2021 Term 3 Week 5 NEWSLETTER www.vasseps.wa.edu.au [email protected] 08 9746 3700

From the Principal's desk.

New Staff Members We would like to welcome Gail Kneale and Gemma Bynder to Vasse PS. Gail has joined our front office team. Gemma has replaced Kim Stanley as AIEO. Kim has taken a temporary appointment in Collie for the rest of the year. We wish Kim well and look forward to working with Gemma in her new role. Make sure you stop and say hello if you see them around the school. Good Standing Since 2019 every public school added Good Standing to their Behaviour Policy. I feel it's important to make our policies accessible to parents and students. To this effect the school has created a Good Standing Policy brochure that outlines the key points of what it is all about. All Year 6's have received a copy of the policy and I have spoken to them to clear up any misconceptions they may have had. I will visit all classes in the school and talk to them about Good Standing. I encourage you to discuss this with your children and if you have any queries don't hesitate to contact the school Please find download theGood Standing Policy https://www.vasseps.wa.edu.au/download/7365/ NAIDOC Day Celebrations On Monday we had a great day of recognising and acknowledging our local Indigenous culture. Thank you to the students of Cape Naturaliste College who participated in a number of different activities. Students were also treated to performances by Gina Williams OA and Guy Ghouse. The day was a great success. See more on page 3. Swimming Well done to all our students who have started their Interm Swimming lessons this week. Most students have remembered their bathers and towels and we have had hardly any lost property. For more information see the Calendar on the school website. Flagged Those super observant people in the school would have noticed we have grown a third flagpole in the Quad. Our kitchen garden kids are amazing. We now proudly raise the Western Australian flag, kindly gifted by Libby Mettam's office It is a wonderful sight to see our Indigenous, WA and Australian flags flying together. What's the code Every week at Vasse I have the privilege of observing a wide range of engaging activities in our classrooms. This week I was invited to view an ozobots race in Room 9. Students had learnt about how to control their robots using coloured signals and plotted a course for them to travel. The race generated much discussion amongst students about the codes they used to optimise their robots. This is a great way to teach the process of creating an algorithm. Students will take these skills to develop coding on a computer to control the robots. The capacity of our students to apply their knowledge utilising different tools and devices always amazes me. Well done Year 4’s Indonesian Day As part of our Languages program we will be celebrating Indonesian Foundation Day (17 Aug) on Tues 24 Aug. Students are encouraged to wear something red and or white. For more information see Kind regards, Simon Mansfield ~ Principal page 1. 2021 Newsletter PBS Expectations: T3 Week 5 T3 Week 6 T3 Week 7 Be Responsible Be Responsible Be Responsible



Wear your school hat and Have equipment ready and look after it uniform correctly Play safely

Word of the week

RULER: Feeling word/s of the week FEELINGS WORD DEFINITION

T3 Wk4: Interested This week: Discouraged DISCOURAGED Feeling like you have lost confidence or interest in doing WORD OF TE WEE something. WORD OF TEWORD WEE OF TE WEE WORD OF TE WEE

Sounds Like Looks Like Feels Like IERESED Usually speaks quietly or not Body language is Low energy and unpleasant. -3, IERESED at all. Avoids doing the slumped and closed off. -2 on the blue quadrant. Lacks task.Expresses disinterest. Face looks down in the motivation to do something. Not mouth and eyes. wanting to complete a task.


PBS News Being Responsible, Being Respectful and Being our Best! The kids at Vasse Primary rock! Students from Year 1 showed Mr Dehring a portrait gallery of what they would look like when they are 100 years old and wonderful story writing about being 100! Quindy and Mrs Reeves enjoyed listening to Shevee and Ruby's podcast script in the sunshine. Super Slip Rewards Willow, Jada, Kiara and Indi were lucky to choose a ‘Dessert with the Deputy’ as their Superslip reward prize last week. They loved the cupcakes and marshmallows. Callum and Rhys enjoyed a milky Milo too. These students chose the prizes after their Esther likes it when you are superslip was drawn out at Assembly. Superslips being your best when can be earned during recess and lunch break or 1St traveling on the bus to/from from one of the specialists for demonstrating our the pool or on excursions. PBS Expectations. Deputy Principals Office

