November 2017

In this month’s Spotlight Greetings from MTNZ President Lesley Carthew ...... 1 RIP Life Members Len Speir and Shona Spencer ...... 4 Places to be, people to see with iTICKET ...... 6 Spotlight on Reece Preston, founder with Phil Jobbins of iTICKET ...... 7 58th National Conference Nelson – all you need to know – early bird rego closes off 31 Dec ...... 9 - 17 Newsflash – Junior Theatre Info Hour – new forum for Friday at conference ...... 18 Zone Reports and a Wrap Up of What’s Happening Around Our Community in New Zealand ...... 19 – 22 Fundraising Conference for Ruby Lyon with Gwen Lyon ...... 26 What’s happening in Zone Three ...... 29 Consortium Defying Gravity ...... 32 Zone Four and Five News and Views ...... 35 Tips and Ideas from the Volunteering NZ Conference ...... 39 New Associate Members Web Tigers & the MTNZ 2018 Calendar – dates for your diaries ...... 40 Pop Up Systems from John Herber ...... 41 Zone Four and Five News and Views ...... 35 New releases from Origin Theatrical – Ghost; Atomic and Connected – a rock musical ...... 43 NZ Musicals from Playmarket – including Peter Jackson’s Brain Dead the Musical ...... 46

From the President’s View Point Sage advice from this wonderful woman!

And so it’s November, where has the year gone? An extremely busy time for me since I last spoke to you in Spotlight, but extremely enjoyable and fulfilling.

First up was my trip to Dannevirke, meeting up with Zone Three rep Sharron, staying in a gorgeous B and B on the outskirts of Dannevirke, and attending a very fine performance of “Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Jersey Lily”. The story tells of the hunt for love letters written by Lillie Langtry to Oscar Wilde, because Lillie was being blackmailed. The following was one comment I read on line about this comedy: "...a quick-paced, witty...confection that goes down like iced lemonade on a summer scorcher." Pioneer Press 1

The play was directed by Elijah Graham, a young man, with a huge talent, he not only directed the play, but he wrote a piano score, which he played superbly in the background of the production. Elijah attended our Boot Camp in August. The cast and crew are to be congratulated on a very entertaining production.

Next day, and then again during the week, I attended Napier Operatic Society’s Children’s Theatre Production of “Beauty and the Beast”. Up stepped first time director – NextGen Representative- James Wright (who attended both MTNZ NextGen Boot Camps), and what a great job he did. With a cast of some 50 children (no easy feat to manage), the show was fantastic, and James and his team are to be congratulated on a superb production.

The inaugural Junior Theatre Celebration was held at Labour Weekend in Auckland this year. Attended by 290 young musical theatre thespians, this is a chance for societies to showcase their talent in front of directors from USA, Music Theatre International. What a wonderful opportunity for young people to strut their stuff, and I do hope that more groups take up the opportunity next year. To learn from these industry experts is a wonderful opportunity. MTNZ was well represented with GM Kate and NextGen Rep James attending (James’ Beauty and the Beast cast were taking part) and of course, our Zone One Rep Emma Bishop who is the National Junior Theatre Rep organised and managed the event.

So, to the last weekend of October, and off to Oamaru I went, to attend the annual Combined South Island Meeting. I always love going to these meetings, always well attended, and great to see some new faces. Sue Barker of Sue Barker Charities Law again presented on the New Incorporated Societies’ Legislation, this affects all societies, and is something we must be very aware of. Suffice to say that in time, all societies will be required to have a new constitution, this will be a costly exercise but with the help of Sue, MTNZ is endeavouring to help you all in this regard, and we will update you as we make progress on this. We all benefitted from Kate’s Theatre Marketing Forum and Discussion, Helen and Kate reiterated the importance of having a Strategic Plan, and there was also something for the Techies – Health and Safety and a “chew the fat” session on all things technical including an update on Skills Active/ETNZ Qualifications. My thanks to Sue Barker, David Bosworth (The Light Site), Carl Sheehan (Nelson Musical Theatre, and Graeme Philip (John Herber Ltd) for their input to the weekend. Special thanks to Kate, Zone Four Administrator Dianne, Helen and Ross for organising a great weekend, and grateful thanks to Pat Gunn, Daniel Martin and the team from Musical Theatre Oamaru for hosting us for the day. My thanks too to our FOUR Life Members in attendance – Markham Lee who is also our Hon Solicitor; Diane and Graeme Philip and John MacGibbon – very special for us to have you all attend the meeting.

Sadly, after a great weekend, I then was advised of the very sad passing of my dear friend and mentor Len Speir. Len was MTNZ’s auditor, a Life Member, and friend to all. I will miss him dearly, he was always available to help and guide me, and I will always be grateful to him. RIP dear Len xxx We also lost Shona Spencer in September. Shona was also a Life Member of MTNZ and Kate’s predecessor – a well respected lady who contributed so much to the national Executive and Bob Cater who drafted the original constitution for NZFOS and was a well known Wellington theatre identity – he too passed away in September. We are grateful to all these amazing people for their contribution to our community and thank them all.

Kate and Emma have been busy with MTNZ activities attending the Volunteering NZ Conference and also visiting the Auckland 2019 conference venue – the Ellerslie Event Centre at the Ellerslie racecourse. From attending the Volunteering NZ conference we have got some great ideas to implement for our conference along with some good workshop topics and presenters Kate is keen to engage with for our meetings and training going forward – so watch this space 


Last weekend the Executive travelled to Auckland for our last meeting for 2017. We had a very full agenda, and I thank my Executive for their input over two long sessions. Vice President Dan left us at lunchtime Saturday to fly back to Tauranga to represent the Executive at Len’s funeral. While we would all have liked to attend the funeral, fiscally it was not possible, and we knew Len would not have approved of any funds being “wasted”.

