B & L ROOTENBERG - Fine & Rare Books Post Office Box 5049 B Sherman Oaks, California 91403 Telephone: [818] 788-7765 Telefax: [818] 788-8839
[email protected] www.rootenbergbooks.com A SELECTION OF BOOKS EXHIBITED AT THE INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUARIAN BOOK FAIR BOSTON, NOVEMBER 13 -15, 2015 Full collations, descriptions, and bibliographical details are available for all items listed BOOTH NO. 320 PRESENTATION FROM WILLIAM THOMSON, LORD KELVIN 1. AIRY, George Biddle. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. Scientific Department. Trigonometry. On the figure of the earth. Tides and Waves. [London]: [n.p., ca. 1845]. 4to. With 11 plates. Contemporary polished calf. Bookplate of the University of Glasgow. First book edition of Airy’s contributions to the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. The first work covers basic, plane, and spherical trigonometry, as well as more advanced work on geodetic operations and construction of trigonometrical tables. The second article, one of his most famous papers, describes various methods of measurement, treats pendulums, and discusses the determination of the earth’s mean density. The final work reveals the various theories and explanations of tides, details experiments related to waves, and concludes with a “desiderata in the theory and observations of tides.” $ 750.00 EDITION PRINCEPS, HEAVILY ANNOTATED BY A CONTEMPORARY HAND 2. ALFONSO X. Tabulae astronomicae. [Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 4 July 1483]. 4to. Gothic type. Printed in red and black, rubricated initials in green, yellow, red and black, 2 large woodcuts (partially colored by hand). Elaborate blindstamped calf in a contemporary style. Annotated throughout. Edition Princeps of the Alfonsine Tables, which remained in general use until Kepler’s Tabulae Rudolphinae. This great achievement was based on the Ptolemaic planetary system for explaining celestial motion.