Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

lista mensal Novembro 2011

Apresentepublicaçãotemporobjectivo : AdivulgaçãodasNormasPortuguesasrecentementeeditadaseanuladas,bemcomodasNormas Europeiasad optadascomoNormasPortuguesas, edasNormasEuropeiaseInternacionaispublicadas ejádisponíveis. AdivulgaçãopúblicadosprojectosdeNormasPortuguesas,EuropeiaseInternacionais,comvistaà obtençãoduranteoperíododeinquéritopúblicodosp ontosdevistaecontribuiçõesnacionaisque possamserconsideradosnasequenteelaboração,aprovaçãoehomologaçãodasNormas. Adivulgaçãodepropostasdenovostrabalhosdenormalizaçãoeuropeiaeinternacional,paraque sepossaobter,duranteo períododeinquéritopúblico,ospontosdevistaeascontribuições nacionais. Adivulgação daediçãoeanulaçãodeoutrosdocumentosnormativos.

ÍNDICE 1. Normas Portuguesas 1.1NormasPortuguesaspublicadas…………………………………………………………………………3 1.2 NormasPortuguesasanuladas…………………………………………………………………………..5 1.3NormasPortuguesasemre exame ………………………………………………………………….….7 1.4NormasEuropeiasadoptadas …………………………………………………………………………...8 8 2. Normas Europeias Publicadas 2.1CEN………………………………………………………………………………………………….………20 2.2CENELEC ……………………………………………………………………………………………………26 2.3CEN/CENELEC……………………………………………………………………………………….…….30 2.4ETSI…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...31 3. Normas Internacionais publicadas IEC …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..32 ISO …33 4. Projectos de normas portuguesas 4.1 Projectoseminquéritopúblico…………………………………………………………………………35 4.2Projectosanulados………………………………………………………………………………………..36 5. Projectos de normas e propostas de estudo de novas normas do Comité Europeu de Normalização(CEN e do Comité Europeu para a Normalização do Ferro e do Aço (ECISS) 5.1Projectoseminquéritopúblico …………………………………………………………………………37 5.2Questionáriospreliminares………………………………………………………………………………63 5.3ComitésTécnicosdoCEN……………………………………………………………………………….64

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Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

ÍNDICE (cont.) 6. Projectos de normas e propostas de estudo de novas normas do Comité Europeu de Normalização Electrotécnica (CENELEC) 6.1Projectoseminquéritopúblico ……………………………………………………………….68 6.2PropostasdeanulaçãodeNormas …………………………………………………………………80 6.3Propostadeestudodenovasnormas "VilamouraProcedures" ……………………………..81 6.4Questionáriospreliminares ……………………………………………………………………………..82 7. Projectos de Normas e Propostas de Estudo de Novas Normas do Comité Europeu de Normalização (CEN) / Comité Europeu de Normalização Electrotécnica (CENELEC) 7.1Projectoseminquéritopúblico ………………………………………………………………………..83 8. Projectos de normas do Instituto Europeu de Normalização para as Telecomunicações (ETSI) 8.1Projectoseminquéritopúblico ………………………………………………………………………84 8.2PropostasdeanulaçãodeNormas ………………………………………………………………..,87 9. Projectos de normas e propostas de estudo de novas Normas de Organização Internacional de Normalização (ISO) 9.1Projectoseminquéritopúblico ………………………………………………………………………88 9.2ComitésTécnicosdaISO ……………………………………………………………………………...105 10 . Projectos de normas e propostas de estudo de novas normas da Comissão Electrotécnica Internacional (IEC) 10 .1Projectoseminquéritopúblico ………………………………………………………………..…108 11. Projectos de normas da Organização Internacional de Normalização (ISO)/Comissão Electrotécnica Internacional (IEC) 11.1 Projectoseminquéritopúblico …………………………………………………………………..115 12. Edição e anulação de Documentos Normativos Portugueses 12.1DocumentosNormativosPortugueses ……………………………………….. ………….………116 12.2Projectos eminquéritopúblico deDocumentos NormativosPortugueses………………. 116

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos

1. Normas Portuguesas 1.1 Normas Portuguesas publicadas Paracadareferência,mencionaseadesignaçãocodificada(prefixosNP,NPEN,NPHDouNP ENV,número,parteedata),opreço,otítuloeacorrespondênciaadocumentoseuropeuse/ou internacionais,quandoexistam,onúmerodoTermodeHomologaçãoearespectivadata.AsNormas PortuguesasreferenciadasentramemvigornodiaseguinteaodaediçãodestaListaMensal.

C30 / CT 3 aeroportos Métodos de ensaio Parte 1: Medição da profundidade da NP EN 927-5:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Preço: 17,50 EUR macrotextura da superfície do pavimento através da técnica Tintas e vernizes Produtos de pintura e esquemas de pintura para volumétrica da mancha madeira em exteriores Parte 5: Avaliação da permeabilidade à água EN 13036-1:2010 IDT EN 927-5:2006 IDT Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0164, 2011-07-21 Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0110, 2011-05-12 C1290 / CT 129 C160 / CT 16 NP EN 13036-3:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 17,50 EUR NP ISO 2031:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 7,00 EUR Características superficiais de pavimentos de estradas e de Granulados de cortiça Determinação da massa volúmica aparente aeroportos Métodos de ensaio Parte 3: Medição da drenabilidade ISO 2031:1991 IDT horizontal da superfície do pavimento Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0136, 2011-06-06 EN 13036-3:2002 IDT Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0165, 2011-07-21 C280 / CT 28 NP EN ISO 140-4:2009 /Errata 1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 0,00 C1290 / CT 129 EUR NP EN ISO 13473-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 28,00 EUR Acústica Medição do isolamento sonoro de edifícios e de elementos Caracterização da textura do pavimento a partir de perfis da de construção Parte 4: Medição in situ do isolamento sonoro a sons superfície Parte 1: Determinação da profundidade média do perfil aéreos entre compartimentos (ISO 13473-1:1997) (ISO 140-4:1998) EN ISO 13473-1:2004 IDT Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0091, 2011-04-08 C280 / CT 28 NP EN ISO 140-5:2009 /Errata 1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 0,00 C1400 / CT 140 EUR NP EN 12972:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 37,50 EUR Acústica Medição do isolamento sonoro de edifícios e de elementos Cisternas destinadas ao transporte de mercadorias perigosas de construção Parte 5: Medição in situ do isolamento sonoro a sons Ensaios, inspecção e marcação de cisternas metálicas aéreos de fachadas e de elementos de fachada EN 12972:2007 IDT (ISO 140-5:1998) Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0199, 2011-10-12

C280 / CT 28 C1640 / CT 164 NP EN ISO 140-7:2008 /Errata 2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 0,00 NP ISO 26000:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 77,50 EUR EUR Linhas de orientação da responsabilidade social Acústica Medição do isolamento sonoro de edifícios e de elementos ISO 26000:2010 IDT de construção Parte 7: Medição, in situ, do isolamento sonoro de Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0185, 2011-09-27 pavimentos a sons de percussão (ISO 140-7:1998) E200 / CT 2 NP EN 60034-1:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 57,50 EUR C710 / CT 71 Máquinas eléctricas rotativas Parte 1: Características estipuladas e NP EN 14907:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 31,50 EUR características de funcionamento Qualidade do ar ambiente Método padrão gravimétrico de medição (IEC 60034-1:2004) para a determinação da fracção PM2,5 das partículas em suspensão EN 60034-1:2004 IDT EN 14907:2005 IDT Termo de Homologação nº 2010/0399, 2010-12-27 Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0118, 2011-05-25 E800 / CT 8 C1170 / CT 117 NP EN 50438:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 45,00 EUR NP EN 1113-:2008+A1:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Preço: 21,00 EUR Requisitos para a conexão de microgeradores em paralelo com as Torneiras sanitárias Tubos flexíveis para chuveiros de torneiras redes públicas de distribuição de baixa tensão sanitárias para os sistemas de alimentação de água dos tipos 1 e 2 EN 50438:2007 IDT Especificações técnicas gerais Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0056, 2011-02-23 EN 1113-:2008+A1:2011 IDT Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0117, 2011-05-25 E2300 / CT 23 NP EN 60309-1:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Preço: 66,00 EUR C1290 / CT 129 Fichas, tomadas e conectores para uso industrial Parte 1: Requisitos NP EN 13036-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 14,00 EUR gerais Características superficiais de pavimentos de estradas e de (IEC 60309-1:1999 + A1:2005, modificada)

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos EN 60309-1:1999 IDT;EN 60309-1:1999 /A 1:2007 IDT Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0125, 2011-05-25

E2300 / CT 23 NP EN 60309-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 60,00 EUR Fichas, tomadas e conectores para uso industrial Parte 2: Requisitos dimensionais de intermutabilidade para os aparelhos de pernos e alvéolos (IEC 60309-2:1999+A1:2005, modificada) EN 60309-2:1999 IDT;EN 60309-2:1999 /A 1:2007 IDT Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0143, 2011-06-14

E2300 / CT 23 NP EN 60309-4:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 24,50 EUR Fichas, tomadas e conectores para uso industrial Parte 4: Tomadas e tomadas móveis de conector com interruptor com e sem encravamento (IEC 60309-4:2006, modificada) EN 60309-4:2007 IDT Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0152, 2011-07-14

E6100 / CT 61 NP EN 60745-2-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Preço: 21,00 EUR Ferramentas eléctricas portáteis a motor Segurança Parte 2-2: Requisitos particulares para as chaves de parafusos e as chaves de caixa de percussão (IEC 60745-2-2:2003, modificada + A1:2008) EN 60745-2-2:2010 IDT Termo de Homologação nº 2011/0008, 2011-01-18

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Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

1.2 Normas Portuguesas anuladas

Paracadareferência,mencionaseadesignaçãocodificada(prefixosNP,NPEN,NPHDouNP ENV,número,parteedata),otítulo,acorrespondênciaadocumentoseuropeuse/ouinternacionais quandoexistam,onúmerodoTermode(Anulação,HomologaçãoouAdopção)earespectiva data,bemcomoareferênciadodocumentoqueasubstitui.AsanulaçõesdasNormasPortuguesas referenciadastornamseefectivasnodiaseguinteaodaseguinteaodaediçãodestaListaMensal.

