ANNUAL REPORT April 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOUNDATION Mission Statement/Statement of Purpose 1 Message from Leadership 2–3 Financial Report 4–9 MISSION STATEMENT Audited Financial Statements 10–19 Endowment Funds 22–31 Adopted by the Chautauqua Foundation Board of Directors, June 21, 2019. Donor Recognition The Chautauqua Foundation, Inc. exists to support the Chautauqua Institution through the 2019 Endowment Donors 32–35 preservation, the appropriate use, and the growth of endowment funds. Cumulative Support to Endowment 37–42 Foundation Directors, Officers and Staff 44 Former Foundation Directors and Board Leadership 45 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Article II, Corporate Charter May 14, 1937

Chautauqua Foundation, Inc., was formed in May 1937 for the following stated purposes:

I To assist the Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, , in carrying out and extending its educational, religious and other purposes.

II To solicit, receive, and to acquire by gift, purchase, devise, bequest, or in other lawful ways, real and personal property.

III To hold such property and to invest and reinvest the same and receive the income thereof and to pay said income, less proper expenses, at least annually to the Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, New York, for the furtherance of its corporate purposes; except that, if this corporation acquires property for particular purposes or subject to specific conditions, neither said property nor the income therefrom shall be paid or transferred to the Chautauqua Institution, unless said Institution fulfills such purposes and conditions. If Chautauqua Foundation, Inc., receives property, by gift, devise or bequest, subject to conditions or for specific purposes, which conditions and purposes the Chautauqua Institution fails, refuses or has not the corporate power to observe or carry out, such property shall be disposed of as directed by any court having jurisdiction.

IV Upon such terms as it approves, to dispose of any of its property which it deems unwise to hold.

V In case the Chautauqua Institution ceases to exist or to function in accordance with its corporate purposes, to pay over its income and hold or dispose of its property for the benefit of some similar religious or educational institution, as may be directed by any court having jurisdiction.

VI To do all lawful things proper or needful to accomplish the purposes herein before expressed.

Cover photo: Dave Munch Inside cover photo: Jill Bornand 1


Dear friends, The Institution’s new strategic plan, 150 Forward, includes a In January 2020, the endowment’s investment portfolio reside within the Institution, the Foundation will continue to cross-cutting imperative for inclusion, diversity, equity and topped $100 million. Although the portfolio was subsequently advocate for endowment; to play an active role in fundraising; As the new executive director and board chair of the accessibility (IDEA). The goal of this imperative is to ensure impacted by the COVID-related market downturn, our hedge and to pursue stronger ties with endowment donors. As part Chautauqua Foundation, we are excited to report to you everyone feels that they can engage as full and valued fund portfolio — managed by Pointer Management, LLC — of that, we intend to focus, in particular, on the importance on the work of the Foundation. This report covers the nine- participants in the Chautauqua experience. When the IDEA served its intended purpose of mitigating the impact of the of unspecified endowment which — as the pandemic made month fiscal period ended on December 31, 2019, reflecting imperative is combined with the strategic plan’s objective to market decline. Since then — under the guidance of our clear — provides the most reliable and flexible support for the the change we made to the fiscal year end of the Foundation reach beyond the grounds and beyond the summer season, it is Chief Investment Officer, Hirtle Callaghan & Co., LLC and the Institution in both good times and bad. from March 31 to December 31. This change was part of a clear that Chautauqua has the potential to make an impact on oversight of the Foundation Board’s Investment Committee The pages to follow include information on more than 750 comprehensive plan to align the financial reporting of the the inclusiveness of communities well beyond the grounds. The — the portfolio has rebounded nicely and it is now essentially endowment funds across all program areas. These include Foundation with Chautauqua Institution and to allow us Foundation is equally committed to integrating IDEA into its back to pre-COVID levels. Our work going forward is focused more than $3 million of new commitments during the nine to report on investment activity using a more commonly governance and organizational culture, and likewise to making on ensuring an optimal asset allocation in this complex month fiscal period; cumulative donations to endowment of recognized annual period. Future reports will be made based an impact beyond Chautauqua. environment to allow us to garner necessary investment returns while keeping risk and volatility at acceptable levels. more than $75 million; and documented future commitments of on full 12-month periods ending on December 31. The Chautauqua Foundation’s mission is to support the more than $55 million. We thank you, the benefactors who have Institution through the preservation, the appropriate use As we have communicated previously, effective January 1, made this endowment possible, for your generous support of, As we report to you in August 2020 on the fiscal period ended and the growth of endowment funds. With the impact of the 2020, the Office of Advancement moved from the Foundation and your long-term investment in, our beloved Chautauqua. December 31, 2019, we are struck by the vast difference pandemic on the 2020 season, the availability and use of to the Institution. This move helped to equip the Institution between the world today and the world eight months ago. endowment funds has become a key financial consideration. to implement its strategic plan, giving the Institution greater Sincerely, Chautauqua, like communities around the globe, is wrestling The Foundation has been working closely with the Institution to flexibility to pursue new approaches for increasing philanthropy with the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic. Critical issues of develop financial plans that ensure the viability of the Institution including annual operating funds, capital projects and new diversity and equality have once again moved to the forefront while also maintaining the sustainability and growth of the endowment. The Foundation continues to work closely with and of the national consciousness. As a result, now more than endowment and the faithful stewardship of these generous support the Advancement team, particularly in terms of raising M. Timothy Renjilian Deborah E. Moore, CPA ever, we see the invaluable role Chautauqua plays in building gifts. The Foundation is committed to ensuring the proper use new endowment funds which we believe provide the strongest Chair, Board of Directors Executive Director connections and in providing a platform for civil dialogue that of all endowment funds while maximizing the amount available form of financial stability, providing a reliable revenue stream leads to enhanced understanding and positive action. Indeed, to the Institution in a manner consistent with prudent financial to sustain Chautauqua’s grounds and support its programming this role is at the heart of the Institution’s mission. management and with the Foundation’s fiduciary duties. in perpetuity. While primary fundraising responsibilities now


Financial Overview Foundation Net Assets

Effective January 1, 2020, the Office of Advancement was moved Direct support represents distributions to the Institution toward During the nine-month fiscal period ended from the Foundation to the Institution. Also, effective January 1, the operating budget for both specified and unspecified December 31, 2019, the net assets of the Foundation 2020, the Foundation changed its fiscal year end from March 31 purposes. During the nine-month fiscal period ended December increased by $7.6 million to reach $107.6 million. Net to December 31, creating a nine-month fiscal period from April 31, 2019, no direct support was recognized because the 2019 assets are comprised of gifts already received and the net 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. The Foundation believes direct support to the Institution was accrued at the Foundation appreciation of those gifts, as well as the net discounted the benefits of the change in the fiscal year end are to align as of March 31, 2019. The 2020 direct support to the Institution value of pledges and split-interest agreements. reporting of investment performance with a more commonly will be recorded in the same year it is paid to and recorded by recognized time period and to align financial reporting with the Institution. the Institution. Fiscal Year Ended 3/31/19 The Foundation’s spending has previously included direct and indirect support to the Institution and administrative cost of running the Foundation. Indirect support represents the cost Administrative Indirect Support Direct Support to the Expense for Advancement Institution in 2019 incurred by the Foundation in providing advancement services on behalf of the Institution. With the shift of advancement expense from the Foundation to the Institution, total spending from endowment will remain the same, allowing the Foundation 78,937,193 88,410,891 95,665,198 100,085,956 107,637,511 Calendar Year Ending 12/31/20 3/31/16 3/31/17 3/31/18 3/31/19 12/31/19 to increase direct support from endowment to the Institution. The goal remains to balance the delivery of the maximum amount possible to the Institution and the Foundation’s Administrative Direct Support to the responsibility to long-term sustainability. Expense Institution in 2020 Number of Active Endowment Funds 693 714 738 743 765 3/31/16 3/31/17 3/31/18 3/31/19 12/31/19

Endowment Net Assets by Area of Support Endowment funds are comprised of board-designated and donor restricted endowments to be held in perpetuity for the benefit of the Institution. This chart represents the allocation of the total net asset balances of 765 active endowment funds as of Endowment Cash Received Endowment Commitments December 31, 2019, by area of support. Over the past five fiscal periods, cash received from outright Over the past five fiscal periods, pledge and planned gift gifts and realized planned gifts totaled $21.3 million. commitments totaled $37.3 million.

20% Fine and Performing Arts 12,000 12,000

General Support 29% 10,000 10,000

8,000 8,000

6,000 6,000 15% Education & Youth 4,000 4,000 Scholarships 8% 2,000 2,000

Religion 7% 8% Flexible Program & Other 2016 2017 2018 2019 9 Months 2016 2017 2018 2019 9 Months 13% Physical Maintenance 12/31/19 12/31/19 Realized planned gifts Planned gift commitments Pledge payments and outright gifts received Pledge commitments



Future Commitments to Endowment The Foundation has received both conditional and unconditional future commitments, when combined with the previously stated intentions of donors total $55.8 million as of December 31, 2019. The unconditional commitments have a total gross value of $10.8 million and are recorded in the financial statements at net discounted values of $2.8 million for cash pledges and $4.2 million for split-interest agreements. The split interest agreements include gifts to the pooled life income fund, irrevocable trusts, and the gift annuity program held at the National Gift Annuity Foundation (NGAF). The conditional commitments are not recorded in the financial statements and have a total gross value of $42 million, which represents bequests, revocable trusts, and beneficial interests.

This chart represents $55.8 Charitable Gift Annuities >1% 5% Endowment Pledges million of future commitments to endowment by type of Irrevocable Trusts 13% commitment. Pooled Life Income Fund 6%

47% Bequests

Revocable Trusts 15%

Beneficial Interests 13%

The total future commitments 60,000,000 to endowment has grown by $8.5 million from $47.3 million as of March 31, 2016 to 50,000,000 $55.8 million as of December 31, 2019. 40,000,000




0 3/31/16 3/31/17 3/31/18 3/31/19 12/31/19

Unspecified Commitments Specified Commitments



Investment Summary Endowment Asset Allocation The Investment Committee regularly reviews investment policies, 3) Pooled life income fund ($3.3 million) Total endowment portfolio strategy, execution, and performance. Because asset allocation The management and investment strategy of the pooled life 1% market value was $99.9 million is the primary driver of a portfolio’s total return over the long income fund (PLIF) is reviewed annually with Key Private Bank. Cash & Equivalents 23% run, comparison of performance is viewed in the context of At March 31, 2019, 44% of the PLIF assets were invested in as of December 31, 2019, 13% U.S. Stock allocated as shown in the Investment Large/Mid/Small Cap the portfolio’s asset class holdings. The committee’s oversight equities, 51% in fixed income assets and 5% in alternative Grade Bonds responsibilities cover $104.6 million in invested assets, comprised investments. accompanying table. 4% of the following portfolios: High-yield Each portfolio is managed according to its specific objectives, Bonds 14% 1) Endowment ($99.9 million) and has a unique asset allocation appropriate to those Fixed Income Individual endowment funds are pooled for investment purposes objectives. Investment performance is presented on a net and tracked with unit accounting. This pooled approach enables basis, defined as total time weighted return after all investment endowment funds to collectively benefit from the diversification management fees. 60% and efficiencies that are available to larger investors. Each 26% Global Hirtle, Callaghan & Co., LLC serves as the Foundation’s Chief Diversifiers Equities endowment fund receives its proportionate share of return based 13% Investment Advisor and actively manages the majority of the International on the market value of the endowment as a percentage of the endowment portfolio and the other restricted funds. The Equities/ total market value of the investment portfolio. 22% Developed remaining portion of the main endowment is invested in a funds Hedge Markets 2) Temporarily restricted ($1.4 million) of hedge funds, managed by Pointer Management, LLC. The Funds Other restricted funds are held and managed separately from pooled life income fund is managed by Key Private Bank. the main endowment in one of two portfolios, employing conservative investment strategies. One portfolio is primarily 8% held in cash and the other portfolio is invested in bonds as well International 1% as cash. 11% 4% Equities/Emerging Real Private Equity Select Markets Estate Equity

Endowment Investment Portfolio Annual Fiscal Year Performance

This chart represents the 100,000 The Investment Committee 10-Year Annualized Returns endowment investment takes a long-term approach, portfolio in thousands, 90,000 over full market cycles, to 12/31/15 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 assess the performance of which has grown by Total Return 4.3% 3.6% 4.0% 7.2% 6.8% $57.2 million, from 80,000 the portfolio. The benchmark $42.7 million as of the committee uses to assess Benchmark 4.0% 3.0% 3.7% 6.7% 6.5% March 31, 2005, to 70,000 performance is net of fees $99.9 million as of and is diversified based on December 31, 2019. 60,000 the strategic allocation of 14% 12.2% the Russell 3000, MSCI EAFE, 12% 10.9% 11.2% HFR Strategic and BarCap 10.1% 50,000 10% Aggregate Bond indices. 8.9% 8.8% The benchmark is currently 8% 40,000 weighted 30% Russell 3000, 6% 30% MSCI EAFE, 20% HFR 3.6% 30,000 4% 3.1% Strategic and 20% BarCap 2.3% 2% Aggregate Bond. 20,000 0% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 9 Months -2% 12/31/19 10,000 -4% -4.9% -6%

3/31/05 3/31/10 3/31/15 12/31/19



The Audit Committee The Board of Directors December 31, 2019 March 31, 2019 reviewed and discussed Chautauqua Foundation, Inc. the audited financial Assets: statements for the nine We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of Chautauqua Foundation, Cash $ 1,240,824 $ 1,978,465 month period ended Inc. (the Foundation) as of December 31, 2019 and March 31, 2019, and the related statements of December 31, 2019 activities and cash flows for the nine month period April 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 and Contributions receivable (Note 2) 2,820,471 3,612,803 with management and the year ended March 31, 2019, and the related notes to the financial statements. Lumsden & McCormick, Investments (Note 3) 101,252,805 94,167,163 LLP (L&M), the Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Foundation's independent Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements Split-interest agreements 4,194,626 4,027,619 auditor. The committee in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; also concluded that L&M's this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the Other assets 395,000 726,662 provision of non-audit preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, $ 109,903,726 $ 104,512,712 services, including tax whether due to fraud or error. preparation, is compatible with L&M's independence. Auditors’ Responsibility The audited financial Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. statements follow. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the Liabilities and Net Assets: United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. Liabilities: Payable to the Institution (Note 4) $ 2,020,247 $ 4,211,504 An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ Accounts payable and accrued expenses 245,968 215,252 judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers 2,266,215 4,426,756 internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, Net Assets (Note 5): we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, Without donor restrictions 4,703,274 4,391,263 as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. With donor restrictions 102,934,237 95,694,693 We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a 107,637,511 100,085,956 basis for our audit opinion. $ 109,903,726 $ 104,512,712 Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Foundation as of December 31, 2019 and March 31, 2019 and the results of its operations, changes in net assets and cash flows for the nine month period April 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 and the year ended March 31, 2019, in accordance with accounting See accompanying notes. principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

April 24, 2020



Nine Months Ended December 31, 2019 Year Ended March 31, 2019 Net Assets Net Assets Without With Without With Donor Restrictions Donor Restrictions Total Donor Restrictions Donor Restrictions Total

Revenues: Revenues:

Contributions: Contributions:

Chautauqua Fund $ - $ 4,291,683 $ 4,291,683 Chautauqua Fund $ - $ 4,962,944 $ 4,962,944

Endowment 49,936 1,192,855 1,242,791 Endowment 14,294 8,247,390 8,261,684

Other - 6,145 6,145 Other - - -

Change in value of Change in value of

split interest agreements - 167,007 167,007 split interest agreements - 180,869 180,869

Investment income 349,314 7,810,413 8,159,727 Investment income 112,103 2,002,200 2,114,303

Total revenues 399,250 13,468,103 13,867,353 Total revenues 126,397 15,393,403 15,519,800

Expenses: Expenses:

Direct support: Direct support:

Chautauqua Fund 4,291,683 - 4,291,683 Chautauqua Fund 4,962,944 - 4,962,944

Endowment direct support - - - Endowment direct support 4,383,407 - 4,383,407

Support from other funds 22,199 - 22,199 Support from other funds 48,583 - 48,583

Indirect support 1,680,492 - 1,680,492 Indirect support 1,284,906 - 1,284,906

General and administrative 321,424 - 321,424 General and administrative 419,202 - 419,202

Total expenses 6,315,798 - 6,315,798 Total expenses 11,099,042 - 11,099,042

Net assets released from restrictions 6,228,559 (6,228,559) - Net assets released from restrictions 8,925,584 (8,925,584) -

Change in net assets 312,011 7,239,544 7,551,555 Change in net assets (2,047,061) 6,467,819 4,420,758

Net assets - beginning 4,391,263 95,694,693 100,085,956 Net assets - beginning 6,438,324 89,226,874 95,665,198

Net assets - ending $ 4,703,274 $ 102,934,237 $ 107,637,511 Net assets - ending $ 4,391,263 $ 95,694,693 $ 100,085,956

See accompanying notes. See accompanying notes.



