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1936 The olC lege News, 1936-11-11, Vol. 23, No. 06 Students of Bryn Mawr College

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SIX PROFESSORS GIVE Getting Jobs Needs COLLEGE CALENDAR Editors of 'Lantern' "Holiday" Selected ed CURRENT EVENTS TALKS . I Definite Technique, lVtdnudoll. November ll.-CoI­ ,r an d By arslty P ayers lege Council Meeting. Miae P aised W:ttn V -- While Mr. Fenwick i8 away on hia Says Mrs. Gilbreth Park's house. 6.30 p. m. I d Cap atid St ories From "School and Shop" South AmeriCAn diplomatic mission, An Bells Th1t,.,d(i�, November 12.-A. S. --- . the weekly Current ,venta lecture. U. meeting. Common Room . Considered Examples of Good \ Increasing Opportunities is Sees win be given by various me mbers of Play SophisticateCf Comedy 8 p. m. Workmanship <' . In Non-Productive Fields SatuTda.v, On Pre.Depression Troubles • November 14.-Var­ the faculty, each ot whom will lpeak Such as Stores sity hockey game verna Phila­ Idle Rich BOCK'S PLEA ENDORSED on a alnlle topic of contemporary in- Of --- delphia Cricket Club. Lower terest. Durin, the pl'flsidential cam- POTENTIAL WRITERS hockey field. 10 a. m. (E'ptciallJl co"tribut�d b" Karl T. REHEARSALS ALREADY SUMO", palrn, domestic questions naturally , MUST SEND MATERIAL November llii.-Jamea Andeno?t.) WELL UNDER CONTROL _ G. McDonatd will apeak on ovenhadowed foreign attairs; 'tut now To attempt at one turn --,- _ E Itr 0 'P. Q,1l Realignment.. of the that tlntry In po.t.-election TlI.e Dtun.erv. November 6. An � the co ia tbe Rehearsals are well under way for preas to con e a map.zine notor ou. Deanery. p. l doldnim., ft .eema appropriate ability to do work of high quality,a 5 m. to give Holwav, the comedy by Philip Barry lVedn"da�, November 18.-Paul for Its "pu ,aloot ucetieilm " into . readinesa more attention to torei,n problema. h' h V to work hard, and the po er H aur d wll' I k lpea on U" r w IC anlty PI ayen and H averford _ a journar the diacussion of real ot adaptability are the moat dellrable PJ'i-RorM'lt.tiqu. d. 1110 For this re.aen, the serlel will in- Cap and BeUI are giving aa their tall affairs is a Id step. For havinl • �'Abb. Prevost. clude four JecturQ foreign and qualities for any type of vocation, Goodhart. on play. A notoriously aueeeqful pro. taken that step the editon of the 8 . 16 p. m. two on domeatic aubjeete. The time . said Mn. Gilbreth, in ber Informal La t , d uellon, it waa "Tit produced on Th.ursday, Novembu ll,-Var-- n .... thuat. be commended. But will continue to be Tuesdays at 7.30 heell Broadway in 1927, and treats of the speech to the seniors and a few grad- p. m. and the .peaken have sity and aecond team hoekey they must also be warned. For in re-deprel8lon troubles of the Idle rich. uate at.udenta. Opportunities are 0 inltructed to clolM promptiy at eight games venus U·DIven I ty f making 80 revolutionary a chanae Th e d'la 1 ogue 18' awif t and lOp hi stlcated sec steadily increalina now, elpecially in Pennsylvania's first and - o'clock. The pro 8'..... &m as arr&nged i.s they court two great daneen. There and the' problems are not eoeial but "non-productive " fields 8uch as per. ond teams. Lower hockey .. tollows: � Is, first, the risk that fervor will get personal. field 4 p m November 10-"The Elec'lon In sonnel work, which hal had to be cur- ' ' The entrance of the "ane4 of one D�. AIice Solomon will the better of skill. The editors will RetrospecL" Mr. R. H. Wells. tailed in past years. Now many large of their daughters into tJM life ot the Social TVo,.kers not find it easy to remember and to November 17-"Spain Today." Mr. speak on I w l-establia ton t l1� b in stores are eager to take on new peo- Have KJlOWI1. Social Econ- . E. Gillet. � ;.� :: : � � make the contributors remember that J aut a con I tween . e lead . 0 pIe, and there are great possibilitiea omy Seminary. 8 p. m. ,' •• November 2�'Thf U 'ted Fro t wr,',,'ng, no mo"- w", , I boat, ; Linda, the older girl, and the rest SatuniaJl, In November 21.-Var- ... ,.. European Labor." ;'. rs.1 M. . the f • for working to the top, if one is pre- is still writing, and that it mUlt be of amily. Linda' .tster;- Julia, Smith. pared to lead a hard and demanding aity hockey game venus retums from a to Lake Placid done carefully. Second, there Is 'the December I-tiThe New Ruuisn life at first. Merion Cricket Club. LoWOI' engaged to Johnny C ..., an attrao-- dangt!r, both reac an hockey field. 10 a. m. , herous d·lmml-· Con8titution." Mr. H. A. Miller. -There is a definite technique which r _ tive young man who i. determined to p nen, , ath , ' In encouraglDg"h e uu ?L-- December P--"The - can be used in for a job, and One- ct playa. Goodhart. President's So lead a Ufe entirely different from the tent in ita the 8.30 p. m. etrort to "encounter cia! Security Program." MilS Rertha it i. a good idea, If possible, to •"ain _ __ Seton's. He wants to "retire young Sunday, deepa n ed th h'a�u" peepI e WI'II f O·a·"· Kraus. Practice by .�ndlng,> a few day, dur- November 22. Rev- and work old," and has no deaire for R th e neceash"' � f'or uncompromising December l�"The New Canstitu- I ..... vaca,,'on In be,'ng ,'ntel'Vl'ewed erend enry P. Van Duscn wealth as an end in itself. Linda ia IS too good critiCism., , 'T he new po I'icy tion of India." Mr. W. R. Smith. for one ,'ob or another even if one ,', will conduct chapel service. completely in sympathy with hi. de- a one t0 M ic p. be a 1I owed to d rl.'ft H ence not re&dy to take the work. Poise Ul Room. 7.S0 m. n- aires .nd promptly faU, in love with the apparent harshness of the ease IVou7l'. eauay,•. Novem be r 6 . - HAZARD TO LECfURE and of manner are e.aentia!,and 2 .. him. Julia, on the other hand, di ... begins. m 1 which f lIo . one ahould &,0 to an interview with a Thanksgiving vacation a;� � : ON L' ABBE PREVOST covers t.hat ahe cannoL underatand him e center 0 t e current isaue Is list, either mental .or actually 'On 2 4 p at all, which discovery gives rise to ,--_�' ��, =-:6 �,�m =''-______-l given over to four articles letting - paper ot all one'l auets. An inter- Paul Huard, wh0 18' l0 I,ec ure h ere a further .., of compl,'ca"'on,, The NUCLrUS HEARS TALK forth the platforms of as many po- viewer uaually wiahe. to know a out c. on Novem be I' I'8, 11 ..,pne 0f