C90 / CT 9 NP EN ISO 4014:2008 ( 1ª Edição ) C480 / CT 48 Parafusos de cabeça hexagonal parcialmente roscados Graus A e B NP EN ISO 5667-13:2001 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 4014:1999) Qualidade da água Amostragem Parte 13: Guia para a amostragem de EN ISO 4014:2000 IDT lamas provenientes de estações de tratamento de água e de águas Anulada em: 2011-10-13 residuais Substituida por: EN ISO 4014:2011 EN ISO 5667-13:1997 IDT Anulada em: 2011-10-17 C90 / CT 9 NP EN ISO 4016:2008 ( 1ª Edição ) C870 / CT 87 Parafusos de cabeça hexagonal, parcialmente roscados Grau C NP EN 1041:2000 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 4016:1999) Informação fornecida pelo fabricante com os dispositivos médicos EN ISO 4016:2000 IDT EN 1041:1998 IDT Anulada em: 2011-10-13 Anulada em: 2011-10-13 Substituida por: EN ISO 4016:2011 Substituida por: EN 1041:2008

C90 / CT 9 C870 / CT 87 NP EN ISO 4017:2008 ( 1ª Edição ) NP EN ISO 10993-7:2003 ( 1ª Edição ) Parafusos de cabeça hexagonal, totalmente roscados Graus A e B Avaliação biológica dos dispositivos médicos Parte 7: Resíduos da (ISO 4017:1999) esterilização por óxido de etileno EN ISO 4017:2000 IDT (ISO 10993-7:1995) Anulada em: 2011-10-13 EN ISO 10993-7:1995 IDT Substituida por: EN ISO 4017:2011 Anulada em: 2011-10-13 Substituida por: EN ISO 10993-7:2008 C90 / CT 9 NP EN ISO 4018:2008 ( 1ª Edição ) C1010 / CT 101 Parafusos de cabeça hexagonal, totalmente roscados Grau C NP EN 331:2002 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 4018:1999) Válvulas de macho esférico e válvulas de macho cónico de fundo EN ISO 4018:2000 IDT plano destinadas a ser manobradas manualmente e a ser utilizadas Anulada em: 2011-10-13 nas Substituida por: EN ISO 4018:2011 instalações de gás dos edifícios EN 331:1998 IDT C190 / CT 19 Anulada em: 2011-10-17 NP EN 875:1997 ( 1ª Edição ) Substituida por: NP EN 331:2011 Ensaios destrutivos de soldaduras em materiais matálicos Ensaio de resiliência. Localização do provete, orientação do entalhe e ensaio C1180 / CT 118 EN 875:1995 IDT NP EN 771-6:2007 ( 1ª Edição ) Anulada em: 2011-10-17 Especificações para unidades de alvenaria Parte 6: Unidades de Substituida por: EN ISO 9016:2011 alvenaria em pedra natural EN 771-6:2005 IDT C340 / CT 34 Anulada em: 2011-10-26 NP EN 486:1994 ( 1ª Edição ) Substituida por: EN 771-6:2011 Alumínio e ligas de alumínio Biletes para extrusão Especificações EN 486:1993 IDT C1760 / CT 176 Anulada em: 2011-10-20 NP EN 771-2:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) Substituida por: EN 486:2009 Especificações para unidades de alvenaria Parte 2: Blocos silico-calcários C340 / CT 34 EN 771-2:2003 IDT;EN 771-2:2003 /A 1:2005 IDT NP EN 486:1994/Errata Julho:2009 ( 1ª Edição ) Anulada em: 2011-10-26 Alumínio e ligas de alumínio Biletes para extrusão Especificações Substituida por: EN 771-2:2011 EN 486:1993 IDT Anulada em: 2011-10-20 C1760 / CT 176 Substituida por: EN 486:2009 NP EN 771-3:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) Especificações para unidades de alvenaria Parte 3: Blocos de betão C340 / CT 34 de agregados (agregados correntes e leves) NP EN 1676:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 771-3:2003 IDT;EN 771-3:2003 /A 1:2005 IDT Alumínio e ligas de alumínio Lingotes de ligas de alumínio para Anulada em: 2011-10-26 refusão Especificações Substituida por: EN 771-3:2011 EN 1676:1996 IDT Anulada em: 2011-10-20 Substituida por: EN 1676:2010

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos C1760 / CT 176 NP EN 771-4:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) Especificações para unidades de alvenaria Parte 4: Blocos de betão celular autoclavado EN 771-4:2003 IDT;EN 771-4:2003 /A 1:2005 IDT Anulada em: 2011-10-26 Substituida por: EN 771-4:2011

C1760 / CT 176 NP EN 771-5:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) Especificações para unidades de alvenaria Parte 5: Blocos de pedra reconstituída EN 771-5:2003 IDT;EN 771-5:2003 /A 1:2005 IDT Anulada em: 2011-10-26 Substituida por: EN 771-5:2011

C1761 / CT 176 NP EN 771-1:2006 ( 1ª Edição ) Especificações para unidades de alvenaria Parte 1: Tijolos cerâmicos para alvenaria EN 771-1:2003 IDT;EN 771-1:2003 /A 1:2005 IDT Anulada em: 2011-10-26 Substituida por: EN 771-1:2011

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Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

1.3 Normas Portuguesas em re-exame

Com o objectivo de se assegurar a actualidade das normas integrantes do acervo normativo nacional, as Normas Portuguesas devem ser objecto de um re-exame periódico.

Mensalmente, o IPQ colocará em inquérito público, por um período de 30 dias úteis , através da Lista Mensal Normas e do site, uma lista de normas portuguesas pertencentes a um determinado escalão etário.

Para cada referência, menciona-se a designação codificada (prefixo NP, número, parte e data), o título e a respectiva data, bem como o seu autor.

Pretende-se com este inquérito público, que os interessados que pretendam dar os seus contributos o possam fazer, para cada uma das normas portuguesas constantes na presente listagem, respondendo aos seguintes pontos, tendo em conta a vossa experiência: 1 – Avaliação em termos de actualidade, a responder em alternativa:  A norma portuguesa está actual ?  A norma portuguesa deve ser revista ?  A norma portuguesa está obsoleta ? 2 – Eventual legislação relacionada:  A norma portuguesa está referida em legislação ? Se sim, qual ? 3 – Comentário

NOTA : Os interessados são convidados a pronunciarem-se somente sobre as normas que entendam conveniente, devendo enviar a informação ao Serviço de Normalização ( [email protected] )



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Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

1.4 Normas Europeias adoptadas

ParacadaNorma,indicaseadesignaçãocodificada(prefixo,número,ano),otítulo,onúmero doTermodeAdopçãoearespectivadata. OstextosdasNormasEuropeiasAdoptadascomoNormasPortuguesasestãodisponíveispara consultaouaquisiçãonesteInstitutonaslínguasoficiaisdoCEN/CENELEC(inglês,francêse alemão)edoETSI(inglês).AsadopçõesdasNormasEuropeiasreferenciadasentramemvigorno diaseguinteaodaediçãodestaListaMensal.

EN 71-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) LPG) Part 3: Colour coding Safety of toys Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1042, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0886, 2011-10-25 EN 1127-1:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) EN 71-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Explosive atmospheres Explosion prevention and protection - Safety of toys Part 2: Flammability Part 1: Basic concepts and methodology Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1039, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1043, 2011-10-25

EN 131-1:2007+A1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 1264-1:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Ladders Part 1: Terms, types, functional sizes Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0887, 2011-10-25 Part 1: Definitions and symbols Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0896, 2011-10-25 EN 287-1:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) Qualification test of welders Fusion welding Part 1: Steels EN 1300-:2004+A1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1040, 2011-10-25 Secure storage units Classification for high security locks according to their resistance to unauthorized opening EN 341:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0897, 2011-10-25 Personal fall protection equipment Descender devices for rescue Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0888, 2011-10-25 EN 1824:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Road marking materials Road trials EN 459-3:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0898, 2011-10-25 Building lime Part 3: Conformity evaluation Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0889, 2011-10-25 EN 1858-:2008+A1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Chimneys Components Concrete flue blocks EN 480-1:2006+A1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0899, 2011-10-25 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout Test methods Part 1: Reference concrete and reference mortar for testing EN 1889-1:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0890, 2011-10-25 Machines for underground mines Mobile machines working underground - Safety Part 1: Rubber tyred vehicles Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1044, 2011-10-25 EN 480-13:2009+A1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout Test methods Part 13: Reference masonry mortar for testing mortar admixtures EN 2240-061:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0891, 2011-10-25 Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 061: Lamp, code 1683 - Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0900, 2011-10-25 EN 544:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) Bitumen shingles with mineral and/or synthetic reinforcements Product specification and test methods EN 2240-062:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0892, 2011-10-25 Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 062: Lamp, code 1810 - Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0901, 2011-10-25 EN 594:2011 ( 2ª Edição )

Timber structures Test methods Racking strength and stiffness of EN 2240-063:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) timber frame wall panels Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 062: Lamp, code 1810 - Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0893, 2011-10-25 Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0902, 2011-10-25 EN 674:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Glass in building Determination of thermal transmittance (U value) EN 2240-064:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Guarded hot plate method Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 063: Lamp, code 1815 - Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0894, 2011-10-25 Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0903, 2011-10-25 EN 675:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Glass in building Determination of thermal transmittance (U value) EN 2240-065:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Heat flow meter method Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 065: Lamp, code 1820 - Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0895, 2011-10-25 Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0904, 2011-10-25 EN 912:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Timber fasteners Specifications for connectors for timbers EN 2240-066:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1041, 2011-10-25 Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 066: Lamp, code 1829 - Product standard EN 1089-3:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0905, 2011-10-25 Transportable gas cylinders Gas cylinder identification (excluding Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 8 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos EN 2240-081:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 2240-067:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 081: Lamp, code 7070 - Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 067: Lamp, code 1843 - Product standard Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1055, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0906, 2011-10-25 EN 2240-082:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 2240-068:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 082: Lamp, code 7079 - Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 068: Lamp, code 1864 - Product standard Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1056, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0907, 2011-10-25 EN 2491:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 2240-069:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Molybdenum disulphide dry lubricants Coating Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 069: Lamp, code 1978 - methods Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0910, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0908, 2011-10-25 EN 2535:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 2240-070:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Vacuum deposition of cadmium Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 070: Lamp, code 2232 - Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0911, 2011-10-25 Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0909, 2011-10-25 EN 2997-014:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled by EN 2240-071:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) threaded ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, operating Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 071: Lamp, code 3011 - temperatures - 65 °C to 175 °C continuous, 200 °C continuous, 260 Product standard °C peak Part 014: Square flange receptacle with integrated Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1045, 2011-10-25 accessory - Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1057, 2011-10-25 EN 2240-072:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 072: Lamp, code 3912 - EN 3155-002:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Product standard Aerospace series Electrical contacts used in elements of connection Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1046, 2011-10-25 Part 002: List and utilization of contacts Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1058, 2011-10-25 EN 2240-073:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 073: Lamp, code 4174 - EN 4008-007:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Product standard Aerospace series Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1047, 2011-10-25 Elements of electrical and optical connection - Crimping tools and associated accessories EN 2240-074:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Part 007: Positioner for crimping tool M22520/2-01 - Product Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 074: Lamp, code 5086 - standard Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1059, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1048, 2011-10-25 EN 4008-008:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 2240-075:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Elements of electrical and optical connection - Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 075: Lamp, code 5448 - Crimping tools and associated accessories Part 008: Positioner for Product standard crimping tool M22520/7-01 - Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1049, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1060, 2011-10-25

EN 2240-076:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 076: Lamp, code 5678 - EN 4593:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Paints and varnishes Determination of solar Product standard absorptance Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1050, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0912, 2011-10-25

EN 2240-077:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 077: Lamp, code 6832 - EN 4672:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Steel FE-PM1504 (X1CrNiMoAlTi12-10-2) Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1051, 2011-10-25 Vacuum induction melted and consumable electrode remelted - Softened - Forging stock - a or D <= 300 mm Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0913, 2011-10-25 EN 2240-078:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 078: Lamp, code 6838 - Product standard EN 4675:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Titanium Ti-P63002 (Ti5Al5Mo5V3Cr0.4Fe) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1052, 2011-10-25 Rm >= 1 300 MPa - Bars - De < 110 mm Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0914, 2011-10-25 EN 2240-079:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 079: Lamp, code 6839 - EN 4678:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Product standard Aerospace series Weldments and brazements for aerospace structures Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1053, 2011-10-25 Joints of metallic materials by laser beam welding - Quality of weldments EN 2240-080:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1061, 2011-10-25 Aerospace series Lamps, incandescent Part 080: Lamp, code 7007-704 - Product standard Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1054, 2011-10-25 EN 4683:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Steel FE-WM 3504 (X4CrNiMo16-5-1) Air melted Filler metal for welding - Wire and rod Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0915, 2011-10-25 Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 9 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0930, 2011-10-25 EN 4685:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aerospace series Titanium Ti10V2Fe3Al Bars - D < 110 mm - Rm EN 12561-5:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) >= 1 240 MPa Railway applications Tank wagons Part 5: Devices for vapour return Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0916, 2011-10-25 while filling or emptying of liquid products Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0931, 2011-10-25 EN 9101:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Quality Management Systems Audit Requirements for Aviation, EN 12561-6:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Space, and Defence Organizations Railway applications Tank wagons Part 6: Manholes Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1062, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0932, 2011-10-25

