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i>! :SPtpLiC SPIMIT. 11^ Fifty-fourth Year Ayer, Mass., Saturday, October 8, 1921 \No.6. f»rice Five Cents This is Something Worth

-fA Shouting About •JKrCR. MASS. The H^rt, Schaffner & Mar.x styles in Suits and Overcoats for 1921 are here-new colorings, new fashion ideas, new fabrics. 'Prices m one-third lower than those of the l^all of 1920. We can save money fer you on Suits and Overcoats. Not on the first price, perhaps, but ^ our clothes are better; they wear longer; they still look good and K-4 styhsh when cheaper suits are in the rag bag. -FOU- 'i»l PRICES FROM $35 TO^ $45 OTHER MAKES FROM $i8 TO §35

.'••Iff •• Young New Fall Hats \i Truly a superior coUection of New Hats showing the trend of styles for FalL They are QuaUty Hats that wiU do justice to the Fall Suits balance of your New FaU Outfit.

PRICES FROM $3.00 TO $6.00 Ready Our Suits for Young M.e^ are made by speciaUsts whose work is confinea to 'A this type of clothing. This is the reason they give exceUent satisfaction as for fit Get the Bous Readu for Sclidol • ahd style.. • / This is the time to do it, and this store is the place to do it. BOYS' SUITS FROM $8.50 TO $14.00 BOYS' SHOES FROM $2.50 TO $5.50 . CoDyright 1921 Han Schaffner & Marx The New Fall St^le s BOYS' BLOUSES AND SHIRTS 75?* TO $1.50 ARE PLAIN AND SMART, GIVING THE VVEARER A WELL SET-UP,'STyL(SH- ^APPEARANCE > "I Coats aje cut in single or double-breasted, two or three-button, plaia or ) Fletcher Bros. patch iJockets. . , - , Main Street Opposite Depot ^ ' AYER, MASS. When it comes to patterns—they are the finest we have ever shown—plenty The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes and Walk-Over Shoes of hair lines in blue and brown also, plain colors. ^ * •

PEPPERELL Ham will go to .Maine for a short atay The quality of the fabrics is superi or to that of past years and the prices are to flnlsh out his two-weeks'.-vucatlon. JiewH Itoma. •The death of .Mrs. Prances A. Dur- from $10.00 to $20.00'less than last year. , '- John Frossard ha.-^ been on a busl- sm, mother ot Pred M. Durgin, for­ r - tM^ nes.s trip Into the middle wejjt and to merly assistant statlpji ogent at the Cider Appl and Maine statljon. occurrcd at Wisconsin, the hospital at Nashua, on Thursday SUIT PRICES-$19.50, $25.00, ^29.50, $34;50 and $42.50 Mr. and Mra. Bernard Hamilton September 29, at the age of Sixty-nine •welcomed a aon at their home on years. The remains were--taken to Wanted Hlsh atreet on last SUnday morning. hor old homo in Scbecv;-Me.; •where ser­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Ham and vices were IS be h'SUtTangTinterihent $1.00 per cwt. son, Everett, are visUting- friends in was to be mado. Mrs, llarfftn was the Connecticut., going rrom Lynn last widow of the late John Dursin ot ^^ -W^iSTlME TO THJNKjABOUt- YOUR ••'• I") week, -whera they were present at the Dunstable, where the family-hare re­ E. P. SHEEHAN'S CIDER MILL .ifraduatlon ot the nursea at the I.ynn sided for some years, moving there ••'5 hospital, atnong whom was .Mi.-i.s .Mar­ from Nashua. LITTLETON, MASS. ion Thompson. Later .Mr. and Mrs. .Mr.-i. A. a. Woodward is entertain- ir.BT her friend from Concord Mrs John K. Shattuck. M.tllcxILst Church yatea. New Fati Hat .-^.IthouKh the heavy showers of la-st week Friday evening probably pre­ vented some from attending the ex­ ercLses at the SundayiBchool rally at We have tiiern here ready for your inspection. the .Methodist- vestry there was a Brown and Green are the sure, favorites. We have A. G. Pollard Co. PTOod-sized gathering.. An instructive iiiscour.se on "The use of the Bible them and also other colors,.and all iii' different shapes* 111 thf Sunday school" was ffiven by THE STORE FOR THRIFTY PEOPLE LOWELL, MASS. the pa-stor. A social hour was en­ to suit your particular taste. jo.ved at thc clo."^ -a-ith refreshments o! hot coffee, douphnuts and cake, Merrirnack, Paimer and Middle Streets .-jei-v-ed under direction of Mrs. Xew- We feature that well known brand of good liat ninn Pre-'scott, with .-ussistance of Mrs A.idrew.-<, Mrs. Harris and others. making— cm Sund.ay morning at 10.45 the fiastor will preach with Sundiiy school .so.-^slon at noon. The Hope Circle wlll meet at 6.;;0 and at T.30 there will be ELEVEN DAMDY VALUES IN EVERY DAY NEEDS ARE OFFERED IN THE th.- usual Sund.ay evoning preaching service, conducted hy the pastor. On Tuesday evenine- at 7.SO the DRY GOODS SECTIOiN OF THE prayer meetin;,- -A-ill beJield, and on Kriday evenin,;; of nextH-eek the Ep­ One of the good makers of the country. Prices are a worth I.ea.irue will hold a devotior.al and .