
1 Persistence of in the Natural Environment: Scoping Review Protocol

2 Irene Bueno1*, Huan He2, André J. Nault3, Sarah Ziemann4, Lauren Degn4, William A. Arnold2a,

3 Kristine H. Wammer4a


5 1. Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, University of Minnesota. 1971

6 Commonwealth Ave. Saint Paul, MN 55108. United States.

7 2. Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering, University of Minnesota. 500

8 Pillsbury Drive S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455-0116. United States.

9 3. Health Sciences Libraries, University of Minnesota. 1988 Fitch Avenue. Saint Paul, MN

10 55108. United States.

11 4. Department of Chemistry, College of Arts & Sciences, University of St. Thomas. 2115

12 Summit Ave. Saint Paul, MN 55105. United States.


14 a: Co-senior authors

15 *Corresponding author: Irene Bueno ([email protected])


17 Abstract

18 Background: Antibiotics and their metabolites released into aquatic and soil environments have

19 the potential to affect their microbial communities and can be a selection pressure to drive

20 antimicrobial resistance emergence and spread. However, data about the persistence of

21 antibiotics and metabolites into the natural environment are still lacking.

22 Objectives: The goal of this manuscript is to describe the protocol that will be used to conduct a

23 formal scoping review of the current literature to address the following question: “What is known


24 from the existing literature about degradation of a selected group of compounds in

25 water, sediment, and soil?”.

26 Eligibility criteria: Eligible studies will be primary research, in English, from any geographic

27 location, published between 2000-2020, include water, sediment, and/or soil samples, were

28 conducted in natural systems and/or laboratory studies with relevant data applied to natural

29 systems, include data related to transformation by sunlight, biodegradation, and/or sorption

30 processes, and include data for any of the following compounds: i) sulfonamides:

31 sulfachlorpyridazine, , , sulfamethazine, ,

32 ; ii) macrolides: erythromycin, roxithromycin, tylosin, azithromycin; iii)

33 tetracyclines: chlortetracycline, doxycycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline; iv) fluoroquinlones:

34 , , , ; v) beta-lactams: ; vi) others:

35 carbadox, , lincomycin.

36 Sources of evidence: The following databases will be searched: Pubmed/MEDLINE, CAB

37 Abstracts, Web of Science, and Scopus from 2000-2020.

38 Charting methods: We will extract data on general and specific study characteristics, study

39 systems, and transformation processes/antibiotic compounds combinations.









47 Introduction

48 Rationale

49 Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a well-recognized global public health threat (WHO, 2020).

50 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), close to three million

51 people in the U.S. develop antibiotic-resistant infections each year, and this leads to more than

52 35,000 deaths (CDC, 2019). As AMR increases, attention is being directed towards the role of

53 the natural environment. Watersheds, in particular, are recipients of antibiotic residues,

54 antimicrobial resistant bacteria (ARB), and antimicrobial resistance genes (ARG) released from

55 effluents of anthropogenic sources (Bueno et al., 2017; Bueno et al., 2018; Huijbers et al., 2015).

56 These sources include but are not limited to wastewater treatment plants, animal agriculture and

57 aquaculture, ethanol plants, crop production, and pharmaceutical manufacturing plants.

58 Antibiotics and their metabolites released from these sources might pose an indirect risk to

59 human, animal, and ecosystem health by driving the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in

60 environmental bacteria (Rahube et al., 2016).


62 Studying the fate of antibiotics and their metabolites in the natural environment through field

63 work is challenging and limited by resources. To overcome this restraint, mathematical and

64 geospatial modeling play an important role in predicting the fate of these compounds within the

65 complexity and uncertainties of natural systems (Singer, et al., 2006; Spicknall, et al., 2013). To

66 fully understand the persistence of antibiotics in the natural environment and fully parameterize

67 mathematical and geospatial models, information on degradation rates for different compounds is

68 needed. Relevant removal processes include transformation by sunlight, degradation by

69 microorganisms, and sorption to settling particles (Kümmerer, 2009). For targeted antibiotic


70 compounds, a scoping review will be conducted to compile relevant biodegradation, sorption,

71 and direct and indirect photolysis rate constants of the target antibiotics to assess which gaps are

72 most critical to fill to inform future transformation studies. In addition, data from the scoping

73 review will be used to parameterize antibiotic dissemination models in the natural environment.