Bryn pI ay end s h appl'I y, but h t e ao iliu on I.' b I litical ,roups. I cannot give them ON F LM DEVELOPMENT not an obvious one. the background and experience ot an much praise as examples of thinking. Mawr's favorite speaken. This opin- two sets,both interiora, applicant, and many things which - ion ia refteeted in his own France, There are U1UIergrtui'U4te Room, November Democrats may be pleased to learn, 10. the most popular lecturer of the Seton's establi.h- aeem unimportant may be exactly the however, that despite the careful where he was sort of thing which is needed in the -At the first afternoon lecture meet- at t.he Sorbonne. From there he was ment; the decor i. of the Stanford Nucifma, .i1ence of the party on the matter, pOlltion. One 'muat be ready to �Il ing of the campus camera called to the Col1�ge de France, and he White period. The two scenes are the administration really haa the been enerat each e1tl'1l r. W lter erehanp prof Bar- eontra.ated with other, fol" the of �eutar ...cthitI", "'the lan� organiutian, -H & Michels constitution in mind and il prepared has spoke to a small but enthusiastic of Chicago and first Is the richly paneled living room, guagea one ill familiar with, and to to favor a "clarifying amendment" vard, the University group on he Theof'JI and Pnu;ti.ce o f whose furnishings diacreeUy exude answer pleaaantly all questions, t ( 4) l Columbia. He waa the second Flex- evelo p. 1 . They may be re ieved to know D pmen.t, outlining the principal ner here. honored wealth, while the second aet I. laid whether or not they may sound im- alao that Mr. Landon talked about lecturer HarvaTd methods, and concluding his talk with the decree of in the children's old playroom on the ..,Pertinent. An interview is always a the constitution only to fill up the him in September with an actual demonstration. tor of top floor, the only rootll of the hOUlJe, helpful experience. time; his rea] worry waa only the Ooe Laws. a� field is that of com- according to Linda, in which any one Secretarial work, an end in it- Following the lecture a short busi- extravagance of Mr. Rooeevelt. Mr. Hazard's ness meeting was held,at which Mar- ) bo parative literature, especially in the haa ever had any fun. Haverford self, or .. an entering wedge, is inter- (p. 19. Every dy will be ,lad to will he is extremely cooperate with the staging of lhe eating and as a fteld Is not too garet McEwan, '39, waa elected know that the Democrat.a have a way Italian field, and Italy. His chief work, play aa .....ell as with the acting. overcrowded. Teaching should be con- tary-treasurer. The possibility of to increase foreign trade while at popular in in 1985, is La Crise The cast follow.: sidered as a life-work, and not merely using a 'foom in the basement of Tay- the same time earryinr ou� the great which appea1'ed de In Conacipce Among Julia Seton ...... Edit.h Roac .as a last resource. Here one's non- lor for developing and printing is Republican desire to protect. thor- Europietut,. is the �hufes aur MG- Henry, the butler ..... Tillman Saylor academic interests are important and being investigated. oughly the domestic market. (p. 18.) his other books Nucleus tlon Leltctlld, and he will present in Johnny Case ...... William Clark a girl must face real competition from The next meeting ot the tn the Socialilt ranks the company is lOme new material Linda ...... Isabelle Seltzer active young men who are making has been tentatively set for Novem- more discriminating. The author aees hi. lecture here the author of this delight· Ned Seton ...... Crosby Lewla teaching their chief interest. Appren. ber 17, at which time a demonatration at least, a few of the detect. and concerning century novel. He dc� Mr. Edward Seton ...... Amos Leib tieeship Is valuable training, to ease of printing will be given. The mem- deficiencies in the platforms of the ful eighteenth paper on t.he occa- Seton Cram ...... Daniel G. Santer one into the work, and to give one hers of the club have decided to meet "capitalist " parties alld she is not livered the same Harvard Tercentenary, Laura Cram practice under the moat favorable con- on alternate Tuesday., inatead of afraid to mention �ne or two of the lion of the where it had great succeu. The aub- Mary Hinckley Hutchings Continued on Pace Five weekly as was at one time planned. evasive tendenies of Mr. Thomas. Un. Pri-Ro'Mn.tlquf de 1110: Suaan Potter ...... Olga Millle.r (p. With the Communists dia· jed is ' R bert M BIrd 24.) r o N I k Pter O ..A;b �b�i��p�i �,; �.�,, __ Billet Doux Cause Breathless Silence ' lectic is dead. The new Communilm -::=_ :-:-....:._ __C _�o= __�. _,_, ,, ,_,_, _._'____ _,_ ___ . --::-: �� _ . f ut (American model) can work in a �B T' n ten S wa more Among Parttclpants' 0 Scavenger Ur capltali,'lc Irame, and I, can find the ryn Mawr les U bea rth;ng oI Marx for charging Inter- Team, Season's Most ThrillingGame GVnLJlUlUfl''' Novtmtb",. 1. - The that universal je )Ie aau quoi. (But eat on loans to farmen who ufely 2-2, in e scavenger hunt,given by the aenion this column does not prof .. to be a may be allowed to own privately their ) bt pro-- In the most exciting game of the In the middle of the half Bennett W&I court of love. One freshman cer­ land and other inltruments for the freahmen, not only 8UC­ past the goalie who tainly put away her pride when sho duction. (p. 26.) hockey season, the Bryn Mawr Var- shot a nice goal cellful but revealing, mainly ot t.he meet her. We were: produced a letter which ended "to th(l Now political platforms are no lity tied Swarthmore, 2-2, thereby had come out to The question waa, ove letters, but alao ot freshmen in· girl who smiled in vain." Another great credit to the intellect.; they are winning a great moral vidOry, sinee again ahead. the lead'!' There were genuity in deceiving the judges. more flattering version of the same only vote-getting inalrument.e. It is the Swarthmore team up to that time could we hold to play. Nine teams ot six fresbmen slarted ia "to the girl on whom I Imiled in inevitable that the writera presenting had been undefeated, untied and atill ten minulea E. Jackson, followed by the rest o'r from the Gym at 8.30 Friday evening vain." the several platforms should be com- scored on only once. forwards,rushed an­ and returned at 9.30 with a