1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies: Conditional promises to give to the Foundation are not recorded as revenue until such time as the conditions are substantially Nine Months Ended Year Ended Organization and Purpose: met, and totaled $41,963,000 and $40,262,000 at December 31, December 31, 2019 March 31, 2019 Chautauqua Foundation, Inc. (the Foundation) was established 2019 and March 31, 2019. Operating activities: in 1937 to raise, invest and reinvest funds to support the mission of Chautauqua Institution (the Institution) to provide cultural, Split-Interest Agreements: Change in net assets $ 7,551,555 $ 4,420,758 educational, religious and other programs to a large and diverse The Foundation receives contributions in the form of split- audience. interest agreements which consist primarily of charitable Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to remainder trusts and pooled life income funds. The estimated net cash flows from operating activities: Effective December 31, 2019, the fiscal year-end of the receivable under these agreements are recorded at the net Net realized and unrealized gains (6,736,377) (755,852) Foundation was changed from March 31 to December 31. present value of the estimated future benefits to be received Accordingly, the accompanying financial statements include based upon the life expectancy of the income beneficiaries using Changes in other operating assets and liabilities: comparative activity for the nine months ended December 31, an appropriate discount rate. Subsequent changes in value are Contributions receivable 792,332 (2,250,745) 2019 and the year ended March 31, 2019. recorded as change in value of split-interest agreements in the statements of activities. The value of underlying assets of the Receivable from split interest agreements (167,007) (180,869) Subsequent Events: split interest agreements were approximately $10,814,000 and Other assets 331,662 44,650 The Foundation has evaluated events and transactions for $10,373,000 at December 31, 2019 and March 31, 2019. potential recognition or disclosure through April 24, 2020, the Payable to the Institution (2,191,257) 1,237,263 date the financial statements were available to be issued. Support to the Institution: Accounts payable and accrued expenses 30,716 15,976 Chautauqua Fund contributions are distributed to the Institution Amounts held in custody for others - (195,203) Tax Status: in the same year they are received by the Foundation. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation exempt from income Distributions from the restricted endowment funds are made Net operating activities (388,376) 2,335,978 taxes under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. pursuant to the Foundation’s spending policy guidelines and donor stipulations. All other distributions are made in Cash: accordance with donor restrictions and for purposes approved Investing activities: At various times, cash in financial institutions may exceed by the Foundation’s Board. For the period ended December 31, federally insured limits and subject the Foundation to 2019, no endowment direct support was recognized. Purchases of investments (7,410,566) (7,642,573) concentrations of credit risk. Use of Estimates: Proceeds from sales of investments 7,061,301 5,564,493 Investments: The preparation of financial statements in accordance with Net investing activities (349,265) (2,078,080) Investments are stated at estimated fair value. The fair value of accounting principles generally accepted in the United States Net change in cash (737,641) 257,898 marketable securities is determined by quoted prices in active of America requires management to make estimates and markets. The Foundation uses net asset value (NAV) per share assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial Cash - beginning 1,978,465 1,720,567 (or its equivalent) as a practical expedient to determine the fair statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ value of investments that (i) do not have a readily determinable from those estimates. Cash - ending $ 1,240,824 $ 1,978,465 fair value predicated upon quoted prices in active markets, and (ii) have the attributes of an investment company or prepare their Reclassification: financial statements consistent with the measurement principles The financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2019 have of an investment company (Note 8). been reclassified to conform with the presentation adopted for the period ended December 31, 2019. Contributions: Contributions, including unconditional promises to give, are 2. Contributions Receivable: reported at fair value at the date received. Gifts are reported as 12/31/19 3/31/19 restricted support if they are received with donor stipulations that limit their use. When a donor restriction expires, net assets Gross unconditional promises to give $ 3,029,507 $ 3,967,566 with donor restrictions are reclassified to net assets without Less unamortized discount 209,036 354,763 donor restrictions and reported in the statements of activities as $ 2,820,471 $ 3,612,803 net assets released from restrictions. Contributions receivable at December 31, 2019 are expected to See accompanying notes. Contributions that are expected to be collected in future years be received over the periods shown below: are recorded at net realizable value. The discounts on those Less than one year $ 840,729 amounts are computed using an interest rate applicable to One through five years 2,188,778 the year in which the promise is received. Amortization of the $ 3,029,507 discount is included in contributions revenue in the statements of activities. 14 CHAUTAUQUA FOUNDATION 15


3. Investments: 5. Net Assets: 6. Retirement Plan: 12/31/19 3/31/19 4. Transactions with the Institution: The Foundation’s financial position and activities are reported The Foundation participates in a 403(b) retirement plan for Cash $ 1,440,549 $ 2,923,593 Distributions to the Institution include Chautauqua Fund according to two classes of net assets: net assets without donor substantially all employees, subject to plan conditions. The Equities 45,155,065 44,904,739 contributions, appropriations from donor restricted endowment restrictions and net assets with donor restrictions. Net assets with Foundation contributes 10% of the employee’s gross pay each Fixed income 18,395,627 16,538,288 funds where the underlying restriction has been met and for donor restrictions are those whose use has been limited by year. Funded contributions and costs totaled approximately Hedge fund 21,664,595 20,060,321 purposes approved by the Foundation’s Board. donors for a specified time period, purpose or to be maintained $68,000 for the nine months ended December 31, 2019 and Private equity 10,596,969 9,740,222 by the Foundation in perpetuity. $93,000 for the year ended March 31, 2019. Select equity 4,000,000 - Pursuant to an agreement between the Foundation and the Institution, the Foundation reimburses the Institution regularly for The composition of net assets without donor restrictions is as 7. Financial Assets Available for Operating Purposes: $ 101,252,805 $ 94,167,163 various personnel and administrative expenses and from time to follows: The Foundation obtains financial assets primarily through time the Foundation receives monies intended for the Institution. contributions and investment income. The financial assets are Investment activity reported in the Statements of Activities 12/31/19 3/31/19 acquired throughout the year to help meet the Foundation’s is as follows: Total amounts due to the Institution is as follows: Board-designated endowments $ 3,706,438 $ 3,431,848 cash needs to provide direct and indirect support to the Unrestricted gifts 996,836 959,415 Institution and for general expenditures in accordance with the Nine Months Without Donor With Donor 12/31/19 3/31/19 Foundation’s spending policy. $ 4,703,274 $ 4,391,263 Ended 12/31/19 Restrictions Restrictions Total Endowment direct support $ 661,911 $ 2,058,506 8. Fair Value Measurements: Dividends and Board-designated appropriations 1,000,000 2,000,000 Net assets with donor restrictions that are purpose or time As described in Note 1, the Foundation’s investments are interest, net $ 72,056 $ 1,351,294 $ 1,423,350 Other 358,336 152,998 restricted are comprised of unappropriated endowment gains stated at estimated fair value. The fair values of these assets are Net realized and $ 2,020,247 $ 4,211,504 and restricted gifts as follows: determined as follows: unrealized gains 277,258 6,459,119 6,736,377

$ 349,314 $ 7,810,413 $ 8,159,727 For the year ended March 31, 2019, the Institution agreed to 12/31/19 3/31/19 12/31/19 reimburse the Foundation in the amount of $350,000 for indirect Gains - specified endowments $ 12,328,732 $ 7,825,300 Quoted Prices in Net Asset support provided by the Foundation on behalf of the Institution. Gains - unspecified endowments 3,849,586 2,465,964 Year Ended Without Donor With Donor Active Markets Value This amount was included as a receivable in other assets and as a Other restricted gifts 320,713 744,323 3/31/19 Restrictions Restrictions Total Cash $ 1,440,549 $ - reduction of indirect support in the accompanying statements of $ 16,499,031 $ 11,035,587 Dividends and financial position and activities, respectively. There was no such Equities 45,155,065 - interest, net $ 76,200 $ 1,282,251 $ 1,358,451 Fixed income 18,395,627 - agreement for the nine months ended December 31, 2019. Net assets with donor restrictions that represent the accumulated Net realized and Hedge fund - 21,664,595 principal of endowment gifts that have been restricted by donors unrealized gains 35,903 719,949 755,852 In May 2016, the Foundation obtained a $25,000,000 bank Private equity - 10,596,969 to be maintained by the Foundation in perpetuity are comprised Select equity - 4,000,000 $ 112,103 $ 2,002,200 $ 2,114,303 revolving credit note to facilitate financing the renovation of of the following endowment gift categories: the Institution’s Amphitheater. The note is available until April $ 64,991,241 $ 36,261,564 1, 2022 and has step down provisions to $15,000,000 on April 1, 12/31/19 3/31/19 The Foundation has committed capital of approximately 2020 and $5,000,000 on April 1, 2021. The note bears interest at $21,750,000 to private equity investments. As of December 31, the LIBOR flex rate plus 1%, and contains a covenant requiring Specified endowments $ 63,579,054 $ 62,074,028 3/31/19 2019, the remaining obligation under these commitments totaled the Foundation to maintain a minimum balance in marketable Unspecified endowments 22,856,152 22,585,078 Quoted Prices in Net Asset approximately $8,930,000. These investments generally cannot securities or cash of $25,000,000. Additionally, the Foundation $ 86,435,206 $ 84,659,106 Active Markets Value be redeemed. Distributions from these investments are received provides a negative pledge on all of its assets, and the note is as underlying investments are liquidated. At December 31, 2019, guaranteed by the Institution. No borrowings on the arrangement From time to time, the fair value of assets associated with Cash $ 2,923,593 $ - it is estimated the underlying assets will be liquidated over a were outstanding at December 31, 2019 and March 31, 2019. individual donor-restricted endowment funds may fall below Equities 44,904,739 - period of approximately 5 to 15 years. the level the donor requires the Foundation to retain as a fund Fixed income 16,538,288 - Pursuant to a promissory note entered into between the of perpetual duration. The Foundation permits spending from Hedge fund - 20,060,321 Liquidity for the Foundation’s investments is as follows: Foundation and Institution, all amounts advanced under the bank underwater endowment funds unless otherwise precluded by Private equity - 9,740,222 revolving credit note for the benefit of the Institution will be repaid donor intent or relevant laws. Deficiencies of this nature exist Select equity - - 12/31/19 3/31/19 to the Foundation with interest at the Internal Revenue Service’s in two donor restricted endowment funds, which together have $ 64,366,620 $ 29,800,543 Redemption frequency: applicable federal rate for mid-term borrowings. an original gift value of $42,885 and a deficiency of $9,615 as of Daily $ 64,991,241 $ 64,366,620 December 31, 2019. Semi-annually 12,215,787 11,297,217 Semi-annually after initial lock-up period expiring December 2020 13,448,808 8,763,104 Illiquid 10,596,969 9,740,222 $ 101,252,805 $ 94,167,163



9. Endowment Assets: 10. Expenses by Nature and Function: The Foundation’s endowment assets are comprised of board-designated endowments and donor restricted endowments to be held Program in perpetuity. The Foundation has adopted investment and spending policies for endowment assets that attempt to provide returns General and sufficient to address the purposes of the assets over the long term. According to the Foundation's spending policy for direct and Nine Months Ended 12/31/19 Direct Support Indirect Support Administrative Total indirect support to the Institution, as well as general and administrative expenses, total spending should range from 3% to 6.5% of Fund appropriations $ 4,313,882 $ - $ - $ 4,313,882 the beginning of year market value of the Foundation’s endowment investment assets. Distributions from the board-designated Personnel costs - 1,213,072 234,081 1,447,153 endowment funds are made at the discretion of the Foundation’s Board. Travel and hospitality - 144,427 21,414 165,841 The Foundation's Board has interpreted the New York Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (NYPMIFA) as requiring the Professional and consulting - 134,884 37,862 172,746 preservation of the fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of donor endowment funds, absent explicit donor stipulations to Other - 188,109 28,067 216,176 the contrary. As a result of this interpretation, the Foundation classifies as net assets with donor restrictions (a) the original value of $ 4,313,882 $ 1,680,492 $ 321,424 $ 6,315,798 gifts donated to be maintained in perpetuity, (b) the original value of subsequent gifts to the endowment fund, and (c) accumulations to the endowment fund made in accordance with the direction of a donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund. In accordance with NYPMIFA, the Foundation considers the following factors to appropriate or accumulate donor Program restricted endowment funds: General and • Duration and preservation of the fund Year Ended 3/31/19 Direct Support Indirect Support Administrative Total • Purposes of the Foundation and the fund • General economic conditions Fund appropriations $ 9,394,934 $ - $ - $ 9,394,934 • Possible effects of inflation and deflation Personnel costs - 1,071,711 304,629 1,376,340 • Expected total return from income and appreciation of investments Travel and hospitality - 179,155 43,791 222,946 • Other Foundation resources Professional and consulting - 207,952 43,480 251,432 • Where appropriate and circumstances would otherwise warrant, alternatives to expenditure of the endowment fund, giving due Other - 176,088 27,302 203,390 consideration to the effect that such alternatives may have on the Foundation Reimbursement by the Institution - (350,000) - (350,000) • Investment policy of the Foundation $ 9,394,934 $ 1,284,906 $ 419,202 $ 11,099,042 Investment activity is allocated among the endowment assets based upon their proportionate share of the investment portfolio. Investment activity related to the board-designated endowment is shown as an increase (decrease) in net assets without donor The financial statements report certain categories of expenses that are attributable to program and supporting functions. Therefore, these restrictions. Investment income related to the donor-restricted endowments is reported as an increase (decrease) to net assets with expenses require allocation on a reasonable basis that is consistently applied. The expenses that are allocated include personnel costs, donor restrictions until appropriated in accordance with the Foundation’s spending policy. which are allocated based on estimates of time and effort. The Foundation’s endowment investment assets activity for the nine months ended December 31, 2019 and the year ended March 31, 2019 is as follows:

Without Donor 11. Risks and Uncertainties: Restrictions With Donor Restrictions On January 31, 2020 the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) declared a public health emergency related to the global spread of coronavirus COVID-19, and a pandemic was declared by the World of Health Organization in February 2020. As a result, Unappropriated Accumulated the financial markets and the Foundation’s investments experienced a significant decline in value. The extent of the impact of COVID-19 Earnings on Principal of on the Foundation’s financial performance will depend on further developments, including the duration and spread of the outbreak, and Board- Perpetual Perpetual the impact on the financial markets, the Foundation’s donors and the Institution, all of which cannot be predicted. Nine Months Ended 12/31/19 Designated Endowments Endowments Total

Endowment assets – beginning of period $ 3,431,848 $ 10,291,264 $ 77,434,922 $ 91,158,034 Investment income 308,524 7,804,230 - 8,112,754 Contributions 49,936 - 1,996,943 2,046,879 Appropriated (83,870) (1,917,176) - (2,001,046) Endowment assets – end of period $ 3,706,438 $ 16,178,318 $ 79,431,865 $ 99,316,621

Year Ended 3/31/19 Endowment assets – beginning of year $ 5,508,969 $ 12,210,738 $ 71,401,989 $ 89,121,696 Investment income 77,613 1,994,581 - 2,072,194 Contributions 14,294 - 6,032,933 6,047,227 Appropriated (2,169,028) (3,914,055) - (6,083,083) Endowment assets – end of year $ 3,431,848 $ 10,291,264 $ 77,434,922 $ 91,158,034



Many Chautauquans will never forget the day we learned that Memorial Organ in the Amphitheater. It will also enable the summer, “sharing his priceless and most precious gifts.” Jared Jacobsen, our beloved long time organist, was killed in a Institution to recruit and retain a world-class organist to fill this That admiration is what inspired the Reeve family to initiate car accident following the close of the 2019 assembly season. position that is central to Chautauqua’s worship experience. the fund in Jared's memory.

While all who loved Jared will never fully wrap our heads Rev. Tutwiler — a talented recitalist, conductor and lecturer in “Simply stated, Chautauqua loved Jared, and Jared loved around his loss, many pledged to find ways to honor his his own right — found great joy in his music, his faith, and his Chautauqua,” Gary said. “Jared exemplified Chautauqua. It memory and the countless contributions he made to our relationships with family and friends. He combined his musical is only fitting that his enduring devotion and great love will community. Thanks to the generosity of several thoughtful gifts and his Christian faith in his vocation as a church musician. always be remembered forever through the Jared Jacobsen donors, the Jared Jacobsen Endowed Chair for the Organist Over the years, he developed a vast network of acquaintances Endowed Chair for the Organist at Chautauqua Institution." at Chautauqua Institution has been established. The Reeve at Chautauqua including his dear friend Jared. George was A bittersweet memory Gary carries of Jared was at the end of family, led by Gary and Colleen Reeve, along with the late Rev. shocked and deeply saddened when he learned of Jared’s last summer, when Jared told him, “This season was the best George Tutwiler, created this endowed chair to pay tribute to death. Several months later, shortly before his own passing at I've ever had.” Jared in gratitude for his service to Chautauqua as organist, age 81, George was pleased to have the opportunity to honor choir director and faith leader since 1996. Jared’s memory with his gift to this endowment. The Chautauqua Foundation is deeply grateful to the Reeve family and Rev. Tutwiler for making this tribute possible along Jared not only served this community in those capacities The Reeve family also found comfort in paying tribute to Jared. with the many Chautauquans who provided gifts in memory of but contributed in many ways beyond them — as a friend, a Gary Reeve grew up singing starting as a soprano at age 10, Jared. If you are interested in helping to grow this endowment, passionate advocate for others and for Chautauqua, a keeper participating as a young adult as a tenor in his church choir, please contact the Office of Advancement at 716-357-6404 or of tradition and a force for innovation. This chair will serve and in high school and college programs. He has sung in the [email protected]. as a permanent reminder of what he meant to all who had choir at Chautauqua since 1990. Gary was in awe of Jared, of the privilege of hearing him play the 112-year-old Massey how the iconic organist and choir director gave his all every

Photo: Alexander Wadley ENDOWMENT FUNDS

Lora Lee and Bob Duncan Endowment Stan and Sara Lundine Fund Jo and Bill Selnick Fund UNSPECIFIED FUNDS Ann O. Edison Endowment Lyndall Family Fund Emma O. and H. Parker Sharp Fund Albert C. Elser II Fund Ann and Charles H. Lytle Endowment Jane R. and Walter C. Shaw, Jr. Fund $27,889,859 Net Assets Cordelia C. Ensign Fund Jeannette B. Mainwood Fund Ralph C. Sheldon, Jr. Fund James E. Erickson Fund Gerald and Dorothea Maloney Endowment Dorothy E. Shepherd Fund Helen C. Estabrook Fund Clara Masik Endowment Allen and Elaine Short Endowment for Chautauqua New funds are designated in orange. Income and principal may Agnes H. and Hal A. Fausnaugh Fund Lillian W. Masters Endowment for Chautauqua Bert W. and Joanne R. Simons Endowment be distributed from the funds denoted with a teal dot. Fetterolf Family Fund Candace and Scott Maxwell Fund Elizabeth M. Smith Memorial Endowment for Chautauqua George L. Follansbee, Jr. and Gay E. Didget Endowment for Mary E. McCarn Fund J. Vance Smith and Robert M. Smith Fund Paul M. Alexander Fund Chautauqua Mary Jane and Donald McClurg Endowment George T. and Margaret D. Snyder Endowment for Chautauqua Mary Apple Fund James L. Flynn and Shirley Mix Flynn Endowment for Margaret C. Mercer Endowment Nancy Coburn Snyder Endowment Fund Katherine G. Bailey Fund Chautauqua Richard H. Miller Fund Thomas H. and Joan Stevens Family Endowment for Chautauqua Arthur S. & Barbara F. Banner Endowment for Chautauqua Joanne Babcock Fuller Endowment Dawson E. B. Molyneaux Endowment Betty P. and J. Bruce Stromgren Fund Robert and Je'Anne Bargar Endowment Gelb Family Endowment for Chautauqua Jane C. Morgan Fund Ann H. and Daniel F. Sullivan Endowment for Chautauqua Zoe and Ken Barley Endowment The Robert C. and Patricia D. Switzer Family Fund Beatrice B. Bates Fund William R. and Betsy Callicott Goodell Endowment Lewis W. & Katherine C. Morgan Fund Tate Family Fund Nancy and Dick Bechtolt Fund Kathleen M. and Donald C. Greenhouse Endowment for James R. Morris III Fund Eleanor M. Thomas Fund Thomas and Jane Becker Endowment Chautauqua The George E. and Susan Moran Murphy Family Fund The Susan and John Turben Foundation Endowment for Josephine A. Bell Endowment for Chautauqua Jean Edgcumbe Groff Endowment for Chautauqua Orlov Family Fund for Chautauqua Chautauqua Bemus Fund for Chautauqua Groninger Family Fund Robert B. and June A. Osburn Fund Joseph & Elizabeth Verlie Endowment Gordon Benn Fund Habenicht Family Fund Robert Pace Endowment Fund Carl A. and Mary Louise Viehe Family Endowment Alan J. and Mary Hough Blair Fund Felicia Grace Hall Fund Mary C. and James A. Pardo, Jr. Endowment for Chautauqua Debby and Dick Wade Endowment for Chautauqua The Erika Block Fund for Chautauqua Tirzah H. Hall Fund Mary C. and William H. Park Fund Nina and Norman Wain Family Endowment for Chautauqua Martha Borowsky Endowment Fund Sarah R. Hankey Fund for Chautauqua Mary Lou Cady Parlato Endowment for Chautauqua Carol and Bill Ward Endowment for Chautauqua Bosland Family Fund Diana and Samuel Harbison Endowment Charles E. and Gladys W. Peirce Fund Evelyn Wargo Endowment Boyle Family Fund Walter O. and Joan S. Harf Fund Donald R. Pembridge and Rosalie H. Pembridge Endowment Charles and Lois Weaver Fund Barbara A. and Patrick James Brady III Endowment for Heber R. Harper Fund for Chautauqua Nina T. Wensley Fund Chautauqua Drs. Thomas J. and Patricia H. Hasbach Endowment for Margaret Penn Fund Helen N. White Fund Sara E. Bradley Endowment for Chautauqua Chautauqua Sheila Penrose and Ernest Mahaffey Endowment for Chautauqua Robert O. Wilder Family Fund Barbara and William Branch Fund Eleanor McKnight Haupt Endowment for Chautauqua Steven W. and Barbara P. Percy Endowment for Chautauqua The Mary S. Wilsdon Fund for Chautauqua Daniel and Wanita Bratton Endowment Lisa Heinz Endowment for Chautauqua Helen Pickup-Hyman Fund Betty Offutt Wood and BRAVAS Endowment for Chautauqua Lillian Brink Endowment Fund Dorothy S. and William F. Hill, II Endowment for Chautauqua Mary Ellen Pindyck Fund Henry L. Wood Fund Gary M. and Willow R. Brost Endowment for Chautauqua Holden Family Fund Sam and Petey Tinkham Price Family Fund John B. Yoder Endowment for Chautauqua Henrietta T. Campbell Fund The Burritt and Joanne Hubbard Family Fund Evelyn Joyce Ramsdell Fund Robert and Virginia Young Maxine M. Carleton Fund Margaret A. Hukill Endowment for Chautauqua Mary Oram Reading Fund The Deborah and Allen Zaretsky Fund Katharine J. Carnahan Endowment Charles R. Hunter, Jr. Fund Agnes H. Reigart Fund Stephen J. Zenczak and Patricia E. Feighan Endowment for Esther M. Huntoon Fund Renjilian Family Fund Barbara P. and Howard E. Chadwick Fund Chautauqua Verna Jackson Memorial Endowment for Chautauqua Elaine Y. Rieser Endowment for Chautauqua Genevieve Chaney Fund General Endowment Fund Julia and William Clinger Fund James Family Fund William Rittman Fund and Eugene Cohen Fund Donald D. Jansen Endowment for Chautauqua Mary Ritts Endowment Ruth K. Collyer Endowment Katherine King Karslake Fund Walter Roberts Fund Jack and Marcia Connolly Fund for Chautauqua Ronald L. and Rosie C. Kilpatrick Endowment David M. and Sarah A. Rosen Endowment for Chautauqua The Mildred K. Cooper Fund for Chautauqua Georgiana Bole King Endowment Stephanie Rosenblatt Fund William F. and Thelma L. Cooper Endowment for Chautauqua The Lawrence G. Knecht Fund Doris H. Ruslink Fund Helen and George L. Cornell Fund Knox Family Endowment Harper G. and Blanche Billings Rusterholtz Fund Katharine and Robert W. Cornell Fund Frank and Bitsy Koehler Endowment for Chautauqua Herbert B. Sachse Fund Sarah A. Corns Fund Konneker Fund Howie and Bobby Schiller Endowment for Future Generations Martha S.H. Cowles Fund Mary E. Kuhns Fund of Chautauquans Helen T. and Ralph E. Crockett Endowment Robert and Susan Laubach Endowment Newton B. Schott, Jr. and Antoinette L. LeQuire-Schott Laura and Brad Currie Endowment for Chautauqua LeClere Family Endowment Endowment Elizabeth Danielson Fund The Lemonade Fund Barbara and John Schubert Endowment Fund Charles and Rebecca Denton Endowment for Chautauqua Elizabeth S. & Reginald A. Lenna Fund Dr. O. Peter Schumacher Fund Dietrich Family Endowment at Chautauqua Stella C. Logan Fund Helene J. Schwartz Endowment for Chautauqua Martha T. and Morgan O. Doolittle Fund Sara M. and Robert S. Lucas Fund Mary Jo Schweizer Endowment for Chautauqua


