Handy Reference Guide vol.3 Akabori Area Published 2015

Garbage Separation Dictionary

Reference Book of Separating and Sorting of Garbage

― Isesaki City―

Garbage Separate Dictionary Contents

1P Follow the Rules for Garbage Disposal

2P Let’s Learn about How We Recycle Waste in Isesaki!

3P Reduce Food Waste

4P Reduce Food Waste and Garden Waste

5P Separating Paper for Recycling

6P Separating Paper for Recycling

7P Plastic Recycling

Recycling Electronic Waste and 8P Clothes About Garbage from the Office・ 9P Disposal of Dead Animals

10 P~11P Recycle Project in Isesaki~Story of Wasted Resources~ About 4R’s (Refuse, Reduce, 「Tajima Yahei Sericulture Farm」PR Character 12 P Reuse, ,and Recycle)

13 P~3 6 P Garbage Separation Index

37 P The Way of Disposing Oversized Garbage Items which Needs Special Caution when 38 P Disposing Kuwamaru

3 9 P~4 2 P Items which Isesaki City cannot Accept Place for the Collection of 4 Home Electronics 43 P (Name of the particular contractors)

4 4P Items which are Accepted Once a Year(Paid-for)


Isesaki City Office Environmental Department Environmental Policy Division [email protected] 〒372-8501 Isesakishi Imaizumicho 2-410 …… TEL.0270-27-2732 FAX.0270-24-5253

Seisou Recycle Center 21 [email protected] 〒372-0824 Isesakishi Shibamachi 954 …… TEL.0270-32-3166 FAX.0270-32-3068 ottle Follow the Rules for Garbage Disposal

Use designated garbage Please take out the garbage before 8:30 a.m. きちんと分けて指定ごみ袋で 収集日の朝8時 30 分までに だ onき collection dayば atし ょthe designatedだ place. ! 出bagsしま しandょう。 separate properly. ! 決められた場所へ出してください。

※Garbage商店・飲 from食店・ stores,会社 restaurants,などの事業 or所 officesごみは

canごnotみ acceptableステーショ atン theに garbage出せま せstation.ん。

※※If 出youす want日は to、 毎know年3 the月 collectionに配布さ day,れる please refer to the “Garbage Calender ” issued on March every year. ご み出しカレンダーを見てください。

もえるごみ もえないごみ Burnable Non-burnable

あさ プラスチッBottleクごみ びん Can 缶 朝Until8:3 8:300 ま でa.m. じ かん まも あかぼりち く しゅうしゅう 時Please間は 守beり punctual.ましょう

If you do not know the location of Each ward should have and the “Gomi Station”, please ask your ! き ん じょ ちょうないかい かんきょう し どう いん ! maintainり かくぎょう せ“いGomi く おStationこな ”. neighbor, neighborhood association, か くに ん みな き も り よう or the environmental educator. Please keep it as neat as かんきょう し どう いん れ ん ら くさ き かんきょう つか Please contact the environmental possible, so everyone can use it policy division if you want to know the easily. contact information of the Furthermore, please put the ひ さん ね っ と ない environmental educator. garbage inside the net to prevent

the spilling of garbage if there is ※環境指導員は地域の生活環境の改善および 環境保全に努める行政区の役員です。 a net.

Where is the”Gomi Station”?

※Environmental educator plays a role in improving the living

environmentかんきょう andほ ぜん preserving つと ぎ ょtheうせい environmentく やくいん of your ward.


Let’s Learn about How We Recycle Waste in Isesaki!

い せ さき し はいしゅつりょう How Much Waste is in Isesaki? ? 伊勢崎市のごみの排出量はどれくらい? い せ さき し はいしゅつりょう し みん みな かんきょう たい い しき たか ねんねんげんしょうけいこう Thanks伊勢 to崎 the市の increasingごみの排出 awareness量は、市 of民の environmental皆さんの環 issues,境に対 theす るamount意識の of高 wasteまりか inら Isesaki、年々 is減 gradually少傾向に ! か き ぐ ら ふ へいせい ねん ど ひとり にち はいしゅつりょう ぜ ん こくへ い き ん decreasingあります((下Graph記 グ①)ラ. However,フ①)。 theし かaverageし、平 amoun成 2t 5of 年waste度 のper1 person人1日 is あ958gた りa day.のご Inみ Gunmaの排 prefecture,出量は全国 the 平均で ぐん ま けん と どう ふ けん べつ ぜ ん こく わ ー す と い い せ さき し ぜ ん こくへ い き ん おお 958g。群馬県は都道府県別で全国ワーストの4位の 1050gで、伊勢崎市は全国平均よりも多 amount of waste per personか isき 1 ぐ,050g ら ふ and this is the fourthい- worstじょう record nationwide.げんりょう Isesakiと cityく recordsひつよう 991g and this is い 991gでした(下記グラフ②)。これまで以上に、ごみの減量に取り組む必要があります。 worse than the national average.(Graph ②) .. We are trying hard to reduce the waste more than ever.

A change of amount of garbage(Graph ①) ( g ) 1 人が 1 日当たりに出すごみの量(グラフ②) 78,047 77,431 76,443 77,289 76,401 Amount of daily waste per person(Graph ②) ( t ) 1150 80000 1100 70000 集団Group回 Collection収

60000 Resource Recovery ま けん 資源回収 1050 Gunma Pref. 馬県 50000 Non-burnable せ さき し もえないごみ 1000 40000 Isesaki勢 City崎市 こく Burnable Whole of country 30000 950 国 20000 Investigation from Ministry of the 900 10000 Environment ねん ど 0 ねん ど ねん ど ねん ど ねん ど ねん ど 850 H25 [年 度] 21 年度 22 年度 23 年度 24 年度 25 年度 H21 H22 H23 H24

なか ふく ? Types of things included in garbage are … ? ごみの中にはどんなものが含まれているの? ふ ねん ぶつ た It いcosts せ さき 1.5 し ~1.6 billionし yenゅうしゅ うto しょmaintainうきゃく し せつ andい operateじ かん り Non-burnable% 1.3% 不燃物 1.3 そのOthers他 1.3 1.3%% 伊勢崎市では、ごみの収集や焼却施設の維持・管理 Rubberご む ,ひ Leather かくるい etc. waste incinerationまいとしやく plants おandくえん collectひ よう garbageか every ゴム・皮革類 2.7% ! year.など に、毎年約 15~16 億円の費用が掛かってい 2.7% へ しょうきゃく し せつ ふ Clothesいるい ま 衣類 たん すく しょ り か ひ よう Reducing the amount of waste can lessen theさく げburdenん 5.4%5.4% す。ごみを減らすことで、ごみ焼却施設などへの負 and make the cost for garbage disposal go down. ぷPlastic ら す ち っ く 担が少なくなり、ごみ処理に掛かる費用を削減する プラスチック Kitchen Garbage い せ さき し はいしゅつ やく 11.4% なま 11.4 % 85%こと ofが theでき entireます。 garbage in Isesaki is burnable 41.5%生ご み なか ふく ぶんるい だいどころ 41.5% garbage. 伊勢で 崎市なま で排出やさく れるごみし の約 85%みぎは ぐ 、 らも ふえ るなまご み Paper ら出る生ごみが約 40%を占めます(右グラフ)。生ご かみ るい When つづdividingおお the garbageかみるい intoぷ らpercentages, す ち っ く き aboutたけ 26.2%紙 類 みに続いて多いのが、紙類、プラスチック、木・竹・わ 26.2% 40% ofい るitい is from the kitchen.なか (Referおお to しthe げん graph ふく ら、衣類です。これらの中には多くの資源が含まれ き たけ るい written right.)Followed by paper, plastic, wood・ ・ ・ Wood Bamboo木・竹・わStrawら類 etc. bamboo・straw, clothes. All of these are rich in ています。 10.2%% resources.

Recycle Promoting Character Importantじ ゅ う よう 重 要 『Resources gained: Mixed vs Sorted Waste』 ぽ いPoint ん と ポイント We will describe our policy and reasons of reducing garbage

depending on the types from next page. Kaerun

2 Food Waste 41.5%

Let’s Reduce Food Waste

? ? Reasons生 ごみ forの 減Reducing量 のポ Garbageイントは is? …

Reduce生 ご Waterみ のContent水 分of Kitchenを減 Garbageらそ! う!

About 80% of food waste contains water. 生ごみの約 80%は、水分です。 みAず きbig wayてっ てい to reduceつぎ water こう か in wasteき た isい to drain the 水water切りを徹 out底す ofる ことtheで sink、次の’s効 waste果など catchが期待! できます!

①Which reduces the weight of garbage(Makes it easy to take out) ①ごみの重量が減る(ごみ出しが楽になる) ②Water in food waste may give off a bad smell, so if you drain the water off, ②生ごみの水分は悪臭の原因になるので、嫌な臭いが減る you can prevent the bad smell. ③③Combustion焼却炉の燃 焼efficiency効率も 上is がimproved.る

11.. 水Doに not濡 ら getさ なtheい garbage wet!

If you peel skin of the vegetable before wash, you

canその throwままご themみとし awayて捨て asる こburnableとができ garます。bage. ×

22.. Dry乾 かす

Before throwing away, please dry used tea leaves, お茶がらやティーパック、果物の皮などは

tea bags, or skins of vegetables or fruits.

33.. Squeezeもうひと しぼり Squeeze the sink net before putting it in the ごみ袋に入れる前にたまった水分を garbage. もうひとしぼりしてから出しましょう。

Eliminate Food Waste! 食 品 の無 駄 をなくそう!

Food that has passed the freshness date and that is left over is 食thrownべ残し やaway賞味 期as限 kitchenの切れた garbage.食品が、生 Pleaseごみと keepして捨 inて らmindれて notいま toす 。buy家庭 tooで

much food. Try to make full use of the food and not to have leftover 食べ切れるだけの量を考えて購入しましょう。また、食材を無駄なく使い切り、 food. 食べ残しをしないようにしましょう。

Compost Kitchen Garbage ! 生 ごみを堆 肥 化 しよう! Let’s try making a garden or gardening using composted kitchen waste.

生ごみを堆肥にして、家庭菜園やガーデニングで利用してみてはどうですか。 Isesaki city will issue an incentive to those who bought a garbage 伊勢崎市では、生ごみ処理器を購入した市民の人に助成金を交付しています。 disposal machine. 詳しくは次のページをご覧ください。 Please refer to the next page.

3 Food Let’s Reduce Food Waste and Waste 41.5% Wood・Bamboo ・Straws

Garden Waste etc. 10.2%

なま しょ り き えだ は は さい き じょ せい きん せい ど About Incentives for Garbage Disposal Unit and Crushing Machine

! 生ごみ処理器・枝葉破砕機の助成金制度について

Isesaki city issues an incentive to those who bought a garbage disposal unit or 伊勢崎市では、生ごみ処理器・枝葉破砕機を購入した市民の人に対して助成金を交付しています。 branch/leaf crushing machine.

Blanch/leaf crushing machine 生Garbageごみ処 Disposal理器 枝葉破砕機

Composting Unit Manualしゅどう typeしき また or 堆肥式処理器 手動式又は Disposer (Include EM type) Electrical Disposal

Necessary Items

for Applying ○You can receive half the amount of the purchase price (Including ○助成金は購入金額(消費税を含む)の半額を交付します。 consumption tax). ❶ Receipt which has applicants ただし、2万円が限度額です。 However, it is limited to 20,000 yen. name, product name and manufacturer’s name ○Incentives are limited to 40,000 yen per household. ○助成金の交付は1世帯につき、生ごみ処理器・枝葉破砕機 ❷ ID Card You can receive it if you fall under these conditions: それぞれ1台までです。 (Which has your address) 1 composting unit and 1 crushing machine = 40,000 yen ただし、堆肥式処理器は2台まで助成します。 ❸ Hanko 2 composting units (Including EM type) = 40,000 yen ❹ Bank book 1 composting unit and 1 manual or electric disposal = 20,000 yen. 。 ○申請は購入(領収書の日付)から1年以内のみ受け付けます。 ❺ Application form and bill

(Prepare it at the city office) ○Application will only be allowed until one year from the date

purchased written in the receipt.

い If you haveそ anyの questions,他不明な please点は、 ask環境 the政 Environmental策課へお問 Policyい合 Divisionわせく だ(Kankyoさい。 Seisakuka ).

Precautions of setting up a disposer ディスポーザ設置の注意点

○If you want to place a disposer, your area must have a water treatment system or a wastewater treatment tank. ○ディスポーザは、公共下水道伊勢崎処理区または対応型合併浄化槽のみ設置できます。

○About setting up the disposer, please file an application form to the Sewerageworks Management Division (Gesuidou Kanrika) in advance. ○公共下水道におけるディスポーザ設置には、市(下水道管理課)へ事前申請をし、設置後完了検査

Youを need受け to るgo 必through要が anあ inspectionります 。for設置 completion工事 はof construction.、指定工事 Please店へ make依頼 anし appointmentてくださ toい。 the designated contractor.

If you haveた ふ any めい questions, てん pleaseげ すい askどう the か んSewerageworks り か Management Division (Gesuidou Kanrika)と (あTEL:0270 -27-2776). その他不明な点は、下水道管理課(TEL:0270-27-2776)へお問い合わせください。


Paper Recycling Paper 26.2%

ちょうない し げん かいしゅう What is Resource Collection in the Neighborhood (Shigen Kaisyu)?

? 町内資源回収とは?

伊勢Each崎市 wardでは collects月に1度 、resources町内ごとに 資once源回 a収 month.を行って います。 ぶんべつ き ば しょ だ ! そPleaseれぞれ sort分別 themし、決 andめら れbringた場 them所へ出 toし てtheく だdesignatedさい。 place.

