Biophysical Aspects of Single Fluoroalkylamino Acid Substitutions Within a Natural Polypeptide Environment

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Biophysical Aspects of Single Fluoroalkylamino Acid Substitutions Within a Natural Polypeptide Environment Biophysical Aspects of Single Fluoroalkylamino Acid Substitutions within a Natural Polypeptide Environment Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades des Doktors der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.) eingereicht im Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie der Freien Universität Berlin vorgelegt von Diplom-Chemiker Mario Salwiczek aus Edderitz (Sachsen-Anhalt), Deutschland März 2010 1. Gutachterin: Prof. Dr. Beate Koksch (Freie Universität Berlin) 2. Gutachter: Prof. David O’Hagan (University of St. Andrews, Schottland) Disputation am: 16. Juni 2010 ii ERKLÄRUNG Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde auf Anregung und unter Anleitung von Prof. Dr. Beate Koksch in der Zeit von Juli 2005 bis Dezember 2009 am Institut für Chemie und Bio- chemie des Fachbereiches Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie der Freien Universität Berlin angefertigt. Hiermit versichere ich, die vorliegende Arbeit mit dem Titel „Biophysical Aspects of Single Fluoroalkylamino Acid Substitutions within a Natural Polypeptide Environment“ ohne Benutzung anderer als der zugelassenen Hilfsmittel selbständig angefertigt zu haben. Alle angeführten Zitate sind als solche kenntlich gemacht. Die vorliegende Ar- beit wurde in keinem früheren Promotionsverfahren angenommen oder als ungenü- gend beurteilt. Berlin im März 2010 Mario Salwiczek Die Dissertation wurde in englischer Sprache verfasst. Aus dieser Dissertation gingen bisher folgende Veröffentlichungen hervor: • M. Salwiczek, P. K. Mikhailiuk, I. V. Komarov, S. Afonin, A. S. Ulrich, B. Koksch; Compatibility of the Conformationally Rigid CF3-Bpg Side Chain with the Hydrophobic Coiled-Coil Interface; Amino Acids 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s00726-010-0581-8. • T. Vagt, M. Salwiczek, B. Koksch; Molecular Interactions of Fluorinated Amino Acids Within the Hydrophobic Core of a Coiled-Coil Peptide in Fluorine in Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry: From Biophysical Aspects to Clinical Applications; (Editors: V. Gouverneur, K. Müller) Imperial College Press 2010, in print. • T. Vagt, E. Nyakatura, M. Salwiczek, C. Jäckel, B. Koksch; Towards Identifying Preferred Interaction Partners of Fluorinated Amino Acids Within the Hydropho- bic Environment of a Dimeric Coiled-Coil Peptide; Org. Biomol. Chem. 2010, 8, 1382-1386. • S. Samsonov, M. Salwiczek, G. Anders, B. Koksch, M. T. Pisabarro; Fluorine in Protein Environments: A QM and MD Study; J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 16400-16408. iii • M. Salwiczek, B. Koksch; Effects of Fluorination on the Folding Kinetics of a Heterodimeric Coiled Coil; ChemBioChem 2009, 10, 2867-2870. • M. Salwiczek, S. Samsonov, T. Vagt, E. Nyakatura, E. Fleige, J. Numata, H. Cölfen, M. T. Pisabarro, and B. Koksch; Position-Dependent Effects of Fluori- nated Amino Acids on the Hydrophobic Core Formation of a Heterodimeric Coiled Coil; Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 7628-7636. • M. Salwiczek, T. Vagt, B. Koksch; Application of Artificial Model Systems to Study the Interactions of Fluorinated Amino Acids Within the Native Environ- ment of Coiled-Coil Proteins in Fluorine in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology; (Editor: I. Ojima) Wiley-Blackwell 2009, 391-409. Die Ergebnisse wurden des Weiteren auf folgenden Tagungen und Workshops präsen- tiert: • Vorträge “Polarität fluorierter Aminosäuren im Kontext von Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungen“; ChromForum, Berlin/Germany, 16.03.2010. “Biophysical Aspects of Single Fluoroalkylamino Acid Substitutions within a Natural Protein Environment”; Seminar of the Graduate School #1582 “Fluorine as a Key Ele- ment”, Berlin/Germany, 14.01.2010. “Fluorinated amino acids: Impacts on the kinetics and thermodynamics of coiled-coil folding”; Joint workshop of the Physical and Chemical Graduate School Göttingen and the Dahlem Research School “Molecular Sciences”, Berlin/Germany, 15.09.- 17.09.2008. “Polarity versus hydrophobicity: The impact of fluorinated amino acids on the self- assembly of coiled-coil peptides”; Young Investigators Mini-Symposium at the 30th European Peptide Symposium, Helsinki/Finland, 31.08.-05.09.2008. “Fluorinated amino acids in a native protein environment”; stand-in lecture for Prof. Dr. Beate Koksch at the Workshop “Supramolecular chemistry and chemical biology of polypeptides: Synergies towards bio-nanotechnology”, Kiev/Ukraine, 04.05.- 07.05.2008. iv “Fluorinated amino acids in native polypeptide environments: Fluorine’s effects on pep- tide folding and non-covalent protein-protein interactions”; German-Russian Graduate Student Research School, St. Petersburg/Russia, 01.09.-02.09.2007. “Fluorinated amino acids: Modulating the metabolic stability and self-assembly proper- ties of peptides and proteins”; stand-in lecture for Prof Dr. Beate Koksch at the 234th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston (MA)/USA, 19.08.