ral'fl .. The judgcs deemed t.hat one or the pelled to sacrifice intellect. My point Five minute. aCter the opening the Swarthmore shot into the goal and the ICOn! sortmcnt of God'. creature8 and manu­ best displays,for "the funniest thing" is not, then, that they do the job whilUe Weadock, our right wing, other Either team could factured objects. was t.he minor in which they were badly, because with one exception dribbled the ball from the firty·yard was tied again. see n win with some eight minutH leet t('l The list of miscellany waa devised supposed to their own reflection8. they actually do it well. My point. ia line to the shooting circle, found by Elizabeth Wuhburn, '87, and The idea itself ia not very original, that the whole matter might be at-- hole in the op»oling ranks and shot play. r made a last valiant a committee. The judges who exer­ but the judges liked the principle of tacked differentl�. It is our partieu· the ball through it into thc goal. It Bryn Ma",' acore, but the Swarthmore cised their jurlsdietion altruistically the thing. Another entry in t.hil cla81 lar privilege to be able to view affaira was a difficult shot to accomplish, but threat to held her ground and the final wel'fl Mill Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. was a youthful village pickaninny through the eyes of a student rather the t.iming and angle 9f direction were goalie 2-2, an ending which sat· Max Diez and Mr. Watson. dressed in a gym luit. He was em­ Conllnued on Page Four 80 perfect that the ball went into thc acore was Bryn Mawr Iympathizers be­ The period devoted to the -reading of barrassingly noncommittal even with gonl &Imost untouched by the oppan· isfied PROTEST SENT BY A, S, cause it had been brought about by the love letter. 'Was worth the whole the refreshments. U, ent.a. The halt ended with Bryn Mawr Common Room,· Novemb",. playing on both aides. Bryn evening. Each team was obliged to Beaide8 letters, funny thin,. and S.-A let,. in the lead, 1-0. brilliant W88 functioned AI a formidable bring a billet doux, preferably genu­ hairs,night watchmen in flannel pa­ ter was formulated at a meeting of In t.he second half our goal Mawr unit. Not only wa. there eoopera· ine, and the denizens of the Gym were pamu and foreign fl&gs, one the A. S. U. to be sent to Nicholaa threatened more t.han In the firat on the tion among the fOrA-arda, but al.!lO be­ breathleaa. Unfortunately names which was white .with a swastika Murray Butler, president of Columbia period. Once the ban faltered twee.n Lhem.aelve. and the backs., wore scratched out 10 that there ill painted on il Thl. WM nat allowed Univeraity, a. a protest on the Bob edge of the white line, finally deciding it. &mOng whom Bright and Norria were no reference on hand for the follow­ because it was "synthetic." There Burke case. Thi. deal. wlt.h the ex­ to roll out of bound.. However, outstanding. ing "beat b1urb " of the eveaing.: "It were aeveral small live dep, includ­ pulsioD of a student who spoke waa not long befol'fl E. Jackaon, AI and center for- The spirit of the leam, in othu waa .um wicked fun, you delightful ing a letter for "exotic contrut." In against Columbia's repre.entatloD at Swarthmore'. captain ... as conaiderably W&rd, wu rushing the goal to tie thf' Swarthmore gamu, aeducer of suaceptlble men." The general the pieturH of hUe SeIUllie the 600th AnDiveraary Celebra\ton of than better usual. Milht it be due to French "Urtl d'aftM)ll r lOunded more and Mahatma Chandi depleted the Heidelburg Univenity. The A. S. U. acore, .. qtun time. the rallying effl!6 or an audien� or a like a mkl college man w� subjects as fooUoI'fl and worn. The throu,hout the COUDtry I. campailn­ The gallery waa wild by this to encoUT8lfllhe play� _ beP. had various maJe conlin- cheering section had 0" takea French thaD a wicktd "long-handled .poon" wu a ing for hia reinstatement. Swarthmore teentl tome­ to to have bad ___ gents scattered over thl!!' iidelines e.n! ThiA ltl'el�..--.. 1Mr.-� JIffiI que .-. Thl. Thun.cIAy the A. S. U. will ... YOUI troa VOQI .. root we too ..... tAi to do with It, bowewol' .mall a ..... qaelqu'un , don- The group which won the ftrst pnse have u gUHt Iq)a.tae Carloa March, 'for them. but hM it played. .... toaI I'...... YoaI 1M YOCIIes rec:eiftd a buket of fOl"tJ'..ebn ad ... Coboa _, bus aupport !rom """'n oftIMpart ...... _ .... will opak 1tJae..p ..... I) ... me . 'l'Id8 ucerptIaeb the boobIea ... _ doll., ...... ta. ;. a • ....ronl at_, bod7, -. 1'... Twu THE COLLEGE NEWS

. T",! ( THE COLLEGE(P'ounded In ltU) NEWS Tryouts for the. Editorial The Students Speak: Board of the College NftlJl are due on Thulillday, Novelnber �2, at fh'e'"o'eloe'k, For'" aU Informa­ tion. _ Bel",- Rook 10. a IqJfo Member lOJ1 Below appear two letterl from I �nt which ruulte from defeal ••n i", who have had difftcultiu with I month. of hard work hal a still high, why not carry It further �fte� rut J:\ssocd9d Coleei'+>Press 11 the oral. 'Yltem and who feel . eft'ect on the of one'. and try a new Iyltem, and a more ef­ Th. OollQ"tI N ..... 1I ruDy prot.cted by copyrlcht. Noth1nc thal apJ)M,ra In It � be ,..prlnt� .Ither "holl)o or In p&rt. ",Ilbout wntten pvml .. lon of 01. It dQel not bring the detJired i and inevitably penneala all ficient one, of giv i ng us a "Reading J:odltcw·ln-o.let. Thie il only one aide of the aetlvitlett, The Orall are nol Knowledge" of French ,.,,f Germanf :�h� Newl Ihould like to hear ...... ;I. most important part of a Bryn • Ht1XL&Y ...PaLY, '37. , Editor-Vt-Chie(, Lucy KJ Ha.&N 87 �UI � FIBHD., (I) the Dean or a member of �e Mawr education and they should not Newl Editor German department on what the v"�_ � allowed to have the unhealthy in- UGHTING I!RESENTS JAN& IMPSON . their unfair conditions E. S , 'S7 propoae to do and wherein liea elr fluence that IMMEDIATE PROBLEM strength; (2) a member of the � _ justi6ed reputation have given Edt.... __ • C EL&A.NOI BA.1LCNSON, '89 A8BIIl INGALLS, '88 ulty in the oaciepce ..and another.," ..:.111. ALl ., KINO, '87. JeAN '89 1"' To the Ewton ot the Collllg. N KAaGDV C. HUTlUN, '88 MOUt:LL, the art or archeology departmenta, '. T',m.'. Book, a, ita main leatures. � �:II �:��� W! " v written��:i to �:� .