B”H The Weekly

Parshas Toldos Chabad of Beverly Hills Vol. 19 Issue 6 Friday, Kislev 1 5776 / November 13, 2015 409 Foothill Rd. Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Candlelighting In this week's portion, Tol- not well-versed in Torah Chabadofbeverlyhills.com (Los Angeles) dot, we read of the birth of Esau knowledge or the practice of Yosef Shusterman 4:32 PM and Jacob, Esau's sale of his birth- mitzvot (commandments), right to Jacob and the subsequent whatever we do know we 310-271-9063 Friday Mincha: blessing of Jacob and Esau by should share with others. 4:50 PM Isaac. Every has the obligation In Chasidic circles, and particularly to act as a "candle" unto his sur- LATEST SHEMA: 9:00 AM Jewish teachings explain that the Chabad Chasidic circles, the upcoming roundings, spreading the light name of a particular Torah por- month of Kislev is known as the "Month and warmth of Torah to more tion gives us a special insight into of Redemption" for it contains many Shabbat Schedule and more . that portion. The name of the events of good news and Redemptive 8:45 AM  portion, Toldot, is derived from The "generations" we create, qualities. its opening words: "And these are however, must be "the genera- 9:30AM The first day of Kislev, Rosh Chodesh  Shacharit the generations (toldot) of Isaac." tions of Isaac"; it is not enough followed by marks the anniversary of the 's first An earlier Torah portion, Noach that we produce "the genera- Kiddush, public appearance after suffering a heart (Noah), begins with a similar tions of Noah." Cholent & attack in 1977. verse, "These are the generations To explain: The name Noah is The second of Kislev is the anniversary of of Noah." related to the word "n'yacha," the actual return of the holy books to What is the essential difference meaning rest and repose. Noah their rightful owner - the library of Agu-  3:50 PM das Chasidei Chabad - following their Class between these two portions, as is symbolic of a person who is illegal removal from the library. After a reflected in the Torah's choice of tranquil. It is a desirable state,  Mincha 4:20 PM prolonged civil court-case, which decided names? but one that is less elevated than followed by to whom the library of the previous the level implied by the name Seuda The portion of Toldot emphasizes Lubavitcher Rebbe belonged, the verdict Isaac. Shlishit the concept of descendents. "And was rendered on the day when the Torah these are the generations of Isaac, Isaac (Yitzchak in Hebrew) is reading stated, "I shall return in peace to  Shabbat 5:32 PM my father's house." the son of Abraham: Abraham related to the word meaning ends begot Isaac." laughter. Isaac is thus a symbol On the 10th of Kislev, the second Chabad of the joyful person, one who is Toldot, related to the Hebrew Rebbe, Rabbi Dov Ber, was released from filled with laughter and delight. Announcements: word for birth (holada), implies prison where he had been interred on Enjoyment is obviously a more both physical offspring and spiri- false charges. Kiddush is sponsored by Yehudis desirable state than relaxation, tual heirs. When we help a fellow Greenberg and Family in memory of for the person is not only at rest On the 19th of Kislev, Rabbi Shneur Zal- Jew by teaching him about the her father Yechiel Issur ben but is happy. man, the founder of Chabad, was re- beauty and warmth of , Tuvya’s yartzheit. leased from his Czarist imprisonment. we create new "generations," new This, then, is the way in which During his interrogation, he impressed Seuda Shlishit is sponsored by Mr. spiritual children. Even if we are we are to fulfill our mission as the investigators, including the Czar him- and Mrs. Yitzchak Peymani in "candles that illuminate": It isn't self, with his wisdom, scholarship and memory of his father’s yartzheit. enough for a Jew to quietly piety. Thus, the entire Chasidic move- Yartzheits: Gerti Sussman - Kislev Shul Group Gathering share the light of Torah and ment was exonerated and its teachings 4, Yechiel Greenberg—Kislev 5, mitzvot throughout the world in could be spread freely. Ever since, the This Sat. night 