At tax time, home offices can pay off C1 SUMTER LITTLE THEATRE ‘Leading Ladies’ offers more than mere comedy A3 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2017 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 $1.50 School attorney gives details of Delve a bit deeper financial consultant’s workflow BY BRUCE MILLS explanation. You got to make District procurement audit highlights 5 findings
[email protected] sure you’re fixing it for this year, and then you have to BY BRUCE MILLS MORE ONLINE cated in its procurement man- The consultant hired by make your plans on how to
[email protected] ual. In her examination, Sumter School Board to run efficiently next year.” Read the full procurement audit Poston found two procure- guide the district through its The audit report from last A separate audit of pur- report at ments that were listed as sole debt crisis has a detailed fiscal year, released in De- chase processes of Sumter source procurements but nei- three-step pro- cember, showed the district School District found the dis- ther had adequate sole-source cess that he’s over-spent by $6.2 million last trict didn’t follow its own pro- financial statements last fall determinations. The two pro- working fiscal year and had an ending curement policy, according to that showed the district over- curements were for $37,225.98 through to get general fund balance on June an independent accountant’s spent by $6.2 million in the fis- and $27,780, respectively. the district back 30, 2016, of $106,449 — a criti- report.