Late afternoon, the Executive hosted Society members and Corporates from Zone One at the Pumphouse in Takapuna. We thought it was an ideal opportunity to meet with our Zone One friends, have a drink and a nibble, and discuss any issues they might have. Sadly, the soiree was not well attended, but I personally thank those who did attend, it was lovely to see you and have your input. We had New Zealand Playwright Roger Hall join us, and he gave us an insight of his plans for New Zealand Theatre Month to be held on September 2018. Special thanks to Angela Anthony for helping facilitate the occasion, and the staff at the Pumphouse for their assistance. The afternoon culminated with an Executive photo taken on “John Antony’s seat”, a very special moment. Saturday night we travelled to Orewa, to see Centrestage Theatre Company’s NZ Premiere of “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”. And what a fantastic production it was, I loved every minute of it, and the entire team are to be congratulated for their efforts. As I travel up and down the country I am made very aware of the efforts that our people make all for the love of musical theatre. I am extremely grateful for all of our Corporates, who give of their time and expertise so freely, without you all we would not survive. So as my term in office winds down, I can only thank you all for your commitment to this wonderful “disease” – long may it continue! Fond regards to you all - Lesley


RIP Len Speir – MTNZ Life Member and Hon Auditor (Dan’s citation read at Len’s farewell in Tauranga on 4 November 2017) My name is Daniel Pepperell and I am the Vice President of Musical Theatre New Zealand, and a member of Tauranga Musical Theatre. I would like to pass on apologies from President Lesley, General Manager Kate and the rest of the MTNZ Executive who I have come from today in Auckland where we have been having our meeting.

As our honorary auditor, we could hear his sage advice in our ears saying “do not cancel the meeting and incur cost on my behalf”

It was with heavy hearts and much sadness that the MTNZ Executive informed our community that MTNZ Life Member, our Hon Auditor and wonderful supporter of community theatre both at a national and local level, Len Speir, had passed away.

Our thoughts, love and sympathy are with the Speir family, Roy and Tauranga Musical Theatre. An amazing man and a true gentleman and he will be very much missed by us all.

Len was awarded Life Membership (our highest honour) of MTNZ in 2007 and Nola presented him with his award, which was a very special moment for them both. The words below are from that presentation, which were read out by John Antony who was President at the time.

Aside from auditing the MTNZ accounts from 1985 onwards and trying to fathom “creative accounting” from previous administrator Shona and now Kate, Len has been extensively involved with musical theatre since the inaugural meeting of NZ Federation of Operatic societies in 1960 in Wellington. He was very supportive of Nola during her involvement on the Executive of NZFOS and Musical Theatre Federation of NZ and has been the honorary auditor for a number of societies over the years including Tauranga, Napier, New Plymouth, Playhouse and Wellington. Len still continues to audit the financial accounts of MTNZ and some society members and continues to work two days a week at the accounting practice – so much for retirement!!!! Len is one of those many people in our industry, who works quietly behind the scenes but has given so much to musical theatre at both a community and national level. This was recognized by Tauranga Musical Theatre when Len was made a life member.

Rest in peace dear Len, we will miss you so much, your service to Musical Theatre and its community in this country will never be forgotten.


RIP Shona Spencer, Life Member Shona Spencer (Brown) passed away on 30 September. Shona was the Executive Officer of NZFOS, then MTNZ Administrator for a number of years and was Kate’s predecessor.

Our Patron Donna Philpott attended her service at St Paul's in Wellington. Shona was made a Life Member of MTNZ in 2003.

Our love, thoughts and sympathy are with Shona's family

We have set up MTNZ Zone member only groups The purpose of these groups is to improve communication between Zone societies and other members, like corporates who are in the respective zones, and also to help each other out, ask questions, share info etc at a more local level, enabling a clearer information flow around the Zones

Zone Two Zone Five Zone Three Zone Four Zone One NextGen

MTNZ Community Page - MTNZ Public Page -



In 2004 Reece Preston created iTICKET with Phil Jobbins. They had a desire to create a new breed of ticketing company to challenge the big, multinationals.

Thirteen years on the company is still obsessed with flying the flag fo hassle-free events with slick technology and management to deliver successful events. iTICKET is proud to be 100 per cent Kiwi owned. We asked Reece a few questions, so you can get to know the man behind the ticket counter.

Outside of ticketing and theatre what are your major interests? Other than the usual suspect of spending time with family and two noisy kids, my remaining time for other interests includes the following: • Playing the piano; usually every other day at least to keep the brain working; current practice piece: Don't Stop Me Now by Queen • Driving at speed; my dad owns an old rally car, so any chance to race that around country roads, I take it • I love technology; I'm usually thinking about something business related where I can find any excuse to play with the latest toys

When was your last overseas adventure and what made it special? My last trip away was for business, but was still an adventure. At the last minute, I decided to attend a ticketing conference in Dublin last year. It was a whirlwind trip, Dublin and back in seven days, with only three days on the ground, so I was a walking zombie by the time I got home! I did have some personal time to myself though, and it was amazing just walking the streets of Dublin, finding old castles to look at and generally feeling the incredible sense of historical goodness. The Guinness Brewery tasting session was also a highlight.

Rock of Ages is a popular musical at the moment. What is your favourite 80s song? Definitely 'Slice of Heaven' by Dave Dobbyn and the Herbs. That song seems to take me back to the good ole days of the 80s for some reason - must have been the Footrot Flats movie as a kid.

