National Aeronautics and Space Administration, , Moffett Field, CA October 2005

NASA takes on journey into space NASA Ames Research Center, lo- ner will be the American public,” he mon desire to bring a universe of infor- cated in the heart of California's Silicon added. mation to people around the world,” Valley, and Mountain View-based “Google and NASA share a com- said Eric Schmidt, Google chief execu- tive officer. “Imagine having a wide se- lection of images from the Apollo space mission at your fingertips whenever you want it. That's just one small example of how this collaboration could help broaden technology's role in making the world a better place.” "I'm thrilled that NASA Ames Re- search Center and Google, two of our

NASA photos by Dominic Hart region's and our nation's most valuable and innovative organizations, have formed a partnership,” said Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (CA -14th District). “As continues to lead NASA Associate Administrator for Program Analysis and Evaluation Scott Pace (left), NASA Ames in developing technologies that will Center Director G. Scott Hubbard (center) and Google’s Chief Executive Officer Eric Schmidt during guide our nation's economy in the 21st the recent MOU signing event held at Ames. continued on page 9

Google Inc., on Sept. 28 announced plans to collaborate on a variety of technol- ogy-focused research-and-development activities that will couple some of Earth's most powerful technology resources. NASA and Google signed a memo- The announcement of randum of understanding (MOU) that the MOU between outlines plans for cooperation on a vari- NASA and Google drew a large number ety of areas, including large-scale data of local media to the management, massively distributed event. computing, bio-info-nano convergence, and encouragement of the entrepreneur- ial space industry. The MOU also high- lights plans for Google to develop up to one million square feet within the NASA Research Park at Moffett Field. “Our planned partnership presents Hubbard outlines Ames' strategies for an enormous range of potential benefits to the space program,” said Ames Cen- future during NASA's transformation ter Director G. Scott Hubbard. “Just a Over the past several weeks, Ames hands meeting held Oct. 12 in the main few examples are new sensors and ma- has made significant progress in meet- auditorium. “If we all work together, we terials from collaborations on bio-info- ing various challenges and changes as can get through this.” nano convergence, improved analysis NASA undergoes a major transforma- For the near term (Fiscal Year 2006 of engineering problems, as well as earth, tion to implement the Vision for Space and Fiscal Year 2007), Hubbard said life and space science discoveries from Exploration, according to Center Direc- Ames is focusing on reducing its over- supercomputing and data mining, and tor G. Scott Hubbard. head by 17 percent, maintaining an in- bringing entrepreneurs into the space “We've made a lot of progress, but vestment account for new bids and pro- program. While our joint efforts will we have a long way to go,” Hubbard posals for internal research and devel- told a capacity audience during an all- benefit both organizations, the real win- opment, reshaping its workforce, and continued on page 3 NASA Ames hosts Sally Ride science festival for girls More than 1,100 San Francisco Bay experiments, food and music. As- Area girls, their parents and their teach- tronaut Janice Foss (left photo, stand- ing at left of podium) who works at Ames as the Kepler science director in Code SSA , also spoke alongside Ride. "It's an honor for Ames to host this exciting festival. We

are truly pleased to contrib- NASA photos by Astrid Terlep ute to Sally's quest to inspire young people, especially young girls, to get involved in science and engineering," said NASA Ames Center Director G. Scott Hubbard. "Women make up only 25 percent of the science, en- gineering and technology workforce," said Ride, founder of Sally Ride Sci-

ers joined former NASA Sally Ride on a journey of scientific discovery on Oct. 2. bers of girls and young women NASA Ames hosted who are, or might become, inter- the Sally Ride Science ested in science, math and tech- Festival. The educa- nology. The company creates sci- tional event, designed ence experiences for girls that em- for girls in grades 5-8, power them, engage them and featured an inspirational encourage their interests. Current talk by Ride (above left programs include Sally Ride Sci- photo, standing at right ence Festivals, Sally Ride Science of podium), the first Camps, TOYchallenge, and the American woman to fly Sally Ride Science Club. in space; workshops For more information about given by female profes- the Sally Ride science festivals, sionals in fields ranging visit the Web at http:// from astrobiology to veterinary medi- ence™. "We are delighted to be work- cine; and an interactive street fair with ing with NASA Ames to give Silicon Valley area girls a chance to explore and develop their potential in science at an age when many begin to drift away from their natural interest." The festival is de- signed to encourage girls and young women to pursue ca- reers in math, science and engineering. Ride founded Sally Ride Science™ to support the large num-

Astrogram 2 October 2005 Ames hosts university symposium STS-114 mission sented the results of their research. specialist visits Ames The symposium, entitled ‘Aligned research program symposium: progress and prospects’ kicked off with intro- ductions by Dr. Burney Le Boeuf, asso- ciate vice chancellor for research at the University of California at Santa Cruz, and by Dr. Steven Zornetzer, NASA Ames Deputy Director (Acting). It was followed by 10-minute pre- sentations by UC faculty in the general areas of aerospace, information tech- nology, biotechnology, robotics/sen- sors, space science and nanoscience.

Dr. Burney Le Boeuf addressed the recent UARC symposium at Ames. NASA photos by Dominic Hart

Steve Robinson, mission specialist on the latest On Oct. 12, Uni- flight mission STS-114, visited versity of California Ames in October to meet with Ames Center professors who are Director G. Scott Hubbard and the Ames receiving funding return-to-flight teams. He is seen here speaking through the NASA to the RTF teams in the N201 auditorium. Ames University Af- filiated Research Center (UARC) pre- Hubbard outlines strategies for future during transformation continued from front page supporting the Vision for Space Explo- pulsion Labora- ration. In support of the Vision, Hubbard tory. announced several appointments to key Working positions at Ames, as well as several with the Jet Pro- appointments made by NASA Admin- pulsion Labora- istrator Michael Griffin to key positions tory and Kennedy at NASA Headquarters. Space Center, Hubbard told employees that Ames Ames will design, will play a key role in the development develop and man- of the space shuttle's replacement, the age the integrated Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV). James systems health NASA photo by Tom Trower Reuther will lead a multi-center team management ca- comprised of representatives from pability for the Ames, and CEV's ground to develop a ther- processing and mal protection system for the CEV. automation. The In addition, Ames will design, de- CEV command velop and implement the launch mis- module will be sions systems and the command-and- designed to be re- Ames Center Director G. Scott Hubbard addresses the audience during control capability for the CEV and the usable and will be the recent all hands meeting at Ames. new Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV). Ames refurbished after will be part of a team that includes rep- each flight. capability for the CLV. He said the CLV resentatives from Johnson Space Cen- Hubbard also noted that Ames will will be a much safer vehicle than the ter, Goddard Space Flight Center, have a major role in defining and de- space shuttle, and will have a 1/2000 Kennedy Space Center and the Jet Pro- signing the ascent abort/crew escape continued on back page

