Attorney slams Morris for ‘negligence, recklessness’ initial hearing in the case last week Harrell says delaying SEE HARRELL’S STATEMENT are an example of the college’s “negligence and/or recklessness” Read attorney John Harrell’s full hearing in mold case that the suit seeks to address. statement to The Sumter Item about the SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 2018 $1.75 case on A9. After the college’s lawyer, David is college’s strategy Weeks — who is also a state legisla- SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 BY BRUCE MILLS tor — invoked his “legislative privi-
[email protected] lege” to “protect” him from being behalf of current and former Mor- called to any court hearing for the The litigation attorney who re- ris College students against the cently filed a class-action suit on college claims efforts to delay an SEE MOLD, PAGE A8 4 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES | VOL. 123, NO. 57 PANORAMA Bird’s-eye view of Sumter’s blanket of snow Don’t miss ‘Annie Jr.’ Talented Furman students will present play beginning this Thursday A5 SPORTS PHOTOS BY KEN JUSTICE JR. / SPECIAL TO THE SUMTER ITEM The Sumter Item’s The campus of Sumter High School on McCrays Mill Road is seen after snow fell on the area Wednesday. 2017 All-Independent football team B1 NATION Cold weather causing iguanas to fall from trees in Florida A7 LEFT: Foxcroft Subdivision across from Sumter High School off McCrays Mill Road is seen. DEATHS, B5 RIGHT: McCrays Mill Road looking toward Pinewood Road is seen. Ralph S. Jackson Bertha Edwards Barbara B.