What are the biggest changes you've noticed in ticketing events over the last 13 years or so? Without a doubt, it's been the rapid pace of technology change, and more so in recent years. Within that, it's been the move to mobile - back in 2004, smartphones didn't exist so we were trying to solve challenges like getting barcodes to display on old Nokia style screens (next to impossible!). These days we're seeing tickets for certain events being purchased predominantly on mobile. Smartphones have made life a lot easier, so we're now finding ourselves working on more mobile-centric applications for people on the move. The industry is more competitive than ever, but we still find experience counts so we use that to our advantage. It's a huge upside having worked in theatre for so many years when it comes to helping musical theatre societies get bums on seats.

We love having you involved with MTNZ, but are you a musical theatre fan and, if so, do you have a favourite show? Absolutely a musical theatre fan. Whilst I'm a software programmer by trade, I didn't fall into the ticketing business by accident. I was in many a school show as a kid, and when I moved to Auckland when I was 18, I started out on stage with Harlequin Theatre in a musical revue show. Being a male helps, but hopefully I was snapped up for having some talent in the singing and dancing space. I 7

was also in (after an intense period learning how to tap dance!), , Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and Seussical. My favourite show is probably Joseph, purely from the 'fun' perspective. I tend to enjoy musicals that have big bands or orchestras though, especially ones heavy on the brass section and bone rattling bass. I have lots of favourites though, but current discovery is "Something Rotten" ... very funny with clever music, and similar in style to which I find hilarious.

If you had an event bucket list, what would be on it? Lots to be honest. I was lucky enough to have a trip to New York about 10 years ago with family, and managed to see a few, but would love to see "The Drowsy Chaperone" again - good old fashioned rollicking show. I also missed out on Michael Buble's last NZ concert, so would love to see that at some point.

Finally, how would you spend your ideal Sunday? Honestly, doing very little - the weeks are always so busy, so relaxing on the back deck listening to jazz music sounds quite good. Otherwise just pottering around in the garden, doing home maintenance, waterblasting or using power tools.








58th National Conference and Volunteer Training Weekend - 16-18 March 2018 - Founders Heritage Park and Grand Mercure Nelson Monaco, hosted by Nelson Musical Theatre.

Seminar/Forum Topics include: MASTER CLASSES “FLYING SOLO - Telling the Story in Song”; wellbeing; hot topic sessions on marketing, NextGen, techie and governance. Set design, millinery, stage engineering, make-up, musical directing, risk assessment, theatre schools and “it ain’t all jazz hands” and much, much more. Highlights of the programme The iTICKET Sunday morning breakfast to send you on your way; the Awards – Merit, Patron/NextGen, hot topic survey results presentation with VP Dan; ETNZ Community Technician; Programmes; Posters and a wonderful opportunity to network, participate, upskill, make new friends and learn more about the theatre craft from some amazing professionals & how you can help your society grow and work well as a community organisation Special Guest Jennifer Ward-Lealand - keynote speaker and Friday afternoon workshop presenter Accommodation Options – to suit all budgets Grand Mercure Nelson Monaco Saxton Lodge Honest Lawyer Rutherford Hotel We look forward to seeing you there as your fave Shakespearean character on Saturday night, a bit of Wild, Wild West on Friday night and a wee bit of green for the iTICKET St Paddy’s Sunday morning brekkie. You won't want to miss this conference - it's going to be fabulous and relaxed - in true Nelson style!

Registrations (early bird $260 pp) now open keep up to date with the event page on Facebook or on line


Weekend Programme Connecting communities creatively - Te huihuinga mai i ngā hapori wairua auaha

Friday 16 March 9am Trade Show pack in Energy Centre, Founders Heritage Park 11am Registration desk opens – Duncan House – Founders Heritage Park 1pm Trade Show opens in Energy Centre, Founders Heritage Park

MTNZ Training Session One commences – Workshops 2pm Going beyond standard health and safety - Health and Wellbeing - where are we at now and what can we do to look after ourselves in our professional work places and as volunteers– (Jaycee Room, Founders Heritage Park) 2pm The OneMusic Masterclass - “Flying Solo - Telling the Story in Song” with Jennifer Ward-Lealand (Nelson Musical Theatre Rooms next to Founders Heritage Park) 5pm Workshops conclude 5.15pm Junior Theatre Info Hour with Stuart Hendricks, Emma Bishop and panel - (Nelson Musical Theatre Rooms next to Founders Heritage Park)

6pm The iTICKET Amigo’s Aperitifs – come and wet your whistle in the Energy Centre Saloon, Founders Heritage Park 6.15pm Junior Theatre Info Hour concludes 6.45pm The iTICKET Wild, Wild West Dinner – be sure to plant your behinds firmly in the saddle by 7.00pm 7pm Guest Opening Speaker – Jennifer Ward-Lealand 7.15pm Evening includes spit roast dinner, Merit, Community Technical and Patron awards 9pm Entertainment, music and networking 10pm Registration Desk closes and buses on rotation to accommodation

Saturday 17 March – AGM 8.45am Buses on rotation from accommodation 9am Registration desk re-opens – Duncan House – Founders Heritage Park

9.30am 58th Annual General Meeting of Musical Theatre New Zealand – Energy Centre, Founders Heritage Park 10.30am iTICKET AGM Morning Tea – available from the Energy Centre but you can wander around the park

MTNZ Training Session Two Commences - Forums 11am Hot Topic Session : • NextGen Wānanga • MTNZ Survey and Stats Presentation • Theatre Marketing Hui • Techie Talk • Understanding Governance, Legislation and the Charities Law for the non-lawyer

12pm Conference Registration desk re-opens for forum and seminar registration – Founders

12pm The MTI Australasia Picnic in the Park – lunch available from the Energy Centre


MTNZ Training Session Three commences – Forums – Founders Heritage Park 1.15pm Forum Session: • Copyright holder’s forum • Set design and drafting using Sketch Up • Diversity in community theatre – what is it? • Grass Roots Societies Chin Wag Forum (small/medium societies) • Risk assessment and tips for dealing with unsafe venues & building owners