町Isesaki内資源回 city収 willを奨 subsidize励するため 8、 市yen/kgは1㎏ toあ たpromoteり8円を 町recycling内へ交付 resource in the neighborhood. しています。

※※資About源回収 the日や day場所 にandつい placeては、 町of内 collectionの環境指導, 員pleaseに ask the

environmentalお問い合わせくだ educatorさい。 in your area. しん ぶ ん ざっ し だん ぼ ー る ざつ かみ ぱ っ く い るい ぺ っ と ぼ と る あかぼり ち く のぞ Collected Items ●Newspaper ●Magazine ●Cardboard ●Miscellaneous paper ●Carton ●Clothes ●Plastic bottle(Except Akabori Area) 回収品目 ●新聞 ●雑誌 ●段ボール ●雑がみ ●紙パック ●衣類 ●ペットボトル (赤堀地区は除く)

しゅうだん かいしゅう ? ? 集What団回 is収 Groupとは? Collection

A group collection is a non-profit organization such as an organization for childrearing called集団 “回Kodomokai収とは 、Ikuseikai子ども”, 会an 育organization成会、老 for人 aged会、 PcalledTA “Roujinkai、ボラン”, テPTAィ orア だんたい ひ えい り だんたい こ し かい とりぎょうしゃ けいやく どく じ し ! volunteer団体な どgroupの非 makes営利 a 団contract体が with、古 a紙 collection買取業 operator者と契 and約 しcollects、独 自にmiscellaneous資

paper on its own. 源回収を行うことです。集団回収を奨励するため、市は1㎏あ

To promote group collection, Isesaki city will subsidize 8 yen/kg and support their activity.たり8 円を交付し、実施団体の活動を支援しています。

しん ぶ ん ざっ し だん ぼ ー る ざつ かみ ぱ っ く かCollected いしゅう Itemsひんも く ●Newspaper ●Magazine ●Cardboard ●Miscellaneous paper ●Carton 回収品目 ●新聞 ●雑誌 ●段ボール ●雑がみ ●紙パック

To receive incentives, you need to register the group in advance. Please contact the Environmental Policy Division (Kankyo Seisakuka). As a part of group activity, please make good use of this incentives.

し げん ほ かん こ

? 資What源保 is管 Storage庫とは? Warehouse of Resource?

Storage warehouse of resource is a warehouse which is placed at the public facility to promote recycling.資源物の 再資源化を推進するため公共施設に設置した保管庫です。 ! し げん ほ かん こ り よう げんりょう り さ い く る きょうりょく Please資源保 cooperate管庫 をwith利 reducing用して the、ご amountみの 減of waste量と リサand recyclingイクル theに ごresource協力 byく usingださ aい。 storage

かいしゅう ひんもく しん ぶ ん ざっ し だん ぼ ー る ざつ はいしょくようあぶら Collected Items ●Newspaper ●Magazine ●Cardboard ●Miscellaneous paper ●Carton ●Clothes 回収品目 ●新聞 ●雑誌 ●段ボール ●雑がみ ●廃食用油 ●衣類 り よう さい せい り せいとん き も つか きょうりょく ちゅう い てん Cautions 利Please用の際 tryには to整 理keep整頓 cleanし、み なandさん tidy.で気 持Whenちよく using使える aよ warehouseうにご協力く atだ theさい。 注意点 ほ いく しょ し げん ほ かん こ り よう さい ほ いくしょ しょくいん こえ nursery school, please call to the staff. 保育所の資源保管庫を利用する際は、保育所職員に声をかけてください。

保 育所の資源保管庫を利用する際は り保 Available育所よう職 Day員き に声and Timeじつを かけじて くだかんさ い Place 設 置 場 所 利 用 期 日 時 間

し やくしょ し しょ あか ぼ り さかい へいWeekdays:じつ ご ぜん じ 8:30 a.m.ふん ~ご 5:00 ご p.m.じ 市役City office,所、 Branches支所((赤Akabori堀・あ・Azずumaま・・Sakai境))、 平日午前8時 30 分~午後5時まで こう みん かん きた みなみ うえ はす も ろ み さと みやごう な わ とようけ しゅくじつ ねんまつ ねん し のぞ Community Center(Kominkan)(Kita・Minami・Uehasu・Moro・ ( ) 公Misato民館・(Miyagou北・南・・Nawa殖・蓮・Toyouke茂呂・・Akabori三郷・・Azuma宮郷・・Sakai名・和・Sakai豊 受 (祝日Exceptおよび national年末年 holidays始は除 andく) new year holiday あかぼり さかい さかいうね め さかいしまむら さかいごう し さかいひがし Uneme・Sakai Shimamura・Sakai Goushi・Sakai Higashi) Nursery し しょ ご ご じ ふん 赤ほ 堀・いくしあょ ずだいま・境・ に だいさ境ん 采 だいよ女・ん 境島さかい 村・境さ剛かい志・ 境東) ※Available time is until 4:30 p.m. at Azuma branch office. School(Daini・Daisan・Daiyon・Sakai Hinode・Sakai Iyoku) ※あずま支所は午後4時 30 分まで。 保Kasuri育 所no( Sato第、二・Waterworks第三・ Bureau第四・ 境ひので・境いよく) かすり さと すいどうきょく 9:00絣の a.m.郷は~10:00開館 p.m.日の at午 Kasuri前9 no時 ~Sato午 後 10 時まで。 絣の郷、水道局

5 Let’s Recycle

Paper Miscellaneous Paper 26.2%

ざつ What is miscellaneous paper? ? 雑がみとは? Except newspaper (include flyer in newspaper), magazine, cardboard, paper carton are called

miscellaneous paper. ! 新聞(折込みチラシを含む)、雑誌、段ボール、紙パック以外の紙のことを言います。

Wrapping Paper Paper bag Poster Calendar Paper Box

※Please remove plastic/metal clasps etc.

There are various types of

miscellaneous paper Handle (made from plastic or vinyl etc.) 紙袋 の取手(プラスチック・ビニール製など) Metal止め金 things具

ざつ だ Things which are not Classified as Miscellaneous Paper ! 雑がみとして出せないもの

・Coated Paper ・Foil Paper

・Dirty Paper

Waterproof Paper Picture Thermal Paper Paper with a strong oderant Carbon Paper Crimped Postcard

※These items are difficult to recycle, so please dispose of them as burnable garbage.

ざつ あつ Miscellaneous Paper Collection ! 雑がみを集めるためには

To have miscellaneous paper collected, we recommend you to ごみ箱の隣に紙袋を置いて、捨てる前に分別すると 100% ば しょ と ざつ あつ かみせい ふくろ place場所 aを paper取ら ずbag、雑 nextがみ toを the集 めtrashるこ canと がandで sortきま them.す。 紙製の袋

紙袋も雑がみなので、集めた後は、そのまま持ち運 It is convenient for you to use a paper bag because it is also びもでき、便利です。 miscellaneous paper.


Plastic 11.4%

Let’s Recycle Plastic

(We do not collect plastic at Akabori Area) ぷ ら す ち っ く ま ちが A Common Mistake of Sorting Plastic ―Part1 ! プラスチックごみでよくある間 違 い―その

① Sometimes PET bottles are put in the plastic garbage bag プラスチックごみ袋の中にペットボトルが混入されていること incorrectly. PET bottles are created from single material があります。ペットボトルは単一の素材であり、フィルム、ラベ and they will be reuse in various items such as films, ル、容器、梱包バンド、ネクタイ、作業着などいろいろなものに labels, containers, packing bands, neck-ties or working 再製品化されています。ペットボトルは資源の日(伊勢崎地区)・ clothes. ぷ ら す ち っ ペットボトルの日(東・境地区)に出しましょう。 プラスチックごみ Please dispose PET bottles on collection day. Plastic Waste

ぷ ら す ち っ く ま ちが A Common Mistake of Sorting Plastic ―Part2 ! プラスチックごみでよくある間 違 い―その

ビデオテープ・・ CD プラToyスs whichチッ areク made製お fromもち plasticゃ Plasticポリバ bucketsケツ Stationaryプラスチ madeック 製from文 房具plastic プラスPlasticチック hangersハン ガー Videotapes CDs ぷ ら も で る ぷ ら ん た ー ぼ ー る ぺ ん ・ ば い ん だ ー (プラモデルなど) プランター ボBallー-ルpointペン・-pensバ・イBindersンダー (Plastic models) Planters

プSortingラスチッ plasticクごみ garbageの分別は「 is容 based器包装 onリ サtheイク “Containersル法」に 基づ andいて 行Packagingっています Recycling。法律の名 Law称ど”お. Aりs、 容器

according to its name, collected items are container and packaging. This law was と包装のみがプラスチックごみの対象品目となります。もともとは商品を包む容器または包装物の排

originally made for suppressing the pollution for containers or packaging. 出を抑制し、リサイクルする目的でこの法律はつくられました。そのため、上記のような、そのものが商

Therefore,品であるプラ thoseスチッ クitemsの場 合writtenは対象 above外になり cannotます。 be disposed as plastic garbage.

コ コ が Pointsポ イ ン ト

① Youか み can disposeつか きof the かplasticる items whichた have a symbol orよ markご shown お on the right side. Ex) Pla mark ①プラスチックごみはプラマークが付いたも のだけを出してください。 ② Consume fully and rinse out or wipe off the inside. ② 中(身値を札使などい切のりシ、ー軽ルくはす、すはぎが食さべなかいすでなどそののま汚までれをも落出せとしまてす)くだ さい。 (You do not have to remove stickers such as the price tag or label.) プラマーク ※Follow※①、② bothを守 rulesらない writtenと違反 above;ごみと otherwise,なり回収さ itれ willませ becomeん。 illegal garbage and cannot be collected. まも い はん かいしゅう

※If it doesn’t meet the requirements, please dispose of it as burnable or non-burnable garbage. ※①と②の条件を1つでも満たさないプラスチックは『もえるごみ』や『もえないごみ』として出してください。

7 Clothes Let’s Recycle Electric Waste 5.4 % and Clothes

し よう ずみ こ がた か でん り さ い く る Recycle Small Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment ! 使用済小型家電のリサイクル

The enforcement of act on “Promotion of Recycling of Small Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment”, we have started 平成 25 年 4 月の小型家電リサイクル法の施行に伴い、平成 25 年度から貴金属やレアメタルなどを含む

You can use a 使用済小型家電 デcollectingジタルカ digitalメラ やcameras,ゲーム 機gameなど consolesの使用, 済which小型 contain家電の rare回 収metalを実s or施 preciousしていま metalす。s from 2013. 回収ボックス

collection box which is placed at a public facility such as city office or other government buildings. 市役所・各支所などの公共施設に専用の回収ボックスを設置していますので、ご利用くださ い。

せっ ち ば しょ たい しょう ひん もく Places Items 設 置 場 所 対 象 品 目 し やくしょ し しょ あか ぼ り さかい とうにゅうぐち はい City office, Branch office(Akabori・Azuma・Sakai) 市役所、支所(赤堀・あずま・境) An30 item㎝ ×which15 ㎝ is underの投 30cm入口×に15cm.入る もの こうみんかん きた み さと あかぼり さかいうね め さかいごう し さかいひがし Community Center(Kita・Misato・Akabori・Azuma・ (Ex)でDigital じ た Camera, る か め Video ら びCamera, で お か め ら げ ー む き 公民館(北・・三郷・赤堀・・あずま・境采)女・境剛志・境東)(例)デジタルカメラ、ビデオカメラ、ゲーム機 せいSakaiそう Unemeり さ い くSakai る せ Goushi ん た ー Sakaiかす Higashiり さと Videoで じ たGame, る お Digital ー で ぃ Audio お ぷ Player, れ い や ー ぷ れ い や ー ・ 、 ・ 清Seiso掃リ Recycleサイク Centerルセ 21,ンタ Kasuriー2-1no、-絣のSato, 郷 CDデジMDタ ルPlayerオーデICィTapeオプ Recorder,レイヤー 、CD・MDプレイヤー しCivil みん Service さ ー び Center す せ Miyakoん た ー みや こ Telephone て ー Set, ぷ Electronicれ こ ー だ Dictionary, ー でん わ Electronicき でん し じ しょ でんたく 市民サービスセンター宮子 Calculator etc. IC・テープレコーダー、電話機、電子辞書、電卓など

ちゅCautions!!う い じ こう 注 意 事 項 ば そ こ ん けいたい でん わ こ じんじょうほう ふく かいしゅう パIf ソa smallコンや appliance携帯電話 hasな privateどの個 information,人情報が含 まyouれ cannotるもの はdispose回収し it.ま せん。 でん ち ば っ て り ー と はず Please remove dry cell or battery. 電池やバッテリーは取り外してください。

× なYouお 、can従 来disposeどおり it指定 as a袋 nonに-入burnableれて、も garbageえないご asみ inと theして past.出すこ ともできます。

集Weめ selectられた andもえ collectないご smallみの中 wasteから、 electrical小型家電 andを選 electronic別し回収し equipmentています。 from the non-burnable garbage.

い るい り さ い く る Recycle Clothes ! 衣類のリサイクル

F平rom成 2 2014,6 年度 かtheら 、entire伊勢崎 areas地区の ofみ でIsesaki行って いhaveた衣 started類の回収 collectingを市内全域 clothes.で実施し てYouいま canす。 衣dispose類だけだ っ ふ ofた 回収curtains,品目を 増bags,やし、 shoesカーテ ンorや blanketsかばん、靴 as、毛 recyclable布なども資 源clothes.として回 C収ollectedしていま すitems。回収し areた 衣類は、

exported to overseas as used clothes or recycled as waste cloth. 中古衣料として海外に輸出されたり、ウエス(工業用雑巾)にリサイクルされたり しています。

Items 主な回収品目

TClothesシャツ・ suchセー asタ Tー・-shirtsス・カSweatersートなど・のSkirts衣類、, ぬStuffedいぐる みtoys,、か ばBags,ん、毛 Blankets布など

Disposing出 し Method 方

市Pleaseの指定 putごみ clothes袋(缶専 in用 the)に 入designatedれて出して plasticください。 bag (only for “Cans”).

Cautions 注意事項

○ Wash and dry before putting out. ○洗濯して乾かしてから出してください。 ○ Tie up the plastic bag tightly. ○袋の口はしっかり結んでください ○ We do not collect on rainy days. Please bring them out on the next month ○雨の日は回収しません。翌月に出すか資源保管庫(P5 参照)をご利用ください。 or use the waste center (refer to the page 5). ○毛布やカーテンなど袋に入らないものはひもで縛って出してください。 ○Bind oversized items such as curtain or blanket with a rope/twine. ○ボタン、ファスナー、カーテンフックなどは取らずに出してください。 ○Do not remove buttons, zippers or curtain hooks.

