MARCH 28, 2021

  Pastor Weekend Masses  Rev. Thomas B. Shepard  Saturday Vigil: 4:00PM (Winter) or 5:00PM (Summer)  Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00AM Director of Music Ministry  Anna Jedd  Daily Liturgy  Monday  Thursday: 8:00AM  Director of Faith Formation   Sacrament of Reconciliation Wanda Mascola   Saturday: 3:003:45 (Winter) or 4:004:45 (Summer)  Coordinator of Spiritual Care or by appointment Maryjane Calladio  Secretary Debbie Benham  Bookkeeper Karin Fuchs   Maintenance George Blake  Lou Luskay    Office Hours  Monday Friday  9:30AM  2:00PM   Address 733 Oxford Road, Oxford, CT 06478  Parish Office: 2038882382 Parish Hall: 2038880837 Fax: 2038815518

 Email: [email protected] Website: OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD  MARCH 28, 2021

MONDAY, MARCH 29TH Lenten Confessions: 6:00 PM (Church) Community Life: 6:30 PM (Church Hall) Sunday, March 28th   WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31ST 5:00 PM  (Vigil Mass) for all de- ceased members of the ZOOM  Wednesdays With Wanda Storytime:  St. Thomas Ladies Guild Grades PK4: 6:00 PM | Grades 58: 7:00 PM

7:30 AM for Ed Slonina  2nd Anniversary FRIDAY, APRIL 2ND (requested by The Slonina Family) Lenten Confessions: 4:30 PM  5:30 PM (Church) 9:00 AM  for the intentions of St. Thomas Parish Family 11:00 AM  for Geraldine Hawks In Our Prayers (requested by Cheryl Walsh and Family)   If you would like to be prayed for or have a loved Monday, March 29th    one who would like to be prayed for, please call Debbie in the parish office at 8882382 and let 8:00 AM for Edward Spruck  1st Anniversary  her know. This week, please pray for all those (requested by St. Thomas Parish) who are ill in mind, body or spirit and all those  who have died.  Tuesday, March 30th  8:00 AM  for John Bogucki Please Note:  Names will appear in the bulletin for 4weeks and then (requested by Cheryl and Family) removed unless their name is resubmitted by calling the  Wednesday, March 31st  parish office. Using this method we can keep names  current. Thank you for your cooperation. 8:00 AM  for Mary Giancarli (requested by Liz and William Giancarli)   Readings for the week of March 28, 2021 Thursday, April 1st   Sunday:  Mk 11:110 or Jn 12:1216/Is 50:47/Ps 22:89, 7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper 1718, 1920, 2324 [2a]/Phil 2:611/Mk 14:1N 15:47 or 15:139 Visits to the Repository until 10:00 pm Holy Thursday Monday: Is 42:17/Ps 27:1, 2, 3, 1314 [1a]/Jn 12:111  Tuesday: Is 49:16/Ps 71:12, 34a, 5ab6ab, 15 and 17 [cf. Friday, April 2nd  15ab]/Jn 13:2133, 3638 Wednesday: Is 50:49a/Ps 69:810, 2122, 31 and 3334 [14c]/ 3:00 PM Proclamation of the Passion Mt 26:1425 4:305:30 PM Confessions Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:13a, 6a, 8b9/Ps 89:1, 23,  34, 56 [2a]/Rv 1:58/Lk 4:1621 7:00 PM Way of the Cross  Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:18,  1114/Ps 116:1213, 1516bc, 1718 [cf. 1 Cor Saturday, April 3rd  10:16]/1 Cor 11:2326/Jn 13:115 Friday: Is 52:13N53:12/Ps 31:2, 6, 1213, 1516, 17, 25 1:00 PM  Blessing of the Food [Lk 23:46]/Heb 4:1416; 5:79/Jn 18:1N19:42 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass Saturday: Vigil: Gn 1:1N2:2 or 1:1, 2631a/Ps 104:12, 56,  10, 12, 1314, 24, 35 [30] or Ps 33:45, 67, 12 13, 2022 [5b]/Gn 22:118 or 22:12, 9a, 1013, Sunday, April 4th    1518/Ps 16:5, 8, 910, 11 [1]/Ex 14:15N15:1/Ex 15:12, 34, 56, 1718 [1b]/Is 54:514/Ps 30:2, 4, 7:30 AM for The Lapinski Family 56, 1112, 13 [2a]/Is 55:111/Is 12:23, 4, 56 (requested by Son and [3]/Bar 3:915, 32N4:4/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [Jn Daughter) 6:68c]/Ez 36:1617a, 1828/Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3, 4 9:00 AM  for the gifts of the Holy Sprit in kindness  [42:2] or Is 12:23, 4bcd, 56 [3] or Ps 51:1213, to others 1415, 1819 [12a]/Rom 6:311/Ps 118:12, 16 17, 2223/Mk 16:17 11:00 AM  for the benefactors, living and deceased  Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 3743/Ps 118:12, 1617, 2223 [24]/Col of St. Thomas Parish 3:14 or 1 Cor 5:6b8/Jn 20:19 or Mk 16:17 or Lk 24:1335 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD  MARCH 28, 2021