<.-ocial meeting in the vestry. Planu lot lower than they were. "^ / , ar,- beinK madp by the league for a public All-H.allowe'en party, with mas- PRICES ON FALL HATS-$3.50, ?5.6o and ?6.0e cjuerade on the evening of Octolier li-". of which -Mr. Taylor, the p,astor, wili •>> l>e the chairman, Great Underpriced Basement Thp finance committoe are desirous Ihat nil "fr.el cn\f-ln Thursday evening of l.\Rt week HUCK TOWELS 29^ each $3.00 dozen ;iri- was di.scovered in the small barn adjoining thc old I.ocke house, now Please bear in mind that we make clothes to individual measure We are High grade, pure w owned by .Miss Harriet Parker. .Mr. liitc. linen finish huekabiiek fowcl.'i size 17x32, with homstitoh and neat and Mr.-i. Herbert Sprague occupy the agents m this vicinity for that best of custom-tailorinf firms— . p.irt of tlle house ne.are.st the .stable wliitr tmrili-r. and .Mr. Sprague had just returned from his flay's w-nrk painting, and at­ \' tended to his hors,- in the stable, banting i;p his working clothes at one si.u- of the hack wall. The gar­ UNION LINEN CRASH 19< yard ments were naturally oily .and it is supposed c.-inseil the com'hu.Htion. the iii-n.'d nnM-:i ',:: !>1; -.otii hllll- h.ir.ler -17 i lire resulting. An alarm w.is soundci n.-hes wide. Ideal crash for ruller towels from central tel,.phoiie allice for box 111- (ii.sli 1owi>!s .\is • --111' ;..t ,.;• 1.leil,-lu-.l H;rn. :'''i. .-ind when !li.- tin-men nrriveil Mr. fVi Icy union linen - make vorv ahsorhenl di.<;h Sprague had m-id,- a vnin attempt tliWt-ls. to put out the it.-imes -with a pail of i«3j ju:3:'- • Xow A ll vJ^^ MERCERIZED NAPKINS 19<^ each 3 for 50c^ sale. (l;:e \„: of :>0 do;,,.,, ..ai-kms 20x20 nil lirst onality- permanent finish-choiec of patterns. Cider Prices range dn Custom-Made Suits from $28,00 upward. ' ' SHEETS Bring Your Own Apples and have them pressed Store Closed on Wednesdays at AT 79< EACH—."^lieets mii.ie of <;oo(^. bleai-hed r-lton. 72x90. ifl.00 value. 12 Noon FRIDAYS and \ J -.Ij AT OSc' EACH -20 d"ze„ full .size sheets, 72x1)0; ,,n,- nnd three-ineh hems. Cood heavy eotton. I SATURDAYS Store Open~^ on 'Monday, Friday and AT 91.10 EACH--nieiiched seandess .sheets, iiia-ie of heavy .sheetinfl value. JELLIES and JAMS AYER u- r„.. « "l^ Kardcn hose of J. Cl. AT Sl.Gf) EACH- Kxtm larire si-amless shcetinu'. 9nxf)fli ijd.sn value. Let us supply • you this • ,e .;;, 'V' J"£ nr? ^"^ reached into :; / °u ".V^" •'ulldlnc and broke out winter. Highest quality. n „n "J^ ^"^ '"°°' J"''°''« *he dep.-irt- n.^nt could respond, Tho nearness of PIl^-OW~CASES Visitors Welgjme ..:•• hydr.ant .and plentiful .supply of Th^t ^hey au May B^ One /':s':< iM.er Slopped the finmcs from sprc.id- AT,2.5<* EACH- Made of -rood rolKtn eloth. -lix-'ifi; a.->,- value. :r.u- beyond .slight damngrc to the roof o. the ell. ^5r. .Sprague removed his The Ministers' Union Sifreka.the,'Oneness in G<)od WilL aad'in '•r"'liVJ^ ^'^^'' o'l'.er holonglngs from AT 35<> EACH- Pillow Ca.ses made of Kdwards hleaolied eotttm, hpinstit(diod: 4l)e value. Littleton Frnit Prodncts ,l- Iwrn but not his household good.--. Practical Co-opoiration, of AU: the Pooijler • - -' -'he AJ-^'K*?' 'I'""'^ '" ""Other part • It i.s not a local body, bm, like the IlaV Stack Prayer AT 39< EACH- :!-', d-zen enihroidered pillow eases, made of crood cinalify of eotton : .lOe value. .^, double tcncmcnv removed a LITTLETOIM, MASS.' part ot his good.s. but ns the lire w.as Meeting of over a century ago,-a World bodylX But ^t 4ifi i «,en .siTiothered by the ' stream of -^ Tolophono Harvard 85 . -.v.ii'-r, thc gooda wero returned The founded ht Ayer. It's first meeting Wajrheld tbere in 18§6 It all-<.ut signal, was glvon-Inside of an Factory One-third of a Mile from h

y rwT"'i'W''W*-<"'W'^«"^«>yr*'^i; -•'^sss^iip^ftssst.--.^ —tmmmm^mimsm^^fWit mrmftmA^^'"