EN 12163:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 12561-7:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Copper and copper alloys Rod for general purposes Railway applications Tank wagons Part 7: Platforms and ladders Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0917, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0933, 2011-10-25

EN 12164:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 12561-8:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Copper and copper alloys Rod for free machining purposes Railway applications Tank wagons Part 8: Heating connections Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0918, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0934, 2011-10-25

EN 12165:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 12649-:2008+A1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Copper and copper alloys Wrought and unwrought forging stock Concrete compactors and smoothing machines Safety Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0919, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1063, 2011-10-25

EN 12166:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 12665:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Copper and copper alloys Wire for general purposes Light and lighting Basic terms and criteria for specifying lighting Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0920, 2011-10-25 requirements Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0935, 2011-10-25 EN 12167:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Copper and copper alloys Profiles and bars for general purposes EN 12802:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0921, 2011-10-25 Road marking materials Laboratory methods for identification Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0936, 2011-10-25 EN 12168:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Copper and copper alloys Hollow rod for free machining purposes EN 12952-4:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0922, 2011-10-25 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations Part 4: In-service boiler life expectancy calculations EN 12326-2:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1064, 2011-10-25 Slate and stone for discontinuous roofing and external cladding Part 2: Methods of test for slate and carbonate slate EN 13050:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0923, 2011-10-25 Curtain Walling - Watertightness Laboratory test under dynamic condition of air pressure and water spray EN 12369-2:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1065, 2011-10-25 Wood-based panels Characteristic values for structural design Part 2: Plywood EN 13053-:2006+A1:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0924, 2011-10-25 Ventilation for buildings Air handling units Rating and performance for units, components and sections EN 12446:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1066, 2011-10-25 Chimneys Components Concrete outer wall elements Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0925, 2011-10-25 EN 13141-4:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Ventilation for buildings Performance testing of EN 12464-1:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) components/products Light and lighting - Lighting of work places Lighting of work places for residential ventilation Part 4: Fans used in residential Part 1: Indoor work places ventilation systems Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0926, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1067, 2011-10-25

EN 12561-1:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 13197:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Railway applications Tank wagons Part 1: Identification plates for Road marking materials Wear simulator Turntable tank wagons for the carriage of dangerous goods Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0937, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0927, 2011-10-25 EN 13212:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 12561-2:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Road marking materials Requirements for factory production Railway applications Tank wagons Part 2: Bottom emptying devices control for liquid products including vapour return Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0938, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0928, 2011-10-25 EN 13445-5:2009 /A 1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 12561-3:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Unfired pressure vessels Part 5: Inspection and testing Railway applications Tank wagons Part 3: Bottom filling and Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1068, 2011-10-25 emptying devices for gases liquefied under pressure Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0929, 2011-10-25 EN 13445-5:2009 /A 2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Unfired pressure vessels Part 5: Inspection and testing EN 12561-4:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1069, 2011-10-25 Railway applications Tank wagons Part 4: Devices for top filling and emptying of liquid products Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 10 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos EN 13445-5:2009 /A 3:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 14961-4:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Unfired pressure vessels Part 5: Inspection and testing Solid biofuels Fuel specifications and classes Part 4: Wood chips for Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1070, 2011-10-25 non-industrial use Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0949, 2011-10-25 EN 13459:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Road marking materials Sampling from storage and testing EN 15254-4:2008+A1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0939, 2011-10-25 Extended application of results from fire resistance tests Nonloadbearing walls Part 4: Glazed constructions EN 13463-5:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1076, 2011-10-25 Non-electrical equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres Part 5: Protection by constructional safety 'c' EN 15432-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1071, 2011-10-25 Winter and road service area maintenance equipments Frontmounted equipments Part 1: Fixed front mounting plates EN 13480-5:2002 /A 1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1077, 2011-10-25 Metallic industrial piping Part 5: Inspection and testing Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1072, 2011-10-25 EN 15722:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Intelligent transport systems eSafety eCall minimum set of data EN 13480-8:2007 /A 1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (MSD) Metallic industrial piping Part 8: Additional requirements for Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0950, 2011-10-25 aluminium and aluminium alloy piping Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1073, 2011-10-25 EN 15889:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Fire-fighting hoses Test methods EN 13523-11:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1078, 2011-10-25 Coil coated metals Test methods Part 11: Resistance to solvents (rubbing test) EN 15919:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0940, 2011-10-25 Fertilizers Extraction of phosphorus soluble in 2 % formic acid Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0951, 2011-10-25 EN 13523-19:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Coil coated metals Test methods Part 19: Panel design and method EN 15920:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) of atmospheric exposure testing Fertilizers Extraction of phosphorus soluble in 2 % citric acid Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0941, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0952, 2011-10-25

EN 13869-:2002+A1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 15921:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Lighters Child-resistance for lighters Safety requirements and test Fertilizers Extraction of soluble phosphorus according to Petermann methods at 65 °C Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0942, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0953, 2011-10-25

EN 14161:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 15922:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Petroleum and natural gas industries Pipeline transportation systems Fertilizers Extraction of soluble phosphorus according to Petermann (ISO 13623:2009 modified) at ambient temperature Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1074, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0954, 2011-10-25

EN 14535-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 15923:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Railway applications Brake discs for railway rolling stock Part 2: Fertilizers Extraction of phosphorus soluble in Joulie's alcaline Brake discs mounted onto the wheel, dimensions and quality ammonium citrate requirements Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0955, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0943, 2011-10-25 EN 16009:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 14778:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Flameless explosion venting devices Solid biofuels Sampling Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1079, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0944, 2011-10-25 EN 16020:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 14780:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Explosion diverters Solid biofuels Sample preparation Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1080, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0945, 2011-10-25 EN 16074:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 14870-1:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Paints and varnishes Determination of non-volatile-matter content Petroleum and natural gas industries Induction bends, fittings and and spreading rate of coil coating materials flanges for pipeline transportation systems Part 1: Induction bends Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0956, 2011-10-25 (ISO 15590-1:2009 modified) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0946, 2011-10-25 EN 50122-1:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electrical safety, EN 14961-2:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) earthing and the retur circuit Part 1: Protective provisions against Solid biofuels Fuel specifications and classes Part 2: Wood pellets electric shock for non-industrial use Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0994, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0947, 2011-10-25 EN 50173-2:2007 /A 1:2010 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 14961-3:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Information technology - Generic cabling systems Part 2: Office Solid biofuels Fuel specifications and classes Part 3: Wood premises briquettes for non-industrial use Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0995, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0948, 2011-10-25

Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 11 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos EN 50173-3:2007 /A 1:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1129, 2011-10-25 Information technology - Generic cabling systems Part 3: Industrial premises EN 50518-3:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0996, 2011-10-25 Monitoring and alarm receiving centre Parte 3: Procedures and requirements for operating EN 50173-4:2007 /A 1:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1130, 2011-10-25 Information technology - Generic cabling systems Part 4: Homes Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0997, 2011-10-25 EN 50525-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to EN 50173-5:2007 /A 1:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 1: General requirements Information technology - Generic cabling systems Part 5: Data Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1131, 2011-10-25 centres Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0998, 2011-10-25 EN 50525-2-11:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 50174-1:2009 /A 1:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to Information technology - Cabling installation Part 1: Installation and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-11: Cables for general specification and quality assurance applications - Flexible cables with thermoplastic PVC insulation Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1121, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1132, 2011-10-25

EN 50174-2:2009 /A 1:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 50525-2-12:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Information technology - Cabling installation Part 2: Installation Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to planning and practices inside buildings and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-12: Cables for general Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1122, 2011-10-25 applications - Cables with thermoplastic PVC insulation for extensible leads EN 50377-4-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1133, 2011-10-25 Connector sets and Interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications Part 4-2: EN 50525-2-21:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Type SC/APC simplex 8º terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-21: Cables for general Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1123, 2011-10-25 applications - Flexible cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation EN 50377-4-4:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1134, 2011-10-25 Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications Part 4-4: EN 50525-2-22:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Type SC-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1, Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-22: Cables for general Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1124, 2011-10-25 applications - High flexibility braided cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation EN 50377-7-4:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1135, 2011-10-25 Connector sets and Interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications Part 7-4: EN 50525-2-31:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) LC-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to B1.3 singlemode fibre with full zirconia ferrule for category C and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-31: Cables for general Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1125, 2011-10-25 applications - Single core non-sheathed cables with thermoplastic PVC insulation EN 50377-13-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1136, 2011-10-25 Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications EN 50525-2-41:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Part 13-2: Type LX.5-PC DUPLEX terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-41: Cables for general ferrule category U applications -Single core cables with crosslinked silicone rubber Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1126, 2011-10-25 insulation Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1137, 2011-10-25 EN 50377-13-3:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical EN 50525-2-42:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) fibre communication systems - Product specifications Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to Part 13-3: Type LX.5-APC DUPLEX terminated on IEC 60793-2- and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-42: Cables for general 50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia applications - Single core non-sheathed cables with crosslinked ferrule category U EVA insulation Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1127, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1138, 2011-10-25

