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MINERAL WATER DONAT Mg and ITS INFLUENCE on PEOPLE's HEALTH УПРАВЛЕНИЕ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION TOM VI (4) 2010 VOL. VI (4) 2010 MINERAL WATER DONAT Mg AND ITS INFLUENCE ON PEOPLE'S HEALTH Rožica Slavica Ferjančič МИНЕРАЛНАТА ВОДА DONAT Mg И НЕЙНОТО ВЛИЯНИЕ ВЪРХУ ЧОВЕШКОТО ЗДРАВЕ Рожица Славица Фержанчич ABSTRACT: The chosen Slovenian natural mineral water Donat Mg that consists of mineral substances, trace elements and other components has specific physiological and nutritional effects, therefore it influences people’s health. Donat Mg is recommended for heartburn, stomach and bile syndromes, constipation, distur- bances of hearth rhythm, muscle cramps …, because it lowers the level of raised cholesterol, reduces the possi- bility of kidney stone formation, lowers raised uric acid level, assists in the prevention of osteoporosis, improves metabolism, helps to burn fat, etc. Thus, Donat Mg influences digestive organs and metabolism. However, it must not be drunk by patients undergoing dialysis treatment and patients suffering from severe kidney failure (kidney insufficiency). This jewel of nature is an irreplaceable stimulus of our metabolism; this is why it is rec- ommended to drink it throughout one’s lifetime. It is unique natural mineral water with a global scope. Keywords: natural mineral water, Donat Mg, metabolism, mineral substances, health Introduction properties and published the then alchemical analysis of water in Frankfurt (Oder). The By greater pollution of living environment the springs became really famous through the book content of contaminants, either actually or poten- written by the court physician Sorbait and pub- tially toxic substances, in drinking water is in- lished in 1679; consequently they started to ex- creasing, therefore its quality is lowering. Paral- port the water even to Vienna. On the basis of lel with that, the concerns for people’s health are scientific discussions and the highest recommen- increasing, as well as awareness of healthy nutri- dations, the then Europe invited the European tion and that is reflected in greater consumption affluent people to the so-called Karlovy Vary of of mineral waters because their original purity the southern Alpine countries, namely to Ro- ranks above the purity of ordinary drinking wa- gaška Slatina (http://www.donatmg.net/, ters. Mineral waters of the highest quality are Utenkar, Mlacović 2009, Čoh 2008, 2009). natural mineral waters. Among those we place The first spring that made Rogaška Slatina the chosen natural mineral water Donat Mg, widely recognizable was Tempel. As far back as which is a unique mineral water with high con- 1869, Rogaška mineral water was the third best tent of mineral substances that are of vital impor- selling mineral water in the world, and people tance because of their therapeutic effects. More- drank it everywhere. Later the following two over, this natural mineral water incorporates the springs also became famous: the Styria spring highest amount of magnesium in the world. This (1884) and the Donat spring (1908), known for water is found in earth’s depth of Slovenia, more highly mineralised water. All this led to new precisely in the oldest spa resort at Rogaška Sla- researches, contemporary devices and new tech- tina (Drinovec, Bagar-Povše 1997, Pravilnik o nological procedures. The exploitation wells for pitni vodi 2004) mineral water are more than 600 metres under the surface. Therefore the technological progress The history of Rogaška Slatina and the development of the health spa resort at Rogaška Slatina took its own course. Nowadays, The first written records on Rogaška Slatina Rogaška Slatina is a modern spa city, reach in springs date back to 1572, when physician Leon- tradition. For the present, the enterprise Droga hard Thurneysser firstly described their healing Kolinska d.d., local branch PE Rogaški Vrelci 367 Rogaška Slatina, runs the springs and bottling procedure, the same content of carbon dioxide as complex of mineral waters (Tempel, Donat Mg) at source, even though carbon dioxide is released and spring water Tiha. Near these springs there is on account of the preparing of the natural min- also a reservoir (since 1992) of thermal mineral eral water and is later replaced with the appropri- water with a temperature of 63ºC (Šorli 1922, ate amount from the same source; Mlacović 1995, http://www.donatmg.net/). - natural mineral water with its own sup- plemented carbon dioxide has, after a handling Natural mineral waters procedure, a higher content of carbon dioxide than at source; Natural mineral waters, among which we - natural mineral water with supplemented classify natural mineral water Donat Mg, are carbon dioxide – carbon dioxide is a supplement underground waters with special chemical and to the water which is not from the same source as physical qualities. The underground source must the natural mineral water; be protected from pollution of any kind whatso- - natural mineral water without carbon diox- ever. The spring on the surface or the well must ide contains