MTNZ Training Session Four – All Afternoon Workshops 1.15pm and finish around 4.30pm • Make Up Workshop – Basic to Zombie, Glam to Grunge and everything in between • Musical Directing Workshop

1.30pm Trade Show closes 2.15pm Conclude forums

MTNZ Training Session Four – Second Part Saturday Afternoon 2.30pm Seminar Session commences • It Ain’t All Jazz Hands – Keeping It Real In Musical Theatre • Theatre School Kids- Time to GROW UP!!! • Stage Engineering – Show Machinery • Millinery Workshop – make your own beautiful hats

4pm Registration desk closes 4.30pm Seminar Session concludes

Saturday Night – the Grand Mercure Nelson Monaco 5.45pm Transport on rotation from Saxton Lodge and Rutherford Hotel 6.30pm The Origin Theatrical Mead and Merriment Hour - pre-dinner drinks – Village Green 7.30pm The John Herber A Midsummer Night’s Feast – Marquee and Village Hall – Theme - A Midsummer Night’s Dream – come as your favourite Shakespearean character and bring your finest fur for warmth 10pm Buses on rotation to accommodation until midnight.

Sunday 18 March 9.30am The iTICKET “Luck of the Irish” Slán Breakfast - find your pot of gold at the Honest Lawyer. With morning-after surprises and a hair-of-the-dog Guinness for St Patrick’s Day (it’s only just started in Ireland!)

MTNZ Training Session Five – Sunday Workshop 10.30am – 3.30pm – Nelson Musical Theatre Rooms Facilitated by Emma Bishop - This training session brought to you by Amici Trust Junior Theatre New Zealand in association with Musical Theatre NZ and Drama New Zealand – free to MTNZ conference attendees 10.30am Setting up a musical programme in your school or studio 12.30pm Lunch provided 3.30pm Workshop concludes


NEWSFLASH – NEW FORUM FOR CONFERENCE Junior Theatre Info Hour with Music Theatre International and Junior Theatre NZ Friday 16 March in the Nelson Musical Theatre Rooms 5.15pm – 6.15pm

Did you know that: Since 2003 there has been over 3,000 Broadway Juniorproductions in Australia and New Zealand. In 2016 there were 64 productions alone in New Zealand. The inaugural Junior Theatre Celebration New Zealand took place at Auckland Town Hall on 21 October 2017 which included international guests; Timothy Allen McDonald, Steven Kennedy, Marty Johnson and Cindy Ripley from iTheatrics and Stuart Hendricks from Music Theatre International (Australasia). The New Zealand Celebration day included over 260 students across 10 groups along with 40 teachers and directors who came together for a day of workshops and performances.

Find out more about Broadway Junior and The iTheatrics method and how it can benefit your school, studio or society. Presented by Stuart Hendricks - Music Theatre International - Australasia and Emma Bishop - National Coordinator for Junior Theatre NZ with Terry O’Connor from Amici Productions and Sonya Aifai and James Wright from the Napier Operatic Theatre School


Zone One – Emma Bishop, Zone Rep Zone one has been extremely busy and remains so for the next month. I have loved getting out to everyone's shows and thank everyone for their hospitality. Since last report I have seen two New Zealand Premieres - Sunset Boulevard at Playhouse and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at Centrestage. Also Sweet Charity at Manukau, and Footloose at Pukekohe. Still to come is Addams Family at Whangarei, Jekyll and Hyde with NSMT, Sister Act with AMICI Trust and Blackadder at Papakura. Thanks to those that attended Saturday's Soiree with the National Executive. I realise there is never a good time for extra meetings and outings but it was lovely to be together. Moving forward I am keen to attend a committee meeting to discuss how MTNZ can help you in the future.

NAPTA has just announced a fab new initiative.

The inaugural NAPTA Volunteer of the Year awards are being presented at the 2017 Nominations and Sponsors Evening, 11th December. We need your nominations! Who is someone that embodies what it is to volunteer their time at your theatre society? What that means is up to you, but NAPTA is looking for people who get involved in both the organisations productions, on or off of the stage; as well as the general day to day activities such as working bees, fundraising, social gatherings, committees (not compulsory).

We have two categories - one for under 25 and one for over 25. Talk to your committee now if you can think of someone who deserves recognition - we are so excited to hear all the stories! For more information please see the information sheet linked on the homepage of our website



"We’re lucky enough in Auckland to have been able to cast the fabulous Helen Medlyn as Mother Superior, Keshia Tunks as Deloris (NZ Idol finalist) and Matthew Cutts (recently returned from London’s West End) as Curtis, as well as a host of other highly experienced cast members. Opening in the ASB Waterfront Theatre is a new venue to Amici, and one we’re very excited about!"


Zone Two with Zone Rep Tracy Holmes Busy time for this Zone Rep, with completion of the second year of Zony awards last night in Whakatane. A true celebration of musical talent of all generations, from young to old. It is so wonderful to see all of my societies celebrated from within my zone and to see so many of the different societies at the event in Whakatane on 28 October 2017. Already in the 2017-2018 season, we have over 26 shows being judged, with more to come.

Taking a step back to July to my first Zone meeting in Morrinsville. It was a fantastic day where I had the support of over 40 members from my zone as well as MTNZ President, Lesley Carthew, General Manager Kate Ghent, Vice President Daniel Pepperell and Life Members Ngaire Holmes and John MacGibbon.