EN 50377-15-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 50525-2-51:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to fibre communication systems - Product specifications and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-51: Cables for general Part 15-1: Type MPO with 12-fibre PPS ferrules terminated on applications - Oil resistant control cables with thermoplastic PVC IEC 60793-2 category A1a multimode fibre for 50/125 micron insulation multimode fibre Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1139, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1128, 2011-10-25 EN 50525-2-71:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 50411-3-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-71: Cables for general communications systems - Product specifications Part 3-2: applications - Flat divisiblel cables (cords) with thermoplastic PVC Singlemode mechanical fibre splice insulation Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 12 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1140, 2011-10-25 EN 50556:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 50525-2-72:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Road traffic signal systems Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1152, 2011-10-25 and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-72: Cables for general applications - Flat divisible cables (cords) with thermoplastic PVC EN 55022:2006 /A 2:2010 ( 4ª Edição ) insulation Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1141, 2011-10-25 characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement (CISPR 22:2005/A2:2006, modif) EN 50525-2-81:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0999, 2011-10-25 Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-81: Cables for general EN 55022:2010 ( 5ª Edição ) applications - Cables with crosslinked elastomeric covering for arc Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance welding characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1142, 2011-10-25 (CISPR 22:2008, modif) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1000, 2011-10-25 EN 50525-2-82:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to EN 60065:2002 /A 12:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-81: Cables for general Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety requirements applications - Cables with crosslinked elastomeric covering for arc Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1153, 2011-10-25 welding Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1143, 2011-10-25 EN 60076-2:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 50525-2-83:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Power transformers Part 2: Temperature rise for liquid-immersed Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to transformers and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 2-83: Cables for general (IEC 60076-2:2011) applications - Multicore cables with crosslinked silicone rubber Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1002, 2011-10-25 insulation Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1144, 2011-10-25 EN 60086-1:2011 ( 5ª Edição ) Primary batteries Part 1: Genaral EN 50525-3-11:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (IEC 60086-1:2011) Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1003, 2011-10-25 and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 3-11: Cables with special fire performance - Flexible cables with halogen-free thermoplastic EN 60086-2:2011 ( 5ª Edição ) insulation, and low emission of smoke Primary batteries Part 2: Physical and electrical specifications Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1145, 2011-10-25 (IEC 60086-2:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1004, 2011-10-25 EN 50525-3-21:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to EN 60086-3:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 3-11: Cables with special fire Primary batteries Part 3: Watch batteries performance - Flexible cables with halogen-free thermoplastic (IEC 60086-3:2011) insulation, and low emission of smoke Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1005, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1146, 2011-10-25 EN 60086-5:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) EN 50525-3-31:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Primary batteries Part 5: Safety of batteries with aqueous electrolyte Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to (IEC 60086-5:2011) and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 3-31: Cables with special fire Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1154, 2011-10-25 performance - Single core non-sheathed cables with halogen-free thermoplastic insulation, and low emission of smoke EN 60099-8:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1147, 2011-10-25 Surge arresters Part 8: Metal-oxide surge arresters with external series gap (EGLA) for overhead transmission and distribution lines EN 50525-3-41:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) of a.c. systems above 1 kV Electric cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to (IEC 60099-8:2011) and including 450/750 V (Uo/U) Part 3-41: Cables with special fire Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1006, 2011-10-25 performance - Single core non-sheathed cables with halogen-free crosslinked insulation, and low emission of smoke EN 60130-9:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1148, 2011-10-25 Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz Part 9: Circular connectors for radio and associated sound equipment EN 50541-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (IEC 60130-9:2011) Three phase dry-type distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 100 kVA Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1007, 2011-10-25 to 3150 kVA, with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV Part 1: General requirements EN 60191-6-17:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1149, 2011-10-25 Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices Part 6-17: General rules for the preparation of outline drawings of surface EN 50550:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) mounted semiconductor device packages - Design guide for stacked Power frequency overvoltage protective device for household and packages - Fine-pitch ball grid array and fine-pitch land grid similar applications (POP) array (P-PFBGA and P-PFLGA) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1150, 2011-10-25 (IEC 60191-6-17:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1008, 2011-10-25 EN 50551-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Simplex and duplex cables to be used for cords Part 1: Bank Detail EN 60238:2004 /A 2:2011 ( 5ª Edição ) Specification and minimum requirements Edison screw lampholders Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1151, 2011-10-25 (IEC 60238:2004/A2:2011)

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1009, 2011-10-25 EN 60745-2-21:2009 /A 1:2010 ( 2ª Edição ) Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety Part 2-21: EN 60269-6:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Particular requirements for drain cleaners Low-voltage fuses Part 6: Supplementary requirements for fuse-links (IEC 60745-2-21:2002/A1:2008) for the protection of solar photovoltaic energy systems Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1017, 2011-10-25 (IEC 60269-6:2010 + corrigendum Dec. 2010) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1155, 2011-10-25 EN 60747-5-5:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices Part 5-5: Optoelectronic EN 60300-3-12:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) devices - Photocouplers Dependability management Part 3-12: Application guide - Integrated (IEC 60747-5-5:2007) logistic support Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1160, 2011-10-25 (IEC 60300-3-12:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1010, 2011-10-25 EN 60749-23:2004 /A 1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods Part EN 60352-8:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) 23: High temperature operating life Solderless connections Part 8: Compression mount connections - (IEC 60749-23:2004/A1:2011) General requirements, test methods and practical guidance Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1018, 2011-10-25 (IEC 60352-8:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1011, 2011-10-25 EN 60793-2-10:2011 ( 4ª Edição ) Optical fibres Part 2-10: Product specifications - Sectional EN 60357:2003 /A 3:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) specification for category A1 multimode fibres Tungsten halogen lamps (non-vehicle) - Performance specifications (IEC 60793-2-10:2011) (IEC 60357:2002/A3:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1161, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1012, 2011-10-25 EN 60838-1:2004 /A 2:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) EN 60456:2005 /A 12:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) Miscellaneous lampholders Part 1: General requirements and tests Clothes washing machines for household use - Methods for (IEC 60838-1:2004/A2:2011) measuring the performance Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1162, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1156, 2011-10-25 EN 60904-5:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 60512-26-100:2008 /A 1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Photovoltaic devices Part 5: Determination of the equivalent cell Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements Part temperature (ECT) of photovoltaic (PV) devices by the open-circuit 26-100: Measurement setup, test and reference arrangements and voltage method measurements for connectors according to IEC 60603-7 - Tests 26a (IEC 60904-5:2011) to 26g Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1019, 2011-10-25 (IEC 60512-26-100:2008/A1:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1158, 2011-10-25 EN 60950-1:2006 /A 12:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Information technology equipment - Safety EN 60519-6:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Part 1: General requirements Safety in electroheat installations Part 6: Specifications for safety Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1163, 2011-10-25 in industrial microwave heating equipment (IEC 60519-6:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1013, 2011-10-25 EN 61000-4-21:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 60601-2-45:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-21:Testing and Medical electrical equipment Part 2-45: particular requirements measurement techniques - Reverberation chamber test methods for the basic safety and essential performance of mammographic (IEC 61000-4-21:2011) X-ray equipment and mammographic stereotactic devices Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1020, 2011-10-25 (IEC 60601-2-45:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1014, 2011-10-25 EN 61029-2-4:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools Part 2-4: EN 60601-2-57:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Particular requirements for bench grinders Medical electrical equipment Part 2-57: Particular requirements for (IEC 61029-2-4:1993 + A1:2001, modif) the basic safety and essential performance of non-laser light source Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1164, 2011-10-25 equipment intended for therapeutic, diagnostic, monitoring and cosmetic/aesthetic use EN 61029-2-12:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (IEC 60601-2-57:2011) Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools Part 2-12: Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1015, 2011-10-25 Particular requirements for threading machines (IEC 61029-2-12:2010, modif) EN 60679-6:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1165, 2011-10-25 Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality Part 6: Phase jitter measurement method for quartz crystal oscillators and EN 61169-18:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) SAW oscillators - Application guidelines Radio-frequency connectors Part 18: Sectional specification - (IEC 60679-6:2011) Radio frequency coaxial connectors of type SSMA Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1159, 2011-10-25 (IEC 61169-18:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1021, 2011-10-25 EN 60704-2-13:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the EN 61169-19:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) determination of airborne acoustical noise Part 2-13: Particular Radio-frequency connectors Part 19: Sectional specification - requirements for range hoods Radio frequency coaxial connectors of type SSMB (IEC 60704-2-13:2011) (IEC 61169-19:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1016, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1022, 2011-10-25

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos EN 61169-41:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Strip bending test method for tensile property measurement of thin Radio-frequency connectors Part 41: Sectional specification for films CQA series quick lock RF coaxial connectors (IEC 62047-8:2011) (IEC 61169-41:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1171, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1023, 2011-10-25 EN 62115:2005 /A 2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 61300-1:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) Electric toys - Safety Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic (IEC 62115:2003/A2:2010, modif) test and measurement procedures Part 1: General and guidance Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1172, 2011-10-25 (IEC 61300-1:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1166, 2011-10-25 EN 62116:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Test procedure of islanding prevention measures for EN 61300-2-5:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic (IEC 62116:2008, modif) test and measurement procedures Part 2-5: Tests - Torsion Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1173, 2011-10-25 (IEC 61300-2-5:2009) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1024, 2011-10-25 EN 62246-1:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Reed switches Part 1: Generic specification EN 61386-21:2004 /A 11:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) (IEC 62246-1:2011) Conduit systems for cable management Part 21: Particular Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1030, 2011-10-25 requirements - Rigid conduit systems Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1025, 2011-10-25 EN 62271-206:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 206: Voltage presence EN 61386-22:2004 /A 11:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) indicating systems for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and Conduit systems for cable management Part 22: Particular including 52 kV requirements - Pliable conduit systems (IEC 62271-206:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1026, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1031, 2011-10-25

EN 61386-23:2004 /A 11:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 62343-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Conduit systems for cable management Part 23: Particular Dynamic modules Part 2: Reliability qualification requirements - Flexible conduit systems (IEC 62343-2:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1027, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1174, 2011-10-25

EN 61558-2-12:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 62489-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and Electroacoustics - Audio-frequency induction loop systems for combinations thereof Part 2-12: Particular requirements and tests assisted hearing Part 2: Methods of calculating and measuring the for constant voltage transformers and power supply units constant low-frequency magnetic field emissions from the loop for assessing voltage conformity with guidelines on limits for human exposure (IEC 61558-2-12:2011) (IEC 62489-2:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1028, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1032, 2011-10-25

EN 61810-2:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 62496-2-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Electromechanical elementary relays Part 2: Reliability Optical circuit boards Part 2-2: Measurements - Dimensions of (IEC 61810-2:2011) optical circuit boards Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1168, 2011-10-25 (IEC 62496-2-2:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1033, 2011-10-25 EN 61810-2-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Electromechanical elementary relays Part 2-1: Reliability - Procedure EN 62496-4:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) for the verification of B10 values Optical circuit boards Part 4: Interface standards - General and (IEC 61810-2-1:2011) guidance Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1167, 2011-10-25 (IEC 62496-4:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1034, 2011-10-25 EN 61851-1:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Electric vehicle conductive charging system Part 1: General EN 62532:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) requirements Fluorescent induction lamps - Safety specifications (IEC 61851-1:2010) (IEC 62532:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1169, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1035, 2011-10-25

EN 61853-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 62684:2010 ( 1ª Edição ) Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing and energy rating Interoperability specifications of common external power supply Part 1: Irradiance and temperature performance measurements and (EPS) for use with data-enabled mobile telephones power rating (IEC 62684:201X) (IEC 61853-1:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1036, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1029, 2011-10-25 EN 300392-12-21:2011 ( V1.4.1 ) EN 62040-3:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Voice plus Data (V+D) Part Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) Part 3: Method of specifying 12: Supplementary services stage 3 Sub-part 21: Ambience the performance and test requirements Listening (AL) (IEC 62040-3:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1175, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1170, 2011-10-25

EN 62047-8:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN 300676-1:2011 ( V1.5.2 ) Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices Part 8: Ground-based VHF hand-held, mobile and fixed radio transmitters,

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos receivers and transceivers for the VHF aeronautical mobile service (ISO 4641:2010) using amplitude modulation Part 1: Technical characteristics and Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0959, 2011-10-25 methods of measurement Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1037, 2011-10-25 EN ISO 6158:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Metallic and other inorganic coatings Electrodeposited coatings of EN 301908-1:2011 ( V5.2.1 ) chromium for engineering purposes IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the essential (ISO 6158:2011) requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Part 1: Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1083, 2011-10-25 Introduction and common requirements Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1176, 2011-10-25 EN ISO 6185-4:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Inflatable boats Part 4: Boats with a hull length of between 8 m and 24 m with a motor power rating of 15 kW and greater (ISO 6185-4:2011) EN 301908-13:2011 ( V5.2.1 ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1084, 2011-10-25 IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Part 13: EN ISO 6875:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) User Dentistry Patient chair Equipment (UE) (ISO 6875:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1177, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1085, 2011-10-25

