ROCZNIKI FILOZOFICZNE Tom LXV, numer 2 – 2017 DOI: PRZEMYSŁAW GUT * GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNIZ: AN INTELLECTUAL PORTRAIT 1. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was born in Leipzig on July 1, 1646, in the days of intellectual ferment and breakthrough in Europe.1 He gained extensive knowledge of ancient literature and medieval theology at his family home. As a boy he mastered Greek and Latin, which allowed him—as he wrote in the Letter to Nicolas Remond of January 10, 1714—to read ancient and medieval writers with the ease with which people used to read novels. His father, Friedrich Leibniz, was a professor of law and ethics at the local university. After studying at home, at the age of 15 Leibniz began his studies at the Leipzig University under the academic supervision of Jakob Thomasius2. Af- Dr hab. PRZEMYSŁAW GUT, Prof. KUL – Katedra Historii Filozofii Nowożytnej i Współczesnej, Wydział Filozofii, Katolicki Uniwersytetu Lubelski Jana Pawła II; adres do korespondencji: Al. Ra- cławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin; e-mail:
[email protected] 1 A comprehensive discussion of Leibniz’s intellectual biography may be found in the work by Maria Rosa Antognazza Leibniz: An Intellectual Biography (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer- sity Press, 2009). The abbreviations I use are: GP = Die philosophischen Schriften von G.W. Leibniz, Bd. I-VII, ed. Carl Immanuel Gerhardt (Berlin: Weidmann, 1875–1890); NE = Gottfried Wilhelm LEIBNIZ, New Essays Concerning Human Understanding, trans. and ed. Peter Remnant and Jonathan Bennett, nd 2 ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996); L = Gottfried Wilhelm LEIBNIZ, Philo- sophical Papers and Letters, trans.