PAGE TWO SATDEDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1921 . _ JJ , . TT^'O DOI.I1ARS .A YEAB Griffln. Anson L; ' , S4 00 • of Clarenco Hildreth, Westford Cen homo of his uncle, -the lute Wllllam IN ADVANCE CJrinin, Charles M. 84 70 tor. An attempt will bo mado to lo­ Taylor, for whom ho was named, at Gumb. Harry M 130 00 cate the owner by the number of thc Granltovllle Foundry Co 338 12 tho Old Otfken Bucket farm, where car. he was always an entortaing convcr- GEORGE H. B.'^TCRNER, Publisher Hale. Alfred H 07 00 Hamlin. Nathan. Heirs 130 00 One of tho new and useful novel satlonulist In a vein of Scotch wit. Hanson, Henry M, 94 00 tics on exhibition at the Groton fair Among tliose serving In his com­ .Wo publish tho followins Papers; Hanloy, Kdward T 72 00 which wo forgot to mention wtis an pany'and well known In this vicinity Harrington, p. Honry 1S3 70 was the late Dexter Butterfleld of Tamt^r'a Public Spirit, Ajcr, Moss. oxiess, horseless mowing machine Hartford,.George II 82 00 on exhibition by tho Montgomery Dunstable. Xbe Grotou Xitxadmarli Hartson. Frank C6 00 Mr, .McAlj.^.'ie wtuj a member of Healy, Frank C8 70 Hardware Company of Ayer. XtKJ PCplxut;!!- Clarlon-i.'Vd vcrtlscr Healy. .1. Henry 7C 87 Needham po.- . G. -A. It., and of the Thc'Mornlng Glory farm Is green Loyal Legion, .m organization of civil tme Iilttlcton Giiiaon Healy. Margaret M 'Jl '2[i Ing up Ils land w-ith an acreage of Healy. Klizaboth 'J? 5() war veterans. He w-tus also ;i mem­ Ibc WcstforU WajrUsmnn Healy. J. Austia 02 00 newly arrived through the ground rye ber ot tho I'mtarlan chureh, Ltiw­ Tho Hnrvard HiUsiao 'Healy * «t Sons;. J. A -'73 37 and wheat to etit. renee, Tbe ShlrJcy Orttclo Healy, John A. OOOO The annual meetinK of tho Middle­ On accoun; of 111 health Mr. Mc­ Healy, 2d.'John,'A.. 84 38 nio ToAnscnd Tocsin sex-North Agricultural soelety will be Alpine retired last yetir as vice preal­ Haywood & Flotchor Heirtj. . C2 00 held on Friday, October 11, at 10.30 dont ot the l-iwrence Savings bank trho Brookllne (N. II.) Beacon Hildreth, Albert A tr. 20 / Hlldroth. Clarenco B." :: !,0 In tho morning. Reports and elec­ after twenty-seven years of service. Hie Uollis (N. II.) UonicstcaU Hildreth, Charles L ' , uu tion of ollicers will be part of the Hc was a trustees of thc bank at thc Hlldroth. Sirs. Edith L u.i •:,, businc«s. time ot hiij death, being eighty-one Hildroth. Charles W. ..v.... 1". -'0 years old. Kntered as scccrnd-class matter at tho Hlldreth. Herbert V. IM JS Now that our clocks have linished postofllce at Ayor, Mass. Hlldreth. Frank C. .., S iai !2 thcir annual lying about sunrise and The decea.sed leaves besides his Hildroth, Miss Ella F •sr.i '2x. sunset we can, take our pktces with daughter, a son, \S'llllam H. McAl­ , Satarda>-, October 8, 1921 Hildroth. Mrs. Bortha H !i2 o the timetable of the world. Why all plne, of Loadsville, Ky,, and a broth­ Howard, John H. ...:.,,.... no i'O mankind and •ther folks should be er, /John D, .McAlpine, of Cleveland, Howard, Calvin L, 151 nt .listurbcd in their sleep at both ends Ohio. His vrife. Carolino Lothrup WESTFORD Uunt, William J.,.. 126 U' if the day to carry out daylight sav­ McAlpine. died on July 24. Me-o-my, Irish, Goorffo F...... '..• CO 00 The funerul wtis held at the home Jarvis. Jivcrott P 00 70 iiig when the same end could be Center. Jenkins, Mrs. Mark W., Holrs n-aehed by an undisturbed clock and of his son-in-law, Joseph K, Wal­ Mr. and Mrs. J. Herbert Kletchcr of ;.. 01 25 KMing to work at six o'clock and not worth, Rev. Arthur Barber olliciating. plan to so over thc week-end to Lud­ Johnson. Claus '...... 07 OU rnmpel the clock to say seven, which The bearers were James I'. Munroe Johnson, W. w 110 70 Is an attempt to control the sun, we and Jume^ P, Ro.ss, ot Boston, Alvin how you'U take to low, Vt,, to vLslt the latter's brother, Jordan, Mrs. l.aura P 118 20 haven't ingenuity enough In our head E. Mack, Lewis E. Foye, William H. James S. Gill, and family, at the Koyes. Henry O., Heirs of... 121 50 family homestead, Mr. and Mrs. lo understand nor have we discovered McAlpine and Joseph E. Walworth. Kimball, George .-V 284 37 Chaplain 11. S. Coney, of Woodsi;;ile, Graham, of Waltham, accompany Klrrfball, James 1 -217 50 anybody that has. Daylight .saving is a correct j)rinciple incorrectly ap- of Mr. McAlpine's company, and theni. LaDuc, Hy.aclhth 66 20 Moulton Bateheller represented the a pipe—arid Po Ao! The opening meeting of the Tad- LaDuc, Gideon 66 26 jilied- How long will Mtussa-chusetts Lapnionsky. .-\dam 76 20 Loyal Legion, and P. M. Blaek and niuck club will be held In thc Unl- continue to attemi»t to muke the James Morgan represented Needham Lawrence. • Austin 92 25 world revolve around her'.' . tarian church -parlors^n ncxt Tuea­ Lawrence. Miss Graco 02 00 post, G. A, H. Interment wus in day afternoon, Mrs. Walter C. Per­ LeCIerc, Joseph A 120 00 The West Chelmsford lire depart­ Bellevue cemetery, Lawronce. Before you're a day older from bite and parch (cut ham. of Chelmsford, director-of the Lundberg. Alexander G. .... 