Renaissance Comes to Rice Charity Drive Begins March 19
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AN ALL-STUDENT mis NEWSPAPER THE NEW DR. CHILLMAN: STUDENT SENATE A PROFILE SEE PAGE 4 I F IRE SEE PAGE 5 Volume Forty-Six—Nuber 21 HOUSTON, TEXAS FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1959 DeZurko Talks on MEMORIAL TO CANCER VICTIM Renaissance Art Composition Dr. E. R. DeZurko of the Charity Drive Comes To Rice Architecture Department will talk on "The Idea of Composi- NEXT WEEKEND, Friday and Italian Renaissance," "Drama as tion in the Arts" Tuesday, Saturday, March 13 and 14, Rice Offering: The Princelye Plea- March 10, in the next of the Begins March 19 will host the eighth annual sures at Kenelworth Castle," and College Lecture series. The lec- By BILL DELANEY South-Central Renaissance Con "Textual Degeneration of Eliza- ture will be given in the Jones ference of the Renaissance Soc bethan Plays." College commons at 6:45 pm. The G. F. Alsbrook memorial charity drive will be iety of America. Also "The Rise of Medical Sci- held on campus Thursday and Friday, March 19 and 20, DR. CARROLL Camden is ences in the Renaissance," "The under sponsorship of the senior class. chairman of the program com Representation of Mystical Im- Students, Faculty The M. D. Anderson cancer research program will be mittee for the Conference, which age in Renaissance Art," "Re- the recipient of this year's fund, it was decided at the will have speakers from all over naissance Bibliography and Bibli- To Show Off Art Student Association meet- the country as authorities on the ographies," "The Development of Students and faculty members ing Wednesday. Renaissance. Elizabethan Separatism," "Pri- may start now to bring their vate Law Theory — the Stuart Public To See Named by this year's seniors in Mr. J. D. Thomas is chairman original art work for the annual honor of the outstanding athlete of the arrangements committee, Era," "A Midsummer Night's student-faculty art exhibit, which Dream: A Metamorphosis," and and member of the class of 1959 which is composed of Rice faculty will be held in Fondren Library Beauties Chosen who died last fall, the campaign "The Dual Authorship of Henry The 1959 Campanile Beauty members. Dr. E. R. DeZurko is March 16-31. will be conducted as a senior class VIII." Selections which are open to the in charge of fine arts; Mr. Wil- Work in all media — painting, project as in previous years. Jack public, will be made this coming liam S. Mackey, Jr., business ad- The Rice Glee Club will per- sculpture, sketches, mosaics, Pietri is general chairman. ministration; Dr. J. E. Conner, form and the Rice Players will mobiles, photographs, etc. will be Sunday, March 8, at 2 pm. The On the two designated days, Dr. J. E. Parish, and Dr T. N present "Gammer Gurton's accepted in the music room of judges for this annual event will contributions will be taken up in Marsh, English; Dr. E. H. Phil- Needle," for the Conference, the library any time between now be Vikki Raines, modeling in- classrooms, under direction of lips and Mr. D. L. Bilderback, which will be open to students. and March 14. structor at the Mary Beth Mc- Noel Willis. Persons interested history; Dr. Hardin Craig, Jr., All sessions will be held in the The exhibit will be held in Donald Modeling Studio; Pete in assisting in classroom collec- library; Dr. Guy Johnson, mathe- Lecture Lounge of Fondren Li- the second floor foyer outside Huff, Student Association presi- tion are asked to contact Willis. matics; Dr. Arthur E. Hall, brary. the music room. dent; Bob Contois, I.C.C. presi- music; Dr. Konstantin Kolenda dent; and Mike Reynolds, Cam- Over $1500 was collected in last panile editor. year's drive, according to Pietri. and Dr. Niels Nielsen, philo FACULTY'S NEW FACILITIES sophy; Dr. F. V. Shelton and The contestants will be judged Alsbrook was a former all-state Mr. E. H. Shreffler, romance on beauty, poise, personality. football performer at Ball High languages; and Dr. J. W. Rogers, Selections will be held in Ham- School in Galveston. As a fresh- science. COHEN HOUSE RENOVATION man Hall so that large crowds man, Alsbrook copped the South- There will be six sessions in may watch the spectacle. Every- west Conference 220 yard low the Conference. At these sessions, one is invited to observe the hurdles crown and was consider- those interested in any phase of ADDS SPACE, CONVENIENCE selections. This invitation is ex- ed a top threat for conference honors. He lettered in football at Renaissance life will be able to By MARJORIE TRULAN years old; he wanted to do some- tended by the whole Campanile hear the following lectures; staff. The whole school is wel- Rice his sophomore year, starting KEEPING PACE with the rest thing to mark the event. Discus- "Holy