74 Objectives

75 The objective of this protocol is to describe the methods that will be used to address the

76 following review question: What is known from the existing literature about degradation for a

77 selected group of antibiotic compounds in water, sediment, and soil? In particular, what is

78 known about:

79 • transformation by sunlight (direct and indirect photolysis rate constants)?

80 • degradation by microorganisms (biodegradation rate constants)?

81 • sorption to settling particles (partition coefficients as a function of particle organic

82 carbon content, mineral composition, and pH)?

83 Methods

84 Protocol and registration

85 This protocol was prepared using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and

86 Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) (Tricco et al., 2018) and it will

87 be published in the University of Minnesota Libraries Digital Conservancy

88 (https://conservancy.umn.edu/).

89 Eligibility criteria

90 Studies are eligible for this review if they meet the following criteria:

91 a) Primary research.

92 b) Published in English.


93 c) Published between 2000-2020. The year 2000 was chosen because it was when analytical

94 methods became sensitive enough to quantify antibiotic’s environmentally-relevant

95 concentrations.

96 d) Conducted in natural systems and/or in laboratory settings that provide relevant data to the

97 natural systems.

98 e) Investigate any of the following transformation studies: sorption, biodegradation, and/or

99 photolysis.

100 f) Investigate any of the following compounds: i) sulfonamides: sulfachlorpyridazine,

101 sulfadiazine, sulfadimethoxine, sulfamethazine, sulfamethoxazole, sulfapyridine; ii) macrolides:

102 erythromycin, roxithromycin, tylosin, azithromycin; iii) tetracyclines: chlortetracycline,

103 doxycycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline; iv) fluoroquinlones: ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin,

104 norfloxacin, ofloxacin; v) beta-lactams: penicillins (broadly); vi) others: carbadox, trimethoprim,

105 and/or lincomycin.

106 Information sources

107 The following databases will be searched for relevant studies: Pubmed/MEDLINE, CAB

108 Abstracts, Web of Science, and Scopus, with a publication limit of 2000-2020. All citations will

109 be exported to EndNote® X9 Desktop and de-duplicated. The final set of articles resulting from

110 the de-duplication will be uploaded to the Rayaan webtool as a .bib file for the first phase of the

111 screening process (Ouzzani et al., 2016).

112 Search

113 The search strings for each one of the search databases and for each one of the transformation

114 processes were drafted by an experienced librarian (André J. Nault) with input from experts in


115 the field (Drs. Kristine H. Wammer, Huan He, and William A. Arnold). The search strings can

116 be found at the end of this protocol.

117 Selection of sources of evidence

118 The selection of relevant studies will be done with the Rayaan webtool (Ouzzani et al., 2016) by

119 a team of four reviewers. Each article will be assessed by two independent reviewers. Reviewers

120 will resolve any conflicts about the selection of articles into the study during weekly meetings,

121 and with the help of a third reviewer if needed. The first screening phase will consist of only

122 reviewing the title and abstract of each article, and the second screening phase will consist of

123 reviewing the full text of those articles that are retained after the first screening phase. Prior to

124 screening articles, the screening process will be pre-tested by all four reviewers with a random

125 set of articles, and the process will be improved based on feedback from this pre-testing phase.

126 First screening phase (title/abstract)

127 1) Is the title/abstract available? If not, the record will be excluded.

128 2) Is the title/abstract in English? If not, the record will be excluded.

129 3) Does the title/abstract refer to primary research? If not, the record will be excluded. We will

130 exclude reviews and conference proceedings.

131 4) Does the title/abstract include a natural system (river, lake, stream, creek, estuary, marine,

132 soil, other), a laboratory experiment, or a modeling study with relevant data to the natural

133 system of interest? If not, the record will be excluded. Engineered systems such as

134 wastewater treatment plants will be excluded.

135 5) Does the title/abstract refer to marine sediments or marine biodegradation (i.e.,

136 biodegradation in marine environment)? If so, does it also refer to photolysis-


137 photodegradation? If the study solely reports on marine sediments and/or marine

138 biodegradation without involving photodegradation, the study will be excluded.

