Mimerion " ' °"' *’ Wl,Eo,Wh«Ton Md.M Suspense Dramas 2336 Wisconsin Ave

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Mimerion THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. MONDAY. Aran. J», 1054 **B-17 m m TELEVISION—RADIO Highlights | Sjfe, .xl - % Television Todoy. HT ,» W J| Television Today—Monday, April 19, 1954 |S3WME SERVICE CHARGE BhIMHMHP 7:3®. WMAL (7)—Jamie: Aunt Wr>mg D C. Vo owl ROOF P.M. WHIW (Ch. 4) WTTG <CH. 5> WMAt «Ch- 71 [WTOP iq». 91 Laurie’s pastry takes a past- RESTORATION «• PHttifkt Tkuttr HiMitySkifgitji FMltyPtayktsse llUHlfktTk»*Sf ing in tonight’s episode. •* Wa»bin|ton Waterproofing Co ff/istinawished “Siacm witt Mtgget Mtms Crustier; Wttttar ’>«m*» W S:3O, WMAL (7)—Your Com- Z* %** '^: ' l;3l Sfe»-.x aA mm&Sk 6:11¦J* , Ctwgirl" . Ntws; Warm Nmh—ftask ! Tk«, Mttrt Report: 1114 HaH St S.W LI 6-3900 gather M Mtw*; Sgirtt (ikktns Hitksm missioners' John people In «i|| jH Wtatk.: Spirts; Wtitkti Jia jHtwt, Thompson of The Grace »**•? o*a», Star. ga hii :N Jm Ptlttkt Jia IMin E CittaiiViitt Bassett of the Washington Washington’s most |Hr sjjjZ jW^^sgMg|g¦ Msvlt tuiek a*U Joint Oihr Start RtfitUrti Nwu Post ^-: :* Mtwt; itwtrtt and Times-Herald and §p. 7:l* Tt It AiMimcti Sttrj Ti»t laait h e s Ntws Ctravat Brauta at Wiltt r»n» Caaa Everett Clark of the News A distinguished * IBft FURNACES HEATERS * Nana Tint fata BaUar aStctni Sky laris a«i Mlta quiz the Commissioners. BEPAia * PABTB Kii«“ “ - (taaely) 5 Jaa Murray 1:30, WNBW (4)—Voice of | r* o-sonp E. POE ya n-nnn* m r ! " as Flrasttat Taint Scaats L. VIRGINIA restaurant Rwv': ; ;& .|iKE m Z' • 8:11 Vaiti skaweast Ctannissiantri' AVIS Aft N W. :** Firestone: Basso Jerome Ueoreta ( Jtrtna Hiats Reyart ||: ;:lr ,r b*> H ' guest Fonutrlv 17 r»ri with Oar Coatoaar He H v Hines is soloist. far gffgr :|f Baaais Bay fkitTitka Ufa JialaPßrtsa I law lacy Call Oar l.a* Orlaea JA. 7-7722 (variety) ” Cantarenca Lacilla Ball 9:30, WNBW (4)—Robert Call 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. :3I Rakert MaMitaitry Banal Traatl Carter Rai Battaas Montgomery Presents: “Big ” 1 9:15 “ “ American Service Center :45 Rrtsatts Boy,” the world’s largest :BB Riitrt Ma¦ tjiiiry iaxiaf WrestUai itaileOae steam locomotive, will play a A;i) Prasaats Williams at. frta Haliywsai “A Haaifal " iRENT TV N I U:3B All-Star Tktatar Pattersaa a« Oiaartais” tv " « Screens—Lowest Rote* :4S (grama) Sparta Spani|Rt Patricia Neal University of the Air £ Hl Jr” :SB Harkaast: Waatkar Nam; Sparta Rnitif; Atciitta Cackrat: Waatker Certified TV Rental* | Hrßu Sparta; || BgrrT 4 | til Tkaater Waatker. Tktatar !sa«aa Star Tkaattr Siasatt Sawraii Todoy—Monday, April 18. I9M | 1:3B Anackalr Tktatar Night Dwl Tktatar "Tappet Takas Tka lata Skat. LI. 7-7 GOO f Bljh , “Bakiai tka Mask" . "Mat la Actieß" A Trip" "Tralter Witkla" WCFM—tt.S Me., Chuatl 251 ILorgoat fa 5, •- mHa. V\ ,A-- #Z- 9:30 p.m. jrwii.r"pif,ii • ~v37iiiwn«f §§ ZZ^ •• Ta- * ItZ^ 11JB Anackalr tkaatar NlfkfdwiTkaattr Savta Star Tkaattr ska lata Skew GEORGETOWN ly' ;: UNIVERSITY: Problems in ' ATHERR mE Epistemology: “Let’s Keep W Television Tomorrow —Tuesdoy, April 20,1954 Man Free,” Professors Bert- “AUTO RADIO” y-S WNBW (Ck. 4) Tatty, (Ck. •) mi., WMAI (Ck. T) Cartaaa ram Adderley and Jesse a@ 8.M., WTBP Martial Ska*. 