-23.08.2007. “Fluorine‘s effects on peptide folding and non-covalent protein-protein interactions”; Seminar of the Graduate School #788 “Hydrogen Bonding and Hydrogen Transfer”, Berlin/Germany, 04.07.2007. • Poster “Biophysical Aspects of Single Fluoroamino Acid Substitutions within the Natural Envi- ronment of a Coiled-Coil Peptide”; 19th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Jackson Hole, WY, USA, 23.08-28.08.2009. “Fluorinated amino acids in native polypeptide environments: Fluorine’s effects on pep- tide folding and non-covalent protein-protein interactions”; XVII International Confer- ence “Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research”, St. Petersburg/Russia, 02.09- 08.09.2008. “Fluorinated amino acids in native polypeptide environments: Fluorine’s effects on pep- tide folding and non-covalent protein-protein interactions”; Tag der Chemie, Ber- lin/Germany, 27.06.2007. “Effects of fluorinated amino acids on heterodimeric coiled-coil peptide interactions”; 8th German Peptide Symposium, Heidelberg/Germany, 14.03.-17.03.2007. v For data security reasons the curriculum vitae is not contained in this online version. vi For data security reasons the curriculum vitae is not contained in this online version. vii For data security reasons the curriculum vitae is not contained in this online version. PUBLICATIONS, ORAL PRESENTATIONS, POSTER PRESENTATIONS Publications: 10. M. Salwiczek, P. K. Mikhailiuk, I. V. Komarov, S. Afonin, A. S. Ulrich, B. Koksch; Compatibility of the Conformationally Rigid CF3-Bpg Side Chain with the Hydro- phobic Coiled-Coil Interface; Amino Acids 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s00726-010-0581-8. 9. T. Vagt, M. Salwiczek, B. Koksch; Molecular Interactions of Fluorinated Amino Acids Within the Hydrophobic Core of a Coiled-Coil Peptide in Fluorine in Pharma- ceutical and Medicinal Chemistry: From Biophysical Aspects to Clinical Applica- tions; (Editors: V. Gouverneur, K. Müller) Imperial College Press 2010, in print. 8. T. Vagt, E. Nyakatura, M. Salwiczek, C. Jäckel, B. Koksch; Towards Identifying Preferred Interaction Partners of Fluorinated Amino Acids Within the Hydrophobic Environment of a Dimeric Coiled-Coil Peptide; Org. Biomol. Chem. 2010, 8, 1382- 1386. viii 7. R. Rezai Araghi, C. Jäckel, H. Cölfen, M. Salwiczek, A. Völkel, S. C. Wagner, S. Wieczorek, C. Baldauf, B. Koksch; A β/γ Motif to Mimic α-Helical Turns in Proteins; ChemBioChem 2010, 11, 335-339. 6. S. Samsonov, M. Salwiczek, G. Anders, B. Koksch, M. T. Pisabarro; Fluorine in Protein Environments: A QM and MD Study; J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 16400- 16408. 5. M. Salwiczek, B. Koksch; Effects of Fluorination on the Folding Kinetics of a Het- erodimeric Coiled Coil; ChemBioChem 2009, 10, 2867-2870. 4. M. Salwiczek, S. Samsonov, T. Vagt, E. Nyakatura, E. Fleige, J. Numata, H. Cölfen, M. T. Pisabarro, and B. Koksch; Position-Dependent Effects of Fluorinated Amino Acids on the Hydrophobic Core Formation of a Heterodimeric Coiled Coil; Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 7628-7636. 3. M. Salwiczek, T. Vagt, B. Koksch; Application of Artificial Model Systems to Study the Interactions of Fluorinated Amino Acids Within the Native Environment of Coiled-Coil Proteins in Fluorine in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology; (Editor: I. Ojima) Wiley-Blackwell 2009, 391-409. 2. M. Salwiczek, C. Jäckel, B. Koksch; Molecular Interactions of Fluorinated Amino Acids in a Native Polypeptide Environment in Fluorine and Health; (Editors: A. Tressaud. G. Haufe) Elsevier 2008, 735-757. 1. C. Jäckel, M. Salwiczek, B. Koksch; Fluorine in a Native Protein Environment – How Space Filling and Polarity of Fluorinated Alkyl Groups Affect Protein Folding; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 4198-4203. Oral presentations at national and international conferences and workshops: 10. “Polarität fluorierter Aminosäuren im Kontext von Protein-Protein- Wechselwirkungen“, ChromForum, Berlin/Germany, 16.03.2010. ix 9. “Biophysical Aspects of Single Fluoroalkylamino Acid Substitutions within a Natural Protein Environment”; Seminar of the Graduate School # 1582 “Fluorine as a Key Element”, Berlin/Germany, 14.01.2010. 8. “Fluorinated amino acids: Impacts on the kinetics and thermodynamics of coiled- coil folding”; Joint workshop of the Physical and Chemical Graduate School Göt- tingen and the Dahlem Research School “Molecular Sciences”, Berlin/Germany, 15.09.-17.09.2008. 7. “Polarity versus hydrophobicity: The impact of fluorinated amino acids on the self- assembly of coiled-coil peptides”; Young Investigators Mini-Symposium at the European Peptide Symposium, Helsinki/Finland, 31.08.-05.09.2008. 6. “Fluorinated amino acids in a native protein environment”; stand-in lecture for Prof. Dr. Beate Koksch at the Workshop “Supramolecular chemistry and chemical biol- ogy of polypeptides: synergy towards bio-nanotechnology”, Kiev/Ukraine, 04.05.-
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