139 6) Does the title/abstract include water, sediment, or soil samples? If not, the record will be

140 excluded unless it is a relevant laboratory and/or modeling study.

141 7) Does the title/abstract evaluate any of the following processes: photolysis (UV-A/B radiation

142 with a wavelength between 290-400 nm, sunlight, simulated sunlight, indirect photolysis

143 induced by hydroxyl radical, carbonate radical, singlet oxygen, triplet excited organic

144 matter), biodegradation (all systems except marine), or sorption (all systems except marine),

145 and/or persistence? If not, the record will be excluded.

146 8) Does the title/abstract include any of the following target compounds: i) sulfonamides:

147 sulfachlorpyridazine, sulfadiazine, sulfadimethoxine, sulfamethazine, sulfamethoxazole,

148 sulfapyridine; ii) macrolides: erythromycin, roxithromycin, tylosin, azithromycin; iii)

149 tetracyclines: chlortetracycline, doxycycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline; iv)

150 fluoroquinlones: ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin; v) beta-lactams:

151 penicillins (broadly); vi) others: carbadox, trimethoprim, and/or lincomycin? If not, the

152 record will be excluded.

153 If the answer to any of the above questions is ‘No’, the record will be excluded (in the Rayyan

154 webtool they will be labeled as ‘Exclude’). If the answer to all the above questions is ‘Yes’ or

155 ‘Maybe’ (or a combination of both), records will move to the 2nd screening phase where the full

156 text will be reviewed (in the Rayyan webtool they will be labeled as ‘Include’ or ‘Maybe’). The

157 full text for included studies will be retrieved through the University of Minnesota Libraries and

158 imported into Mendeley 1.19.8.

159 Second screening phase (Full text)


160 The same questions that were used during the first screening phase will be applied here. In

161 addition, the following questions will be assessed:

162 1) Is the full text available? If not, the record will be excluded.

163 2) Does the full text include information about both a parent antibiotic compound and its

164 product/transformation processes? If the study describes the parent compound without data for

165 the transformation processes or products, it will be excluded.

166 If the answer to any of the above questions is ‘No’, the study will be excluded. If the answer to

167 all the above questions is ‘Yes’ or ‘Maybe’, the study will be included.

168 Data charting process

169 Data charting will be conducted in the REDCap web application (Harris et al., 2009)

170 independently by two reviewers. The reviewers will resolve any conflicts during weekly

171 meetings and/or with the help of a third reviewer. The data charting tool will be pre-tested using

172 a random sample of studies, and the tool will be improved based on the reviewer’s feedback.

173 Data items

174 The data that will be extracted from each study will include the following:

175 1) General information: author(s), journal, publication year, aim of the study, geographic region.

176 2) Study characteristics: study design, system/setting used (e.g. river), sample type(s),

177 transformation processes, time period when the study took place, specific antibiotics evaluated.

178 3) Outcome data: data for each transformation process/antibiotic combination will be extracted.

179 Critical appraisal of individual sources of evidence

180 A critical appraisal of individual sources of evidence will not be conducted as this is a scoping

181 review of the literature and not a systematic review (Sargeant & O'Connor, 2020).



183 Synthesis of results

184 Studies will be grouped according to the transformation processes reported, and within those, by

185 antibiotic compounds. Descriptive statistics will be conducted for the outcome data for each one

186 of the transformation process/antibiotic combinations within the different study systems/settings

187 and sample types. A narrative summary will also be conducted that will include general

188 information and specific studies characteristics. A meta-analysis will be conducted if there are

189 enough data for each transformation process/antibiotic compound combination. In addition, any

190 data gaps will be identified.