8 About Business-Related Garbage・ Disposal of Dead Animals

Classification of the Waste Waste is classified into two categories. One is domestic general waste and the other is business廃棄物は、-一related般家庭 wasteの日常 生(such活から as排 restaurant,出される家庭ご store,みと商 company,店、飲食店 、hospital,会社、病院 or、薬 pharmacy局など事業 活動に waste).伴って排 出Businessされるご-みrelatedに大き くwaste区分さ isれ classifiedます。事業 活into動 にbusiness伴うごみ-はrelated事業系 一般general廃棄 waste物(事業 or系 ごみ)と industrial産業廃棄物 waste.に区分さ Isesakiれます。 市でcity 処cannot理でき るdisposものはe一般 of industrial廃棄物で、 産waste.業廃棄 物の処理はできません。 Househol か てい けい いっぱんはい き ぶつ か てい Domestic General Waste d Garbage家庭 家(caused庭系一 by般 daily廃棄 life物) 一いっ般ぱん家 か 庭ていの に日ちじょ常う生せい活かつに と伴もなっ て しょ生うじ たは廃い 棄き ぶ物)つ Solid じぎょうけい いっぱんはい き ぶつ 廃棄はい き ぶ物 つ Business-Related General Waste

Waste じ ぎょうかつどう 事業系一般廃棄物 Business- (( caused by business activity, except industrial waste) 事業活動に ともRelatedな さんぎょう はい き ぶつ Industrial Waste 伴Garbageうごみ 産業廃棄物

Method of Disposal for Business-Related Garbage

「Pursuant廃棄物 toの the処理 provision及び清 掃of に“Waste関する Management法律」第3条の and Public規定に Cleansingより、事 Act業活 Article動に 伴3”っ, businessて生じた-related廃棄物 garbageは事業 should者自ら せきにん てきせい しょ り じぎょうかつどう ともな はいしゅつ りょう た しょう be disposed appropriately by the company. Regardless of the amount, business-related garbage cannot be dispose d at の責任において適正に処理することになっています。事業活動に伴って排出されるごみは量の多少にかか the “Gomiぎょ (うgarbageせい く ) stationす ”て. ー し ょ ん だ わらず、行政区のごみステーションに出すことはできません。

Pleaseつぎ dispose theほ wasteうほう appropriatelyてきせい しょ り in one of the following ways. 次のいずれかの方法で適正に処理してください。 ○Personじ ぎょうし fromょ ひ とthe ちcompanyょくせつせいそ うdirectly り さ い bringく る せing ん waste た ー to Kiryuはんにゅう City Clean Center. ○※事Fee業所 のUnder人が 100kg直接:清120yen/10kg掃リサイクル センター21 へ搬入する も こ りょうきん じぎょうけい えん Over 101kg:200yen/10kg ※持ち込み料金 事業系ごみ:10 キロごとに 200 円 Ex) If it is 110kg, it costs 2,200yen. いっぱん はい き ぶつしゅうしゅううんぱん きょ か ぎょうしゃ しゅうしゅううんぱん い たく

○○Ask一般 for廃 the棄 物general収集 運waste搬許 disposer可業者 へto 収集collect運 and搬を transport委託する them. いっぱん はい き ぶつしゅうしゅううんぱんきょ か ぎょうしゃ し ほ ー む ぺ ー じ かくにん ※ ※About一般廃 the棄 general物収集 waste運搬 許disposer,可業者 pleaseについ referては to、市 theの Website.ホームペー ジでご確認ください。

Disposal of the Dead Animals If you are the owner… If you do not know its owner …. 飼い主がいるとき 飼い主が不明のとき Ifい ぬa petねこ such as dogぺ っ or と cat dies,し ぼう please bring theせいそう dead り さ い く どうIf ろ youじょう findどう aぶ つdead し anima ぼう l on the road, pleaseせいそう contact り さ い く 犬や猫などのペットが死亡したときは、清掃リサイク 道路上で動物が死亡していたときは、清掃リサイク bodyる せ toん たKiryu ー City Cleanちょくせつ Center も こ directly. るSeiso せ ん Recycle た ー Centerかいし ゅ21う . Our staff willしょ collectうさい it,ば し soょ れんらく ルセンター21へ直接持ち込んでください。 ルpleaseセンタ tellー us21 theで detail回収しs. ますので、詳細な場所を連絡 りょうきん いったい Fee: Dog 510yen/body Cat 200yen/body 料金:一体 1,080 円 してください。 し Iゆf うyou ち な findい aど うdeadぶつ animalし たい in とa private ち し ょarea,ゆうしゃ the しlandょ り ※ い こつ へんきゃく They do not return its ashes. 私owner有地 内のshould動 dispose物の死 of体 it.は C土ity地 officeの所 staff有者 willが not処理 して ※遺骨の返却はありません。 し しき ち ない はい かいしゅう Ifい you こつ wantのこ to bury ばits あ ashes,い please contactせいえん Sakai Sei- enter that area and collect it. ください。市で敷地内に入り、回収することはしてい en遺 (Sakai骨を残 Crematorium)したい場合 (TELは、 さ: 0270かい-70聖-苑(6000). TE L:0270- と あ 70-6000)へお問い合わせください。 ません。

9 Recycling Project in

Isesaki Sorting Operation

Cans Separate them into aluminum and steel by automatic sorting


Can s 缶 They are divided into Bottles colorless, brown, or

Resources which other colors you have sorted depending on the bin are carried to color. Seiso Recycle Center 21 or Bottles private facility. Small appliances They are collected from non-burnable garbage.

Small appliances

PET bottles Plastic

Remove foreign Garbage Truck PET bottles materials and compress them. Then put them into a container.


Collected resources are treated Clothes adequately and can be made again to a new product. Clothes Old-clothes

Waste cloth

Waste paper

Waste edible oil Bio-Diesel Fuel

Material for vegetal ink Waste cooking oil


Aluminum Aluminum cans・Automobile parts・

Can Other commodities etc.


Steel cans・Construction

materials Steel products etc.


Colorless bottles



Brown bottles

Other color

Asphalt ・Subbase course materials


appliance Rare metals・Precious metals・Irons・ Bronze Plastic bottle

Plastic Labels・Ball-point pens Neckties・Working Clothes


Cardboard Cardboard・

Cardboard tubes

Magazine Miscellaneous paper

Used Cardboard boxes・ Picture books paper

Newspaper Newspapers・Magazines Printing paper etc.

Paper carton Toilet tissue paper・Tissue

11 About 4R’s

What is 4R?

Have you ever listened or seen “3R”? 「3R」という言葉を目にしたり聞いたりしたことはありませんか。 33RR meansとは、R Reeduce,duce( R減euseらす and)・R Reecycle.use(再 In使 Isesaki,用する we)・ Raddedecyc Rle(efuse.再資 P源lease化す doる )notの3 buyつを too示 しmanyてい itemsます。 and 伊勢refuse崎市 if youでは do、ごみ not とneedなる it.も のは買わないなど不要になるものは 断る Refuse を3Rに加えた4Rでごみの 減量に取り組んでいます。 みなさん一人一人が日常生活で4Rを実践することで、ごみの減量につながります。

RRefuseefus e(リフューズ) 断る ・ Refuse excessive packaging ・ 過剰な包装を断る

・・ 買 Bringい物 a袋 (reusableマイバッ shoppingク)を持っ てbag買 い(“My物に bag行き”)、 andレジ refuse袋を断 るplastic

shopping bags. 不要なものを断り、ごみとして捨てるものを少なくする Refuse unnecessary items and reduce the amount of garbage.

RReduceeduc e(リデュース) 減らす ・Do not use disposable products, rather use refillable ・ones. 使い 捨て商品を購入しないで、詰め替え商品を利用する

・ Do not leave remaining food or residue. ・ 食べ物を残してごみとしないようにする

ごReduceみとし てthe捨 てamountるもの はof 少wasteなくす る

Reuse Reuse(リユース) 再使用する ・If something is broken, repair or mend it and use it. ・ 故障したものを修理・修繕して使用する ・ If it goes unused, please bring it to a flea market or ・ 必要なくなったものはフリーマーケットなどで再使用を図る a recycle shop.

Try再使 to用 すreuseるこ とitemで、sご andみと reduceして捨 てtheる ものamountを少 ofな くgarbageする .

RRecycleecycle (リサイクル) 再資源化する

・・ 生Recycleごみや kitchen剪定し たgarbage枝など orを 堆pruned肥とし branchesて再資源 as化 compostする あ ・ Sort empty cans, empty bins, cartons, pet bottles, containers or ・ 空き缶、空きびん、紙パック、ペットボトル、容器包装

plastic プラsス andチ ッrecycleクなどを them.分 別して再資源化する

Try再資 to源 化effectivelyによって資 utilize源の有 resources.効活用を図 る

The garbage sorting dictionary is shown on the following page. To reduce the amount of garbage, please sort them properly. If you have any questions, please contact Seiso Recycle Center 21(TEL:0270-32-3166) or the Environmental Policy Division(Kankyo Seisakuka)(TEL:0270-27-2732).

12 Garbage Sorting Dictionary(Akabori area version)

Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method Points on Disposal あ If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as oversized garbage. ~お Desktop Non-burnable あ IH coking heater

Made from foaming polystyrene・plastic Burnable If there is no [Pla] mark, dispose it as burnable garbage. Ice box

Ice pillow Refrigerant Burnable Iron () Made from metal・plastic Non-burnable か If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as oversized garbage.

Iron board Non-burnable ~こ

Waste paper(Cardboard or Empty box Cardboard・Thick paper miscellaneous paper) Tie them with rope. About miscellaneous paper, refer to page 6.

Accordion curtain Oversized garbage

Schedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick up. Scaffold board Not collected by Isesaki city

Schedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick up. さ Asphalt felt Building material Not collected by Isesaki city

~そ S chedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick up. Not collected by Isesaki city Building material Asphalt roofing

Adapter Home electric appliances N on-burnable

Edible oil (Vegetal) Waste edible oil Put it into a PET bottle and tighten the lid.

Edible oil (Animal) Burnable Absorb oil in cloth or paper or use a solidifying agent. Oil た Absorb oil in cloth or paper or use a solidifying agent.

Car oil・Machine oil Burnable ~と If a dealer changed the oil, we cannot accept


Rain gear (Raincoat) Burnable

Shutter Made from metal・wood Oversized garbage Up to 10 sheets in a day.

な Cut it into shorter than 70cm. Made from plastic Burnable ~の Drainpipe If a dealer changed the drainpipe, we cannot accept it.

Made from metal Oversized garbage If a dealer changed the drainpipe, we cannot accept it.

Made from plastic Burnable

Net (net bag)

Made from metal Non-burnable Roll up or fold up it. は Knitting machine Oversized garbage Up to 2 machines in a day. ~ほ

Window screen Made from aluminum ・wood Oversized garbage Up to 10 sheets in a day.

Album Made from paper・plastic Burnable Remove the metal parts and dispose it as non-burnable garbage.

Aluminum sash Oversized garbage Up to 10 sheets in one day.

Aluminum dish・pan Burnable ま

Aluminum ・Cutting part of the box Burnable ~も

Aluminum foil Waste paper

Box・Core (Thick paper) (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to page 6.

Safety shoes Burnable

Antenna Non-burnable Take it apart and make it shorter than 2m. や

For sound equipment Non-burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as oversized garbage. ~よ Amplifier

Seedling box Burnable

Paving stone・Stepping stone Not collected by Isesaki city Stone Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

Clothes chest Made from paper・wood・plastic Burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as oversized garbage.

Asbestos Not collected by Isesaki city Schedule a specialized company for pick up. ら ~ろ Asbestos-covered mesh Not collected by Isesaki city Schedule a specialized company for pick up. Made from wood・metal Oversized garbage Chair Up to 10 chairs in one day.

Board (except construction waste) Remaining materials from DIY Burnable Cut it shorter than 70cm. Unicycle/Wheelbarrow Playground equipment・ Cargo carriage Oversized garbage Sake bottle (1.8ℓ) Soy sauce・Sake Bottle Rinse the inside. わ

18ℓ can (called “Ittokan”) Non-burnable Consume it fully and rinse the inside. Made from wood・plastic Burnable Take it apart and make it shorter than 70cm. Doghouse/Kennel Made from metal Non-burnable Take it apart and make it shorter than 70cm.

:You can dispose at a storage house. (Refer to P5) :You can use a collection box if there is mark. (Refer to P8) 13

Garbage Sorting Dictionary(Akabori area version)

あ ~お Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method Points on Disposal

Carcass of dog Bring it to Kiryu city clean center directly. 510 yen/body い

Clothes Waste paper(Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Garment drying machine Applicable to Recycling Law Not collected by city Refer to P42~43

か~こ Denture Burnable

Earphones Non-burnable

Ink cartridge Same as inked ribbon Burnable

Intercom Non-burnable

Oversized garbage さ う Window

Applicable to Home Law ~そ Window air conditioner Not collected by city Refer to P42~43

Pruned branches Twig・Leaves Refer to P37

Flowerpot (Scrape the soil) Unglazed・Ceramics etc. Non-burnable If it is made from plastic, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Take it apart and make it shorter than 2m. Made from metal Non-burnable Prop (for gardening) Made from plastic Burnable た Make it shorter than 70cm.

~と Wet suit Burnable

Made from rubber ・vinyl Float Burnable Deflate air and roll it.

Millstone/Mortar Made from wood Not collected by city Ask the waste service company. Cut it under 70cm length, 15cm diameter and tie them.

Wood deck Burnable

な Bring button cell battery to the selling store. Watch Non-burnable ~の

Baby carriage Oversized garbage

Burnable Urethane foam mattress Scrape mud. A shoe without its fellow can’t be collected. If it is Made from cloth ・synthetic leather Waste paper(Clothes) Sneaker dirty dispose it as burnable garbage

Treadmill・exercise bike・ は Exercise tool Oversized garbage ~ほ Bench press etc.

Air gun (Air soft gun) Made from plastic Non-burnable

え Air mattress Made from plastic Burnable Deflate air and roll it.

Air conditioner Applicable to Home Appliance Recycling Law Not collected by city Refer to P42~43.

ま Tree branches and leaves Refer to P37 ~も Tube paint Made from plastic Burnable If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable garbage. Picture book Waste paper(Magazine) Tie them with rope.

MD player is disposed as non-burnable garbage. MD(Mini disc) Disc・Case Burnable If it is broken, wrap it with paper and write “Danger” with a red pen. や LED (Bulb・ Fluorescent tube type) Non-burnable ~よ Electric guitar Oversized garbage Electronic organ Oversized garbage Up to 2 organs in a day.