Astrogram 3 October 2005 Cal Poly students help NASA reduce aircraft noise Thirteen aerospace engineering stu- "Preliminary results indicate that the this new task, doing most of the grunt dents from the California Polytechnic SNI approaches will concentrate the work and sharing an enthusiasm that State University at San Luis Obispo (Cal noise footprint into a narrow area," said you can only get from students," Hange Poly) spent a part of their summer on a John Zuk, NASA ESTOL vehicle sector added. lake. This is normal for many college manager at NASA Ames. "Involvement in this NASA research students, but this lake was the Roger's The tests also confirmed that the project has taken the students' class- Dry Lake located in California's Mojave Desert. The students were participating in the C-17 flight noise mitigation study, a NASA experiment that may one day make the world a quieter place. Currently, a house within an airport's flight path must have triple- pane windows, special doors and extra attic and wall insulation to keep aircraft noise out. Researchers from NASA Ames and Dryden Flight Research Center want to eliminate or at least reduce the need

for these often-costly modifications. NASA photo by Tom Tschida of Dryden To do so, NASA, through the Ve- hicle System Program, is working to reduce the 'noise footprint' produced by aircraft. A key component of this plan is the development of extreme short-take- United States Air Force Test Center's C 17 Globemaster III aircraft with the aeronautics engineering team at Edwards Air Force Base. Front row, left to right: Matt Peperak (CENTRA); Craig Hange (Ames); Doug Wardwell (Ames); Lauren Fong (Cal Poly); Julia de la Montanya (Cal Poly); Cahit Kitaplioglu (Ames); Cassy Anthony (Cal Poly); Natalia Sanchez (Cal Poly); Abagail Liddle (Cal Poly); Erika Berg (Cal Poly); and Kate Van Dellen (Cal Poly). Back row, left to right: John Zuk (Ames); Prof. Dave Hall (Cal Poly); Bryan Reinero (AerospaceComputing Inc); Clif Horne (Ames); Andrew Welborn (Cal Poly); Zach Nichols (Cal Poly); Josh Caldwell (Cal Poly); Chris Miller (Dryden); Tim Naumowicz (Ames); Nate Burnside (AerospaceComputing Inc.); Scott Peery (Cal Poly); Brady Mitchell (Cal Poly) and Erik Kurth (Cal Poly).

curved approaches posed no significant room curriculum and given it a hands- safety concerns and provided current on application," said Cal Poly student NASA photo by Craig Hange commercial aircraft ride quality. lead Erika Berg. Left to right Nate Burnside "The landing approaches were The students also designed and built (AerospaceComputing Inc); Eric Kurth and simple and safe," said NASA research the portable workstations (made out of Abagail Liddle (Cal Poly); Doug Wardell, Clif pilot Frank Batteas. inexpensive PVC pipe and heavy fabric) Horne and Cahit Kitaplioglu in the NASA Ames Aeroacoustics Lab. The successful tests were made pos- that the computer equipment sat in while sible by the extraordinary efforts and being used on the lakebed. off and landing (ESTOL) aircraft and ingenuity of the team to meet the chal- The data collected during the tests procedures. The ultimate goal is to keep lenges of a limited budget and a short- will be very valuable for future research aircraft noise within an airport's prop- ened test schedule, according to Craig supporting ESTOL aircraft and may have erty. Hange, NASA Ames project manager a significant impact on airport opera- On Sept. 10, NASA demonstrated and principle investigator for the C-17 tions around the country. that aircraft capable of ESTOL could study. "An aircraft that could use the concentrate aircraft noise to a narrow "The team came up with a totally shorter runways of smaller regional and area. new way of taking noise data over a community airports could bring com- Seventeen microphones, covering large area that not only worked well, mercial air travel to approximately 97 approximately 15 square miles, were but was less expensive by using com- percent of the U.S. population because positioned on the dry lakebed to record mercially available parts and software," most Americans live within a half-hour the noise foot print of the United States said Hange. "They not only put in their of an airport," said Zuk. Air Force Test Center's C-17 Globemaster ideas, but a lot of hard work made it a The C-17 study team was comprised III as it made various landing ap- reality." of members from NASA Ames and proaches. In addition to conventional "The Dryden personnel did more Dryden, the United States Air Force, straight-in approaches, a new type of than their share to make sure the C-17 California Polytechnic State University simultaneous and non-interfering (SNI) was ready and the flights would hap- at San Luis Obispo, Northrop Grumman, approach was flown. This new approach pen," said Hange. Los Angeles and CENTRA Technology, is similar to a descending spiral over the "The Cal Poly students and faculty Inc., Arlington, Va. landing site. also deserve a lot of credit for taking on continued on page 10 Astrogram 4 October 2005 Ames transit subsidy saves employees commute money In California, gasoline prices have Silicon Valley ($2.928), average mile per Although the subsidy comes from risen dramatically - 45 percent between gallon for California cars (20) and aver- civil service payroll, and thus is not avail- September 2004 and September 2005 - to age miles driven by Californians per able to Ames contractors, many Ames a current average of $2.928 in Silicon day (36). (Source: California's Flex Your contracting companies such as the Valley (California Energy Commission, Power at the Pump campaign) United States Army, Integrated Science Oct. 3, 2005). These increases have hit NASA Ames offers its employees Solutions Inc. (ISSi) and Planners Col- everyone in the pocketbook. an incentive to try transportation other laborative offer similar subsidies to their Furthermore, our fuel consumption than a single-occupant automobile. A employees. threatens our environment and exacer- monthly $100 transit subsidy is avail- “We began offering a commute al- able to all civil ser- ternatives subsidy to encourage a less vants - a dollar stressful commute to work for our em- amount large ployees, and to encourage environmen- enough to cover tal awareness since automobiles are the typical transporta- Bay Area's most significant cause of tion costs for one pollution,” stated Ceil McCloy, ISSi's month. Subsidies CEO. “Now with gas prices at their can be used on current exorbitant levels, the subsidy Caltrain, also allows us to offer a cost-savings Altamont Com- option for our employees' daily com- muter Express mute.” bates global warming; the transporta- Service (ACE Train), Amtrak Capital If you are employed by a NASA tion sector accounts for 58 percent of Corridor train service, San Francisco Ames contractor, contact your human California's carbon dioxide emissions Municipal Railway (Muni), Bay Area resources department to find out if your and 49 percent of California's total green- Rapid Transit (BART) and Valley Trans- company offers a commute alternatives house gas emissions. The combination portation Authority (VTA) buses and program. If a program does not cur- of less fuel-efficient vehicles, energy light rail service. rently exist, encourage your company shortages due to recent natural disas- Using the subsidy is simple. Ames to adopt one. ters, slow refinery growth and import- civil servants must first apply by bring- We can all help increase our pocket- ing difficulties imply that a significant ing their badge to Amanda Dunham, books and decrease air pollution by price decrease is unlikely in the near Ames commute alternatives program making a personal decision to use alter- future. With fuel costs estimated to run manager, ext. 4-6896, at the motor pool native transportation. upward of $1,897 per year for the aver- building N-251. Once an employee's To learn more about commute alter- age Silicon Valley driver (and that's for application has been accepted, an e-mail natives and find links to local transit a non-SUV owner!), residents are begin- goes out each month alerting them to agencies, visit the Ames Commute Al- ning to consider alternative forms of ticket availability. Tickets can be re- ternatives Program Web site at transportation. Total cost is based on served in advance, although a badge is average price per gallon for gasoline in required for pick-up. index.html. BY STACY ST. LOUIS Employee emergency contact data In the event of an emergency, it is providing critical last-minute wind Internet Web site at https:// critical that employers, family and tunnel testing that enabled NASA man- friends are able to stay in contact with agers to give the STS-114 crew the go- Type in your name and your UUPIC those closest to them. In the wake of ahead to land without another repair will appear. If you have forgotten your hurricane Katrina, there were more EVA. Unfortunately, much of the PIN, you may contact either Mary Perez than 100 employees who could not be needed information was missing. at ext 4-6865 or e-mail accounted for due to their emergency To prevent these problems from [email protected] or Desiree contact information not being up to occurring in another emergency at Barrientez at ext 4-5599 or e-mail at date or complete. Seeing the need for Ames, all Ames employees should log [email protected]. emergency contact information first into EECS and verify that their emer- Once you have your UUPIC and hand provides a tremendous opportu- gency contact information is up to date. PIN, visit the Web at https:// nity for improvement at Ames. If you are unfamiliar with the EECS, a Ames currently uses the Employee point of contact in each branch will EBS_Login.cfm Instructions on how to Emergency Contact System (EECS), assist you in completing the process. enter your contact data are available on which is designed to store all employ- To access the EECS, you will need this Web site. Your emergency infor- ees’ contact information in case of emer- your universal unique personal iden- mation will become part of the NASA gencies. Use of this system was needed tification code (UUPIC) and PIN. To Employee Benefit System (NEBS) and recently when Ames was tasked with obtain your UUPIC, you can visit the you will be able to update it at any time.