I. Hale and Judy Oliver Endowment for Connolly Residence Hall Toni Sterman Memorial Garden Helen S. and Merrill L. Bank Lectureship SPECIFIED FUNDS The Rait Family Fund The Stephen Toms Garden Fund David and Wendy Barensfeld Lectureship Fund $71,729,498 Net Assets The Ann Simpson Rice Youth Fund Randall E. Widrig Memorial Garden Fund The Crawford N. and May Sellstrom Bargar Lectureship in School of Music Facilities Endowment Nancy Hyde Wilbur Memorial Fund Business and Economics The Sharpe/Trefts Memorial Fund The Dr. Alan Winkelstein Garden Fund Robert S. Bargar Memorial Lectureship New funds are designated in orange. Strohl Center Endowment The Roy and Dorothy Wissel Garden Fund The Arnold and Jill Bellowe Lectureship The Susan and John Turben Fund for Bratton Theater The Frank Lloyd Wright Garden Fund Berglund-Weiss Lectureship Fund PHYSICAL The Sybil and Stuart Willen Fund for Bratton Theater The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture and Taliesin June and Albert Bonyor Lectureship Fund MAINTENANCE FUNDS Youth Facilities Fund Fellowship Garden Fund Dr. Edwin Prince Booth Memorial Lectureship Fund $13,564,946 Net Assets The Boyle Family Lectureship Fund Specific Gardens and Parks General Grounds and Gardens Selina and Walter Braham Lectureship Buildings and Structures $1,571,422 Net Assets $604,204 Assets The Richard Newman Campen "Chautauqua Impressions" Fund $11,389,320 Net Assets The Reid B. Babcox Memorial Garden Terrace Endowment D.A.R. Flag Fund Carnahan-Jackson Lectureship Amphitheater Endowment Fund The Bell/Ritts Garden Fund Garden Beautification Fund Chautauqua Fellows Fund Jack G. and Elizabeth L. Armstrong Fund for Youth Facilities Arline and Ralph Bernstein Memorial Rain Garden Fund Lake, Grounds, and Public Spaces Endowment William and Julia Clinger Lectureship Bellinger Hall Maintenance Endowment The Bishop's Garden Fund Louise Marshall Lincoln Memorial Garden Fund Beverly and Bruce Conner Endowment for Education The Francis and Susan Bonsignore Youth Facilities Fund Selina W. Braham Memorial Garden Fund The Constance Lincoln Newbury Memorial Garden Fund The Joseph H. DeFrees Memorial Lecture Bratton Theater Endowment Fund Judge W. Walter Braham Garden Fund The Walter C. Shaw, Jr. Family Tree Fund The Edith B. and Arthur E. Earley Lectureship Carnahan-Jackson Endowment for Dance Studio Maintenance Dr. Daniel and Wanita Bratton Garden Fund Tree Fund The Eleanor Fund Lectureship Endowment Chautauqua Opera Guild Endowment for Connolly The Henrietta T. Campbell Garden Fund Watters Family Fund The Foglesong Family Lectureship Fund Residence Hall Carnahan-Jackson Memorial Garden Fund The Chip and Gail Gamble Lecture Endowment Children's School Fund The Carothers Family Garden Fund EDUCATION & YOUTH FUNDS Barbara A. Georgescu Lectureship Endowment The CLSC Class of 2000 Mosaic Fund The Kirk David Casto Memorial Garden Fund $14,100,970 Net Assets The Charles Ellsworth Goodell Lectureship in Government Mary E. Collier Memorial Fund Jean Chadwick Memorial Garden Fund and Public Affairs Connolly Residence Hall Endowment The CLSC Class of 1982 Helen W. Giacobine Garden Fund Lectureships The Susan Hirt Hagen Lectures Fund Coyle Pavilion Fund Connolly Family Gardens and Fountains Endowment $10,158,093 Net Assets The Thomas L. Hagner and Linda Ulrich-Hagner Crowder Family Youth Endowment Fund The Cornell Garden Fund 10:45 Lecture Platform Endowment Lectureship Fund Department of Religion Physical Facilities Fund DeeDee's Garden Endowment Malcolm Anderson Lecture Fund Travis E. and Betty J. Halford Lectureship Endowment Mina Miller Edison Fund The Ehrenreich Family Fund The Sondra R. and R. Quintus Anderson Lectureship G. Thomas and Kathleen Harrick Lectureship Endowment The Dorothy J. Forney Memorial Fund The Fausnaugh Family Garden Fund Fowler-Kellogg Art Center Endowment J. Marcus and Ellen Bernstein Fultz Family Gardens The Joseph and Anna Gartner Foundation Endowment for Peggy Foley Memorial Garden Fund Bonnefoux-McBride Hall The Jean Rice Goodell Garden Fund Golf Course Maintenance and Growth Fund The Robert Y. Gromet Family Garden Fund The Seth A. and Helen F. Goodwin Fund to Maintain the The Mary Kimball Haker Memorial Garden Endowment Fund Pier Building The Eleanor McKnight Haupt Fund Kitty and Bluie Greenberg Amphitheater Endowment The Holden Garden Fund Hagen-Wensley Guest House Endowment Patricia K. Ives Memorial Beautification Fund Helen Heinz Sample Fund Melvin Johnson Sculpture Garden Endowment Hitchcock Room Maintenance Fund Henrietta Ord Jones Memorial Fund The Forest B. Irwin Fund for Bowling Green Maintenance The JoAnn Jubell Memorial Fund The Knox Fund for Youth Facilities The Judson Park Fund Elizabeth S. Lenna Hall Endowment Fund Ryan Kiblin Memorial Stormwater Park Endowment The Helen Colvill Lincoln Fund to Maintain Lincoln Janet F. and Arthur C. LeVan, Sr. Garden Fund Memorial Dormitory Joan Lincoln Garden Fund Jackie Lynch Studio Endowment The Wilfred B. McCune Memorial Garden Fund The Massey Memorial Organ Fund Miller Edison Cottage Garden Endowment The McClure Shuffleboard Fund Mary Louise Molyneaux Garden Fund McKnight Hall Maintenance Endowment Penneys Garden Endowment Miller Edison Cottage Endowment Ride/Savage Memorial Garden Fund Kimberly and Robert Myers Dance Facilities Endowment Timothy Ritacco Play Area Endowment The Oliver Archives Center Endowment Fund The Michael M. Ross Garden Fund The I. Hale and Judy Oliver Fund for Bratton Theater The Mme. Shao Fang Sheng Garden Fund


The Dr. Robert R. Hesse Lectureship Cyril T. M. Hough and Lt. C. Randall Hough, USMC The Carl and Lee Chaverin Fund The Higie Family Lectureship Memorial Fund Shirley A. and Arthur R. Duffy Endowment for Classical Guitar The Robert Jacobs Memorial Lectureship Fund The Katie Howard Memorial Fund Heitzenrater Family Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra Fund Richard W. and Jeannette D. Kahlenberg Lectureship Fund Julius A. and Carol L. Nicolai Boys' and Girls' Club Endowment The William M. Kinley Fund for the Chautauqua Symphony The Kevin and Joan Keogh Family Fund The Popp Family Fund Orchestra Barbara and Herb Keyser Fund Paul L. Sample Memorial Fund William D. Kuhns Fund for General Music Purposes of Donald West King, Sr. and Francis Lila Lee King Lectureship Andrew and Donna Sorensen Youth Activities Center Chautauqua Institution The Oliver and Mary Langenberg Lectureship Endowment The Jim and Lynn Levinson Fund for the Chautauqua Symphony The Reginald and Elizabeth Lenna Lectureship in Business James R. and Alison T. Steadman Boys' and Girls' Club Orchestra and Economics Endowment Helen T. Logan Fund for the Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra The Helen C. Lincoln Fund for International Programming The Laurence and Maria Wagner Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Sam A. Miller and Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Babcox The Louise Roblee McCarthy Memorial Lectureship Youth Activities Fund Memorial Fund McCredie Family Fund The Mischakoff/Taylor Concertmaster Chair Fund National Endowment for the Humanities Fund Other Music School Festival Orchestra Fund Joseph A. Neubauer Lectureship in Science $1,999,272 Net Assets Frances and George Newman Endowment for the Chautauqua Lillian Brink Education Fund Margaret Miller Newman Lectureship Fund Symphony Orchestra Barbara R. Foorman Science Literacy Endowment Kathryn Sisson Phillips Memorial Lectureship Fund Margaret Miller Newman Fund for the Chautauqua Symphony McCredie Family Director of Boys' and Girls' Club The Richard and Emily Smucker Endowment Fund Orchestra Emily and Richard Smucker Directorship for Education The David B. and Barbara Barrett Orr Music Fund Marjorie and Frank Sterritte Lectureship Av and Janet Posner Fund for the Chautauqua Symphony The Ethel Paris and Theodore Albert Viehe Lectureship Orchestra John M. Wadsworth Lectureship on Free Market and FINE & PERFORMING The Reinberger Fund for the Performing Arts Libertarian Principles ARTS FUNDS The Barbara Baldwin DeFrees Opera Fund The Gertrude Aldredge Shelburne Fund The Dorothy M. Wissel Lectureship $20,267,345 Net Assets The Walter F. Ferchen Opera Fund Dan and Linda Silverberg Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra The Eleanor B. Franks Fund for the Opera Endowment Literary Arts General The James and Elisabeth Groninger Fund for Opera The Dr. James and Mary Anne Evans Singleton Fund for the $1,282,260 Net Assets $4,278,951 Net Assets The Jane A. Gross Opera Endowment The John T. and Katherine G. Bailey Family Fund Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra The Baird-Fuller Memorial Fund The Kay Frantz Israel Fund for Opera Evie and Stacey Berger Endowment for Emerging Artists Symphony Patron Endowment Fund for the Chautauqua Caroline Roberts Barnum and Julianne Barnum Follansbee Fund The Mildred Lesenger Fund for Opera The Boyle Family Fund for the Performing Arts Symphony Orchestra The Alice M. Bentley CLSC Memorial Fund The Kay H. Logan Opera Fund Emily McKnight Corry Endowment The Trustees' Fund for the Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra John H. Bliss Memorial Fund The Annette Pickens Malvin Memorial Fund for Opera The Barbara Baldwin DeFrees Fund for the Performing Arts Rita and Dunbar VanDerveer Symphony Principal Chair for Flute Lowell & Frances Hyams Brentano Library Fund The Christopher and Susan Martin Opera Fund The Edith B. and Arthur E. Earley Fund for the Performing Arts Mary E. Whitaker Symphony Endowment Fund Chautauqua Literary Arts Endowment The Margaret Clark Mercer Fund for Opera The Endowment Fund for the Performing Arts The Ralph E. Miller and Paul E. Cawein Fund for Opera The Wilder Family Fund for the Chautauqua Symphony Chautauqua Prize Endowment Fund John Alfred and Oscar Johnson Memorial Trust The Steve Z. and Mary G. Mitchell Family Fund Orchestra C.L.S.C. Class of 1940 Endowment Fund The Lenna Fund for the Performing Arts The Reverend Lloyd V. Moffett Opera Endowment Fund Nora J. Williams Symphony Fund C.L.S.C. Class of 1948 Endowment Fund The Helen Cooper Mercer Fund for Performing Arts The Robert G. and Lillian Vitanza Ney Family Opera Fund Dent and Joan Williamson Fund for the Chautauqua Symphony The Louise Shaw Van Kirk Dill Fund National Endowment for the Arts Fund The Joseph A. and Anne T. Prezio Opera Endowment Fund Orchestra The Paul and Mary Jean Irion Endowment The Rittman Family Fund for Performing Arts The Richards Family Opera Fund The Mary Anne and John Morefield Endowment for the The Julia and Ralph C. Sheldon, Jr. Fund for the Performing Arts The Molly Rinehart Fund for Opera Theater Enhancement of Poetry The Wadsworth Fund $1,590,044 Net Assets The Bess Sheppard Morrison CLSC Fund Opera Charles Weaver and Family Fund for Opera The Arnold and Jill Bellowe Fund for Theater William A. Morrow Fund $4,559,154 Net Assets Dr. Fred R. Whaley and Helen A. Whaley Fund for Opera The Nancy E. Brewer Fund for Theater Gail Anne Clement Olson Fund A. Chace & Josephine B. Anderson Opera Endowment Fund The Robert and Virginia Young Opera Fund Chautauqua Theater Fund The Martha and Scott Reading Fund John E. Anderson Opera Endowment Zemsky Endowment For Opera Court Family Endowment Grace Tongren Ross Fund for The Peggy and Andy Anderson Family Fund for Opera The Crockett Family Fund for Theater Smith Memorial Library Fund The Cynthia Auerbach Fund for Opera Symphony The Agnes H. and Hal A. Fausnaugh Fund for Theater Bemus Endowment for Opera $5,191,650 Net Assets Programming Youth Activities Anne and John Burden Opera Fund Clement and Karen Arrison Endowment for Classical Violin Terrie Vaile Hauck Theater Endowment $661,345 Net Assets Chautauqua Opera Endowment Fund Maggie Bella Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund The Joel and Barbara Jacob and M. Jacob and Sons Fund Ward T. Bower Youth Activities Memorial The Chautauqua Opera Guild Endowment The Boyle Family Fund for the Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra for Theater Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Endowment Fund for Youth Thomas and Kathleen Clingan Fund for Opera The Mary Peterson Chalfant Fund for the Chautauqua Symphony Helen Moe Fund for Theater The Gelb Family Endowment Fund The Connolly Family Fund For Opera Orchestra The Florence and Cynthia Norton Fund for Theater Gelb Family Fund The John A. and Emily McKnight Corry Opera Fund Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund The Phoebe Wagner Ott Theater Fund


Dance RELIGION FUNDS Harold F. Reed, Sr. Chaplaincy Barakat Scholarship $1,286,914 Net Assets $6,835,657 Net Assets Edmond E. Robb-Walter C. Shaw Fund The Michael L. Barnett Scholarship Fund The Paul and Toni Branch Fund for Dance John William Tyrrell Endowment for Religion Barton Family Scholarship Carnahan-Jackson Dance Chair Endowment General Bell Tower Scholarship Fund The Carnahan-Jackson Dance Endowment $1,711,317 Net Assets Lectureships The Jill W. Bellowe Chautauqua Conservatory Theater Chautauqua Dance Endowment Campbell Department of Religion Fund $1,702,868 Net Assets Scholarship Dakin Family Fund for Dance The Richard W. and Dorothy B. Comfort Religious Initiatives Carnahan-Jackson Religious Lectureship The Chuck Berginc Scholarship Terrie Vaile Hauck Dance Endowment Eleanor B. Daugherty Fund The Jack and Elizabeth Gellman and Zaretsky Family Fund Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Bestor Scholarship Fund Moore Fund for Dance Department of Religion Fund The Ralph W. Loew Religious Lectureship Fund The Frances Black Scholarship Fund Department of Religion Leadership Fund Robert S. and Sara M. Lucas Religious Lectureship The Margaret B. Blossom Scholarship Visual Arts Carrell Leiper Hall Memorial Fund in Honor of Dr. Henry Eileen and Warren Martin Lectureship Fund for Emerging Studies Bonnefoux/McBride Dance Scholarship $2,295,864 Net Assets Smith Leiper in Bible and Theology June and Albert Bonyor Scholarship Fund for Ballet Nilsen Family Fund for Religious Programming JJe'Anne Griffin Bargar Endowment for Visual Arts Eugene Ross McCarthy Memorial Fund Alexander W. Bouchal Memorial Scholarship Lois Raynow Department of Religion Fund The Chautauqua Art Association, Inc. Visual Arts Fund Rachel Alice Miller Memorial Fund Ward T. Bower Memorial Scholarship The Waasdorp Fund for Religious Initiatives Shirley Mix Flynn Visual Arts Endowment Deloras K. and L. Beaty Pemberton Lectureship Frederick Percival Boynton Scholarship Chip and Gail Gamble Visual Arts Endowment The Presbyterian Association of Chautauqua Religious JoAnn and Gene Buffo Voice Scholarship Chaplaincies Joan and David Lincoln Ceramics Endowment Lectureship Fund Lowell and Frances Hyam Brentano Fund $1,165,128 Net Assets Florence H. Norton and Cynthia Norton Visual Arts Endowment Arthur and Helen Reycroft Memorial Religious Lectureship Fund The Anne C. Britton Memorial Scholarship Marie Reid-Edward Spencer Babcox Memorial Fund Leon and Gloria Plevin Family Museum Director Lecture Fund Gertrude Elser Schroeder Fund The Charles and Ethel Brody Theater Scholarship Gladys R. Brasted and Adair Brasted Gould Memorial Chaplaincy Sydelle Sonkin and Herb Siegal Artistic Director of the Visual Arts The H. Parker and Emma O. Sharp Lectureship Fund The Gladys Brooks Scholarship Endowment Fund Robert D. Campbell Memorial Chaplaincy Susan and John Turben Director of the VACI Galleries Rabbi Samuel and Lynn Stahl Lectureship for the Understanding The Indiana-Peggy Hoover Bryan Voice Scholarship Daney-Holden Chaplaincy Fund Endowment of Judaism Shirley Budke Memorial Fund for Blind Students The Mr. and Mrs. William Uhler Follansbee Memorial Chaplaincy The Edwin L. Bullock Scholarship J. Everett Hall Memorial Chaplaincy OTHER Other The Lillian B. Bullock Scholarship Samuel M. and Mary E. Hazlett Memorial Fund $1,064,768 Net Assets $2,256,345 Net Assets Anne S. Burden Music Scholarship Jackson-Carnahan Memorial Chaplaincy Bennett and Mary Jo Burgoon Memorial Scholarship Heintzelman Family Piano Fund Alice A. Allen Fund Alison and Craig Marthinsen Endowment for the Department Sarah Miller Caldicott Piano Scholarship Anne Capper McIntosh and Walter Stevenson McIntosh John E. Anderson Religion Endowment of Religion The Reverend Noel A. Calhoun, Jr., D.D. Fund The Andrew L. and Gayle Shaw Camden Fund for Theater Arts Endowment for Voice The Geraldine M. and Frank E. McElree, Jr. Chaplaincy Fund Campbell Department of Religion Audio-Visual Fund The Carnahan-Jackson Scholarship Fund Randell-Hall Memorial Chaplaincy Joan Brown Cambell Department of Religion Endowment The Chautauqua Art Scholarship The Chautauqua Fund for Sacred Music The Chautauqua Golf Club Scholarship Fund Fund for the Exploration of World Religions and The Chautauqua Theater Scholarship Spiritual Practices The Chautauqua Voice Scholarship The Jack and Gretchen Grigsby Fund for Choral Enrichment Clark Scholarship Fund The Holden-Daney Fellowship Fund Joseph Clarke Scholarship Fund Dr. William N. Jackson Religious Initiative Fund Clarkson Family Scholarship Jared Jacobsen Endowed Chair for the Organist at The Theodore R. Colborn Scholarship Chautauqua Institution The William Cole/King Scholarship Arville G. Light, Jr. Fund for Religion Beverly and Bruce Conner Scholarship Fund The Myra Baker Low and Katharine Low Hembree Family Fund James and Barbara Copeland Scholarship Fund S.R. and Jennie Hamill McClure Family Fund The Bettsy and Ellis Cowling Scholarship for Music Harold F. and Mary Lou E. Reed Family Fund The Daley Family Fund The Reeve Family Choir Music Fund Eleanor B. Daugherty Scholarship Fund Religious Initiatives Fund Diamond Jubilee Class of 1948 Scholarship The Ann Simpson Rice Flower Fund Mary Lowe Dickinson Scholarship The Allen Steere, Sr. Fund for the Department of Religion Dietrich Family Endowment for Music at Chautauqua The Mardelle Dressler Dobbins Scholarship SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS The Rachel W. Eaton Scholarship $7,814,274 Net Assets The Bina Edkin Eckerd Memorial Fund for the Fine and Performing Arts A. Chace Anderson Fine and Performing Arts Scholarship The Robert Hunt and Mary Campbell Eckhardt Memorial Peggy and Andy Anderson Family Scholarship Fund Scholarship Richard W. Antemann Memorial Scholarship David and Miriam Yanes Eddleman Voice Scholarship