JESUS’ PASSION AND DEATH  The last story hour Mrs. Mascola will host on  ZOOM for the Lenten season will be ... Palm/Passion Sunday, which we celebrate this week, Wednesday, March 31st  begins Holy Week. Palms are its symbol, the leafy 6:00 p.m. for Children in Grades PK-4 branches that citizens of Jerusalem broke off trees and 7:00 p.m. for Children in Grades 5-8 waved to welcome into their city. In its liturgy for Registration is required - Contact Mrs. Mascola Sunday, the Church first reads this peaceful Gospel and then follows with the Passion story. Before Mass, we Grades PK-4 Grades 5-8 bless palms and celebrate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Meeting ID: 818 0428 2140 Meeting ID: 865 2370 6215 During Mass, we read the story of Jesus’ suffering, hu- miliation, and Death. When we participate in the reading TAKE IT TO of the Passion, it is hard to say the words, “Crucify him.” WONDER THE QUEEN: It reminds us that we all choose to sin and that Jesus by R. J. Pelacia A tale of Hope loves us anyway. He loves us so much that he died and One book will be by read in sections rose for us and our salvation. over the entire Josephine Lenten Season. From earliest times, Christians remembered Jesus’ last Nobisso days by visiting the sites and remembering the happen- ings at them. Our Holy Week liturgies allow us to jour- ney with Jesus through the last events of his lifeNhis  with his friends, his Passion, Death, and MOST Scholarship  Resurrection. In worship, the word “celebrate” means to  remember and make present in story, actions and sym- The Men of St. Thomas (M.O.S.T.) is bols. Visit to read this pleased to offer scholarship opportu- Sunday’s Scripture. nities to high school seniors who at-  TǘǟǥǗǘǤ ǟǖ ǤǘǕ WǕǕǛ tend St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Oxford, CT. When have you gone along with the crowd, even when Scholarships will be awarded to applicants who you knew it was not the right thing to do?  have demonstrated the most outstanding combina-  tion of academic excellence, community service, FǑǝǙǜǩ DǙǣǓǥǣǣǙǟǞ church service, and school citizenship. To qualify  Who walks with Jesus to Jerusalem?  for this scholarship, student applicants must plan to  How does the crowd of people in the Gospel  continue their education at an accredited institution welcome Jesus?  in the fall of 2021 and submit an application and  What are some things that happen to Jesus  supporting documents to St. Thomas the Apostle during Holy Week?   Church by Saturday, May 1, 2021. Application  FǑǝǙǜǩ PǢǑǩǕǢ We want to choose you, Jesus! forms are available in the church vestibule and Show us how to do what is right, even when others want online at the St. Thomas Oxford website http:// us to do what is wrong. Amen. 

Pray for Our Troops

Dear Heavenly Father, Hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need.

Please stop a moment and say a prayer for our troops (land, air, and sea). There is a sheet in the vestibule to sign for your loved one who is in the military. PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD  MARCH 28, 2021


 Community Life will be passing out Easter Eggs with  slips for items needed to donate to Spooner House,  St Vincent DePaul, BHcare and the St. Thomas com- The SeymourOxford Food Bank is in need of the munity. We will collect the items on 3/203/21 and following items for APRIL. Please drop off in the 3/272/28 to package up and deliver on Monday 3/29. church vestibule. All items are $1 $3 and anything you can give will be  appreciated. There will be a collection box in the    Ketchup Oatmeal Canisters vestibule. Thank you for all you do to help others!     Mustard Popcorn Sleeves   Pancake Mix Rice Pouches   Pancake Syrup 

