Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1936 The olC lege News, 1936-11-11, Vol. 23, No. 06 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1936-11-11, Vol. 23, No. 06 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1936). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews/574 For more information, please contact [email protected]. • • VOL. N NE MAWR XXIII, TIlEo, 6 BRYN MAWR AND WAYNE, PA, WED sDAY, NOVE,MBER 11, 1936 ::Op,.rl&'bt BRYN PRICE IrqlNTS .. COLLEGE E IU, NCOLLEGENEWS. WS SIX PROFESSORS GIVE Getting Jobs Needs COLLEGE CALENDAR Editors of 'Lantern' "Holiday" Selected ed CURRENT EVENTS TALKS . I Definite Technique, lVtdnudoll. November ll.-CoI­ ,r and By arslty P ayers lege Council Meeting. Miae P aised W:ttn V -- While Mr. Fenwick i8 away on hia Says Mrs. Gilbreth Park's house. 6.30 p. m. I d Cap atid St ories From "School and Shop" South AmeriCAn diplomatic mission, An Bells Th1t,.,d(i�, November 12.-A. S. --- . the weekly Current ,venta lecture. U. meeting. Common Room . Considered Examples of Good \ Increasing Opportunities is Sees win be given by various me mbers of Play SophisticateCf Comedy 8 p. m. Workmanship <' . In Non-Productive Fields SatuTda.v, On Pre.Depression Troubles • November 14.-Var­ the faculty, each ot whom will lpeak Such as Stores sity hockey game verna Phila­ Idle Rich BOCK'S PLEA ENDORSED on a alnlle topic of contemporary in- Of --- delphia Cricket Club. Lower terest. Durin, the pl'flsidential cam- POTENTIAL WRITERS hockey field. 10 a. m. (E'ptciallJl co"tribut�d b" Karl T. REHEARSALS ALREADY SUMO", palrn, domestic questions naturally , MUST SEND MATERIAL November llii.-Jamea Andeno?t.) WELL UNDER CONTROL _ G. McDonatd will apeak on ovenhadowed foreign attairs; 'tut now To attempt at one turn --,- _ E Itr 0 'P. Q,1l Realignment.. of the that tlntry In po.t.-election TlI.e Dtun.erv. November 6. An � the co ia tbe Rehearsals are well under way for preas to con e a map.zine notor ou. Deanery. p. l doldnim., ft .eema appropriate ability to do work of high quality,a 5 m. to give Holwav, the comedy by Philip Barry lVedn"da�, November 18.-Paul for Its "pu ,aloot ucetieilm " into more attention to torei,n problema. readinesa to work hard, and the po er U" w h'IC h Vanlty PI ayen and H averford H aur d wll' I lpea k on a journar r diacussion _ the of real ot adaptability are the moat dellrable PJ'i-RorM'lt.tiqu. d. 1110 For this re.aen, the serlel will in- Cap and BeUI are giving aa their tall affairs is a Id step. For havinl • �'Abb. Prevost. clude four JecturQ foreign and qualities for any type of vocation, Goodhart. on play. A notoriously aueeeqful pro. taken that step the editon of the 8 .16 p. m. two on domeatic aubjeete. The time . said Mn. Gilbreth, in ber Informal La t , d uellon, it waa "Tit produced on Th.ursday, Novembu ll,-Var-- n .... thuat. be commended. But will continue to be Tuesdays at 7.30 heell Broadway in 1927, and treats of the speech to the seniors and a few grad- p. m. and the .peaken have sity and aecond team hoekey they must also be warned. For in re-deprel8lon troubles of the Idle rich. uate at.udenta. Opportunities are 0 inltructed to clolM promptiy at eight games venus U·DIven I ty f making 80 revolutionary a chanae Th e d'la 1 ogue 18' awif t and lOp hi stlcated sec steadily increalina now, elpecially in Pennsylvania's first and - o'clock. The pro .....8' &m as arr&nged i.s they court two great daneen. There and the' problems are not eoeial but "non-productive " fields 8uch as per. ond teams. Lower hockey .. tollows: � Is, first, the risk that fervor will get personal. field 4 p m November 10-"The Elec'lon In sonnel work, which hal had to be cur- ' ' The entrance of the "ane4 of one D�. AIice Solomon will the better of skill. The editors will RetrospecL" Mr. R. H. Wells. tailed in past years. Now many large of their daughters into tJM life ot the Social TVo,.kers not find it easy to remember and to November 17-"Spain Today." Mr. speak on I w l-establia ton t l1� b in stores are eager to take on new peo- Have KJlOWI1. Social Econ- . E. Gillet. � ;.