The Miriam Yanes Eddleman Dance Scholarship The Danny Kayne Music Scholarship Fund The Josette and Ronald Rolley Scholarship The Jim and Lynn Gasche Levinson Fund for Chautauqua The Michael and Jane Eisner Scholarship Fund Audrey and Kenny Koblitz Scholarship Bonnie Rosenthal Dance Scholarship Locke-Irwin Fund Mary Cummings Paine Eudy Scholarship Konneker Scholarship Mary McQueen Ross Scholarship The Loynd Family Fund The Falk Scholarship Fund The John and Mary Lou Kookogey Scholarship Glen and Ruth Roush Scholarship Fund Jeffrey Lutz and M. Cathy Nowosielski, MD Endowment Family Scholarship Endowment Felicia and Andy Landis Memorial Fund The Richard B. Rubin Scholarship Fund The Mackenzie Fund for Chautauqua The Agnes H. and Hal A. Fausnaugh Chautauqua Conservatory The LaPenna-Koch Scholarship The Sack Family Scholarship Miller-Beggerow Fund in honor of Cornelia Chason Miller Theater Scholarship The Marilyn G. Levinson and Nathan Gottschalk First Chair Ann and Isidor Saslav Violin Scholarship in Honor of The Lewis Miller Memorial Fund Beverly and Marvin Fiegelman Scholarship Fund for the Award for MSFO Endowment Mischa Mischakoff The Walter L. and Martha Tinkham Miller Fund Performing Arts Anne R. Logan Scholarship Fund The Henrietta W. Schlager Scholarship The Miriam S. Reading/Richard H. Miller Fund Genevieve Foote Findley Scholarship Craig J. Luchsinger Memorial Scholarship for Violin The Charles G. Schwartz Scholarship The Helen H. and Paul L. Sample Fund Ted and Deborah First Scholarship The Anne Mary and Richard M. Maddy Music Scholarship Fund Kuniko Washio Scollard Scholarship Fund for Music The Donald Chace Shaw Fund Edith Reid Flaster Memorial Dance Scholarship Marianne Elser Markham Endowment Fund The Sabina Mooney Seifert Memorial Scholarship Tate Family Endowment for Fine and Performing Arts The Luella Morris Forney Memorial Scholarship Lillian W. Masters Scholarship Fund Shreveport Friends' Music Scholarship The Edris and David H. Weis Family Fund Wilbur D. Forney Memorial Scholarship Fund The Lucille J. McClure Memorial Music Scholarship Fund A. Pope and Peggy B. Shuford Dance Scholarship Dr. Stephen Fudell Memorial Scholarship Endowment Roberta J. McKibbin Memorial Scholarship for Visual Arts Ronald Perry Smith Scholarship Fund OTHER SPECIFIED FUNDS The Harriet B. and Ralph T. Geller Memorial Scholarship Everett and Sarah Holden McLaren Scholarship The Dr. William T. and Virginia W. Smyth Fund $3,953,772 Net Assets Marjorie Geller Memorial Dance Scholarship Samuel R. McClure II Brass Scholarship Soulful Bliss Fund The Elizabeth & Jack Gellman and Deborah & Allen Zaretsky David L. and Jane K. Miller Art Scholarship The Suzanne Gaider Sroka Scholarship Allegheny Jazz Society Fund Scholarship Fund Laurie Miller Piano Scholarship The Madge Ryan Stirniman Scholarship John S. and Tracy A. Lafond Barakat Endowment General Scholarship Fund Laurie Miller Voice Scholarship George and Marianne Strother Scholarship Fund Jane and Tom Becker Endowment for Amphitheater Programs The Howard G. Gibbs Scholarship Fund Ralph E. Miller Memorial Scholarship for Music Dessie B. Tichenor Scholarship Fund Philip J. and Barbara S. Brunskill Fund Sheila Gitlitz Scholarship Endowment The Ralph J. Miller and Florence L. Miller Memorial Tustin Memorial Fund Buffalo-Chautauqua Idea and Connection: Galucki Family The Gitlitz Scholarship Fund for Visual Arts Scholarship in Music Alfredo Valenti Scholarship Fund Endowment Fund The Cook Fund Glendorn Foundation Scholarship Fund The Sylvia Lucas Miller Scholarship in Music Glenn G. Vance Music Scholarship Fund Cornell/Ingram/Karslake Awards Fund Golay-Bradford Endowment for Families The William E. Miller, Jr. Theater Scholarship Donald Welch Memorial Scholarship Fund Elizabeth Dickson Memorial Fund The Rosalyn Goldberg Scholarship Fund The Augusta L. Ebert Molyneaux Scholarship Nina T. Wensley Scholarship Valentine and Elizabeth Rider Frees Fund The Toni and Joseph Goldfarb Scholarship Fund for The Elmer G. Molyneaux Scholarship Katherine Karslake White School of Music Scholarship The Joseph and Anna Gartner Endowment Fund Fine & Performing Arts The Mary Louise Molyneaux Scholarship The Drs. Frits & Corrie Wiebenga Scholarship Fund Gwin Family Fund The Alfred E. Goldman Scholarship Moore Scholarship Fund for Music The Rachel Wilder and Phil Lerman Scholarship Charles Heinz and Louise Heinz Lockhart Fund The Jessie D. Grassie Class of 1882 Scholarship Jack I. and Barbara J. Morris Memorial Cello Scholarship Willen Scholarship Fund for the Arts The Frank G. Karslake Fund Franklin P. & Fern Green and William P. & Ruth Bates Art Gertrude T. Munger Piano Award Fund The Mark W. Williams Scholarship Samuel J. Kresge Fund Scholarship The Abe Neches Scholarship for Dance Mary Chenoweth Wright Scholarship Endowment David and Joan Lincoln Family Fund for Applied Ethics The Groff-Simpson Family Scholarship The Marian A. Neubauer Scholarship The Harriet G. Yanes Dance Scholarship Kay Logan Endowment for Chamber Music Grover Family Scholarship Fund Lily Lee Nixon Fund The John B. Yoder Music Scholarship Elizabeth Miller Fund G. Thomas & Kathleen Harrick Music Scholarship The Fayette S. Olmstead Foundation and Pittsburgh National Chadwick Young Scholarship Laura Ariane "Laurie" Miller Connections Fund Harris Scholarship for Performing Arts Bank Charitable Trust Fund The Morgan-Ludwig Fund Ruth Higby Haver and Della and David Higby Music Scholarship The Bernard Paul Memorial Scholarship Fund FLEXIBLE PROGRAM FUNDS The Helen M. Overs Fund Lillian B. Hersh Music Scholarship Mary Elizabeth Peffer Music Scholarship $5,192,533 Net Assets Jason and Nancy Weintraub Chautauqua Community Band William and Pauline Higie School of Dance Scholarship Rosalie H. Pembridge Dance Scholarship Endowment William and Pauline Higie School of Music Scholarship Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund The Bromeley Family Fund Jack A. and Muriel Winter Endowment Fund Robert D. Hiller Scholarship Fund Pennybacker Memorial Scholarship The Carnahan-Jackson Foundation Fund for Chautauqua Jack R. Winter Fund The Arthur and Arlene Holden Scholarship for Chautauqua Charles John Petre Memorial Fund Trombone Award The Chautauqua/Jamestown Fund for Education, Religion Michael Winter Fund W.T. Holland Memorial Piano Scholarship Endowment William and Jane Pfefferkorn Scholarship for Music and the Performing Arts Thomas and Shirley Musgrave Woolaway Fund Elke Kieserling Hoppe Scholarship The Ernest W. and Jeannette McClure Polley Scholarship Connolly Endowment for Chautauqua Cyril T.M. Hough Memorial Scholarship Fund Av and Janet Posner Art Scholarship The Winifred S. Dibert Fund for Chautauqua Ruth M. Skinner Hutchins Scholarship Fund Henry Rauch Memorial Scholarship Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Endowment Fund for Adult Innes Family Scholarship for Studio Arts The Douglas A. Raynow Memorial Scholarship Programming The Dorothy M. Jackson Memorial Scholarship in Piano Robert D. Redington Memorial Scholarship H. David Faust Leadership Fund The Lucinda Ely Johnson Scholarship Joseph W. and Marilyn Hyder Richey Scholarship Endowment Scott and Patti Fine Endowment Fund The Max and Edythe Kahn Scholarship Fund Rizzolo Family Fund The First Family Fund The Nancy and Norman Karp Scholarship Fund Roblee Scholarship for Families The George and Julie Follansbee Family Fund Thomas E. Kaufman Memorial Music Scholarship Joseph H. and Florence A. Roblee Scholarship Craig and Cathrine Greene Family Fund The Kaylor Family Scholarship The Catherine Prussing Rodgers Scholarship The Jane Robb Shaw Hirsh Endowment


