I Believe in Man
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LIEVEm MAN - 2- LORD SORENSEN I BELIEVE IN MAN LORD SORENSEN I thank you. For all your cherished gifts of fellowship and thought, Yowheart's loving-kindness and stalwart constancy, The faith you made manifest in the good you sought And kinshi* in striving to sha$e the world to be. I give you . Gold from a vein in my own invisible mine, A casket of treasures that last eternally, A flask of sun-blest juice drawn from memory's vine, And a star that came from a shrouded galaxy. R.W.S. THE LINDSEY PRESS The Lindsey Press, 1-6 Essex Street, London WC 2 FOREWORD 0 THE LINDSEY PRESS 1970 I HAVE been impelled to embody my reflections in this small book not, I hope, out of vanity, but because a few have urged me from time to time to do so, and because I feel there may be some thoughts that I may contribute from my experience which may prove helpful to some modem minds. I am very conscious that there are many who are more qualified academically than I am to deal with profound issues involved in the nature of man, but my long activity in the fields of worthy causes of politics, human. problems and spiritual needs may have its own singular value. Organised religion has waned through the diffusion of , scientific knowledge, the substantial raising of living standards by human effort, and the ampler leisure that has provided greater scope for the expression of the human spirit. Nevertheless, I believe that in at least some among the mass of those who are or appear to be irreligious, indifferent, cynical, self-satisfied or hedonistic, or who find fulfilment in humanistic movements, there persists a deep need for "more abundant life" and an enduring faith that can inspire their minds and hearts. In my theme of "I believe in Man" I seek to explore what I call "unconscious" and "conscious" Humanism in the conviction that ultimately we cannot be satisfied with iconoclasm, physical contentment, platitudes or shallow optimism. Even if traditional religious claims may appear to be irrelevant to our age, within and beyond them are essential values that we must cherish. I am concerned with the foundation of those values. In my youth I was as rebellious as is modern youth, and although my original zeal has mellowed, I trust that Designed by John Rowland it still charges my testimony to those spiritual realities Set in 10 on 12 point Old Style that survive inevitable frustrations and failures. Maybe this will convey something worth-while to my readers. Printed by LSG Printers (Lincoln), Ch~onicleBuilding. Waterside North, Lincoln Waltkamstow 1I.W.S. December 1969 CONTENTS Page 9 RELIGION TODAY ADVERTISING,we are told, benefits both seller and buyer by stimulating mass demand and production. Presumably, therefore, were it not for wheedling, crunching, sucking or jingling commercial television advertisements children would lack delectable, teeth-rotting sweeties, housewives would collapse over greasy sinks, maidens would weep over listless hair, husky young men would be parched with thirst, and our linen would be permanently off-white. It would be going too far to claim that a really expert salesman could sell electric blankets on the Equator or pork pies in Tel Aviv. Nevertheless, ad-men and publicity agents do appear to achieve remarkable success in sales promotion, and some earnest Christians have wondered whether this technique should be employed to boost religion. It may have had some success in America, but pilot trials of it in Britain do not encourage any hope that it would arrest the continuing decline of religious observance here. From 1880, with a passionate desire to reach the souls of irreligious masses the Salvation Army has departed from ecclesiastical convention, but valiant soldiers behind their "Blood and Fire" banner are confronted today with the same desert of indifference as that which depresses so many others who preach the same Gospel. Less dramatic- ally the "Brotherhood Movement" was launched about sixty years ago to popularise Christianity with an hour's programme of lusty hymn-singing, orchestral music, religious solos, a robust sermonette and a breezy atmos- 10 I BELIEVE IN MAN RELIGION TODAY 11 phere of hand-shaking fraternalism. Alas, this has some aspects of their dogmas, creeds or articles of fa~ih dwindled from an ebullient flood to a feeble trickle in which to bring them into greater relevance to scientific thought. surviving Brotherhoods are compelled to augment the Throughout Christian history it has been deemed brothers with a multitude of sisters to avoid disappearing imperative that we should "find salvation" by accepting altogether. a story of creation in which a paradisal Garden of Eden In spite of ardent prayers and strenuous efforts, fewer was inhabited by our first progenitors, Adam and Eve, than 15 per cent (in my own home area, about 6 per cent) until by sinful disobedience they brought dire punishment of British adults gather for Sunday