EN 301908-14:2011 ( V5.2.1 ) IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the essential EN ISO 7439:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Part 14: Copper-bearing contraceptive intrauterine devices Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) Base Requirements and tests Stations (BS) (ISO 7439:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1178, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0960, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 7711-2:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN 302769:2011 ( V1.2.1 ) Dentistry Rotary diamond instruments Part 2: Discs Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Frame structure channel coding (ISO 7711-2:2011) and modulation for a second generation digital transmission system Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1086, 2011-10-25 for cable systems (DVB-C2) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1179, 2011-10-25 EN ISO 8015:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) EN 302885-1:2011 ( V1.1.1 ) Fundamentals Concepts, principles and rules Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); (ISO 8015:2011) Portable Very High Frequency (VHF) radiotelephone equipment for Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0961, 2011-10-25 the maritime mobile service operating in the VHF bands with integrated handheld class D DSC Part 1: Technical characteristics and methods of measurement EN ISO 8565:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1180, 2011-10-25 Metals and alloys Atmospheric corrosion testing General requirements EN 303214:2011 ( V1.1.1 ) (ISO 8565:2011) Data Link Services (DLS) System; Community Specification for Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1087, 2011-10-25 application under the Single European Sky Interoperability Regulation EC 552/2004; Requirements for ground constituents and EN ISO 9241-420:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) system testing Ergonomics of human-system interaction Part 420: Selection of Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1038, 2011-10-25 physical input devices (ISO 9241-420:2011) EN ISO 139:2005 /A 1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1088, 2011-10-25 Textiles Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing Amendment 1 (ISO 139:2005/AMD 1:2011) EN ISO 9241-910:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1081, 2011-10-25 Ergonomics of human-system interaction Part 910: Framework for tactile and haptic interaction EN ISO 376:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) (ISO 9241-910:2011) Metallic materials Calibration of force-proving instruments used for Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1089, 2011-10-25 the verification of uniaxial testing machines (ISO 376:2011) EN ISO 9999:2011 ( 4ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0957, 2011-10-25 Assistive products for persons with disability Classification and terminology EN ISO 1518-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 9999:2011) Paints and varnishes Determination of scratch resistance Part 1: Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1090, 2011-10-25 Constant-loading method (ISO 1518-1:2011) EN ISO 10218-1:2011 ( 3ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0958, 2011-10-25 Robots and robotic devices Safety requirements for industrial robots Part 1: Robots (ISO 10218-1:2011) EN ISO 2867:2011 ( 4ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1091, 2011-10-25 Earth-moving machinery Access systems (ISO 2867:2011) EN ISO 10218-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1082, 2011-10-25 Robots and robotic devices Safety requirements for industrial robots Part 2: Robot systems and integration EN ISO 4641:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) (ISO 10218-2:2011) Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for water suction and discharge Termo de Adopção nº 2011/1092, 2011-10-25 Specification Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 16 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos EN ISO 10360-7:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN ISO 13408-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Acceptance and Aseptic processing of health care products Part 2: Filtration reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) (ISO 13408-2:2003) Part 7: CMMs equipped with imaging probing systems Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0968, 2011-10-25 (ISO 10360-7:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0962, 2011-10-25 EN ISO 13408-3:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Aseptic processing of health care products Part 3: Lyophilization EN ISO 10414-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 13408-3:2006) Petroleum and natural gas industries Field testing of drilling fluids Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0969, 2011-10-25 Part 2: Oil-based fluids (ISO 10414-2:2011) EN ISO 13408-4:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0963, 2011-10-25 Aseptic processing of health care products Part 4: Clean-inplace technologies EN ISO 10769:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 13408-4:2005) Clay geosynthetic barriers Determination of water absorption of Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0970, 2011-10-25 bentonite (ISO 10769:2011) EN ISO 13408-5:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0964, 2011-10-25 Aseptic processing of health care products Part 5: Sterilization in place EN ISO 11260:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 13408-5:2006) Soil quality Determination of effective cation exchange capacity Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0971, 2011-10-25 and base saturation level using barium chloride solution (ISO 11260:1994/Cor 1:1996) EN ISO 13408-6:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/0965, 2011-10-25 Aseptic processing of health care products Part 6: Isolator systems (ISO 13408-6:2005) EN ISO 11600:2003 /A 1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0972, 2011-10-25 Building construction Jointing products Classification and requirements for sealants ISO 11600:2002/Amd 1:2011) EN ISO 13501:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1093, 2011-10-25 Petroleum and natural gas industries Drilling fluids Processing equipment evaluation (ISO 13501:2011) EN ISO 11960:2011 ( 4ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0973, 2011-10-25 Petroleum and natural gas industries Steel pipes for use as casing or tubing for wells (ISO 11960:2011) EN ISO 14006:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0966, 2011-10-25 Environmental management systems Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign EN ISO 13079:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 14006:2011) Laboratory glass and plastics ware Tubes for the measurement of Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1099, 2011-10-25 the erythrocyte sedimentation rate by the Westergren method (ISO 13079:2011) EN ISO 14160:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1094, 2011-10-25 Sterilization of health care products Liquid chemical sterilizing agents for single-use medical devices utilizing animal tissues and their derivatives Requirements for characterization, development, EN ISO 13130:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) validation and routine control of a sterilization process for Laboratory glassware Desiccators medical devices (ISO 14160:2011) (ISO 13130:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1100, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1095, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 14240-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN ISO 13132:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Soil quality Determination of soil microbial biomass Part 1: Laboratory glassware Petri dishes (ISO 13132:2011) Substrate-induced respiration method Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1096, 2011-10-25 (ISO 14240-1:1997) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0974, 2011-10-25 EN ISO 13385-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Dimensional measuring EN ISO 14240-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) equipment Part 1: Callipers; Design and metrological Soil quality Determination of soil microbial biomass Part 2: characteristics Fumigation-extraction method (ISO 13385-1:2011) (ISO 14240-2:1997) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1097, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0975, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 13385-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN ISO 14254:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Dimensional measuring Soil quality Determination of exchangeable acidity in barium equipment Part 2: Calliper depth gauges; Design and metrological chloride extracts characteristics (ISO 14254:2001) (ISO 13385-2:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0976, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1098, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 14372:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) EN ISO 13408-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Welding consumables Determination of moisture resistance of Aseptic processing of health care products Part 1: General manual metal arc welding electrodes by measurement of diffusible requirements hydrogen (ISO 14372:2011) (ISO 13408-1:2008) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1101, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0967, 2011-10-25

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos EN ISO 14825:2011 ( 2ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0981, 2011-10-25 Intelligent transport systems Geographic Data Files (GDF) GDF5.0 (ISO 14825:2011) EN ISO 17076-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1102, 2011-10-25 Leather Determination of abrasion resistance Part 2: Martindale ball plate method EN ISO 15175:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 17076-2:2011) Soil quality Characterization of soil related to groundwater Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0982, 2011-10-25 protection (ISO 15175:2004) EN ISO 17402:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0977, 2011-10-25 Soil quality Requirements and guidance for the selection and application of methods for the assessment of bioavailability of EN ISO 15912:2006 /A 1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) contaminants in soil and soil materials Dentistry Casting investments and refractory die materials - (ISO 17402:2008) Amendment 1: Requirement and test method for adequacy of Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0983, 2011-10-25 expansion of Type 1 and Type 2 materials (ISO 15912:2006/Amd 1:2011) EN ISO 18415:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1103, 2011-10-25 Cosmetics Microbiology Detection of specified and nonspecified microorganisms EN ISO 15952:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 18415:2007) Soil quality Effects of pollutants on juvenile land snails Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0984, 2011-10-25 (Helicidae) Determination of the effects on growth by soil contamination EN ISO 19110:2006 /A 1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 15952:2006) Geographic information Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0978, 2011-10-25 Methodology for feature cataloguing Amendment 1 (ISO 19110:2005/AMD 1:2011) EN ISO 16050:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0985, 2011-10-25 Foodstuffs Determination of aflatoxin B1, and the total content of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in cereals, nuts and derived EN ISO 19258:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) products High-performance liquid chromatographic method Soil quality Guidance on the determination of background values (ISO 16050:2003) (ISO 19258:2005) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1104, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0986, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 16072:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN ISO 20963:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Soil quality Laboratory methods for determination of microbial soil Soil quality Effects of pollutants on insect larvae (Oxythyrea respiration funesta) Determination of acute toxicity (ISO 16072:2002) (ISO 20963:2005) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0979, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0987, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 16120-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) EN ISO 21254-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Non-alloy steel wire rod for conversion to wire Part 1: General Lasers and laser-related equipment Test methods for laserinduced requirements damage threshold Part 1: Definitions and general principles (ISO 16120-1:2011) (ISO 21254-1:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1105, 2011-10-25 Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1109, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 16120-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Non-alloy steel wire rod for conversion to wire Part 2: Specific EN ISO 21254-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) requirements for general-purpose wire rod Lasers and laser-related equipment Test methods for laserinduced (ISO 16120-2:2011) damage threshold Part 2: Threshold determination Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1106, 2011-10-25 (ISO 21254-2:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1110, 2011-10-25 EN ISO 16120-3:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Non-alloy steel wire rod for conversion to wire Part 3: Specific EN ISO 21254-3:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) requirements for rimmed and rimmed substitute, low-carbon steel Lasers and laser-related equipment Test methods for laserinduced wire rod damage threshold Part 3: Assurance of laser power (energy) handling (ISO 16120-3:2011) capabilities Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1107, 2011-10-25 (ISO 21254-3:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1111, 2011-10-25 EN ISO 16120-4:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Non-alloy steel wire rod for conversion to wire Part 4: Specific EN ISO 21809-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) requirements for wire rod for special applications Petroleum and natural gas industries External coatings for buried or (ISO 16120-4:2011) submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems Part 1: Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1108, 2011-10-25 Polyolefin coatings (3-layer PE and 3-layer PP) (ISO 21809-1:2011) EN ISO 16133:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1112, 2011-10-25 Soil quality Guidance on the establishment and maintenance of monitoring programmes EN ISO 22030:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 16133:2004) Soil quality Biological methods Chronic toxicity in higher plants Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0980, 2011-10-25 (ISO 22030:2005) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0988, 2011-10-25 EN ISO 16703:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Soil quality Determination of content of hydrocarbon in the ange C10 to C40 by gas chromatography EN ISO 22118:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 16703:2004) Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs Polymerase chain Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 18 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos reaction (PCR) for the detection and quantification of foodborne pathogens Performance characteristics EN ISO 28706-5:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 22118:2011) Vitreous and porcelain enamels Determination of resistance to Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1113, 2011-10-25 chemical corrosion Part 5: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion in closed systems EN ISO 22119:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) (ISO 28706-5:2010) Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs Real-time Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1120, 2011-10-25 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of food-borne pathogens General requirements and definitions (ISO 22119:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1114, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 22413:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Transfer sets for pharmaceutical preparations Requirements and test methods (ISO 22413:2010) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0989, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 22892:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Soil quality Guidelines for the identification of target compounds by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (ISO 22892:2006) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0990, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 23611-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Soil quality Sampling of soil invertebrates Part 1: Handsorting and formalin extraction of earthworms (ISO 23611-1:2006) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1115, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 23611-3:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Soil quality Sampling of soil invertebrates Part 3: Sampling and soil extraction of enchytraeids (ISO 23611-3:2007) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1116, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 23611-4:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Soil quality Sampling of soil invertebrates Part 4: Sampling, extraction and identification of soil-inhabiting nematodes (ISO 23611-4:2007) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1117, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 23753-1:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Soil Quality Determination of dehydrogenase activity in soil Part 1: Method using triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) (ISO 23753-1:2005) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1118, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 23753-2:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Soil Quality Determination of dehydrogenase activity in soils Part 2: Method using iodotetrazolium chloride (INT) (ISO 23753-2:2005) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 1119, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 23908:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Sharps injury protection Requirements and test methods Sharps protection features for single-use hypodermic needles, introducers for catheters and needles used for blood sampling (ISO 23908:2011) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0991, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 25177:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Soil quality Field soil description (ISO 25177:2008) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0992, 2011-10-25

EN ISO 25424:2011 ( 1ª Edição ) Sterilization of medical devices Low temperature steam and formaldehyde Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices (ISO 25424:2009) Termo de Adopção nº 2011/ 0993, 2011-10-25 Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 19 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos

2. Normas Europeias Publicadas

2.1 CEN

NormasEuropeiasaprovadasnaáreanãoelectrotécnicapeloComitéEuropeudeNormalização (CEN),epeloComitéEuropeuparaaNormalizaçãodoFerroedoAço(ECISS). Paracadareferência,mencionaseocomitétécnico,adesignaçãocodificadaeotítulo.