� . � ;� and "A. J. elarlr .. r. i. . . M. Elki"s- The 23 Is A De non-l"eside:nta who attended uthority on Foreign ingly enoulh, the. may had the eollege for their hOilpitaUty. Co ••• E. S. Ballard ... v. the dinner last Wednesday in the R la ns '2.25, a 60 cent reduction under La"'�"�·1 e tio The captain of the Scottish team S. Wilson . .. .. l. i. .. E. ' Gallagher Common Room we:re addrened bJ' year , price. writes: "We were all charmed ..•.• Belin ...... l. w M. Tucker Mary Ellubeth Reed, '37, on the sub-- AcrIVE IN PEACE WORK The boolu, ,,!hich with. the college and juat apenl •... �)'t::;� S. William r. h ...... E. Tilden jed of the Le:ague Summer Camp at ltted on May l, .....i11 ·have ...U new thli!l d. &,01 from one enjoy' for Stewart.; Bryn Mawr: Hoaglan� Avalon, .1 New Jeney. A ahort buel-. campul photol well 8S In.pahoLa. able thing to . ther, although Jamea "D. McDonald. noted author- for S. Wilson. neaa meeting, pre,ided over by Lu- If any student hal good pietures of the best part of t eVjllIing in ity OD foreign atrain and former Re!cree....--Mrs. Smythe, Mrs. Tur- cille Ritter, '37, followed Eliubeth the Fiftieth' Anniversary Celct,ration, Goodhart Hall was when we man. League Reed', talk. of Nations High Commissioner y Day, Litlle Day, Last Day Ma May cou'd breathe freely and relax .. Colwell ...... e. h.. , J. Kenworthy •••••••••••• tor (;erman Refugees, will speak 1 ,. in of Cluate, Lantern Night, or ot to watch the of Ma18nall ..... I. h. .... V'. Stewart -1 the Deanery, November 15, at flve senion, the committee would the other C. Norria . .... r. b . .. J. Hopkinson SEVILLE THEATRE ate the loan ot these. It II easential, BRYN MAWR, PA. o'clock. Mr. McDonald II now aseo- Gratwick ...... I. b. M. Rosengarten New York •. however, that they be clear and date .editor of the Time Beck ...... g. .,.... B. Reigel I print.. -Goals. '# n addition he il boldioe office as The assistant edt'or wre : Substitutions-Blacks: C. Wetherell M lvyn A.tor and e vi ce!prelldent ot the National Coun- Lyle Betty Anne S£linwn. To supp!emenl the- moral victory �iI for the Prev,ntion of "r, hon- Hemphill is in charge of �e lut Saturday, the Second Swarthmore Game Lineup anet Phe p ot and hoekey team through RYN MAWft SWAJlTHMORJ; orary chairman of the Foreign Policy l i i photogyaphy, came with B Auoc' l' • Lucy Kimberly of lub8Criptiona. more substantial victory la Ion' membe f th Comm - . . . . r. w. . ...A. Lapham . I ' I.. Alice King Is bu,ineJla Blacke Ilnd Manhe\m Monday lion on n rna lona·1 J u& .t·-� ,'n'd ..... r. i ...... E. Stubbs .. " JI,;n. Ham, advertising AlthougH many of the D. Good-Will of the Federal Council of I ...... c...... d' en' and Margaret Houck, assistant playing out ot their usual Cburc hes, an rueteo 0f the A m - OV��'�::s I ..... I. i . ...E.Ja ckson-· . tilling mana�r. . , 'hey did as well all some can Council of the Institute of Pa- ...... I. w...... M. Loe",,,' : .. la Peggy Martin, . 1 ciftc Relations and of the Twentieth ra...... r. h.. ..A. WI,;" plays in the backfield, \I :' I' ' ! ANTHONY d ', ' " :: vo:,I'�.-, � �:: Evan�: s..... c. h...... J. Kcllock ury un . ,a paelties in ���j .. F d;fferen' I ��Of I at right wing. I � A W YNE THEATRE In 1919 he acted as co-organizer ot � 111 ac ted, Mr. McDo��nald ���: I ;:::,:�reg::tU Evans...... 1. h.. ...V. Newk'' k ;�� ' ����: .The score was tied at the end �� WAYNE, PA. ; the Foreign Policy Asaociation over unique opportunitiell to become r. b...... E. M rrl8 ft rat hell, but at the end of " Wh' Ie h he prt!tll'ded as ch aI· ,man fo, ml'liar with the working of the : � i ...... l. b...... A. Warren W.dn ..d.y Nov.mtt.r 11 0 ;;;;:' d we emer&,ed victorious 14 yearl. D'urlng M r. M.D. naId' s f Nat'on, and wl' ,h the gove,nm:::��.nt:a : '��J: Smith ...... g. . , ...J. Rutlt'ton Otto Kl'ulller c I o[ 2.1. A. J. Clark tcored "LADY OF SECRETS" extensive travels in Europe, Russia, ,f Europe. I :� 01'; ::;:':.;,:, , ;,:,, AIM .ANK NIGHT gOllls with short, hard shots, �;� \ U ' d ;,;.;,;,;:';' Chin : •• So th A merica, a an Japan , he He ,tudl'ed' as a fellow,hl'p ",ud.,n' FOUND! ::::� IIIThUrtl., FI'I S.t. Nov. 11 1S, 14 ' It is significant to note that we has met Iea dl'nr pe'80n,II'tl" of 'he from the Univenity of Indiana I to Problem Glnlll.1' ROlli.'" F,..d A.tolrtl tied this team three weeks ago, on S:Jlutbn Gih , world, including Adolph Hitler, Be- and Jater filled October 21, with a final score, 1-1. nito Muuolini, Aristide Briand, David tenching appointments at THIi BRYN MAWR MOlt ot their former playen were "GORGEOUS HUSSY" Lloyd George, Edward Benes and �l'dcliffe and Indiana Univeraity. GIFT SHOP Jo.n Crawford Franchot Ton. here this week. Outside ot that tied Eleutheria, Venl:r.eIOl. Because of s a native of Ohio. �me, the Second Vartlitv hall won


"C£"lll�TlO" eo" (ormeDla.I I.. ."" aUt digeltlon ina-tPCS here 'fhat'l � tOO· r e t "fo C mell h lP a • . • • a.k ' Camels increa.. dillestive activity ­ I e digestion I " d SM OKE CA well.belnlllM C eI s uro encouralle a ..nse of L arn ID\o-.e d .cler· ( eals aD 109. n 'VJlTH healthy nerves and good The Bow of digestive Bu.ids. 50 vital d whenyoU d. An _ war digestion, you fe el on top of to proper nutrition, is speeded up. . ed_YOU .'" W ue UI . "Ii(t" with the woeld. When yousmoke Camels Alkaliniry is increased. You get g refruh,o I tel a e I with your meals and after, Camels more good fr om what you eat. CaIDelt. C O\ right. help in twO special ways: Tension For an invigorating "lift"-for yOU is lessened and Camels promot, matchless taste- and "(or diges­ digestive well-being. tion's sake" -the answer is tbe same: So enjoy your Camels between Camels. Camels set you eigbt! And courses and after eating. SUa1n easet. they don't get on your nerves.

AFTD THE GlEAnsy FlNIIII UNDER nRE IN GOLFING HISTORY:Tony Manero gcu ICt fo reat. ing by Imoking Camels. The gallery weot wUd wben Ton, Manero ICored a Ipectacular282-" ItrOkeSunder the record-towin Ibe 1936National Open Golf Tournament. In ,pile of Ibe loog grind, Tooy'. digestion stands T y bims.eLf • the stnin. on 0,,:"'For digestioo', sake -.moke Camel.I' hiu the ball 00 the note. I enjoJ' m, (ood mote­ have a (e eling o( ate-when I enjoy Caale.lJ with m, meat..CamelJ let me rigbt."

AI..l,...AItOUI ATIIlETE,ROIlTDAS. Mi.. MaryCartu18,.. :"Since I've learned how pleasantCamelJ make my mealtime, J wouldo't he wiibou.t them. Camels are mild -neverget DO my ne:rYa."