191 Funding

192 This work was funded by the Minnesota Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund (M.L.

193 2018, Chp. 214, Art. 4, Sec. 02, Subd. 04h.) as recommended by the Legislative and Citizen

194 Commission on Minnesota Resources.





198 References

199 Bueno, I., Williams-Nguyen, J., Hwang, H., Sargeant, J. M., Nault, A. J., & Singer, R. S. (2017). 200 Impact of point sources on antibiotic resistance genes in the natural environment: a 201 systematic review of the evidence. Animal Health Research Reviews, 18(2), 112-127. 202 https://doi.org/10.1017/S146625231700007X. 203 Bueno, I., Williams‐Nguyen, J., Hwang, H., Sargeant, J., Nault, A. J., & Singer, R. (2018). 204 Systematic review: impact of point sources on antibiotic‐resistant bacteria in the natural 205 environment. Zoonoses and Public Health, 65(1), e162-e184. 206 https://doi.org/10.1111/zph.12426. 207 CDC. (2019). Antibiotic resistance threats in the United States. Retrieved from 208 https://www.cdc.gov/drugresistance/pdf/threats-report/2019-ar-threats-report-508.pdf. 209 Harris, P. A., Taylor, R., Thielke, R., Payne, J., Gonzalez, N., & Conde, J. G. (2009). Research 210 electronic data capture (REDCap)—a metadata-driven methodology and workflow 211 process for providing translational research informatics support. Journal of Biomedical 212 Informatics, 42(2), 377-381. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2008.08.010. 213 Huijbers, P. M., Blaak, H., de Jong, M. C., Graat, E. A., Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C. M., & de 214 Roda Husman, A. M. (2015). Role of the environment in the transmission of 215 antimicrobial resistance to humans: a review. Environmental Science & Technology, 216 49(20), 11993-12004. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.5b02566. 217 Kümmerer, K. (2009). Antibiotics in the aquatic environment–a review–part I. Chemosphere, 218 75(4), 417-434. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.11.086. 219 Ouzzani, M., Hammady, H., Fedorowicz, Z., & Elmagarmid, A. (2016). Rayyan-a web and 220 mobile app for systematic reviews. Systematic Reviews, 5, 210. In. 221 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-016-0384-4. 222 Rahube, T. O., Marti, R., Scott, A., Tien, Y.-C., Murray, R., Sabourin, L., . . . Topp, E. (2016). 223 Persistence of antibiotic resistance and plasmid-associated genes in soil following 224 application of sewage sludge and abundance on vegetables at harvest. Canadian journal 225 of Microbiology, 62(7), 600-607. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjm-2016-0034. 226 Sargeant, J. M., & O'Connor, A. M. (2020). Scoping reviews, systematic reviews, and meta- 227 analysis: Applications in veterinary medicine. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, 11. 228 https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2020.00011. 229 Singer, R. S., Ward, M. P., & Maldonado, G. (2006). Can landscape ecology untangle the 230 complexity of antibiotic resistance? Nature Reviews Microbiology, 4(12), 943-952. 231 doi:10.1038/nrmicro1553. 232 Spicknall, I. H., Foxman, B., Marrs, C. F., & Eisenberg, J. N. (2013). A modeling framework for 233 the evolution and spread of antibiotic resistance: literature review and model 234 categorization. American Journal of Epidemiology, 178(4), 508-520. 235 https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwt017. 236 Tricco, A. C., Lillie, E., Zarin, W., O'Brien, K. K., Colquhoun, H., Levac, D., . . . Weeks, L. 237 (2018). PRISMA extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR): checklist and 238 explanation. Annals of Internal Medicine, 169(7), 467-473. https://doi.org/10.7326/M18- 239 0850. 240 World Health Organization (WHO). (2020). Antimicrobial resistance. Retrieved from 241 https://www.who.int/health-topics/antimicrobial-resistance. 242


243 Search strings

244 Scopus

245 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( sulfachlorpyridazine OR sulfadiazine OR sulfadimethoxine OR

246 sulfamethazine OR sulfamethoxazole OR sulfapyridine OR erythromycin OR roxithromycin OR

247 tylosin OR chlortetracycline OR doxycycline OR oxytetracycline OR tetracycline OR

248 ciprofloxacin OR enrofloxacin OR norfloxacin OR ofloxacin OR carbadox OR trimethoprim OR

249 lincomycin OR OR “sulfa drug” OR macrolide OR fluoroquinolone OR beta-

250 lactam) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( lake OR river OR stream OR aquatic) AND TITLE-ABS-