CWA 15517:2011 ( Ed. 3 ) European Handbook for Defence Procurement CWA 15748-40:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification CWA 15748-29:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Release 3.10 Part 40: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Card Embossing Unit Device Class MIB 3.10 Release 3.10 Part 29: XFS MIB Architecture and SNMP Extensions MIB Version 3.10 CWA 15748-41:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification CWA 15748-30:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Release 3.10 Part 41: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Cash In Module Device Class MIB 3.10 Release 3.10 Part 30: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Printer Device Class MIB 3.10 CWA 15748-43:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification CWA 15748-31:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Release 3.10 Part 43: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Vendor Dependent Mode Class MIB 3.10 This CEN Workshop Release 3.10 Part 31: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Agreement has been drafted and approved by a Workshop of Identification Card Device Class MIB 3.10 representatives of interested

CWA 15748-32:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) CWA 15748-44:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Release 3.10 Part 32: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Release 3.10 Part 44: XFS MIB Application Management MIB 3.10 Cash Dispenser Device Class MIB 3.10 CWA 15748-45:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) CWA 15748-33:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Release 3.10 Part 45: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Card Release 3.10 Part 33: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - PIN Dispenser Device Class MIB 3.10 Keypad Device Class MIB 3.10 CWA 15748-46:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) CWA 15748-34:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Release 3.10 Part 46: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Release 3.10 Part 34: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Barcode Reader Device Class MIB 3.10 Check Reader/Scanner Device Class MIB 3.10 CWA 15748-47:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) CWA 15748-35:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Release 3.10 Part 47: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Item Release 3.10 Part 35: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Processing Module Device Class MIB Version 3.10 Depository Device Class MIB 3.10 CWA 16367:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) CWA 15748-36:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Implementing e-Competence Framework into SMEs Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Release 3.10 Part 36: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Text TC 12 Terminal Unit Device Class MIB 3.10 EN ISO 20312:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Petroleum and natural gas industries Design and operating limits of CWA 15748-37:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) drill strings with aluminium alloy components Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification (ISO 20312:2011) Release 3.10 Part 37: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - Sensors and Indicators Unit Device Class MIB 3.10 TC 19 EN ISO 20846:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) CWA 15748-38:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Petroleum products Determination of sulfur content of automotive Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification fuels Ultraviolet fluorescence method Release 3.10 Part 38: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - (ISO 20846:2011) Camera Device Class MIB 3.10 TC 28 CWA 15748-39:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN ISO 14602:2011 ( Ed. 4 ) Extensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification Non-active surgical implants Implants for osteosynthesis Particular Release 3.10 Part 39: XFS MIB Device Specific Definitions - requirements Alarm Device Class MIB 3.10 (ISO 14602:2010) Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 20 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 122 TC 33 EN 13861:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) EN 13126-2:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Safety of machinery Guidance for the application of ergonomics Building hardware Requirements and test methods for windows and standards in the design of machinery doors height windows Part 2: Window fastener handles TC 133 TC 38 EN 16117-1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN 16114:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Copper and copper alloys Management consultancy services Determination of copper content Part 1: Electrolytic determination of copper in materials with copper content less than 99,85 % TC 52 EN 71-8:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) TC 136 Safety of toys Part 8: Activity toys for domestic use EN ISO 5912:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Camping tents TC 55 (ISO 5912:2011) EN 1642:2011 ( Ed. 4 ) Dentistry Medical devices for dentistry Dental implants TC 138 EN 16016-1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 55 Non destructive testing Radiation methods - Computed tomography EN ISO 3630-5:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Part 1: Terminology Dentistry Endodontic instruments Part 5: Shaping and cleaning instruments TC 139 (ISO 3630-5:2011) EN 16105:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Paints and varnishes Laboratory method for determination of release TC 58 of substances from coatings in intermittent contact with water EN 13611-:2007+A2:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas burning TC 139 appliances General requirements EN ISO 1518-2:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Paints and varnishes Determination of scratch resistance Part 2: TC 113 Variable-loading method EN 16147:2011 /AC :2011 ( Ed. 1 ) (ISO 1518-2:2011) Heat pumps with electrically driven compressors Testing and requirements for marking of domestic hot water units TC 139 EN ISO 12137:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 121 Paints and varnishes Determination of mar resistance EN 1598:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) (ISO 12137:2011) Health and safety in welding and allied processes Transparent welding curtains, strips and screens for arc welding processes TC 140 EN ISO 18113-1:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) TC 121 In vitro diagnostic medical devices Information supplied by the EN ISO 9012:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) manufacturer (labelling) Part 1: Terms, definitions and general Gas welding equipment Air-aspirated hand blowpipes requirements Specifications and tests (ISO 18113-1:2009) (ISO 9012:2008) TC 140 TC 121 EN ISO 18113-2:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) EN ISO 10882-1:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) In vitro diagnostic medical devices Information supplied by the Health and safety in welding and allied processes Sampling of manufacturer (labelling) Part 2: In vitro diagnostic reagents for airborne particles and gases in the operator's breathing zone professional use Part 1: Sampling of airborne particles (ISO 18113-2:2009) (ISO 10882-1:2011) TC 140 TC 121 EN ISO 18113-3:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) EN ISO 15011-5:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) In vitro diagnostic medical devices Information supplied by the Health and safety in welding and allied processes Laboratory method manufacturer (labelling) Part 3: In vitro diagnostic instruments for for sampling fume and gases Part 5: Identification of professional use thermal-degradation products generated when welding or cutting (ISO 18113-3:2009) through products composed wholly or partly of organic materials using pyrolysis-gas TC 140 (ISO/FDIS 15011-5:2011) EN ISO 18113-4:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) In vitro diagnostic medical devices Information supplied by the TC 121 manufacturer (labelling) Part 4: In vitro diagnostic reagents for EN ISO 15609-5:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) self-testing Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic (ISO 18113-4:2009) materials Welding procedure specification Part 5: Resistance welding TC 140 (ISO 15609-5:2011) EN ISO 18113-5:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) In vitro diagnostic medical devices Information supplied by the TC 121 manufacturer (labelling) Part 5: In vitro diagnostic instruments for EN ISO 15792-1:2008 /A 1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) self-testing Welding consumables Test methods Part 1: Test methods for all- (ISO 18113-5:2009) weld metal test specimens in steel, nickel and nickel alloys (ISO 15792-1:2000/Amd 1:2011)

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 144 applications Specification EN 13739-1:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) (ISO 6224:2011) Agricultural machinery Solid fertilizer broadcasters and full width distributors - Environmental protection Part 1: Requirements TC 218 EN ISO 30013:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 144 Rubber and plastics hoses Methods of exposure to laboratory light EN 13739-2:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) sources Determination of changes in colour, appearance Agricultural machinery Solid fertilizer broadcasters and full width and other physical properties (ISO 30013:2011) distributors - Environmental protection Part 2: Test methods TC 227 TC 144 EN 13036-4:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) EN 15695-2:2009 /AC :2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Road and airfield surface characteristics Test methods Part 4: Agricultural tractors and self-propelled sprayers Protection of the Method for measurement of slip/skid resistance of a surface: operator (driver) against hazardous substances Part 2: Filters, The pendulum test requirements and test procedures TC 229 TC 145 EN 1168-:2005+A3:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN 1114-1:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Precast concrete products Hollow core slabs Plastics and rubber machines Extruders and extrusion lines Part 1: Safety requirements for TC 242 extruders EN 15700:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Safety for conveyor belts for winter sport or leisure use TC 145 EN 12409-:2008+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 248 Plastics and rubber machines EN ISO 105-B10:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Thermoforming machines Safety requirements Textiles Tests for colour fastness Part B10: Artificial weathering - Exposure to filtered xenon-arc radiation TC 156 (ISO 105-B10:2011) EN 15726:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Ventilation for buildings Air diffusion Measurements in the TC 248 occupied zone of air-conditioned/ventilated rooms to evaluate EN ISO 9092:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) thermal and acoustic conditions Textiles Nonwovens Definition (ISO 9092:2011) TC 168 EN 13411-8:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 250 Terminations for steel wire ropes Safety Part 8: Swage terminals EN 1998-2:2005 /A 2:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) and swaging Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance Part 2: Bridges TC 187 EN ISO 12677:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) TC 256 Chemical analysis of refractory products by X-ray fluorescence EN 13145-:2001+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) (XRF) Fused cast-bead method Railway applications Track Wood sleepers and bearers (ISO 12677:2011) TC 256 TC 190 EN 13146-9:2009+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN 1559-3:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Railway applications Track - Test methods for fastening systems Part Founding Technical conditions of delivery Part 3: Additional 9: Determination of stiffness requirements for iron castings TC 256 TC 190 EN 13232-2:2003+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN 1561:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Railway applications Track - Switches and crossings Part 2: Founding Grey cast irons Requirements for geometric design

TC 205 TC 256 EN ISO 1135-4:2011 ( Ed. 3 ) EN 13232-3:2003+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Transfusion equipment for medical use Part 4: Transfusion sets for Railway applications Track - Switches and crossings Part 3: single use Requirements for wheel/rail interaction (ISO 1135-4:2010) TC 256 TC 215 EN 13232-4:2005+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN ISO 15001:2011 ( Ed. 3 ) Railway applications Track - Switches and crossings Part 4: Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment Compatibility with oxygen Actuation, locking and detection (ISO 15001:2010) TC 256 TC 215 EN 13232-5:2005+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN ISO 80601-2-12:2011 /AC :2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Railway applications Track - Switches and crossings Part 5: Medical electrical equipment Part 2-12: Particular requirements for Switches basic safety and essential performance of critical care ventilators - Technical Corrigendum 1 TC 256 (ISO 80601-2-12:2011/Cor 1:2011) EN 13232-6:2005+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Railway applications Track - Switches and crossings Part 6: Fixed TC 218 common and obtuse crossings EN ISO 6224:2011 ( Ed. 3 ) Thermoplastics hoses, textile-reinforced, for general-purpose water

