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The Glenville Mercury Vol. XXXIV No.6 Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, Dec. 5, 1962 Plans for Memorial Choir Schedules Concert;. Fun,dAreAnnounced Holiday Selections Featured Miss Brand, Mr. Ratliff Mr. Albert R. Johnson Holiday Will Be Honored Dinner Set Memorial funds al'e to be established for Miss Willa Directs Music Progra~ Non'ella Brand and Mr. Carlos Clayton Ratliff. College of A special Christmas dinner will be served in the Collese ficials and the Alumni Office were approached by persons GSC Christmas Choral Con Concert will be sung a cappela with the exception of three numbers. Cafeteria from 4:30 to 6 p.m. interested in developing memorial funds for both of the for cert will be presented on Mon TuesdaYI Dec. 18. Reservations mer facultv members and the Alumni Association set up day, Dec. 17, at 8 p. m., in t he In .ddition to the experimental for those who do not eat regu· committees in July to direct the fund raising. gymnasium. Admission is by ticket, several other innovations larly in the cafeteria must be lIIiss Brand wa., head of the English department at ticket only- but there is no are being attempted this year in made by 10 a.m. Monday, Oec_ Glenville State College for 22 years. She died in Morgan admission charge. Ticket s, in an all-o~t effort to make the con 17. The price is $1.02. town on May 4, 1962. t he fonn of envelopes instead cert • more integral part of cam Mrs. Vernon Smithl food ser Mr. Ratliff was a member of the vice director has announced of the standard admission, pUs life. Choir members have re l GSC staff from 1946 to 1961, where may be obtained from choir mem mained on campus two week-ends the menu: he taught classes in physical edu· BEALL WRITES bers, from Parsons' J ewelry, Sum ill order to achieve the best pos cation and health, coached football, mers' Pharmacy and from the s ible performance. Fruit Cocktail basketball, and baseball and was Roast V;oung Hen Turkey Glenville Democrat oUice. Also the concert, previously held Director of Athletics until his GUn AR MUSIC Oyster Dressing Giblet Gravy death, October 3. 1961. Early music, past to first Christ on a Sunday and off campus in re mas. to present Christmas, will be cent years, will be held on ca mpus Mashed Potatoes The funds m ay be s peril" in a featured in the openmg of the COD and on Monday night this year. Buttered Broccoli number of ways. The genera' limi FOR 'RONDO" cert. Stl:.dents who have parents, rela· Cranberry Sauce "tions es expressed in obi_c- Preparations for production of tives or friends who plan to at Princess Salad tives of each fund a re: uThe pro- "Oedipus Rex" and "Rondo" in Centering on the Nativity, the tend are urged to request main motion of program in the field of Parkersburg, Dec, 14, 15 and 16, second section of the concert in floor seats, which will be chairs. Relish Tray L~r.tur. and Fine Arts" and are nearly completed, announces cludes sevetal contemponry num These chairs will be held, for bold Hot Rolls Oleo Preserves " The promotion of progum in the Mr. Coleman. bers and two Christmas lullabies ers of special reserve tickets, un Fruit and Candy field of Hulth, Physicel EduCl- The two plays have been in futuring soloists. Fin.' section til 10 minutes before concert time. +ion, .nd Recrution.'# rehearsal for about three weeks, will consist entirely of carols and Special settings for the concert Examples of activities or pro- and are coming along nicely, ac· light secul.r Christm., numbers. are done by Caroline Brisen lects fat" fund expenditure include cording to Mr. Coleman. The concert will close with "Sl dine. FOREIGN FILM (1) a lecture by an outstanding One of the more mteresUng fea lent Night" with a special disc ant Mrs. Albert R. Johnsonl assi".nt person m the field called the tures of the plays is that the mus sung by ODe of the choir sopranos. professor of muslc 1 is the- director. "Brand" or "Ratliff" lecture; (2) ical score for "Rondo" will consist a dramatic production~ (3) a dem- 01 a live guitar improvisation by IS .MONDAY onstration or exhibition in some Franklin Beall. Tbe normal pro· Mar ina Vlady, who is considered phase of pbysical education. cedure is to utilize taped music. Dr. Somerville Releases Names by critics to be one of the best (4) 2. movie of interest to stu- Also. the plays will be reviewed a ctresses in Europe, will star in dent or faculty groups; (5) paying by Parkersburg newspapers; gIVIng the Fren cb-8wedish film " The Sor (Continued on pau 3) tbe actors a chance to see pro· Of First Semester Graduates ceress" to be shown Monday, Dec. fessional cntics impressions of 10, in