251 KEY ( sediment ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (adsorption OR sorption OR persistence) AND (


253 LANGUAGE,"English" ) ) AND NOT TITLE-ABS-KEY (photocatalysis OR catalysis OR

254 catalyst OR photocatalyst OR photocatalytic OR catalytic OR Tio2 OR “titanium dioxide” OR

255 charcoal OR bioremediation OR bioreactor OR synthesis OR “activated sludge” OR biochar)


257 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( sulfachlorpyridazine OR sulfadiazine OR sulfadimethoxine OR

258 sulfamethazine OR sulfamethoxazole OR sulfapyridine OR erythromycin OR roxithromycin OR

259 tylosin OR chlortetracycline OR doxycycline OR oxytetracycline OR tetracycline OR

260 ciprofloxacin OR enrofloxacin OR norfloxacin OR ofloxacin OR carbadox OR trimethoprim OR

261 lincomycin OR sulfonamide OR “sulfa drug” OR macrolide OR fluoroquinolone OR beta-

262 lactam) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( lake OR river OR stream OR aquatic OR sediment) AND

263 TITLE-ABS-KEY (biodegradation OR biotransformation OR co-metabolism) AND (


265 LANGUAGE,"English" ) ) AND NOT TITLE-ABS-KEY (photocatalysis OR catalysis OR


266 catalyst OR photocatalyst OR photocatalytic OR catalytic OR Tio2 OR “titanium dioxide” OR

267 charcoal OR bioremediation OR bioreactor OR synthesis OR “activated sludge” OR biochar)


269 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( sulfachlorpyridazine OR sulfadiazine OR sulfadimethoxine OR

270 sulfamethazine OR sulfamethoxazole OR sulfapyridine OR erythromycin OR roxithromycin OR

271 tylosin OR chlortetracycline OR doxycycline OR oxytetracycline OR tetracycline OR

272 ciprofloxacin OR enrofloxacin OR norfloxacin OR ofloxacin OR carbadox OR trimethoprim OR

273 lincomycin OR sulfonamide OR “sulfa drug” OR macrolide OR fluoroquinolone OR beta-

274 lactam) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( lake OR river OR stream OR aquatic OR sediment) AND

275 TITLE-ABS-KEY (photodegradation OR phototransformation OR photolysis OR "indirect

276 photolysis" OR "hydroxyl radical" OR "singlet oxygen") AND ( PUBYEAR AFT 1999 AND


278 ABS-KEY (photocatalysis OR catalysis OR catalyst OR photocatalyst OR photocatalytic OR

279 catalytic OR Tio2 OR “titanium dioxide” OR charcoal OR bioremediation OR bioreactor OR

280 synthesis OR “activated sludge” OR biochar)

281 CAB Abstracts

282 [mp=abstract, title, original title, broad terms, heading words, identifiers, cabicodes]

283 (sulfachlorpyridazine OR sulfadiazine OR sulfadimethoxine OR sulfamethazine OR

284 sulfamethoxazole OR sulfapyridine OR erythromycin OR roxithromycin OR tylosin OR

285 chlortetracycline OR doxycycline OR oxytetracycline OR tetracycline OR ciprofloxacin OR

286 enrofloxacin OR norfloxacin OR ofloxacin OR carbadox OR trimethoprim OR lincomycin OR

287 sulfonamide OR sulfa drug OR macrolide OR fluoroquinolone OR beta-lactam).mp. AND (lake

288 OR river OR stream OR aquatic).mp. AND (sediment).mp. AND (adsorption OR sorption OR


289 persistence).mp. NOT (photocatalysis OR catalysis OR catalyst OR photocatalyst OR

290 photocatalytic OR catalytic OR Tio2 OR titanium dioxide OR charcoal OR bioremediation OR

291 bioreactor OR synthesis OR activated sludge OR biochar).mp.