� :: : � � make the contributors remember that J aut a con I tween . e lead . 0 pIe, and there are great possibilitiea omy Seminary. 8 p. m. ,' •• November 2�'Thf U 'ted Fro t wr,',,'ng, no mo"- w", , I boat, ; Linda, the older girl, and the rest SatuniaJl, In November 21.-Var- ... ,.. European Labor." ;'. rs.1 M. the f • for working to the top, if one is pre- is still writing, and that it mUlt be of amily. Linda' .tster;- Julia, Smith. pared to lead a hard and demanding aity hockey game venus retums from a vi.it to Lake Placid done carefully. Second, there Is 'the December I-tiThe New Ruuisn life at first. Merion Cricket Club. LoWOI' engaged to Johnny C... , an attrao-- dangt!r, both reac an hockey field. 10 a. m. , herous d·lmml-· Con8titution." Mr. H. A. Miller. -There is a definite technique which r _ tive young man who i. determined to p nen, , th a, 'I n encouraglDg"h e uu ?L-- December P--"The - can be used in loo.onl for a job, and One- ct playa. Goodhart. President's So lead a Ufe entirely different from the tent in ita the 8.30 p. m. etrort to "encounter cia! Security Program." MilS Rertha it i. a good idea, If possible, to •"ain _ __ Seton's. He wants to "retire young Sunday, deepa n ed th h'a�u" peepI e WI'II f O·a·"· Kraus. Practice by .�ndlng,> a few day, dur- November 22. Rev- and work old," and has no deaire for R th e neceash"' � f'or uncompromising December l�"The New Canstitu- I..... vaca,,'on In be,'ng ,'ntel'Vl'ewed erend enry P. Van Duscn wealth as an end in itself. Linda ia IS too good critiCism., , 'T he new po I'icy tion of India." Mr. W. R. Smith. for one ,'ob or another even if one ,', will conduct chapel service. completely in sympathy with hi. de- a one t0 M ic p. be a 1I owed to d rl.'ft Hence not re&dy to take the work. Poise Ul Room. 7.S0 m. n- aires .nd promptly faU, in love with the apparent harshness of the ease IVou7l'. eauay,•. Novem be r 6 . - HAZARD TO LECfURE and of manner are e.aentia!,and 2 .. him. Julia, on the other hand, di ... begins. m 1 which f lIo . one ahould &,0 to an interview with a Thanksgiving vacation a;� � : ON L' ABBE PREVOST covers t.hat ahe cannoL underatand him e center 0 t e current isaue Is list, either mental .or actually 'On 2 4 p at all, which discovery gives rise to ,--_�' ��, =-:6 �,�m =''-_______-l given over to four articles letting - paper ot all one'l auets. An inter- Paul Huard, wh0 18' l0 I,ec ure h ere a further .., of compl,'ca"'on,, The NUCLrUS HEARS TALK forth the platforms of as many po- viewer uaually wiahe. to know a out c. on Novem be I' I'8, 11 ..,pne 0f Bryn pI ay end sh appl'I y, but h t e ao iliu on I.' b I litical ,roups. I cannot give them ON F LM DEVELOPMENT not an obvious one. the background and experience ot an much praise as examples of thinking. Mawr's favorite speaken. This opin- two sets,both interiora, applicant, and many things which - ion ia refteeted in his own France, There are U1UIergrtui'U4te Room, November Democrats may be pleased to learn, 10. the most popular lecturer of the Seton's New York establi.h- aeem unimportant may be exactly the however, that despite the careful where he was sort of thing which is needed in the -At the first afternoon lecture meet- at t.he Sorbonne. From there he was ment; the decor i. of the Stanford Nucifma, .i1ence of the party on the matter, pOlltion. One 'muat be ready to �Il ing of the campus camera called to the Col1�ge de France, and he White period. The two scenes are the administration really haa the been enerat each e1tl'1l r. W lter erehanp prof Bar- eontra.ated with other, fol" the of �eutar ...cthitI", "'the lan� organiutian, -H & Michels constitution in mind and il prepared has spoke to a small but enthusiastic of Chicago and first Is the richly paneled living room, guagea one ill familiar with, and to to favor a "clarifying amendment" vard, the University group on he Theof'JI and Pnu;ti.ce o f whose furnishings diacreeUy exude answer pleaaantly all questions, t ( 4) l Columbia. He waa the second Flex- evelo p. 1 . They may be re ieved to know D pmen.t, outlining the principal ner here.
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