December 2016

In this month’s Spotlight From the President’s Point of View ...... 2 MTNZ Office Closure Info and 2017 Calendar ...... 4 Christmas Greetings from our sponsors ...... 5 57th National Conference, AGM and Volunteer Training Weekend info ...... 9 The MTNZ Annual Awards – Merit, Patron, Programme – all you need to know ...... 15 Zone Two new with Ngaire Holmes – Thames announce Beauty and the Beast ...... 17 Zone Three news – Sharron Pardoe ...... 18 Farewell to the wonderful Colin Denby ...... 20 St Mark’s and Ngati Toa School making a Junior Theatre splash and jungle ...... 21 Choreographed needed for JR...... 23 CCMT announce their 2017 Emerging Talent School ...... 24 Associate members Auckland Theatre Company – Billy Elliot extends season ...... 25 Invercargill MT stage Wizard of Oz and farewell Miles Hewton ...... 27 Musical Theatre Oamaru seeking expressions of interest for a director for Mamma Mia 27 News from Selecon, The Light Site and Showtechnix ...... 29 - 31 News from the copyright holders featuring this month – Hal Leonard and Origin Theatrical, Devon Williamson and David Spicer ...... 32 - 41

Next edition of Spotlight will be early February 2017 


From the President’s View Point

Welcome everyone to my last message of 2016. The above quote says absolutely everything that I feel about the past year as your President; it has been a real privilege and a pleasure. As I look at my message to you this time last year, I’d just like to tell you that I am no more organised than I was then, I have not learnt a thing! I see the tree was up last year at this time, not really so this year, because this year Philip and I are not spending Christmas in Napier, but off to Wellington to spend the time with my daughter and family in Petone. I am so looking forward to it, I do hope the weather stays kind, but in the end, does it really matter, as long as we have family and friends around us at special times, the weather is irrelevant. The end of October and month of November have been really busy for me, and I’ve loved every bit of it, but I think that Philip will be pleased to have me home now until Conference in New Plymouth in March.

Travel wise, not quite so much in the past month or so, but had the privilege of attending Ngati Toa School’s production of “The Disney Book”. For those who don’t know- Ngati Toa s a small school nested in the heart of Titahi Bay in Porirua, Wellington.Ngati Toa School were given a helping hand from Music Theatre International (Australasia) along with the Amici Trust, and were the proud recipients of a free school production package. MTI (Australasia) rolled out their “A Helping Hand: Free Musical Giveaway” for the first time in New Zealand, and Wellington was selected as the first region to receive this amazing offer. Ngati Toa School is one of many schools without a full-time arts program who were eligible to apply, and were successfully selected. This opportunity saw them provided with a free Broadway Junior™ Showkit™, which included such resources as a full director's guide, piano score, full professionally recorded music backing tracks, student scripts, a production manual: in short, everything Ngati Toa School would need to successfully stage a musical theatre production. The following passage comes from the School’s newsletter, I’m sure Kaye won’t mind me using it!

Kia ora whanau, The school is in full rehearsal mode with the songs of The Jungle Book, kapahaka and others resounding around the school. It is fantastic to see the enthusiasm that this kind of event engenders in the children and staff. We have not dragged out the lead-up to the concert so it is full-on this week and next to ensure you get a quality performance. Normal classroom programmes are put on the back-burner as we plunge into the show, and we believe this change of pace and focus for a short time has a positive impact, as children (and grown-ups!) learn about being flexible, committed and involved in a project together as a school. We are excited to be bringing you our concert in the coming

And this was certainly the attitude that Kate, Sharron and I witnessed on the night, and we were so grateful to have been invited to such a special night. My congratulations go to Cheryl Moeau, stalwart of Porirua Little Theatre, who teaches at the school, who was the Director of the Production. The morning after the Production, Kate, Sharron and I boarded the plane to Hamilton to meet up with the rest of the team, for our final Executive meeting for the year. Once again it was great to spend a few hours on business, before having a relaxed evening Next day was a full on day at the board table, before a light meal, and then it was off to the “Rocky Horror Show”. Superbly Directed by David Sidwell, this show would have to be probably the most outstanding local production I have seen in a long time.


Superb cast (including our NextGen Gwen and associate member Russell Dixon in fishnets) and orchestra, great set and lighting, I do not have enough superlatives to describe this production, congratulations to everyone that was involved. Special thanks to Fiona and the Board of Hamilton Operatic and Jason Wade for their hospitality.

At our Executive meeting, preliminary arrangements were made for the second “Next Gen Boot Camp” which will take place in Zone 2, later in 2017. The initial Boot Camp was highly successful; Next Genners will need to be quick for this one!

GM Kate reported on her visit to New Plymouth, arrangements are all in place for Conference 2017, details to be found elsewhere in this newsletter. I look forward to catching up with you all at Conference, I do hope you are getting your registrations in, I’m told the online process is making life much easier for societies, and of course, don’t forget your programmes and posters need to be sent to Kate sooner rather than later, you don’t want to miss out. Also remember those wonderful people in your society that are deserving of our awards, please check the categories out in the conference information elsewhere in this publication, and get your nominations in. Finally, the old perennial – please submit your figures for our surveys - we do need them all!

Home and back to Napier Operatic, where as well as the Treasurer’s duties, I have been the Production Secretary for the production of “Nunsense”, five fabulous ladies (or if you like Nuns), who I am looking forward to seeing this coming Friday.

As we wind down towards Christmas, I have to tell you that come 2017, there will be some new faces around the Executive table. The wonderful Ngaire Holmes, who has been the Zone 2 representative since March 2009, will be standing down next March. Ngaire has been an outstanding representative to her Zone, and she will be sorely missed. I personally will miss Ngaire terribly, she has been a wonderful mentor to me, I have so valued her guidance and friendship. Further North in Zone 1, Pauline Vella has decided that she will not stand for re-election, Pauline has done great work in her three years at the helm, and we will miss her input and contribution around our table. “Next Gen” Gwen Lyon, has now completed two years as the Youth Representative, and will not stand for election in March. Gwen has been a special representative of our young people, and we wish her well as she continues on her Musical Theatre mission.

