time.

276 pp. – Softcover – STK# 8264 – $15.95 The World’s First Love

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen With his characteristic eloquence and brilliance, Bishop Fulton Sheen presents a moving portrayal of the Blessed Virgin Mary that combines deep spirituality with history, philosophy and theology. Mary’s whole life is lovingly portrayed in this word portrait that is a never failing source of information, consolation and inspiration.

232 pp. – Softcover – STK# 6410 – $15.95 The Last Crusade

Dr. Warren H. Carroll The author explains that the Spanish Civil War was an attempt by the enemies of Christ to extinguish the Faith. Nearly 7,000 priests, seminarians, monks and nuns were martyred in just six months of 1936. Read about the heroic resistance that followed, including an enthralling account of the famous siege of the Alcazar, a tale of heroism that should not be forgotten. — 1-800-966-7337 Please visit our website to see our entire selection of books and music.

22 Prayers

Prayer of the Angel of Fatima

O My God, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love Thee. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love Thee. Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I offer Thee the most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, pres- ent in all the Tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the sacrileges, outrages and indifferences by which He Himself is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners. Amen.

Spiritual Communion

It is an act of desire to be united to Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament. For a proper spiritual communion, the required dispositions the Council of Trent mentions are: an ardent desire, lively faith, and fervent charity. No particular form is required; we may use any we please. St. Teresa of Avila often said to her spiritual daughters: “As often as you hear Holy Mass, although you be unable to receive Communion sacramentally, you can make a spiritual communion, which is of great value.”

Short Formula Come, dearest Jesus, come into this my poor unhappy heart; come and do not delay: come and sanctify my soul; come, my sweetest Jesus, come!

Prayer of St. Alphonsus Liguori My Jesus, I believe that Thou art really present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things, and I desire to possess Thee within my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spirtually into my heart. As though Thou wert already there, I embrace Thee, and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit not that I should ever be separated from Thee. May the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ keep my soul unto Everlasting Life. Amen.

23 Society of Saint Pius X District of the United States of America 11485 N. Farley Road Platte City, MO 64079 T +1 (816) 753 0073 F +1 (816) 753 3560 [email protected]