IU GERIATRICS E-News for AUGUST 2004 the IU Geriatrics Program and the IU Center for Aging Research Congratulate Kevin Terrell, DO, Who Has Been Awarded a Dennis W
IU GERIATRICS e-news for AUGUST 2004 The IU Geriatrics Program and the IU Center for Aging Research congratulate Kevin Terrell, DO, who has been awarded a Dennis W. Jahnigen Career Development Scholars Award for 2004. Funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation and The Atlantic Philanthropies, the highly competitive, two-year faculty development award of $200,000 provides a foundation upon which individuals can initiate and sustain a career in geriatrics-oriented research and education within the surgical and related medical specialties. Dr. Terrell’s research project is entitled, “Computer-Assisted Decision Support to Increase the Safety of Prescribing to Older Adults in the Emergency Department." Project mentors are Doug Miller, MD, Chris Callahan, MD, Rolly McGrath, MD, and Carey Chisholm, MD. Dr. Terrell is an assistant professor in the IU Department of Emergency Medicine. PUBLICATIONS Subramanian U, Hopp F, Lowery J, Woodbridge P, Smith D. Research in home-care telemedicine: challenges in patient recruitment. Telemed J E Health. 2004 Summer;10(2):155-61. Fraser SA, Kroenke K, Callahan CM, Hui SL, Williams JW Jr, Unutzer J. Low yield of thyroid-stimulating hormone testing in elderly patients with depression. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2004 Jul-Aug;26(4):302-9. Ambrosius WT, Hui SL. Cross calibration in longitudinal studies. Stat Med. 2004 Sep 30;23(18):2845-61. Guerriero Austrom M, Damush TM, Hartwell C, Perkins T, Unverzagt F, Boustani M, Hendrie HC, Callahan CM. Development and implementation of nonpharmacologic protocols for the management of patients with Alzheimer's disease and their families in a multiracial primary care setting.
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