African Hosta (Ledebouria petiolata) – Tolerant of both heat and drought, African Hosta prefers light shade and well-draining but slightly moist soil. Since the foliage is deciduous and dies down in winter, the is protected beneath the soil. Propagation is by division. Grows to 8-12” tall and 12” wide.

Agapanthus, Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus) – Agapanthus is a landscape staple in warm-winter regions. This easy-to-grow perennial produces colorful globes of blue or white trumpet-shape flowers in summer and fall. Its evergreen strappy leaves add texture to beds, borders, and containers. Plant in full sun, well-drained soil, and water regularly to keep plant moist. Spreads to 3’ wide in clumps and should be divided periodically.

Airplane Plant or Spider Plant, variegated or green (Chlorophytum) – This plant is grown for its pretty foliage. It blooms in late winter and early spring with small inconspicuous white flowers. It will grow to 18-24” tall and has trailing growth when it puts on its baby airplanes or baby spiders. It likes partial sun in moist, well-draining soil and is gorgeous in hanging baskets. All parts of this plant are poisonous if ingested.

Bay Tree (Laurus nobilis) – Aromatic evergreen tree that grows up to 60’ tall. The leaves are used to flavor a variety of recipes. Grow in well-drained composted soil in full sun.

Brazilian Red Cloak (Megaskepasma erythrochlamys) – Lush green leaves with beautiful dark-red plume flowers that bloom all summer long. Plant in full to partial sun in soil that can be kept moist. Grows to 15’ tall.

Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) – A variety of bromeliads are featured in our plant sale. The have thick, unusual foliage that grows in a natural rosette and are red or green-hued in color. Can grow outdoors in filtered light or indoors in a shallow pot with bright, indirect light. Most like heat and humidity and require little care. Commonly grown as a house or patio plant.

Bulbine (Asphodeloideae) – Named for the bulb-shaped tuber of many species. Good accent for a flower bed or mixed container with star-shaped blooms rising 12 to 18” above clumping, onion-like foliage. Plant in well-draining soil in sunny to lightly shaded area of garden. Once established, care is minimal with plants being drought tolerant. Flowers attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Canna Lily, (Canna) – Plant in full sun and provide average water. Grows to 6’ in height. Showy red or bright orange flowers that bloom from mid-summer to mid-fall. Needs to be divided periodically.

Cape Honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis) – Despite its name, it is not closely related to the true honeysuckle. Plant in full-sun with fertile soil and moderate water. A rambling shrub or climber that makes a great landscape plant for a slope or archway. As a shrub, it can be anywhere from 3-10’ tall. As a vine, it can reach lengths of 24-30’ or more. Apricot, tubular blooms begin in late summer through fall. Attracts butterflies.


Carnation of India (Tabernaemontana divaricata) – An evergreen shrub grown for beautiful pinwheel shaped fragrant flowers. Native to India, its leaves are dark green and pointed. Grows to a height of 4-6’ with spread of 6’. Prefers sun or partial shade, average water and good drainage. Also known as Crape jasmine, butterfly gardenia and pinwheel flower. It can be grown easily in a container.

Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior) – As its common name suggests, this plant is tough and will survive low light, infrequent watering and extreme heat. Great shade plant with glossy green leaves that makes a nice mass planting or house plant. Grows slowly in a clump of dark green leaves up to 2’ tall.

Coleus (Plectranthus scutellarioides) – An easy annual to grow and propagate. Requires fertile, well-drained soil and performs best in partial shade. Stunning foliage with a wide variety of leaf color sizes and shapes. Mix a variety together in a garden bed or hanging basket.

Crinum Lily, Red (Crinum) – Aggie horticulturists claim that no Crinum has ever died. A must-have bulb for the Southern garden. Plant in sun or light shade in wet or dry soil in spring or fall. Lovely, large red flower. Pinch off the old bloom and a new one will appear, blooming spring through fall. Propagation is by division and clumps can be divided every few years or whenever they become crowded. Reach 3-5’ tall and wide.

Cup of Gold (Solandra maxima) – Tropical plant with dark green leaves producing huge, golden yellow flowers. A very fast growing vine that loves the sun and grows in any soil. Reaches 30-40’. The leaves and blooms are poisonous if eaten.