Thank you for helping us stock the shelves. St. Thomas Book Club  April Meeting  St. Thomas Book Club’s April book selection will be:   “Treadmill to Oblivion”  by Fred Allen  2021   Archbishop’s  We will be meeting through ZOOM on:  Annual Appeal  Tuesday, April 6th    6:30 pm  It is important that when you give to any charitable organization, you are confident that the funds re-  ceived are being used wisely. Be assured that your If you would like to join us, please gift to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal supports the contact Maryjane in the parish office. ministries and programs indicated in the 2021 Appeal literature! Organizations such as Seymour  Oxford Food Bank, Carolyn’s Place (Waterbury), St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop and Food Bank (Derby), Little BEREAVEMENT GROUP, SPRING 2021 Saints Daycare  Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Waterbury) right here in our own communities re- St Thomas Parish of Southington will be offering an ceived funding from the Appeal’s Vicariate Outreach online bereavement workshop using Zoom meetings. Program that makes a difference in the lives of our The New Day process consists of nine facilitated local neighbors. Please visit the Appeal website at online workshops, and the spring 2021 group is being to learn more and formed. The first meeting will begin Tuesday, April 6 at make your gift today.  6:30 PM. To enroll, or for more information, contact All funds contributed to the Archbishop’s Annual  Deacon Vinny Raby by phone 8606289425 or Appeal are used exclusively for the purposes out- email[email protected]. lined in the Appeal literature, which can be found at No Appeal funds are ever used for legal fees or settlements.  DAYTIME Monthly Bereavement Meeting InPerson Tuesday, April 13th  1:30 PM  3:00 PM The Parish Office  Reservations Required. No walkins accepted. Participants must wear mask. will be Closed 

 RSVP by 4/9/21 Good Friday  Contact: Maryjane at 2038882382 ext 104.  (April 2nd)  PRAYER  BEFORE A CRUCIFIX  [In this week, Christians call HOLY, the Church invites us to meditate and reflect on the power of the Father’s love for us in the Crucifixion of His beloved Son, Jesus. We are called to spend a few quiet and contemplative moments alone, looking at the image of our savior on the Cross. And you may conclude this exercise with the prayer below…..]  Dear Jesus, I cannot properly know how to share my feelings when I gaze upon the image of your death on the Cross. There are mes in my life when I feel the pain of abandonment, and fear, and wonder if anyone cares. But then I stand below your cross, and I try to fathom the limitless love you have for me, and then I know there is someone who cares for me, above all others. I wish I could do the same for you Tbut I am weak. And then I hear your voice whispering to me by my name:  I DO LOVE YOU, AND IF YOU WERE THE ONLY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH   I WOULD DIE FOR YOU AGAIN !

REMINDERS ABOUT HOLY WEEK IN THIS TIME OF THE PANDEMIC  Although there is some leeway regarding protocols in Connecticut, Saint Thomas the Apostle Church  Houses of Worship, must follow these requirements: LENTEN and HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE

  All parishioners must wear masks indoor the church Mondays of Lent  Liberal use of hand sanitizers should be used 6:00 p.m. (Confessions)  If you are not feeling well – please stay home   Stay six feet away in pews from people with whom you do not live with Palm Sunday, March 28  Communion is single file – row by row 5:00 p.m. (Saturday Vigil)   No singing during Mass. 7:30 a.m. | 9:00 a.m. | 11:00 a.m.