Fondest regards to you and your families, have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and if you are travelling, travel safely - Lesley


MTNZ Office Closure – The MTNZ office will not be closed “officially” during the holiday season. However, I won’t be sitting in front of the computer on the stat days and will be down the West Coast for a bit of January but I will have the cellphone with me so still contactable and of course it’s a busy time of year for the MTNZ office with conference and end of year .

On behalf of Lesley, Dan, Pauline, Ngaire, Sharron, Dame Donna, Ross, Helen, Gwen, Steve, Markham, Kevin, Len and our Life Members, we would like to wish you, your members and/or staff and families a happy and safe Christmas and New Year. And thanks to everyone for their support, especially our sponsors John Herber and NZ Fire-Shield, of MTNZ over the past 12 months and to all those corporates and education members who support us at conference time, we are extremely grateful, especially to our Gold Partners – The Light Site, BOUNCE NZ, Origin Theatrical, iTICKET and MTI Australia.

Have a fab month and get those conference registrations in before 31 December. Have a cool Yule and safe holidays and all the best for 2017 and see you in New Plymouth in March - Cheers Kate

MTNZ Calendar 2017 – note these dates in your diary now …..

Date Event 25 February OSTAs - Dunedin TBC NAPTAs - Auckland 24 – 25 March The 57th National Conference &Volunteer Training Weekend – New Plymouth 6 May Zone Three Meeting - Levin 20 May Zone Five Meeting – Balclutha (see Taieri’s ) 15/16 June Executive Meeting - Nelson 1 July Zone Four Meeting - Ashburton 1 July Zone Two Meeting – Morrinsville 4 – 5 July ETNZ Conference – Wellington August NextGen Boot Camp – Zone Two – details TBC 2 September ZONYs – Tauranga 28 October Zone Two Meeting – Rotorua 28 October Combined South Island Meeting – Oamaru 4 November Executive Meeting - Auckland December EVANZ Conference - Wellington


A Word from our Major Sponsor and Platinum Conference Partners

John Herber Ltd & NZ Fire-Shield Ltd would like to thank all those societies who have supported us over the last year. We would also like to thank the MTNZ Executive for giving us the opportunity of being Major Sponsors. John Herber Ltd & NZ Fire-Shield Ltd have had a great association with MTNZ and the Executive and would like to thank everyone for the tremendous friendship and support that has been shown. It is also great to see some of the other corporates coming on board with sponsorship as well. MTNZ need the support and sponsorship of the corporate members to be able offer the societies training schemes and keeping the costs of the conferences down. It is worthwhile for you to help sponsor MTNZ and keep it strong. On another note the most important people we forget about is the hard working team on the Executive; thank you Lesley, Dan, Kate and the rest of the team for the tireless hours and I mean the tireless hours you put into MTNZ. Your hard work must not go unrecognised. To everyone have a wonderful Christmas with your families, a very happy and safe New Year and look forward to catching up with you all at conference in New Plymouth in March 2017.

From the team at John Herber Ltd & NZ Fire-Shield Graeme, Diane, Mark & Deane

The MTNZ Facebook community page – you should be on it

New NextGen Community Page This is a page for the NextGenners (16 - 29) in the Musical Theatre New Zealand Community.

Health and Safety Update Just a reminder that we have extensive documentation available that Steve Lloyd our H&S Advisor has generated for you all. If you would like access to this documentation, please contact me [email protected] and I will send you the link. We haven’t posted it to the website as yet but the documentation is available to MTNZ members at this stage. HUGE thanks to Steve for his amazing work on this area for MTNZ – all voluntary, so we are very lucky.





Registrations are now open 

For registration packs and info click here

To register on line click here

Early bird rego fee of $250 ends 31 December

We look forward to seeing you in New Plymouth next March 


Weekend Programme Connecting communities creatively - Te huihuinga mai i ngā hapori wairua auaha

Friday 24 March 9am MTNZ Executive Meeting and The White Audio Trade Show pack in 11am Registration Desk opens 1pm The White Audio Trade Show opens – Plymouth Hotel 2pm Tour of the TSB Showplace and/or Len Lye Centre 2.30pm MTNZ Training Session One – Health and Safety Workshop - A session for societies (or anyone) who are struggling to complete their H&S documentation, and to help you through the process. Bring along your questions and issues 4pm Knowledge Café Session– topics advised in February 5.15pm Knowledge Café concludes 6pm Friday night commences with the iTICKET pre dinner drinks 7pm The iTICKET Super Gold Night - NPOS have made it to the fantastic age of 65 years so we now have our Super Gold Card. Come dressed in the colours of the card - amber and black - which also just happen to be the colours of our fabulous province of Taranaki! Anything goes - evening wear, sportswear, dress up, dress down - as long as it is amber (yellow) and/or black!" 7.30pm Dinner including the conference opening & Merit Awards for 2017 will be presented 10pm Registration Desk closes

Saturday 25 March 8am Registration desk re-opens MTNZ Survey Statistics Presentation with Daniel Pepperell, Vice President 9am 57th Annual General Meeting of Musical Theatre New Zealand Highlights of the AGM include keynote speaker – Jackie Clarke; presentation on the NextGen boot camp; awards and competition results 10.30am Conclusion of the AGM and The Origin Theatrical AGM Morning Tea 11am MTNZ Training Session Two - Hot Topic Forum Session – Forum for directors and production managers; NextGen Forum, Video Copyright, New Reporting Standards and Ten Top Tips for marketing your show 12pm Conference Registration desk re-opens for forum and seminar registration 12pm The Hal Leonard Australia AGM Lunch 1.15pm MTNZ Training Session Three - forums and discussions 1.30pm The White Audio Trade Show closes 2pm Conclude forums 2.30pm MTNZ Training Session Four - seminars commence 4pm Registration desk closes 4.30pm Seminar Session concludes

Saturday Night 5pm – 7pm Buses on rotation to transport from The Plymouth to The TSB Showplace 5pm – 6pm Len Lye Centre open for conference attendees to visit 6.30pm The Origin Theatrical Champagne and Canapé Hour pre dinner drinks – onstage TSB Theatre, TSB Showplace 7.30pm The John Herber Limited Swinging in the 60s Dinner and Party – celebrating 65th Anniversary of NPOS – Theatre Royal (downstairs) – dress up 60s style ….. and party Limbo, Mashed Potato, Twist, The Swim, The Blue-Beat, The Chicken style or even a little Madison …….