Astrogram 5 October 2005 NASA discovers life's building blocks are common in space A team of NASA Ames exobiology The team used data from the Euro- For more information about this re- researchers recently revealed that or- pean Space Agency's Infrared Space search on the Web, visit http:// ganic chemicals, which play a crucial Observatory satellite. role in the chemistry of life, are common BY JOHN BLUCK in space. "Our work shows a class of com- pounds that is critical to biochemistry is prevalent throughout the universe," said Douglas Hudgins, an astronomer at Ames hosts US Treasury visit Ames. He is principal author of a study detailing the team's findings that ap- peared in the Oct. 10 issue of the Astro- physical Journal. "NASA's has shown complex organic molecules called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are found in every nook and cranny of our galaxy. While this is im- NASA photo by Tom Trower portant to astronomers, it has been of little interest to astrobiologists, scien- tists who search for life beyond Earth. Normal PAHs aren't really important to biology," Hudgins said. "However, our Ames CFO Tom Moyles(second from left) recently hosted U.S. Treasury officials from the San work shows the lion's share of the PAHs Francisco Financial Center. Regional Director Philip Belsie and his staff visited Ames to begin in space also carry nitrogen in their struc- planning the next Financial Center Customer Advisory Board meeting, which will be hosted by Ames next February. Moyles was appointed chairman of this board in June 2005. tures. That changes everything." "Much of the chemistry of life, in- cluding DNA, requires organic mol- ecules that contain nitrogen," said team member Louis Allamandola, an astrochemist at Ames. "Chlorophyll, Ames Fire Department parade held the substance that enables photosynthe- sis in plants, is a good example of this class of compounds, called polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles, or PANHs. Ironically, PANHs are formed in abundance around dying stars. So even in death, the seeds of life are sewn," Allamandola said. The Ames team studied the infrared "fingerprint" of PANHs in laboratory

NASA photo by Jon-Pierre Wiens experiments and with computer simu- lations to learn more about infrared ra- diation that astronomers have detected coming from space. Ames/Moffett fire fighters during the recent parade that passed through Ames, are seen here "A desktop computer was used to holding the fundraiser check. Left to right: Fire Captain Matthew Spark; firefighters Tim Frasch, simulate molecules that are currently Heather Turman, John Byrne, Brian Hutchinson, Leon Pennyman, Bobby Ott, Ed Henderson, impossible to make and study in a labo- Fire Captain Scott Dutro; firefighters Jaymes Smith and Robert Abrahamson ratory because of the extreme condi- tions in space," said team member The NASA Ames Fire Department was the third stop in a parade Charles Bauschlicher, also of Ames. "We featuring vehicles from several Bay Area fire departments in August. A simulated the PANH molecules," he check for $2,250 was presented from Ames to the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn explained. Bauschlicher and colleagues Foundation. The Ames Fire Department holds several fundraisers through- found that these simulated PANH mol- out the year, including pankcake breakfasts. The check is representative of ecules precisely matched the radiation the money raised at Ames throughout the year. measurements taken of organic mol- ecules in space. Astrogram 6 October 2005 Ames Safety Awards Program (ASAP) II awards presented Under the Ames Safety Awards Pro- Instrumentation Team: Housekeeping Team gram (ASAP) II, Ames recognized 67 William Vanzuylen, Ron Payne Cathy Prudencio, Lita Dizon employees for their outstanding accom- Sally Shaw, Phyllis Reutzel plishments in improving health and Tier Level 2 - Individual awards Tony Arroyo, Christine Johnson safety during the 2nd trimester in 2005. My Trang, Art Joly, Maurice Gray, Eleanor Monteleone ASAP II was established to recog- Richard Mogford, Cheryl Quinn, Della Ivey, Du Luu-Huynh nize employee actions, behavior and/or Orlando Santos, Nicholas Scott and Angelina Reguindin job performance that result in improved Reginald Waddell, health and safety conditions at the cen- Elizabeth Mulleda, Max Sanchez, Tier Level 1 - Individual awards ter. Nicole Rayl, Terry Reicher, Lori McNeill, Earnestine Parker There are four levels of awards, tier Thomas Vahle, Thomas Clausen, Katrina Francis, Erlinda Fox four being the highest level of achieve- Sergio Castellanos and Mario Perez ment. The ASAP II board evaluates and Richard Wisniewski each nomination and selects the tier level Each of these employees and teams that most represents the actions and ac- Tier Level 1 - Team awards was nominated by their colleagues for complishments of that nomination. Construction Safety Group: their outstanding actions and accom- A team of two individuals received Monty Cassick, Peter Goldsmith plishments in improving health and the Tier Level 3 Team Award for this AC Mosher, Yung Nguyen safety conditions at Ames. trimester. George Sutton and Nelson Clarence Smith Hsu worked with the Restoration Elec- and George Williams trical Distribution Systems (REDS) de- sign team to permanently relocate all underground gas-filled electrical switches to a location above ground. A total of 32 underground switches were replaced with the above ground switches Chili cookoff is quite a crowd pleaser as part of the REDS construction of fa- A great time was cilities project. had by all who attended this year’s 9th annual Tier Level 3 - Team awards Ames Exchange chili Relocation Of Underground cook-off held Oct. 6. Gas Filled Electrical Switches: This year's theme George Sutton, Nelson Hsu was Tropical Adven- ture. Free frozen fruit Tier Level 3 - Individual awards bars were available for Donald Mendoza all. Tropical Vibrations provided the music and Tier Level 2 - Team awards free airbrush tattoos and AED Team a Polaroid photo booth Jackie Nielson, Terri Castrejon, were on hand for those Miriam Glazer, Jennifer Chan, who dared! 5-Alarm Chili Mark Tangney, Nancy Dunagan Thirteen teams vied for the top Revenge of the Death Cult Chili Richard Kurkowski, John Burns prize of the ‘Peoples Choice Award.’ Justin Crone, Sergio Castellanos Best Presentation Debra Narasaki, Lynne Engelbert This year's winners were: Tessada #1 Don Dains, Kathleen Starmer Peoples Choice 1st place Dan Wilkins, Matt Linton Asani Iris Lubitz, Femy McGrath Rho Christensen, Garrett Dang Peoples Choice 2nd place Elizabeth Mulleda, Dan Gundo Big Kahuna Willies Chili Horacio Chavez Judges Choice 1st place European Modular Cultivation Big Kahuna Willies Chili System Team: Robert Bowman,Araceli Maldonado NASA photos by Tom Trower