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 256 TC 278 EN 13232-7:2006+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) CEN ISO/TS 16407-1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Railway applications Track - Switches and crossings Part 7: Electronic fee collection Evaluation of equipment for conformity to Crossings with moveable parts ISO/TS 17575-1 Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes (ISO/TS 16407-1:2011) TC 256 EN 13232-8:2007+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 278 Railway applications Track - Switches and crossings Part 8: CEN ISO/TS 16410-1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Expansion devices Electronic fee collection Evaluation of equipment for conformity to ISO/TS 17575-3 Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes TC 256 (ISO/TS 16410-1:2011) EN 13232-9:2006+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Railway applications Track - Switches and crossings Part 9: Layouts TC 278 CEN/TS 16157-1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 256 Intelligent transport systems DATEX II data exchange EN 14033-3:2009+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) specifications for traffic management and information Part 1: Railway applications Track - Railbound construction and Context and framework maintenance machines Part 3: General safety requirements TC 278 TC 256 CEN/TS 16157-2:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN 15746-1:2010+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Intelligent transport systems DATEX II data exchange specifications Railway applications Track - Road-rail machines and associated for traffic management and information Part 2: Location referencing equipment Part 1: Technical requirements for running and working TC 278 TC 256 CEN/TS 16157-3:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN 15746-2:2010+A1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Intelligent transport systems DATEX II data exchange specifications Railway applications Track - Road-rail machines and associated for traffic management and information Part 3: Situation Publication equipment Part 2: General safety requirements TC 278 TC 258 EN 16072:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN ISO 14155:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Intelligent transport systems eSafety Pan-European eCall operating Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects requirements Good clinical practice (ISO 14155:2011) TC 278 EN ISO 14906:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) TC 260 Electronic fee collection Application interface definition for EN 15924:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) dedicated short-range communication Fertilizers Determination of the fineness of grinding of soft natural (ISO 14906:2011) phosphates TC 278 TC 260 EN ISO 15006:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) EN 15925:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Road vehicles Ergonomic aspects of transport information and Fertilizers Extraction of total sulfur present in various forms control systems Specifications for in-vehicle auditory presentation TC 260 (ISO 15006:2011) EN 15926:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Fertilizers Extraction of water soluble sulfur where the sulfur is in TC 287 various forms EN ISO 19118:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Geographic information Encoding TC 260 (ISO 19118:2011) EN 15956:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Fertilizers Extraction of phosphorus soluble in mineral acids TC 287 EN ISO 19131:2008 /A 1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 260 Geographic information EN 15957:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Data product specifications Amendment 1: Requirements relating to Fertilizers Extraction of phosphorus which is soluble in neutral the inclusion of an application schema and feature catalogue and ammonium citrate the treatment of coverages in an application schema (ISO 19131:2007/Amd 1:2011) TC 262 EN ISO 7539-6:2011 ( Ed. 3 ) TC 290 Corrosion of metals and alloys Stress corrosion testing Part 6: EN ISO 15530-3:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Preparation and use of precracked specimens for tests under Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Coordinate measuring constant load or constant displacement (ISO 7539-6:2011) machines (CMM): Technique for determining the uncertainty of measurement Part 3: Use of calibrated workpieces or measurement TC 275 standards EN ISO 6887-4:2003 /A 1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) (ISO 15530-3:2011) Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for TC 296 microbiological examination Part 4: Specific rules for the EN 15969-2:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) preparation of products other than milk and milk products, meat and Tanks for transport of dangerous goods Digital interface for the data meat products, and fish and fishery products transfer between tank vehicle and with stationary facilities (ISO 6887- 4:2003/Amd 1:2011) Part 2: Commercial and logistic data

Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 23 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 307 between - 65 °C and 135 °C - Single extruded wall for open EN ISO 3961:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) applications, with jacket without screen - UV laser printable - Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of iodine value Product standard (ISO 3961:2009) TC AECMA TC 331 EN 4612-004:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) CEN/TR 15524:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Aerospace series Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single Postal services Customer-directed information including track and and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family Jacketed or screened and trace General concepts and definitions jacketed Part 004: Tin plated copper - Operating temperatures, between - 65 °C and 135 °C - Single extruded wall for open TC 346 applications, with jacket and screen (braid) - UV laser printable - EN 15898:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Product standard Conservation of cultural property Main general terms and definitions TC AECMA EN 4612-005:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 348 Aerospace series Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single EN 15221-3:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) and multicore assembly XLETFE Family jacketed or screened and Facility Management Part 3: Guidance on quality in Facility jacketed Part 005: Tin plated copper - Operating temperatures, Management between - 65 °C and 135 °C - Dual extruded wall for open applications, with jacket without screen - UV laser printable - TC 348 Product standard EN 15221-4:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Facility Management Part 4: Taxonomy, Classification and TC AECMA Structures in Facility Management EN 4612-006:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Aerospace series Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single TC 348 and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family - Jacketed or screened EN 15221-5:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) and jacketed Part 006: Tin plated copper - Operating temperatures, Facility Management Part 5: Guidance on Facility Management between - 65 °C and 135 °C - Dual extruded wall for open processes applications, with jacket and screen (braid) - UV laser printable - Product standard TC 348 EN 15221-6:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC AECMA Facility Management Part 6: Area and Space Measurement in EN 4612-007:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Facility Management Aerospace series Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single and multicore assembly XLETFE Family jacketed or screened and TC 350 jacketed Part 007: Silver plated copper - Operating temperatures, EN 15942:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) between - 65 °C and 150 °C - Single extruded wall for open Sustainability of construction works Environmental product applications, with jacket without screen - UV laser printable - declarations Communication format business-to-business Product standard

TC CSS03 TC AECMA EN ISO 15747:2011 ( Ed. 3 ) EN 4612-008:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Plastic containers for intravenous injections Aerospace series Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single and (ISO 15747:2010) multicore assembly XLETFE Family jacketed or screened and jacketed TC ECISS/101 Part 008: Silver plated copper - Operating temperatures, between - EN ISO 26203-2:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) 65 °C and 150 °C - single extruded wall for open applications, with Metallic materials Tensile testing at high strain rates Part 2: jacket and screen (braid) - UV laser printable - Product standard Servo-hydraulic and other test systems (ISO 26203-2:2011) TC AECMA EN 4612-009:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC AECMA Aerospace series Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single EN 3034:2009 /AC :2011 ( Ed. 1 ) and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family - Jacketed or screened Aerospace series Nuts, self-locking, hexagonal with captive washer and jacketed Part 009: Silver plated copper - Operating temperatures, - In heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286), silver coated between - 65 °C and 150 °C - Dual extruded wall for open Classification: 1100 MPa/425 °C applications, with jacket without screen - UV laser printable - Product standard TC AECMA EN 3687:2010 /AC :2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC AECMA Aerospace series Bolts, normal hexagon head, relieved shank, long EN 4612-010:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) thread, in heat resisting steel FE-PA2601 (A286), silver plated Aerospace series Cables, electrical, for general Cables, electrical, Classification: 1 100 MPa/650 °C for general purpose, single and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family- Jacketed or screened and jacketed Part 010: Silver plated TC AECMA copper -Operating temperatures, between - 65 °C and 150 °C - Dual EN 4612-002:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) extruded wall for open applications, with jacket and screen (braid) - Aerospace series Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single UV laser printable - Product standard and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family - Jacketed or screened and jacketed Part 002: General TC AECMA EN 4612-011:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC AECMA Aerospace series Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single EN 4612-003:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family - Jacketed or screened Aerospace series Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single and jacketed Part 011: Nickel plated copper - Operating and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family - jacketed or screened and temperatures,between - 65 °C and 150 °C - Dual extruded wall for jacketed Part 003: Tin plated copper - Operating temperatures, open applications, with jacket without screen - UV laser printable -

Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 24 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Product standard

TC AECMA EN 4612-012:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Aerospace series Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family - Jacketed or screened and jacketed Part 012: Nickel plated copper - Operating temperatu res,between - 65 °C and 150 °C - Dual extruded wall for open applications, with jacket and screen (braid) - UV laser printable - Product standard

TC AECMA EN 4612-013:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Aerospace series Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family - Jacketed or screened and jacketed Part 013: SX, TC and UC - Nickel plated copper – Operating temperatures, between - 65 °C and 150 °C - Single extruded wall for equipment only, with jacket and screen (spiral) - UV laser printable - Product standard

Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 25 15 Novembro 2011

Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização


NormasEuropeiasaprovadasnaáreaelectrotécnicapeloComitéEuropeudeNormalização Electrotécnica(CENELEC) Paracadareferência,mencionaseoComitéTécnico,adesignaçãocodificadaeotítulo.

SR 48D SR 15 EN 61587-2:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) EN 60684-2:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC Flexible insulating sleeving Part 2: Methods of test 60917 and IEC 60297 Part 2: Seismic tests for cabinets and racks (IEC 60684-2:2011) (IEC 61587-2:2011) SC 9XC EN 50149:2001 /CORRIGENDUM /AC:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) SR 85 Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric traction - EN 61557-13:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Copper and copper alloy grooved contact wires Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c.- Equipment for testing, measuring or SC 31-1 monitoring of protective measures Part 13: Hand-held and EN 60079-14:2008 /CORRIGENDUM AC:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) hand-manipulated current clamps and sensors for measurement of Explosive atmospheres Part 14: Electrical installations design, leakage currents in electrical distribution systems selection and erection (IEC 61557-13:2011) (IEC 60079-14:2007) SR 86C SR 15 EN 61290-4-1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN 60674-3-1:1998 /A 1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Optical amplifiers - Test methods Part 4-1: Gain transient Plastic films for electrical purposes Part 3: Specifications for parameters - Two-wavelength method individual materials Sheet 1: Biaxially oriented polypropylene (PP) (IEC 61290-4-1:2011) film for capacitors SR 86C SR 15 EN 61290-4-2:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN 60819-3-3:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Optical amplifiers - Test methods Part 4-2: Gain transient Non-cellulosic papers for electrical purposes Part 3: Specifications parameters - Broadband source method for individual materials Sheet 3: Unfilled aramid (aromatic (IEC 61290-4-2:2011) polyamide) papers (IEC 60819-3-3:2011) SR 86 EN 62496-2-1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) SR 34A Optical circuit boards Part 2-1: Measurements - Optical attenuation EN 61199:2011 ( Ed. 3 ) and isolation Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications (IEC 62496-2-1:2011) (IEC 61199:2011) SR 89 SR 34A EN 60695-6-2:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN 62554:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Fire hazard testing Part 6-2: Smoke obscuration - Summary and Sample preparation for measurement of mercury level in relevance of test methods fluorescent lamps (IEC 60695-6-2:2011) (IEC 62554:2011) SR 89 SR 36 EN 60695-7-2:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) CLC/TR 62662:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Fire hazard testing Part 7-2: Toxicity of fire effluent - Summary and Guidance for production, testing and diagnostics of polymer relevance of test methods insulators (IEC 60695-7-2:2011) with respect to brittle fracture of core materials (IEC/TR 62662:2010) SR 89 EN 60695-7-3:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) SR 47A Fire hazard testing Part 7-3: Toxicity of fire effluent - Use and EN 61967-8:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) interpretaion of test results Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic emissions, (IEC 60695-7-3:2011) 150 kHz to 1 GHz Part 8: Measurement of radiated emissions - IC stripline method SR 91 (IEC 61967-8:2011) EN 60068-2-83:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Environmental testing Part 2-83: Tests - Test Tf: Solderability SR 47F testing of electronic components for surface mounting devices EN 62047-12:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) (SMD) by the wetting balance method using solder paste Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices Part 12: (IEC 60068-2-83:2011) Bending fatigue testing method of thin film materials using resonant vibration of MEMS structures SR 110 (IEC 62047-12:2011) EN 61988-1:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Plasma display panels Part 1: Terminology and letter symbols (IEC 61988-1:2011)