Louis Bennett Lounge. Nineteen students are scheduled ematics and physical science, Glen their acting. The past year's Park Tbe film, centered on Alexander to complete course requirements ville; Hazel J udith Busch, elemen BULLETIN ersbt:rg production, "Hamlet," r eo Kuprin's novel of a beautiful young for a degree at Glenville State Col· tary. Brohard. ceived favorable comment by the girl who lives in the forest because The Snowflake Ball, an annual lege, J an. 18, 1963. according to an J ohn eray Callahan II, phys~c al critics. the villagers believe she is a witch, afhir, sponsored by the Inter announcement made by Dr. K. education and social studies, RiCh Cast and crew will leave bere is an excellent vehicle for the national Relations- Political Sci Friday morning, set up the stage Somerville. wood; Roy Wayne CUtlip, mathe ence dub, will not b. held this Students who will complete reo matics and physical science, Sut haunting loveliness of lS-year-old and go through a quick rehearsal Marina Vlady. With her exquisitely yur. It w as originally scheduled Friday afternoon. then glve the education include Carolyn Wmce ton; Patricia Jean Dennis elemen· for Oec. 15. quirements for an AB degree in tary, Clendenin; Carol ' Virginia mobile face, pr ovocative m o v~ first performance Friday night. ments and real talents. Miss Vlady Due to difficulties encounter Allman, music-gndes 1-12, H\l~d Ellison, social studies and English, Performances will be Friday nignt, creates an interesting character. ed in scheduling .. ba nd, the Saturday night, and a Sunday after red; Daniel Larry Allman, mUSiC, Glenville; Alyce Ray Griffith, ele dance has been postponed until noon matinee. grades 1-12, Hundred; Melafile mentary, Davisville; Kenton Earl Filmed on location in Northern J.nuary, tentatively Jan. 26. Students making the trip will be Kay Amos, elementary, Parkers Harris, biology and general and Sweden, the story tells of a young (Continue on page 4) burg; John Larkey Boggs, math· (Contmued on page 2) (Continued on page 2) A nnual Bdnd Concert Set for Dec. 10 COXC'ERT BA!'iD REHEARSES Strosnider, Fulmer Featured In Musical Performance On Monday, Dec. 10, at 8 duct a composition by Clare p.m., in the gymnasium, the E. Grundman "Two Moods." GSC Concert Band, under the As part of the teacher-train direction of Dr. David J. Er ing program of the depart nest, will offer its ann u a I ment of music. RliCh oppor Christmas Concert. Tradition tunities are believed valuable ally one of the season's mus for prospective teachers. ical highlights, along with the Concert program includes esc Choir Concert one week "Barnum and Bailey's Favo later, the performance this rite"; "Prayer, Hansel and year is expected to be one of Gretal'" "Timpat" for solo the finest. timpani' and band featuring Senior Steve Fulmer is fea Mr. F u I fit e r; "Prelude and tured as soloist. The timpani, Fugue in G Minor," by Bach; although tuned instruments, "Two Moods Overture." with al'e usually heard as percus Miss Strosnider as conductor; sive element in music. In the and "Fantasy for Band." contemporary composition by After the intermission, the Robert L. Leist entitled "Tim program will include "lVlarch pat," the timpani are utilized {or Hand, Opus 45," Beetho as solo instruments displaying ven; "Seene~ for Brass Quar the virtuosity of Fulmer. tet," Darrell Messenger; "The Kay Strosnider, junior from Earl of Salisbury." By r d; Bridgeport, will be an assis HThree Songs for Chl'i~tmas," tant conductor for the annual G run d man; and "Hands Christmas Concert. Miss Stro Across th", Sea March," John snider, in her debut, will con- (Continued on Page 2) Page Two TIlE GLENVILLE MERCURY Wednesday, Dec. 5, 1962 Kanawhachen Dies, THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Student New5paper of Glenville State College 1963 Publication Talk, Talk, Talk Glenville, West Vll'girria Plans Cancelled Entered as second class matter November 23, 1929. at the post A not infrequent critici.m of the MERCl:RY and the office at Glenville. W Va., under the act of March 3, 1879. Pub· On Tuesday, Nov 20, the Student editorials contained therein is that, while the editorial, voice lished every other Wednesday during the academic year except Council met and decided to accept complaints, we do not do anything about these complaints. on holidays by the classes in journalism at Glenville State College. the recommendation of Larry Students, wake up! Telephone Ext. 39 WolIe, yearbook editor, that the The MERCURY has only 16 membe" on its staff. There STAFF Kanawhachen not be published thiS year are over 900 of you. We can do little about campus situations, Associate Editors _.