Sunday 26 March 9am The iTICKET Farewell Breakfast at the Quality Hotel Plymouth International. Cost is $19.50 – this is extra to your registration fee and breakfast is normally $21.50 at the hotel. 10.30am Tour of the New Plymouth Operatic rooms


1F MTNZ Training Session One – Friday Afternoon 2.30pm

1F – Health and Safety Workshop Facilitated by Dale Henderson and Steve Lloyd Key Initiatives: Governance, Training

A session for societies (or anyone) who are struggling to complete their H&S documentation, and to help you through the process. Bring along your questions and issues (eg. we have been told we can’t fly people in a venue, or we have been asked to supply an event specific Health and Safety plan), and we will attempt to provide solutions. Still struggling with the finer points of your H&S Policy and Plan? We can help fill in the gaps.


2F The MTNZ Knowledge Café Session – Friday Afternoon 4pm – 5.15pm Topics will be advised in February


MTNZ Training Session Two - Saturday Morning HOT Topic Forums - 11am – 12pm

3F Director and Production Management Forum - finding the vision, rehearsal preparation and creating the schedule with David Adkins

4F NextGen Forum – A View From The Pit with Zac Johns Facilitated by Gwen Lyon Key Initiatives: NextGen, Music Direction, Communication

This forum will discuss everything music theatre from the perspective of Next-Gen Music Director, Zac Johns. Discussion topics include: growing up in community theatre, Music Direction, youth engagement, and diversifying your skill portfolio.

Zac is an Auckland based Music Director, composer, conductor and pianist who has recently completed a Bachelor of Music at Auckland University. Earlier this year he was the conductor for the Auckland season of and played in the pit of The Civic theatre season of The Phantom of The Opera. Other recent shows include: Dogfight, In The Heights, Mamma Mia, Godspell, Bugsy Malone. His compositions have been workshopped/performed by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra, and NZTrio. Awards include Best MD, composer, and judges choice awards at Short+Sweet Festival 2014.

5F New Reporting Finance Standards Q&A with Sue Barker, Sue Barker Charities – bring your questions and your statement of service performance for discussion.

6F Want to Use Multimedia (music, video, images) to Market Your Musical? A Q&A and how to go about it within the law with Kim, Stuart, Helen and Greer

7F Ten Tips on Marketing Your Show and Junior Theatre with Nikol from MTI Australasia



MTNZ Training Session Three - Saturday Afternoon Forums and Discussion - 1.15pm – 2.15pm

Forum 8F: Copyright Holders Forum Facilitator: Sharron Pardoe Key Initiatives: Finance, Governance, Communication This is an opportunity to meet the copyright holders in person and bring your questions for them. The first part - each copyright holder will be given a few minutes to discuss their works/catalogues but as this is a forum – Q&A is encouraged. The second part will be a discussion around the rise globally of Junior Theatre and latest shows that would appeal to NextGen and Junior Theatre practitioners. The forum panel will probably have representation from the following companies: OneMusic, Auckland; David Spicer Productions, Sydney; Music Theatre International Australasia, Origin Theatrical, Sydney; Playmarket, Wellington; Play Bureau New Zealand, Amanda Stone Productions

Forum 9F How to get arts media coverage Facilitator: Taryn Utiger with Patrick Landrigan Key Initiatives: Communication, Participation, Training Taryn Utiger is an arts and entertainment reporter for the Taranaki Daily News and She's been driving arts coverage in Taranaki for four years now and like many modern reporters she juggles multiple roles in a busy digital-first newsroom. Prior to becoming a journalist she spent two years studying theatre in Wellington and has appeared in a number of (non-musical) productions. She will be sharing tips and tricks on how best to pitch a story to a newsroom, how to develop and maintain a good relationship with your local arts reporter, and how to get the greatest coverage for your show.

Forum 10F Facebook 101 – a beginners guide for the community theatre user Facilitator: Kate Ghent Key Initiatives: Communication, Participation, Governance, Training Discussion: This is a session aimed at the first time or basic user of Facebook who would like to get their head around this social media avenue. With 9,000 followers on the MTNZ FB page and manager of several other pages, Kate has a great working knowledge of Facebook and how your society can use it effectively as a powerful marketing and communication tool. Bring your laptops and tablets and participate. Daniel in the second session will present on cloud based applications for societies and Holly from iTICKET will look at social media and marketing with ticketing.

Forum 11F: How to best work with your team on a production & how to resolve conflict Facilitator: David Adkins Key Initiatives: Communication, Participation Discussion: Out in the “real world” David has a long career in the corporate arena of retail, having held senior roles in major retailers operating throughout NZ and Australia. An Associate Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Management, David has been a regular guest speaker at Auckland University and counts teaching as one of his most favourite things. David has a solid understanding of the challenges that societies face, both large and small, and the difficulties that committee’s face in producing shows – and dealing with all the personalities that form a show company. From onstage to backstage, this forum and discussion (we want your ideas too) will give you tips and ideas on how the roles of the management team (Director, Musical Director, Choreographer, Production Manager etc.) and the committee/board can come together to produce a great experience for all involved.