Richard and Marty Davis Patricia Goldman and Stephen Jeff and Kim Heitzenrater Jacqueline and Lawrence Katz Janet and Michael Day Kurzman Richard and Karen Leonard and Judith Katz Jenny Dedes Syd and Ann Goldsmith Heitzenrater Philanthropic Fund Deacon Ray and Patricia Best Brooke Goldstein Bob and Lisa Hephner Ron and Brenda Katz Defendorf Karen and Tim Goodell Andrew G. Herr Christopher Kaufman and Charles and Rebecca Denton Google Matching Gifts Marc Hersh and Holly Mak Carlyn Clement Janet Devlin Program Michael E. Hill and Peter M. Joan Kekst Dennis and Elizabeth Diehl Gary and Kim Goranson Korns Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Roger and Judy Doebke Dr. Kenneth and Cheryl Dorothy and Bill Hill Kellogg, Sr. Katy Duda Gorelick Fund Tamara Hodsden Kyle and Elizabeth Keogh Lee and Barbara Dudley Carolyn E. Graffam Sallie Lou Holder Helen L. Kerner and David W. Duke Energy Foundation Brian and Claudia Grant Anita and Sidney Holec Edward Julie and Derek Duval Bluie and Kitty Greenberg Hong Family Jane and Chaz Kerschner Dr. and Mrs. R. Jackson Dykes Lawrence Greenberg, MD and Robert and Carol Hopper The Barbara and Herbert Sam and Betsy Eells Rodney Schlaffman George and Constance Keyser Charitable Fund Jean and Sigo Falk Craig and Cathrine Greene Howard Subagh Khalsa and Linda Winkelstern Susan and Chuck Fallon Joyce and Fred Greene Gale T. Hurst Rosie and Ron Kilpatrick Gregory Ferriss and Lucille Catherine Greenham IBM Todd and Kathy King Richardson Lois C. Greisman Charles and Dale Dr. Priscilla and Robert Lauren Rich Fine Family Fund Susan Grelick and John Jeff Innes and Sue Hammond Kirkpatrick at the Cleveland Foundation Heffron The Insinna and Hurwich Ann G. and Hans Knaak Scott A. Fine Family Fund Frank J. Greve Families Judy and Jim Kullberg Melissa and Seth Finkelstein John and Gretchen Grigsby Mr. Wilmot W. Irish Marie and David Kushner Patricia R. Finson Kent I. and Fredrika S. Groff Ruth A. Irwin 2019 ENDOWMENT DONORS Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kyler Ted and Deborah First Bonnie and Jim Gwin Howard and Susan Jackson Jane and Jerry Lahey Dr. and Mrs. Mark Foglesong Bernie and Carole Haas Stephen Jacobs and Pat Shelly and Mark Lakshmanan Anonymous (11) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Barrett John D. Britton and Greg and Jeanine Childs George L. Follansbee, Jr. and Becky and Fred K. Habenicht, Jr. Curley Langsam Rubin Interiors The 55ers Constance M. Barton Christina L. Britton Dr. James J. and Carol A. Gay Didget Nancy Langston Jeff and Lynda Acker William and LaDonna Bates Rev. Dr. William and Margaret Chimento W. Jane Foster and Arthur S. Robert and Susan Laubach Leslie and Beth Adler and Family Brockman The Cincinnati Insurance Willson David and Kathryn Levy Steve Allen and Caroline John W. Bean and A. Ernest G. and Patricia M. Company Char and Chuck Fowler Jessica Lewis Thompson Alexandra Jupin Brown Judith S. Claire and Robert W. Friends of S@S Nina Lightdale James Allison, MD Nancy C. Bechtolt Steven and Cynthia Brown Van Every Joanne B. Fuller Dr. F. Palmer Lindblom Nan and Brett Altman Bedrosian Charitable Fund Diane Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. J. Marcus and Ellen Fultz Barbara Linden John D. Ames Nancy A. Beeson Peter and Cassie Buch Clingan Joan M. Gallagher Kenneth and Carol Ann Linder Deirdre, Dave, Leo, Susie and Mary and Charles Beggerow Jane Buch CME Group Community David Gallo David Linn and Kathy Carter Teddy Anderson Michael and Louise Beldon John W. and Anne Staples Foundation Dennis J. Galucki Renée S. Lipson Edward L. Anderson, Jr. Brian and Joy Belke Burden Vienna P. Cocuzzi Charles S. and Gail F. Kerry B. Long Foundation, Inc. Arnold and Jill Bellowe Jennifer Burgeson Lawrence and Luann Cohen Gamble Fund Ellen Lumpkin and John Robert Anderson Rowland F. Bennett Robert F. Burkhardt Wendy and Edward Cohen Lorraine and Charles Gandy Jeffrey Robinson Anna Antemann Evie and Stacey Berger Andrew L. and Gayle Shaw Carol A. Cole Barbara and Peter Georgescu Karen Lundholm Applequist Family Charitable Donald H. and Barbara K. Camden Fund Richard and Elizabeth Jeanne Gerry K.E. Lundquist Fund Bernstein Family Foundation Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell Coleman Christopher and Helena Gibbs James H. Lynch, Jr. Clement and Karen Arrison Cheryl Bintz Mickey Castor Dorothy Comfort Susan and Scott Gilpin Dale and Mary Lyndall Foundation Kathy and Rick Birkett Anita Chadwick Jack Connolly Marjorie Gingell Thomas B. Hagen Fern and David Jaffe Mike and Barb Lyons Dhumal Aturaliye Lynn and Eileen Bisha Charlottesville Area Sharla and Douglas Cook Michael Gitlitz and Rita Thomas L. Hagner and Linda A. Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. M.L.E. Foundation, Inc. Sherra and Jim Babcock Jim and Kim Biskup Community Foundation Thelma and William F. Cooper Landman Ulrich-Hagner Johnson Ralph Macdonald and Judy Sebastian and Krystene Blemaster Family Charitable Miriam Charney Ellis and Bettsy Cowling Fund Glen Entry Fund at the Arlene Hajinlian Jeffrey S. Johnson Caines Baggiano Fund Chautauqua Bird, Tree and of the Triangle Community Community Foundation of Dr. Barb Mackey Donna and Mark Hampton Jeremy W. Johnson John T. Bailey Renate Bob Garden Club Foundation Louisville Ed and Louise Mahoney J. Pryor Hancock Nan Johnson Frank T. and Mary D. Baker Cathy Bonner Chautauqua Region Virginia H. Cox Beverly Ann J. Glockler Jean A. Major Arline Harmon Pamela B. Johnson Family Charitable Fund Don and Marilyn Boswell Community Foundation Penny and Bestor Cram Michael and April Gluckstern Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Mak Jim and Kathleen Harris John and Mary Giegengack of the Lutheran Funds Jeannette M. Boucher Chautauqua Symphony Kendall Crolius and Stephen Dr. Jack and Maxine Gold Craig and Stacey Manzino Judye and John Hartman Jureller of InFaith Community Mary Boyle and Ted Arnn Orchestra League Stout Jeanne and Bob Golden Natalie Manzino Terrie Vaile Hauck Rev. Dr. Xolani and Tamara Foundation Jim and Barbara Brady Craig Chertack and Ellen Kevin and Karen Crowder Judy and Al Goldman Cathy and Jesse Marion Louis Hays Kacela Penny Bank Kathy and James Braham Sterman Laura and Brad Currie Michael P. and Elaine K. Alison and Craig Marthinsen Anne Hazlett Valerie and Joel Katz Suzanne and Reggie Barnes Barbara Painkin Brandwein Elizabeth and John Chidsey Karen and David Davenport Goldman Betsy and Will Martin


Dianne K. Martin Jo Jo and Tony Muir J. Reynolds Perlee Andrew Right Ben Starrett Sallie and Wilson VanArsdale Lillian W. Masters Maggie Mulqueen William J. Peterson Jane and Connie Ring Jim and Alison Steadman Ronald J. Versic Candace and Scott Maxwell Cynthia Adamson Murray Pfizer Foundation Matching Mark and Ann Ayers Ritacco Linda Steckley and Peter Andrew R. Viehe Jason Maynard Bill and Ellen Neches Gifts Program Erica Robinson Weitzel Carol and Stephen Viehe Blossom P. McBrier Alan and Linda Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pickens Lee and Beth Robinson Lois A. Steere Dr. and Mrs. Richard Viehe The McCarron Family The Nelson Family Caitlin and Vincent Piemonte John H. Rogers Steinhilber Family Nancy Waasdorp James and Elizabeth McCarthy Charitable Fund Leon and Gloria Plevin Family Philip and Rachel Rogers Lee M. Strickland Ralph Watkins Griff and Pat McDonald Seth Newton Foundation Josette and Ron Rolley The Strnad Family Fund The Watters Family Geraldine M. McElree Dr. Lillian Vitanza Ney Robert and Anne Plyler Daniel Rosenthal and Avery Nick and Sandra Stupiansky WCU Graduate School Anne C. McIntosh Sandie and Kevin Nicholson Portraits of Hope Sheffield Jon and Kathy Sturman Edris and David H. Weis Laurie McKiernan Joanna and Kenneth Nilsen Av and Janet Posner Chuck and Marci Ross Dan and Ann Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Weiss John and Grace McKinnon Sandy and Margery Nobel Judith Ann Posner Charitable Eithne Ross Swanson-Harbage Giving Kayce E. West Advised Fund Cynthia Norton and Eagle Trust Jerry and Marcia Rothschild Fund Carol M. White Joyce McKnight Eagle Eugenia and John Potter Dr. David and Susan Rubin Melania Sztyk and Jimmy Katherine Karslake White Bonneau Drs. Jeanne E. Wiebenga and Lindy McKnight and Erin Peter and Gwen Norton Kathryn and Stephen Poulin Alice and Michael Rudell Christopher B. Rupp Irene and David Tabish E. Jane Stirniman Cunningham M. Cathy Nowosielski, MD and John and Sue Ann Power Fund Charitable Fund Brooks and Regina Talton Frank and Myralee Wilson Sarah and Everett McLaren Jeffrey N. Lutz Ronald and Christina Price Greg and Louisa Rutman Marian and Jennifer Tanau Sally and Scott Winn Dennis and Karen McNair Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Obee Mary Jane Pringle David Sachs and Linda Tebor Family Fund Karen and Richard Winston Jane and Jim Mead George and Melissa Orlov Mary H. Prussing Shackelford Steve and Pat Telkins The Reverend Alison Wohler Ken and Leigh Ann Meinecke Kay and Tom Osborn Avani and Manoj Ramnani Sheri & Kenneth Sacks Elissa Terry Mara and Larry Wolf Eric Meltzer Richard J. Osborne Dr. and Mrs. Bert Rappole Philanthropic Fund Laura M. Thomas Kristin Wood Edward and Betsy Merchant Amanda Paez Rosemary Rappole Sacred Heart Church Staff Donald and Shirley Todd Susan O. Wood Richard and Cathy Mester Michele Panucci and Joe Mrs. Lois Raynow Karen Salvatore Albert S. Trefts, Jr. Family Shirley Musgrave Woolaway Bijou and Greg Miller Rogers Miriam S. Reading and Vladislav Sandler Dorothy Trefts and Daniel J. The Yeatman's Ian and Liz Miller Charitable The Mary and James Pardo Richard H. Miller Colleen and Steve Saro McEvoy Julie Zadeck Fund Charitable Gift Fund The Reeve Family Adrienne Saunders Jason Tudor Sally and Kim Zarney Sandra H. Miller Mike and Judy Patton Lois J. Reid Carol Schaal Barbara and Al Turbessi Steve Zenczak and Pat Ministrare, Inc. James S. Patton Thurston K. Reid Heather and Robert Schaefer Walter J. Unger Feighan Dr. Margaret S. Minor Rita E. Paul Leslie and Tim Renjilian Newton B. Schott, Jr. and Barbara E. Vackar Karl Zeswitz Julia Miranda Pete and Sarah Pedersen Neal and Linda Rhoads Antoinette LeQuire-Schott Caroline Van Kirk Bissell Burt and Sandi Zucker Kathy and Jim Mizgalski Sheila Penrose and Ernie Charitable Fund of the John and Barbara Schubert Marjo M. Van Patten Philanthropic Fund Michael Morley and Anita Lin Mahaffey Foundation for Enhancing Chris and Ellen Scovotti Lenelle Morse Steve and Polly Percy Communities Robert and Jean Seaton Rich and Lynn Moschel Amie Perl and Evan Goldman Susie and Rick Rieser Richard L. and Judy Seiden Mary Ann and Barry Seidman Nikki and Brian Selden Aline Shader Maura Shafer Cecily Shull and Bobby Wilson Suzanne Shull Dr. Laura V. Skaates Frank D. Skinner Edie Sklar The Carter Smith Family Catherine Silver Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Smucker Mr. and Mrs. George T. Snyder Sydelle Sonkin and Herb Siegel Linda Spaulding Joreta and Richard L. Speck David and Prudence Spink Lynn & Samuel Stahl Family Philanthropic Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation



Hope Felton-Miller was born in the Deep South during Jim Hope has a background in Crow days, but in the eclectic port city of Savannah, Georgia. business and science and is The following donors Greater than Larry and Bonnye Roose Betsy C. Goodell She was first introduced to Chautauqua in 1981, fell in love co-founder and principal of have contributed $2,500,000 Mr. and Mrs. H. Parker Sharp William R. Goodell with the Institution and has been coming here with her Felton Willis, a global market $10,000 or more to The Carnahan-Jackson Sydelle Sonkin and Herb Thomas and Kathleen Harrick husband, their four children and now 10 grandchildren in the research firm. Describing the endowment of the Foundation Siegel Bill and Angela James Caroline Van Kirk Bissell William M. Kinley years since. She described Chautauqua as her “happy place people’s experiences as Chautauqua Foundation. Emily and John Corry Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Wilder Mary Kuhns Trust on earth,” but said “it has always been a sorrow that it is less shaping the bubbles in We thank them for Susan and Thomas Hagen diverse than I would like. In more recent years, I’ve become which individuals operate Elizabeth S. Lenna Foundation Jim and Lynn Levinson perpetuating the idea Mrs. John C. Lincoln increasingly concerned that [lack of diversity] is THE existential and form their views, she Joan and David Lincoln and place of Chautauqua. Elaine and Richard Rieser $250,000–$499,999 Warren K. Martin threat to Chautauqua.” sees opportunities at These totals include Patty and Spencer Van Kirk, III Anonymous (1) John W. and Yvonne S. Chautauqua for one’s sphere Hope is not alone in her concern. Following wide community gifts received, pledged, Sandy and Quint Anderson McCredie of understanding to expand Arthur and Barbara Banner Cornelia Chason Miller input, one of the cross-cutting imperatives of the Institution’s transferred to the pooled $1,000,000–$2,499,999 through this community’s Mrs. Robert D. Campbell Nancy and Dick Bechtolt Ministrare, Inc. strategic plan — 150 Forward — is a commitment to inclusion, life income fund and dedication to lifelong learning. She believes that hearing, Margaret Clarkson and Arnold and Jill Bellowe Miss Jane C. Morgan diversity, equity and accessibility (IDEA). Hope generously certain planned gift learning and being in conversation with those whose views are commitments made since George Heintzelman June Bonyor Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Morgan named Chautauqua as a beneficiary for a planned gift to Ms. Lillian Brink National Endowment for different helps to build empathy. It's something she personally May 1937. Jack and Marcia Connolly support diversity initiatives. In addition, she has helped finds deeply enriching, emphasizing that diversity be defined Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cornell Willow and Gary Brost the Arts provide seed money to advance immediate priorities including not just in terms of race — religious, socioeconomic and New donors are denoted with Dr. and Mrs. R. William Cornell John W. and Anne Staples The Estate of Gail Clement the hiring of a new full-time chief diversity officer position geographic diversity are key. Hope encouraged her fellow orange and changes in giving Mary and Oliver Langenberg Burden Olson dedicated to helping prioritize IDEA in every aspect of the Chautauquans to have “open hearts and open ears…. There levels are denoted with a Kay H. Logan Chautauqua Opera Guild The Mary and James Pardo Geoff and Kathie Church Charitable Gift Fund organization. This person will collaborate with staff, patrons and also needs to be some real skillful work in expanding our purple dot. Martha and Harold F. Reed, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Smith Wendy and Edward Cohen Sheila Penrose and Ernie other stakeholders of Chautauqua to infuse the importance of bubbles, [but] Chautauquans can do anything! They really can. Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Court Family Foundation Fund Mahaffey IDEA into the culture and develop and implement a multi-year When we get a challenge in the crosshairs, things can happen.” IDEA plan. That search process has resumed in the hope of Smucker Richard and Marty Davis Sam and Petey Price Mrs. Grant A. Dibert Marjorie McCarthy Robins hiring in early 2021. Chief of Staff and Vice President of Strategic Initiatives Ginny Stahlsmith Lowell and Rebecca Strohl Shannon Rozner described Hope as someone who is a and Family Getting that right person, as Hope believes, will require not true partner in IDEA at Chautauqua, “sharing her time, her Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Swingle only someone who has a background in IDEA but also knows experience and her passion in addition to her generous about culture change. She wanted to ensure Chautauqua donations. As a financial advisor, I helped many clients decide had the resources to attract someone with that unique skill $500,000–$999,999 how various causes fit into their estate plans. Rarely have I Dorothy L. Anderson set and noted, “Cultural change is hard. Chautauqua has a seen someone approach that process with as much joy as John T. and Katherine G. very strong culture and the vast majority of that culture I find Hope. She dreams with us and then helps us craft a plan to Bailey to be terrific…. But going out to seek and make diversity a make the dreams we have for this organization become reality.” Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Boyle priority has not been a part of the culture. I think it is a major To which Hope said, “I guess I’m an optimist, but I think the arc Andrew L. and Gayle Shaw challenge anytime you need to change a strong culture. It’s of history generally bends in a positive direction. So let’s make Camden more than just intent, we really have to be very smart about a little history.” Mr. and Mrs. David H. Carnahan how we approach this challenge.” Mr. and Mrs. George L. Cornell Eleanor B. Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. DeFrees Mr. and Mrs. Hal A. Fausnaugh Chip and Gail Gamble Barbara and Peter Georgescu Dorothy and Bill Hill June and Barry Dietrich Herbert B. and Gerda Sachse Dr. and Mrs. W.R. Konneker Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. William D. Kuhns Trust Charitable Trust Sheldon, Jr. The Lenna Foundation Shirley A. and Arthur R. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Dr. Barb Mackey Arthur E. Earley Stromgren Rosalie H. Pembridge Mr. and Mrs. George L. Robert and Joyce Tate Family Steve and Polly Percy Follansbee Foundation Miriam S. Reading and Richard Char and Chuck Fowler Tara VanDerveer H. Miller General Electric Foundation John and Linda Wadsworth