00 87 ment held their annu.il batiQuot in elith district of Woman's clubs of this Lundberg, Carl .^ 68 12 Historical hall on Tuesday evoning. you want to let the idea slip out by our exclusive pat­ state, will speak, .Mrs, Adeline M. Lybeck. Kbsom 01 00. Supper was served and after supper Ropublican Lua«uo Outiii«. Buckshorn, ot the home club, wlll Mann. Edgar .V 74 63 reniarks were made. Among those "Bigger and better than last year" under your hat that this ented process) are a reve­ Sive a book review. ".Main street," Myer. Mrs. Fred H 06 20 who served remarks was George Day, is tho way tliat thc annual outliig of and Mrs, George S. Brown, of Low­ McDougal. .-Vllistor F 188 37 lation to the man who never McCoy, Frcd L 86 62 chairman of the Chelmsford board of the -Republican lieague of Ma-ssachu- is the open season to start cll. will be the soloist. There will be McDonald, Alexander 103 63 selectmen, Capt. John J. Monahan, .wtts is being advertLsed. The 5000 could get acquainted with a a club tea In charge of thc reception McDonald, William 0 76 90 John Hagan, \Vllliam Belleville, persons who attended' tho event last something with a joy'us committee, Mrs.- Wllllam R. Carver, McDonald, Mrs. Margaret .... 198 75 Loren J. Elllnwood, George Rigby year,on the Whitney playgrounds at pipe! P. A. has made a Mrs. Harold W. Hildreth, Mrs. Her­ Mcintosh. John 69 20 and Joseph Ryan. After these ora­ Westford know what this ineans,-and jimmy pipe — and some bert E. Fletcher,* Mrs. Fred II. Meyer Milot. Napoleon 60 70 tions were delivered an entertainment pipe a thing of joy to four Milot, Ephriam 52 00 those unfortunate-s who did not at­ and Misa Edith H. ^Vrlght. was delivered In charge of the Mona­ tend, have heard ali about It. The Prince Albert! Miller, F, Evereit 87 60 han brothers and consisted of a (Ive- men where one was smoked There will be an ali-dqiy Ladles' Mountain, Krnost G 54 20 outing this yrar Is to be held at the Murphy. Henry J. 104 12 rlng minstrel show by the following same place on this Saturday, and the Aid meeting at tho home of thc well-known • showmen: Archie and Because, a pipe packed before! Mlases Atwood, Thursday. Important Nesmith, George W 94 70 prograni calls for not a single minute O'Brien. James H 60 62 -Arthur Cooke, Edwin and Albert from one o'clock to Id,30 at night. sewing for a .-family of Uttle {oiks Burne and Theodore Robarge. Thero Osgood. Houghton G 166 CO Even the twilight hour is provided •with Prince Albert satisfies will occupy the day and It Is hoped O'ltourke, James J 62 50 Were many local hits, the Invited Ever roll up a cigarette that the members will attend early Palmer, Lewis P 260 00 guests being liberally remembered. for, so that the hundreds who come a man as he was never satis­ and work diligently. Policy. Amos B 70 62 The whole show w'a.s a snappy success from miles around will not be obliged with Prince Albert? Man, Psarias. John D 127 60 and was applaudingly received by thc to leave for refreshments or enter­ RaDy day will be observed at the Prescott, Mrs. .\ugusta 90 00 tainment during the quiet hour be­ fied before—and keeps him Congregational church on Sunday, crowded hall. The committee in man — but you've, got a Prescott.' Ebenezer 67 13 charge were Donald Olsson, Benjamin tween the afternoon and evening pro­ Prtnce Albert ia and plans' have been progressing to Proscott. Nathan 50 75 grams. • - satisfied! And, you can party coming your way! told in toppy rxj make it tin Interesting servico for old Prescott. Harry B 87 60 Brown, Ralph Haberman and Elmer bats, tidy rcd tint, and young. Mrs. Perley E. Wright, Prescott, Robert 236 80 Trull. ^ The atternoon program st.arts at one prove it! Why —P. A.'s Talk about a cigarette hanaaorne pound Mrs., 'W'llllara R. . Taylor and Mrs. Prescott. Richard D 116 25 o'clock with a band concert by th- and^ half pottnd tin .•Warren G. HansOoni. The evening Roed. Mrs. Rachaol W 268 75 The ladies ot the West Chelmsford Abbot Worsted Go, band ot fortv huttiidora atid in tba Rccd, Mrs, David .../ 95 00 flavor and fragrance and smoke; we tell you it's a potind crystal tjtaaa service will be conducted by Mlss church, doing buslne.ss under tho ploces and a red-hot ball game be­ Randall, Mrs, Harriet 75 00 tween the Chelmsford A. A, and the humid or with Sarah W. Loker., Harry M..-Ingalls Richards, Conrad ,...,, 172 S7 name of the Benevolent society, are coolness and its freedom peach! spansc moistener had charge of the mid-week service Richardson, Mrs. .