Forum 12F: Entertainment and Event Technology Qualification (the new NZQA Qualifications for Technicians) Facilitator: Dale Henderson Key Initiatives: Communication, Participation, Governance, Training Unsure about what the new Technical Qualifications are all about? Want to know how to get your technicians qualified? Do you understand the difference between undertaking training, and proving competence? Come along and be enlightened on the process to get your ‘boys and girls in black’ the certificates to prove that they are competent

************************************************************************************************ Afternoon Seminar 1.15pm – 4.30pm

Seminar S1 Creating great dance, movement & choreography for all your cast members Presenter: Tania Kopytko Key Initiatives: Training, Communication, Participation

Content Covered: A great workshop to give you some great tips for dancing and choreography for your productions. Tania will show you how to make your show sparkle by creating fantastic dance that is right for ALL your cast from the least confident to the experienced dancer and how to ensure the movement and dance fits with what you are trying to achieve in your production. This seminar is for all – from those with “two left feet” who struggle with dance, those who are challenged by creating movement and choreography, directors who want to make dance work for their show and for dance people who create for community theatre. Tania is also keen to hear from you – bring your concerns, questions, or perhaps examples of problem areas in past shows (as cast, choreographers or directors) that we could explore solutions for and learn from. It will be a great learning session but fun and interactive at the same time. The seminar will start with a warm up and look at health and safety in dance, then choreography and dance elements and finally discuss issues you face in choreographing movement. You will be moving so please wear appropriate footwear and clothing and bring your water bottle 


MTNZ Training Session Four – Second Part Saturday Afternoon Seminars 2.30pm – 4.30pm/5pm

Seminar S2 Sound Design Presenter: Glen Ruske, BOUNCE NZ Key Initiatives: Training, Communication, Participation

Content Covered: This seminar will be split into two parts – the first hour will be an interactive discussion on overall production planning and execution from the sound designer’s perspective and working with other production departments (ie: directors, musical directors, lighting designers, props & costumes) and how to make the best utilisation of a busy and sometimes stressful time, leading up to opening night. Ideas and suggestions from a sound designer’s perspective, when looking at the overall production from initial planning meetings to opening night. The second part (hour and a half) will be on an advanced audio system design solutions, using analog and digital equipment.

Seminar S3 Having a successful career in the arts & entertainment industry in NZ Presenter: Jackie Clarke accompanied by Zac Johns Key Initiatives: Training, Communication, Participation Presented by well known and much loved New Zealand entertainer Jackie Clarke, an hour of Q&A with this amazing and talented lady, followed by a workshop – bring your song and work through it with Jackie – a fantastic opportunity to work with one of New Zealand’s best.


Seminar S4 Photography for your programme Presenter: Chris Hill Key Initiatives: Training, Communication, Participation Course Content: Learn about techniques for taking fantastic photos for your programmes, publicity and headshots.  What makes a great programme or publicity shot?  Who needs to be involved in the photo shoot?  How to get the best from your time.  Still or action shots?  Lighting, staging and makeup needs.  Involving enthusiastic amateurs.

Seminar S5: Make Up Workshop Presenter: Minifies Key Initiatives: Training, Participation Content  Basic stage makeup male and female (to look natural)  Stage makeup with lashes ( to look glam)  Basic ageing techniques and basic special effects.  Attaching facial hair and wigs

Seminar S6: Fund raising and sponsorship for community theatre Presenters: Terry Hignett with Kevin Landrigan Key Initiatives: Communication, Participation, Governance, Finance  Gaming and Community Trusts  The current economic climate and how it is affecting available funds  How to apply – who can apply; criteria; important documentation to include with applications, completion of application forms  How to thank/recognise any sponsorship or grant given  Other forms of fundraising  General discussion and advice

Seminar S7: Social Media and Marketing – the latest on harnessing the power of social media as part of your ticket selling and theatre loyalty promotions Presenter: iTICKET Marketing & Design Manager - Holly Vaihu Key Initiatives: To demystify and leverage marketing in the social media landscape and offer inspiration for promoting your theatre and upcoming shows.

Content Covered: • Which Social Media platforms work well and how to get the most out of them • How to hone in on target audiences • A peek under the hood of Facebook Advertising and Google Analytics • What’s a content strategy and why do I need one? • An overview of the ways in which iTICKET can assist your theatre in reaching further


Seminar S8: The new Incorporated Societies Act and your constitution – what your Society needs to know Presenter: Sue Barker – Sue Barker Charities Law Key Initiatives: Finance and Governance Course Content Covered: Sue will discuss the new Incorporated Societies Act and how this will impact the non-profit sector going forward. Bring your current constitutions and work through them with Sue and your questions as well. This is a follow up session from Craig’s seminar on the new reporting to Charities and we encourage all Society members to send at least one person to this seminar with Sue. Like the Health and Safety Act and the new reporting standards, all non-profit organisations need to know the changes and the implications – so be in the “know”.

Sue Barker Director LLB(Hons) (First Class) / BCA / CA Sue has been advising on charitable sector issues since 1999 and in private legal practice since 2002. Prior to private legal practice, Sue practised for many years as a chartered accountant specialising in tax. Since founding SBCL in 2012, Sue has published a number of articles and book chapters, and presented a number of webinars and seminars, in New Zealand and overseas, relating to charitable sector issues. Sue is also co-author of the text, The Law and Practice of Charities in New Zealand, published by LexisNexis in May 2013. In 2016, Sue was made an Honorary National Life Member of the National Council of Women of New Zealand for her work assisting the Council to regain their charitable registration.

Seminar S9: Reach for the Cloud – apps to make theatre easy Presenter: Daniel Pepperell Key Initiatives: Training, Communication, Participation Content Covered: Did you know that a lot of the administration aspects of putting on a show or running your theatre can be made easier by learning about using free or low cost cloud based applications. This is an introductory seminar on how to use apps for your newsletter, Booking an audition, health and safety, Administration, set design, meetings and coordination! Join the Next Generation!