19th of Kislev has been celebrated as the Samuel Ruja – Kislev 6, Albert a sedate and easy-going manner. "New Year of Chasidut." Peymani—Kislev 6. Kislev 2 (Nov.14) Rather, as we learn from the Torah portion of Toldot, our Happy Birthday to Rabbi Yosef 8:00 PM Of course, last but not least, the holiday efforts to inspire our fellow Jews Yitzchak Shusterman, Dr. Barton of Chanuka, begins on the 25th of Kislev, At the home of in particular and be a "light unto Tanenbaum, Pnina Graff, Michael Tuesday evening, Dec. 4 this year. It, too, Rabbi and Mrs. Shusterman the nations" in general must be Moradian, Menachem Mendel is a holiday of redemption. On Chanuka carried out with joy and happi- HaCohen Mayberg, Rachel Rina 303 N. Wetherly Dr. we thank G-d for the miracles and for ness, as alluded to by the name redeeming them from the oppressive rule Mishael, Laizer Shusterman and Topic: Who Am I Isaac. (Adapted from Volume 1 of of the Greeks. Divie Sperlin. Hitva'aduyot 5744)(From L’Chaim May this month truly be a month of re- Pizza and refreshments #1294) - lchaimweekly.org demption for the entire Jewish people, with the coming of Moshiach, NOW. will be served (From L’Chaim# 994) - lchaimweekly.org GOOD SHABBOS! All Adults are Welcome

SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Story of the Week: alty might be. If I cannot bring Parsha Insights these wretched souls to freedom, I At his grandson's circumcision would rather remain with them in Sunday 8:00 AM celebration, the great Chasidic the fires of Gehinnom than to sit And his hand was holding onto Gemara – Tractate Sanhedrin master, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Ber- with the righteous and bask in the Esau's heel (Gen. 25:26) ditchev (1740-1810), recounted the (men) light of the Divine Presence!' following episode: The Hebrew word for "heel" - "Rabbi Moshe's words flew before "This morning I arose very early to ekev - is related to the word the Throne of Glory, and the Holy Monday 8:00 PM prepare myself to perform the brit One, Blessed be He, uttered the "ikveta" - literally "footsteps," mila (circumcision) of my dear Chumash (men and women) decision: 'Great are the Tzadikim the End of Days, when the grandchild. At daybreak I opened who are ready to relinquish their "footsteps" of Moshiach will the window and saw a penetrating share in the Gan Eden for the darkness in the heavens. As I won- usher in the Era of Redemption. Tuesday 8:00 PM sake of others. Because this dered about the blackness before At that time, the verse, "and his Gemara B’Iyun mitzva is so noble, let it be calcu- my eyes, it was made known to me hand was holding onto Esau's lated how many people Rabbi Tractate Kesuvos (men) that this very day a prince of Israel, Moshe Yehuda Leib redeemed heel" will find its ultimate fulfill- the holy (righteous person), during his lifetime, both they and ment, and the final victory will Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Sassov, Wednesday 8:30 PM their children, and their children's belong to the Jewish people. had passed away. children until the end of time. That Halacha and Tanya (women) "As I mourned for that master of (Asefat Chachamim) number he may redeem here, Israel, I heard a voice cry out: also.' 'Make way for Rabbi Moshe Ye- Thursday 10:00 AM "The Book of Records was imme- huda Leib!' Esau, symbolic of the animal diately brought, opened and read. Chassidus (women) "When Rabbi Moshe entered the soul and the evil inclination, The names of all those who had celestial realms, the Tzadikim and was born first, as chronologi- been redeemed by Rabbi Moshe Chasidim formed a joyous circle cally, a person possesses an evil Daily were counted and their children around him. Suddenly, he heard a and their children's children. The inclination for a long time be- Chassidus 6:45 AM– 7:15 AM voice reaching from one end of the final figure arrived at was 60,000 fore he has a good one. (The world to the other. Intrigued, he souls from Gehinnom to Gan began following it until he found good inclination is acquired Halacha Between Mincha Eden. himself at the gates of Gehinnom upon