1:31 SALES, Mann. REPAIRS r jg§® Capers. AND INSTALLATION (Ch. »» ¦ftgj AAA. |WNBW (Ch.4l (Ch. 5) WMAL <Ch. WTOP oloce, town WTTG 7> On. at tha tew in HI Skew P :M IBitckaa Capktari | Breakfast Clak liny lelastß the title role in a story of I where vou con drive In tor railroading. orompr doDondoble «ervke " “ 9:„:JI Fitura Famine " “ DUKE " 9:30, :4S Parents' Sckatl Cartaaa Tkaattr ¦• ¦•; laaplas WTTG (5) Boxing: j Drivin Radio Saleservice Floyd Patterson meets | * | :IB" Bias beat Sckatl Reaper Raitai Maria Clak Artksf BtCfrty Ska* Alvin N. Ave * O 04 N.W % ” “ ZEIBERT'S T* Rarsary Fury” Williams in an 8-round mid- : 4,1 4 7170 tl 4 lOH 4A:l* "Capt. INSULATE! RESTAURANT :M « IU oat Maas Family Ratal BriaaAkarae dleweight bout. ... for a cooler home! HT b ¦ Steps Nr’a Vlctar 1730 L Sl.—Two Hears :4S Tkrct ta Miss lyaa Mclaiea 10:00, WTOP (9)—Studio One: | West :BI Haait Jaaikartt Maria Clak Artkar CtafrayTlii Patricia Neal •f Cmi. Ave., N. W. “ “ " “ stars in “A 1 CALL ME. 8-4840 Art Laaik “ / ReserveJiens SferKeg 3-1730 “ “ Handful of Diamonds,” a ;3t "; Claseup Strike It Riek , ; ArauaC Tana • • “ “ RENT TV Open 'filMidnight Sunday 'til n:IS “ “ “ drama about one of this 10 pm. ;4S Piracisa sstaae Reserve now for McCarthy vs. Army. ' country’s first champions of ~ TmT Z ZIZZZZ rights for women. BEACON TV RENTAL ilf IrMa ll< br«M~ Niii Cartaaa Ctickrt V»Haat laky i “ “ *** 1132 7th St. N.W. "»«« f"'» File Slant “•»... _ • > - *,,rtl ~r 1,8,W Radio Todoy. ! j-M |/:JI Ratty Wkftt Site utaaity AD. 4-4688 f “ " Ugkt ,45 sTppity ““Ijaws Caicias 8:00, WRC —Railroad Hour: ;M Ptapte’s Playkawa J «* »« F» *''*“*' Elaine Malbin and Gordon GSTsmiii M,rt 1 °V “BlfTiaikar" *rt Lank Macßae sing the leading “ “ Maara TV :» Srry HARVEY’S Ratty Mtßawall ckirlii Ktatae . roles in "Smiles.” 1:15 “ :4S iaH Daaatll .... i ALL REPAIRED ' 8:00, WTOP—Suspense: MAKES -IB laci's Aaftt RellyaaeaW MatiiiT Carry Maaw Rich- " ” ” ! on .. 100- Guarantee i. "Tall Tiaikar" I" ard Widmark portrays a man Day Party :jt pNtwt; Naaaieatt t|t, p fittrst O’lriea Haait who gambles to win or lose All Parts and Labor 2:15 " ” :4S Mike Hawieutt Market everything including his girl j " Haiti .LZI Kata Seitk Site MtSera Want* Bis Payaff in “The Card Game.” Never a m paai lint'sktw " ” “ " .... Rutk Crant 8:25, Service Charge! “ “ WWDC—Baseball: Wash- 31 n n Jerry aat tinea Alika Jettreya TIPS a IV 3:11 “ " ington vs. Philadelphia. 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. :4S » ” CALL 9:00, N Wtlctea traralara MitiDia firTaa Bill Walla Pick Tteplt’s WTOP—Radio Theater: DAILY AND SUNDAY If ” “ "Met i»Aetna” “Picacckia” Ctekty Playktcsi Ida Lupino portrays a Holly- it :3B la Tear Accaaat Frankie Dacca Cartiaa caters" "Fraatitr wood has-been in “The « ihhhHh “ " Star.” " 3B 4:15 Cfctlntaaelty Htritaa" JO. 2-9316 ••., i-x- *a®' .45 1 Claris Skaa ifff ?i Edmond TONI6BT! Vi&%i& Ttepla’i O’Brien co-stars. :IB ' Piaky lya Sfcae lank Stsiiaa Fiailly Plwkaasa , Plek 9:00, —Telephone Hour: wv VWMm I** “ Fart Playkaaaa WRC Art Laaik M. B. Baritone Uppman • z*- ;JB Hawty Daily Ckarlle Reataa "Capt. Fury" |1 lak Creaky Theodor is f " " s:is •• “ ;45 ( Pat Priest Praia Akerat | guest soloist. 