worship. The Roman on themselves and the whole human race. The only Catholic Church appears to remain well supported; it has escape from this doom was by belief in the vicarious passion, the advantages of antiquity, massive world-wide organisa- crucifixion, resurrection and heavenly ascension of Jesus tion, comprehensive discipline and ritual, nostalgic loyaltv Christ. This nominally remains the foundation of Christian from Irish, Polish and other immigrants or exiles, tht theology, even though now in many quarters that Edenic inflexible adherence of simple people and plentiful casuisti- episode is reinterpreted as a legendary embodiment of cal explanations for problems raised by intellectuals. majestic psychological truth. Outwardly it maintains impressive strength, but the defection of the outstanding theologian, Charles Davis, Apart from member? of fundamentalist sects, intelligent is evidence that Roman Catholicism is not immune to the Protestant ministers are apt to become peevish with those erosive forces of contemporary life. A rock's external who appear ignorant of the partial ecclesiastical abandon- appearance can mask the existence of internal fissures. ment of its former literalism, and we should recognise this These facts should not obscure another fact-that abandonment even if it has been due to cumulative pres- approximately five million regular worshippers have an sure. Most theologians, including some Catholics, belatedly influence in Britain which is sigmficant beyond statistical now accept the theory of evolution, so long as this does measurement. To them religion means something deep not preclude supernatural intervention, the metaphysical and abiding as a source of inspiration and consolation. uniqueness of the soul, innate human propensity to sin Whatever the defects or inconsistencies of organised and conditional redemption through Christ as "Saviour". religion, only the prejudiced would deny its past and Intellectual difficulties have been resolved by investing present value to adherents who by their faith have prac- ancient terminology with wider meanings than those tised moral discipline, performed acts of self-sacrifice, intended by the original authors. This has provided a nurtured an inner experience of transcendent blessing and helpful escape-ladder from many critical fires. Even so it exercised fortitude under persecution. cannot be forgotten that when Darwin and Wallace ex- Yet many men and women are not merely indifferent pounded evolution in the mid-nineteenth century they to churches and worship, but are critical of all theological received violent verbal assault by Christians who felt their claims. Under the impact of that criticism many religious faith had been outraged. Only the Rev. Charles Kingsley denominations and leaders have been compelled to modify and a few others dared to d~ssentfrom a chorus of religious 12 I BELIEVE IN MAN RELIGION TODAY 13 wrath. Unitarians, always a small minority dismissed by the orthodox as beyond the pale, not being intellectually collection of Judaic history, anthropology, sage axioms, tethered could welcome new truth without fear of nervous moral laws and exhortations, poetry, biography, paroxysm or spiritual catastrophe. theological expositions and metaphysical eschatology. My reminder of theological retreat from former positions The specifically Christian New Testament became com- may be as superfluous as assurances that Queen Anne is piled as an authorised Canon of Scripture by the fourth dead or that not all Christians believe that Noah and his century A.D. after a mass of material had been sorted out. wife superintended the ark with its zoological tenants of This was classified into three categories, one being con- sidered authentic, another dubious and the third untrust- two of every creature fi-om elephants to ants. I only refer to this because I believe the general acceptance of worthy. This discrimination was undertaken by sincere evolution is largely responsible for the indifference to devout men, but some material must have been included in a Christian theology. There is appreciation of the pastoral wrong category just as on the lowlier level of a Mothers' services of the church, but not of its intellectual probity. Union jumble sale, ladies may get the two shilling articles Even in the City of Rome most citizens do not attend mass. mixed up with the sixpennies. Moreover, in those days even more than today rumours and hearsay could become On one occasion after I had trooped with Borough Councillors to an annual Mayoral Service I asked one or transmuted into alleged fact. Most of us can recall examples of how someone starts an imaginary hare which two what they thought about the content of the hymns, after circuitous leapings becomes a flying elephant. lessons and sermon. They looked at me as if I had spoken Punjabi or as an infants class would react if I tried to teach Not only has this transposition to be taken into account, it algebra.