Bar/Bat Mitzva.) Jacob "Rabbi Moshe began to walk and Maariv (Purgatory). symbolizes the Jew's G-dly soul through Gehinnom, looking into "Without waiting for permission, countless pits and caves where he and his good inclination. The . Rabbi Moshe entered Gehinnom. found souls who had suffered for a Divine service of Jacob thus The guards saw him walking back long time. One by one he gath- consists of keeping his hand on and forth as if looking for some- ered them and when he was fin- Daily Minyonim body. They were certain that he Esau's "heel," as the true rea- ished, he found their number to be had come there by mistake and son the G-dly soul descends into exactly 60,000. Column after col- they politely asked him to ascend to this world is to achieve the cor- umn emerged from Gehinnom, Weekday Shacharis: his proper place in Gan Eden (the marching with them at their head, rection of the animal soul. Garden of Eden). 6:00 AM & 7:30 AM until they arrived at Gan Eden. (Likutei Sichot) "Rabbi Moshe said nothing. The "When all 60,000 souls had en- guards repeated their request, but tered, the gates were closed." Sunday Shacharis: he remained silent and did not After recounting this story, Rabbi He moved on from there and move. They didn't know whether to 7:00 AM & 9:00 AM Levi Yitzchak named his little dug another well, and they did drive him out or permit him to re- grandson Moshe Yehuda Leib and not fight over it. He called it main. They decided to confer with blessed him to grow up to emulate the Heavenly Court, but even it was Rechovot (lit. "spacious") say- Mincha/Maariv: the holy Tzadik, Rabbi Moshe puzzled. Never had a Tzadik de- ing, "Now G-d has made room Yehuda Leib of Sassov. From The 4:45 PM scended into Gehinnom of his own for us" (Gen. 26:22) Crown of Creation, by Chana Weisberg, pub- desire. Rabbi Moshe was sum- lished by Mosaic Pres(From: L’Chaim #1246) The three wells Isaac dug are moned before the Throne of Glory Just Do Something Lchaimweekly.com symbolic of the three Holy Tem- where he made his request known. "Rabbi Moshe began, 'Master of HaYom Yom Kislev 2 ples. These are the wells of You have to do something. the World, You know how great is My grandfather once explained in "living waters" which give us What you choose is not the the mitzva (commandment) of re- a maamar the statement, R. Elazar our spiritual life. The first well issue. Neither are all the neat deeming captives. I have occupied first gave a coin to a pauper and Isaac dug proved to be a source myself with this mitzva my entire then davened1: "Davening must be of strife, just as the first Temple little tricks and conniving. life, and I have never differentiated with life. By giving, be- was destroyed in the days of All that really matters is that between wicked captives and right- you do your job honestly and eous captives. All were equally fore davening, charity to a pauper - Nebuchadnezzar. The second as best you can using the tal- beloved by me, and I had no peace thereby giving him life - Holy Temple, like Isaac's second one's davening is suffused with a ents and skills with which until I had succeeded in freeing well, was also eventually de- them. Now that I have entered the great increase of 'aliveness'." So stroyed, by Titus and his ar- your Creator blessed you. saying he motioned with his hand in World of Truth, I find that there are mies. But the third well re- As He blessed you with those many captives here, too. I wish to an upwards gesture to indicate mained, just as the Third Holy talents, so He will bless you in fulfill this mitzva here, as well. that the increase is beyond imagi- whatever you do. "'I will not leave Gehinnom until I nation. Indeed my father would Temple which we eagerly await, have fulfilled this mitzva. So dear often seek out a pauper be- will be eternal. From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher are Your commandments to me fore davening to give him food. (LChaim #1246) that I have observed them no mat- Rebbe, of righteous memory; words Lchaimweekly.org and condensation by Rabbi Tzvi Free- ter what the place or time or pen- man. (chabad.org)