The MTNZ Annual Awards

The MTNZ Merit Award  This award is to honour those people in your society for outstanding achievement and contribution to musical theatre in our communities.  The nominee needs to have been an active member of one or more MTNZ member societies for at least 20 years  One nomination may be made by a Society in any one year  Nomination needs to be received by MTNZ office by 31 January each year.  Nomination needs to be accompanied by a brief CV supporting suitability for the award

The ETNZ Community Theatre Technical Achievement Award  This award was introduced to recognise achievement in the area of community theatre productions  This award is open to all ages, however if you are nominating someone for the youth award, the youth nomination cannot be considered for the general award  What is technical? Wardrobe, props, set design, lighting design and/ or operation, sound design and/or operation etc.  A letter and application need to be received by the MTNZ office with a supporting CV outlining technical achievements by 31 January each year.


The ETNZ Community Theatre Technical Achievement Youth Award  This is the same as the previous award, but it is for someone who is under the age of 25

The Nola Speir MTI Australasia Patron’s NextGen Encouragement Award  There is no length of service required, however, the keywords need to be ‘attitude’ and ‘commitment’. This award recognises younger members of MTNZ societies for their contribution to musical theatre.  One nomination from your society each year.  Letter, photo and application needs to be sent to the MTNZ office with a supporting CV by 31 January each year

The Origin Theatrical Poster Competition  Send two copies of your poster to the MTNZ General Manager by 31 December each year  If there is no correct or no copyright billing on the material, it will not be considered

The Playmarket NZ Work Poster and Programme Competition  This is for New Zealand written work only.  Send two copies of your poster to the MTNZ General Manager by 31 December each year  If there is no correct or no copyright billing on the material, it will not be considered

The John Herber/NZ FireShield Showbill Competition  The object of the showbill is to depict a show so that it can become a visual record for societies in years to come.  What is depicted on the showbill is up to individual societies, however the judges will be looking at different areas, such as colour etc.  You need to take your showbill to conference not send it to the MTNZ office in Wellington

The MTNZ Programme Competition  Send two copies of your programmes the General Manager, no later than 31 December – there are no forms to fill in for this competition.  Please note - if there is incorrect or no copyright billing on the material, it will not be considered.

The MTNZ Programme Competition Criteria A theatre programme serves several functions. It should heighten anticipation for the show to come; give information needed about the cast, etc. and hopefully become a souvenir of the show.

Factors which will be judged in programme competitions include the following:

Impact This is the first impression gained by the judge. At a glance, does it look interesting? Are the important points easily seen?

Readability This means the readability in a theatre-like lighting. Dimmer lighting calls for greater contrasts. Take care with the use of colour, both of paper stock used and ink colour in such stock. Certain colours do not have the same impact under incandescent light as they do in daylight.

Typography Choose a typeface and type size which is easily read in the theatre. Do not overcrowd the page. Make sure captions are clear and accurate.

Accuracy Too often a programme is left to the last minute. Be sure that your material is accurate before it goes to the printer. The accurate spelling of names is important. Make sure proofs are read by someone who has had little to do with the production.

Billing This must be correct and according to the copyright holders’ licencing requirements.


Competition Categories  ACT Multi A Award  New Plymouth Operatic Multi B Award  iTiCKET Single Sheet Award

We also have Multi C and Multi D categories most years, depending on the number of entries. These are MTNZ Memorial Awards which members of our community that have left us during the year. If you are unsure of any of the above, please contact [email protected]

Zone Two – Ngaire Holmes Zone Two Rep Hi Everyone

Christmas is just around the corner now and I would like to take this opportunity of wishing all members of MTNZ a “VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR”. For those of you in Christchurch, the upper South Island and in Wellington who have been effected by the earthquakes – my thought are with you all, I do hope you can have some peaceful time throughout the festive season. It has been a busy time over the past couple of months in the Zone with Christmas shows now running. All the best for a great season to all Societies.

Our Zone meeting in Te Awamutu was reasonably well attended and a very enjoyable day for those who were able to make it. As we look forward to 2017 there are going to be some changes in my life. The foundations of my new home in Te Aroha are about to go down so exciting times for Gary and I. We both retire on the 28th April and make the move back to the country. It is time to retire and time to start the next phase of our lives. I am going across to Cambridge next week to see Nunsense and then to Tauranga to see Vampirettes on the 10th December.

Zone meetings for next year will be held on the 1st of July in Morrinsville and the 28th October in Rotorua. Zony’s are going well with more shows being judged in this the second year. The presentation evening will be held on the 2nd September and hopefully in Tauranga. Well that’s it from me for 2016 and so again I say:


Centre Stage Taupo After a successful season of theatre workshops and building a community, we had an Open Night at Centre Stage. Two hour variety show with singing, skits, theatre sports and films. It was free to come in, just bring a plate of food to share. The theatre was full of supportive people from the membership and community alike. It was a wholesome, family friendly night that all enjoyed. We are looking at making this a Centre Stage tradition every November. A great time to look back on our year, thank our members, and welcome to community to join us. A big thank you to Don Shanks who ran an 'Art of Lighting' workshop that resulted in an assistant for him for the night to run sound, lighting and AV for the Open Night. A big job for one night of fun and great to see our knowledge being passed on the next gen. Also, a big thank you for the tutors of the workshops, without them this would not have been such a big success!


Tokoroa Little Theatre

Tokoroa Little Theatre celebrated the contribution given by Vanya Crocker over many years by making her a life member. Vanya and John Ten Velde also received meritorious awards from The Theatre Federation of M.Z.

