•.!•< '-m •iiiiil i Mp^pp^iiigHig^^a^^^Mi li •••5 •ftfiii _l'.lr a, HK' \ "fX i>! :SPtpLiC SPIMIT. 11^ Fifty-fourth Year Ayer, Mass., Saturday, October 8, 1921 \No.6. f»rice Five Cents This is Something Worth -fA Shouting About •JKrCR. MASS. The H^rt, Schaffner & Mar.x styles in Suits and Overcoats for 1921 are here-new colorings, new fashion ideas, new fabrics. 'Prices m one-third lower than those of the l^all of 1920. We can save money fer you on Suits and Overcoats. Not on the first price, perhaps, but ^ our clothes are better; they wear longer; they still look good and K-4 styhsh when cheaper suits are in the rag bag. -FOU- 'i»l PRICES FROM $35 TO^ $45 OTHER MAKES FROM $i8 TO §35 .'••Iff •• Young New Fall Hats \i Truly a superior coUection of New Hats showing the trend of styles for FalL They are QuaUty Hats that wiU do justice to the Fall Suits balance of your New FaU Outfit. PRICES FROM $3.00 TO $6.00 Ready Our Suits for Young M.e^ are made by speciaUsts whose work is confinea to 'A this type of clothing. This is the reason they give exceUent satisfaction as for fit Get the Bous Readu for Sclidol • ahd style.. • / This is the time to do it, and this store is the place to do it. BOYS' SUITS FROM $8.50 TO $14.00 BOYS' SHOES FROM $2.50 TO $5.50 . CoDyright 1921 Han Schaffner & Marx The New Fall St^le s BOYS' BLOUSES AND SHIRTS 75?* TO $1.50 ARE PLAIN AND SMART, GIVING THE VVEARER A WELL SET-UP,'STyL(SH- ^APPEARANCE > "I Coats aje cut in single or double-breasted, two or three-button, plaia or ) Fletcher Bros. patch iJockets. , - , Main Street Opposite Depot ^ ' AYER, MASS. When it comes to patterns—they are the finest we have ever shown—plenty The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes and Walk-Over Shoes of hair lines in blue and brown also, plain colors. ^ * • PEPPERELL Ham will go to .Maine for a short atay The quality of the fabrics is superi or to that of past years and the prices are to flnlsh out his two-weeks'.-vucatlon. JiewH Itoma. •The death of .Mrs. Prances A. Dur- from $10.00 to $20.00'less than last year. , '- John Frossard ha.-^ been on a busl- sm, mother ot Pred M. Durgin, for­ r - tM^ nes.s trip Into the middle wejjt and to merly assistant statlpji ogent at the Cider Appl Boston and Maine statljon. occurrcd at Wisconsin, the hospital at Nashua, on Thursday SUIT PRICES-$19.50, $25.00, ^29.50, $34;50 and $42.50 Mr. and Mra. Bernard Hamilton September 29, at the age of Sixty-nine •welcomed a aon at their home on years. The remains were--taken to Wanted Hlsh atreet on last SUnday morning. hor old homo in Scbecv;-Me.; •where ser­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Ham and vices were IS be h'SUtTangTinterihent $1.00 per cwt. son, Everett, are visUting- friends in was to be mado. Mrs, llarfftn was the Connecticut., going rrom Lynn last widow of the late John Dursin ot ^^ -W^iSTlME TO THJNKjABOUt- YOUR ••'• I") week, -whera they were present at the Dunstable, where the family-hare re­ E. P. SHEEHAN'S CIDER MILL .ifraduatlon ot the nursea at the I.ynn sided for some years, moving there ••'5 hospital, atnong whom was .Mi.-i.s .Mar­ from Nashua. LITTLETON, MASS. ion Thompson. Later .Mr. and Mrs. .Mr.-i. A. a. Woodward is entertain- ir.BT her friend from Concord Mrs John K. Shattuck. M.tllcxILst Church yatea. New Fati Hat .-^.IthouKh the heavy showers of la-st week Friday evening probably pre­ vented some from attending the ex­ ercLses at the SundayiBchool rally at We have tiiern here ready for your inspection. the .Methodist- vestry there was a Brown and Green are the sure, favorites. We have A. G. Pollard Co. PTOod-sized gathering.. An instructive iiiscour.se on "The use of the Bible them and also other colors,.and all iii' different shapes* 111 thf Sunday school" was ffiven by THE STORE FOR THRIFTY PEOPLE LOWELL, MASS. the pa-stor. A social hour was en­ to suit your particular taste. jo.ved at thc clo."^ -a-ith refreshments o! hot coffee, douphnuts and cake, Merrirnack, Paimer and Middle Streets .-jei-v-ed under direction of Mrs. Xew- We feature that well known brand of good liat ninn Pre-'scott, with .-ussistance of Mrs A.idrew.-<, Mrs. Harris and others. making— cm Sund.ay morning at 10.45 the fiastor will preach with Sundiiy school .so.-^slon at noon. The Hope Circle wlll meet at 6.;;0 and at T.30 there will be ELEVEN DAMDY VALUES IN EVERY DAY NEEDS ARE OFFERED IN THE th.