Economic adaption of the Icelandic stern trawler fleet -Reduced TAC and technological changes IIFET 2018 conference, Seattle USA, July 19th 2018. Hörður Sævaldsson Assistant Professor University of Akureyri, Iceland
[email protected] Three sections • 1. Catch and demersal fisheries management • 2. Trawlers and their share of demersal catch • 3. Development of the fleet of stern trawlers Data collected from Statistic Iceland and Fisheries association of Iceland 1. Catch and demersal fisheries management Catch and management 1988 Shrimp Total demersal quotas Turning point 1990 1983 Unified MRI System report 1984 Almost full Catch & transferability 1977 effort control 1975 Effort MRI control report Icelanders Foreign nations 200 nm EEZ 50 nm EEZ Source: Hagskinna, Statistics Iceland and ICES 1984 1990 1996 2002 2008 2014 ITQ species 1973 Norway lobster Cod 1988 Northern shrimp 1991 Plaice 1996 Catfish And witch 2005 (1995) A-herring 2010 Mackerel (IQ) Haddock 1974 Inshore shrimp 1997 Dab and American plaice 2013 Blue ling, argentine Saithe 1975 I-herring and norway redfish Golden/Deepsea redfish 1997 Ocean perch 1980 Capelin Greenland halibut 1999 Lemon sole Plaice (withdrawn 1985) 2001 Blue whiting Catfish (withdrawn 1985) 2001 Tusk, ling and monkfish Consolidation of catch share quota (permanent) • Substantial concentration with almost free transferability of quota 1990/1991? • Increased consolidation 1997-2000 • A maximum quota share is in force to restrict a company’s quota allowance • ? Catch quota system 12% max Source: Dirctorate of fisheries Ár 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 100% 204,322 218,778 229,187 242,089 255,708 267,809 282,845 299,404 318,452 343,000 70% 143,025 153,145 160,431 169,462 178,996 187,466 197,992 209,583 222,916 240,100 2.