Elephant Ear, Alocasia (Alocasia) – Shade loving plant with large green or purple leaves. The more sun an Alocasia receives, the smaller the leaf. The higher humidity, the faster they grow. Plant where the plant receives morning sun and afternoon shade in rich, organic soil where it will receive regular watering. Dies back in the winter. Alocasia plants have stiff leave stems, (petioles) that extend into the leaves so that the leaves point upward.

Elephant Ear, Colocasia (Colocasia) – Large green or purple leaves distinguish this plant. The petioles connect down from the notches in the leaves so that the leaves droop or hang at an angle toward the ground. Prefers more sun than the Alocasia. Colocasia thrive in wet, fertile soil and can be grown in a bog or pond.

Epiphyllum (Epiphyllum) – Tropical cactus with interesting long, flat leaves with lobed edges. These plants require careful watering so it is best to grow as a houseplant or porch container plant in filtered light. Do not let them dry out, but be careful not to over-water. Pendant stems produce spectacular flowers that last only a few days.

Esperanza, Gold Star (Tecoma stans) – Texas Superstar. Heat-loving shrub with golden- yellow, bell-shaped flowers that bloom late spring through fall. Grows to 4’ in height to 3’ wide. Prefers full sun, well-drained soil and average water. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.


Fairy duster (Calliandra eriophylla) – Low spreading drought tolerant shrub native to deserts and arid grasslands. Plant in direct sun and keep watered until established. Height and width varies from 1-5’. Can bloom year-round but generally blooms in late winter and/or spring then fades in summer and flowers again in fall. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.

False Aloe (Manfreda virginica) – Succulent flowering drought tolerant perennial. Plant in direct sun in dry or well-drained soil. Grows to 4-5’ tall with thick, leathery leaves growing up to 16”. Unusual greenish-white tubular flowers with conspicuous stamens are borne in a spike- like cluster atop the stalk. Blooms May to August.

Firecracker, Fountain or Coral Plant (Russelia equisetiformis) – Multi-branching evergreen with 4-5’ long arching stems that have very small scale-like leaflets. Spring through fall, branch tips have bright red tubular flowers. Prefers morning sun and afternoon shade in well-drained soil with regular watering. May freeze to the ground in harsh winters but returns in early spring. Grows to 3’ tall and 6’ wide. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Firespike (Odontonema strictum) – Showy perennial evergreen shrub with large, glossy, dark green foliage and red tubular flowers, growing 4-6’ tall and 24-40” wide. Likes full sun and moist but well-drained soil. Strikingly beautiful crimson flowers bloom in autumn. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Geranium, Rose, (Pelargonium graveolens) – Not true geraniums. Easy to grow in most of Texas. Not known for showy flowers but for their scent. Can grow to 3’ tall in full sun with moderate water. Blooms spring through summer. Can be grown in the garden or a container. Loves our humid climate.

Ginger, Ornamental (Zingiberaceae) – Tropical evergreen perennials with upright cones of bright red or pink flowers on large stalks. Plant in full sun or partial sun and light shade with moist well-draining soil. Grows best in warm climates. Can reach 3-15’ tall and 2-4’ wide.

Ginger, Peacock (Kaempheria pulchria) – Low-growing ginger, no more than 6-12” tall. Tough 6” broad leaves that are dark green with bands of silver across them. Lavender flowers bloom from June to November. Plant in partial to full shade with moist, well-drained soil. Not drought tolerant but can be overwatered. Does well in hanging baskets and around the base of trees where it is too shady for other plants.

Hibiscus (Malvaceae) – Plant in full sun and provide average water. Grows to 6’ in height. Blooms repeatedly year-round. This is a cold hardy hibiscus that does well when protected from a hard freeze. Can also be grown as a container plant.

Hibiscus, Confederate or Cotton Rose (Hibiscus mutabilis) – Not a rose but a hibiscus. Blooms from summer through autumn when it sports large white or pink double blooms that change to deep red. Can reach heights of 12-15’ but generally tops out at 6-8’. Prefers rich, moist, well-drained soil and tolerates either full sun or partial shade.


Iris, African (Dietes) – Plant in full sun or partial shade, 2-3’ feet apart, and fertilize about twice a year after established. After this, they will be tolerant of drier conditions. Grow up to 3’ in height in a clump of sword-like foliage. Blooms last only a few days; however, one bloom spike will continue to furnish new flowers. Plant in landscape with Hamelia paten or Rosemary for a pretty, easy-care landscape combination.

Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe) – Perennial that grows 1-3’ tall and includes over 125 species. A favorite container plant for the house or porch because of its attractive, succulent leaves and clusters of brightly colored flowers that bloom any time of the year in bright light. Plant in well- draining potting mix and allow the soil to become dry between watering. Place in south-facing window or porch and keep plant above 50 degrees F.

Mexican butterfly vine (Mascagnia macroptera) – Although it does attract butterflies, the name comes from the butterfly shaped seedpods the vine produces. Plant in sun to partial shade in rich, well-drained soil. Can grow to 15-20’ tall and wide. Produces clusters of dainty bright yellow flowers spring to fall. Fairly drought tolerant but looks better with regular watering through the dry season.

Mexican Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) – Host plant for the Monarch butterfly caterpillars to consume in order to grow and develop. Plant in sun to partial shade in an area of the garden where you don’t mind having a plant with its leaves stripped off by the caterpillars in the spring and fall during migration. Watch for green/yellow and black striped caterpillars to consume the leaves and build their chrysalis. Showy orange or yellow flowers. Grows to 3’ tall.

Plumeria or Lei flower (Apocynaceae) – Tropical trees famous for their gorgeous flowers which are used to make leis. Flowers are highly fragrant and bloom freely from spring through fall. Plant in full sun with well-draining soil that is slightly acidic. Tolerant of salt and windy conditions but must be protected in cold weather.

Redbird cactus (Pedilanthus tithymaloides) – Also called devil’s backbone or shoe flower. Succulent shrub, usually propagated through stem cuttings. Can survive growing outside but does not like temperatures below 45 degrees F. Makes a superb houseplant with its 2’ tall stems and colorful flowers. As a houseplant, it likes bright indirect sunlight and should be watered when the top few inches of soil feel dry.

Salvia, Misty Mountain Sage (Salvia miniata) – Not a true Texas native plant and differs from other salvia’s because it prefers partial shade and will wilt in hotter spots. Can grow to 3’ in height with bright red flowers that may bloom year-round. Plant in well-drained soil. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Shrimp Plant, (Justicia) – Grows in stemmed clumps with oval, light green leaves with bracts that hold tiny white or red flowers similar to the shape and texture of a gulf shrimp. Plant in sun to partial shade in well-drained soil. Likes humidity but don’t keep its feet wet. Blooms continuously providing lots of texture to the garden.


Snake Plant or Whale Fin Plant (Sansevieria masoniana) – African tropical perennial that is stemless and evergreen. Prefers warm, sunny locations with protection from the hot afternoon sun and can thrive in low-light or shade. Distinctive leaves grow to 4’ tall in its native habitat. Make a great houseplant or patio plant grown in a container. Water regularly in spring and summer and reduce water in the winter.

Society garlic (Tulbaghia violacea) – Ornamental plant from South Africa whose leaves have a garlicky odor. A member of the lily family with large clusters of lavender or lilac flowers, it can be grown year-round. Plant in full sun and light, sandy, well-draining soil. Grows to 2’ tall with 4-9 grass like leaves.

Spider lily (Hymenocallis liriosme) – Native perennial. Plant in early spring in moist to wet soil in full sun or partial shade. Flowers are white and bloom from February through September. 1-3’ tall stem with 2 or 3 blossoms and 6-30” long glossy leaves at the base of the plant.

Spotted Squill (Ledebouria scoialis) – Drought and heat tolerant tropical plant that can be grown indoors or used outdoors in xeriscaping or rock garden. Grows to 6” in height and has attractive, spotted leaves and a near-white flower that blooms in the spring.

Turk’s Cap (Malvaviscus arboreus) – Native perennial Texas shrub that is drought and cold resistant, tolerant of most soil types (including gumbo), pest-free and not especially susceptible to any common plant diseases. Can plant in sun or shade and flowers will bloom from late spring through the fall with new flowers opening daily. May reach 9’ tall and 5’ wide. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Wandering Jew (Callsia) – Tropical plant that makes a good hanging basket. There are a wide variety with common names including Chain plant, Basket plant, and Turtle vine. Plant in full sun to partial shade and water regularly. Can be a patio plant or houseplant. Evergreen, interesting foliage and small white blooms.

Wood Fern (Dryopteris) – Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in partial shade to full shade. Prefers moist, rich, humusy, acidic soils with protection from wind. Grows to 2’ in height and width. Evergreen fern for a shady area.