BEFORE THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSIOl^^^; ^016OCT'g AUn CAMPAIGN LEGAL CENTER «"»/.• 06 1411 K Street, NW—Suite 1400 Washington, DC 20005 .tf (202,7,6..200 o S m CATHERINE HINCKLEY KELLEY ^ o o -m ^^za:o 1411K Street, NW, Suite 1400 ';oo 1, rn Washington, DC 20005 JTJ CS 1,'.!m (202)736-2200 <'S-r S rm s ooo Z:;H V. MURNo. ?r—2 _1 o CORRECT THE RECORD Elizabeth Cohen, Treasurer 455 Massachusetts Avenue, NW—Suite 600 Washington, DC 20001 HILLARY FOR AMERICA Jose H. Villareal, Treasurer P.O. Box 5256 NewYork, NY 10185-5256 COft^PLAlNT 1. This coihplaint is filed pursuant to 52 U.S.C. § 30109(a)(1) and is based on information providing reason to believe that Correct the Record (l.D. C00578997), a so-called "Carey" or "hybrid" committee,' has made, and Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign committee Hillary for America (l.D. C00575795) has accepted, up to $5.95 ' Pursuant to the stipulated order and consent judgment in Carey v. FEC, Civ. No. 11-259- RMC (D. D.C. 2011), political committees that provide notice to the Commission may establish one "non-contribution" bank account that accepts contributions in unlimited amounts from individuals, corporations, labor organizations and other political conunittees that may be used only for independent expenditures and not for expenditures coordinated with or in-kind contributions to candidates (i.e., a "super PAC" account), and also a separate bank account subject to contribution limits and source prohibitions for making contributions to federal candidates. See Press Release, Fed.
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