PVC pipe Water pipe etc. Burnable Cut it shorter than 70cm. PVC products General goods・Toy etc. Burnable Cut it shorter than 70cm. ら Chimney Made from metal Oversized garbage ~ろ Pencil Burnable Pencil sharpener Non-burnable

Absorb the oil in cloth or use a solidifying agent. Oil Engine oil・Machine oil Burnable お If a store staff changes the oil, it can’t be collected.

わ Oil can Non-burnable Consume it fully and rinse the inside. Schedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick Oil heater Not collected by city up. Lounge suite Oversized garbage Audio set Oversized garbage

14 : You can dispose at a storage house. :You can use a collection box if there is mark.

Items Material ・Form・ Category Disposal Method Points on Disposal あ

~お Motorcycle Applicable to Automobile Recycle System Not collected by city Refer to P39 お Non-burnable


If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as oversized garbage. Non-burnable

Table clock Non-burnable Dispose dry cell as hazardous materials.

Tub/Bucket Made from wood・plastic Burnable ~こ If it is made from paper or it is dirty, dispose it as Waste paper(Clothes) Rolled, moist hand towel Made from cloth burnable garbage

Made from wood・plastic Burnable Ladle Made from metal Non-burnable さ Fallen leaves Burnable

~そ Tea packing bag Made from plastic Burnable

Made from wood Burnable Tea canister

Made from steel Can Rinse the inside.

Obi (Sash worn with a kimono). Waste paper(Clothes)I f it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage. た Tray Made from wood・plastic Burnable If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable garbage. ~と

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as Made from plastic Burnable Potty oversized garbage.

Diaper (include cover) Made from paper・cloth・plastic Burnable Remove filth.

Made from wood・cloth・plastic Toy Burnable If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable garbage.

な Cage (for pet) Made from metal Non-burnable Take it apart and make is shorter than 70cm. ~の

Foldaway bed Oversized garbage Up to 2 beds in a day.

Organ Oversized garbage Up to 2 organs in a day.

Music box Non-burnable

Made from plastic Burnable Grater は Made from metal Non-burnable ~ほ

Bowl Made from wood・plastic Burnable If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable garbage.

If it is installed on the roof, it can’t be

Water heater collected. Oversized garbage If a store staff changes the oil, it can’t be collected.

Thermometer Alcohol type Non-burnable If it is mercury type, ask the waste service company.

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, tie them with rope.

ま か Curtain Made from chemical Waste paper If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage. (Cut it shorter than 5m and tie fiber・cloth (Clothes) them.) ~も

Oversized garbage Curtain rail Make it shorter than 2m.

Cart(Electric tricycle・four-wheel vehicle) For elderly person etc. Oversized garbage About the battery, consult with a selling store. Made from chemical fiber・cloth・ Carpet electric type Oversized garbage Roll it up and bind it at 3 locations. や

Sea shell Burnable ~よ

Care bed Oversized garbage Up to 2 beds in a day.

Flashlight Non-burnable Dispose dry cell as hazardous materials.

Cotton-stuffed quilt with sleeves Burnable

Body warmer Made from metal Non-burnable ら If it is broken, wrap it with paper and write ~ろ Mirror Non-burnable “Danger” with a red pen Square timber (except Remaining materials from DIY Refer to P37 construction waste) Frame Made from wood・plastic Burnable Dispose glass parts as non-burnable garbage. Umbrella Non-burnable Non-burnable わ Can・box(steel・aluminum) Can

Snack can, box, Box (Cardboard) Waste paper(Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6. bag Wrapping film・bag・tray Burnable 15 Garbage Sorting Dictionary(Akabori area version)


Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method Points on Disposal

Gas cylinder (Propane) Not collected by city Schedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick up. か

Gas stove Oversized garbage If a store staff changes, it can’t be collected.

Gas water heater If a store staff changes, it can’t be collected. Oversized garbage

か~こ Gas stove (cooker) Oversized garbage If a store staff changes, it can’t be collected.

Guard for cooking range If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as oversized garbage. Made from aluminum Non-burnable

Complex fertilizer (for Used for kitchen garden Burnable

home use)

Cassette tape Burnable

Cassette deck Non-burnable さ~そ Gas canister Spray can Consume it and pierce the can. Consult with a gas station・selling store. Not collected by city Gasoline

Can only Non-burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as oversized garbage.

If it is small amount, dispose it as miscellaneous paper. Catalog Made from paper Waste paper (Magazine) For home use (Filtering apparatus for

た~と Activated charcoal water tank, water rifier etc.) Burnable

Wrap the edge of the knife with paper and write “Danger” with a red pen. Utility knife Non-burnable

Cutting board Made from wood・plastic Burnable

Raincoat Burnable

Cup noodle container Made from paper・styrofoam Burnable な~の Wire netting Non-burnable Roll to a small dimension or break it.

Hammer Non-burnable

Metal wire scrub brush Made from metal Non-burnable Made from cloth・leather・synthetic

If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage. Bag leather Waste paper (Clothes)

Thumbtack Non-burnable は~ほ Vase Made from pottery・metal Non-burnable If it is made from plastic, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Wallpaper Burnable Make it shorter than 2m.

Iron pot Made from metal Non-burnable

Sickle Non-burnable Wrap the edge of the knife with paper and write “Danger” with a red pen.

ま~も It is subjected to water-resistance, so dispose it as burnable garbage. Burnable Paper cup, paper plate

Razor Made from metal・plastic Non-burnable Wrap the edge of the knife with paper and write “Danger” with a red pen.

Take it apart and make it shorter than 70cm. Household Shinto alter (shelf) Burnable Papier-mâcheé Burnable

や~よ Paper pack Milk・Juice etc. Waste paper (Carton) Rinse and open the carton and dry it.

container It its inside is aluminum foil Burnable

Paper bag Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6.

Tape Burnable Packing tape

Core Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6. ら~ろ Camera Non-burnable Remove the battery. Mosquito net Burnable

Colored box containing multiple shelves Oversized garbage Made from wood

Oversized garbage Karaoke set

Glass Sheet glass・cups Non-burnable Wrap it with paper or cloth. Up to 1 bag in a day.

Up to 10 doors in a day. わ Glass door Oversized garbage

Pruning shears Non-burnable Wrap the edge of the knife with paper and write “Danger” with a red pen. Garage Made from paper Oversized garbage Take it apart and make it shorter than 2m.

Calendar Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6.

16 : You can dispose at a storage house. :You can use a collection box if there is mark.

Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area Version)

あ~お Disposal Method Items Material ・Form・ Category Points on Disposal Up to 10 titles in a day. か Tile Non-burnable

If a store staff changes, it can’t be collected. Can Aluminum・Steel can Can Rinse the inside.

※We ask for your cooperation in Gas canister Spray can Consume it and pierce the can. か~こ

collecting aluminum Dispose the lid as burnable garbage. Spray can Spray can and steel cans at 18ℓ can (Ittokan) Non-burnable Empty the can.

resource recovery in

the neighbourhood. Drum can Oversized garbage Empty the can. Up to 2 cans in a day.

Ventilator Main part Oversized garbage Dispose the filter (cover) as burnable garbage. さ~そ Can opener Made from metal Non-burnable

For the dishes・duvet Oversized garbage Dryer For clothes (Applicable to the

Home Appliance Recycling Act) Not collected by city Refer to P42~43.

Desiccant (Dehumidification agent) Burnable

Can Made from steel・aluminum Can Rinse the inside. た~と

Thermal paper Receipt・FAX paper Burnable Not disposed as miscellaneous paper.

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it Made from wood・plastic Burnable

Signboard as oversized garbage. If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it

Made from metal Non-burnable as oversized garbage.

It is subjected to water-resistance, so dispose it as Wrapping package of canned beer Burnable burnable garbage. Long wood (Diameter is under 15cm) Refer to P37. な~の き Twig・Leaves Wood Refer to P37.

Diameter is over 15cm・Roots Refer to P37.

Rectangular lumber・Lumber・ Log (Used for construction) Refer to P37.

For instrument Keyboard Oversized garbage は~ほ For PC Non-burnable

Made from wood・plastic Key ring Burnable

Made from metal Non-burnable

Guitar Oversized garbage

Non-burnable ま~も Kickboard If you cannot put it in the designated plastic bag, Wooden hammer Burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Burnable Kitchen mat Serving cart Oversized garbage

Mallet Oversized garbage Cut it under 70cm length, 15cm diameter. や~よ

Wooden box Oversized garbage Take it apart and make it shorter than 70cm.

Kimono Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Made from wood・ bamboo Burnable Take it apart and make it shorter than 70cm. Stepladder Made from metal Oversized garbage ら~ろ Cabinet Oversized garbage

Carrier For car Oversized garbage

Roller (carrying) bag For trip ・pet Oversized garbage

Gas for camping Spray can Consume it and pierce the can

Tea pot Unglazed ・ceramics ・metal Non-burnable

If a store staff changed, it can’t be collected. Hot water supply Oversized garbage わ

Milk carton Waste paper (Carton) Rinse, open and dry it.

Textbook Waste paper (Magazine) Tie them together. (*Kyokabe is one of Japanese clay wall for the Schedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick

Kyokabe Japanese traditional architecture.) Not collected by city up. 17 Garbage Sorting Dictionary(Akabori Area version)

あ~お Disposal Method Items Material・Form・Category Points on disposal

Dresser Oversized garbage き If it is broken, wrap it with paper and write “Danger”

Made from glass Non-burnable with a red pen. Goldfish bowl

Made from plastic Burnable

か~こ Portable Non-burnable Safe

Refractory Oversized garbage Dimension is about 60cm square. Schedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick

Made from stone Not collected by city up.

Pile く Cut it under 70cm long, 15cm diameter and tie them. Made from wood・ plastic Burnable

Air pump For bicycle・ball Non-burnable さ~そ Air gun Non-burnable

Air purifier Oversized garbage

Cool box Made from plastic Burnable Wrap it with paper and write “Danger” with

Nail Non-burnable a red pen. た~と Nail puller/pincers Non-burnable

Grass/Weed Burnable Remove mud and dry it.

Mower Remove fuel, if it is engine type. Oversized garbage

Made from plastic Burnable

Chain Made from metal Non-burnable な~の If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it

Tire chain Non-burnable as oversized garbage.

Made from bamboo・wood・plastic Burnable Skewer ・ Spit・

Comb Made from plastic Non-burnable

Pharmaceutical packaging Made from paper・plastic Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6.

If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable garbage. は~ほ Lipstick Burnable Shoes(Except rain・ Remove mud. One of the shoes is not acceptable. If they are dirty, dispose them as burnable garbage.

boots) Made from leather・synthetic leather Waste paper (Clothes)

Socks Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Cushion Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Rake Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm.

ま~も Made from leather・synthetic leather Glove Burnable

Christmas tree Made from plastic Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm.

Clip Made from metal Non-burnable Wheel chair Oversized garbage

や~よ Grating Non-burnable

Burnable Crayon

Glow lamp Non-burnable

Wallpaper Burnable Make it shorter than 2m. Work glove Burnable ら~ろ Fluorescent tube け Hazardous materials Fluorescent light Made from metal・plastic Non-burnable Dispose fluorescent tube as hazardous materials.

Calculator Non-burnable

Bring button cell battery to the selling store. Cellphone Not collected by city Bring it to the selling store. Wool yarn Burnable わ Cage (for pet) Made from plastic・metal Oversized garbage

Tube type cosmetic Made from plastic Burnable container, cosmetic Made from metal Non-burnable Consume it fully and rinse the inside. bottle Made from glass Bottle Consume it fully and rinse the inside.

18 :You can dispose at a storage house. :You can use a collection box if there is mark.

Garbage Sorting Dictionary(Akabori Area version)

あ~お Disposal Method Items Material・Form・Category Points on disposal

Game machine For home use only Non-burnable け

Shoe cupboard Oversized garbage

Ketchup container Made from plastic Burnable If it is mercury type, ask the waste service か~こ Blood pressure monitor Electronic Non-burnable company. If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-

Doormat Made from rubber・plastic Burnable burnable garbage.

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Home health appliance Non-burnable

dispose it as oversized garbage

Pinholder (for flower arrangement) Non-burnable Wrap it with paper and write “Danger” with a red pen.

Kote (Kendo gloves)・Kendo Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm. costume・Shinai (Bamboo sword) Men (Kendo mask)・ Do (Kendo If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as さ~そ Non-burnable Kendo implements breastplate) oversized garbage.

All implements (Outfit) Oversized garbage

Cultivator Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up. こ If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it

Tool Non-burnable as oversized garbage. Tool box Made from metal Non-burnable If it is made from plastic, dispose it as burnable garbage. た~と

Flyer Waste paper (Newspaper) Tie them with newspaper

Wrapping(Plastic) Burnable

Individual packaging ・Outer

Tea canister box(made from paper) Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6.

Can(Steel) Can Rinse the inside. Cord (cord reel) Non-burnable な~の

Plywood (Except construction waste) Remaining materials from DIY. Oversized garbage Make it shorter than 70cm.

Coffee bottle Bottle Rinse the inside

Lid of coffee bottle Made from plastic Burnable

Coffeemaker Non-burnable は~ほ If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected.

Small sized boiler Oversized garbage Up to 2 boilers in a day.

Rush mat Made from rush・vinyl Oversized garbage Roll it up and bind it at 3 locations.

Kotatsu (Low table with a heating device) Main part・board・Futon Oversized garbage

Made from glass・metal・ceramic Non-burnable If it is made from plastic, dispose it as burnable garbage. ま~も Cup Koto (Japanese

musical instrument) Oversized garbage

Powdered milk can Made from steel Can Empty the can.

Photocopier Non-burnable Up to 2 photocopiers in a day.

Gloves ・ Boots Burnable や~よ Rubber Hose Burnable Cut it shorter than 5m and tie them.

Rice chest (Metering type) Oversized garbage

It is subjected to special processing. You cannot dispose

Made from paper Burnable Rice bag it as miscellaneous paper. Made from plastic Burnable Club ・ bag Oversized garbage ら~ろ Golf implement Shoes ・ball・mat・marker Non-burnable Gloves Burnable

Concrete Block Oversized garbage Up to 1 plastic bag in a day. If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Made from plastic Burnable Container box dispose it as oversized garbage. Schedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick Made from metal Not collected by city up. わ

Control panel Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm. Stove/Cooker Oversized garbage If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected. さ Pet circle For pet Oversized garbage Non-burnable Searchlight 19 Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area Version)

あ~お Disposal Method Items Material・Form・Category Points on Disposal

ポ Surfboard Oversized garbage Up to 2 surfboard in a day. さ

Legless chair Made from wood・metal Oversized garbage Up to 10 chairs in a day.

