SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 94th ANNUAL MEETING May 3-5, 1998 (Monday-Wednesday) Northwest Rooms, Seattle Center Seattle, Washington, USA For Current Information: WWW: Email:
[email protected] Important Dates Program/Abstracts on WWW: March 15, 1999 Hotel Reservation Cutoff: March 31, 1999 Preregistration Deadline: April 16, 1999 MEETING CHAIRMAN MEETING INFORMATION Steve Malone Meeting Committee University of Washington Ken Creager, Bob Crosson, Ruth Ludwin, Tony Qamar, Bill Geophysics Program, Box 351650 Steele Seattle, WA 98195-1650 Email for general business and info: ssa99@geophys. Telephone: (206) 685-3811 Fax: (206) 543-0489 Email:
[email protected] Registration Information The registration form is in this issue of SRL on page 194 and EXHIBITS is available via the WWW at ssa99_Reg.html. Ruch Ludwin, telephone: (206) 543-4292 Fax: (206) 543-0489 Meeting Location Email:
[email protected] The meeting will be held in the Northwest Rooms at Seattle Center, adjacent to the Key Arena and a shorr walk from the PROGRAM COMMITTEE Space Needle and monorail terminal. The icebreaker on Sunday evening will be held at the Best Western Executive Bob Crosson, telephone: (206) 543-6505 Inn. The luncheon, at the Space Needle, will be held on Email:
[email protected] Tuesday, May 4. Ken Creager, telephone: (206) 685-2803 PLANNED SCHEDULE Email:
[email protected] Sunday, May 2 Registration: 4:30-7:00 PM, Best