\lma M 125 00 niaking plans for a sal« and enter­ Townsend teams, botween which there top. on. Wednesday evening. Sargent, Joseph E 116 00 tainment to be held in tho future. isimuch rivalry. Sargent, Charles G 107 50 The following committee constitute a Gov. Channing H, Cox, Mrs Emma A new "Sargent's handbook of New Sargent, .\llan C 233 63 lookout committee: Miss Lottie Snow, Fall Schoneld, A. B.. L.L.B., and our England" has been added to the J. Sargent, Frederic G Ill 25 Mrs. John Toye, Mrs. Frank Edwards, own Congressman John Jacob Rogers V. Fletcher library. This is a new Sargent, -lames M 95 00 Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Mrs. Adolf will be present and meet and address Copyrisht 1921 edition and is of much interest to Seavcv, Homer M. 110 21 Lofstedt, ' Mi.ss Margaret Reid, Mrs. by R. J. Reynolds Sargent Sons Corp 1,897.60 the gathering upon state, national and motorists as -well as other readers in John Anderson, Mrs. Anthony Ander- international questions of the dav. Tobacco Co. its carefuUy compiled descriptive .Sargent's Estate, C. G., Trus­ Wiastoa-SaJcm, tees of 2,419 26 'son. Halph "Pep" Hawkes, the banner N.C. matter ot cities, towns, etc. soloist and .community song leadc!'. Sherman, D.tvid 7 9 50 Gilbert A. Scheliengcr. an architect ..Mlss Harriet Buckminstcr. who Sheehan. I). H B6 25 who has so' many friends in this .formerly, lived. In'Westford. now of Shungrue, Mrs. itose 99 25 of , is visiting his sis­ ter, Mrs. S, L. Taylor, section of the stato, ivill render sev­ the national joy smoke : Arllngripn, has been- visiting at the Shupe, Perl-y E 8125 eral .solos with band accompaniment Misses Atwood's. '- £ .HJ*;-. . Simpson, John T...,. 149 76 At the home of Mr, and Mrs. Carl and will lead in chorus sin.ging. He Skidmore. Mrs. Gertrude C... 110 00 Olsson, West Chelmsford, Wednes­ Thc nCwly organized £ad!(Ss' Aux­ Spalding & I'rescott- 103 75 alone is -worth- coming miles to hear. >IORTG.\C;KK'S S.\LI-; OF iliary to the American-Le'^on post Spinner, John, Heirs of....>. Sl 25 day evening at eight o-clock, thcir .\ inidway with special attractions will activities, seem to be starting true to I Splain '& Nutting 100 00 daughter, Elvira Elizabeth, -was mar­ be set up, with ample opportunitv to type for they are planning a food sale ,<.-,,?I).aIding. , Osca,, r It. 89„3 7en5 ried to Chester Arthur Burnham, son -secure refreshments, together with 53 00 of Mr. and Mrs. .-Arthur H. Burnhan>. REAL ESTATE in the lower' town hall on Friday giiles. .Mr.^. Harry 53 00 free nuto parking and police protec­ Rev. C. P. Bridges, of Lynn, perform­ tion. To cap it all admis-sion is free. aiternoon. October 14. . |^jij--; '^'•,°-.,\y '!! I i;:::!: Ill ll ing the ceremony. The bride's gown IN (iUOTOX MrS. S. A. Dustln, of Nashua, N, Sweetser, Judson F 392 00 was of white georgette trimmed with With the setting of the sun the H., who has been spending severai Symmes, Mrs, Thoma's 59 37 pearls, and wore a tulle veil caught outing will adjourn from the play­ •weeks/at the home of her daughter. Taylor, Samuel L. 02 50 with orange blossoms and she carried grounds to 'We.stford town hall, where By virtue of tho power of salo con- •Mts.' George V. White, was taken Taylor.: William R. ..: 9S 75 a shower bouquet of bride's roses. a cabaret will bc staged, introducing tairiL'd in a' certain mortgaKO dood Tuttle, .Mfred \V 140 01 O. L. Court in a repetition of his ec- . aciltely ill the latter part of last week. Treat. Orrin 51 20 Miss Edith Lundberg was bridesmaid given by Caroline T. Houtwell to She was removed to the Lowell Gen­ Union Congregational church 60 00 and the best man was the groom's centric dance exhibition that has Charlos F. Haker, dated September eral hospital, and Sunday morning a •\'alenges & Son 8112 brother, Fred Burnham. Mrs. Eva brought hm fame in New Tork and 11,^ 1911. and recorded with MiddleP*^ very serious operation for gallstones Vose. .-VImon S 166 00 Lephand played the wedding march. Boston ballrooms. Refreshment-s will •with, complications, was performed. Walkden. James .\ 52 50 It was a very pretty autumn wedding be served during the cabaret. .\t sev­ sex South District DoedB, Hook 3C34v|- While not yet out' of danger she is Walker. George -V... 201 37 and the house was beautifully dec­ on o'clock thc dance will start in the Page 2Zl, and for broach of the con­ reported resting as comfortably as Wall, Joseph 105 83 orated, Mrs. David Olsson and Mrs. town hall' w-ith the well-known ro­ dition of said mortpapre. will bc sold could be expected. Watson. S. B 102 75 Ralph Jenkins served the refresh­ lonlal orchestra of Waltham in at­ •\Vatson. Mrs. Bessie D., Heirs at public auction on tho iiremises de­ flnotner Priee ReOMion ments. Mr. and Mrs. Burnham tendance. 