We had a fantastic meeting and round table discussions on the following topics: • Surveys • Grassroots Communications • MTNZ Awards

After great participation by everyone, we skyped into join two Zone meetings as a first time event with the South Island Zone 4 Meeting. After some technical issues, we were able to have a quick catch up with the other Zone. What a great way to communicate across the Islands. After this, we announced the nominees for the Zony Awards and were entertained by some of the youth of Morrinsville Theatre. I have attended some fabulous shows across my zone in the past months including a very hilarious comedy Ba Ha Ha Fleeced in Tauramanui, flying in Tauranga, Les Miserables in Hamilton and Oklahoma presented by Musikmakers Hamilton.

The Waikato hosted a hugely successful NextGen Bootcamp at Epworth Retreat in August, where Team Holmes cooked up an astounding amount of fully home-cooked food right down to the cookies, roast beef, roast pork, roast chicken and huge dishes of Apple Crumble and Chocolate pudding for the 70+ attendees over the course of the weekend. My next Zone meeting is being hosted by Rotorua Musical Theatre in Rotorua on 11 November 2017. We are making this zone meeting an afternoon of training, where a workshops on Hair & Make-up, Wardrobe, Production Management and Health & Safety are going to be presented.

To sum up, I would say my zone is prosperous, proud and Mary is about to fly in more than one location across the Zone.


PATI GETS FLEECED -WORLD PREMIERE SHOW A HIT IN TAUMARUNUI Taumarunui’s Little Theatre staged the world premiere of a brand new musical - Fleeced, the latest creation from home-spun farmer playwright Lynelle Kuriger.

A flock of sheep took centre stage, alongside two hapless farm mutts baffled by their woolly antics. Fleeced delighted audiences with its pure Seventies disco - wide flares, glitter ball spins and ENORMOUS white woolly afros. The crowds were drawn by this hilarious romance with characters who were both colourful and memorable, and some brilliant performances from a very strong cast.

Performing Arts Taumarunui Inc thoroughly recommends Fleeced and the previously staged Jersey Girls - both a dead cert success for New Zealand theatres. For more information go to Amanda Stone Productions

Next up for PATI is the comedy play Heaven Help Us, directed by Tim Leahy. Rehearsals are in full swing and the play will be on stage from November 25.

In September, Te Awamutu Light Operatic Society (TALOS) had a very successful season of Calendar Girls - in fact it was one of our bestselling shows for a few years!

This from the director, Dave Moore: It has been a fantastic opportunity for me to bring the Calendar Girls story to Te Awamutu, and to bring the Yorkshire Village of Knapely to life. I could not have done this without the passion, support, dedication and commitment of all my cast and crew, who gave up their valuable time to help highlight this nasty, ugly illness.

They (the cast) helped to give realism and respect to the story from the pain and loss of John from his death, the ecstasy, thrill and laughter of the extreme they went to, to raise awareness and the sobering realisation through the homage of a basket of letters of support and understanding from people around the world, who were experiencing the same pain.

The Show helped to raise $2700 for Leukaemia And Blood Cancer New Zealand. Here are a couple of photos. One from the production and one from the presentation of a cheque to LBC on the closing night.

TALOS is now hard at work with two other productions to stage before Christmas arrives. Their Junior production, Alice in Wonderland, opens on October 27th and A Christmas Carol opens on December 6th. The theatre is a very busy place!





'The best thing ever' at OSPA

While it might seem odd to schedule a production in the school holidays, it makes perfect sense when your actors are two teachers and the property manager from the local Area School, for whom the holiday period meant they could concentrate on giving their utmost to their performances. Onewhero Society of Performing Arts (OSPA) has just concluded a hugely successful season of Strange Resting Places by Paolo Rotondo and Rob Mokaraka, in association with Playmarket.

One of our actors, Hemi Aldworth, has previously only had a two-line role in a short play, while Kramer Ronaki and Cameron Love were complete novices. It's thanks to the direction of Scott Lorimer, who attributes the late Ross Jennings for the directing skills he's learned, that Strange Resting Places was rated "quite possibly the best thing OSPA has ever done" by regular patrons. Based on real life, the story contained moments of mirth and others of great poignancy as two Maori Battalion soldiers confronted an Italian deserter who just wanted to get home to his wife and son sheltering in the monastery at Monte Cassino, just as the momentous battle for possession of the mountain was about to take place.

Tackling over 20 roles between them, the three actors did a magnificent job, enhanced by superb set design and lighting effects by Rob Carter-Stuart. Some audience members were so moved by the play, and particularly it's sad ending, that they sat for several minutes afterwards to contemplate what they'd just witnessed and compose themselves before venturing out to mingle with the other patrons.

OSPA's little 99-seat theatre is tucked up in the hills in north Waikato, but we are blessed with a wealth of local talent. And it's testament to the quality of our productions that people come from far and wide to see our shows, rating them well worth the drive!

Musical Theatre Gisborne has been busy as! We recently celebrated 125 years of Musical Theatre in Gisborne, and 10 years as Musical Theatre Gisborne. The first weekend of October our celebrations started on the Friday, a wine and cheese meet and greet, time to chat and reminisce. Saturday morning a tour of the up-graded and wonderful War Memorial Theatre. Saturday afternoon a fun Car Rally Scavenger Hunt ending with a celebration dinner, speeches and entertainment. It was a wonderful get-together and a fine time was had by all. We are in full swing with our end of year show in our clubrooms. Sun, Sand and Murder.(30 Nov – 09 Dec ). A Mystery who-dunnit, written by our in house writer/director Dorothy Fletcher.

Life Members cutting the cake - Gavin Maclean, Dave Newsham, Viv Quigley, Jim Campbell, Chris Hudson, Jennie Pascoe, Cathy Hollier, Teresa Campbell.



Zone Three

Rock of Ages, the smash-hit musical built around classic rock songs from the 1980s will be playing at two venues in the Wellington region.