293 (sulfachlorpyridazine OR sulfadiazine OR sulfadimethoxine OR sulfamethazine OR

294 sulfamethoxazole OR sulfapyridine OR erythromycin OR roxithromycin OR tylosin OR

295 chlortetracycline OR doxycycline OR oxytetracycline OR tetracycline OR ciprofloxacin OR

296 enrofloxacin OR norfloxacin OR ofloxacin OR carbadox OR trimethoprim OR lincomycin OR

297 sulfonamide OR sulfa drug OR macrolide OR fluoroquinolone OR beta-lactam).mp. AND (lake

298 OR river OR stream OR aquatic OR sediment).mp. AND (biodegradation OR biotransformation

299 OR co-metabolism).mp. NOT (photocatalysis OR catalysis OR catalyst OR photocatalyst OR

300 photocatalytic OR catalytic OR Tio2 OR titanium dioxide OR charcoal OR bioremediation OR

301 bioreactor OR synthesis OR activated sludge OR biochar).mp.

302 (sulfachlorpyridazine OR sulfadiazine OR sulfadimethoxine OR sulfamethazine OR

303 sulfamethoxazole OR sulfapyridine OR erythromycin OR roxithromycin OR tylosin OR

304 chlortetracycline OR doxycycline OR oxytetracycline OR tetracycline OR ciprofloxacin OR

305 enrofloxacin OR norfloxacin OR ofloxacin OR carbadox OR trimethoprim OR lincomycin OR

306 sulfonamide OR sulfa drug OR macrolide OR fluoroquinolone OR beta-lactam).mp. AND (lake

307 OR river OR stream OR aquatic OR sediment).mp. AND (photodegradation OR

308 phototransformation OR photolysis OR indirect photolysis OR hydroxyl radical OR singlet

309 oxygen).mp. NOT (photocatalysis OR catalysis OR catalyst OR photocatalyst OR photocatalytic

310 OR catalytic OR Tio2 OR titanium dioxide OR charcoal OR bioremediation OR bioreactor OR

311 synthesis OR activated sludge OR biochar).mp.


312 Web of Science

313 (ALL=((sulfachlorpyridazine OR sulfadiazine OR sulfadimethoxine OR sulfamethazine OR

314 sulfamethoxazole OR sulfapyridine OR erythromycin OR roxithromycin OR tylosin OR

315 chlortetracycline OR doxycycline OR oxytetracycline OR tetracycline OR ciprofloxacin OR

316 enrofloxacin OR norfloxacin OR ofloxacin OR carbadox OR trimethoprim OR lincomycin OR

317 sulfonamide OR "sulfa drug" OR macrolide OR fluoroquinolone OR "beta lactam") AND (lake

318 OR river OR stream OR aquatic) AND (sediment) AND (adsorption OR sorption OR

319 persistence) NOT (photocatalysis OR catalysis OR catalyst OR photocatalyst OR photocatalytic

320 OR catalytic OR Tio2 OR "titanium dioxide" OR charcoal OR bioremediation OR bioreactor OR

321 synthesis OR "activated sludge" OR biochar) )) AND LANGUAGE: (English)


323 CCR-EXPANDED, IC Timespan=2000-2021

324 (ALL=((sulfachlorpyridazine OR sulfadiazine OR sulfadimethoxine OR sulfamethazine OR

325 sulfamethoxazole OR sulfapyridine OR erythromycin OR roxithromycin OR tylosin OR

326 chlortetracycline OR doxycycline OR oxytetracycline OR tetracycline OR ciprofloxacin OR

327 enrofloxacin OR norfloxacin OR ofloxacin OR carbadox OR trimethoprim OR lincomycin OR

328 sulfonamide OR “sulfa drug” OR macrolide OR fluoroquinolone OR “beta lactam”) AND (lake

329 OR river OR stream OR aquatic OR sediment) AND (biodegradation OR biotransformation OR

330 “co-metabolism”) NOT (photocatalysis OR catalysis OR catalyst OR photocatalyst OR

331 photocatalytic OR catalytic OR Tio2 OR “titanium dioxide” OR charcoal OR bioremediation OR

332 bioreactor OR synthesis OR “activated sludge” OR biochar) )) AND LANGUAGE: (English)


334 CCR-EXPANDED, IC Timespan=2000-2021


335 (ALL=((sulfachlorpyridazine OR sulfadiazine OR sulfadimethoxine OR sulfamethazine OR

336 sulfamethoxazole OR sulfapyridine OR erythromycin OR roxithromycin OR tylosin OR

337 chlortetracycline OR doxycycline OR oxytetracycline OR tetracycline OR ciprofloxacin OR

