Titanosaur, Titano- Sauridae
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-77930-2 - Dinosaur Impressions: Postcards from a Paleontologist Philippe Taquet Index More information INDEX FOR ECONOMY, informal and formal names of taxa (titanosaur, Titano sauridae) as well as eponymous genera (Titanosaurus) are often listed under a single joint entry. Illustration pages are followed by an "f." Bachelet. Abbe. 177 Afrovenator, 220 Agades, 2, 3,4, 5, 15,22,25, 53, 63, 66 Bacot. J., l30-1 Air. 3. 4. 53. 66 Baharija. 19lf., 192 Aix-en-Provence. 169, 198-200 Bahia. 81-2. 83-4. 92-4 Alexander. R. M .. 59 Bakker, R. T.. 118-21, 202, 203 Algui Ulan Tsav, 133, 136. l37 6. 7 barkhanes. Allport. S .• 82. 93 Barsbold. R .. 124. 128. l30. l37. 145 Alvarez. 1.. 208. 216 Baryonychidae. 193 Baryonyx. Alvarez. W., 208 Battuta, I., 4 American Museum of Natural History. Bayeux. 187 125-8. 138. 144, 151. 223 Bayn Dzak, 127. 128. 134. 138 Andrews. R. c.. 125-8. l34. l38. 223 Beaumont. E. de. 215. 217 Ankylosauria, 33. 35, 132. 200, 225 Beni Mellat, 95, 96. 100 Annam, Annamite Range, 147. 149, 160 Bernissart. 30. 33. 38, 41 66 Bertrand. M .. 96-7 anou, Aodelbi.66 Bessonat. G .. 62 Aoulef. 75. 76 Bidou. H .. 117 44-5, 113, 115 biogeography. 89. 220 Apatosaurus. birds, 194-8. 207 Araripesaurus, 92 90-1. 92. 93. 94 relationship to dinosaurs, 195-8. 205. Araripesuchus. 194-7. 224 223 Archaeopteryx. Archibald. J. D., 207 Bleustein-Blanchot. M .. 71 Archosauria. 34. 201-2. 220 Bonaparte. J. F.. 220. 222 Argentina, 220-1 Boulenger.
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