Astrogram 7 October 2005 NACA reunion attendees reminisce with former acquaintances In 1915, the National Advisory Com- and her presence added mittee for Aeronautics (NACA) was to the event's impor- founded to advise the United States gov- tance. ernment to coordinate aeronautics re- NASA Ames Cen- search, but it quickly became a leading ter Director G. Scott research organization in aeronautics and Hubbard and his wife the new field of astronautics. attended as special When President John F. Kennedy guests. moved the nation into the '' "We at Ames are and proposed his bold vision of landing very proud of our a man on the , NACA was the NACA heritage," said logical organization to form the founda- Hubbard. He went on tion of a new space agency. On Oct. 1, to praise the theoretical NACA members toured the Ames Exploration Center during their 1958, NACA formally disbanded and and experimental ge- recent reunion visit. the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- nius of the NACA sci- ministration was born. entists and engineers like Ames' Harvey Forty-seven years later, those who Allen, who saw blunt bodies as a safe worked for the NACA continue to feel way to re-enter Earth's atmosphere. America's new crew explo- ration vehicle will use an improved blunt-body cap- sule, which will accommo- date up to six people. Hubbard said that ge- nius was prevalent throughout NACA. The work of these geniuses led Vic Peterson, retired Ames, NACA member (left) with to breakthroughs in aero- Ames Center Director G. Scott Hubbard at the recent nautics and carries a legacy NACA reunion gala banquet. of excellence that contin- ues today at NASA. ing flight experiments. Hubbard concluded by “Of the many people I enjoyed see- NASA photo by Vic Peterson saying, "You have been the ing and talking to about the “good old From left to right: Edie Watson Blackman (former Ames director's secretary); giants on who I, and every- days”, three young ladies stand out in Jo Dibella and Helen Robinson at the NACA reunion gala banquet. one in NASA, proudly my mind,” said Jack Boyd, Ames' histo- stand." rian/ombudsman. “Helen Robinson, passionate about its successes and loyal Throughout the reunion, a large who used to arrange trips for Orville to its memory. Recently, former em- poolside hospitality room, open from Wright to come from Dayton to Wash- ployees and their spouses and children dawn to dusk, provided a venue for ington for NACA committee meetings, gathered for the eleventh NACA reunion never-ending reminiscing about the Jo Dibella who was the secretary to Hugh to renew acquaintances and to remi- good old days. Dryden, director of NACA and first nisce about the past. "There are so many good memories NASA deputy administrator, and Edie The three-day reunion, held Sept. and lots of camaraderie," said Jack Watson, secretary to Harvey Allen and 30 to Oct. 2, 2005, drew 320 people from Suddreth, a 33-year veteran of NACA Hans Mark. They epitomized the 17 states and the District of Columbia. and NASA at Lewis Flight Propulsion strength and the vitality of NACA.” The event was hosted by NASA Ames, Laboratory, eventually renamed NASA The NACA reunion was the inspired with attendees ranging in age from 70 to Glenn Research Center. "Everybody can creation of Dibella, who ended her ca- well beyond 90 and representing all of remember what they did, how things reer serving as the secretary of Hugh the former NACA centers. They partici- worked together and who did what to Dryden. The first NACA reunion was pated in one or more of the eight group whom…" Suddreth also recalled how held in 1976. Since 1982, reunions have activities including a gala banquet and open houses at Lewis inspired him as a been held on a more or less regular tours of NASA Ames and the Hiller teenager and how the 'air lab guys' from basis. The next reunion will be hosted by Aviation Museum. Lewis mentored him before he joined NASA Langley Research Center and is The 11th reunion held special sig- NACA. planned for 2007. nificance, since 2005 marks the 90th an- Ralph Hallett, who worked at Ames For more information about the re- niversary of the formation of NACA. from 1946 to 1978, said he came to the union with photos, visit the Web at: The great grandniece of Orville and reunion (with a chuckle) "to shoot the Wilbur Wright, Janette Davis Yoerg, was breeze with old guys and to record some multimedia/images/2005/ staying at the same hotel on the night of of the things I did." Hallett worked on nacareunion.html the buffet dinner and noticed the NACA string gauges and helped improve pres- BY JONAS DINO gathering. She was invited to the dinner sure cells used for electrical output dur-

Astrogram 8 October 2005 Open house highlights NASA Research Park, CMU research A very big thank you to NASA Re- search Park (NRP) partners, robotic teams, videographers, photographers and the jazz band that braved changing weather and even faster- changing plans

Dr. Yvonne Clearwater, second from left, Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computer manager of the Ames Robotics Curriculum and CEO of Wheels of Zeus, says NASA's Clearinghouse, is seen here at the recent NRP mission is good for inspiring education. Dr. Khalid Al-Ali, director of robotics at Grand Challenge lecture demonstrating botball. Wozniak introduced the featured speaker for Carnegie Mellon's West coast campus, NASA The Robotics' Curriculum Clearinghouse Web NRP's fall exploration lecture Dr. Red Research Park, demonstrates robots built by site, launched in January of this year, is the Whittaker, Carnegie Mellon professor of students attending CMU West's popular Robo number one site for delivering robotics curricula. robotics. Camp. “see and think” to an to enjoy an exciting open house and enthusiastic audience. ‘2005 Grand Challenge Racing for the The event was hosted Future’ lecture on Sept. 20. by Ames Deputy Di- The event highlighted NASA Re- rector (Acting) Steve search Park and Carnegie Mellon Uni- Zornetzer. versity (CMU) West's advancing part- On Oct. 8 in the nership in robotics research. Mojave Desert race, The lecture began with special guest Stanford University's Steve Wozniak, CEO of the Wheels of “Stanley” crossed the Zeus, generously praising NASA's mis- finish line approxi- NASA photos by Dominic Hart sion for inspiring students toward higher mately 7 minutes education. Woz introduced Dr. Red ahead of CMU's Sand- Whittaker, CMU professor of robotics storm, netting the and leader of the Red Team in the 2005 Stanford team the $2 Staff from Planners Collaborative, a partner in the NASA Research Grand Challenge. Whittaker described million DARPA prize. Park, discussed Planner's mission with guests at the NRP open house in Bldg. 19. the challenges of racing vehicles that BY NRP DIVISION NASA takes Google on journey into space continued from front page century, partnerships combining the best sult in new research projects and en- and develop new technologies. in public sector innovation with the cut- deavors with tremendous potential for Google's innovative search tech- ting edge of private industry will serve innovation and far-reaching benefit," nologies connect millions of people as the gold standard in public-private said Mountain View Mayor Matt Neely. around the world with information ev- partnerships for years to come. The tech- Located on property at Ames, NASA ery day. Founded in 1998 by Stanford nologies created by the partnership of Research Park is being developed into a doctoral students Larry Page and Sergey Google and NASA Ames not only will world-class, shared-use educational and Brin, Google today is a top Web prop- enable and enhance further exploration R&D campus. As part of a comprehen- erty in all major global markets. Google's of space, they will positively impact the sive plan for this area, new laboratories, targeted advertising program provides daily lives of all Americans for genera- offices, classrooms, housing, auditori- businesses of all sizes with measurable tions to come," Eshoo said. ums, museums, a training and confer- results, while enhancing the overall Web "The City of Mountain View is ex- ence center, open space, parking and experience for users. Google is head- cited that two of our community's most limited retail facilities are envisioned. quartered in Silicon Valley with offices innovative and dynamic organizations, The plan calls for NASA to partner with throughout the Americas, Europe and Google and NASA Ames Research Cen- local communities, academia, private in- Asia. For more information, visit ter, are forming a new research-and- dustry, non-profit organizations and development partnership at Ames. This other government agencies in support new collaboration will undoubtedly re- of NASA's mission to conduct research

Astrogram 9 October 2005 Former Ames employee Randal N. Hitchens passes on Randal N. Hitchens, age 70, passed After leaving Ames, he married away on Sept. 17, 2005 at his home in Darlene Hatcher on March 8, 2001 in El Santa Clara, Utah, of pancreatic cancer. Dorado, Calif. Prior to his death, Hitchens grew up in Wilmington and Hitchens and Darlene made a list of all Claymont, Newcastle, Delaware. After of the things they wanted to do in their 14 years of formal education, he served remaining years. The most recent of 10 years in the U.S. Navy and 16 years in these were skydiving and a trip to Aus- the U.S. Army Reserves. tralia. Hitchens was an active member Hitchens was employed as a facility of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter manager at NASA Ames for 30 years. Day Saints, serving in many capacities, He retired in 1997 and worked as a including that of an ordinance worker contractor with DMJM and Cambria in the St. George Temple. Consulting Inc. until February 2001. Hitchens is survived by his wife Hitchens was instrumental in the imple- Darlene; daughter, Donna; sons, Wayne mentation of the new fuel management and Kelley; stepsons,Timothy and system at Ames. He always gave his Randal; eight grandchildren; four great best effort and was proud of the work he grandchildren; and six sisters. did at Ames. His many friends recall that he loved to fish, boat, fly, golf and Randal Hitchens BY JOHN D. WILSON bowl. College interns display their work Students help NASA continued from page 4 Mutant frogs, robotics education, interns and I truly believe that the heat shield testing, human factors re- internship program has provided a The Ames team included: search, autonomous rotocraft project... variety of unique learning environ- John Zuk - ESTOL vehicle what's not to enjoy? More than 80 ments for all of the students. Thanks sector manager interns with the Foothill-De Anza for creating the warm and friendly Craig Hange - project manager environment to showcase our work," and flight principle investigator enthused De Anza student Joanne Li, Doug Wardwell - ground test research assistant intern in the Hu- conductor and ESTOL deputy man Factors Division. vehicle sector manager Clif Horne - principal acoustician, "We had no idea how many Foot- ground team line supervisor hill-De Anza students there are [work- Cahit Kitaplioglu - acoustician. ing at NASA Ames]! It was a delight noise modeling, and ground to witness the enthusiasm of this es- team line supervisor sential part of our work force," com- Tim Naumowicz - test support

