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Only Ten Questions!) to Learn More About How Open Access Ebooks Are Discovered and Used ONLINE SURVEY In collaboration with we have set up a survey (only ten questions!) to learn more about how open access ebooks are discovered and used. We really value your participation, please take part! CLICK HERE Ingo Gildenhard and Andrew Zissos Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3.511-733 Latin Text with Introduction, Study Questions, Vocabulary Aid and Commentary OVID, METAMORPHOSES, 3.511–733 Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3.511–733 Latin Text with Introduction, Commentary, Glossary of Terms, Vocabulary Aid and Study Questions Ingo Gildenhard and Andrew Zissos © 2016 Ingo Gildenhard and Andrew Zissos. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). This license allows you to share, copy, distribute and transmit the text; to adapt the text and to make commercial use of the text providing attribution is made to the authors (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Attribution should include the following information: Ingo Gildenhard and Andrew Zissos, Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3.511–733. Latin Text with Introduction, Commentary, Glossary of Terms, Vocabulary Aid and Study Questions. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2016. In order to access detailed and updated information on the license, please visit https:// Further details about CC BY licenses are available at licenses/by/4.0/ All external links were active on 26/8/2016 unless otherwise stated and have been archived via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine at Updated digital material and resources associated with this volume are available at Every effort has been made to identify and contact copyright holders and any omission or error will be corrected if notification is made to the publisher. This is the fifth volume of the Classics Textbooks series: ISSN: 2054-2437 (Print) ISSN: 2054-2445 (Online) ISBN Paperback: 978-1-78374-082-6 ISBN Hardback: 978-1-78374-083-3 ISBN Digital (PDF): 978-1-78374-084-0 ISBN Digital ebook (epub): 978-1-78374-085-7 ISBN Digital ebook (mobi): 978-1-78374-086-4 DOI: 10.11647/OBP.0073 Cover image: Central panel of the Pentheus mosaic depicting Pentheus being killed by Theban maenads, an episode in Euripides’ play The Bacchae, excavated in Nîmes in 2007, 2nd half of 2nd century AD/3rd century AD, Nîmes Archaeology Museum. Photo by Carole Raddato,, CC BY-SA 2.0. All paper used by Open Book Publishers is SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative), PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) and Forest Stewardship Council(r)(FSC(r) certified. Printed in the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia by Lightning Source for Open Book Publishers (Cambridge, UK) Contents Acknowledgements vii Abbreviations ix Symbols and Terms ix Reference Works ix Grammatical Terms x Ancient Literature x Introduction 1 1. Ovid and His Times 3 2. Ovid’s Literary Progression: Elegy to Epic 9 3. The Metamorphoses: A Literary Monstrum 13 3a. Genre Matters 14 3b. A Collection of Metamorphic Tales 16 3c. A Universal History 19 3d. Anthropological Epic 25 3e. A Reader’s Digest of Greek and Latin Literature 27 4. Ovid’s Theban Narrative 31 5. The Set Text: Pentheus and Bacchus 39 5a. Sources and Intertexts 39 5b. The Personnel of the Set Text 45 6. The Bacchanalia and Roman Culture 65 Text 69 Commentary 115 511–26: Tiresias’ Warning to Pentheus 119 527–71: Pentheus’ Rejection of Bacchus 135 531–63: Pentheus’ Speech 137 572–691: The Captive Acoetes and his Tale 163 692–733: Pentheus’ Gruesome Demise 207 Appendices 223 1. Versification 225 2. Glossary of Rhetorical and Syntactic Figures 235 Bibliography 241 Acknowledgements The present volume joins other commentaries in the OBP Classics Textbook Series, which is designed to offer support and stimulation to student-readers. We would like to express our gratitude to Alessandra Tosi for her patience throughout a longer gestation period than she must have initially hoped for and Inge Gildenhard for supplying the illustrations. A special thanks goes to John Henderson, who twice, virtually overnight, supplied us per litteras with copious notes of nonpareil insight. We have incorporated a number of his notes into the Introduction and the Commentary, attributing these simply to ‘John Henderson’ (to be distinguished from A. A. R. Henderson, whose commentary on Metamorphoses 3 we occasionally cite as ‘Henderson 1979’). He tried his best to inject the project with an appropriate dose of Dionysiac spirit, and if readers don’t find the final product as tipsy as it ought to be, the blame’s on us. * * * Note on translations: unless indicated otherwise, translations of Greek and Latin texts are from the Loeb Classical Library, often somewhat modified. Statue of Ovid in Constanţa, Romania. File:Constanta_-_Ovid-Platz_-_Statue_des_Ovid.jpg