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Clxviii LEICESTERSHIRE RIVERS and NAVIGATIONS clxviii LEICESTERSHIRE RIVERS AND NAVIGATIONS. thorized to make, complete, and maintain, the said Sarah countess of Denbigh ; no towing-path to be river Soar navigable for boats, barges, and other made on the side of the navigation near her mansion vessels, with proper cuts and deviations by the sides of Wistow Hall, nor any wharf, &c. within sight of thereof, from, and to communicate with, the Lei- that mansion, or any of its gardens or pleasure-grounds. cester navigation now making, at the termination No water to be taken from Kelmarfh brook to the thereof, at or near the West bridge, in the parifli of prejudice of Mr. Hanbury's estate; nor any from the St. Mary, in. Leicester, through the said pariih of brooks of Thomas Pares, esq. in the liberties of St. Mary, and through, part of the parish of Braun- Great or Little Oxenden. The water of the cotton- ston, in the county of Leicester, and of the parish mills to be preserved, and the owners not to be any of Aileston aforesaid, to ot near to the said bridge way prejudiced. The proprietors have liberty either Called Aileflon bridge; and thence to make, com- to purchase St. Mary's Mill, the property of Rogers plete, and maintain, a canal navigable for boats, Ruding, esq. or to make a good waggon-bridge,-at barges, and other vessels, from or near the said the choice of Mr. Ruding. Aileston mill not to be bridge called Aileston bridge, through the several disturbed without the free consent of the owners. parishes, townships, hamlets, or places, of Aileston The company are-authorized to raise 200,000/* aforesaid, and of. Little Glen, Wigston Magna, New- to be divided into 2,000 shares; and 100,000/. more, ton Harcourt, Glen Magna, Burton Overy, Kib- if necessary. worth Harcourt, Kibworth Beauchamp, Fleckney, The tolls to be taken by this act are, Sadington, Smeton, Smeton-Westerby, Gumley, For all coal and coke, to be navigated and con- Foxton, Lubbenham, and Thedingworth, all in the veyed upon the said navigation, canal, or collateral county of Leicester, and of Hothorpe, Marston Trus- cut, the sum of %\d. per ton per mile; so that, to sel, Clipston, East Farndon, Oxenden Parva, Ox- whatever extent the same shall be carried or con-> enden Magna, Kilmarsh, Maidwell, Lamport, Hang- veyed, the amount of such tonnage in the gross shall ing Houghton, Cottesbrooke, Creaton, Spratton, not exceed 5s. per ton. Chapel Brampton, Church Brampton, and Dalling- For all lime, dung, and manure, and limestone, ton, and Hardingstone, all in the county of North- the sum of 1 \d. per ton per mile; so that, to whatever ampton, there to communicate with the river Nen, extent the same shall be carried or conveyed, the otherwise called the Northern river, and to proceed amount of such tonnage in the gross shall not exceed along the river, by means of widening, deepening, the sum of zs. 6d. per ton. and cleansing the fame, to a point in the pariih of For all cattle, sheep, swine, and other beasts, and St. Peter, in or near to the town of Northampton ; all stones, and all bricks, tiles, slates, and sand, and and thence to make, complete, and maintain, a ca- all iron, stone, pig-iron, and pig-lead, the sum of nal navigable for boats, barges, and other vessels, zd. per ton per mile. through the said pariih of St. Peter, and the pariflies For all other goods, Wares, merchandises, and of Duston and Hardingstone, both in the county of things whatsoever, the sum of %d.per ton per mile. Northampton, to and into another part of the said Officers and soldiers on their march, their horses fiver Nen, and there to cross the said river Nen, to and baggage, and timber for the royal navy, are join and communicate with the intended branch of exempted from toll; and, in certain specified Cases, the canal from the Oxford canal navigation at Braun- materials for roads, and several species of manure. ston, to join the river Thames at New Brentford ; and The towing-paths through the estates of Lady to make, complete* and maintain, a collateral cut Denbigh and Mrs. Major are particularly directed to or canal navigable for boats, barges, or other ves- be fenced, and proper bridges to be made; and three sels, from the before-me'ntioned canal, in the pariih bridges at least on the estate of Mr. Pares at Great of Lubbenham aforesaid^ into and through the se- and Little Oxenden. Robert earl of Harborough, veral parishes, hamlets, townships, or places, of who, as lorJ of the manors of Market Harborough and Lubbenham aforesaid and Great Bowden, both in the Great Bowden, or one of them, is entitled to certain county of Leicester, to or near to the town of Mar- tolls and stall-rents to the annual value of 100/. and ket Harborough; and to supply the said intended of a weighing machine worth 20/. a year, is to have navigation, canal, and collateral cut, whilst making, that sum made up to him out of the rates to be taken and at all times for ever after the fame shall be made, by this act ; and provision is made that the rector of with water from the river Soar, and from all rivers, Church Langton (whose annual income of 600/. was, brooks, springs, streams, rivulets, and watercourses, by the act of inclosure in 1781, to be regulated by a which shall be found^in digging or making the said corn-rate) shall not be prejudiced by the operations navigation, canal, or collateral cut, or any of them, of this act: but his loss, if any, to be re-paid out of or within the distance of two miles from the head the tolls. Provision is alib made for a future com- level of the said intended canal and collateral cut, or munication with a canal in contemplation from Up- within the distance of one mile from any other part pingham, whenever an act of parliament shall be ob- of the said navigation, canal, or collateral cut, or tained for that purpose; and for such other commu- any of them, or from any other reservoir or reser- nications as the majority of proprietors may hereafter voirs to be made by virtue of this act: •, and to make think proper to adopt under the sanction of parlia- proper reservoirs, soughs, tunnels, feeders, &c; to ment. All the other clauses in this act are such only cleanse and enlarge such streams as come, or may be as are customary in other acts for similar purposes. brought to communicate therewith ; to dig, cut, or In the act for making and maintaining a naviga- raise the banks of the Soar, or any other communi- ble cut or canal from the Melton Mowbray naviga- cating stream; and to exercise all other the powers tion, in the county of Leicester, to Oakham, in the that are usual in acts of this nature, subject: to a few county of Rutland, which received the royal assent exceptions; of which the most macerial are, that no on the 7th of May, 179?, it is stated, that a com- reservoir (hali be made but in the places described in munication by water, between the river Trent and the the plan; that the canal (hall be made as near as town of Oakham, would be productive of great pub- may be5 to the rivulet dividing the parishes of Maid- lic advantage, and a particular local benefit to that Well and Draighton, and as far as possible from Mr. town and neighbourhood, and to several parts of the Hungerford's mansion of Maidwell Hall ; that it shall country through which the said communication is in- not come within 44.0 yards of Mr. Hanbury's mansion tended to be made, by rendering the carriage of coal, at Kelmarfli; that, in palling through the lands of lime, limestone, lead, and all. kinds of merchandise, Mary Major, widow, in Little Glen, it shall be carried to the (aid town and neighbourhood, and to several as near as conveniently may be to the source along parts of the counties of Rutiand and Leicester, much Cullam Lane, at the bottom of the closes called cheaper and easier than it is at present ; and that, by Glen Hills and Flaxleys, and at the lower part of virtue of several acts of parliament, a navigable com- Long Close, Round Close, and Kirkdale, without munication had been undertaken, and was then nearly cutting into Long Meadow; and no warehouse, &c. perfected, between the river Trent and the town of to be built upon Mrs. Major's estate. No waier to Melton Mowbray, by the rivers Soar, Wreak, and b ? taken from any of the brooks on the estate of Eye ; and that, by surveys lately taken, it appears 2 that.
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