Sideboard Oversized garbage If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable garbage. か~こ Felt pen Made from plastic Burnable

Pole Oversized garbage

Carton(its inside is white) Waste paper (Paper carton) Rinse, open and dry it.

Sake Carton (Its inside is silver) Burnable

Sake bottle・Glass (cup) Bottle Remove the lid and rinse the inside. さ~そ Low table Oversized garbage

Miscellaneous paper Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6.

Sash Made from aluminum・steel Oversized garbage If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected.

Magazine Comic ・weekly magazine etc. Waste paper (Magazine) Tie them with rope. た~と Japanese seat cushion Burnable

Sun lounger Oversized garbage

Made from paper・plastic Burnable

Dish If it is broken, wrap it with paper and write “Danger” with a red pen. Made from glass・ceramic・metal Non-burnable Bamboo basket

Made from bamboo・plastic Burnable な~の Bamboo colander Made from metal Non-burnable

Made from plastic Burnable Sink strainer

Made from metal Non-burnable

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as oversized garbage. Tripod Made from metal Non-burnable

は~ほ Sunglasses Made from metal Non-burnable If it is made from plastic, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Lawn faucet Oversized garbage If a store staff (dealer) changes, it cannot be collected.

Sandals Burnable

Triple mirror Oversized garbage

Tricycle Oversized garbage If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, ま~も Rearing box (For insects) Made from plastic Burnable し dispose it as oversized garbage. Bed sheets Made from cloth Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Disc Burnable Plastic case is also disposed as burnable garbage. CD (Compact disc) Player Non-burnable

や~よ Radio-cassette player Non-burnable

For leisure・Blue tarpaulin(For Picnic sheet Burnable Cut it shorter than 5m and tie them. home use) Schedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick up. Tarpaulin Not collected by city

Electric・Razor type Shaver Non-burnable

Magnetic mattress Oversized garbage ら~ろ Magnet Non-burnable Dictionary Waste paper (Magazine) Tie them with rope.

Underwear (underclothes) Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Charcoal stove Non-burnable

Compress Burnable わ Bicycle Oversized garbage

Car parts Oversized garbage About disposing tires, refer to P24. Bamboo sword (Shinai) Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm.

20 :You can dispose at a storage house. :You can use a collection box if there is mark.

Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area Version)

あ~お Disposal Method Items Material・Form・Category Points on Disposal

Home use only Oversized garbage Up to 2 mowers in a day. し

Grass/Lawn Burnable Scrape mud.

Non-burnable Thermos/Rice cooker If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable Technical pencil Made from plastic Burnable garbage. か~こ

Faucet/Tap Non-burnable Shakuhachi (Japanese

vertical bamboo flute) Burnable

Take it apart and make it shorter than 2m. Garage Oversized garbage Photograph Include negative film Burnable Dispose dry cell as hazardous materials ・ さ~そ Camera Non-burnable Bring button cell battery to the selling store.

Jack Oversized garbage If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Made from plastic Burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. Shovel If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Made from metal Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. Shamisen (Three-stringed

Japanese instrument) Oversized garbage た~と If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-

Rice paddle Made from wood・bamboo・plastic Burnable burnable garbage. Schedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick

Gravel Not collected by city up.

Chandelier Non-burnable

Shampoo container・Refill bag Burnable

Weekly magazine Waste paper (Magazine) Tie it with rope. な~の

Juicer () Non-burnable Carpet Oversized garbage Roll it up and bind it at 3 locations.

Judo uniform Burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Made from paper・wood・plastic Burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Storage box If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as は~ほ Made from metal Non-burnable oversized garbage.

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as oversized garbage. Shredder Non-burnable

Shredded wastepaper Burnable If a store staff (dealer) changes, it cannot be

Instantaneous water heater Indoor type Non-burnable collected. You cannot bring it to the garbage station. We do pay collecting once a

Fire extinguisher year. Refer to P44. ま~も

Incinerated ash You cannot dispose it. Do not burn garbage outside.

Made from steel(small) Oversized garbage Take it apart and make it shorter than 2m. Incinerator (for Take it apart. Up to 1 plastic bag in a day. home use) Block Oversized garbage

Shoji (Sliding paper door) Oversized garbage Up to 10 doors in a day. や~よ Water purifier Non-burnable

Lighting fixtures Oversize garbage Dispose fluorescent tube as hazardous materials. If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable Watering can Made from plastic Burnable garbage. Vegetable oil・salad oil Put it into a PET bottle and cover it with the lid. Waste edible oil ら~ろ Edible oil Cooking oil・olive oil If it is unopened, dispose it as it is. Absorb oil into in cloth or use a solidifying agent. Animal oil Burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Dehumidifier Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. Herbicide Not collected by city Ask the waste service company. Made from wood・plastic Burnable Tableware If it is broken, wrap it with paper and write Made from ceramic・metal・glass Non-burnable “Danger” with a red pen. わ

Dishwasher and dryer Oversized garbage Cupboard Oversized garbage Shopping cart Oversized garbage 21 Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area Version)

あ~お Disposal Method Items Material・Form・Category Points on Disposal

ポ Artificial turf Burnable し

Newspaper Waste paper(newspaper) Including newspaper inserts. Tie them with rope.

Not collected by city す Mercury lamp Ask the waste service company. か~こ Made from plastic Burnable

Aquarium (Goldfish

bowl) Made from glass・metal Non-burnable Hydrogen cylinder Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

Swimming goggles (Diving masks) Made from plastic Burnable If it is made from glass, dispose it as non-burnable garbage.

Made from plastic Burnable さ~そ Water bottle Made from metal Non-burnable

Rice cooker Non-burnable

Suit Waste paper(Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Suitcase Oversized garbage

た~と Skiwear ・Ski bag Burnable If it has metal parts, dispose it as non-burnable Ski Shoes Burnable garbage.

Oversized garbage Skier ・Ski pole Up to 3 pairs in a day.

Skate boots Non-burnable

Skateboard Oversized garbage な~の If it is made from plastic, dispose it as burnable Scale (tape measure) Made from metal Non-burnable garbage. If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Made from plastic Burnable Shovel/Scoop dispose it as oversized garbage.

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Made from metal Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Ink stone Non-burnable

Bamboo blind Made from reed・bamboo・plastic は~ほ Oversized garbage

Steel can Beverage can Can Rinse the inside.

Stereo Oversized garbage

Scourer Made from stainless Non-burnable Empty the tank and dispose dry cell as hazardous Stove Gas・Petroleum・Electricity Oversized garbage materials. ま~も Waste paper (Clothes) If it is worn out, dispose it as burnable garbage. Stockings

Straw Burnable Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

Sand Not collected by city Abiut the toilet sand for pet, refer to P32. Scrape mud. One of the shoes is not acceptable. If they

Sneakers Waste paper (Clothes) are dirty, dispose them as burnable garbage. Draining board / Slatted wooden floor mat for a Japanese style bathroom や~よ Made from wood・plastic Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm.

Snowboard Oversized garbage Up to 3 boards in a day.

Snowboarding Wear Burnable

If it has metal parts, dispose it as non-burnable Burnable Shoes garbage.

Made from leather・plastic Burnable ら~ろ Spiked shoes With metal fitting Non-burnable Wrench/Spanner Non-burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Non-burnable Speaker dispose it as oversized garbage.

Made from wood・plastic Burnable Spoon Made from metal Non-burnable わ

Spring Mattress Oversized garbage Up to 3 mattresses in a day.

Spray can Spray Consume it fully and pierce the can. Slide (For infant) Oversized garbage Trousers (slacks) Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

22 :You can dispose at a storage house. :You can use a collection box if there is mark.

Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area Version)

あ~お Disposal Method Items Material・Form・Category Points on Disposal

ポ Oversized garbage す Trouser press

Sponge Burnable

Charcoal Charcoal ・ Briquette Burnable

Slippers Burnable か~こ

Cooking mortar Non-burnable

Slate Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

Rice mill Home use only Oversized garbage

せ Chest Oversized garbage さ~そ Sanitary items Burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Bamboo steamer Made from bamboo・wood Burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Sweater Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage. If it is dry cell battery type, dispose it as non- Petroleum pump Made from plastic Burnable burnable garbage.

Kitchen garden tool・ gardening Lime tool only Non-burnable Up to 1 plastic bag in a day. た~と

It might be smelly, so you cannot dispose it as Soap box Made from paper Burnable miscellaneous paper.

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Non-burnable Plaster figure Only made by own dispose it as oversized garbage.

Plasterboard Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

Made from plastic Burnable Empty the contents and clean the inside. Adhesive container Made from metal Non-burnable Empty the contents and clean the inside. な~の If it is broken, wrap it with paper and write Porcelain Non-burnable “Danger” with a red pen.


Cement Up to 1 plastic bag in a day.

Scotch tape Burnable Schedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick up. Fibrous wall coating Not collected by city は~ほ It might be smelly, so you cannot dispose it

Incense stick box Made from paper Burnable as miscellaneous paper.

Sensor light Non-burnable It might be smelly, so you cannot dispose it as

Made from paper Burnable miscellaneous paper. Detergent

container Made from plastic Burnable Consume it fully and rinse the inside. Applicable to Home Appliance Laundry machine Not collected by city Refer to P42~43. ま~も Recycling Law If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Clothespin /Clothes peg Made from plastic Burnable burnable garbage. Wrap the edge of the knife with paper and write

Pruning shears Non-burnable “Danger” with a red pen. Corkscrew Non-burnable If you cannot put it into a designate plastic bag,

Electric fan Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. や~よ If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Basin Made from wood・plastic Burnable burnable garbage.

Sink Oversized garbage If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected.

そ Artificial flower Non-burnable

Binoculars Non-burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, ら~ろ Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. Straw sandals (Zouri) Burnable

Made from plastic Burnable Sauce container

Made from glass Bottle Consume it fully and rinse the inside. Solar panel Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up. Sofa Oversized garbage わ

Sled Oversized garbage Abacus Burnable Electric type Non-burnable た Thermometer Mercury type Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up. 23 Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area Version)


Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method Points on Disposal

ポ Fireproof board Not collected by city Schedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick up. た

Carpenter’s tool Home use only Non-burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Drum Burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

か~こ Handcart Oversized garbage

Scale Non-burnable Dispose dry cell battery as hazardous materials.

Dining Table・Chair Oversized garbage

Typewriter Non-burnable

For bicycle Burnable Tire さ~そ You cannot bring it to the garbage station. We do pay collecting once a year.

For car・motorcycle Refer to P44. If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Made from rubber・plastic Burnable Tire chain dispose it as oversized garbage.

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Made from metal Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Wheel cap Oversized garbage

た~と If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected. Tile Non-burnable

Up to 1 plastic bag in a day.

If the envelope is made from vinyl, dispose it as Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Direct mail burnable garbage. Refer to P6.

Rice planting machine Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

Towel (light cotton blanket) Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

な~の Tabletop stove Non-burnable Dispose dry cell battery as hazardous materials.

Bamboo Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm.

Bamboo stick Burnable

Bamboo broom Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm.

は~ほ Tatami mat Oversized garbage Up to 30 mats in a day. Clothes basket Made from wood・plastic Burnable

Ping-pong table Oversized garbage Up to 2 tables in a day.

Deodorant Home use only Burnable If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable Shield Made from wood・plastic Burnable garbage. ま~も Cigarette butt・Foil paper Burnable

Tobacco Wrapping film Burnable

Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper)

Outer Case Refer to P6. Eggshell Burnable

や~よ Egg Made from paper(Carton) Burnable

Made from plastic (Carton) Burnable If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Tub/Washtub Made from wood・plastic Burnable burnable garbage.

Daruma doll Burnable If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Scrub brush Made from wood・plastic Burnable burnable garbage. ら~ろ Made from metal Non-burnable Make it shorter than 2m. Tube pipe

Made from chloroethene Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm.

Made from plastic Burnable Empty the container. Tank

Made from metal Oversized garbage Empty the container.

Chet of drawers Oversized garbage

Schedule a contractor or a specialized company for pick up.

わ Heat insulating material Not collected by city

Tambourine Non-burnable Dumbbell Made from metal Non-burnable Cardboard Waste paper (Cardboard) Tie them with rope.

24 :You can dispose at a storage house. :You can use a collection box if there is mark.

Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area Version)

あ~お Disposal Method Items Material・Form・Category Points on Disposal

ポ Made from rubber・plastic Burnable ち Chain

Made from metal Non-burnable

Chain saw Oversized garbage

Chest Oversized garbage If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- か~こ burnable garbage. Globe Made from plastic Burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Child safety seat Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Used tea leaves Burnable

If it is made from plastic, dispose it as Tea strainer Made from plastic Non-burnable burnable garbage. If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, さ~そ Cupboard Burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Made from wood・plastic Burnable Tea canister

Made from steel Can Rinse the inside.

Tea cup/Rice bowl/Teabowl Made from ceramics Non-burnable If it is broken, wrap it with paper and write

Wok Non-burnable た~と

Hypodermic needle Self-injection Not collected by city Return it to the hospital. Tuner Non-burnable

Tube For bicycle Burnable Burnable Tube container Made from plastic な~の (For mayonnaise, cosmetics)M ade from metal Non-burnable Consume it fully. Chisel Non-burnable Wrap it with paper and write “Danger” with a red pen.

Circular/Flyer Waste paper (Newspaper) Tie them with rope (With newspaper) Made from plastic If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Dustpan Burnable burnable garbage. Oversized garbage は~ほ つ Single-leaf screen Made from wood・plastic Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm. Cane Body warmer Burnable

Camera Non-burnable Disposable Burnable Consume it fully. ま~も Desk Made from wood・plastic・metal Oversized garbage You cannot bring it to the garbage station. We do pay collecting Weight for pickles once a year reder to P44 Barrel for pickles Made from wood・plastic Burnable If it is made from wood, make it shorter than 70cm Soil Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up. If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Pot Made from ceramics・metal Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. や~よ Building block Made from wood・plastic Burnable Nail clippers Non-burnable

Rod(Made from bamboo・plastic)・ line Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm. Fishing tackle Hook ・reel Non-burnable ら~ろ Low-frequency therapy equipment For home use Non-burnable て For PC Not collected by city Refer to P39. Display For monitoring picture (with tuner) Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

Tissue box Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6. Wrapping film Burnable DVD・ Blue-ray Disc・Case Burnable わ

Player Non-burnable Main Oversized garbage Table Table cloth(Fabric) Waste paper (Clothes) If it is made from vinyl, dispose it as burnable garbage.