Abbreviations Symbols and Terms § Indicates a section (e.g. of the Introduction or of a reference work). Indicates a term defined in either Appendix 1 (Versification) or * Appendix 2 (Glossary of Rhetorical and Syntactic Figures). Indicates a syllable that scans short (for details of scansion, see ⌣ Appendix 1). Indicates a syllable that scans long (for details of scansion, see — Appendix 1). Common Era/Before Common Era (a designation for the calendar CE/BCE year, equivalent to AD/BC). In this volume CE should be assumed when no indication is provided. Comm. Refers to the Commentary in this volume. Refers to the Introduction (normally with following section Intro. specification). Refers to an entry in the Commentary (normally with preceding line n. specification). Reference Works Allen and Greenough’s New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges, AG edited by J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kitteredge, A. A. Howard, and B. L. D’Ooge (Boston, 1903). CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Berlin, 1862). L-S A Latin Dictionary, edited by C. T. Lewis and C. Short (Oxford, 1879). x Ovid, Metamorphoses A Greek-English Lexicon, 9th edition, with Supplement, edited by H. J. LSJ Liddle and R. Scott, revised by H. S. Jones (Oxford, 1968) OLD Oxford Latin Dictionary, edited by P. G. W. Glare (Oxford, 1968–82). TLL Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (Leipzig, 1900). Grammatical Terms ablative (similarly nom. = nominative; gen. = genitive; dat. = dative; abl. acc. = accusative) act. active voice (similarly pass. = passive voice) fut. future tense (similarly perf. = perfect; pres. = present; etc.) indic. indicative (similarly subjunct. = subjunctive) part. participle pers. person pl. plural (similarly sing. = singular) Ancient Literature Apollod. Apollodorus, Bibliotheca (Library) Ap. Rhod. Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica Apul. Apuleius Met. Metamophoses (or Golden Ass) Arat. Aratus Phaen. Phaenomena Cat. Catullus, Carmina (Poems) Cic. Cicero Fam. Epistulae ad Familiares (Letters to his Friends) Leg. De Legibus (On the Law) Nat. D. De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods) Enn. Ennius Ann. Annales (Annals) Abbreviations xi Eur. Euripides Bacch. Bacchae Hdt. Herodotus, Histories Hes. Hesiod Op. Opera et Dies (Works and Days) Hom. Homer Il. Iliad Od. Odyssey Hor. Horace Carm. Carmina (Odes) Epod. Epodes Hyg. Hyginus Fab. Fabulae Hymn. Hom. Homeric Hymns Liv. Livy, Ab urbe condita Luc. Lucan, Bellum Civile (Civil War) Lucr. Lucretius, De Rerum Natura Mart. Martial Ep. Epigrams Ov. Ovid Am. Amores Ars Ars Amatoria (The Art of Love) Fast. Fasti Her. Heroides Met. Metamorphoses Trist. Tristia Plaut. Plautus Cas. Casina Merc. Mercator Plin. Pliny (the Elder) NH Naturalis Historia (Natural History) xii Ovid, Metamorphoses Plut. Plutarch Caes. Caesar Prop. Propertius, Carmina (Poems) Sen. Seneca (the Younger) Oed. Oedipus Serv. Servius Stat. Statius Ach. Achilleid Silv. Silvae Theb. Thebaid Suet. Suetonius Aug. Divus Augustus (Life of Augustus) Theoc. Theocritus Id. Idylls Val. Max. Valerius Maximus Val. Flacc. Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica Varr. Varro Ling. De Lingua Latina (On the Latin Language) Virg. Virgil Aen. Aeneid Ecl. Eclogues G. Georgics INTRODUCTION © Ingo Gildenhard and Andrew Zissos, CC BY 4.0 1. Ovid and His Times Ovid, or (to give him his full Roman name) Publius Ovidius Naso, was born in 43 BCE to a prominent equestrian family in Sulmo (modern Sulmona), a small town about 140 km east of Rome. He died in banishment, a resident of Tomi on the Black Sea, in 17 CE. Ovid was one of the most prolific authors of his day, as well as one of the most controversial.1 He had always been constitutionally unable to write anything in prose — or so he claims in his autobiography (composed, of course, in verse). Whatever flowed from his pen was in metre, even after his father had told him to put an end to such nonsense: saepe pater dixit ‘studium quid inutile temptas? Maeonides2 nullas ipse reliquit opes’. motus eram dictis, totoque Helicone3 relicto scribere temptabam verba soluta modis. sponte sua carmen numeros veniebat ad aptos, et quod temptabam dicere versus erat. (Trist. 4.10.21–26) 1 Introductions to Ovid abound. See e.g. Mack (1988), Holzberg (2002), Fantham (2004), Volk (2010), Liveley (2011). There are also three recent ‘companions’ to Ovid, i.e. collections of papers designed to enhance our understanding and appreciation of the poet and his works. See Hardie (2002b) (by far the best and most affordable), Weiden Boyd (2000) and Knox (2009). 2 Maeonides means ‘a native of Maeonia’, a region in Asia Minor, from which Homer was in antiquity believed to have hailed: hence Maeonides = Homer. 3 Mount Helicon in Boeotia is said to be the place where the Muses do dwell; hence toto Helicone relicto = ‘all Helicon abandoned’ = ‘having abandoned the writing of poetry’.
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