Porirua Little Theatre is opening the show at Te Whaea, in Newtown, from November 22 to December 1 and a week later will open at its Pop-up Theatre in Porirua and run until December 16.

This could be one of Porirua's last production in the Pop-Up as the Porirua City Council is looking at repurposing the building so director Sandy Brewer is determined the show will be a fitting tribute to the years PLT has spent there. Full of great songs, led by a dynamic band, and featuring a stellar local cast this show will definitely be one to rock to and a great night out in the lead up to Christmas. Tickets are selling fast so don't miss out.

Wellington G&S Light Opera (WGSLO) is holding Auditions on 2nd December at Te Whaea for its 2018 production of Johann Strauss II’s famous Comic Opera "Die Fledermaus", for performances starting at Southward Theatre, Kapiti 18th August, followed by performances at The Royal Wanganui Opera House 25th August,, Opera House Wellington 1st September, The Regent Theatre Palmerston North 15th September and finally at Napier Municipal Theatre on the 22nd September, (no performance on the 8th September because the Orchestra Wellington musicians are not available). Call Auditions Secretary Jean Hulbert, 021 033 3778 to enquire, register interest and book an audition time. If Jean is unavailable, or for more general enquiries, call WGSLO on 970 9271, or email [email protected]. Candidates for Roles, Covers and Chorus are sought. For more details refer to website:

Upper Hutt Musical Theatre - phew where have the last few months gone? We have been very busy at our society upgrading the auditorium with new wall paint, removing old theatre drapes, installing new sound equipment and lastly new curtains to come (hopefully). This is all happening at the same time as rehearsals and set construction for our latest production of All Shook Up from 1st - 11th November 2017. The cast, band and production team under the direction of Andrew Watson have been working really hard to bring the Elvis music alive throughout their entwined love affairs and the overbearing town Mayor. Tickets are available from Expressions Arts and Entertainment Centre (04) 527 2168 or online (fees apply) Up next for us is in May 2018, with auditions starting 10th December and 27th-28th January 2018. Check out our website or Facebook page for details as they come to hand. The Blood Brothers team are very excited and can't wait to get into rehearsals.

The team at Kauri Theatre are busy as ever planning for their first production in 2018: Bad Girls. We have an awesome production team headed by Director Lindsey Rusling and it is full steam ahead now to raise funds to put this production on stage. We have a few fund raising events planned for early in the new year, including a garage sale, sausage sizzle, movie evening and a summer party with all dates to be confirmed very soon! Don't forget to check out our Facebook page for any upcoming events.



Arts a Go Go! is an award winning performing arts school with classes in both Upper Hutt and Tawa. Next year we begin our 10 year Anniversary celebrations!

We have another show coming up on 18th November full of original and clever works - "All is Calm, All is Bright - Christmas Unwrapped" This year we unwrap several plays...from a new adaptation of the Little Match Girl through to the Christmas Truce soccer game in World War 1 and even a hilarious 1980's Kids TV musical Christmas special set in Yorkshire!...each play has been especially written to showcase the incredible talents of our drama, dance and singing students aged 6 to 17. Please see the poster for details or take a look at .


Consortium Defying Gravity with Major 2018 Announcements

The New Zealand theatre scene is abuzz with the announcement of two major Consortium tours to be launched in 2018, which will travel extensively throughout New Zealand in the coming years.

Showbiz Christchurch will premiere one of the modern era’s biggest musicals, Wicked, in April 2018, while New Plymouth Operatic will premiere a new production of New Zealand’s favourite musical, Les Misérables, in July 2018.

The back-story of the two witches from the Wizard of Oz, Wicked is now the second largest grossing show in Broadway history. Its sumptuous score by Broadway mega-composer Stephen Schwarz contains the hugely successful single Defying Gravity. The Consortium production will feature a new set design by Harold Moot and Stephen Robertson.

Wicked will open in Christchurch on 6 April 2018 then will head to Palmerston North, where Abbey Musical Theatre will present the North Island premiere in August next year. Numerous other productions around the country are confirmed for the coming years and will be announced in due course.

A quarter of a century since first being staged in New Zealand, the world’s favourite musical, Les Misérables, returns with this brand new production for a whole new generation. New Plymouth Operatic present the premiere of the NZ Musical Theatre Consortium 25th Anniversary production of this legendary musical at the TSB Showplace from 26 July 2018. Seen by more than 70 million people in 44 countries and in 22 languages around the globe, Les Misérables remains as popular as ever and is still breaking box-office records around the world. Les Misérables then heads to Christchurch in September 2018, and the new production will visit at least 10 centres around New Zealand in the coming years. 32

Wicked and Les Misérables follow on from a number of recent hit musicals staged by the Consortium group, including nine other shows still ‘on the road’ and being produced around New Zealand to great acclaim (Sister Act, Mamma Mia!, The Phantom of the Opera, , , Miss Saigon, , Priscilla – Queen of the Desert and Mary Poppins).

“The consortium concept has really revolutionised theatre in New Zealand,” commented Showbiz Christchurch’s Michael Bayly “It’s allowed us to obtain and produce these mega musicals like Wicked and Les Misérables year in year out, with high quality sets, props and costumes which rival any professional group around NZ and beyond”.

“Theatre in New Zealand really is going through a golden era,” says New Plymouth Operatic’s Patrick Landrigan. “For us to obtain some of the best musicals in the world, and be one of the first countries in the world to do so, is a real coup. We must thank and congratulate our rightsholders from Music Theatre International, Origin Theatrical and David Spicer Productions who work so hard to obtain these teriffic musicals for us to present to our audiences.”

And there is even more to come!

“Plans are well underway for more major productions to tour through New Zealand in 2019, 2020 and beyond,” said Bayly. “The consortium have secured rights to several more mega musicals which will keep this golden era going for many years to come.”