HOLLYWOOD RADIO TREATI c:..-.I aa--aea brigfOIl• PULLHOlm'S ENTDTAJN. "INTI a. .. , Good••• '• .. ..,...... _� SrolI·. CUM Murpby '''' IOWUIL Johnny Cooc.n �HoItpwooII JaYS: "Sm� Cameb atfliter mealsaod o...... -.t •• penH .... worb OUt I'Wdl illmJ'cue. Camebbe:1p pnalMal T..-,-9:1O ... Ahet • III_ aodCamels, UT.. a:so ,. c.s.T.. 7:)0 .­ mr dlaadoo- IL1.T .. 6:)0 p. P.LT.. _ I _ bod< ODd..JJ,Iife,. 6jo, YAK-CebpNa"- .... �

• .... Four , THE COLLEGE NEWS artist. ""v.h a •burning inexhaustible ' Thr PrrsiJr,,'- pau:on for .rtittle'�1'Ut.ion.... Yet, Editors of 'Uftler,,' COrTect;on T e N.",. reg Attended a meetJnc of the In ,!Ie end, I eanno' help fearinll>that Praised and Warned h ..... that in 'he a,- WIT. ':: ___ tiele on the exhibition of paintings Exetutive Committee of the it. i,almost impouibleto write a com- I J � � I) . O�. ______iasue_ Dem pJeteJy utietying play on the Iile of ____ ConUnue4 (rom Pac". ... by Mr. Albright in week's ocrati,c Women'e Luncheon L ..! certain Club Phlladelphl. on Thun­ Poe. . . . The monotonoul 1t8yne.. I The Personal PerqTinationa of AI-I than thON of • vote-snatcher. Let uaterneota ..-ere, wough • 10 stake in copyreadinc,falsely attrib- aiy, November 5. of ht.-.!oom �rh.PI requtres the gemon -Swinbume Stapleton�Smith. othera amuse -themHlvn with making greatat of dramatic poetry totrive it or l08t In a London Fog. poor plat.forma plausible; we can uted to Jean Lamson, '37. The origi- Spoke. on the day, at a the proper sbee effee1ivenep, Miu tackle problema and seek solutions. nal materia l and criticism in the ar- tea at the Irwin School, opening Chapter th.. Tnth the drive for a fund to purchase Treadwell, bowever, has written ' a Introducing Reginald. We do not need to apologize lor old ti cle .was submitted by MiN Lamson, to but, n the course of the propertyon which the schOol study that is invarlab!; dlgnlfted and July foun\f Algae and bis mother rickety platforms; we. can try t copyreading and frequently Impreaaive.. staying In a beautiful Norman cll8t1e make new onea. It is our fortune as corrections, her critical cO'Q'lmenta etandl. Itudenta to be allowed to evaluate were apparently misinterpreted. The ______on the east coast of Ireland as gueats \....::=::� J I platforms In the light Of principle. following communication from ,Miss Faculty at lArge ABROAD A �f a young Irish peer and his mother, Lamson correeta them: T Q E whom they had met in London early Thie, I take it, I, no more than en- Mr. Blanchard, of the Department H M doreing Miu Bock's moving plea for "The writer's phrase 'violent abll- of Biology, spent the summer in the . in the Spring. The flrstday of their intellectual re.pons ity to laboratory at Harvard Univenlty do- Two morningsa weekt he LancasterI arrival Reggie (their host) led Algae ibility al against Ipeak for themselves' (the pic- tng research work on the function of Pike in RoHmont Is overcrowded with on an inspection tour �f thecastle and Mise Dimock's implied advocacy- turell) wall tranlliated a. 'violent 8el1- .low-moving · traffic. When invellt;'" grounds. The great hall of the first playful only--of the simple view. exprenion.' Wherea. the latter the adrenal cortex. The latter article might well serve as phrase haa a dubioue Mr. Crenshaw, of the Department car. reveal huge market baa- Roor WIl8 the size of Algae's whole meaning, iI any CIted, flat in 4...ondon. Slained glase win- preface to ,the four potitical plat- at all, the writer meant 'to convey by of Chemlatry, ia aupervialng an in- ketlalttlng sedately in the rear seat, folms. The former, by comparison, the former phrase that unlike vettlgation of th! compounda of or buahela of applell rolling around dows let in the only light, SO tha� mOllt - ill a declaration of ortginal right. contemporary art, these paintingll of beavy hydrogen. on the Roor. All of which leads up Algae found it rather gloomy. urge e\leryone to read it again. IvanI Albright'e cahnot th:!re on "That unicorn coltchant with the be judged ac- Mr. Cope, also of the Department to tpe fact that i. the Pike Concerning other feature. of the cording to previously conceived art� of Chemiltry, wa. enlaged In re- a Lancaster Farmen' Market which three running lamba and the blue !.a t venture ­ chevron is the coat of arms of my n ene J only a word be- concepts. Rather, they have a singu tearch on ""the,preparation of blologi- is open every Wednesday and Satur- cause I feel nQ. lurther qualified. lar power of directing your attention eatly aetive 1:Ompoundi in cooperation day from 8.00 a. m. to 7.00 p. m. mother's family, the Fayrweather- The three "stories" from School and to them, and of demanding that you with the reaeareh laboratoriel of On these days members of the faculty haughs," remarked Reggie, pointing Si o are excellent. They set a endeavor to understand Sharp and Dohme. He attended the may of�n b3 aeen calmly waiting for to a particularly handsome window. l p what they not fall meeting of the Anltlrican C�emi- la big, burly Pennsylvania Dutchman "What is your mother's like?" sta�d�rd of . workmanship bardly you, have to offer. This impart's to achIeved by MIN Fox in her traftqer eal Society in Pitt,burgh. or a comely Mennonite maid to sell "My mother was an American," laid S them, by contrast to the majority of Withi Thll �d by Miss Good- 'm�ern" art an almost Hancock, them some food. The place haa end- Alga�logetically. � Gate� � 'violent ability Mias Evelyn who received man In her C.1I1ba COl'lltlrvatiOrl leN possibilitiel for exploration, and "Oh," said Reggie politely. n to speak for themselves.' her dbetor's degree In June from the COI'V" These last, however, deal University of illinois under Prorellor the most we can do is point out a "What ia your family name!" asked with elemente more "Finally, the laat sentence 'just 81 William C. Rose, haa been appointed few articles which caught our eye. Algae, changing the subject. subtle and far long as one cannot be indifferent to Down the center aisle, on the lel� Reggie grasped at the con versa-more difficult to handle. To say that them (the paintinga) it Is necessary to the at.aR'of the Chemistry Depart- the point or the Stranger rem ment in capacity of Research Aa- hand side .. you enter, Mra. Bough- tional straw eagerly. He hastened to ains a to 'give them due consideration,' which the.. IiUle clouded and that the C. C. C. is was slltSnt in Organic Chemistry. Mill man offers to the public cinnamon explain that hill full namCl was Regi- a bit uneven in Rnish is only to qua- not in the original article at all, buns and cinnamon egg rollll at for nald Fayrweatherhaugb Rainbcau; iJ it says .nything, wrongly places an Hancock'a appointment was made 6 Algae had known him only by his Iify a general approval. Approval of emphasis on the sensational quality poasible by a grant supporting re- 15 ceRtI, while Edwin H. Chew, on Quistgaard's the immediate right of the door, title, Lord Mounteverest. Miss review of Mre. of Mr. Albright'a paintinr that would seareh in the Department of Chemia- Wooton's Pl n No P an likewise, shows you delicioul candy and fudge, lilt must si mpH.