PFISTERER Customer Magazine Issue 1 2018 4 CONNEX on the transformer: 12 Made in Dubai: Converter station Calculating with vision for North Sea wind farm Legal Notice 4 Calculating with vision: Publisher PFISTERER Holding AG Considering the life-cycle Rosenstrasse 44 73650 Winterbach costs of transformer Germany Tel: +49 7181 7005 0 connections Fax: +49 7181 7005 565
[email protected] 10 News: Innovative solutions Editorial Team PFISTERER Kontaktsysteme GmbH from the energy supply Rosenstrasse 44, 73650 Winterbach industry Helmut Burgener, Natalie Fischer, Eduardo Santana, Katrin Brecht, Thorsten Ludwig, Hans-Ulrich Lengler, István Kovács, Werner Medwed, 12 From Dubai to the North Sea: Frank Straßner Building a converter platform Text Concept and Text Editor Karolina Kos in the Persian Gulf Sympra GmbH Agency for Public Relations 16 Clearing up after Hurricane Stuttgart Harvey: SICON restores Art Direction BERNETBRANDS power to Houston BERNET COMMUNICATION GmbH Stuttgart © Copyright by PFISTERER 18 Taking the train to Budapest: Kontaktsysteme GmbH TENSOREX keeps catenary wires correctly tensioned PFISTERER Customer Magazine Issue 1 2018 2 CONNECT 2018 Editorial Dear Readers, These are exciting times for the PFISTERER group, and as Chairman of the Executive Board, I am pleased to play a part in shaping them. For nearly 100 years, the PFISTERER name has stood for innovation and reli- Martin Billhardt ability in energy transmission and distribution. That is how it will remain in the future. Developing new markets, for example in the United States, along with a strong role for PFISTERER in the offshore wind sector, are just two future projects that are particularly close to my heart.