NASA photos by Jon Paul Wiens mented Bernadette Luna, associate and coordination director for management operations. Stephen Walker - ground test For 35 years, almost 3,500 Foot- support Carol Chao, science research assistant intern hill-De Anza interns have made sig- Dave Yaste - ground test support at NASA Ames, shown during the recent nificant contributions to NASA Ames. Ames contractors - Aerospace student poster session held atl the center. Computing Inc.: Nate Burnside - developer/ integrator noise measurement Community College District NASA system, ground team line Ames Internship Program presented supervisor their work in these areas and more in Bruce Storms - data system August at the 2nd Annual intern programming and ground poster display session. With test support 135 guests representing Ames em- Bryan Reinero - ground test ployees, family, friends and the press, support the enthusiasm and energy was pal- pable. Guests were wowed by the For more information about the breadth and depth of the interns' ef- NASA Vehicle Systems Program, visit the Internet Web site at http:// forts. Matthew Mountz, networking assistant intern, and friend. "I'm very honored to be one of the BY JONAS DINO

Astrogram 10 October 2005 NASA LDP graduates for 2004-2005 honored On July 11, 2005, the 31 members of A link to the class' full report and the Craig J. Hegemann, GSFC the 2004-2005 Leadership Development collaboration handbook can be found Barbara B. Pfarr, GSFC Program (LDP) celebrated the comple- on the Leadership Development Pro- Tonya West, GSFC Mabel Jones Matthews, EdD HQ Elizabeth Bauer, JSC Montgomery B. Goforth, JSC Clifton J. McCarra, JSC

NASA photo NASA Natalie V. Saiz, JSC Kevin N. Window, JSC Stephen J. Craft, LaRC Vicki K. Crisp, LaRC Pravin K. Aggarwal, MSFC Cindy C. Campbell, MSFC Helen J. Cole, MSFC Stacy M. Counts, MSFC William D. Greene, MSFC Robbie E. Hood, MSFC Andrew S. Keys, MSFC Terry D. Jackson, SSC Kevin P. Power, SSC Vicki M. Zanoni, SSC

Ames employees graduating from the NASA Leadership Development Program this year (left to The vision of the LDP is to create right) Thomas Berndt, Beverly E. Girten, Dr. Scott Pace, associate administrator for program powerful leaders who align with NASA's analysis and evaluation, Bryan A. Biegel and Mark P. Loomis. vision, mission and values and who cre- ate results that matter to the American tion of their developmental year with a gram home page on the Web at http:// people. ceremony at NASA Headquarters. Program elements include develop- The program participants, who rep- Class attendees Vicki Zanoni of mental assignments, a class project, in- resented nine centers, were the second Stennis Space Center; Bill Green from dividual coaching, training and brief- graduating class of the NASA Leader- Marshall S pace Flight Center; and Steve ings by NASA and outside leaders. Par- ship Development Program. The LDP Craft from Langley were elected to speak ticipants must be grades 13-15 and are replaced the NASA Professional Devel- at the graduation to share their reflec- competitively selected at the agency level opment Program in support of the tions of the year and their thoughts on BY CHRIS WILLIAMS agency's emphasis on improving lead- leadership. ership skills and the ability of leaders to All three spoke of how through the produce measurable results. LDP they became aware of how their In his address to the graduates, As- personal vision and values aligned with America Recycles sociate Administrator for Program NASA's vision, mission and values and Day coming Analysis and Evaluation Dr. Scott Pace how this alignment was key in helping thanked the participants for the contri- to strengthen their ability to be more butions they made to the agency as part effective leaders. of their developmental assignments. He also praised them on the completion of Leadership Development their class project, ‘Enabling Effective Program Graduates for 2004-2005 Collaboration and Competition.’ This project involved the creation of Thomas W. Berndt, ARC an easy-to-understand business model Bryan A. Biegel, ARC Join the Ames Environmental that details how and where work is be- Beverly E. Girten, ARC Services Office at the Mega Bites ing done within programs and projects Mark P. Loomis, ARC Cafe for a celebration! across the agency and a set of tools to be Timothy R. Moes, DFRC Date: Nov. 15, 2005 used in developing a business case. Robert D. Draper, GRC Time: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. The class also conducted a series of George C. Madzsar, GRC surveys and interviews to complete the Jean M. Rogers, GRC For more recycling informa- collaboration study initiated by the 2003- Carmel A. Conaty, GSFC tion, visit the Web at: 2004 class and created a NASA collabo- Gerard J. Daelemans, GSFC ration handbook. Astrogram 11 October 2005 Multi-generational families working at NASA Ames Nina Scheller, Code PMX, recently lead aircraft mechanic for the 40-foot- office gave her access to all areas of both discovered that she was a third genera- by-80-foot wind tunnel. Ames and Dryden. A series of rota- tion Ames employee. Her grandfather, Scheller's first remembered experi- tional assignments followed, including Charles Scheller, sold his farm in Michi- ence of Ames is coming here, at the age that of aviation liaison officer to the gan (he got tired of the weather and of three with her father, for a Christmas Secretary of the Army for R&D in the farming) and by way of Indiana and party at Hangar N-211 and going off on Pentagon; chief of the research support Camino, Calif., (lumber mill) found his her own to explore the base. She division of the Army Aero Flight Dy- way to Mountain View in 1943. He took promptly got lost. But that didn't stop namics Directorate and so on. In 1997, a job at the NACA Ames Research Cen- her from returning in 1975 as a high she transferred from the Army to NASA ter as a janitor in the Aircraft Modifica- school intern working in the Thermal and returned to the Construction of Fa- tions Branch. He worked in that facility Protection Branch for Dan Leiser on the cilities Office (CofF) at Ames. She then for 12 years until his death at the age of shuttle tiles. After she graduated from moved to spaceflight hardware projects, 80. SJSU with a BS in aeronautics, having working first on the SSBRP as labora- Nina's father, Charlie, graduated also earned her single-engine pilot's li- tory support equipment lead and then from the old Mountain View High School cense, she spent six months traveling with the Stratospheric Observatory for in 1949 and went to work for Pan Am at around the world and exploring other Infrared Astronomy division. the San Francisco Airport. He enlisted in opportunities. Scheller has always been interested the Navy in 1951, during the Korean In 1983, Scheller followed in her in aeronautics and saw Ames as a magi- War conflict, and was discharged in 1955 father's footsteps and began her career cal place to work. Her time in CofF gave as a petty officer, aviation machinist at Ames as a verification test engineer her an opportunity to see almost all of mate. He decided to come to Ames on a subcontract in the 40-foot-by-80- Ames and what goes on here. It also instead of going back to Pan Am and foot operations branch. Two years later, gave her the opportunity to learn to was hired as a NACA civil servant - she was hired as an Army civil servant negotiate priorities and work to achieve beginning first as a gardener and then working for NASA under the NASA win-win situations for those involved. transitioning to the Aircraft Modifica- Army Joint Agreement. These were very “The best thing about working for Ames tions Branch, becoming a tool crib atten- busy years for the staff of the 40-foot-by- has been the feeling that you are part of dant. Within six months, he was work- 80-foot wind tunnel. With the addition something greater than yourself - ex- ing on test instrument installations un- of the 80-foot-by-120-foot test section, panding man's knowledge of the uni- der Al Pucchinelli and studying at night dedicated in 1987, the facility became verse.” to get his power plant and airframe li- known as the National Full-Scale Aero- This is the second in a series of censes, which he earned in 1956 and dynamics Complex (NFAC). articles about parents and children 1958, respectively. By 1989, it was time to move on to who both work (or have worked) Reorganization is not a new phe- new opportunities. Scheller joined the at Ames as full-time, permanent em- nomenon at Ames, and in the early 1960s, Facility Planning Office, headed by ployees (civil service or contractor). he was transferred to the Simulator Sys- Chuck Castellano, and discovered that If you know of any other such tems Services Branch, working on a team the NFAC was not the center of the relationships, contact Larry Manning that built the six-degree-of-freedom universe. She worked closely with Dick at [email protected]. simulator and the midcourse naviga- Brown and her years in the planning BY LARRY MANNING AND VALERIE ADAMSKI tion simulator. Both of these facilities were critical to the success of the Apollo space program. (Note: These facilities are shown on pages 430 and 431 respec- Ames opens new child care center tively in Adventures in Research: A His- tory of Ames Research Center 1940- 1965.) One of the highlights during this Below: New Facility Committee Chair Cheryl Quinn offers thanks to those who contributed to time period was working with astro- the ACCC New Facility Project during the nauts Gordon Cooper and Wally Schirra. August open house/grand opening event. In 1966, he moved to the 40-foot-by- 80-foot wind tunnel, working on the shuttle, the X-15, helicopters, etc. Charlie remembers that in those days, the 40- foot-by-80-foot tunnel was very much in demand, running two shifts each day. The Outdoor Aerodynamic Research Facility (OARF), affectionately known to the mechanics as “the tomato patch,” was used as an adjunct of the 40-foot-by- 80-foot tunnel. Models were checked Former Ames Deputy Center Director Stan Newberry cuts the ribbon at the for instrumentation and engine perfor- grand opening for the new Ames Child NASA photos by Tom Trower mance prior to installation into the tun- Care Center with the help of recent Ames nel, thus keeping tunnel downtime to a Child Care Center (ACCC) alumni. minimum. Charlie retired in 1981 as the