- usual Sund.ay evoning preaching service, conducted hy the pastor. On Tuesday evenine- at 7.SO the DRY GOODS SECTIOiN OF THE prayer meetin;,- -A-ill beJield, and on Kriday evenin,;; of nextH-eek the Ep­ One of the good makers of the country. Prices are a worth I.ea.irue will hold a devotior.al and .<.-ocial meeting in the vestry. Planu lot lower than they were. "^ / , ar,- beinK madp by the league for a public All-H.allowe'en party, with mas- PRICES ON FALL HATS-$3.50, ?5.6o and ?6.0e cjuerade on the evening of Octolier li-". of which -Mr. Taylor, the p,astor, wili •>> l>e the chairman, Great Underpriced Basement Thp finance committoe are desirous Ihat nil "fr.el cn\f-l<ipes" be returned i<y those receiving- them, at th-.-:r e.-irl- •byiii i.-.-^t t-onvenience. Tin- al F,a.il Vilbi^rr. Men's Custom-.Made Suits ' >n Thursday evening of l.\Rt week HUCK TOWELS 29^ each $3.00 dozen ;iri- was di.scovered in the small barn adjoining thc old I.ocke house, now Please bear in mind that we make clothes to individual measure We are High grade, pure w owned by .Miss Harriet Parker. .Mr. liitc. linen finish huekabiiek fowcl.'i size 17x32, with homstitoh and neat and Mr.-i. Herbert Sprague occupy the agents m this vicinity for that best of custom-tailorinf firms— . p.irt of tlle house ne.are.st the .stable wliitr tmrili-r. and .Mr. Sprague had just returned from his flay's w-nrk painting, and at­ \' tended to his hors,- in the stable, banting i;p his working clothes at one si.u- of the hack wall. The gar­ UNION LINEN CRASH 19< yard ments were naturally oily .and it is supposed c.-inseil the com'hu.Htion. the iii-n.'d nnM-:i ',:: !>1; -.otii hllll- h.ir.ler -17 i lire resulting. An alarm w.is soundci n.-hes wide. Ideal crash for ruller towels from central tel,.phoiie allice for box 111- (ii.sli 1owi>!s .\is • --111' ;..t ,.;• 1.leil,-lu-.l H;rn. :'''i. .-ind when !li.- tin-men nrriveil Mr. fVi Icy union linen - make vorv ahsorhenl di.<;h Sprague had m-id,- a vnin attempt tliWt-ls. to put out the it.-imes -with a pail of i«3j ju:3:'<tt^'j<*<>- • Xow A ll v<TtJ.*K*Tnon t« A very large number of- samples to select from and a fit guaranteed or no :>J^^ MERCERIZED NAPKINS 19<^ each 3 for 50c^ sale. (l;:e \„: of :>0 do;,,.,, ..ai-kms 20x20 nil lirst onality- permanent finish-choiec of patterns. Cider Prices range dn Custom-Made Suits from $28,00 upward. ' ' SHEETS Bring Your Own Apples and have them pressed Store Closed on Wednesdays at AT 79< EACH—."^lieets mii.ie of <;oo(^. bleai-hed r-lton. 72x90. ifl.00 value. 12 Noon FRIDAYS and \ J -.Ij AT OSc' EACH -20 d"ze„ full .size sheets, 72x1)0; ,,n,- nnd three-ineh hems. Cood heavy eotton. I SATURDAYS Store Open~^ on 'Monday, Friday and AT 91.10 EACH--nieiiched seandess .sheets, iiia-ie of heavy .sheetin<r—fi.'ixPO. Geo. H; Brown Saturday Evenings, RELIABLE CLOTHIER , .'l< AT $1.39 EACH Full size. SlxflO, .seandess sheets, made of jrond sheetiM.i:i $l.r>fl value. JELLIES and JAMS AYER u- r„.. « "l^ Kardcn hose of J. Cl. AT Sl.Gf) EACH- Kxtm larire si-amless shcetinu'. 9nxf)fli ijd.sn value. Let us supply • you this • ,e .;;, 'V' J"£ nr? ^"^ reached into :; / °u ".V^" •'ulldlnc and broke out winter. Highest quality. n „n "J^ ^"^ '"°°' J"''°''« *he dep.-irt- n.^nt could respond, Tho nearness of PIl^-OW~CASES Visitors Welgjme ..:•• hydr.ant .and plentiful .supply of Th^t ^hey au May B^ One /':s':< iM.er Slopped the finmcs from sprc.id- AT,2.5<* EACH- Made of -rood rolKtn eloth. -lix-'ifi; a.->,- value. :r.u- beyond .slight damngrc to the roof o. the ell. ^5r. .Sprague removed his The Ministers' Union Sifreka.the,'Oneness in G<)od WilL aad'in '•r"'liVJ^ ^'^^'' o'l'.er holonglngs from AT 35<> EACH- Pillow Ca.ses made of Kdwards hleaolied eotttm, hpinstit(diod: 4l)e value. Littleton Frnit Prodncts ,l- Iwrn but not his household good.--. Practical Co-opoiration, of AU: the Pooijler • - -' -'he AJ-^'K*?' 'I'""'^ '" ""Other part • It i.s not a local body, bm, like the IlaV Stack Prayer AT 39< EACH- :!-', d-zen enihroidered pillow eases, made of crood cinalify of eotton : .lOe value. .^, double tcncmcnv removed a LITTLETOIM, MASS.' part ot his good.s. but ns the lire w.as Meeting of over a century ago,-a World bodylX But ^t 4ifi i «,en .siTiothered by the ' stream of -^ Tolophono Harvard 85 .
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