E.E. J. J. MORTEN MORTEN ItemItem no. no. 83 83 ItemItem no. no. 77 77 BOOKSELLERSBOOKSELLERS ItemItem no. no. 45 45 ItemItem no. no. 30 30 CATALOGUECATALOGUE ONEONE HUNDRED HUNDRED AND AND FIFTY FIFTY TWO TWO ItemItem no. no. 99 99 ItemItem no. no. 60 60 SIGNED,SIGNED, INSCRIBED INSCRIBED && DEDICATED DEDICATED TELTEL : :+44 +44 (0)161 (0)161 445 445 7629 7629 - - +44+44 (0)161 (0)161 448 448 1323 1323 ItemItem no. no. 51 51 ItemItem no. no. 36 36 e-email:-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] PagePage 22 2 PagePage 3 23 94. GRENFELL SirE. Wilfred J. MORTEN Thomason (Booksellers)LABRADOR LOOKS TO THE 101. MORRIS James (Jan) PAX BRITANNICA: The Climax of an ORIENT: Notes of Travel in the Near and Far East. Jarrold Publishers, Empire Faber & Faber in association with Hallmark, 1980. Original full brown London. 3rd impression, 1928.REGISTERED Hb in Dw, 287pp, OFFICE: frontisplate and illustrations. leather aeg, 5 raised bands, gilt titles, 544pp, frontisplate and illustrations. SIGNED with an ink cartoon of a ship in rough seas - “Greetings from the SIGNED by the author as Jan Morris to title page. A fine copy. £60.00 6 WARBURTON STREET, DIDSBURY, MANCHESTER , M20 6WA, U.K. hospital ship Wilfred T. Grenfell” to fep. A Vg copy. £60.00 TELEPHONE: +44 (0)161 445 7629 - +44 (0)161 448 1323 Contents102. SCOTT Captain Robert Falcon THE VOYAGE OF THE 95. HEDIN Sven MY LIFE AS AN EXPLORER Boni & Liveright, New DISCOVERY Smith, Elder & Co. Ltd, London. 1st edition 1905.