carbon dioxide merely in such an be protected from an influx of surface water and amount as is necessary for maintenance of hy- from the possibility of pollution of any kind drogen carbonate balance (http://www. donatmg. whatsoever. The area, under which the individual net/, Pravilnik o naravni mineralni vodi, izvirski mineral waters are discovered, has to be particu- vodi in namizni vodi 2004, Pravilnik o spre- larly marked and protected. Natural mineral wa- membah in dopolnitvah Pravilnika o pitni vodi, ters have the same purity as spring waters and 2004, Directive 2009/54/EC of The European this property does not change with bottling. Hy- Parliament and of The Council of 18 June 2009 gienic and bacteriological standards are typical on the exploitation and marketing of natural of natural mineral waters already at their sources, mineral waters, Council Directive 98/83/EC of 3 being a result of the great depths from which November 1998 on the quality of water intended they originate. These waters can have nutritional for human consumption, Čoh 2009). and physiological effects; therefore it is neces- The properties of natural mineral water arise sary to carry out a research on the properties of from the contents of its mineral substances, trace natural mineral water and its effects on human elements and other components, and can have organisms. Such researches (pharmacological, defined nutritional and physiological effects. The physiological, clinical) have to be conducted in water, on its course through the earth’s inner compliance with scientifically approved methods depths, vigorously wears away the stones due to (Drinovec, Bagar-Povše 1997). During the han- its physical and chemical properties (the influ- dling procedures of natural mineral waters it is ence of pressure, temperature and the presence of allowed: gasses, especially carbon dioxide). In such a way 1. to take water at source and fill or pack it in aqueous solutions come into existence, differing such a way that this does not affect its quality or in accordance with the quantity and diversity of alter its natural properties; the dissolved mineral substances which they 2. to employ precisely defined physical and contain (http://www.donatmg.net/, Pravilnik o mechanical handling procedures that, among naravni mineralni vodi, izvirski vodi in namizni other things, enable the removal of non- vodi 2004, Pravilnik o spremembah in dopolnit- permanent iron, manganese and sulphur com- vah Pravilnika o pitni vodi, 2004, Directive pounds which, in adverse instances, could pre- 2009/54/EC of The European Parliament and of cipitate the loss of property values in the indi- The Council of 18 June 2009 on the exploitation vidually packaged units. Provisional oxidation is and marketing of natural mineral waters, Council also permitted, so that the dissolving of these Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the compounds is reduced prior to their removal, quality of water intended for human consump- which proves more effective in this way; tion, Čoh 2009). 3. to (totally or partly) extract carbon dioxide by The diversity of the dissolved mineral sub- means of physical methods and to introduce or stances in the natural mineral waters depends on re-introduce carbon dioxide. Thus, natural min- underground environment, the depth of the water eral waters differentiate among themselves due paths and the length of time the water has been in to the content and source of carbon dioxide: its underground tract. A quarter of the 92 natural - natural mineral water which has a natural elements emerge also as components of the min- content of carbon dioxide has, after handling eral waters (http://www.donatmg.net/). 368 Table 1: Components of the mineral waters Table 2: The content of natural mineral water Donat Mg Cations Na + , K + , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ Anions Cl - , HCO - , SO 2- 1000 ml of natural mineral water 3 4 Donat Mg contains Accompanying 2+ 2+ 2+ - Sr , Fe , Mn , F , Cations mg elements - - 2- J , Br , SiO and sev- + 1.05 3 Ammonium (NH 4 ) eral trace elements + Lithium (Li ) 3.3 Source: http://www.donatmg.net/ Sodium (Na + ) 1500 + Regarding the content of the prevailing ions, Potassium (K ) 13 natural mineral waters can be classified into in- Magnesium (Mg 2+ ) 1030 dividual types. Chemical characteristic or type Calcium (Ca 2+ ) 380 can be obtained on the basis of more than 20 2+ 6.8 percent equivalent share of cations and anions in Strontium (Sr ) one litre of water. We determine the type of wa- Iron (Fe 2+ / 3+ ) <0.1 ter by noting down all the components, according Manganese (Mn 2+ ) 0.17 to their declining values, which exceed 20 equiv- Anions alent shares, first in the percentages for cations - Fluoride (F ) 0.23 and then for anions (http://www.donatmg.net/). Chloride (Cl - ) 59 Natural mineral water Donat Mg – composi- Bromide (Br - ) 0.29 tion and designation Iodide (J - ) 0.08 Nitrate (NO3 - ) <2 Donat Mg is natural mineral water from the - <0.007 Donat spring and a follower of mineral water Nitrite (NO2 ) 2- 2400 Donat.
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