Photo: Carolyn Brown 37

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Weiss The Gladys Brooks Foundation Elizabeth and Jack Gellman George E. and Susan Moran $50,000–$99,999 Miss Helen C. Estabrook Arthur C. LeVan, Sr. Newton B. Schott, Jr. and Toni The Mary S. Wilsdon Trust The Byham Family Glendorn Foundation Murphy Applequist Family Charitable Falk Foundation Jim & Lynn Levinson Fund LeQuire-Schott Virginia H. and Robert R. Henrietta Campbell Karen and Tim Goodell Richard M. Murray Fund Sylvia M. Faust of the Erie Community Mrs. Gertrude Elser Schroeder Young Maxine M. Carleton Craig and Cathrine Greene The Robert L. and Kimberly The Children of Julia Gibson Ted and Deborah First Foundation John and Barbara Schubert Dr. Paul E. Cawein Lois C. Greisman J. Myers Fund of the Axtell Mr. and Mrs. James L. Flynn Stella C. Logan Dr. O. Peter Schumacher Community Foundation of Dale and Mary Lyndall Dr. and Mrs. William Blake $100,000–$249,999 The Honorable and Mrs. Jim and Elisabeth Groninger Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bailey Dr. and Mrs. Mark Foglesong Anonymous (2) William F. Clinger Tampa Bay Flora and Ross Mackenzie Selnick Bonnie and Jim Gwin Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Barley Dorothy Forney Mrs. Lucille S. Adamson Beverly and Bruce Conner National Endowment for the Jane Fortune Holly Mak and Marc Hersh Karen Shellgren Becky and Fred K. Habenicht, Jr. Constance Barton and William Paul M. Alexander The Crockett Family Humanities Northrop Fradin Silberstein Foundation Mr. Gerald and Rev. Dorothea Mme. Shao Fang Sheng Travis E. and Betty J. Halford Mr. and Mrs. A. Chace Kevin and Karen Crowder Joanna and Ken Nilsen William E. and LaDonna G. S. Allen Goodwin Maloney Dorothy E. Shepherd Dr. Heber R. Harper Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sanford and Margery Nobel Bates and Family Bluie and Kitty Greenberg Samuel R. and Ann J. McClure Dan and Linda Silverberg Samuel and Margaret Hazlett Andy and Peggy Anderson Cummings Hale and Judy Oliver Jo Bell Fred and Judy Gregory Anne C. McIntosh Frank D. Skinner John and Barbara Anderson Laura and Brad Currie Lisa Heinz Robert A. Ott, Jr. Robert and Carol McKiernan Dr. and Mrs. William T. Smyth Jack and Elizabeth Armstrong The DeFrees Family Katherine Hembree Mr. and Mrs. William H. Park Everett and Sarah Holden Donald T. Snow, Jr. Clement and Karen Arrison Foundation William F. and Pauline G. Higie Mary Lou and Richard Parlato McLaren Mr. and Mrs. George T. Snyder Foundation David B. Delancey Jane Robb Shaw Hirsh Dorothy M. Payne Mrs. Helen Cooper Mercer Rabbi Samuel and Lynn Stahl Penny Bank Jennifer DeLancey The Arthur and Arlene Holden Deloras Pemberton Margaret C. Mercer Linda Steckley and Peter Tracy and John Barakat Lora Lee and Bob Duncan Fund Miss Margaret A. Penn Dr. and Mrs. David L. Miller Weitzel Wendy and David Barensfeld Drs. David and Miriam Y. The Hultquist Foundation, Inc. Prue C. and William M. Petre R. James Miller and C.L. Steel Hector and Davis Family Charitable Fund Eddleman Charles R. Hunter, Jr. Leon and Gloria Plevin Family Schelhas-Miller Allen and Margaret Steere Foundation Richard H. Miller, Jr. Mrs. Marjorie P. Sterritte Robert and Je'Anne Bargar Ann O. Edison Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot W. Irish Mary and Charles Beggerow Mrs. Mina Miller Edison Richard A. and Esther M. Popp Mrs. Walter L. Miller Dorothy B. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Forest B. Irwin Evie and Stacey Berger Theodore M. Edison Av and Janet Posner Dr. Steve and Mary Gibbs Jay A. Summerville Kathryn Frantz Israel Erika Block The Elke Hoppe Youth Mrs. Lois Raynow Mitchell Linda Tyrrell The Johnson Foundation Cathy Bonner Advancement Trust The Reinberger Foundation Helen Vallance Moe Mildred T. Underwood Jeannette D. Kahlenberg Ellis Bradford and Clara Wood Lauren Rich Fine Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Mary Anne and John Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Verlie Golay Scott A. and Patricia Fine Richard and Mary Kelly Richards, III Morefield Richard and Debra Wade P. James and Barbara Brady Barbara R. Foorman Kevin and Joan Keogh Mrs. Bartlett Richards Mrs. W.A. Morrison Charitable Fund Kathy and James Braham Dr. and Mrs. Myron B. Franks Ron and Rosie Kilpatrick Molly F. Rinehart and Charles Cynthia Adamson Murray Evelyn H. Wargo William and Christina Bemus Thomas L. Hagner and Linda A. Twig and Barbara Branch J. Marcus and Ellen Fultz James T. and Hetty E. Knox L. Christian Mrs. Kathryn K. Musgrove Ann W. Webb Mrs. Cora M. Blair Ulrich-Hagner Paul Brentlinger The Joseph and Anna Gartner Ingeborg E. Koch Pat and Bill Rittman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mrs. Nina T. Wensley Mary Boyle and Ted Arnn Mrs. E. Snell Hall Mr. and Mrs. John E. Britton Foundation Steve and Barb Landay Drs. Larry and Carol Rizzolo Neubauer Helen M. White Sara E. Bradley Kathleen E. Hancock Jean and Tom Bromeley vic and Joan gelb Ronald and Barbara Leirvik Joseph H. and Florence E. Drs. Robert and Lillian Ney Katherine Karslake White Nancy E. Brewer Sarah R. Hankey Kathryn Lincoln Roblee Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Drs. Jeanne E. Wiebenga and Wallace P. Rusterholtz Katharine J. Carnahan James Harris and Kathleen Norton E. Jane Stirniman Helen T. Logan Charitable Jane and Walter C. Shaw, Jr. Mary Peterson Chalfant Jones Harris Florence H. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Wissel Trust Mr. Donald Chace Shaw Chautauqua Bird, Tree and Terrie Vaile Hauck M. Cathy Nowosielski, MD and Shirley M. Woolaway William C. Lortz The Carter Smith Family Garden Club Pamela and Bradley Jeffrey N. Lutz Mrs. Charles H. Lytle Andrew and Donna Sorensen Carl Chaverin Hemminger Steve and Anne Odland $25,000–$49,999 Anna Mary and Richard M. Southern Chautauqua County T. James and Hazel Clarke Esther M. Huntoon Richard J. Osborne Anonymous (2) Maddy Retired Teachers Association Memorial Trust IBM Matching Grants Program Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Osburn Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Abuza Alison and Craig Marthinsen Lydia Strohl and Eric Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Irion Barbara and Robert Pace Allegheny Jazz Society Ms. Cordelia S. May Riddleberger Clingan Richard L. and Lisa S. Jackson Tim and Pat Peters Mary Apple Miss Mary E. McCarn Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Switzer Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jacobs Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pickens Leon W. Archer Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Susan and John Turben Wendell and Ruth Gerrard Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Jansen Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Prezio Rita Argen Auerbach Cole McElree, Jr. Foundation Catherine (Kitty) Jarjisian The Rait Family Sherra and James Babcock Ruth Collyer Melvin H. and Karin A. Bruce W. and Sarah Hagen Nancy and Peter Waasdorp Dr. Bert and Mary Rappole Miss Julia M. Bates Richard and Dorothy Comfort Johnson McWilliams Charles and Lois Weaver Mary Oram Reading The Beatrice Bates Trust Edris and David H. Weis Martha S.H. Cowles Mr. and Mrs. David Jubell Mary Lou Reed Tom and Jane Becker W. Richard and Mary Lu Mertz Drs. Donald West and Mary Ellis and Bettsy Cowling Fund Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Kahn Gary and Colleen Reeve Gordon B. Benn Edward and Lynn Metzger Elizabeth King of the Triangle Community Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Kaufman The Renjilian Family Susan and Fran Bonsignore Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Milks Stuart and Sybil Willen Foundation Christopher Keyser and Susan Les Reynolds and Diane Payne William Wallace Booth Laura Ariane (Laurie) Miller Mary Louise Williamson The Marty and Sandy Coyle Sprung Reynolds Edward J. and Martha J. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Moore Susan O. Wood Family Fund of the Ayco Subagh Khalsa and Linda Mark and Ann Ayers Ritacco Borowsky Avril Moore John B. Yoder Charitable Foundation Winkelstern Mrs. Mary D. Ritts Richard and Susan Bosland Thomas M. Moore Shirley and Sam Zemsky Jim and Karen Dakin Judy and Jim Kullberg Alice and Michael Rudell Mrs. Alexander W. Bouchal Mr. and Mrs. James Reed Steve Zenczak and Pat Dorothy L. Downing Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Doris H. Ruslink Mrs. Ward T. Bower Morris, IV Family Feighan Carol McCarthy Duhme Laubach Jone and Bill Schlackman Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bracken


Mr. and Mrs. Walter Braham, Jr. Don and Kathleen Arville G. Light, Jr. Suzanne and Thurston Reid Edward L. Anderson, Jr. Joseph and Nancy Cruickshank Mrs. Fred Gasche Anita and Sidney Holec Toni and Paul Branch Greenhouse Eli Lilly and Company Josette and Ron Rolley Foundation, Inc. Deborah E. and William A. Helene Gayle Mrs. Robert Cleveland Holland David and Sharon Britton Kent I. and Fredrika S. Groff Foundation Sarah and David Rosen Myrtle Armbuster Currin General Mills Foundation Todd Holland and Scotch Ellis The Kate and Isaac Brody Jane A. Gross Paul P. and Anne M. Mary M. Ross Nancy Miller Arnn Dr. Abdallah S. Daar Helen W. Giacobine Loring Foundation Brent R. and Candace R. Luchsinger Rick and Joyce Ross Bennie and Dick Arnold Ms. Gertrude Daney Nancy Gibbs and Waits May Robert and Carol Hopper Patricia M. and Ernest G. Grover Linda and Saul Ludwig Marcia and Jerry Rothschild Mr. and Mrs. Reid B. Babcox Dr. and Mrs. George J. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goldfarb Family Trust Brown Tirzah H. Hall James H. Lynch, Jr. Galen J. Roush Dr. and Mrs. Frank T. Baker D'Angelo Syd and Ann Chang Goldsmith George and Constance Christine and Jason Brueschke Sam and Diana Harbison Macy's Inc. Dr. and Mrs. R. Bradley Sack Nancy Gay Bargar Mary and Dave Davenport Michael Goodell Howard Byham Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Harf Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Mak Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Sharp Robert B. and Mary W. Bargar Karen and David Davenport Kathy and Al Gordon Harriet Howe Jacqueline and Selden Eleanor McKnight Haupt The Manor Family Charitable Peggy and Pope Shuford Steve and Kathe Barge Mr. and Mrs. William D. Campen Richard and Karen Fund Suzanne Shull Suzanne Martin Barnes Dawson Mrs. Barbara P. Chadwick Heitzenrater Jesse and Cathy Marion Dr. Michael L. Barnett Janet and Michael Day Dr. James A. and Mary Anne Chautauqua Golf Club Project/ Bruce and Mary Stroh Mrs. Marianne Elser Markham Robert and Joan Battaglin Jo Ann Deblinger Singleton Board of Governors Henderson Chris and Sue Martin Patricia S. Beagle Harry Deischer Dr. Bethanne Snodgrass Judith S. Claire and Robert W. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lillian W. Masters Alice Ward Benedict Michael & Susan Dell Mrs. Nancy Coburn Snyder Van Every Herchenroether Candace and Scott Maxwell The Glenn P. Benjamin Foundation Mrs. Constance Somers Cynthia Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Cyril T. M. Hough John P. McCune Revocable Trust Charles and Rebecca Denton Jim and Alison Steadman Roger and Suzy Conner Evelyn G. Howard Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dave and Lauren Benson John P. DeVillars Carole Stevens Barbara and James Copeland Boynton and Diane Hussey McKnight Donald H. and Barbara K. Mollie Dicker Sarah A. Corns Jeff Innes and Sue Hammond Cynthia B. Miller Swanson-Harbage Bernstein Family Foundation Daphne Jackson Dickson and Elizabeth Danielson Juanita Wallace and John Arter Mr. Earle A. Miller Giving Fund Jim and Kim Biskup Family Louise Shaw Dill Jackson Valinda Alva Miller-Valcich Eleanor M. Thomas Frances Black Patricia and Robert Dietly Mr. and Mrs. Morgan O. Louise Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Dawson E. Dessie B. Tichenor Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Blair Mrs. Harry E. Dobbins Doolittle John and Mary Giegengack Molyneaux Time Warner Employee Grant David R. and Margaret Willis E. Dobbins Rita A. Dunn Jureller Martiza L. Morgan Programs Blossom The Donum Fund of The Ellwood Group, Inc. Rev. Dr. Xolani and Tamara Grace L. Newbury Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Viehe Don and Bea Blumenthal Cleveland Foundation Cordelia C. Ensign Kacela Mr. and Mrs. Julius Nicolai Visual Arts at Chautauqua Loretta E. Bower Mrs. Pearl P. Dopp Jean and Sigo Falk Evelyn Hoffman Kasle Peter and Gwen Norton Institution Judge W. Walter Braham Barbara M. Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fay Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kaylor Office Depot Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Wade The Braitmayer Foundation Helen H. Dyer Dr. Kenneth and Cheryl Mr. and Mrs. Burritt S. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fred Fetterolf Keeva and Joan Kekst Dr. David B. and Barbara J. Wanita Bratton Dorothy Eadie Nina and Norman Wain Gorelick Fund Hubbard, Jr. Jennifer J. and Richard J. Barbara and Herb Keyser Barrett Orr Frances Hyams Brentano The Eisner Foundation Carolyn and Bill Ward Adair B. Gould Hudson Family Foundation Flanagan Ann G. and Hans Knaak Charles E. Peirce Sarah S. and Frank K. Brown Orril H. Elder Suzanne and Jeff Watters Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Margaret A. Hukill Geof Follansbee and Gay Lawrence G. Knecht Trust Rebecca A. Penneys Steve and Cyndy Brown Albert C. Elser Ms. Jo-an M. Webb Graebner Luisa Hunnewell and Larry Didget Samuel J. Kresge Mrs. Helen Pickup-Hyman Felix Brueck and Ann Kowal Envirogas Inc. Herbert R. and Lorraine H. Graphic Forms and Systems Newman Dr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Fritz Dr. Lewis and Alice Kuller Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Pindyck Smith James E. Ericksen Weier Alan and Melinda Greenberg Robert and Joy Ingersoll Dennis J. Galucki Mr. and Mrs. Irving B. Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Melvin N. Peggy A. and Leslie Bryan Renee Evans Dr. and Mrs. Fred R. Whaley, Sr. Foundation International Order of the Dr. Marc Geller Gerald F. and Jane Y. Lahey Pomerantz Jeff and Mary Jo Buckwalter Mr. and Mrs. Henry Everett Cynthia C. and Terry R. White John and Gretchen Grigsby King's Daughters & Sons Carole E. Gladstone Estate of Velma Jean Laird Presbyterian Association of Dick and Margie Buxbaum ExxonMobil Foundation Nora J. Williams Jean E. Groff David Ives Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Goldman The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas C. Chautauqua Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell John D. and Laura M. Faust Dent and Joan Williamson Linda J. Hack Christopher Jackson and Patricia Goldman and Stephen LeClere Joyce Ramsdell The Caplice Family Dr. Marvin L. and Beverly Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Winter Mrs. J. Everett Hall Family Kurzman Mildred Lesenger Dick and Caran Redington Charitable Fund Fiegelman Mr. Jack R. Winter Dr. Homer J. Hall The Ruth H. Jackson Errol and Oakley Green Levi Strauss Foundation Mary Lou Reed Janitta and Bob Carithers Patricia R. Finson Mr. Michael Winter Donna and Mark Hampton Charitable Trust Dennis B. Carmichael Gerald Flaster Daniel and Pam Wissel James P. and Barbara Heinz Barbara and Joel Jacob Genevieve Chaney Suzanne and Richard Sally L. Wissel Hancock Stephen Jacobs and Patricia Dr. James J. and Carol A. Follansbee Mara Levinson Wolf John and Judye Hartman Curley Chimento Ruth Harper Follansbee Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. John R. Churchill Robert F. Forbes Edna B. Harvey David and Fern Jaffe Henry L. Wood Unitrust Alan and Betsy Clark W. Jane Foster and Arthur S. The Heister Family Charitable William and Susie Jasperson Caroline P. Young John R. Cochran Willson Fund of the Ayco Charitable Bob Jeffrey Allen and Deborah Zaretsky Larry and Luann Cohen The Fribourg Family Foundation Mary Hillman Jennings Zurn Industries, Inc. Mark Cohen and Miriam Edward J. and Gloria Michael E. Hill and Peter M. Foundation Vishny Palmer-Fuller Korns Johnson & Johnson Family $10,000–$24,999 Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Cook Joanne B. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. D. Armour of Companies Anonymous (8) Mildred K. Cooper The G.A.R Foundation Hillstrom Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Jeff and Lynda Acker Thelma and William F. Cooper Mimi and Jim Gallo Judith Hinson Johnson Rena Aldredge Virginia H. Cox Jessie Leslie Gallup Mrs. Margaret S. Hitchcock Jeffrey S. Johnson Eleanor Allison Mary Frances Cram Lorraine and Charles Gandy Tamara N. Hodsden Jeremy Johnson Nan and Brett Altman William R. Crawford Trust Louise N. Farnsley Gardner Sallie Lou Holder Bob and Selina Johnson