Beauty And The Beast - Thames Music And Drama have secured the rights to Disney's Beauty and the Beast, for production at the Thames Civic Centre between the 10th - 17th June 2017. This will be a challenging show but we have every confidence that we have enough talented people to bring it to life in a way that will enchant the children. Watch for audition notices in the new year (4-5th March 2017)

Zone Three Update – Sharron Pardoe, Zone Rep I'm writing this from not so sunny Hawke's Bay. It may be overcast but I'm really looking forward to seeing Nunsense at Napier Operatic Society's Tabard Theatre and to seeing Abbey Musical Theatre's Dusty next week in Palmerston North. I'd love to see Theatre HB's You have the Right to Remain Dead while I'm here but am running out of time.

And speaking of Abbey, they received some great awards recently At the 2016 Trustpower Palmerston North Community Awards Abbey was presented with two awards - the first being the Regional Winner in the Arts and Culture section; and the second being the Supreme Winner. Congratulations to President Allan Nagy and the team, it's a great reward for all those hours of hard work and dedication.

I have broadened my horizons and seen a couple of plays in Welly recently - Comedy of Errors at Stagecraft and Silo's Hudson and Halls at the Hannah Playhouse. Honestly, both of them were so funny it was great to laugh out loud. Hudson and Halls runs until December 10 and if you would like to step back in time and have a great night out I'd recommend it. It has just been nominated for best play, best actor and best supporting actor.

Sadly MATS Patron, Life Member and MTNZ Merit Award recipient Colin Denby passed away late October. Unfortunately we had an Executive meeting in Hamilton scheduled the day of his farewell but John MacGibbon MTNZ Life Member, attended on our behalf. Although Colin and Melva haven’t attended conference in the last few years, they were both huge supporters of “the Federation” and many of you knew them both well. Our thoughts and sympathy are with the Denby and MATS family.

Looking ahead, we have some great presenters lined up for our conference in March – with Zone Three members New Plymouth Operatic hosting. Time to start thinking about your 60s-themed costumes and black and gold for opening night.

With some big shows on the horizon for many in Zone 3, I hope you take some time out over the Christmas/New Year break and enjoy some deserved relaxation.

All the best for a Merry Christmas and see you next year - Sharron Pardoe 18

Wellington G&S Light Opera plan to stage "'. Performance dates over weekends between 24 June and 29 July 2017. Auditions will be held at Te Whaea in Newtown,Wellington on Saturday and Sunday 11th and 12 February. For more details and queries please contact Stuart Gordon Email [email protected].

Toi Whakaari’s annual summer programme of classes for adults interested in developing their craft skills in the performing arts. Further information can be found here

This January we offer:  Directing (Leo Gene Peters) – Tues 24 — Wed 25 Jan  Kinetic Dramaturgy (Chris Jannides) – Thurs 26 — Fri 27 Jan  18th Century Corsetry (Kaarin Macaulay) – Tues 24 — Thurs 26 Jan  Creative Lighting (Glenn Ashworth) – Thurs 26 — Fri 27 Jan

NZ Singing School Observer Enrolments The IFAC Handa NZ Singing School is taking place from 5th to 15th January 2017. Being an Observer is a powerful way to learn from any of the Singing School classes in action – it is the next best thing to actually being a student yourself! Watch world-class tutors at work, and get a sneak-peak into the talent of the future.

 Enrol online at Or else you may come to the School and enrol in person on the day. Enrolments may be made at any time up to and including during the School.  Fees are $350 (full time – 11 days) or casual rates are $50 per half day/$70 per full day  If you are a singing teacher with two or more students enrolled in the School, you may attend as an observer at no charge.

New Zealand Singing School 2017 Concert Programme: The ultimate test for the IFAC Handa NZ Singing School students is in performance. Over the 11 days of the School, there are at least 10 opportunities for the public to watch these students perform. Please go to to view the performance schedule and ticketing information.



Part of OUR World!

At St Mark’s Church School in Wellington, the Performing Arts matter! Musical Theatre has become an established part of the St Mark’s experience, under the leadership of Director of Performing Arts, Robert Dil, who runs both junior (Years 1 through 4) and senior (Years 5 through 8) Musical Theatre Clubs.

While the junior group stage brief 10 -15 minute excerpts from musicals, the senior group have staged the full production of JR from the Broadway Junior™ Collection this year in honour of the 20th Anniversary of both Broadway Junior™ and the first show workshopped for the collection. They look forward to staging Disney’s Cinderella KIDS in 2017, combining both the junior and senior clubs for the first-time, and they are currently rehearsing their 15 minute extract from Disney’s The Little Mermaid JR in preparation to become the first New Zealand group to participate in the annual Junior Theater Festival, held in Atlanta, USA, next month, January 2017.

It is an exciting creative process for Dil and his students as they work together to bring the performance to life. Not being allowed the use of costumes, props or set, provides more opportunity to spark the imagination and think outside the box. Puppetry is another important aspect of the drama curriculum at St Mark’s Church School and they have approval to use 2 professional puppets which they commissioned for their two student puppeteer-actors.

Theatre brings joy to others and the Atlanta team have taken that a step further by bringing theatre joy and Christmas toys to the Wellington Children’s Hospital where they performed their ‘Mermaid’ show and presented the Chairman of the Hospital toys and activities which the group had fundraised and purchased for hospital-bound children. You can view highlights from that experience at the following LINK.

This is an exciting opportunity for St Mark’s Church School, a private, Anglican, IB World School, based at Basin Reserve in the Wellington CBD. The trip is being supervised by Assistant Principal, Heather Taylor, and Parent Liaison, Treena Martin. The group will also be taking a ‘Disney Broadway Magic’ workshop at Walt Disney World in Florida following the Festival. The Junior Theater festival is the largest gathering of its kind in the world, with 6832 people in attendance for the January 2016 event! St Mark’s looks forward to sharing their adventure with you in 2017!


Ngati Toa School: King Of The Jungle

Titahi Bay in Porirua heeded the call of the jungle as Ngati Toa School, under the Direction of passionate teacher, Cheryl Moeau, staged their first-ever musical theatre production, Disney’s The Jungle Book KIDS!

