ISSUE 72 SEPTEMBER 2001 ISSN 0959-2881 Guild Supplies Price List 2001 Item Price Knot Charts Full Set of 100 charts £10.00 Individual Charts £0.20 Rubber Stamp IGKT - Member, with logo £4.00 (excludes stamp pad) Guild Tye Long, dark blue polyester, with knot motif £8.95 Long, dark blue tie with Guild Logo in gold £8.95 Badges - all with Gold Logo Blazer Badge £1.00 Enamel brooch £2.00 Windscreen Sticker £1.00 Certificate of Membership £2.50 parchment scroll signed by President and Hon sec for mounting and hanging Cheques payable to IGKT, or simply send your credit card details PS Dont forget to allow for Postage Supplies Secretary:- Bruce Turley 19 Windmill Avenue, Rubery, Birmingham B45 9SP email
[email protected] Telephone: 0121 453 4124 Knotting Matters Relaxing after the knot tyer’s Newsletter of the supper International Guild of Knot Tyers IN THIS ISSUE Issue No. 72 Letter from a President 5 President: Brian Field T. S. Swiftsure - The AGM 6 Secretary: Nigel Harding Editor: Colin Grundy Chas. L. Spencer 10 Website: Spanish Bowline 11 How to - Untie Knots 12 Submission dates for articles KM 73 07 OCT 2001 Knotmaster 14 KM 74 07 JAN 2002 The Monkey’s Fist 16 Early Cord Making Tools 20 Knot Gallery 22 The IGKT is a UK Registered Charity No. 802153 The Three Lead by Six Bight Turk’s Head 28 Except as otherwise indicated, copyright in Knotting Matters is reserved to the Captain Kai Lund 32 International Guild of Knot Tyers IGKT Portrait of a Branch 36 2001.