Miss Doris Goodrich Jones Messinger Family Fund of Dyeann and Henry Jordan the Arlington Community Patricia Kaighin Foundation Norman and Nancy Karp Elizabeth Miller Trust Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ian and Liz Miller Charitable Karslake Fund Annie H. Kelsey The Lewis Miller Trust Kyle and Elizabeth Keogh Mrs. William E. Miller, Jr. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and Keekee Minor Daisy Khan M.L.E. Foundation, Inc. Georgiana Bole King Trust Betty and Mike Monin Patricia L. King Mrs. Virginia Moore The Jennifer and Tim Kingston Pamela Shaw Morey Family Fund Barbara T. Morrison Hollister Reid and A. Quentin Dan and Ann Sullivan Bob and Priscilla Kirkpatrick Deborah McKee Moses Orza, II Vern Swaback Joan G. Kissner John and Beth Munro Lois J. Reid David and Irene Tabish Arvid J. Kling Louise and Joseph Musser Sherry Reid Mr. Howard Talks and Ms. Mae S. Kling Fred and Lynn Muto Agnes H. Reigart Mrs. Mary C. Koehler Charitable Fund Carol Hall Pamela Petre Reis John and Alice Langenberg Bill and Ellen Neches Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Taplin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Rice Judith Alison Lee Martha L. Neebes Sue and Gary Tebor Jay and Marilyn Richey Mr. and Mrs. Parker H. Lee, III Alice Shelburne Neild Martha M. Teich Kathleen M. Riley Martin and Eileen Leinwand Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Nelan Caroline Thompson and Philip and Rachel Rogers Jack and Ellie Lesser Alan and Linda Nelson Steve Allen William D. Rogers Clare and Mace Levin Jerrold Newman Brenda and Larry Thompson Stephanie R. Rosenblatt Anita Lin and Michael Morley The Newman's Own Fund Harold and Jean Thurston Daniel Rosenthal and Avery Tiger Management L.L.C. Edna H. Love Sandie and Kevin Nicholson Sheffield Robert S. Lucas Family Trust John A. and Ann Odell Eithne Ross Beatrice C. Treat Stan and Sara Lundine Nancy Okstein James and Maureen Rovegno Dorothy Trefts and Daniel J. Lillian T. Madway Charitable George and Melissa Orlov Dr. David and Susan Rubin McEvoy Unitrust James S. Patton David Sachs and Linda TRW, Inc. David Magee and Cheryl Joe and Susan Patton Shackelford Dr. Carl A. and Mary L. Viehe Roberto Mike and Judy Patton Ann Salsbury Carol and Stephen Viehe Mrs. Jeannette B. Mainwood Rita E. Paul Ralph and Gretchen Sather Larry and Maria Wagner The Milton and Tamar Maltz Pete and Sarah Pedersen Amy B. Schiller Kitty Baldridge Warman Family Foundation Kathy and Jim Pender and the Phyllis Schultz and Matt Gromet Kuniko Washio and William Estate of Sara Carson Marrs Michael Pender Memorial Helene J. Schwartz Scollard Dianne K. Martin Fund of the Cleveland Elizabeth R. Scully Dr. Nicholas A. and Clara Masik Foundation Ms. Mary Seifert Carol N. Weil Elizabeth R. and William G. William J. Peterson Nikki and Brian Selden Florence Mina Miller Weiler Mather Fund William and Jane Pfefferkorn Elaine and Allen Short Drs. Jennifer and Robert Blossom P. McBrier Pfizer Foundation Matching Betty and Alan Siegel Weisenthal Mr. Eugene Ross McCarthy Gifts Program Gail and Peter Silberstein Bill and Betty Whitaker Robert H. McClure Ellis L. Phillips Foundation Joanne and Bert Simons Elizabeth Ann Wick Mary Jane McClurg Pittsburgh National Bank Tom and Penny Small John B. Wilbur III and Sharon and Alan McClymonds Robert and Anne Plyler Dr. Robert G. and Katy T. Margaret G. Wilbur Mrs. W.D. McCreery Rev. Larry and Linda Poelma Smith Rachel Wilder and Phil Lerman Griff and Pat McDonald Jeannette A. Polley Jack and Barbara Sobel Norma K. and Allan P. Wilson Deborah McKee Moses Judith Posner Joreta and Richard L. Speck Robert S. McKee Christine O. Potts Clyde Speer Jean Wilson Sharon McKee Presbyterian Foundation Evangeline McKnight Speer Mrs. Lou Wineman Grace and John McKinnon Anne S. Prussing Marcia Steel Ann P. Winkelstein Mrs. Arnold McKinnon Rosemary Rappole and Diane Lois A. Steere Meryl, Chuck, Andrew and Ian Lindy McKnight and Erin Randolph Diane and Jeff Steinhilber Witmer Cunningham The Reed Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Howard Zemsky J.J. Medveckis Foundation Isabelle R. Reed Joan Stevens Burt and Sandi Zucker Edward and Betsy Merchant Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reid Jana Stone Philanthropic Fund



Directors Term Expires Officers Former Directors and Terms of Service

David W. Anderson of Hingham, Massachusetts • 2, 3, 5, 6 2023 M. Timothy Renjilian • Chair Wilson C. Price • May 1937 to August 1962 Hal A. Fausnaugh • April 1990 to August 1994 Chair, Nominating & Governance Committee Karen J. Goodell • Vice Chair Mrs. E.J. Bellinger • August 1937 to October 1963 R. Quintus Anderson • April 1991 to August 1995 Andrew L. Camden of Grosse Pointe, Michigan • 3, 5, 6 2021 Stephen J. Zenczak • Treasurer Mrs. L. D. Boal • August 1937 to August 1955 William F. Hill, II • April 1991 to August 2005 • • Chair, Investment Committee Deborah E. Moore, CPA • Executive Director Samuel M. Hazlett August 1937 to July 1956 Patricia Goldman August 1992 to August 2003 James H. Matthews • August 1937 to 1939 Marilyn G. Levinson • August 1992 to August 2000 Lauren Rich Fine of Shaker Heights, Ohio • 1, 5, 7 2020 Theresa Frangione • Corporate Secretary Walter Roberts • August 1937 to March 1959 William H. Park • August 1993 to August 2005 Charles S. Gamble of Dunedin, Florida • 1, 4, 5 2020 David L. Starr • August 1937 to 1951 William R. Goodell • August 1994 to August 2019 Karen J. Goodell of New York, New York • 2, 3, 6 2021 Mrs. Livingston Hunter • August 1939 to 1942 James G. Groninger • August 1994 to August 2019 John Haughton of Buffalo, New York • 2, 4, 6 2020i Staff Mrs. Dorothy Smith • August 1943 to 1950 William G. Karslake • August 1994 to August 1995 Michael E. Hill of Washington, D.C. and ii Jennifer L. Burgeson • Fund Accountant Walter F. Rittman • August 1950 to September 1954 Thomas R. Bromeley • August 1995 to June 2001 Chautauqua, New York - ex officio • 2, 3, 4, 5 Theresa M. Frangione • Corporate Secretary and Harold F. Reed • August 1951 to August 1971 vic gelb • August 1995 to August 2011 • William M. James of New York, New York 1, 6 2020 Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Advancement Mrs. Walter F. Rittman • August 1955 to January 1964 Selina P. Johnson • August 1996 to August 2008 Craig Marthinsen of Toronto, Ontario • 4, 5, 7 2022 Deborah E. Moore, CPA • Executive Director Paul N. Anderson • August 1955 to August 1965 Wilfred R. Konneker • January 1996 to August 2006 Anne Odland of Washington, D.C. • 1, 3, 4 2022 Walter C. Shaw, Jr. • August 1956 to August 1974 Lowell K. Strohl • August 1996 to February 2010 Chair, Audit Committee John D. Hamilton • July 1959 to August 1971 Miriam S. Reading • January 1997 to August 2006 M. Timothy Renjilian of Atlanta, Georgia • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 2023 Samuel P. Price, Sr. • August 1962 to August 1995 Susan Moran Murphy • August 1998 to August 2018 Chair, Executive Committee Mrs. Dorothy W. Cook • August 1964 to August 1987 Martin Coyle • August 2000 to November 2003 Chair, Board of Directors Lewis W. Morgan • August 1964 to August 1990 Wendy Cohen • August 2001 to May 2011 Anne Hoyt Scavone of New York, New York • 2, 6, 7 2022 Nancy Miller Arnn • August 1965 to August 1989 Scott McVay • January 2001 to December 2003 Sheila Schroeder of San Francisco, California • 3, 5, 6 2021 Richard H. Miller • August 1971 to August 1996 Allen Short • August 2001 to August 2005 • • George T. Snyder of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • 3, 4, 7 2021 J. Donald Patton August 1971 to August 1984 John S. Connolly, Jr. August 2003 to August 2018 • • Chair, Personnel Committee Howard G. Gibbs August 1974 to August 1990 Fred C. Gregory August 2004 to August 2008 Oscar E. Remick • September 1975 to December 1976 Thomas M. Becker • January 2005 to December 2016 Richard Wade of Fountain Hills, AZ • 1, 4, 7 2020 Robert S. Bargar • August 1976 to August 1994 Christopher H. Lytle • February 2005 to August 2014 Stephen J. Zenczak of Gates Mills, Ohio • 1, 3, 4 2023 Mrs. Mary B. McDowell • August 1976 to August 1982 John W. Burden, III • August 2005 to October 2007 Chair, Finance Committee • • i John S. Rogers August 1976 to August 1986 Kathryn J. Lincoln August 2005 to December 2011 Nancy Kyler of Staunton, VA • 1, 2, 7 2020 David H. Carnahan • August 1976 to January 2000 I. Hale Oliver • August 2005 to August 2013 George L. Cornell • August 1976 to August 2001 George T. Snyder • August 2006 to August 2007 Joseph A. Neubauer • August 1977 to November 1983 Steven W. Percy • August 2007 to August 2015 Robert R. Hesse • January 1978 to November 1983 John A. Corry • January 2008 to August 2013 Richard L. Bechtolt • August 1982 to July 2006 Charlotte A. Fowler • August 2008 to December 2012 Daniel L. Bratton • December 1983 to December 2000 John E. Anderson • August 2008 to August 2016 Edward P. Boyle • August 1984 to August 1994 Gary M. Brost • May 2010 to August 2016 Frank E. McElree, Jr. • August 1984 to August 1996 Thomas B. Hagen • June 2011 to August 2017 1 - Audit Committee 5 - Investment Committee H. David Faust • August 1986 to June 1988 John S. Kobacker • August 2011 to September 2016 2 - Development Council 6 - Nominating & Governance Mary Frances Cram • August 1987 to August 1993 Laura P. Currie • June 2012 to August 2017 3 - Executive Committee Committee Robert B. Osburn • August 1989 to August 1996 Cathy L. Bonner • August 2013 to August 2019 4 - Finance Committee 7 - Personnel Committee Harold F. Reed, Jr. • August 1989 to August 2001 P. James Brady • August 2015 to August 2016 Eugene S. Cohen • August 1990 to August 1998 Georgia M. Court • August 2016 to October 2017 i Coincides with term on the Chautauqua Institution’s Board of Trustees George L. Follansbee, Jr. • August 1990 to March 2004 John A. Milos • August 2016 to August 2019 ii Coincides with term as President of Chautauqua Institution

Former Board Leadership Walter Roberts John D. Hamilton William F. Hill, II Steven W. Percy August 1937 to August 1957 August 1967 to August 1971 August 1996 to August 2002 August 2008 to August 2015

Harold F. Reed Richard H. Miller Lowell K. Strohl Cathy L. Bonner August 1957 to August 1967 August 1971 to August 1996 August 2002 to August 2008 August 2015 to August 2019


P.O. Box 28, Chautauqua, NY 14722

2021 Annual Membership Meeting Saturday, August 21 • 9 a.m.