25 Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area Version)

あ~お Disposal Method Items Material・Form・Category Points on Disposal

ポ Tape recorder Non-burnable て

Handcart/Barrow Oversized garbage

Letter Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6.

か~こ Cash box Non-burnable

Camera Non-burnable Remove the battery. Digital Watch/Clock Non-burnable Bring button cell battery to the selling store.

Video camera Non-burnable Remove the battery.

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Desk cover Made from plastic Burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

さ~そ Diary Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Remove the vinyl. Refer to P6.

Non-burnable Iron dumbbell Make it shorter than 2m. If a store staff changes, it cannot

Scrap iron ・Reinforcing bar・Iron frame Oversized garbage be collected.

Make it shorter than 2m. If a store staff changes, it cannot

Iron pipe Oversized garbage be collected. た~と Iron kettle Non-burnable

Tenugui (Japanese towel) Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Made from fiber ・leather・ synthetic Gloves Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage. leather

TV Applicable to Home Appliance Recycling Law Not collected by city Refer to P42~43.

Video game machine な~の Non-burnable TV board Oversized garbage Dispose glass parts as non-burnable garbage.

Telephone card Burnable

Bed warmer Non-burnable

Carpet Oversized garbage Roll it up and bind it at 3 locations.

Non-burnable は~ほ Mosquito repellent Pot Non-burnable Wrap the edge of the knife with paper and write Razor Non-burnable “Danger”.

Kettle Non-burnable

ま~も Code Non-burnable Tie them with rope.

Electric Oversized garbage Kotatsu

Cooker Non-burnable

Bicycle (Assist bicycle) Oversized garbage About the battery, consult with the selling store. Reading lamp Non-burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, や~よ Stove Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Hair clippers Non-burnable

Pot Non-burnable

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Non-burnable Blanket dispose it as oversized garbage.

Light bulb Non-burnable ら~ろ Organ Oversized garbage Dictionary Non-burnable Bring button cell battery to the selling store.

Electric If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Jar・Microwave Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Thermometer Non-burnable

Piano Oversized garbage

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Astronomical telescope Non-burnable わ dispose it as oversized garbage.

Calculator Non-burnable Bring button cell battery to the selling store.

26 :You can dispose at a storage house. :You can use a collection box if there is mark.

Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area Version)


Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method Points on Disposal

て Dry cell battery (Manganese・Alkali) Hazardous materials

Button cell battery (Mercury etc.) Battery Not collected by Bring it to the selling store. Rechargeable battery city

You cannot bring it to the garbage station. We do pay collecting once a Battery for car・motorcycle か~こ year.Refer to P44. If you cannot put it into a designated plastic

Tent Made from cloth・chemical fiber Burnable bag, dispose it as oversized garbage. About the battery, consult with the selling store.

Cart Oversized garbage

Wheelchair Oversized garbage About the battery, consult with the selling store.

Bicycle Oversized garbage About the battery, consult with the selling store.

Electric さ~そ Tool (drill・saw) Non-burnable

Tooth brush Non-burnable Dispose dry cell battery as hazardous materials. Treadmill

Oversized garbage

Edible oil Vegetal oil only Waste edible oil Put it into a PET bottle, and cover it with the lid.

Telephone set Non-burnable た~と Non-burnable と Sliding door Made from wood Up to 10 doors in a day. Oversized garbage

Made from wood・metal Up to 10 doors in a day. Door Oversized garbage Remove the weight and dispose it as non- Casting net Burnable burnable garbage.

な~の Whetstone Not collected by city Ask the waste service company.

Core of a toilet paper Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6.

Toilet brush Burnable

T oilet seat Made from plastic Burnable

Made from ceramic Oversized garbage If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected. は~ほ

Kendo/Judo uniform Burnable

Floodlight projector Non-burnable

If it is broken, wrap it with paper and write “Danger” with a red

Pottery Non-burnable pen Except dog and cat Bring it to Kiryu city Seiso Center directly. Carcass ま~も (Dog: P14 Cat:P28) An animal larger than 1.5m cannot be accepted.

Tofu container Made from plastic Burnable

Kerosene Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

Made from polyethylene Burnable Kerosene tank Empty the kerosene completely. Made from metal Non-burnable

や~よ Dispose dry cell battery as hazardous materials. Clock Non-burnable Bring button cell battery to the selling store. Earth and sand Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

Cupboard/Cabinet Oversized garbage Galvanized iron sheet Made from plastic Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm. ら~ろ Corrugated galvanized iron sheet Made from metal Oversized garbage Toner Burnable Put it into a plastic bag to prevent ink from spilling.

Earthen pot Non-burnable

Screwdriver Non-burnable Dryer Non-burnable Drums (Instrument) Oversized garbage わ

Drum can Oversized garbage Empty the can. Up to 2 cans in a day. Trunk Oversized garbage Dispose dry cell as hazardous battery. Bring Transceiver Non-burnable rechargeable battery to the selling store.

Trampoline (Playground equipment) Oversized garbage 27 Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area version)

あ~お Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method Points on Disposal

If it is made from bamboo or plastic, dispose it as Birdcage Made from metal Non-burnable burnable garbage. と

Drill Manual・Electric (Rechargable type) Non-burnable Bring rechargeable battery to the selling store.

Paint Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

か~こ Can Non-burnable Consume it fully. Painting

Spray type (Remove the nozzle) Spray can Consume it fully and pierce the can. Rinse the inside. If it is dirty, dispose it as

Tray (for food) Foaming polystyrene Foam tray burnable garbage.

Training machine Oversized garbage

Dresser Oversized garbage さ~そ If you cannot put it into a designated Trophy Made from plastic Burnable plastic bag, dispose it as oversized

Made from metal Non-burnable garbage.

Made from metal Non-burnable Wrap it with paper and write “Danger” with a red pen. な Knife Made from plastic Burnable た~と Boots Made from rubber・plastic Burnable

If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected.

Sink Oversized garbage Up to 2 items in a day.

Hatchet Non-burnable Wrap it with paper and write “Danger” with a red pen.

Summer bedclothes な~の Burnable Backpack Fiber Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable

Car navigation Non-burnable

Pan/Pot Made from aluminum・iron・ceramics Non-burnable

Drain off water Kitchen garbage Burnable There is a subsidization scheme. Refer to P4.

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as oversized garbage. は~ほ Garbage disposal For home use Non-burnable

Rope Made from straw Burnable Cut it shorter than5m and tie them with rope.

Jump rope Made from cloth・plastic Burnable Tie together.

Bunk bed Oversized garbage Take it apart as possible. に Garden tree Refer to P37 ま~も Made from paper・plastic Burnable Dolls (include Hina dolls) Made from ceramics・soil・metal Non-burnable Made from glass・plastic If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Doll case Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Stuffed toy Waste paper (Clothes) ぬ dispose it as it is. If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage. や~よ Sewing needle Non-burnable Burnable Rice bran If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage. Necktie Waste paper (Clothes)

Cat carcass Bring it to Kiryu City Seiso Center directly. Fee:200yen/body Nut/Bolt Non-burnable ら~ろ Necklace Made from stone・metal Non-burnable For repelling birds・green walls

Net (For home use) etc. Burnable Cut it shorter than 5m and tie them with rope.

Sleeping bag Burnable

If it is made from soil or stone dust, dispose it as Clay (For teaching material) Made from paper・oil・wood Burnable non-burnable garbage. Agricultural chemicals Not collected by city の Schedule a specialized company for pick up. わ Agricultural vinyl Not collected by city Consult to the selling store.

Agricultural chemicals Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up. Made from plastic Burnable Empty the container and rinse the inside. Agricultural chemicals container Made from glass Non-burnable Empty the container and rinse the inside. Waste paper (Clothes) 28 Note Tie them with rope. Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area version)

あ~お Material・Form・Category Disposal Method Items Points on Disposal

Applicable to Home Appliance Recycling Law Not collected by city Refer to P39. の Laptop

Saw ・ Chisel Tools Non-burnable Wrap it with paper and write “Danger”


Nori Can(Made from steel) Can Rinse the inside. か~こ (Edible seaweed) Bottle Bottle Remove the lid and rinse the inside. Glue (Stationary) Burnable

Harmonica Non-burnable は Ash Not collected by city Do not burn garbage at home. さ~そ Motor cycle Not collected by city Refer to P39.

Made from glass・metal・ceramics Ash tray Non-burnable If it is made from plastic, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Pipe Chair・Bed Oversized garbage

Edible oil (Vegetal) Waste edible oil Put it into a PET bottle, and cover it with the lid.

Waste oil Edible oil (Animal) Burnable Absorb oil in cloth or use a solidifying agent. た~と

Absorb oil in cloth or use a solidifying agent. Refer to Engine oil・Machine oil Burnable P13.

Remove metal parts. If it is made from paper, Burnable Binder Made from plastic dispose it as miscellaneous paper.

If it is made from metal, dispose it non-burnable Fly swatter Burnable garbage.

Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Post card Refer to P6. Scale Analogue type・Digital type Non-burnable な~の If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Stuffed specimen Burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Incandescent light bulb Non-burnable

Brush Burnable

Made from wood・plastic Bucket Burnable は~ほ Made from metal Non-burnable

Battledore (Hagoita) Burnable Cut it shorter than 70cm.

Wrap the edge with paper and write “Danger”

Scissors Non-burnable with a red pen. If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Chopsticks Made from wood・bamboo・plastic Burnable burnable garbage. ま~も Made from wood・bamboo・metal Oversized garbage Ladder

Pajamas Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Wall clock Oversized garbage

Dispose dry cell as hazardous materials.

Bath towel Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Bath mat Made from cloth・plastic Burnable や~よ Personal computer Applicable to Home Appliance Recycling Law Not collected by city Refer to P39. If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Duster Made from wood・plastic Burnable burnable garbage.

Pachinko (Japanese pinball) Oversized garbage Up to 2 items in a day. Smoke grenade Burnable Soak it well before disposing. See the page written about ら~ろ Battery battery. Refer to P27 Power generator Oversized garbage Up to 2 generators in a day. Made from wood・plastic Burnable

Cut it shorter than 70cm. Bad (for baseball) Made from metal Oversized garbage Foaming polystyrene Made from plastic Burnable If it is big, take it apart as possible. Made from wood・resin badminton If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable Badminton racket (Including shuttle) Burnable garbage. わ

Flower Burnable Fireworks Burnable Soak it well before disposing. Panel radiator Oversized garbage

:You can dispose at a storage house. :You can use a collection box if there is mark. 29

Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area version)

あ~お Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method Points on Disposal

Tooth brush Burnable は

Toothpaste container Made from plastic Burnable

Razor Non-burnable Wrap it with paper and write “Danger” with a red pen.

か~こ Parasol For leisure・gardening use Oversized garbage

Needle/Hook Non-burnable

Wire Non-burnable Gather it up as possible

Hair clippers Non-burnable

Made from wood Oversized garbage Divide it into 4 parts. さ~そ Pallet (For distribution) Made from plastic Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

Palette (For painting) Made from wood・plastic Burnable

Made from wood・plastic Burnable


Made from metal Non-burnable た~と Handkerchief Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Camping pot Only metal products Non-burnable Non-burnable

Soldering iron

Punch (For piercing) Non-burnable

Made from leather・ ・ Waste paper (Clothes) Belt, Watchband, Strap synthetic leather cloth If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage. な~の Made from leather・ Handbag synthetic leather・cloth Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected.

Bumper Car parts Oversized garbage

Up to 2 bumpers in a day.

Made from wood Burnable Hammer Cut it shorter than 70cm.

Made from metal は~ほ Non-burnable

Melodica Burnable ひ Piano Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up

Oil type Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.


Gas type ・Panel system(Electric) Oversized garbage If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected.

ま~も Can (Aluminum) Can

Beer Case Oversized garbage Return it to the selling store.

Dispose the lid as non-burnable garbage. Return the

Bottle Bottle bottle to the selling store.

Sunshade/Parasol Non-burnable Wrap it with paper and write “Danger” with a red や~よ Shaver Razor type Non-burnable pen. Camera Non-burnable Remove the battery.

Video Case Burnable

Burnable Tape If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Deck Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

ら~ろ Tiered stand for displaying hina dolls Oversized garbage Take it apart and tie them with rope.

Hina dolls Burnable Dispose the glass case as non-burnable

Sheet Burnable Cut it shorter than 5m and tie them with rope.

Vinyl Greenhouse Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick

Hose Burnable Cut it shorter than 5m and tie them with rope. If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, わ Brazier (Hibachi) Made from metal・ceramic Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Rope Made from yarn・paper・plastic Burnable Encyclopedia Waste paper (Magazine) Tie them with rope.

30 :You can dispose at a storage house. :You can use a collection box if there is mark.

Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area version)

あ~お Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method Points on Disposal

It is not disposed as miscellaneous paper Made from paper Burnable because it is waterproof finishing. Fertilizer and mature

ひ bag Made from plastic Burnable

Made from glass Bottle Remove the lid and rinse the inside.

Bottle Made from plastic Burnable か~こ

If it is made from plastic, dispose it as burnable garbage. Hair pin Made from metal Non-burnable

Made from paper Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6.

ふ Made from plastic Burnable File

Metal parts Non-burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose さ~そ Facsimile Non-burnable it as oversized garbage.

FAX paper Thermal paper Burnable Dispose plain paper as miscellaneous paper.

Clothes chest made from nonwoven fabric Oversized garbage

Fan heater Non-burnable Empty the tank.

Container(Case) Burnable Photographic film た~と Negative Burnable

Made from leather・ synthetic

Boots leather Burnable

Envelope Made from paper Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6.

Pool (For infant) Made from vinyl Burnable

な~の Wind-bell Made from glass・metal Non-burnable If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-

Whistle Made from wood・plastic Burnable burnable garbage.

