Dedicatory and Opening Ceremonies of the World's Columbian
\:^ PUBLIC LIBRARY FORT WAYNE & ALLEN CO., INa e£A/ 3 1833 01715 7204 Gc 977.302 C43wca World's Eixpositiom (1B93 : Dedicatory and ofeninb ceremonies Memorial Volume. Dedicatory and Opening Ceremonies OF THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN^XPOSITION HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE. AS AUTHORIZED BY BOARD OF CONTROL EDITED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON CEREMONIES OF THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN COMMISSION AND THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITON. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. PriiLISIIED BV STONE, KASTLER & PAINTER, 309-310 Garden City Block, 56 Fifth Avenue, CHICAGO, U. S. A Entered According to Act of Congress in the Year Stone, Kastler & Painter, in the Omce of the Librarian ot Congress at Washin; After an examination of the work of the prominent engraving establish- ments of the country, the committee having the illustration of this work in cliarge unanimously agreed upon the house of J. ^lanz & Co., Chicago, as having nnich superior facilities fi>r the execution of high grade half-tone engraving. THE HENRY O. SHEPARD CO., PRINTERS AND BOOKBINDERS, CHICAGO. 537879 ,\CtOFTHE SECfTcr^ (JXrvvUL— (Ur^ lU^ O <r>»x r»^ cZZ2*. <a^ ^^^^ />vv. < c/ o/^ /^LO::^ JXLc^^-L-t^ Cr»-M»/I C4r»«v^ut. 'H cLa.,^) CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. HIS EXCELLENCY, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, THE 4 PILAR COLUMBUS, DAUGHTER OF THE DUKE. DUKE'S SON. 5- THE MARQUIS OF VILLILOBAR, THE MARQUIS OP BARIBOLES, 6. HIS EXCELLENCY, PETER COLUMBUS, SON OF MR. CHARLES AGUILERA. THE MARQUIS OF BARIBOLES '- /^^'3 ^>^<=5^ \^^^2^ /-^^ts^ ^ rE BUILDING -Re T+iE GROWTH OF EXPOSITIONS. THE student of the world's progress, no question is more interesting than To the efforts of one race, or one nation to avail itself of the advancement made by other countries in nrt, science and invention.
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