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Zone Four with Ross Benbow A busy time for Zone Four over the last few months:

Showbiz Christchurch: Sister Act a great show and the Wicked cast has been announced. Halswell: A great run with The Wedding Singer, 95% houses with the movie giving great impetus to ticket sales. They had a panic with health and safety when they asked Graham Phillips to install a new curtain and found that the curtain rail/lighting bar was not safe being held up with old rope. Graham was brilliant with his help and suggestions and all was ready for opening night. Hokitika: Quiet this year having helped with the High School Production rather than doing their own and are in the process of getting a new roof on the Old Lodge Theatre building. Country Players: Very successful One Act Play season and also very successful at the One Act finals with 2 lighting teams. In rehearsal for Joyful and Triumphant on stage 17th to 25th November.

Nelson: Great season (20 performances) of Mamma Mia, great comments and good audience numbers. Nelson are workshopping a new musical A Seamier Side Of Lamb (Assol) and hoping to run it as a theatre restaurant production in the new year. Also have on the plan for next year dates to be confirmed. Frank Sinatra Tribute Show 18 Nov and 1&2 Dec.

Amuri: Great production of Little Shop Of Horrors and have now joined with the Hanmer Music and Arts Trust and over the last two weeks have been involved with the Hello Summer Spring Festival. Nelson Theatrix: Successful in both Motueka and Nelson. Doing a series of Broadway Unplugged concerts during the year. Greymouth: Beginning a resurgence with a new committee including Rosemary Toal’s daughter-in-law so back in the Gold Room at the Union Hotel. North Canterbury, Rangiora: Sound of Music a sell out and are currently staging Company. Methven: Did 2 One Act Plays by April Phillips, Snip and Bonking James Bond. Next year is their 75th anniversary.

Ashburton: The Addams Family was a good show and they have finished their Strategic Plan. They recently had auditions for Mamma Mia.. Mckenzie Theatre Group: A very successful Calendar Girls resulted in a $4200 donation to the Cancer Society and South Canterbury Drama League are staging nine shows this year spread over their various divisions and are hoping to be back in the Theatre Royal for Beauty and the Beast next year after the refit is finished.

Waimate: Had fun with Wizard of Oz when the Tin man broke his leg and was replaced by the drummer from the band who in turn was replaced with a new drummer. Kirwee: The Little Mermaid (Disney Jnr), the first youth show they have ever done was very successful so they are looking for another youth show for April next year. Main show this year was The Full Monty which had slow bookings until first night was over and then the audience came in droves.

Last weekend saw the 2017 South Island meeting in Oamaru. This was well attended by societies from Nelson to Invercargill and by President Lesley and GM Kate. A presentation from Sue Barker on the New Incorporated Society Act was well attended with a consensus that a template constitution for members would be a great help as we will all need to make changes once the law comes in. The society reports were many and varied with good discussion followed by a very nice lunch and then four more workshops all well attended. Nelson is looking forward to hosting conference in March and working with Kate, we are on track for a great weekend in sunny Nelson – hope to see many of you there


Blenheim gets ready for “Avenue Q” It's all go. Some of the cast of Avenue Q and their puppets take a break from rehearsal to pose for the camera. Both cast and puppets are working extremely hard for this year's Theatre Restaurant show (17 Nov - 2 Dec). This year we have four new faces in the team who make their theatre debut for Blenheim Musical Theatre and we wish them well.

Break a leg all and remember “There is life outside your apartment”… if only to go to rehearsals!

The Northern Buller Communities Society Inc are members of MTNZ specifically for our heritage building The Lyric Theatre Granity and our in-house drama company The Lyric Theatre Drama Company. The 1950’s Lyric Theatre in Granity suffered extensive damage during Cyclone Ita in 2014. The cyclone literally blew the roof off the building! Since then, a lot of energy and hard work has gone in its restoration with the opportunity taken to earthquake strengthen the theatre in the process. The Lyric Theatre’s re-roof and replacement internal ceilings have been completed under stage one of the project together with flooring anchor piles and most other EQ strengthening requirements outlined by the engineers. The Trusts Community Foundation was instrumental in the re-roof with a generous contribution to the project in 2015. This has been a major achievement and milestone for the Society however there is still a lot of work to do inside the Theatre. The restoration project now has a budget totalling around $600,000 and in June this year we were fortunate to receive a Lotteries Community Facilities Grant of $120,000 towards it. This, combined with other funding received and a massive fundraising effort by the Lyric sub-committee and Society executive, has resulted in over $400,000 being raised, with over half of this already spent on the project. Stages Two and Three of the project involve a great deal of internal work including completion of rewiring, replacing all internal wall linings with bracing ply (the final step in EQ strengthening), a new fire alarm system, fire emergency lighting and fire doors, new toilets, restoration of the foyer and the mezzanine area, installation of a kitchen area and of course lots of paint! This includes painting of the front façade, which has a very art deco style and forms part of the character of the building.

Meanwhile, The Lyric Theatre Drama Company is rehearsing it’s next show with 50% of profits going towards the restoration of the theatre. An original musical theatre production, written by local Martin Terry and produced by Westport’s Lynne Duncan, this year’s show is called “Professor Crutchingly-Smythe’s Terrible Time Machine". It has a time travel/science fiction theme where a group of dysfunctional and dubious scientists attempt to take over the world through the use of genetic engineering. Featuring 9 main characters in a cast of 20 singers, dancers and extras, opening night is on December 2nd with three further performances on December 7th, 8th & 9th. The public will be treated to singing, dancing, comedy and some audience interaction in what promises to be a “science fair with flair!”