Light in Paradise Lost, come, and in fact is urged to over half of the games at the of the new developments on the sing the matter with Dr. J. Wil- right halfback post. He is sur- "The Concept of Man in the Rice campus, remodeled Cohen attend, for this is the first year lis Slaughter, then head of the that the public will be allowed vived by a wife and one child. Spanish Renaissance," "The House has been formally opened Lawyers and the Church in the department of sociology, and Dr. to watch the contest. : O for the use of faculty members. Edgar Odell Lovett, then presi- Fortv-two finalists were cho- The new addition to Cohen £•• * House along with its furnishings dent, Mr. Cohen realized the sen last fall by the males on SLLS To Hold AT THE COUNCIL was made possible by Mr. and need for a faculty building on campus. Mrs. George S. Cohen, longtime campus. The senior class nominated benefactor of the Rice Institute. IN 1927 Cohen House was con- Lin Davis, Harriet Hokanson, County Fair In Petitions Due The original building, which was structed—the °first building to Pat Ivy, Natalie Loehr, Jeannette constructed in 1927, was also the be erected by private funds other O'Brien, Sammie O'Kelley, Rilda RMC March 12 By March 10 gift of Mr. Cohen in honor of than those of the Rice family. Richardson, Sandra Schlafke, Students will get a chance to his parents and was named Rob- And at that time, a faculty club Ann Stephens, and Tommie Lu show off their pelvic coordina- ert and Agnes Cohen House. on the campus and owned by the Storm. tion, their accuracy at 'beaning' For Rondelet APPROXIMATELY university was a n&'w idea. Mr. The Juniors selected are Chris profs, or culinary skill at the By LESLIE ARNOLD 6,500 square feet has been added Cohen and his father were made Brewer, Ellen" Cartwright, Joy SLLS County Fair, Thursday, to the original 7,100 square feet honorary members of *he Faculty Renter, Mary Lacey, Marilee March 12. It will be held in the IT WAS announced at the Stu- of floor area. The entire build- Club and the 1928 Campanile May, Beverly Montgomery, Mar- Student Center basement from 7 dent Council meeting that the ing has been air-conditioned, and was dedicated to him. gie Moore, Charlotte Reeves, Bar- to 10 pm. Executive Committee of the Fac- the old portion hag„ been re- Many years later, having bie Scott, and Annette Wickei\ A hula hooping contest, cake ulty .feels that we still don't real- decorated to harmonize with the noticed the tremendous growth of Sophomoi-e finalists are Jane walk, bean-a-prof, dart board, ly understand the meaning of the ned. The result is a comfortable (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 6) fortune teller and ring-a-coke Social Ruling. The Social Com- atmosphere that retains the are among the many attractions. mittee of the SA and two mem- traditions and dignity of the Fac- bers of the Executive Committee A freshman chorus line and the ulty Club. Eighteen ceramic me- will meet later this week to dis- Gene Swilley Combo will head- dallions by Mr. McVey.'a former cuss the matter in detail. line a Side Show featuring "real Rice student, portraying Dr. Lo- THIS YEAR'S charity drive talent." Ann McNeil Goldstein vett and Dr. Houston, among will be for cancer research at will sing, Charlene Prescott Will others', will be placed around the M. D. Anderson Hospital. It was do some acrobatics, and Judy dining room. also decided to give the gift in the Pauley will dance. Tom Evans THE ADDITION to Cohen name of G. F. Alsbrook, a Rice will also sing. student who died of cancer last House means that 350 people can Dinners-for-two, record al- summer. He would ha^e been a now be served where only 50 bums, theater tickets, and a could be * accomodated before. grand prize (formerly a radio) member of this year's t senior class. The approximate cost for the new are several of the profusion of facilities and furniture is $260,- SEVERAL different charities gifts that will be awarded to win- were considered, including Texas 000. ning raffle ticket holders. These Childrens Hospital, Schriners MR. COHEN'S interest in Rice tickets, which cost 25 cents, will Hospital, the American Cancer began with the student body and be sold in the Student Center Society, the United Fund and athletic program, and he financi- lounge and by members of the Gonzales Warm Springs Founda- ally assisted the budding Physical SLLS. tion. It was finally decided that Education Department. He has A cake-baking contest for male the M. D. Anderson cancer pro- been one of the contributors to chefs only will be judged by fac- gram would be the most appro- and has served on the loan com- ulty "connoisieurs." Deadline to priate recipient because Alsbrook mittee of the Rice Institute Stu- submit lea gateaux is 6 pm, was a victim of cancer.