Astrogram 12 October 2005 Feeding wildlife at NASA Ames is prohibited NASA Ames provides habitat for a the risk of disease transmission, bites dangered. Because of this detrimental wide variety of wildlife. Most of these and fleas dramatically increases because impact, the United States Fish and Wild- animals, such as the California clapper wild animals are attracted to populated life Service (FWS) has stated that feed- rail, least tern, salt marsh harvest mouse areas of the center, including the Child ing non-native species on public instal- and western burrowing owl, occur natu- Care Center. Besides attracting the tar- lations in the region is a violation of the rally in the San Francisco Bay ecosystem geted species, feeding stations invite Endangered Species Act. Anybody plac- and are thus considered 'native.' How- other wild animals such as skunks, rac- ing food out for feral cats would be in ever, NASA Ames also plays host to a coons and opossums, which exacerbate violation of the act, and could be subject variety of 'non-native' species, which the problem. In addition, the animals to prosecution by FWS. often upset the natural balance and become dependant upon humans for Because NASA Ames is committed sometimes have harmful effects on our food. When humans are not available to to protecting its employees' health and native species. provide food, feral cats will often jump the environment, as well as complying A non-native animal of particular into open garbage dumpsters to find with applicable laws, it established a concern is the feral cat, which may have food and end up eating harmful items policy in January 1997 prohibiting the been initially released by humans, and instead. feeding of non-native animals onsite. has subsequently reverted to the wild. In addition to these health and safety The Environmental Services Office The numbers of feral cats can proliferate issues, feeding wild animal predators, would like to reiterate this policy and when aided by supplementary food pro- particularly non-native animals, dis- ask for your full cooperation in its imple- vided by well-meaning humans. rupts the natural balance of NASA Ames' mentation. While it may seem kind to feed ecosystem. Published scientific studies If you have any questions about this these cats and other wild animals, doing indicate that a ready food supply does policy, contact NASA Ames' wildlife so poses serious problems. First and not decrease the predatory behavior of biologist Chris Alderete at ext. 4-3532 or foremost, it compromises the health and these animals but rather increases their [email protected]. safety of our employees and their chil- numbers and strength at the expense of BY STACY ST. LOUIS dren, tenants and visitors. Specifically, native species, some of which are en- It takes a village to protect NASA information and computing technology investments Virtually every aspect of the NASA mission is dependent upon information technology resources to provide essen- tial support in accomplishing the agency's operational, research and man- agement objectives. The value of NASA's information and computing resources and their importance to NASA missions creates a need for those resources to be adequately protected to assure confi- NASA photo by Tom Trower dentiality, integrity and availability of NASA information as it is processed, stored and moved within NASA infor- mation systems and applications. Here at Ames, several teams of in- formation technology (IT) security pro- fessionals are responsible for the over- Pictured above are individuals who serve in critical functional roles supporting Ames center security. sight of information security practices These include roles in Ames Protective Services Operations, center IT security management, center IT security operations, Ames CIO Council membership, directorate and organizational security official at the center. Their role is to develop, representation and Ames PKI operations. Many of the individuals pictured here serve in multiple maintain and operate the programs that center security roles. Standing from left to right are: Kevin Carbajal, Donald Sullivan, Annette help Ames meet its information security Randall, Tony Damian, Geoff Lee, Nicole Le, Craig Elario, Dave Tweten, Ray Obrien, Chris Berg, Tony objectives and the federally mandated Madulara, Dr. Stephanie Langhoff and Dr. Jeffrey Mulligan. Seated from left to right is: Karol requirements of the Federal Informa- Broussard, Elizabeth Mulleda, Kimberley Walsh, Suzanne Meyer, Helen Stewart and Rosalind Miller. Kneeling from left to right is John Nguyen, Peter Tam, Alan Bishoff, and Costandi Wahhab. tion Security Management Act (FISMA). The teams span a variety of center- wide functions, including IT security export control, organizational security operations and organizational certified management and operations, counter official and CIO council representation, system administration. intelligence, information assurance and Ames public key infrastructure (PKI) BY HELEN STEWART

