FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SCIENTISTS T: 202/546-3300 1717 K Street NW #209 Washington, DC 20036 www.fas.org F: 202/675-1010
[email protected] Board of Sponsors (Partial List) *Sidney Altman December 12, 2003 *Philip W. Anderson *Kenneth J. Arrow (202)454-4691 *Julius Axelrod MG Trudy H. Clark, Deputy Director *David Baltimore *Baruj Benacerraf Defense Threat Reduction Agency *Hans A. Bethe *J. Michael Bishop 8725 John J. Kingman Road *Nicolaas Bloembergen *Norman Borlaug Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-6201 *Paul Boyer Ann Pitts Carter *Owen Chamberlain Morris Cohen RE: FOIA Appeal, Case No. 03-125 *Stanley Cohen Mildred Cohn *Leon N. Cooper *E. J. Corey *James Cronin Dear General Clark: *Johann Deisenhofer Ann Druyan *Renato Dulbecco John T. Edsall This is an appeal of the initial denial of my request under the Freedom of Paul R. Ehrlich George Field Information Act (FOIA) for a copy of an unclassified DTRA-funded report *Val L. Fitch *Jerome I. Friedman entitled "Lessons from the Anthrax Attacks: Implications for U.S. Bioterrorism John Kenneth Galbraith Preparedness," April 2002. A copy of the December 12, 2003 DTRA denial *Walter Gilbert *Donald Glaser letter is enclosed. *Sheldon L. Glashow Marvin L. Goldberger *Joseph L. Goldstein *Roger C. L. Guillemin I request that you reverse the initial decision and release the requested *Herbert A. Hauptman *Dudley R. Herschbach report, on the following grounds: *Roald Hoffmann John P. Holdren *David H. Hubel *Jerome Karle 1. The cited FOIA exemption 2 (High) is not applicable. In other words, it is *H. Gobind Khorana not true that the requested document, if disclosed, might be used to *Arthur Kornberg *Edwin G.