Chaplain's Chat their friends, visiting The Crown, Merit Certificates expending their energy on the Awesome! Congratulations trampolines at Bounce, the hotel It gave me so much joy to participate to these students. in the amazing excursion with our stay, checking out some City sights students to perform at the WA or performing to an audience. Year 3 Year 4 Government School Music Society It was quite possibly a Once-In-A- Nathan A Ajai B Annual Festival at The Crown in Lifetime experience for students, Evie C Archer B . thanks to our very passionate Mathew C Reid H After a long, tiring day they gave teachers Karen and Brigitta who Jack D Baylin H their late performance on stage put in so much effort to make it Zachary H Ayla McK EVERYTHING and absolutely nailed happen. The school community are Izaac H Kobe P it. What an amazing talent we have so lucky to have you. Well done to Amelia J Chloe R at our school and such supportive, everyone. Axl M encouraging parents. Warm wishes of Emily R It was so lovely to see the peace and wellbeing, Palas S excitement on our students Sam Taj W faces during the bus ride with all page 2. 2021 Newsletter ''Kaya Amy, Kim and all at Vasse PS NAIDOC Incursion: We would like to say a Koortfelt thank We had such a beautiful concert on Monday, spellbound you for the wonderful opportunity to by Gina Williams’ lovely voice and Guy Ghouse’s share what we do with your school. virtuosic guitar playing one minute and giggling at We had a wonderful time and the their funny banter and Gina’s jokes the next! students, staff and community members What wonderful and proud ambassadors they are for were all so amazing and engaging and their culture. Gina grew up in a time when it was frowned we can't THANK upon for her family to use their native language...imagine that?! YOU enough. Having to learn another language right now and not being To hear the allowed to speak Australian! students singing back to us in So she is relearning her Noongar language and co-writing Language was truly and performing songs with Guy to entertain and inform a something special new (and older) generations of people. It was a beautiful Thank you for helping us keep Noongar concert and we all learnt some new Noongar words as well. language & culture alive. Parents, you should come along next year - it was fantastic. Kindest regards & Boordawahn Karen Bigwood Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse"

NAIDOC 2021 Important Admin information Statements sent home Statements of outstanding balances have been sent home with students this week. Please check your child's schoolbag and contact the front office if you have any queries. Change in Season: Student Medications Please ensure the front office is made aware of any changes/updates to your Child's medical plan and supply of medication is up to date with Spring in the air. Second Hand Uniform Clearance Sale All stock must go! We are clearing out our Second hand stock of uniforms in the front office. Prices Nidja Wardandi – Bibelmen Boodja-k noonook nyininy have been reduced to $10 each for logo Jackets,and school dresses. All other items are $5 each. On Monday 16th August, Vasse Students celebrated NAIDOC Please note students will be required to wear hats with two amazing performances during recess/lunch from 1st September. Please by Special guests Gina Williams ensure these are clearly labelled with the student's surname. and Guy Ghouse, who sang songs The Admin Team in the Noongar language and taught the Koolangka (Children) the words and actions too. School Board News The traditional face painting by students visiting from The Vasse PS Board is involved with strategic planning, Cape Naturaliste College (CNC) during recess and setting targets and monitoring performance against lunch once again proved exceedingly popular with our the targets. students. Thank you so much to Melanie Ryan and the We approve the annual school budget, voluntary students of CNC for your amazing talents and patience contributions, school uniform and generally promote with the crowd. the interests of the School. With our school being the Gemma Bynder school of choice in our area, enrolments reached 819 students in July. This steady and sustained growth in student numbers puts considerable strain on our schools resources which is of great concern, and a matter we are pursuing on behalf of our school community. Like to know more about your school board – visit https://www.vasseps.wa.edu.au/our-school/school-board/ Matt Walker (Chairperson) page 3. 2021 Newsletter Crown Pleasers Speak Up Awards

Last Wednesday Rowan W (Yr 6), Zalia H (Yr 5) and Emma P (Yr 5) represented Vasse Primary School in the Speak Up South West Awards. On Thursday 12th August the Choir and Dance Extension They all spoke beautifully - the best I've heard them team made an early departure from school embarking speak through all their practice runs. They had on an exciting two day adventure to participate in the interesting and entertaining topics, paced their West Australian Government Schools Music Society speeches beautifully (they had to be as close to four concert series in Perth. minutes as possible) and didn't need any cue cards! The concert series features They did Vasse PS proud. Well done guys, you are all schools from all over the winners and your bravery was inspiring! Perth region showcasing their performing arts talents. Ruth Mackenzie and Brigitta Pollard Our school prepared two songs and dances exploring the theme of growth mindset Kabar Indonesia and managing emotions to compliment our RULER Celebrations begin early in Indonesia to program. mark Independence Day on 17th August. Both songs were presented not only in amazing two Indonesians across the country make clean up their part harmony but in AUSLAN sign language as well. The streets and villages. dances were choreographed by the Dance girls and Red and white performed with precision and energy even though our bunting decorate stage time was 9.15pm. houses, shops, Not only did the kids have the opportunity of and schools in performing at one of Australia's best theatre complexes, preparation for they also got to go to 'Bounce' trampoline centre after a range of lively rehearsals and stay overnight in a city hotel. games, such as The team of parent helpers and Sam our Chaplain were the Lomba Makan Kerupuk (Cracker eating contest). just extraordinary going above and beyond organising, Students in Year 3-6 had the opportunity to play the caring and supporting. popular Indonesian game where they had loads of fun Thank you to all the parents, carers and grandparents trying to finish eating their cracker first with their hands that made the trip to Perth to watch the concert and support our Vasse kids. We think we received the behind their backs. loudest audience cheer of the night. There are more exciting events to come next week! Congratulations Team Vasse! Bu Tucker Karen Bigwood and Brigitta Pollard

