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The Dauy Sundial CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY NORTHRIDGE VOLUME 29 NUMBER 117 WEDNESDAY the DaUy Sundial CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY NORTHRIDGE VOLUME 29 NUMBER 117 WEDNESDAY. MAY 8, 1985 h BECKY MARQUEZ/Datly Sundiai " . ^ r •*, # ^lAS amends proposed Credit/No Credit policy •y JIU OVIATT The proposed polky woukl also allow The subcoimnittee's rerammendatton years at CSUN. 17 of whkh have beia StaffWriter ... ^_ students to sign up for a class on a will be sent to the Educatkmal Polkks spent at the Foundatton. Credit/No Credit basis during the first Committee, whkh will present its own The senate also passed a resolutton ! The Associated Students Senate voted two weeks of the semester, with the recommendatton to the Faculty Senate conomiing AIDS (acquired immune io recommend two amendments to an ad instructor's permoston requved only in next semester. defidency syndrome), encouraging publk hoc conunittee's draft of a new Credit/No the third week. The existing policy The senate abo passed a resolutton educatton in the university's currkuhmi Credit polky during its finl meetina of requins instmctor approval frotn the urging the passage (rf State Assembly BiU on the subject. Jhe year TuMday. -= li^lniAig of the semester. No. 1, whkh prcrfiibits discrimination on "Bw resolution urges state and federal As it stands, the proposed policy woukl The ad hoc committee's proposed the basis of sexual orkntatton.A similar govemment to provkk better funding for reduce from 30 to 18 unjts the credit that polky woukl altow only nine upper bill passed unanimously last semester. research on AIDS, a disease whkh M~ may be applied toward the bachelor's diviston general education courses and A resolution ccmmiending Assem­ currently incurabk. The disease has degree. The policy wouki also compktely mm-major elective courses to be taken blyman Rkhard Katz for his "out­ affected about 10,000 peopk in the exclude tower diviskm general educatk>n for Credit/No Credit. ^. standing servke, far beyond the call of United States, according to juntor courses and Titk V Requirements from The ad hoc committee, a subcommittee dyty. to CSUN," WMjJso uiunimt^ communkation studks auijor~Chaclr tlje Credit/No Credit optton. of the Educattonal Pdkies Committee, passed. AJkn, who spoke in faVor of ift^ (Title V Requirements include was formed this fall to investigate possibk According to Sen. Suzi Rubin, author resolution. American history, instituttons and kleas; probkms with the existing polky. of the resolution, Katz supports In other business, the senate granted an the Constitution of the United States; and According to committee chair Philip kgisktton ott campus affairs, is concerned AS h(morary life membership to graduate the prindpks of Califomia state and tocal Handkr. several professors and assodate with student issues such as financi|il ak) student Misrie Woods, who served on the govemment. By state kw, these deans have sakl students are achkving and student housing and is a frequent AS Senate and various committees and requirements are compubory^^^Bt: high grade point averages by careful speaker at CSUN. has coordinated numerous campus ac­ graduation.) manipuktion of the Credit/No Credit The senate also unanimously com­ tivities. The amendments recommended by the polky. mended Edith McKimiey, executive In the ctosing announcements, AS AS Senate wouk) change the Credit/No The amendments to the proposed secretary of the Student Projects Preskknt Zeke Zeklkr urged aU the Credit polky from 30 to 21 units and ptdky passed with littk discusston, with Committee, for her "(mtstanding servke senators to go to the Facilities Advisory woukl continue the current polky a( Preskknt-ekct Jeff ^Weiner the only and devotkm" to the committee, the Board meeting Friday at 2 pjB. The aUowing students to take tower diviskm opposing senator.Weiner aakl the number CSUN Foundatton and the CSUN board will be diacusshig saks in the SJerra general educatton courses for Credit/No of uniu taken f«- Credit/No Credit commimity. Breezeway, whkh were inohiUted last Credit duMikl remain at 30. McKinney is retiring this year after 19 fan. Woes Concerns Fewer CSUN students CSUN seniors plan for are receiving share of life after graduation. financial aid. 11 2 DaNy SundM, Wadnaaday, May 8, IMS * campus biieis All m^ora watooma. .... - 1 p.m. in SSloe. WM ba taMng appNcattona for BIbte Study on Torah portion of the week Taiay ?huW« 12:30 p.m. In USU Grenada Ro«i^^^ Blaek BMhiaaa AaaaaMtoa — Meett Fridayi naxt aamaatar'a diractorahip poalttone. Alao, at noon in S824S. AN maiora weteome. ttokaia for May 16 boat cruiaa available from Everyone weteome. For more information call I "*• ueiiiuiieueuuii Dan Qraanwood or Brian Dahn. Anyone In­ supporting dhwMment reeolutlon iMing con- taraatad in oomputara and bualneaa ayatanta £iSifi22jA«anae- Meett ThurMlay. Satarday eMered by Foundation Pbard of TruatM* Harts watcomatojoin. in USU Beiboe Room et 7;30 p.m. New membere m front of Student Union (on Undley) M 1 p.m. I Soetoty af OvB Ingtaaera — csuN Aaaa«Nli« AaaaataUaa — Maata Wadneedaya •*"'*^- , _ Meett Thursdays st 8 Foundation nteetmg le at 2 p.m. at noon in 88248. studant chaptar meett every Seturday at 9 a m 9% SigMa Alpka — Today le the roeervatton p.m. in USU Al 16. , , , ,,.,, in Eng. 155. deadline for Pi Sigma Alpha/poWteal sdance wadnaadaya at 2.m. m SS24S. Joint mam- UBU riiigianie — "Strictly Jazz" series in USU dapatimant ttanquat May IS. Reaervattona m baraMpa avaNabia: if you betong to another Pub Thursdey nightt at 8 p.m. Q«wal ad­ Upcoaikg STSie. bueineee aaaoclatton you can become an SMA misston $3; studentt. faculty end sttff $2^ Must Maafe aradaalaa — Today la tha daadSne for mambar for $3. Intamehipe avaHabto, contact be 21 to enter Pub, so bring proper ID. For in­ AOnOM — Thk'd annual After-Finals Film appHcattona from thoea planning to participate Cmdy KoNwttt in 8S242. formatton call Jim or Lynn at 885-2491 Fectlval May 18 at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. In Mack graduatton caramony May 17. Pick up •apurt/llap Braiia — Maata Wed- l(C8N-aa.8 PM — The Oossroads features CBUN AtaRMl AaaoataMon — Alumni Early appMoaBone front Margarat Brown In Adm.8a or Country/Weetem, bkiee end folk from the '40s Ottklhood Educatton chaptar holds annual Carta Bradtoy m FOB221. Oon't nUeo outI ft'om 2-4 p.m. In Women'e Onter, 0428 Etiwanda. CaN 885-2780 for Infor to the 'SOs with host Paul Valentine from 8-11 potluck dlnnar May 16 at 6:30 p.m. at the home SaMbaB Bama — Recreatton Ma|or» e m. Red Eye Expreas with Ben BrIdweH from 11 Aaaoclatton artd recreation and leiaure atudiea of Betsy Rtogsntuth. For informatton call Yvonne I— Meett Wedneedeys a.m.-2 p.m. Country classics virtth Joe Nixon Rackua at (805) 522-4094. dapartntant hoMa arwtual aofttwN gama, from 2-5 p.m. ,^ ^ raoraatton faculty againat studants, from 2-4 from 3--4 p.m. to Health Orrter, second ftoor. "Samal Akaaa: Itm Ceawiwlty Reeponse" - p.m. on the Enginaaring fMd. AN atudanta, No faaa, no walgh-ine. All ere weteome: Radto Canaart — KCSN-88.5 FM airs a tribute Serlea of worttthopa for memal health faculty and etaff watooma to attand. ovaraatara, buNmtea. anorexics. to Carto Maria Qlulini on "Concert HaM" at 7 p.m. profeaatonala on May 18 at 9:30 a.m. in usu FraaOaMart— AS/SPACE holda free noontime AlaaaaBaa SaaayiiUMi — Meetings for Santa Clarita Room. Keyrwte speaker Esther concerts every Wadnaodey in USU Cmm of atudanta, ataff and fadutty avary Wedneeday Friday . '---^'=r^~. •:- -=.=,*=_ (Sillies of LA County Department of Chlldren'i Community. Today praaenting Elaktra/Aayhim from 12:18-1:45 p.m. at the USU Santa Sueena Servtee. For more informatton calt 885-2544 raoordtog artM CHAIN REACTION. Room, A207. For mora tofonrtation caH CBUN BaaakaB — Last home game, CSUN vs. BaBtagOtab— Sponaoring a free day of sailing UBU ^ragMM — Wadnaaday NIta Uva aerlae at 886-36B8. Pomona, at 2:30 p.m. Free admission for aN on May 19. Meet In Coin Lot "J" at 8:15 am (or 8 p.m. m USU Tapaatry Room. Admiaeton $1, aH carpooltoboatt. agea walcoma. For Informatton caN Jim or Lynn Tkaraday •ayartonltol IdyeaOen Prograai - Today la ' >rsiiisdleal Ctab — Workahop on application 81885-2491. the eppHcatton deedline for aH Interested proceaa for premed etudanta on May 22 from 9 In teacher's assistant poslttons with Los Angeles a.m.-noon in SclarKe 211. neadaya at 1 p.m. in 8S245. AH atudants Maating at 5 p.m. in USU A118. WW diacues Unified School District. Program Is availabte Laamtag Raaouroa Oantar — Offering two- picnto, nawaletter, futura plana and voting for tttrtHigh Cooperative Education/Internships In week compoelbon workahope for June 1 Writing — Meett Wad­ outatandtog FASA peraonaHtlaa. the Offtee of Career Planning and Placement, Proftelency Exam. Worluhopa wHI be held May needaya at 1 p.m. in 88329. Everyone welcoma. TkaiaaaaSto RaariMltoii <BTB Ctoae — Con­ Adm. 203. 21, 23, 28 and 30 from 10 a.m.-noon in LRC. A—ifiBaHtir Btafe — Maatlnga every Wed­ ducting a day camp for diaablad paopto from 8li«to Parente Support Oiaup — Meett Fridays Limited enrotiment, $20 file. Aiso. two-hour neaday at noon and avary Frklay at 1 p.m. in Naw Horlzorta, May 9-10 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at at 7 p.m. in the Women's Center, 9428 prep session offered May 29 from lo S8219. Northrtdge Park. Planrtad and organlzad by claaa Etiwanda. Men and women weteome. Cail a.m.-noon In USU Northrtdge Theatre, fee $6. MaaagaiwaiH lafaraaaMii Baaalallata atudanta aa part of couraa program. 885-3980 for ntore Information. Sign up artd pay fees In LRC. For more in­ I — Laat maating of tha eenteeter et AtoftHa-Tarah— Rabbi Tzi Btock hoMa Jawiah ACnOM — Meett Fridays at 2 p.m.
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