Astrogram 13 October 2005 Ames Diabetics (AAD), 1st & 3rd Weds, 12 noon to POC: Stacy St. Events Calendar 1 p.m., at Ames Mega Bites, Sun room. Support group Louis at ext. 4-6810. discusses news affecting diabetics. POC: Bob Mohlenhoff, The Hispanic Advisory Committee for Ames Amateur Radio Club, third Thursday of each ext. 4-2523/e-mail at: [email protected]. Excellence HACE Mtg, first Thurs of month in N255 month, 12 noon, N-T28 (across from N-255). POC: Ames Federal Employees Union (AFEU) Mtg, third room 101C from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. POC: Eric Michael Wright, KG6BFK, at ext. 4-6262. Wednesday of ea. month, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., Bldg. 221, Kristich at ext. 4-5137 and Mark Leon at ext. 4-6498. Ames Ballroom Dance Club. Classes on Tuesdays. Rm 104. Guests welcome. Info at: Jetstream Toastmasters, Mondays, 12 p.m. to 1 Beginning classes meet at 5:15 p.m. Higher-level class POC: Marianne Mosher, ext. 4-4055. p.m., N-269/Rm.179. POC: Bob Hilton at ext. 4-2909, meets at 5:50 p.m. Held in Bldg. 944, the Rec. Center. Ames Mac Support Group Mtg, third Tuesday of ea. [email protected]. POC: Helen Hwang at [email protected], ext. 4- month, 11:30 1 p.m., Bldg. N262, Rm 180. POC: 1368. Nat'l Association of Retired Federal Employees, Tony ext. 4-0340. (NARFE). Former and current federal employees. Your Ames Bowling League, Palo Alto Bowl on Tuesday Ames Model Aircraft Club, flying radio-controlled only contact with Congress. Join to protect your nights. Seeking full-time bowlers and substitutes. aircraft at the north end of Parsons Ave. on weekend federal retirement. Chptr #50 will then meet on the Questions to sign up: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132. mornings. POC: Mark Sumich, ext. 4-6193. first Fri. of each month at HomeTown Buffet, 2670 El Ames Child Care Center Board of Directors Mtg, Camino (at Kiely), S. Clara, 11 a.m. lunch. POC Earl Ames Sailing Club Mtg, second Thursday of ea. Keener (408) 241-4459 or NARFE 1-800-627-3394. every other Thursday (check Web site for meeting dates: month (Feb through Nov), from 12:00 p.m. -1:00 p.m. in, 12 noon to 1:30 p.m., N-210, Bldg. N-262, Rm 100. URL: Native American Advisory Committee Mtg, Rm. 205. POC: Cheryl Quinn, ext 4-5793. POC: Becky Hooey, ext. 4-2399. fourth Tues each month, 12 noon to 1 p.m., Bldg. 19, Rm 1096. POC: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132. Ames Contractor Council Mtg, first Wednesday each Environmental Forum, first Thursday of each month, month, 11 a.m., N-200, Comm. Rm. POC: Linda 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., Bldg. 221/Rm 155. URL: http:// McCahon, ext. 4-1891.

Protective Services Safety Data Brown Bag Series The Environmental Services Office monthly activity NASA-Ames Occupational is hosting the following brown bag event: A statistical summary of activi- Illness-Injury Data for Calendar Subject: World Wind Project ties of the Protective Services Year-to-Date 2005 Date: Nov. 17 Division's Security/Law Enforce- Jan. 1, 2005 – Sept. 30, 2005 Time: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. ment and Fire Protection Services Place: Building 221, Room 155 units for the month of Sept. 2005 is Civil Contractors Bring your lunch! shown below. Servants Speaker: Patrick Hogan Security/Law Enforcement Activity The Ames Environmental Services First aid cases 22 16 Office will host Patrick Hogan, program manager of the World Wind Project, Lost-time cases 0 8 NASA Ames Learning Technologies Program, in a discussion of the NASA Recordable cases 3 18 World Wind project as it relates to the environment. World Wind is a program Lost workdays 0 158 that allows the user to zoom from satel- lite altitude into any place on Earth. Fire Protection Activity Restricted duty days 0 88 Leveraging Landsat satellite imagery and shuttle radar topography mission Above data is as of 10/05/05. May data, World Wind lets each user experi- be subject to slight adjustment in the ence Earth terrain in visually rich 3D. event of a new case or new inform- Hogan will discuss how this technology ation regarding an existing case. can help us better appreciate the envi- ronmental concept of climate change using World Wind imagery. For more information, visit the Web at http:// Environmental forum Subject: How bad is polluted storm water run off? Date: Nov. 3 Time: 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Place Building 221, Room 155 Speakers: Christy Ray-Hagenau, Environmental Compliance Specialist, ISSi and Kran Kilpatrick, NASA

Learn about how storm water pol- lution occurs and how it ultimately im- pacts water end points, such as local beaches.

