Probability Theory: STAT310/MATH230; September 12, 2010 Amir Dembo E-mail address:
[email protected] Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. Contents Preface 5 Chapter 1. Probability, measure and integration 7 1.1. Probability spaces, measures and σ-algebras 7 1.2. Random variables and their distribution 18 1.3. Integration and the (mathematical) expectation 30 1.4. Independence and product measures 54 Chapter 2. Asymptotics: the law of large numbers 71 2.1. Weak laws of large numbers 71 2.2. The Borel-Cantelli lemmas 77 2.3. Strong law of large numbers 85 Chapter 3. Weak convergence, clt and Poisson approximation 95 3.1. The Central Limit Theorem 95 3.2. Weak convergence 103 3.3. Characteristic functions 117 3.4. Poisson approximation and the Poisson process 133 3.5. Random vectors and the multivariate clt 140 Chapter 4. Conditional expectations and probabilities 151 4.1. Conditional expectation: existence and uniqueness 151 4.2. Properties of the conditional expectation 156 4.3. The conditional expectation as an orthogonal projection 164 4.4. Regular conditional probability distributions 169 Chapter 5. Discrete time martingales and stopping times 175 5.1. Definitions and closure properties 175 5.2. Martingale representations and inequalities 184 5.3. The convergence of Martingales 191 5.4. The optional stopping theorem 203 5.5. Reversed MGs, likelihood ratios and branching processes 209 Chapter 6. Markov chains 225 6.1. Canonical construction and the strong Markov property 225 6.2. Markov chains with countable state space 233 6.3. General state space: Doeblin and Harris chains 255 Chapter 7.