It is our hope that we shall have LIVE STREAMING at one Mass on Palms to be distributed a er Mass Easter Sunday via Facebook and the Parish Webpage.  Holy Thursday, April 1 7:00 p.m. (Mass of the Lord’s Supper) LENTEN FAST and ABSTINENCE Guidelines  Visits to the Repository unl 10:00 p.m. From earliest days of the Chrisan church, bapzed Chrisans and those pre-  paring for bapsm have observed the disciplines of fasng, almsgiving, and Good Friday, April 2 prayer in preparaon for the celebraon of Easter. Roman Catholics are asked 3:00 p.m. (Proclamaon of the Passion) to connue this form of preparaon with the following guidelines. For reasons 4:30R5:30 p.m. (Confessions) of health and wellRbeing, observance may not be required by some.  7:00 p.m. (Way of the Cross)  ABSTINENCE from meat is observed on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and  all Fridays of Lent by Roman Catholics 14 years of age and older. Holy Saturday, April 3  FASTING is observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by Roman Catho- 1:00 p.m. (Blessing of Food) lics 18R59 years of age. On these days, one full meal and two smaller meals are 8:00 p.m. (Easter Vigil)  permied.   Easter Sunday, April 4 Some have also adopted the custom of a Paschal fast on Good Friday unl the 7:30 a.m. | 9:00 a.m. | 11:00 a.m. Easter Vigil in the evening of Holy Saturday. Roman Catholics are also encour- aged to aend daily Mass, observe selfRimposed mes of fasng, and increase generosity to local, naonal, and worldwide forms of almsgiving. 203-881-1780 MILLER - WARD Brookside Inn KOSTKA ELECTRIC, LLC EARTHWORKS BUDDY’S FUEL LLC Sunday Special FUNERAL HOME EXCAVATING & LANDSCAPING INC. Serving Valley 260 Bank St., Rte. 67 , Seymour Full Course Dinner Oxford, CT • Lots Cleared • Foundations Dug Over 30 Years Carl J. Miller III • Kurt Miller • Grading & Driveway Installation 95 Residential • Commercial • HVAC Furnace, Hot Water Heater & $17 Building • Remodeling • Hauling Fill, Top Soil & Gravel 203-888-2021 • Septic Systems: Sewer & Water Installations A.C. Service & Installation 231 Oxford Rd. 203-888-2272 John Kostka Serving the Catholic community of • Drainage Work • New Road Construction Tank Installation CT ELC.0125759 & HIC.0555572 St. Thomas the Apostle Mark E. Oczkowski 203-888-7779 203-888-2319 TENDER YEARS TOO! Hine Bros. OXFORD PHARMACY Child Development Center FULL SERVICE MOBIL STATION Anthony Bartholomeo, PD A Heating and Cooling Company Sales • Service • Installation Karen Hummel • Teresa Paternoster Gas • Diesel • Propane • Kerosene Joseph Livolsi, PD 2 Lounsbury Rd. Co-Owners/Directors Car and Truck Repairs • Wrecker Service Frank Diaferio, PD Oxford, CT 06478 203-262-6426 67 Main Street South, Southbury, CT ph. & fax 203-828-6389 100 Oxford Rd., Oxford email: [email protected] [email protected] 203-264-8251 Jonathan Toigo, Owner license # SI 393209 41 Poverty Road, Unit 76G, Southbury, CT 203-888-4567 Village Fabric Care Anthony V. Chepulis Funeral Home EXPERIENCED ELECTRICAL Premier Wine & Spirits Funeral & Cremation Services SERVICE AT REASONABLE CO$T Full Service Dry Cleaners & Laundromat 47 Washington Avenue, Seymour, CT Mon-Thurs: PEDRO J. FERRER, OWNER Shirt Service, Wash, Dry & Fold Laundry Service Email: [email protected] 203-888-3812 Fully Licensed & Insured Suedes & Leathers • Fur Cleaning/Storage (203) 267-1111 9am-9pm LIC#E1-0200850 Coin Op Laundry • Alterations • Shoe Repair Fri & Sat: Serving the community since 1960 Wine Tasting Every Saturday 1-7 • Beer Tasting Every Friday 2-7 9am-10pm Licensed Directors: Anne R. Chepulis 203-888-5098 • 10% OFF Any Service with Ad Paul N. Warren, Ph.D. 203-733-3310 • 845-913-5175 KLARIDES VILLAGE Southbury Plaza, 100 Main Street North, Southbury, CT Sun: 10am-6pm Funeral Assistant: Joseph J. Rogalis

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Attorneys At Law Ralph E. Hull Funeral Home - Hull Memorials BROOKSIDE MEMORIAL THE ALBINI FAMILY FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY Fran Teodosio “HONORING THE CATHOLIC RITE” Teodosio Stanek, llc 161 West Church Street Seymour, just up from the Seymour Library 481 OXFORD ROAD, OXFORD Franklyn E. Hull CFSP & Jane M. Hull CFSP 200 Benson Road, Middlebury, CT 06762 881- 3600 “Serving As We Would Be Served” 203-888-2538 Visit our new website: 203-577-3333 •

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Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Thomas the Apostle, Oxford, CT 03-0975