Astrogram 14 October 2005 Ames Classifieds Exchange Information Tahoe Donner vacation home, 2 bd/2ba. trees, Ads for the next issue should be sent to Information about products, services and deck. Access to pools, spa, golf, horseback riding, [email protected] and must be resubmitted for opportunities provided to the employee and contractor $280 wkend, $650 week. Call (408) 739-9134. each issue. Ads must involve personal needs or items; (no community by the Ames Exchange Council. Visit the Pine Mountain Lake vacation home. Access to commercial/third-party ads) and will run on a space- web site at: golf, tennis, lake, swimming, horseback riding, walk to available basis only. First-time ads are given priority. Ads beach. Three bedrooms/sleeps 10. $100/night. Call must include home phone numbers; Ames extensions and Beyond Galileo N-235 (8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (408) 799-4052 or (831) 623-4054. email addresses will be accepted for carpool and lost and ext. 4-6873 found ads only. Due to the volume of material received, Incline Village: Forest Pines, Lake Tahoe condo, 3 we are unable to verify the accuracy of the statements Ask about NASA customized gifts for special bd/2ba, sleeps 8. Fireplace, TV/VCR/DVD, MW, W/D, made in the ads. Caveat emptor! occasions. jacuzzi, sauna, pool. Walk to Lake, close to ski areas. Visit Web page for pictures: http:// Mega Bites N-235 (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) $120/night low season, Housing ext. 4-5969 $155/night high season (holidays higher) plus $156 cleaning fee and 12% Nevada room tax. Charlie (650) Room available for rent in house in mid town Palo Alto, See daily menu at: 366-1873. with kitchen, laundry, and pool, $500 plus $50 toward utils, for a quiet, neat, stable and conscientious person or couple. Visitor Center Gift Shop N-943 Disneyland area vacation rental home, 2 bd/1ba. Nearing completion completely remodeled w/new (10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) ext. 4-5412 Brand new, never-occupied 2 bd/2 ba condo for rent furniture. Sleeps 6 (queen bed, bunk beds, sleeper at the new Villa Cortina on Winchester Blvd. in San Jose NASA logo merchandise, souvenirs, toys, gifts and sofa). Air hockey and football tables. Introductory near Santana Row. Amenities include: marble countertops, educational items. rate $600/wk, once completed rate will be $1000/wk. redwood decks, designer cabinetry and fixtures, hardwood Security deposit and $100 cleaning fee required. Call floor and Berber carpet, soaker bathtub, built-in linen Tickets, etc...(N-235, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (925) 846-2781. closet, W/D, pre-wired for HD television and CAT-5, high ext. 4-6873 speed internet connectivity to 3 MBPS, secure parking, Ski Park City Utah, NASA Ski Week XIV, Feb 5 - 12, 2005. Space limited. E-mail Steve at e-mail fitness center. 12-month lease, $2,000 month (includes Check web site for discounts to local attractions, [email protected] or call (408) 432-0135. garbage). $1,500 deposit. Call for viewing (408) 515- and click on tickets. 8134. View photos at New York, 5th Ave. One fully furnished bedroom Need house 3 bedroom house to rent in Mountain in 24 hour security bldg. overlooking Washington (N-19) 603-7100 View for myself and my two children. Have one dog and NASA Lodge (N-19) 603-7100 Square Park, $1,000/wk or $3,000/mo. negotiable. two cats. Please call (650) 279-4084. Open 7 days a week, 7:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. Rates Call (650) 349-0238. from $40 - $50. Paris/France: Fully furnished studio, 5th Arr, Latin Quarter, Notre Dame and Ile-St. Louis., $1,400/wk. Ames Swim Center (N-109) 603-8025 negotiable. Call (650) 349-0238. Miscellaneous Ames Swim Center, 25 meter swimming pool open Santa Cruz townhouse, 2 bedrooms plus study, 2 and heated year round. (80-82 degrees) Lap swim: Mon, baths, decks, totally furnished, 3 blocks from beach, The Ames Cat Network needs help finding homes for Weds, Fri, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3-6 Tues to Thurs 10 available July, August, September; $1,600 per month. cats trapped at Moffett. They range from feral to a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Seasonal recreation Call (831) 423-5777 (H) or (831) 277-8476 (C). abandoned/lost pets. Tested, altered and inoculated. Call swim; swim lessons. Locker rooms w/sauna and shower West Maui vacation at Kahana Falls, across street Iris at ext. 4-5824 if you or someone you know are facility. Open to all civil servants and contractors. from beach. Thanksgiving week 19-26 Nov 05, $630/ interested in fostering or adopting a cat. Location: Bldg. 109 across the street from the tennis wk. 1bd/2 ba, w/d, fk. For 2 adults, 0 to 2 kids. Call courts. Fees vary depending on activity. POC: Tana (650) 962-1314 after Aug 7. Women's casual shoes size 8.5, perfect condition, (1) Windhorst, ext. 3-8025; e-mail: [email protected] Positively Peppers (Brazil) light medium brown and (1) Ecco San Francisco, Donatello Hotel, small, deluxe Super feet Gore-Tex black both lace up. $15 ea. Call (408) hotel, one block from Union Square, 4 nights available 234-0025. Vacation Opportunities to be scheduled either together or individually, $150 Combi savvy travel stroller (new cond.), $25; toddler/ per night. Call Barry Cunningham (510) 793-4457 or Lake Tahoe-Squaw Valley Townhse, 3bd/2ba e-mail [email protected] infant life jacket (new cond.), $10; 2 Cenelli 66 road bike equipped, balcony view, horseback riding, hiking, biking, handlebars, 44 and 42 cm, $8 ea.; Bontrager Ti river rafting, tennis, ice skating and more. Summer Vacation rental. Ferndale - The Victorian Village. mountainbike handlebar (118g) w/BERTS, $15; campy rates. Call (650) 968-4155 or e-mail Victorian home on Main Street a short stroll to the front derailer, $5; Various Harken, Schaefer, Servo sailing [email protected] Village which has been designated as a state historical cleats and blocks. Kris (408) 243-3348. landmark. Enjoy the many holiday activities which South Lake Tahoe cottage w/wood fireplace, hot include a Christmas parade and lighting of America's Womans O'Neil wet suit for cold water surfing, size 8. tub. Rates $50 to $130 per night. Call (650) 967-7659 Very good condition. $25. Call (408) 234-0025. tallest living Christmas tree. Four bedrooms (sleeps or (650) 704-7732. approx. six), two full baths, large kitchen, dining Changing table and crib in excellent condition. Both Vacation rental, Bass Lake, 4 mls south of Yosemite. room, parlor w/fireplace, enclosed desk w/hot tub. For are real wood with natural/clear finish. Changing table is a 3bd/1.5 ba, TV, VCR, MW, frplc, BBQ, priv. boat dock. info call (707) 983-9514. Pali ($100) and crib is a Simmons with dual slide-down Sleeps 8. $1,050/wk. Call (559) 642-3600 or (650) 390- panels ($150). See in person. Call (408) 295-2160. Monterey Bay vacation rental at Pajaro Dunes, 20 9668. miles south of Santa Cruz, 3bd/2ba beach house with Do you like spending you hard-earned money on Big Sur vacation rental, secluded 4bd/2ba house in distinctive architecture. Beautiful ocean and valley gasoline? Cut your weekday gas bill in half -- carpool with canyon setting. Fully eqpd kitchen. Access to priv. views, only 150 ft from the beach, first-class tennis me from Fremont. Nancy ext. 4-3258. beach. Tub in patio gdn. Halfway between Carmel and courts. $500/wkend, $200/addl night, including San Francisco, Donatello Hotel, small, deluxe hotel 1 Big Sur. $175/night for 2; $225 for 4 and $250 for cleaning by the maid service when you depart. Call block from Union Square, 5 nights available to be more, plus $150 cleaning dep. Call (650) 328-4427. (408) 252-7260. scheduled either together or individually, $125 per night. Call Barry Cunningham (510) 793-4457 or e-mail [email protected] Cambridge Soundworks and Polk audio PC sound system. Powered subwoofer with volume control and Polk Astrogram deadlines audio satellites. $30. Call (408) 295-2160. Ames emergency Kenwood home theater audio/video receiver with Please submit articles, calendar remote control: Dolby Digital 5.1; 100[w/ch], black, works and classified advertisements to announcements perfectly. $75. Call (408) 295-2160. [email protected] no later than the 10th of each month. If this falls on the weekend or holiday, To hear the centerwide status Miscellaneous then the following business day be- recording, call (650) 604-9999 for in- comes the deadline. formation announcements and emer- ‘99 GMC Sierra 4x4 pickup, red Supercab, 5300 vortex For Astrogram questions, con- gency instructions for Ames employ- V-8, Z-71 and SLE trim, all power options, off road chassis ees. You can also listen to 1700 KHz package, equalizing hitch and trailer brakes, bed liner and tact Astrid Terlep at the aforemen- AM radio for the same information. hard tonneau cover, 91,000 miles. Beautiful truck! Great tioned e-mail address or ext. 4-3347. condition. Call (408) 371-1487.

Astrogram 15 October 2005 Hubbard outlines strategies for future during transformation continued from page 3 probability of loss of crew, compared work,” Hubbard said. However, warned Hubbard. He urged employees to coop- with a 1/220 probability of loss of crew Hubbard, “there is still a long way to erate with the Center's workforce tran- for the space shuttle. go.” Based on current budget projec- sition team that is helping to find work Hubbard said Ames has been as- tions, new business opportunities and a for transition employees. He also told signed the program office for the new potential buyout, from zero to 240 civil employees that NASA is requesting an- Robotic Lunar Exploration Program, servant positions and from 220 to 315 other buyout authority and encouraged whose goal is to prepare for humans to contractor positions may be unfunded those who are eligible to take the buyout return to the moon. Ames will use the in this fiscal year. Positions that remain should it be approved. expertise gained from the Lunar Pros- unfunded could be at risk for a reduc- “Managing our way through FY 06 pector mission that operated from Janu- tion in force (RIF) or layoff. without major damage to our core com- ary 1998 to September 1999 in support of Hubbard said Ames will make ev- petencies or our strategic future may the new lunar exploration program and ery effort to reduce contractor layoffs well be the greatest challenge in the its first mission, the Lunar Reconnais- and avoid a reduction in force of civil history of the Center,” Hubbard de- sance Orbiter, scheduled to launch in servants. “The goal is no RIF,” vowed clared. 2008. BY MIKE MEWHINNEY Ames will be a member of a lunar lander team led by Marshall Space Flight Center that will operate in the moon's Ames Health Unit offers flu shot south polar region for up to 12 months. Hubbard said Ames' contributions The NASA Ames Health Unit will sleeves to eliminate the need for pri- might include mission operations sup- be offering flu vaccine in the Health vacy. port, science instruments, autonomy, Unit (Building 215) on the following 2. The information sheet and con- robotics, reliable software and integrated dates and times: sent forms will be available at the Health systems health management. Unit or on line at http://q/qh/health. Although Ames is making good Nov. 7, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Follow the link to the Influenza vaccine progress, Hubbard also warned that Nov. 8, 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. information sheet and Influenza vac- some of the effects of the transformation Nov. 15, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. cine consent form. You can print out process will be painful for the Center. In Nov. 17, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. these forms, complete them and bring order to meet the requirements of the them with you to the flu clinic. transformation process, Hubbard said It is not necessary to make an ap- 3. Please arrive a few minutes early Ames is continuing to reshape its pointment. Additional clinics may be to allow yourself enough time to read workforce. scheduled in the future pending vac- and sign the forms if you will be com- “We have come a long way from cine availability. pleting them at the Health Unit. For Feb. 7, and our uncovered capacity has Flu Clinic Procedures: more information, contact the Health been reduced, thanks to a lot of hard 1. Please wear short or loose fitting Unit at ext. 4-5287.

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The Ames Astrogram is an official publication of Ames Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Editor-in-Chief...... Laura Lewis Managing Editor...... Ann Sullivan Editor, Layout and Design...... Astrid Terlep

You can reach the Astrogram Office at: [email protected] or by phone at PLEASE RECYCLE (650) 604-3347. Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink.

Astrogram 16 October 2005