Made from metal Non-burnable Folk

Made from wood・plastic Burnable

Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage. Dishcloth は~ほ Fusuma (framed and papered sliding Up to 10 doors in a day. door used as a room partition) Oversized garbage

Made from wood・plastic Burnable Lid

Made from metal Non-burnable If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Bookend Made from wood・plastic Burnable burnable garbage.

Take it apart and make it shorter than ま~も Family Buddhist alter Burnable I70cm.f it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Pen case Made from wood・plastic Burnable burnable garbage. Mattress, quilt cushion,

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic Futon blanket Burnable etc. bag, dispose it as oversized garbage. If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Futon drier Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. や~よ

Made from wood・plastic Futon beating tool Burnable

Made from plastic Burnable Spatula

Made from metal Non-burnable

Frying pan Non-burnable

Made from metal・plastic・ wood Take it apart and make it shorter than 70cm. ら~ろ Blind (Window shade) Oversized garbage

Hanging-down health apparatus Oversized garbage

Made from wood・plastic Burnable

Brush Made from metal Non-burnable

Flash memory Non-burnable Delete data completely.

Plastic model Made from plastic Burnable わ

If it is made from ceramic or metal, dispose it as

Flower pot Made from wood・plastic Burnable non-burnable garbage

Swing Home use playground equipment Oversized garbage Up to 2 items in a day. If it is made from ceramic, dispose is as non- Planter Made from plastic Burnable burnable garbage.

31 Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area version)

あ~お Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method Points on Disposal

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it Printer Non-burnable as oversized garbage.

ふ Printed plywood (except

Remaining materials from DIY construction waste) Oversized garbage Make it shorter than 70cm.

For home use only Burnable Blue tarpaulin Cut it shorter than 5m and tie them with rope. か~こ Blender Non-burnable

Bath chair Made from wood・plastic Burnable

If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected.

Bath boiler Made from metal Oversized garbage

Up to 2 boilers in a day.

Projection Oversized garbage さ~そ Block Made from concrete Oversized garbage Up to 1 plastic bag in a day. ・ Made from wood plastic Block (Toy) Burnable

Floppy disc Burnable

Made from wood・plastic Burnable Cut it shorter than 70cm. Bathtub cover Made from metal Oversized garbage た~と Maximum size will be portable Sprayer size. Oversized garbage

Hair spray can Spray can Consume it fully and pierce the can. へ

Hair dryer・Hair iron Non-burnable

Hairpin Made from metal Non-burnable If it is made from plastic, dispose it as burnable garbage. If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- な~の Hairbrush Made from wood・plastic Burnable burnable garbage.

Pet sheet Made from paper Burnable Flush filth to the toilet. Burnable Burnable Flush filth to the toilet.

Toilet sand for pet Non-burnable Non-burnable Flush filth to the toilet.

Except dogs or cats. Bring it to Kiryu City Seiso Center directly.

は~ほ Carcass (Dog:P14 Cat:P28) An animal larger than 1.5m cannot be accepted.

Pet’s excrement Burnable Wrap it with paper (Or flush filth to the toilet.)

Pet food can Can Rinse the inside. Rinse the inside. Separate the lid into another plastic bag, and PET bottle PET bottle dispose them iwith PET bottles.

ま~も Non-burnable Headphone

Headphone stereo Non-burnable

Bed items Oversized garbage Up to 2 items in a day. Plywood (Except Remaining materials from DIY construction waste) Burnable Cut it shorter than 70cm. Baby carriage・wardrobe・bath・high chair・ や~よ Baby items bed Oversized garbage

Bathroom scale Non-burnable Dispose dry cell as hazardous materials.

Belt Made from leather・synthetic leather・cloth Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Made from plastic Burnable Helmet Made from metal Non-burnable If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-

ら~ろ Pen Made from plastic Burnable burnable garbage. Toilet Oversized garbage If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected.

Paint Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

Empty the can. If it is spray type, dispose it as Paint can For home use only Non-burnable spray can.

Made from plastic Burnable Toilet seat

わ Made from ceramic Oversized garbage

Pliers Non-burnable Bench Oversized garbage Made from wood・plastic Burnable Lunch box Made from metal・ceramic Non-burnable 32 Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area version)

Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method あ~お Points on Disposal

Wheel For bicycle・motorcycle Oversized garbage ほ

Hub cap For car Non-burnable

Telescope Non-burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, dispose it as oversized garbage. Broom Burnable Cut it shorter than 70cm. か~こ If it is made from ceramics, dispose it as non-

Air freshener container Made from plastic Burnable burnable garbage.

Hat, Cap Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Wrapping Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Refer to P6.

Kitchen knife Non-burnable Wrap it with paper and write “Danger” with a red pen さ~そ Security lighting For home use only Non-burnable

Antiseptic Burnable Soak it into newspaper or cloth.

Bowl (Tableware) Made from stainless・glass Non-burnable If it is made from plastic, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Bowling ball Oversized garbage

Hose Burnable Cut it shorter than 5m and tie them with rope. た~と

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Hose reel Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Non-burnable I f you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Portable toilet dispose it as oversized garbage.

Portable Non-burnable

Bread maker Non-burnable

な~の Ball Made from rubber・plastic Burnable Except bowling ball. Refer to P33.

Ball point pen Made from plastic Burnable

Made from metal Non-burnable

Enamel products Pan, Pot・ Kettle etc. Non-burnable

Wooden sword Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm. は~ほ Walking flame (For infant) Oversized garbage

Mail box Made from wood・plastic Burnable If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable garbage.

Traveling bag Burnable

Hearing aid Non-burnable Bring button cell battery to the selling store.

ま~も Body ・Staple Non-burnable Stapler Kettle (include electric kettle) Non-burnable

Electric carpet Oversized garbage Roll it up and bind it as 3 locations. If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Electric griddle Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. I f you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Pogo stick Playground equipment Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. や~よ If it is made from glass, dispose it as non-burnable Baby bottle Made from plastic Burnable garbage.

Plastic tank Made from plastic Burnable

Made from plastic Plastic bucket Burnable

Plastic bag Made from plastic Burnable ら~ろ Applicable to Home Appliance Recycling Law Cooling box (Freezer) Not collected by city Refer to P42~43. Refrigerant Burnable

Cold reserving box Oversized garbage

Book Waste paper (Magazine) Tie them with rope. If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable Bookend Made from wood・plastic Burnable garbage.

Bookshelf Made from wood・metal Oversized garbage わ

Pump For private use Oversized garbage

Cylinder Gas・Oxygen・Nitrogen・Hydrogen Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

:You can dispose at a storage house. :You can use a collection box if there is mark. 33

あ~お Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method Points on Disposal

Maker pen Oversized garbage ま

Margarine container Burnable

Mahjong table Oversized garbage

か~こ Mahjong tiles Made from plastic Non-burnable

Mahjong mat Made from rubber Burnable

Microphone Non-burnable Dispose dry cell battery as hazardous materials.

Mouse For PC Non-burnable Dispose a mouse pad as burnable garbage.

Measuring tape Non-burnable

さ~そ Pillow Burnable

If it is made from glass or metal, dispose it as Felt-tipped pen Burnable Made from plastic non-burnable garbage.

Mask Burnable

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Massage machine Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

た~と Match Burnable Soak it well before disposing. If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-

Mat Door mat・Bath mat・Kitchen mat Burnable burnable garbage.

Mattress Oversized garbage Up to 3 mattresses in a day.

Pane Non-burnable Up to 1 plastic bag in a day.

な~の Cutting board Made from wood・plastic Burnable Muffler (Clothes) Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Vacuum bottle Non-burnable

Miniature bulb Non-burnable

Mayonnaise container Made from plastic Non-burnable

Burnable は~ほ Maracas Mulching film Only for home gardening Burnable Gather it up as possible.

Fountain pen Non-burnable

Pedometer Non-burnable

Vise Home use only Non-burnable

ま~も Cardboard box for orange Made from cardboard Waste paper (Cardboard) Tie them with rope. み Blender Non-burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Sewing machine Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. Made from plastic Burnable Dish drainer や~よ Made from metal Non-burnable

If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Water pillow Made from rubber Burnable burnable garbage.

Miso container Made from plastic Burnable

Mitt (For baseball) Made from leather ・synthetic leather Burnable

If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Toy car (Miniature car) Made from plastic Burnable burnable garbage If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, ら~ろ Mini-component audio Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Made from bamboo・plastic Burnable Earpick Made from metal Non-burnable

Milk can Made from steel Can Rinse the inside.

If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- む Insect cage Made from plastic Burnable burnable garbage. わ Pin (esp. for Made from metal mounting insects) Non-burnable If it is made from glass, dispose it as non-burnable Magnifying glass Made from plastic Burnable garbage. Insect spray can Spray Consume it fully and pierce the can. If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Steamer Made from bamboo・wood Burnable burnable garbage.

34 :You can dispose at a storage house. :You can use a collection box if there is mark.

Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area version)

Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method あ~お Points on Disposal

Straw mat Burnable む

Radio manufactures Non-burnable

Waste paper (Miscellaneous paper) Business card Refer to P6. If it is made from glass or metal, dispose is as non- め Eye glasses Made from plastic Burnable burnable garbage. か~こ

Eye drops container Made from plastic Burnable

Alarm-clock Non-burnable Dispose dry cell battery as hazardous materials.

Memory card Non-burnable Delete the data completely.

Cotton swab Burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, tie them with rope before bring it. If it is dirty, dispose it as さ~そ Blanket Waste paper (Clothes) burnable garbage. も Electric motor Non-burnable Up to 2 motor in a day. If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Rice cake making machine Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Made from wood・plastic Burnable Mop Make it shorter than 70cm. Made from metal Oversized garbage た~と If it is made from metal, dispose it as non- Model gun Made from plastic Burnable burnable garbage.

Shed Oversized garbage Take it apart and make it shorter than 2m.

Made from bamboo Burnable Cut it shorter than 70cm. Clothes-drying bar

Made from metal Oversized garbage Set of poles that support bars

な~の for drying laundry(Made from Made from concrete Oversized garbage Up to 2 sets in a day. concrete)

Kettle Made from metal・enamel Non-burnable や Grill Made from metal


Chemical Pesticide, Herbicide Not collected by city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

Vegetable Burnable は~ほ If it is made from paper cloth, dispose it as

File/Rasp Made from metal Non-burnable burnable garbage.

Barbed wire For home use only Non-burnable

ゆ Yukata Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

If it is made from plastic, dispose it as burnable garbage. Hot-water bottle Made from ceramics・metal Non-burnable

If it is made from wood or plastic, dispose it as burnable ま~も Teacup Made from ceramics・metal Non-burnable garbage.

If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Cradle Burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. If a store staff changes the heater, it cannot be collected. Water heater For gas use Oversized garbage Wardrobe Oversized garbage

よ Yo-yo Burnable や~よ If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected. Bathtub Made from plastic・ Oversized garbage

Up to 2 bathtubs in a day. stainless

Reed screen Oversized garbage Assembled-wood plywood Oversized garbage Cut it shorter than 70cm. ら~ろ Made from plastic Burnable Lighter Consume it fully. ら Made from metal Non-burnable

Light Flashlight etc. Non-burnable Dispose dry cell battery as hazardous materials. Made from wood・plastic Burnable Cut it shorter than 70cm. Racket If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Made from metal Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. Radio ・Radio-cassette Non-burnable Dispose dry cell battery as hazardous materials. Dispose metal blade as non-burnable garbage. わ Dispose wrapping film and core as miscellaneous Plastic wrap For hood Burnable paper.

35 Garbage Sorting Dictionary (Akabori Area version)

あ~お Items Material・Form・Category Disposal Method Points on Disposal

Lattice For gardening Burnable ら

Lantern ・Lamp Non-burnable Empty the tank.

Ransel (Backpack for school children) Burnable

か~こ Running machine Include electric type Oversized garbage

Fishing tackle り Reel Non-burnable

Lip cream container Made from plastic Burnable

Remote control Non-burnable Dispose dry cell as hazardous materials.

Two-wheeled cart Not collected by Isesaki city Schedule a specialized company for pick up.

さ~そ Waste paper (Clothes) Backpack If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Conditioner container・Refill sack Made from plastic Burnable

Roof carrier For car Oversized garbage る Roof box For car Oversized garbage た~と Treadmill Oversized garbage

Refrigerator ・Freezer Applicable to Home Appliance Recycling Law Not collected by city Refer to P42~43.

れ If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Cold air blower Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Rain coat Burnable

Disc record Burnable な~の If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag,

Record player Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage.

Receipt Thermal paper Non-burnable It is not disposed as miscellaneous

Plastic shopping bag Made from plastic Burnable

Picnic sheet Burnable Make it shorter than 70cm. and tie them with rope.

は~ほ Picnic table Oversized garbage

Document tray Made from wood・plastic Burnable If it is made from metal, dispose it as non-burnable garbage.

Retort pouch food container Made from plastic Burnable

Brick Burnable Up to 1 plastic bag in a day.

Range guard Non-burnable

ま~も Range table Oversized garbage If a store staff changes, it cannot be collected.

Lens Non-burnable

Candle Burnable

ろ Rope Natural fiber・ Chemical fiber Burnable Make it shorter than 5m and tie them with rope.

や~よ Roller skates Non-burnable Rocking chair Oversized garbage Word processor Non-burnable

わ Shirt Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Rubber Burnable Wiper ら~ろ Blades Non-burnable Wire rope Non-burnable Rubber band Burnable If you cannot put it into a designated plastic bag, Wagon Non-burnable dispose it as oversized garbage. Cotton Burnable わ Japanese clothes Waste paper (Clothes) If it is dirty, dispose it as burnable garbage.

Disposable wooden chopsticks Burnable

36 :You can dispose at a storage house. :You can use a collection box if there is mark.