There is no more exciting way for one of Christchurch’s oldest musical theatre societies to commence its 80th year than by staging the New Zealand theatre company premiere of Wicked. Showbiz auditions for the lead roles began in September, with full company auditions following in October. They proved to be extremely popular, attracting over 163 performers from throughout NZ as well as Melbourne and London. Competition was intense for the coveted roles of Elphaba and Glinda, and due to the demands of these lead roles, the audition panel selected two performers for each, who will perform on alternate nights. Ellie Neal, Jane Leonard, Rebekah Head, Heather Lee Wilcock

Check out Showbiz Christchurch’s Facebook Page for the rest of the Wicked cast and updates


Zone Five with Helen Horsnell As usual a busy time around the zone with the last shows for the year about to hit the boards.

Just one musical to be judged, that is entered into the OSTA’s before scores are collated and OSTA nominations are announced for 2017. The awards evening on February 24th is to be held in Tapanui.

We recently held the South Island meeting in Oamaru and it was lovely to hear all the positive things that are happening around the South Island. Even though many groups are battling dwindling audience numbers and the competition for the entertainment dollar, they remain positive and have some great things happening. These meetings are really good for sharing ideas , networking and training opportunities. While we provide the expertise in areas needed, I still think these little gatherings are more important for the information that is gleaned from each other and the bonds formed with other societies. A number of groups are still working on their strategic plan and health and safety policies and a good deal of sharing of information about these was observed. Sue Barker gave an informative presentation on the New Incorporated Societies Act and your constitution and how it will impact on the non profit sector going forward. She is a great presenter and there was a robust discussion about the possibilities of a template in the future for all members to use. We really appreciated the corporate members, Life Members, the General Manager and President who attended this meeting and freely shared their knowledge with all the attendees. And Oamaru Musical Theatre for hosting, and providing a lovely lunch.

West Otago have secured the rights to perform “Les Miserables” next year. Just goes to show that with persistence and determination a little town can achieve their dream.

Priscilla: Queen of the Desert (The Musical). Regent Theatre Dunedin 3rd to 12th May, 2018.


Some Tips from the Volunteering NZ Conference

"Mahi Aroha" = Volunteers We are all volunteers who work for the love of community theatre in our regions and nationally.

Growing Great Volunteers Workshop GREAT- Good fit; Recognition (different to appreciation); Equipped; Appreciation and Team

The following was important for volunteers: • Goodfit- ideas and ideals line up with the organisation • What jobs and what tasks are on offer • Interesting jobs, passion and not just the boring jobs • Organisation database of people willing to share their skills • Bitesized volunteering – if we want to sustain our volunteers break the tasks down into bite sized ones – long term volunteering is not the way of the world now. Breaking it up into bitesized tasks will bring in more diversity in your volunteers and engagement • People are always asked by someone they trust to volunteer. • NextGen don’t like the word “volunteer” • New volunteers like to give new ideas and perspectives – current committees need to listen • Involve and energise your volunteers • Build a culture in your organisation of wanting to be part of it • Being part of the full team

Leading the Profession Into the Future – Panel Discussion • Strategic plan is vital • Survey and stats and an evaluation of impact vital too • Volunteering needs to be repositioned in our communities • Volunteering needs to stop being quiet, make some noise and be the squeaky wheel • Be more versatile • Prepare to fail with new ideas – give thing a shot – with the attitude of if it fails we’ll try something different. • Leadership not management. Bring leadership to the fore • Mentoring young and new volunteers in your organisation • Bring a young person along to your group, encourage them • Older volunteers need to stay agile and not be the old whinger in the corner – keep up with new ideas and technology • Impact reporting – cost benefit volunteering • Volunteering – encouraging a life of purpose

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, take a team 39

WebTigers Limited - Very excited to be new Associate MTNZ members Take a look at some of the theatrical design work we have created. We love working alongside other creative people and capturing their vision for their productions by our work in their world. As the song goes " there's no business like show business" and as newcomers to this world we are greatly excited by it. We design and print to deliver nationwide and will work with you until you are 100% happy.

Try us: [email protected] facebook: Web:

MTNZ Calendar 2017/2018 Date Event 11 November Zone Two meeting – Rotorua 20 – 22 November EVANZ Conference – Wellington 31 January Merit, Patron and Community Technical awards nominations close 9 February Nominations for Executive close 24 February OSTA’s – Tapanui 24 February NAPTA’s – Auckland 16 – 18 March 58th National Conference, AGM and Volunteer Training Weekend - Nelson 19 May Combined North Island Meeting and Training Weekend TBC May Zone Five Meeting 9 June Zone Four Meeting - Hanmer 16 – 18 June Executive Meeting - Auckland 21 July Zone Two Meeting 24 – 26 August Boot Camp at Epworth Retreat – Cambridge (Lake Karapiro) 15 September Combined South Island Meeting – Christchurch (see Les Misérables) TBC September Zone One Meeting 15 September Zone Three Meeting 5 – 7 October Executive Meeting – Dunedin 26 – 28 October National Training Weekend – Christchurch 22 – 24 March 2019 59th National Conference, AGM and Volunteer Training Weekend - Auckland



Very excited to announce the launch of The Quest, an original musical which is a funny, insightful, irreverent parody of the world of reality talent shows. Take the journey with the unsuspecting singer song writers as they discover all’s not as it seems; get a behind the scenes look at life at the TV network where there’s a battle to develop new ideas and a struggle for survival; and take part in the conflict, drama and intrigue of the show’s presenters and judges who all have their own agendas and axes to grind. There’s a love story and true redemption with a twist.

22 original songs bring the show to life along with an immersive theatre experience in keeping with the reality TV genre. A great cast has been assembled and a highly talented band which will proudly bring to stage another locally written and produced original musical. DON'T MISS THE QUEST