(y matters awfully a or l , be but a cheap contribution to his try on the Iynthesis of biologically to be a commoner," remarked Reggie, is only qualifled and not reversed by real merit as an artist." aclive materials. the latter at 50 centa a pound. U suspicions of overstatement. Mias Woodworth, of the Depart- the eye is capable of discerning pos- u" emocrab'caII y. said airily. It wal never my duty to read the ...M��:;;--::::::- I 70/ll rT.l=,.::-=---' frienJ, ., 11I� ment of English, attended a confer- aible taste, these ought to be good. "Oh, frightfully," Algae I :--- ·'Whatever can be the matter, olel old La'lltflNl. I have no basis for Bryn Mawr Confectionery en« on school and college English in On the extreme left of the market comparing . the old and the new. But (Nul 5 I. "''II C Th�.Ur BI tI,.) New York thl. past weekend. there are several curiositiea which lh" m ,..g. ked as Reggle, Wh 0 'notieed rn uvow if aeems to me that the current issue TLrK" - R d 0f t r IIcle Girl. Miu Koller, Departm may or may not inteie:atyou. Hang- Algae ataring out 01 the window open- h Co also of the ent shows of real power. I look Sandwich«.. Oeliciout of English, worked at tbe Huntin-on ing over the counter may be seen mouthed. Tatt,. •• ch ap some- forwardS l�with' much interest to the Superior Soda Service Library in Pssadena dUrin'"the sum- large wren hou&el made out of co- "H aven't I seen that M · 0 n n mer on articles dealing with• alxteenth coanutll, and, which is even more pe_ where heford" stammered Algae. ��e�X' i��U=C ��;:�����;: � u�.�� �.n;a;'�.�l ;,�o .;i';Io;;o ;I�' ;;;; century dictionaries and dldlon. culiar, large oblong faces painted on pointing to a handsome young fellow �-----� ------==� �;� � - the surface of a sldnlell cocoanut. who wa.s strolling slowly through the , I The wren houses sell :for 76 centa; gardens. .. III l a p n ie e , I Philadelphia c ' t t o e se � : �e f:::e; u ;�� " �� t �: �; ::  :�� ��: " MoyieJ th����find things :e:: to br:ighten up your: room sins �on my father's side. Awfully I Aldine: U?tder Your Spell, musical at talented fellow, but a bit bourgeois, \ with Lawrence Tibbett. in the way of plants anywhere d k , . I ' " from 36 cents up, depending on the on " y0 u now. . Boyd: Valiant i. the Word Car- "Not-not the English Horn?" ,,"z /o-r size. Cut flowers are also for sale, Reg- f m' rifl, with Gladys George. - "My dear old chapl",exclaimed I as well as bulbs (nareissus and cro f , Earle: W��i?tg Pre.nt, reviewed cua). It you buy some bulbs now, gie, "you're positively psychic. He's t In last wee k I. LS8�e. really a bloody genius. You'd never f . just think, )'ou may be the Rrst one I Tile lq.k 1t Parade rather Fox: P � �ntinuel. to uy, "Spring'. here, my crocus guess it. His father, who is f t Kal'lten: !tIr. Cinderella, WIth Jack' ted much of a tyrant, is making -him go H aI e)'. sprou thia. morning!' through Sandhurst, but the poor chap ( t Upon I eavlng our newelt d'Iscovery, f I K" ·th''eeJc : C'a.� II-n.d (I AIe, bI revlewe. d loathes the military life. The bugle , we espied not only honey in jars for I n I ..t W • laue. . calls especially get on his nerves. I / t and centa, but also honey 10 oL " h 16 28 nI ey: The C"org• e 0I ",,«I utg t expect it's because he's blessed, or / I 5" teh com,teb h b d est gra e be'Ing onI y , S'"qad e, 'th WI E rro IFI ynn. Ano th er 35 ' rather cursed, as he puts it, with 1)8r- / ' cents. U you mlU your favonte t maRl es.. ,' Ion f IIyVl ood' II oyaI' y , ' . 'I 0 H. 0 I , home bee-hive. , here s away to revIve fcct pitch." / I S' w._ 'he U'Rlon Jac k U. sI ng .....l ennyson s the memory. ------/ poem as a Ipringboard they relorm r a a r sp .' East Lansing, Mich.-" I , hie'ory an� Prellont at�n 'lIinr epee- wh��� :e ;:av . t..� to = ! � State College of the Air" will be a I ..c le. OIIva" ne HaVI lan d seems but we suggest: a:: VISIt � t:o said market�: ��� feature program of WKA R. the col- I I ,uperlluoua, 'he wh', .. man', burden, not 1on f y th or e prosaoc pureh ase f lege radio station, series. Courses, / I Stanton: !Agio" of Terror with � 0 (or which no credit will be gi\len, arc , �ut also for a httle con\ler88- n t t Bruce Cabot. A melodrama based on (�,tlon wl h the farme�a who are only scheduled i Elementary English, stories about the Black Legion. � Farm Accounting, News Writing, I '00 anxIous to explain how Pumper- '1 ViC"wAria: Tio. G,.. -. ... I D'....-d at , Government and Understanding the ,cke I b read d IS ma e, or why such Dawn, reviewed in a previous issue. III . Child. Other programs include talks / ' and such a thmg is better than some- from the State Capitol, agricultural � I th' Ing I e se. programs, nature discussions and I ., Theatrtt in New Yo,'" M. H. broadcasts of all home footballgames. I t Greelt Water. (quoted from the f New York Herald Tribune) "The cur- IN WOMEN'S COLLEGES -(NSFA) I ,t rent of emotions that run through I Bcl," eVlRg tha' 'he ".u ""-�"Ion' 0f so- " thII' ",un t drama .. ' on 'he West I DRAfT VENTILATION I Caut of Scotland are oddly hostile cial regulationin women', collcg, I dance, if one il to judge from the pably propels himself about by vlgor- work. Since the Iinkl between Gridu. literature, and then the third mUit dinnera to givenThe in Radnor rurh to the OUI swoops which we hardly are seldom lupplied in any . follow the development of a lingle during the year. occasionRo,un .. Stickler forWh, perfection though the bow to deaeribe. the undergraduates are being literary genre through the hi.tory of the opening meeting of the , l committee a few mishaps oc- Mis. Comegys, warden ot Rocke- to depend upon themaelves Frt.h'Ch language. Language Journal Club whicb curred. The Howera, instead of theex- feller Han,' 7, received with Lucy Kim- in private reading to obtain 3 However any parate depa t ¥Iected for the subject'of ita . ;n. ;:::� were a little later than bedey, han preeident, and Mary this information. It they have any ae rtme.n '38, 'S9, may go about it., the common purpoee diaculllon, "Spain .. it il today."�� I :�an; d had been barely aetUed Whalen, and Ruth Brodie, the apeeial interut.a to which they rdate the comprehen.ivel II to Uvea Dinner guest. included the �.�: :� th. gu..ta arrived. Then an dance committee. The faculty mem- devoted particular attention, ther into an orpniam that pal apeaker of the eveninr, � : dancer (a guest at ber. present wert : Mr. and Mrs. Karl Iikewiae being foreed. to rely upon mana� :�ged in : :� � ?: their Own Initiative in order to relate the haa of atudentl, an organl.m eph Gillet and Mn. Miu I a fall and quite a .lide Andenon, Mr. and M rs.. Max..... Diez , �n�" l which proportion and logic, wbleb Sweeney, Mill Eleanor M th uti( Ily wax fl . and M . and M .��E�d�'w .