7 PLEASANT DILEMMA—ArIene Dahl portrays a young: woman 9:00, WMAL, WASH Pan American with who cannot select a husband until circumstances force her Union Day £'you slw& hove to two “Wedding March,” April 19,1954 the National Symphony Or- choose between handsome suitors in RadlO Today—Monday, chestra: Guillermo Espinosa, be presented on Ford on Thursday night WTOP—ISOO which will Theater P.M. ; WMAL—63O WRC— WWDC—I26O director of the music section JOHN DALY NEWS 9:30 Harrs, Jaeksaa MUSIC at over iVNBW. TW Stir Ntws News; tit BtkWalff of the Pan-American Union, Miltaaß. Part Earl Calwia Baatstsai; Nans Curt Massey - conducts the National Sym- 6:l*:3B "I. lartaita; Ntws Bill Stare Ntws; Spts.; Cackraa uAfitemyotcgo’...* :4* ” phony On the Air Bask J-Star Extra, Nam Josapk Dantkua Lentil Tkaaias Orchestra. Jake Vaattretak Skew Tata Time Fulton Lenis, |r. Tsaaassas Erait with Caasrtss Tatay ” - Hit lutes Bealak FM Stations :** •““• Rii|tr Heatar Julias la Rasa ¦" —— om -aom ao. _eo» o» on* oaoe me mob oo» om> mi mmm 7:l* lata News: Baa tty Gakrial WRC-FM—ll.t Me. WFAN-108.3 Me. :** ' " : Ntws Mat's Fatally Parry Cana- Etwart Marrtw Telefilm Firm in a Switch, oae WBUZ-FM—IS.S Me. WWDC-FM- 111 .1 Me. :M Henry I. tiyler Riilroat Htur llsb'Cluk Suspaast WTOP-FM—ll.3 Me. W6MS-FM-113.S Me. Natlaa’s laslaass Gortoa Micßir Dugout Chatter WASH-FM—IT.I Me. Me. Sctuti WARL-FM—IRS.I 7:30 P.M. Programs :SR | Bill Maykigk vaiee ts Firastaaa Basekall Talaat WOL-FM—ll.7-Mc WUST-FM—lo* 3 Me. to " Turns Radio 8:11 ” =45 ierome Hites . Artkar Catlrey WCFM—M.S Me WMAL-FM—117.3 Me. By Horry MacArthur :*O~ Pat American Uaiaa Tiltpktnt Hair Basekall Katia Tkaattr JAMIE BiyWitk Pkilaaelphli Trend-spotters can make what ; with Charles McGraw playing Tkeaktr Uppmaa Other AMStations i :3B : Natl. Sympktpy Bant as America as. Young Academy Award nominee 9:ls “ “ they will of the latest move by ¦ the title role. i :** Orckastra Washiattaa W6MS-57G Be. WBOR-1141 Be. §SM|*7 WPIB-T3B Be. Be. Guild Films and you can be sure ! Holly- TanyMartla WEAM-13N Brandon DeWildt stars in the Mr. McGraw went to : Pat AmariciTualia Fikkar Mcßtt Basekall H " WARL-7H Be. WOL—I4SI something playing stage D»*Witk tka Nana Ragtrt Be. heartwarming comedy-drama some one will make wood after roles 4 A:l* Heart as Ciitar WGAY-IRSR Be. WDON-IS4I Ac. Natl. Symakaay Tenth Inning Dick Pawell great • . of it. There is a deal of ¦ in “Native Son,” “Golden Boy” llf:3D Htalliais aat WUST-112R Be. WINX-1101 Be. telefilm trade If :45 i Orehastra Hits Frank Edwards Peiiy Let activity in the s and “The Petrified Forest.” ~ Be. ~ WFAX-1221 :N CHI Milana Ntws; Finlay SMt Massey WarN Nans right now and none of it is more you saw “The Killers,” “T-Men,” “ i “ N,w*: McDaaall interesting 15 Daytaa: Music than what Guild is “Blood on the Moon,” “Berlin " " News; Massey MccaClcl »: - .- • :3I Music Thraifk -Z.
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