'The Board of Trade have a meet­ of 480 00. scribed below^ on Saturday. Octolxir Wells, O, v.. Heirs ot 137 00 motored to New York for a wedding You are Invited to come and Re- 22ml. 1921. at 2.00 o'doois In Uie .ar­ ing scheduled for October 19, at trip, and after November first they THE LOWEST PRICE AT WHICH FORD CARS whjch ah especially good entertain­ Westtord Water Co 305 00 publloanize-with .your friend.s, neigh- ternoon. all and singular, the real es­ Wetmore, V. C. Bruce 670 12 will be at homc at the Burnham bora and relatives from all the towns ment is promised. "Wheeler. .\sa B 76 75 farm. tate conveyjed by said mortgage, and -, We hear of the doath ot Mlss Xcl­ within a radius of fifteen miles of therein described substantially as fol­ HAVE EVER BEEN SOLD Whcelor, Leonard W. 146 76 Westford and participate in the big­ lle Locke, of Cambridge. Miss Locke Whidden, Elmer H 66 88 lows: Whidden, Mrs. Ellzaboth .... 65 00 First Parish church (L'nitarian) gest event that this section has ever is remembered by many as a visitor Sunday serv-ice .at four p. m. Preach­ at the homc of. Mi^. W^UUs Hlldreth. Whitton. Wlnnlfred E. 74 76 wimesged. a-s guests of the Republi­ A parcel of land iwith the build- . Delivered Prices On and After September 2, 1921 •Whitton. Cora. I. ' ,57 09 er, Rev. Frank B. Crandall. Suhjcct. can T.*ague ot Ma.ssachuselts on this Owing to air accident iti young' child­ White, Georgo 'F 646 00 ''The general conference." Saturday. ingrs thereoiH In eald Groton on the hood Miss Locke was a cripple and Whitney. Emory J 93 75 easterly sld« of Hollis Street, belnff TOURING CAR, regular...' .^13 oiiltered much ail her life, but she ^Vhltney, Nathaniel K 66 88 lot flve (5) on plot or chart of houso .possessed a brave, sweet spirit which Wilson, J. .\. B 189 00 Vi.sited Old Friends. Granltovllle. Woods, J. Everett 5« 60 lota as laid down by Horace C. TOURING CAR, vhh Starter and Demountable Rims 511 overcame much physical handicap. Alonzo B. Falls, of Waverley, for Chelmsford Center defeated the HoToy, containinsr seventeen thou­ She made many friends and was a Worcester. Israel. Heirs of.. 76 00 North Chelmsford baseball club in the Wright. Mrs. Mabel E 300 75 many years an engineer on thc Bos­ sand, flve hundred siaity-eiKht (17,568) RUNABOUT, regniliir ; 381 studious naturalist, specializing on ton and Maine railroad, was in town rubber game of tho series for the Wright. Bradley V 77 50 square feet of land, bounded and de­ botany, on which subject she was a Wright, Mrs. Kmma M 165 00 on Wednesday, calling on some of his chanipion.ship of Chelmsford at Abbot RUNABOUT, -vvith Starlcr rind Demountable Rims 480 recognized authority. Wright, Charlos H 210 37 old friends and schoolmates. He was park here last Saturday by tho .score scribed as follows,— Wright, Frank C 1«9 50 one of the old Stony Brook scholars of S to :;. Demaris and McKlroy ilid CHASSIS, repular 344 Governor's day at thc big republi­ BoKiniiinK ut a stone post on the Wright & Fletcher 76 25 hi the days o'f ye little red school- the batt<-ry work for Chelmsford Cen­ line of said strc-et at the southerly can league meeting this Saturday af­ Wright. H. I. !i7 50 house. We have h.ad many a friend­ CHASSIS, with Starter and Demountable Rims. .. .". 442 ter, -while Ilridgeford and O'Hare were cornor of said' lot; thence by the ternoon at Whitney playground is the WriKht. Williani K lie 46 ly -ivrestling bout, catch a-s catch can on the firintr line for North Chelms­ Wright. Walter C 91 20 curved line of .said street about one SEDAN 730 big event. Governor Channing II. or collar and elbow, best two in three ford. Umpires, Bob Ganley .ind Reed. Cox,'Congressman John Jacob Rog­ Upright, PeVloy K 1^3 00 falls, and we are not going to say hundred iind .six (IOC) foet to a stone ers and Mrs. Emma Fail Schofield Wright. Sydney B 100 70 Many of -die local b.aseball fans tonk COUPE 662 Wright, John P 7£.()0 whether Falls won best two in three post; thence easterly one hundrod will bo the speakers. The Abbot or not, because we are not called up­ in the big l_rrolon-.