�' d�W�. � theie interesu to the general who e. I �be�. ��":U� �����cd���oo�, �����'������,�� _ in tu demand. the use ot proportion �;� �����' Although the compreh fur- rn Margaret Gilman, Miu Berthe a' ensives an for orig and logic in dealing with it. M. Jean Gwton, M.lle.LoerBIlO. Germaine Manning Discusses T wenty Undergraduates niab opportunity inal and Miu Angelina Alt�, 11VI·rs, Purposes of Quizzes Form thinking formerly given only by hon- MADEMOISELLE BREE New Genii Oub ors work, these examinations do not lOmedinner dfteen the group · was augmented an SPEAKS ON ALGERIA additional gueats - M. Lee supplant honors. They �ve .. wide Comm01l ROO1ri, lV01Jember JO.-One ested in hearing the presentation Given to Review A. PowellJ. Elected President, undcrstanding that makei the deep the Spaniah topic. but ncceaarily narrow investigation Material and Test Work Clark Treasurer France'a moet IUecealltul coloniea Mr. Gillet's admirable done by honora studW tll and the Room, -November .... . Mum lpeCialized atudy of advanced coursea was describedr_ moat vividlyreguI by M ot the background that helps 5.-Taking Bryn Mawr has been slng;_g Ger· far more signlfl.cant. In almoat every B '- at th e ar meetbeen;.. pret and explain the social and,..� the philosophical view that studenta man songslooet"hostn and apom_g an occasional . ' department it required that one ot ", ng 0(t he F-nch.. I ._ CI"1ft ub . Sb e h a. Iitleal factora operating in P ntl ia . by may be divided into two clalles In pair of tor about as long at a YCue AIgerla (or the day Spain was supplemented the three three-hour examinations SlRte their approach to quiz&ea, those who as we can remember, but the spiril ("our years ah e wa. a grad uate menta Irom Mill O'Kane and with the entire sweep of the sub-- Spa';_ I�h�.v,�en't finished the reading and those of the Tyrol, more robuat than ever aISt B ryn M aWl". II " Harold Wethey who were in 10. Biology hu this requirementi I haven't started the reading, Mrs. thia year, haa Te«:nlly made Ita moat There "(ar more to tb" beau", meets( u when th� revolution began. have chemistry, etOnomica and poli- Manning discuued the puPfthaA.,...... ,.. of concrete contribution to the lite of N0 rth A(r" can "�,provmce "t h an I " O'Kane has been in Madrid for tiel, geology, German, phyaica and l and gave practical luggea- the college in the (orm ot a German cuuaIVI Ito u no... eye. The reg on put two yean teaching in the psychology. In English and in hia- I on how to prepare for them. Club. be d""" dcd nto th ree part.--th e deneia de Senoritas. Mr. tory ot art, there are general exami- cout, The pul"p08e of the mid-semester Spurred on by the enthusiasm modern French town. on the who was marooned in Tarragona, ii nationa also, but they are limited to two-told. In the firat place, It aroused by BUmmer tripa abroad and I """,;" high plateau of the more inland planned to .pend a portion of Deutach#;r Tau, n principles ot style and criti- the .tudent opportunity to re- furthered by the met me and flnally the desert interior, summer in Spain. Mi'U ·� �� lO cism which can be made to apply to it � :��:.the ground covered and to or- twenty under�uatea in lhe o( artilta. The population representative of the I ��: larit' and varied fields. French and . ::I � I her maCerial. This Is partlcu- May Room on Wednesday of lasl i as well into the foreign ele- Day Institute for Girll in Spain, read Italian demand buic linguistic tests i useful for frelhmen who find week to discu88 plansLee for a ' ment, composed of people of mixed cerpta of letterl from friends 37, Greek 8J\d Latin require first of all they "have to put on apeed" In order organization. M. and French, Spaniah and Italian blood, the with different (actionl. '39, a test of knowledge of the language get their work done when they A. Clark, who aided the di- Mohammedans of the towns Of intereat to those unable to J. aa shown in translation. In differ- to college. Its &e Cond purpoae rection of the Bryn Mawr akit given the remnant ot the old Berber the diacuuion will be the waya, according to the different is to allow the student al well a. in Wilmington, were elected president whitch is led by powerful chiefs, books mentioned by Mr. Gillet : natures of their aubjectl, the depart- I. the taculty aIl00 meana. ot testing her and treasurer, respectively. menu aak to be shown that each stu- importan� both rellgioua and novela on anarchism in SpainJ. an� to how she "il getting The club will meet at frequent inter- dent has a grasp of the essential elc- political. In the interior are the lished Sevtn.thia yearRed areSunda.lIt, Ram6n It 18 more lmportant to the stu- "puritans of the deaert," the Moabltes, der's about vals for ainging, dramalica and ments ot her work. dent than to the faculty ause she who have been pushed farther and aetivities of theOlive anarchists Fidd. in he<: formal discussions,AUllflilge, in addition to After thia, what most department. reached can lea from the qui& and correct farther inland until they have celona i and by rn casional when time and require il a more intensive knowledge herself. where water can only be ob- Batel. Three non.fiction books weather conditions permit. All indoor within narrower limits. Each of the by deep wells. There are alao publilhedSpain withinirr. Revolt. the past few In studying for the quiz.zes, Mrs. activities are to take place in a room three-hour examination. may Tuarega, the (amoua deae.rt war- are by HarrySpain Manning conliderl reviewing to be in Wyndham,used where. a piano and vie- deal with a .ingle branch o( the pageimportant than ftnllhing every trola may be tor �he general test. In who alway. walk a10wly becaUAe RevolutUm.and Th6odore and Repa Counter-ret/olutionrd; � Impiies that one il afraid. Sp4?t."1t. of the- r� ing. It be�ter Approximately thirty people, tor example, one ot theae have a general view of the lubJect two examinati ona may be de- France haa made no attempt to con· Edward Conze, and addition to those present at the be- the Algerianl to Christianity, but by E. AlIilOnT01UQ.rd Peers. tA.e Nett) . to cram in a lot of details, which meeting, signified their interest in embryology, the other to hal never seen betore, at the last or10 biochemistry or physi- done a great deal to better living Brandt's 19S3, TM Oriqi,., coming members on slips posted in thepo- m ute. Mrs. Manning at the ology, and on. Again, only one of conditions and to aUay the di.seuea Mothntpubli.hedSpai?t. in and lR reaaed various halls raising the total importance of taking these thin In oo' to fi these need be given to a biological prevalent among the nativeL 1934, by J. B. Trend, " ,. be.tential 60 cent.mem rahip fty. Du,2es5 will ing in are allO recommended you: stride," and advi� particufarly a year, and the par- question, for it is alao permitted that DUKE UNIVERSITY Mr. Gillet as aids in ag�lRst ..taYin � up all nightIi before the ticipation prize awarded to the Bryn the third may deal with10 an allied aub-- q In r d ng couraea lot can be I I SCHOOL MEDICINE the chaotic lituation in present day WI. ea i Mawr group 88in Wilmington will serve jeet if the atudent desires. I Spain. learned by going over the notel the the treaaury a temporary next�gg. chemistry, not only an amed lubject, DURHAM,OF N. C. night before, but In aubject. where a laboratory pertormance is an RADNOR HAS WEEKLY FOllr tor"'o of ol.v.n _ok, Ire gl ....n reasoning is necessary one needs for thia third examination. o,cl'l yo.r. Tllo.. ",oy tHo tlk.n con. " "LANGUAGE T,"IILE.!'" Dr. Fenwick Sails ..c utl... .ly (grldUltlon In til,... end awaken.. of mind in taking the quiz,la Thil i. the most prevalent plan for On'.qulrt.r Yllro) 01" til,... torm, I delay of six hours for this, alaying up all nigbt Alter a hectie the comprehensives, but there al-c ""yb. t.kon Ilch yOlr