338 enrofloxacin OR norfloxacin OR ofloxacin OR carbadox OR trimethoprim OR lincomycin OR

339 sulfonamide OR “sulfa drug” OR macrolide OR fluoroquinolone OR “beta lactam”) AND (lake

340 OR river OR stream OR aquatic OR sediment) AND (photodegradation OR phototransformation

341 OR photolysis OR “indirect photolysis” OR “hydroxyl radical” OR “singlet oxygen”) NOT

342 (photocatalysis OR catalysis OR catalyst OR photocatalyst OR photocatalytic OR catalytic OR

343 Tio2 OR “titanium dioxide” OR charcoal OR bioremediation OR bioreactor OR synthesis OR

344 “activated sludge” OR biochar) )) AND LANGUAGE: (English)


346 CCR-EXPANDED, IC Timespan=2000-2021


348 Pubmed

349 (sulfachlorpyridazine OR sulfadiazine OR sulfadimethoxine OR sulfamethazine OR

350 sulfamethoxazole OR sulfapyridine OR erythromycin OR roxithromycin OR tylosin OR

351 chlortetracycline OR doxycycline OR oxytetracycline OR tetracycline OR ciprofloxacin OR

352 enrofloxacin OR norfloxacin OR ofloxacin OR carbadox OR trimethoprim OR lincomycin OR

353 sulfonamide OR "sulfa drug" OR macrolide OR fluoroquinolone OR "beta lactam") AND (lake

354 OR river OR stream OR aquatic) AND (sediment) AND (adsorption OR sorption OR

355 persistence) NOT (photocatalysis OR catalysis OR catalyst OR photocatalyst OR photocatalytic

356 OR catalytic OR Tio2 OR "titanium dioxide" OR charcoal OR bioremediation OR bioreactor OR


357 synthesis OR "activated sludge" OR biochar) AND 2000/01/01:2021/03/23[dp] AND

358 (english[Language])


360 (sulfachlorpyridazine OR sulfadiazine OR sulfadimethoxine OR sulfamethazine OR

361 sulfamethoxazole OR sulfapyridine OR erythromycin OR roxithromycin OR tylosin OR

362 chlortetracycline OR doxycycline OR oxytetracycline OR tetracycline OR ciprofloxacin OR

363 enrofloxacin OR norfloxacin OR ofloxacin OR carbadox OR trimethoprim OR lincomycin OR

364 sulfonamide OR “sulfa drug” OR macrolide OR fluoroquinolone OR “beta lactam”) AND (lake

365 OR river OR stream OR aquatic OR sediment) AND (biodegradation OR biotransformation OR

366 “co-metabolism”) NOT (photocatalysis OR catalysis OR catalyst OR photocatalyst OR

367 photocatalytic OR catalytic OR Tio2 OR “titanium dioxide” OR charcoal OR bioremediation OR

368 bioreactor OR synthesis OR “activated sludge” OR biochar) AND 2000/01/01:2021/03/23[dp]

369 AND (english[Language])


371 (sulfachlorpyridazine OR sulfadiazine OR sulfadimethoxine OR sulfamethazine OR

372 sulfamethoxazole OR sulfapyridine OR erythromycin OR roxithromycin OR tylosin OR

373 chlortetracycline OR doxycycline OR oxytetracycline OR tetracycline OR ciprofloxacin OR

374 enrofloxacin OR norfloxacin OR ofloxacin OR carbadox OR trimethoprim OR lincomycin OR

375 sulfonamide OR “sulfa drug” OR macrolide OR fluoroquinolone OR “beta lactam”) AND (lake

376 OR river OR stream OR aquatic OR sediment) AND (photodegradation OR phototransformation

377 OR photolysis OR “indirect photolysis” OR “hydroxyl radical” OR “singlet oxygen”) NOT

378 (photocatalysis OR catalysis OR catalyst OR photocatalyst OR photocatalytic OR catalytic OR


379 Tio2 OR “titanium dioxide” OR charcoal OR bioremediation OR bioreactor OR synthesis OR

380 “activated sludge” OR biochar) AND 2000/01/01:2021/03/23[dp] AND (english[Language])

381 Total from Pubmed after de-duplication was 367.