Disposing of

Oversized Garbage If you can put garbage into a designated plastic bag, you cannot dispose it as oversized garbage. え だ は みき き だ かた The Way of Disposing Woods such as Branches or Trunks ? 枝葉・幹 など木の出し方について

Burnable Non-burnable Cannot Dispose こ えだ は Put twig or leaves in a Cut twig or branch into 70cm Cut twig or branch into 70cm length, 小枝や葉はもえるごみ ふくろ い length, 15cm thick and tie 15cm thick and tie them within 30cm 袋burnableに入れ plastic、もえ bagるごみ ひ だ them within 30cm diameter diameter bundle. Dispose of them on のand日 にthrow出し themてくだ awayさい 。 the burnable garbage day. bundle. Please dispose them on

on the burnable If you bring them to Kiryu City the burnable garbage day. Clean Center, please cut and tie garbage collection day. They are not classified as themこ in the same way. (paid-for oversized garbage. by you)

30 ㎝ 70 ㎝ 15 ㎝ 15 ㎝

か き す て ー し ょ ん だ You cannot Dispose Items Written Below at the Garbage Station. ! 下記のものは、ごみステーションに出せません Please bring those items to Kiryu city clean center directly.(Paid-for by you) If you cannot bring waste by yourself, please ask general

waste collectors to transport it. (Paid-for) Please refer to the Website for more details about general

waste collectors. Moving-related garbage・A large amount of temporary garbage

Kiryu City Clean Center Kiryu City Clean Center き りゅ うし にいさとちょう の 〒376-0122 Kiryushi Niisatocho No 461 TEL.0277-74-1010 〒376-0122 桐生市新里町野 461 TEL.0277-74-1010 ●もFee / こUnder りょ う1き0ん0 kg:12き0 yen ろ い /な 10kgい き ろ えん ●持ち込み料金/100 キロ以内:10 キロあたり120 円 Over 10き1 kgろ :い じょ200yenう / き10kg ろ えん 101 キロ以上:10 キロあたり 200 円 Ex) If the weight isれ い1 10kg,き you ろ willば あpayい 2,200yenえん 例)110 キロの場合は 2,200 円 ●Receptionうけ /Mondayつけ ~へいFriday(Weekday)じつ げつ よう び きん 8:よう3 び0 a.m.ご ぜ~ん4: 45 p.m. ご ご ●受 付/平日の月曜日~金曜日の午前 8:30~午後4:45 ※Every last Sunday of the month,がつ they の willぞ collect まいつき oversizedさいしゅうにち garbage.よう び (Exceptうけ つ December) ※12 月を除く毎月最終日曜日は受付けます。 ※Aboutねんまつ theねん schedule し す けaround じ ゅ ーthe る New Year,がつ please こうほう refer し toし theほ public ー む relations ぺ ー じ or ourらん Website

※年末年始のスケジュールは 12 月の広報紙・市のホームページをご覧ください。 issued on December.

37 Items which Needs Special !

Caution when Disposing

Hazardous Materials

けい こう かん かん でん ち Fluorescent Tubes 蛍光管 Dry 乾Batteries電池

すいぎん あ えん ふく こ べつ しょ り ちゅうしゅつ すいぎん あ えん り さ い く る 水These銀、亜 鉛itemsが含 まcontainれるため mercury、個別に処 or理 しzinc,てい まsoす we。抽 出disposeされた水 them銀、亜 individually.鉛などはリサイ Weクル され てrecycleいます。 extracted mercury or zinc.

Dangerous Materials

か せ っ と ぼ ん べ す ぷ れ ー かん カGasセッ Canistersトボンベ スSprayプレ ーCans缶

なか み つか き あな から じょうたい だ Empty the can completely and pierce the can. 中身を使い切り、穴 をあけて“空 ”の状態で出してください。 あWな hen piercing,さい pleaseか き makeおくが いsure かぜ there とお is no openば しょ flameけ が in the surroundingちゅうい 穴をあける際は、火気のない屋外の風通しのよい場所で怪我をしないように注意 area. Please be careful not to get injured. してください。 ぜったい だ もPleaseえるご absolutelyみやもえ ないdo notご みdisposeでは絶 of対 it にas出さ burnableない でorく nonだ-さburnableい。 garbage. If you なか み はい しゅうしゅうしゃ なか が す じゅうまん か さい とき ばくはつ 中do身 notが 入doっ theて いprocedure,ると、ごみ the収 garbage集車の中 collectingにガスが vehicle充満し can、火 be災 filledやひ withどい gas時に andは爆 発 か こ どうよう じ こ ぜん こくて き もん だ い すthisる こmayと がcause過去 aに fireあ りor まexplosion.した。同 様Thisの事 is故 nationallyは全国的に becomingも問題にな aっ problem.ています。

38 Items which Isesaki City !

cannot Accept


デスクDesktopトップ型 Computerパソコンと本 体 ノーLapトパ Topソコ ン CCRRTTまた or Liquidは液晶 Crystalディスプ Displayレイ

メPleaseーカ ーaskへ the直接回 manufacturer収を依頼 しtoて collectくださ oldい computer。各メーカ directly.ーの受付 Please窓口 contactについ てPCは 3R、パ Promotionソコン3R 推進協 会へお問い合わせください。(処理は有料です) Association for each manufacturer’s reception window. (Fee is required.)

ま ー く ぱ そ こ ん Inquiry If your computer has the sign 問い合わせ先 このマークがパソコンに ぱ そ こ ん すいし んきょうかい つ written on left, the fee is 付いているものは PCパ ソ3Rコ Promotionン3R推進 協Association会 り さfree. い く る りょう むりょう TTEL.03EL.03--52825282-7685-7685 リサイクル料が無料です。 http://www.pc3r.jp


市ではバイク(原付~大型)の回収・処理を行って はい き に りんしゃ とりあつかいてん Isesaki City does not collect or dispose motorcycle いません。メーカーなどが実施している「二輪車リ (Scooter ~Large-size motorcycles). Please use ま ー く サイクルシステム」で処分してください。詳しくは、 This is the sticker of さ い く る し す て む しょぶん くわ 廃棄二輪車取扱店 “Automobile Recycle System” which is done at the マークです manufacturer.二輪車リサイ クルコールセンターへお問い合わせ disused motorcycle に りん しゃ り さ い く る こ ー る せ ん た ー と あ recycling shop. ください。 For more details, please contact Japan Automobile Recycling Promotion Center. と あ さき


Japan Automobile Recycling Promotion Center

TEL.050-3000-0727 http://www.jarc.or.jp/motorcycle/

39 Items which Isesaki City !

cannot Accept

Business-Related Garbage

え ん じ ん お い る かん ど ら む かん エEngineンジンs オOilイ ルCan缶s ドDrumラム缶s

はい ゆ き かいあぶら じ どう しゃ ぶ ひん かん ばん Waste Oil・Machine Oil Automotive Components 廃油・機械油 自動車部品 Signboard看 板 s

Construction Waste

きょう かべ だん ねつ ざい と りょう * Kyokabe京 壁 Insulator断熱材 塗Paint 料

かわら こ ん く り ー と いし つち せっこう ぼ ー ど Concrete・Rock・Soil Tile瓦 コンクリート・石・土 Gypsum石膏 Plasterボード Board

*Kyokabe is one of Japanese clay wall for the Japanese traditional architecture.

40 Please order an enterprise specializing in waste disposal to dispose industrial waste. For more information about the enterprise specializing in waste disposal, please refer to the Website written below.


Medical Waste Chemicals Agricultural Waste

かく しゅちゅうしゃ ばり どく げき やく び にVinyl ー る Needles Toxicant・Powerful Drugs 各種注射針 毒・劇薬 ビニール

(Please return a self-injection

needle to the hospital. )

※Please dispose infusion bag or tube for intravenous drip as

burnable garbage.

のう やく Pesticides 農 薬

Others(Except Industrial Waste)

たい おん けい けつ あつ けい とう ゆ り や か ー Clinical Thermometers・ Kerosene Bicycle-Drawn Carts 体温Sphygmomanometer計・血圧s 計 灯 油 リヤカー

※Using mercury

お い る ひ ー た ー ぴ あ の Oil Heaters Pianos Propaneぷ ろ ぱ ん Gas が す Cylinder ぼ ん べ s オイルヒーター ピアノ プロパンガスボ

41 Items which Isesaki City ! cannot Accept

4 Items of Home Appliances

Following four items must hand over to the designated company according to the Home Appliance Recycling 下記の家電4品目は、家電リサイクル法によりリサイクルするため、指定業者に引き渡すことになっ Law. You cannot carry these items to the garbage station or incineration facility. ています。そのため、ごみステーションに出すことや、市の焼却施設へ搬入することはできません。

へい せい ねん ど ぜいこみ か かく ! 対Eligible象機 Items器と andリ Exampleサイク ルRecycle料金 Price 目 安(Post (-平tax成 price27 in年 Heisei度の year税込 27)価

Refrigerators・Freezers Landry Machines・Clothes Dryers Air conditioners

Recycle Charge per Item Recycle Charge per Item Recycle Charge per Item Recycle Charge per Item

~ ~ Under 15 inches 1,836 yen Under 170 litters 3,672 yen ~ 15 型以下 1,836 円~ 170 ㍑以下 3,672 円 2,484 yen~ 1,4041,40 4yen円~ Over 16 inches 2,916 yen~ Over 171litters 4,644 yen~ 2,484 円~ 16 型以上 2,916 円~ ~

め ー か ー り さ い く る りょうきん こと Recycle charge is different from the home appliance manufacturer. メーカーによってリサイクル料金は異なります。 いっPleaseぱんざいだん referほうじん to the か でん webせいひ siteんきょ うwrittenかい か で below.ん り さ い く る けん せ ん た ー ほ ー む ぺ ー じ かくにん 一般財団法人 家電製品協会 家電リサイクル券センターのホームページで確認できます。 (http://www.rkc.aeha.or.jp/)

しょ り ほうほう つぎ ほうほう しょ り ! The way of (Disposal次のいずれ (かDisposeの方法 eitherで処 of理 theして followingください) way) 処理方法 Requestか でんはん pick ば いて んup かat anか てん いScheduleっ ぱん はい き the ぶつし ゅgeneralうしゅううん ぱwasteん きょ か ぎょう ゆBringうびんきょ themく り to さ the い く designated る りょうきん はら 家電販売店(買い替えする店 一 般 廃棄 物収集運 搬 許可業 郵便局でリサイクル料金を払 electronicsぽ か こ retailこうにゅう store. て ん ぽ い しdisposersゃ い らい for pick up. companyり さ い by く yourselfる けん こ うafterにゅうご paying し 舗・過去に購入した店舗)へ依 者へ依頼する。 い、リサイクル券を購入後、指 らい ていrecycleぎょうしゃ chargeじ ぶん at もthe postこ office 頼する。 定業and 者gettingへ自 分a “でRecycling持ち込む。 Ticket ”. ※Forいっ moreぱん はい details き ぶつ しaboutゅうしゅう generalうん ぱん き ょ か ※一 般廃棄 物収 集 運 搬許可 wasteぎょうしゃ disposers, please checkし ほour ー む Website.業 者に ついては、市のホーム ぺ ー じ かくにん


42 ! Designated Collection Place of Four Items of Home Appliance (Designated Company) ※There is no designated place in Isesaki.

! Hisamatsu Shouji Co., Ltd ! Nittsu Maebashi Un-yu Co.,Ltd Maebashi office

Maebashishi Chiyodamachi 691 Maebashishi Rokkumachi 1424-5 TEL .027-210 -217 7 TEL.027-260 -8685

Hisamatsu Shouji

Nittsu Maebashi Un- yu

かぶ ふじ た しょうてん Sankyo Unsou Co., Ltd Yabuzuka Warehouse !(株Fujita)藤田 Shouten商店 Co.,Ltd ! Kiryushi Sakainocho7chome 1813-57 Otashi Obaracho 2260 TEL .027 7- 43 -5283 TEL .027 7-78 -7559

Sankyo Unsou Yabuzuka warehouse

Fujita Shouten Sakaino Plant

43 Items which are Accepted Once a Year !


た い や Tires のうfor agricultural き た い machinery や Batteryじどうしゃ for ば carい くs よ or う motor ば っ て り cycle ー s タTiresイヤ 農機タイヤ 自動車・バイク用バッテリー

しょう か き Fire Extinguishers Weightつ け も のStone いし s 消火器 漬物石

If in a hurry…

Disposal of fire extinguishers is done at the distributors in your town. Japan Fire Extinguisher Manufactural Association (Fire Extinguisher Recycle Promotion Center)

Please refer to http://www.ferpc.jp/accept/

※We collect these things every June. We will let you know the fee and the place of し collecting them via our publisher, circular bulletin or our Web Site on May.


! 注Note意し theて くfollowingださい :

し う い す て ー し ょ ん か せん どう ろ こうえん す ば あい 市It でwill受 beけ 入“Illegalれで Dumping”きないもの if youをご throwみステ theー wasteション awayや河 at川 the、道 garbage路、公園 station,などに riverside,捨てた場 road合は、 or ふ ほうとう き だ さい じ てん よ き つ park. Before throwing away illegally, please read this book with caution. 不法投棄となります。ごみ出しの際はこの辞典をよく読んで気を付けましょう。

か ん け い ほ う れ い は い き ぶ つ し ょ り お よ せ い そ う か ん ほ う り つ ば っす い Related Laws and Regulations: and Public Cleansing Law (Abstract) 関係法令:廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律(抜粋)

だい じょう ふ ほう とう き なんぴと はい き ぶつ す Article 16 (Illegal Dumping) It is prohibited for any person to dump waste with good 第 16 条(不法投棄) 「何人も、みだりに廃棄物を捨ててはならない。」 reason. ご ねん い か ちょうえき も せんまんえん い か ばっ きん しょ A person shall be punished by imprisonment with labor of not Articleだい 25じょ (Penalう ばっ Provision) そく 「五年以下の懲へい役 か若しくは千万円以下の罰金に処し、 第 25 条(罰 則) more than five years or a fine of not more than 10,000,000 またはこれを併科する。」 yen, or both.


『Resources if separated, trash if mixed』

表Aboutのポス タtheーに posterついて on the front cover 平3R成 promotion26 年度3R poster促進ポス contestターコン prizedクール入 artwork賞作品 in 2014

3R Promotion Forum Authorized No. 43


PC3R Promotion Association TEL.03-5282-7685 http://www.pc3r.jp/

Japan Automobile Recycling Promotion Center TEL.050-3000-0727 http://www.jarc.or.jp/motorcycle/

Information of Industrial Waste in Gunma http://www.gunma-sanpai.jp/

Association for Electric Home Appliances http://www.aeha.or.jp/

Japan Fire Extinguisher Industrial Association TEL.03-5829-6773 http://www.ferpc.jp/ (Fire Extinguisher Recycle Promotion Center)

Garbage Separation Dictionary

Reference Book of Separating and Sorting of Garbage

〈Planning, production, issue〉

Isesaki City Office Environmental Department Environmental Policy Division

Published December,2015 46