ten- Mr. Sprague Approached CRYSTOLOGY IS FIELD MIKADO REHEARSALS WIll a1.. begin abouloth.n, The New OF MR, A, L. ,PATTERSON BEGIN IN [)ECllJ\lIB:EFl :ta::.:g�v.� Hal of mem�ra haa bee. Current E)'ent,� Drama With _ l on the bulletin board in Taylor. (Thi. U 1M third of a ,erie, of in.- The Mile-aM ia the choice of the Iiat of appojntmenta for try. (atea,,*, from Mr. W.UI) Arthur Colby Sp ..gue' , arrival at I �'-. B ou , w"I' be y_.WU next week. - . tenliew, wifA t7teftbtrl0/ the/ ll') Glee Club tor the annual Gilbert l ' 2"M St.ctio. ;. Retro.P'C' Bryn Ma. as AlIOeiate Proteuor In �d Mr. Willoughby will be the con- TaldftC Sullivan production, it waa announced .. -.&. Mr. A. Lindo Pattenon, Mslltant. .tee: .. the ,ubject 0f h' Iecture, U'. English ends a twent.y-year affiliation by Irene Ferrer, '87, preaident. and mUSlca"' d" to r Ior the d p ctions Prote.saor of Ph,sica, finds little di!· production and Alwyne Wen. ilcuued both the redi with Harvard Univf!.nity, interrupted datel of the two performances will Mr. Horace bad been made __.... - '" that ·"e- Iftg the "culty in adaptinr himself to new en· Ap,,'j 23 2',.. � be the director. The bUline&8 and only by two yean .of mJlitary iee and about two w-_1.- eleetion ita actual rewlts. The � • ..i Is Mary SandI, '88. Mem- , Idu,ring the war. M 1'. S prague rvl.'U vironmente in vi-w� of hi, interestin",ly.. earlier than the dates selected .. .. beri ot P .1"' I ' �- c.;u,..,.., ....n...., t poll and the farm " h I he h ad e phia O-.,,�tra both wi th the American FiTat Division and varied resl"d enees In t e paat. 'A t p,ev'"ou, yean .. that ..n, "o" who ...- W'I" P , ay for t,/ . -II. hava fallen very wide of WBJI will be n performances cited for distinguished service In fourteen he left Canada for England, Itudylng for comprehensives the mark, the ftr.t rep ting reMn too action. able to take part. Iar-ft... a perc:entaft-... of people with where he remained until he wal 9f With the end of the war Mr. One of the mo.t familiar of the 1&1'g'e income., the IeCOnd minimidng college age. After graduating from Sprague resumed his Itudiel at Har- famous Savoy operettas, TM Mikado, the IItrength of the Dembc.ratie party ill 01' vard, obtaining his A. B. In 1921, hia McG Un:versity he studied in Ger- the Town. 0/ Titipu is a mijd in rural dlltrlcta. and mor .at,,,.� Smaller e M. A. the followinr year and hb many for a year. on bureaucracy, laid in a municipal localized poU,' were more accurate, Having received his doctorate (rom district of Japan. The main char· aDd Ph. D. in 1925. For the next live yean Farley, who aaid that he would 2 was an instructor in the Depart- MeGill in J-9 8, he was appointed lee- actera in:::lude Ko-Ko, the Lord High the Republieana two ltatea, a - h � p ment of English. Then in 1980 he turer t t"re for the following year. Executioner, Pooh-Oah, the Mikado, . to be the c.hamplon crystal- waa appointed Auistant Profeuor and Mr. Patterson spent next two I'lankl-Pooh, his .on, Yum-Yum, ean at the Rockefeller Institute. Ko'l ward, Katish_, Nankl-Pooh's .. chairlllBJ1 of the Tutorial Board Di- But while Rooeevelt h the larg t Languagea From 1931-1933 lie - lectured at the es vision of Modem . anc6e, Pitti-Sing, a school friend. eJectoral majority linee Monroe in University of Pennaylvania. Rehearsals for the operetta will waa Me. Sprague'l particular abaorp- 1820, the popular vote only in a '0 the Engliah in For the palt three ytars Mr . Pat- gin a week or after T ��'ri tion in drama and been ! ; ratio of about &0 IMr cent. to 40 per hal cloing research in and tryouts tor the specific: ;�: Elizabethan non-dramatlc. literature . eenL What i, mo" MOUI is that analy,is the I booka "Y'"" at. Maasachusette among the members of the Glee .. II evidenced by the which' he party h a majority I nltitute of i, con- c:.u.uN1i AU. the Democratic has published: BtaunwnU undFlft�hf" l Technology. He r------, Congreu which II l r tha any em to investigate the structure in uga n ehe Rsatoratin Stall" an edition NOSSIlAU-Op/ici4ns haa been for a c.onaidenble length- o( SamtUl Daniel', P08fftl aM a. De- organic crystals by means of X-raJ of If'C.,.pltle O" ic fll 1,..,j,,,,iOJJ time. while at Bryn Mawr. Cutte!e CjvJs and Sltakupmre and ,ntH 0/ RlIm. Ikoko. UIlM8 Dupliated The Subbon The Republican party h.. lolt loeal Ut. Audience. In his spare time Mr. Patteson en- offer. lpad0u8 ll'ftnq At present he i. at .. Price. N4IOned.with a creat Many ciliel and liat ning to concert music. Bis LA Qalety'... Itlmule.t1nq JQ,. patronage in work on a volume which will also e ta deatruction of i 01' to 610 unc:uter Av t.,..tIinaplrtnQ and fr1endihiPli Wltb s tes and the ts - with Shakespeare. for skiing seems be the to do M�w, 829 YOW\Q' s the two-party f hi ian und ryn other women who we dJttln­ ganized machine doom A new course, Modern Drama, is C k o S �'::;;��O.,;:�,��a;n� .�d �;:.,;b=a;C �g�r �;�""�" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; QUilhinQ themHITfl in • ..-artety of ayatern. The minor partiel played a ;;;;;;;;;; initiated into the curriculum � c.veera. Bo.rblzon11 The "ool1ec)4lMad­ ...ery unimportant part In the election n ...... Mr. Sprague. His novel and in- RENE MARCEL ; Colleoe Cluba, SWlm.uPn9 and seem to have bct:n pretty well dis- Pool� Court. posed approach to the subject hal , Gymnulum. Squuh Sun. of. exceptionally stimulating and FRENCH HAIRDRESSER neok, Terrlloel, LounQel, Library. The telultl of the election cannot Sprague hopei to develop it Dally RecUala, RedSo in every room. be. 101e1y explained by the fact that ( urther. T� '10111 112 htWMk - 12..Mp.,.Dq the Democratie pa.rty hu spent IUch Perman.ent Wayes 01 Djstinction by tarce amountl ot money on relief. It Write lotM_ aoou.t"C" JEANNETTE'S Messieurs Rene Marcel, Martin Joseph , w.. more IBttaf'aetorily explai1led by and ...... �.-.--.. -- Bryn Walter Lippman', comment that 'to Maw, FiowV' Shop, Inc. vote for the in. when thlngl are going Specidl prius to 853 Lancaster Avenue / FloJtlrT§ lor A II OccaJ;on, F/I 'i' // well and to vote tor the outa when Bryn M4wr ColI.g. Bryn Mawr Ii i ),,//,/' ) . ue 2060 things going badly i. the euence 823 Lanca.e:r Avenue: Bryn Mawr "0 of government.

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