\yer game that was Non-re»l dents playpd at Croton on last Sundav. ninety-live (19,".) l\-et to a stone post; TON TRUCK, with pneumatic tires 4dS .Worsted Company band will be right on to testify against ourselves. Be­ thence suuthorly ' one hundred (100) on hand and there will be a baseball Barton, Gcorge H $S2 F.O Groton won by the score of 1 to 0 in sides the floor was very dusty and foot to a iMJSt; thence westerly ono TRACTOR 664 same between the Townsend A. A. Benolt, .lanies 72 l.lt I-'.alls always wore a tremendously one uf the ilnest .and cleanest played and Chelmsford A. A.; also, other Blanchard, .\rthur F c; ;.o nice suit of clothes and we disliked games of the season. We will try to hundred and forty-six and one-half Book. Mrs. Minnie A n-v 12 be pre.-Jeiit at the rubber game if poi<- (lAOVi ) feet tu .the , stone poat flrst sports, a midway and refreshments. Butterworth. ,lohn .1 very much to see the dust on thc Your Orders Solicited for Prompt Deliveries Kalph P. Hawkes will bc the song Conant. Mrs. Sarah .1 back of his coat. Among those who sible. mentioned. leader. Admission free. At the town Drew, Gcorge -\ a(-companied him on his automobile Mis.j_es Bora and iicbecca Ix.-Duc Also a tertain tract of land situ­ Eacrett. .John H 100 nil trip to town was his niece. Mrs, hall in the evening there will be a have returned home .after an extend­ ated on Kyneton Hoit,'hts in said Gro­ M. MacLENNAN J. M HARTWELL dance with thc Colonial orchestra of Elliott, lioh.^rl I! 17T .'iO Bertha Fails Bacon, of Arlington, :ifi 2.". ed vaoation. spent with friends in -Waltham in attendance. Elliott, Thom,-is H well known in town and associated Moore, P.a. ton. near HoUis Stroot, so-calied, con­ Street Garage, Ayer . • Nashoba P'U'tchor, .1. Henry 403 r.o with the old Dupee farm .at Westford taining nine thousand, nine hundred Garage, Littleton Mrs. C. A. Blaney and Mrs. Fred H. Gage. Miss M.-\rtlni. , , , 1.017 r.n depot; also, her daughter and hus­ The speri.1I town meetinL.- th:it w;i>^ anti thirty-six (9,936) siiuare feet ac­ Telephone 33C Telephone 39-3 Meyer were in charge of 'the enter­ Hall Bros 1S2 F,0 held in tlip town hall. W-.-stford. on hand, he acting a.s automobile team­ cordinK to tho plan i>f house lots on tainment at the . Congregational I^awyon. George I.....' 115 00 Lost Thursda.T evening w;i.s larg.-!\- at­ I.owell Electric Co ster for the party. They were all s.-iid Hoiprlns as surveyed and drawn church fair and not Mrs, William R. 5F.0 00 sriecial guests of the F. W. Banister tended. 1 Taylor as given in last week's report I.owell ..f^;*.-,x,x>t-i.v»A.'.A^.^^--':n:-.xl J25 per 51.000; Stiles. Fred O i;;5 00 L gues Atrbot, Abiel J.. Heirs o' first of a series of [lartir-s on Wednes- .loseph Wall here. 1 \e\ eii and sfiown on the aforesaid CiS J101. Trustees of Westford Acad­ I day evening of last -week at Marsh.all's Abbot. Mrs* .M-ci- M... RS 70 00 Mi.-^s Mars; Idan; thonce easterly by lot numbored «[IU 492 60 emv -MrOarr. of 1 .owr-1 BO Abbot. John <-. . . t\"rifr'lit. Mi-^s h-.iin T 107 50 j h.-ill. Westford Corner. Ahout fifty I ,-J one hundred (10(t) foet to a stone r.9.'. (Ml j (-ouple entered the grand march has l>een a 1 ent i:( s: ' .Mi: .-^ Ce- SH Anetil. John H 63 T6.i poll.-. J.1.^-,. i.-Iia Wall, ' jjost .ll the junction of I..ots numbered 'Ata Personal cstnic L'2,2^^- I wliirh wns led by Mr. and .^Irs. Frank Anderson. William K 12X1 ;.=l.l. Horn in :' 'ft, ('. 11 and 1*; thence southorly by ast Atwood. S. C„ I.. IS., xxrx,\ .M Resl- est.-ite r.4.. .-.2 l.upien, nnd there was no end of I.-1W.--11 (l.-l era: hi so Moth l"!- pital. .= uiina\ i>c:olH-r -, a il;n:ght 'Lot 12 one hu:idrod and ton (TlO) aia \ Abbot Worsted Co.— ^" merriment for the various costumes GO Brookside •".3fl1 j worn, the judges to award prizes for j to !>:•- id Ml s. !--al).\an 1'- rkar.I. feel tw a stroet as laid down in said \ Graniteviile :.=. The am "i.Sfifi 2>. .-\boiit Town, I the hftft .Illd poorest dressed. They j.-ii!ar nieetiiiL.' of r.'l :l - plan, tlienco along th** line of wftid rjta Forge. Village «,7;i2 t,?. 1 deeidfd that Miss Winnie Ha-Jm a:id • itevillt Bannl.itcr, Francis W A party wns civen on Wednfsda\- l;i-ntherhood w.is held in the­ st reet westerly ninety-four (94 ) foet. vn I .Miss P7hh,a Hnberm.in w.-re winners I vestry- dtsi Balch. Wa.vland !-• evening of last week in honr.r of the r>f the Motho- t-n < In) feet to the stone post at Ih* [and William Miller for the gentlemen. \ .itt.--i!d am Barretto. John Gamos and d.anrirtg were 'on the pro­ i. -*,t that time •ixe an::u.-i! eorner of !>ot numbered 10; thence Blanev, C. A I Ii.nncinK and games followf-d in quiek . eler:io titi gram for thr evening, and supper ilf ullleers took ' Blaisdell, Alvin .1., Hoi I-e ot. . : sXK-eennxon. Kvevyr,n^ w.is ,-iwake to nort lu-rly ninety-sis; ( 96 ) feet to the wns served by the hostes."