Ngati Toa School was given a helping hand from Music Theatre International (Australasia) as the proud recipients of a free school production, staged in October this year. MTI (Australasia) rolled out their “A Helping Hand: Free Musical Giveaway” for the first time in New Zealand, and Wellington was selected as the first region to receive this amazing offer. Ngati Toa School is one of many schools without a full-time arts program who were eligible to apply, and were successfully selected. This opportunity saw them provided with a free Broadway Junior™ Showkit™, which included such resources as a full director's guide, piano score, full professionally recorded music backing tracks, student scripts, a production manual: in short, everything Ngati Toa School needed to successfully stage a musical theatre production.

Additionally Music Theatre International (Australasia) also provide them with full support throughout the production process, including online contact and a personal visit with Melbourne-based Stuart Hendricks (Managing Director of MTI -Australasia) and ongoing support from Wellington-based Broadway Junior™ Specialist, Robert Dil, who himself serves as the full-time Director of Performing Arts at St Mark's Church School, to mentor the school on-site throughout the process. This project was also supported by New Zealand partners; The Amici Trust presents Junior Theatre NZ.

It takes a village to stage a production. Teamwork and collaboration are vital to the process and there were many onboard to enhance the experience. Music Theatre International (Australasia) organized an exciting experience for the young actors, in association with Wellington Musical Theatre and producer Michael Highsted, allowing 20 of the main cast and their chaperones to be able to see a matinee show of the Wellington season of Sister Act the Musical. The students were abuzz with energy at seeing this amazing, and large-scale production and then to top off the experience they were able to meet lead actress, Lahleina Feaunati (who played Deloris Van Cartier), after the performance.

The production also received technical support from local theatre company, Porirua Little Theatre, and Bounce NZ, with Glen Ruske. At the final night performance of Disney’s The Jungle Book KIDS, the musical theatre community also came out in full force to support Cheryl and the kids. In attendance were Lesley Carthew, President of MTNZ; Kate Ghent, General Manager of MTNZ and her son Nick; Sharron Pardoe, Zone 3 Representative for MTNZ; Emma Bishop, National Coordinator for The Amici Trust presents Junior Theatre NZ; Wellington-based Vocal Coach and Performer, Jo Hodgson, and Broadway Junior™ Mentor, Robert Dil.


Throughout this journey Ngati Toa School has also been featured in the newspaper, across social media, in newsletters and even on Radio NZ.

And the show? Cheryl and the students did an amazing job of storytelling in a genre that was brand new for most of the students. They worked hard, performed with their hearts and were risk-takers. It was a wonderful experience, not to be forgotten!

Zone Four Blenheim Musical Theatre

Director - Mary Poppins 2018 Blenheim Musical Theatre is seeking expressions of interest from Directors for the Blenheim production of the consortium show Mary Poppins to be staged in May 2018. The venue will be the new state of the art 700 seat ASB Theatre. The provisional audition dates are October 2017. Marlborough, NZ’s renowned wine producing area, is a fantastic location to visit and work. Blenheim Musical Theatre has a proud history of producing many high quality shows. See Please submit expressions of interest, plus your CV, to [email protected] by 16th January 2017. For further information, contact Blair McLean by phone on 027 434 4071, or email at [email protected]

Blenheim has been really busy as we are holding our Christmas theatre Restaurant which has been running from 11 November until 26th November 2016. This year our production has been The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, produced by our own Jeannie Gill and it has been a huge success, all tickets sold and each show has involved a three course meal being cooked and served by ourselves, it has certainly been a lot of fun for the cast and also the back stage personnel, kitchen hands, waitresses etc. and a great way of getting everyone together and involved.

We are staging Annie in May 2017 and wondered if any Musical Theatres or Societies have any costumes, set or props for this show we may be able to use. If so can they contact Blenheim Musical Theatre on [email protected]

Zone One


Children’s Musical Theatre Studio produces quality junior musicals for 8 to 12 year olds and is calling for expressions of interest for an Auckland based choreographer for their next production, Hairspray Jr. The show will be staged in April 2017 at the Harlequin Musical Theatre in Howick. Rehearsals commence early February 2017. The successful applicant must be able to demonstrate the ability to work with and relate well to a large cast of children. For further information and applications please email [email protected] Check out our Website:


CCMT is pleased to announce the 2017 Emerging Talent School! Check out our fabulous line up of tutors:

Applications now open. Visit our website for all the details and to apply!

Questions? Email: [email protected] or Phone: Doris at 021 210 3366




Zone Five

Invercargill Musical Theatre has just staged their very first youth production, The Wizard of Oz. There was overwhelming interest and support for this venture, from the huge number of hopeful auditionees right through to the all but sold out performances. The cast of 54 young people and production team plus support crew worked diligently to recreate this much loved musical in our Civic Theatre. To offer an opportunity for these young people to learn and perform at a high level, in a large theatre and see the resulting magic was truly rewarding for IMT. We are very proud of everyone involved and know this is the first of many youth productions for IMT. Now we move our focus to Sister Act which we perform next July. We can’t wait!