page 4. 2021 Newsletter P&C News Vasse Primary Fathering Project Hi everyone, Dads Camp out It's week 5 already and that means Nit Week! We With a clear sky and have great success keeping these creepy crawlies at bay at Vasse PS by treating collectively. Nit note a warm blanket, slips should have made their way home this week eleven brave but don't stress if you can't locate one. Any scrap of Vasse Primary paper will do (we love to recycle at VPS!) just state School Fathering that you have checked and treated (if necessary) Project Dads your child with their name and class. headed out for a Icy pole rewards will be handed out in the Kindy/PP wonderful evening classes and at recess in the undercover area to the under the trees, bigger kids on Monday. stars and possums, at the ever amazing Barrabup Pools The Vasse Fathering Project held a Dads only camp campground, just out of Nannup last weekend. out at Barrabup pools on 14th August which was The evening was to familiarise and practice for the up and enjoyed by all who attended, keep an eye out for coming Dads and Kids Fire Making and Camp Cooking Day more events in the near future on their Facebook page at the same location on the 29th August. The Year 2 Disco is on Mr Reynolds attended the camp area early and got a Friday 17 September wonderful fire going, which was the base for an amazing at 5.30pm. Tickets camp fire cook up gastronomy lesson to us all,. He turned will be available for basic vegetables purchase through and some Osso Trybooking in the Bucco beef cuts into coming weeks and a Master Chef event there will be a call out for parent volunteers via of camp fire cooking Facebook closer to the night. to all who were If you would like to become a P&C member or lucky enough to would like some more information please contact indulge the stew and Lee-Anne on [email protected] damper delicacies Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday he skilfully plated. 1 September at 7pm in the staffroom or via Zoom. EVERYONE WELCOME. We had fire making tools from the ever charismatic soon to be TV presenter Dave “ Man Vs Fire “ Stannard to all have VPS P&C Association Inc. a go at and try to master in lieu of the dads and kids event that is coming. We even practiced with flint and coconut husk, just as pre-historic man would have when first Sustainability creating the life changing first fires of camp style cooking. Waste Wise School This all thrown together with some thought provoking As a school we have been trying to cut down on the and great male bonding with conversations about, school, rubbish we make. This includes in our lunches and children, family and communities, as well as the Vasse inside our classrooms. Fathering Projects future made the night one to remember. Teachers are aware of the amount of paper they The night was cool, however a great fire and some warm are using and are trying to cut down on the use, swags and tents meant all came through with clear heads however there is always a time when we need to and a hungry belly for a feast of bacon, eggs and sausages use paper. So what are we doing about our paper for breakfast, once again cooked on the open fireplace. use? We are – A great thank you to all the dads who came, it was • Cutting down on how much we use. awesome to see new faces and some we have not seen • Photocopying less for a while. So if you’re a Dad who’s looking for a great • Using mini whiteboards more bunch of like-minded blokes to get to know better and • Using special plastic sleeves that you only need one copy of an activity in and you can wipe them have a great time with, why not reach out on our socials clear for the next person. at Vasse Primary School Fathering Project Facebook page • Using paper recycle bins in our classrooms and get involved, your • Making paper bricks out of recyclable paper children will thank you Zoe Baker ~ Sustainability Committee for it. Brian Blanchard See latest Calendar, Events, Newsletter, P&C VFP Coordinator Info,Photo Gallery by clicking these buttons on our school website home page. page 5. 2021 Newsletter REGISTRATION Drum Lessons for Vasse PS Students $5pp

DadsDads andand Kids


Barrabup Pool

Hello Vasse Primary School community, My name is Paul McDaniel, I am a drum tutor and I have been teaching Vasse PS students for over 7 years. This year I will be teaching Vasse students during school hours on Wednesdays at the Vasse Community Hall. If your child is interested in learning to play the drums, I have a number of time slots available. The tuition fee is $30 per lesson paid by term, plus a $20 levy for the Vasse Community Hall usage. Please contact me directly on 0408 788 835 or contact the school on 9746 3700 for more info. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Bookings Paul McDaniel ~ Professional Drum Tutor for 40+ years Numbers limited trybooking.com/BTIMK

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program

FEAR-LESS SEMINAR - appropriate for parents of children and teenagers aged 6-14 years -

Everyone experiences anxiety occasionally. Anxiety is a normal response that can be helpful and typically passes quickly. However, anxiety can sometimes get overwhelming. Learning to manage anxiety effectively is a vital life skill.

This free two-hour seminar offers information about:

 Key anxiety-management skills that parents can teach children  An understanding of how anxiety works  Knowledge of how to help children develop coping skills and face feared situations  How to manage children’s anxious behaviour effectively

th DATE: Wednesday October 27 2021 TIME: 9.15am start 11.30am finish

The session will take place at Geographe Primary School.

You can book your free place to the session now by booking online at:

Positive parenting courses in | (triplep-parenting.net.au)

* No child-minding available, and it is strongly recommended that children are not brought along to the sessions.


page 6. 2021 Newsletter