*. .Mrs. .ir,- Blodgett * Co. . thf- spirit of the new adventure. Ice .^oofcr Football. plai r of beginning. Hoing lot num­ att Blodgett. Wiiford seph T. Regnier. Guests wrre pr(-s- bei ed eleven Ml) ns shown in said RO Blodgett, f. A. & : t-reani \^ns handed about ns though Tho Ablw't Worsted '',,. soccer team V. P., ent froni' i.owell, Lawrene^, tiranite- it w.-is ,-i large crop this plan. The j)lan iioreinbefore roforrod or Blood, Mr.'!. I.ucy M, vllli'. West Cholmsford and Westford. :ind lifat out thi- .Arlington .Mills team of Boynton, Mrs. Delia. Heir", of dull munie;its were unkr.uwn The I-lwrenoe l.^.-^t H;iturda% afternoor, at to is rt-.'ordod with .s,'i,id l)oonwrence. .Mr. MeAlpine w-a.s horn IXO. on which there is now duo tho Conture. Joseph . 50 The hearers -i^-ere August Johnson, Pont; I.if Score—Abbots 1. Arling­ Cutting. Ralph T no in Framingham in iv-to, of Scotch sum of eight himdred dollars, and 147 «2 Andrew G. Anderson, Malcolm John­ ton .Mills 0. Oo.aks—Ritchie. Referee LIQUID • PAINT rttiy. Arthur K 140 p.arent.age. being one of seven chil­ also* subject to a mortgage frivon by no son and Mr. Esterherg. Interment - -Hobson. I.inc<*mcn---J. r>elaney. ,1. Day. Qulncv w i2e Sli dren of Peter and Mary (Taylor) Mc­ Carolinf^ T. Boutwell for three htm- was In the family lot in thc West Rennio. Time—Two 4.1 min, periods. •i '^ V Docatur. .Mrfl. .Adelaide 10 Alpine. At the age of eight years Desmond. David ss Chelmsford cemetery. drod doilars. HIGH STANDARD Bon ,'is hc mnved to Lowell with his parents. The Abbots will pl.av tho General —the investment paint. keeps Ixwjardins. Oliver Said promlsofi will ho sold BUbJcct ss .so The heating apparatus of thc With his brother Thom.as he cnllstc'd Fllectric In I.ynn S.aturday. October S. Donnelly. Wllllam J 72 so to any Hens for taxes and unps.Id aa- out the frost and moisture and prevents decay. Downs. Matthew F 124 05 weather registered 80' worth in thc In thc 2d .Mnss,iehusetts In June. Nrw Advcrtl<)cmcnt Downing. Mnry E s."; on ah.ade on 'VVodncsd.ay of last weck. 1861, Hc enlisted as a private .ind Rossmont.**. and .also subject to said Saves you money and makes you money—makes Drew. Frank C.,,..: 242 50 This was a sudden rise from holding wati honorably discharged at the close two mortgagOfT'to lho North Middle­ Edwards. Wlllianf C 155 50 down lo 32" worth of cortlncss the ot the wrfl ,as (Irst lieutenant. He sex Savings Bank, amounting togeth­ Edwards, Charles FOR SALE property worth more. S.'i provious morning wtut wounded several times, and on er to $1100.00, and any accrued in­ Edwards. Mrs. Louisa n2n5 l-idWRfda & Monahan "Almost October 1 and no frost on two occasions his wounds were so A Store'Furnace nnd Six Long Slore terest. '?.S nn serious that ho was not expected to Tables. Cheap. A barg.aln. Gtet our color card and see your painter now. - Ellason. I>ars J." 52 5n W'c'iitford hlll" s.iys thc efllclent cor­ Terms: $300.00 at time and placo Fooney. John 103 75 recover. respondent of ye beautiful hilltop of PrPl.lC SPIRIT OFFICE of Bale. - Feeney. Jr.. John ,^o nn Westford., Cent, r, nnd we can say After the battle of Ch,ancellora- Fl.sher. Alec 25 West .street , Ayer. Mass. Other terms tb be BtAtod Insutanco Fletcher. H, B j,,, u dead. Confederate soldiers accorded S7« 13 ford Grange wlll bo held on Thurs­ ShatnpootoK Scnlp Treatment Fletcher. HiiTry N. 26S8 00 day evening of- next week, when a him good treatment and three days Esther A. Stone, Typewriting • Fletcher. Sherman H. on later hc was b.ack In the -same hospi­ 173 75 class of Rlxtccn will bc Initiated in the PaCC'H niock ATEm,' SIASS. netamomamisuiamammuomamiamiimiiBuismamiBUi _^ .joaon Fletcher. J. Willard . IKS 1,1 first and second degrees. tal and the same nurse was .attend­ Fljnn Bernojrd .t. ... B2 75 ing him. sHSHisaoaoBOBoaoBOBoisiSasBBogiBBOHOBBioaoBoaG lOBOiHO Turbush, ^•'rank L..... John S. Grclg, Main street, ,-ind MARY O'NEILL 13S 75 •When th'fc w.ar ended he wont to FRANK S. BENNETT Onrdoll. Augtist ...... 98 7t Carl Swanson, Brooks)do, havc been Boston, ,and to L.a'wrcnce In 1870, BKAtmr SHOPPE The cireulation of our ten papers is ten times larger Gllson, Mrn. Alico 'M.. drawn on tho Jury. Sacee/wor to AJRTHUR TENNER Gould. H. E. & E, H.. 'ts tio »herc he served In thc common coun- 2,12 4)0 llaitnltrceaing Fodnl Masks OTAven, William F.... 99 25 Harry L. Wh'lting, chief of police, f