Miles Hewton Photographer and theatre buff - 1952-2016

It's true you can choose your mates. City photographer and theatre buff Miles Hewton chose well, an army of fellow theatre aficionados giving him a wonderful send-off last week. It was a gentle, humorous celebrity roast deftly led by the Invercargill Musical Theatre Company's Mark Holmes. Holmes and Hewton had been friends since meeting through the then Invercargill Operatic Society in 1978. He spoke of the warmth and colour of Hewton's good tenor voice: "qualities basses envy". Holmes spoke too of years of fun in onstage shows and offstage experiences and reminded people of the dozens of shows in which Hewton had appeared, from to Joseph and Les Miserables. As well as being in shows, Hewton generously did all the photography for posters and programmes and his passing is a very real loss to theatre in the south. "I don't think he ever sent an invoice," said Holmes. "No pressure then, Nicole [Johnstone]" was a quip drawing a laughing response. Like the younger Nicole, a fellow thespian, Miles Hewton was a skilled professional photographer. A son of Ross and Shirley Hewton, Miles began working for photographer Alastair Goodall before taking over Campbell's studio, later developing the business as Miles Hewton Photography. His work was in demand, taking him all over the south from high country sheep stations to the Tiwai aluminum smelter. He photographed sports teams, Law Society bar dinners, actors, politicians, entertainers, clubs, celebratory gatherings, and motorbikes which he loved, like golf, as a relaxing pastime. A friend and neighbour of flower artist Olive Dunn in Chelmsford St, his colour photos illustrated all her books. From roses to cottage gardens, many of the flower pictures were later made into cards illustrating the work of her Floresta studio. Invercargill Repertory patron, life member and director Jonathan Tucker gave a moving but witty account of their joint involvement with theatre, recalling, with Ian Reeves, the hilarity that was the loss-making "L'l Abner" of the late 1970s. Reeves shared memories sent by Gordon Bain, now heading a school in Doha in the United Arab Emirates. Over a couple of hours there were tears and laughter, and laughter through tears and then just tears, David McMeeking singing the farewell Bring Him Home as the casket was carried out. Hewton's photograph is on the wall at the Invercargill Musical Theatre Company; he was honoured with life membership. Photographs he has taken are on the walls of Repertory rooms - a reminder of past show shows in which he was involved. He leaves all these friends, his beloved partner Kerry Riddell, his sons Christopher and Rachel, Alistair and Rose, grandson Bryce, brothers and sisters, and their families too. And in many Southland homes are treasured photographs in which Miles Hewton had captured a moment, a family gathering, the arrival home of a new baby, a wedding, a reunion, a celebration. "That was the day", we say. And Miles was here for it. PAT VELTKAMP SMITH – Stuff



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Maxine a local Maori girl and Dan a local Pakeha are boyfriend and girlfriend. They are 4th generation locals of a small town in Westland on the West Coast of the South Island in New Zealand. We first meet them aged 17 when they are in the forest in Westland searching for the Rowi kiwi. 37

The story then cuts to six years later. Maxine has left the local town to become a lawyer in specialising in Environmental Law in the city. Dan has pursued his love for the sea and followed in his father’s footsteps skippering the family’s local fishing boat. A hotel development is scheduled for the Westland forest. The notorious developer Ashton Winters has received permission to build an international resort in the forest to cater for the increasing international tourist market coming to view Franz Joseph Glazier. There is much debate in the town and its surrounds as to its benefits or otherwise of the development. The case for – job creation and a major boost to the tourism dollar for the town vs against – the irreparable damage to the environment and the risk to native flora and fauna not least the Rowi. Max’s law firm is hired by the anti-development protest group that is led by an old university friend of Max’s called Sash. This is great timing for Max as she is disenchanted with city life and misses her homeland on the West Coast.

Once back in the town they find support from the protest group and particularly a local Maori girl called Ana. Ana’s history is directly linked to Maori royalty and she has a deep spiritual belief in her ancestry. Dan reconnects with Maxine when she arrives in town to work on the case. However they find they are on different sides of the fence when it comes to the development but there is obviously more than just a little magic still between them. Max starts to win Dan around to her side of the argument but the decider for him is when Max is roughed up by Winter and his goons – Dan immediately switches sides. Meanwhile the local judge Justice Bennings assisted by a severe case of Alzheimer’s totally miss’s the legal argument put to her and disallows the injunction to stop the development proceeding. It appears they protest group are out of time and legal resolve. Ana informs them they must keep the faith and all is not lost . Perhaps nature will have a say in the outcome.

Songs include some great Kiwi classics including – Whaling - Dave Dobbyn; Counting the Beat - The Swingers; April Sun in Cuba – Dragon; Why Does Love Do This To Me - The Exponents; Six Months in a Leaky Boat - Split Enz; Anchor Me - The Muttonbirds; Dance All around the World – Blerta; Maxine - Sharon O’Neill and Victoria - Dance Exponents

Stage Whispers Performing Arts magazine celebrates a unique milestone with its November December edition - 25 years as a print publication

I’ve attached a short media release with more details, along with an image of our cover for this edition.

Current edition includes an article by Simon Phillips about making musicals

You can also read an electronic version of the current edition at




Imagine breaking your box office record this Christmas. Cheering audiences … no empty seats ... a happy cast … and a happy you.

Chris Blackwood & Piers Chater Robinson’s A Christmas Carol musical really does that. And I’d like to prove it you.

Please just go here to get your free copy of the script.

Does it really attract audiences? Well, here’s what happened to Keith Badham of The Barton Players:

“We have not had a reaction to a new show like this before – the cast had an absolute ball performing it, and I can honestly say that it is the perfect musical for an amateur group catering for men, women, well as giving parts to the less musically accomplished.

“It was our biggest grossing show ever.”

And Barton Players aren’t the only ones ... Read what Marie Hood of Newent Community College in Gloucestershire thought:

“I can honestly say that in 15 years of teaching I have never enjoyed working on a musical as much as your Christmas Carol. It was truly magical.”

Last year around 100 successful musicals were produced based on our scripts. Why am I giving this to you for free? Quite simply, so you can see if you'd like to buy a licence to produce it too.

Since 1843 Charles Dickens’ heart-warming tale of Ebenezer Scrooge awakening his long forgotten festive spirit has charmed audiences – from kids to grown-ups – across the world. It’s wonderful to play … and a joy to produce ... … and it attracts ticket buyers like bees to a honeypot.

What’s more, this popular musical script with 16 glorious, traditional songs, actually costs less than you might think. Our typical clients are schools, community and amateur theatre companies. Because they all like to play to a full house. However, before you even consider purchasing it, please accept this perusal script free.