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos SR 110 TC 31 EN 61988-2-4:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) EN 60079-35-1:2011 /CORRIGENDUM /AC/Sep:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Plasma display panels Part 2-4: Measuring methods - Visual quality: Explosive atmospheres Part 35-1: Caplights for use in mines Image artifacts susceptible to firedamp - General requirements - Construction and (IEC 61988-2-4:2011) testing in relation to the risk of explosion (IEC 60079-35-1:2011) TC 8X EN 60038:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 34Z CENELEC standard voltages EN 60929:2011 /CORRIGENDUM /AC:2011 ( Ed. 4 ) (IEC 60038:2009, modif) AC and/or DC-supplied electronic control gear for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements TC 14 (IEC 60929:2011) EN 50464-4:2007 /A 1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 TC 34Z kVA to 2 500 kVA with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding EN 61347-2-3:2001 /CORRIGENDUM AC/Out:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) 36 kV Part 4: Requirements and tests concerning pressurised Lamp control gear Part 2-3: Particular requirements for a.c. and/or corrugated tanks d.c. supplied electronic control gear for fluorescent lamps (IEC 61347-2-3:2011) TC 14 EN 60076-16:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 38X Power transformers Part 16: Transformers for wind turbines EN 61869-3:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) applications Instrument transformers Part 3: Additional requirements for (IEC 60076-16:2011) inductive voltage transformers (IEC 61869-3:2011) TC 14 HD 428-1-S1:1992 /CORRIGENDUM /AC:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 38X Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 EN 61869-5:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) to 2500 kVA with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 Instrument transformers Part 5: Additional requirements for kV Part 1: General requirements and requirements and requirements capacitive voltage transformers for transformers with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding (IEC 61869-5:2011) 24 kV TC 57 TC 14 EN 61850-7-1:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) HD 538-1-S1:1992 /CORRIGENDUM /AC:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Communication networks and systems for power utility automation Three-phase dry-type distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 100 to Part 7-1: Basic communication structure - Principles and models 2500 kVA, with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV (IEC 61850-7-1:2011) Part 1: General requirements and requirements for transformers with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 24 kV TC 61 EN 60335-1:2002 /A 15:2011 ( Ed. 3 ) TC 17D Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 1: General EN 61439-1:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) requirements Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Part 1: General rules TC 61 (IEC 61439-1:2011) EN 60335-2-35:2002 /A 2:2011 ( Ed. 3 ) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-35: TC 17D Particular requirements for instantaneous water heaters EN 61439-2:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) (IEC 60335-2-35:2002/A2:2009,modif) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Part 2: Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies TC 62 (IEC 61439-2:2011) EN 60601-1:2006 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Medical electrical equipment Part 1: General requirements for basic TC 17D safety and essential performance EN 62208:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Empty enclosures for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear TC 62 assemblies - General requirements EN 60601-2-2:2009 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 4 ) (IEC 62208:2011) Medical electrical equipment Part 2-2: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of high frequency TC 17AC surgical equipment and high frequency surgical accessories EN 62271-102:2002 /A 1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 102: Alternating TC 62 current disconnectors and earthing switches EN 60601-2-19:2009 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) (IEC 62271-102:2001/A1:2011) Medical electrical equipment Part 2-19: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant incubators TC 17AC EN 62271-106:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 62 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 106: Alternating EN 60601-2-20:2009 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) current contactors, contactor-based controllers and motor-starters Medical electrical equipment Part 2-20: Particular requirements for (IEC 62271-106:2011) the basic safety and essential performance of infant transport incubators TC 17AC EN 62271-204:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 62 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 204: Rigid EN 60601-2-21:2009 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) gas-insulated transmission lines for rated voltage above 52 kV Medical electrical equipment Part 2-21: Particular requirements for (IEC 62271-204:2011) the basic safety and essential performance of infant radiant warmers

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 62 TC 82 EN 60601-2-29:2008 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 3 ) EN 62109-2:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Medical electrical equipment Part 2-29: Particular requirements for Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems the basic safety and essential performance of radiotherapy Part 2: Particular requirements for inverters simulators (IEC 62109-2:2011)

TC 62 TC 86A EN 60601-2-33:2010 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 3 ) EN 60794-2-10:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Medical electrical equipment Part 2-33: Particular requirements for Optical fibre cables Part 2-10: Indoor optical fibre cables - Family the basic safety and essential performance of magnetic resonance specification for simplex and duplex cables equipment for medical diagnosis (IEC 60794-2-10:2011)

TC 62 TC 106X EN 60601-2-37:2008 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) EN 50400:2006 /CORRIGENDUM /AC:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Medical electrical equipment Part 2-37: Particular requirements for Basic standard to demonstrate the compliance of fixed equipment for the basic safety and essential performance of ultrasonic medical radio transmission (110MHz - 40 GHz) intended for use in wireless diagnostic and monitoring equipment telecommunication networks with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to general public exposure to radio frequency TC 62 electromagnetic fields, when put into service EN 60601-2-39:2008 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Medical electrical equipment Part 2-39: Particular requirements for TC 106X basic safety and essential performance of peritoneal dialysis EN 50401:2006 /A 1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) equipment Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of fixed equipment for radio transmission (110 MHz - 40 GHz) intended for use in TC 62 wireless telecommunication networks with the basic restrictions or EN 60601-2-41:2009 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) the reference levels related to general public exposure to radio Medical electrical equipment Part 2-41: Particular requirements for frequency electromagnetic fields, when put into service basic safety and essential performance of surgical luminaires and luminaires for diagnosis TC 108X EN 50563:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 62 External a.c. - d.c. and a.c - a.c power supplies - Determination of EN 60601-2-44:2009 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 3 ) no-load power and average efficiency of active modes Medical electrical equipment Part 2-44: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment TC 108X for computed tomography EN 60950-1:2006 /CORRIGENDUM /AC:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Information technology equipment - Safety TC 62 Part 1: General requirements EN 60601-2-50:2009 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) (IEC 60950-1:2005, modif) Medical electrical equipment Part 2-50: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant phototherapy TC 210 equipment EN 55014-1:2006 /A 2:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household TC 62 appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus Part 1: Emission EN 80601-2-35:2009 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) (CISPR 14-1:2005/A2:2011) Medical electrical equipment Part 2-35: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of heating devices using TC 210 blankets, pads and mattresses and intended for heating in medical EN 55016-4-2:2011 ( Ed. 2 ) use Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit TC 62 modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty EN 80601-2-58:2009 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) (CISPR 16-4-2:2011) Medical electrical equipment Part 2-58: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of lens removal devices TC 210 and vitrectomy devices for ophthalmic surgery EN 55017:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Methods of measurement of the suppression characteristics of TC 64 passive EMC filtering devices HD 60364-7-701:2007 /CORRIGENDUM /AC:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) (CISPR 17:2011) Low-voltage electrical installations Part 7-701: Requirements for special installations or locations - Locations containing a bath or TC 210 shower EN 55020:2007 /A 11:2011 ( Ed. 4 ) (IEC 60364-7-701:2006, modif) Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement TC 65X CLC/TR 62685:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 210 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Assessment EN 55022:2010 /CORRIGENDUM /AC:2011 ( Ed. 5 ) guideline for safety devices using IEC 61784 3 functional safe Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance communication profiles (FSCPs) characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement (CISPR 22:2008, modif) TC 81X EN 62561-6:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) TC 213 Lightning protection system components (LPSC) Part 6: EN 50085-2-1:2006 /A 1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Requirements for lightning strike counters (LSC) Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical (IEC 62561-6:2011, modif) installations Part 2-1: Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems intended for mounting on walls and ceilings

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 216 EN 50545-1:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of toxic and combustible gases in car parks and tunnels Part 1: General performance requirements and test methods for the detection and measurement of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides

TC BT GUIDE 1:2011 ( Ed. 9 ) Survey of Resolutions of the CENELEC General Assembly (Admission of the Portuguese Institute fpr Quality, IPQ and ends the Comissão Electrotecnica Potuguesa CEP)

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Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização


NormasEuropeiasaprovadaspeloComitéEuropeudeNormalização(CEN)/ComitéEuropeude NormalizaçãoElectrotécnica(CENELEC) Paracadareferência,mencionaseadesignaçãocodificadaeotítulo.

JWG 3 EN ISO 50001:2011 ( Ed. 1 ) Energy management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (ISO 50001:2011)

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Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

2.4 ETSI

NormasEuropeiasaprovadasepublicadasnosectordasTelecomunicaçõespeloInstitutoEuropeu deNormalizaçãoparaasTelecomunicações(ETSI) Paracadareferência,mencionaseadesignaçãocodificadaeotítulo. TC ETSI (UE) EN 300468:2011 ( V1.12.1 ) Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Specification for Service TC ETSI Information (SI) in DVB systems EN 301908-22:2011 ( V5.2.1 ) IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the essential TC ETSI requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Part 22: EN 300743:2011 ( V1.4.1 ) OFDMA TDD WMAN (Mobile WiMAX) FDD Base Stations (BS) Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Subtitling systems TC ETSI TC ETSI EN 302842-1:2011 ( V1.2.4 ) EN 301489-1:2011 ( V1.9.2 ) VHF air-ground and air-air Digital Link (VDL) Mode 4 radio Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); equipment;Technical characteristics and methods of measurement for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment aeronautical mobile (airborne) equipment Part 1: Physical layer and services Part 1: Common technical requirements TC ETSI TC ETSI EN 302842-2:2011 ( V1.3.1 ) EN 301842-1:2011 ( V1.3.4 ) VHF air-ground and air-air Digital Link (VDL) Mode 4 radio VHF air-ground Digital Link (VDL) Mode 4 radio equipment; equipment; Technical characteristics and methods of measurement Technical characteristics and methods of measurement for for ground-based equipment Part 1: EN for ground equipment aeronautical mobile (airborne) equipment Part 2: General description and data link layer TC ETSI EN 301842-2:2011 ( V1.6.1 ) TC ETSI VHF air-ground Digital Link (VDL) Mode 4 radio equipment; EN 302842-3:2011 ( V1.3.1 ) Technical characteristics and methods of measurement for VHF air-ground and air-air Digital Link (VDL) Mode 4 radio ground-based equipment Part 2: General description and data link equipment; Technical characteristics and methods of measurement layer for aeronautical mobile (airborne) equipment Part 3: Additional broadcast aspects TC ETSI EN 301842-3:2011 ( V1.3.1 ) TC ETSI VHF air-ground digital Link (VDL) Mode 4 radio equipment; EN 302885-2:2011 ( V1.1.1 ) Technical characteristics and methods of measurement for Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ground-based equipment Part 3: Additional broadcast aspects Portable Very High Frequency (VHF) radiotelephone equipment for the maritime mobile service operating in the VHF bands with TC ETSI integrated handheld class D DSC Part 2: Harmonized EN covering EN 301908-4:2011 ( V5.2.1 ) the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Part 4: CDMA TC ETSI Multi-Carrier (cdma2000) User Equipment (UE) EN 302885-3:2011 ( V1.1.1 ) Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); TC ETSI Portable Very High Frequency (VHF) radiotelephone equipment for EN 301908-5:2011 ( V5.2.1 ) the maritime mobile service operating in the VHF bands with IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the essential integrated handheld class D DSC Part 3: Harmonized EN covering requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Part 5: CDMA the essential requirements of article 3.3(e) of the R&TTE Directive Multi-Carrier (cdma2000) Base Stations (BS)

TC ETSI EN 301908-19:2011 ( V5.2.1 ) IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Part 19: OFDMA TDD WMAN (Mobile WiMAX) TDD User Equipment (UE)

TC ETSI EN 301908-20:2011 ( V5.2.1 ) IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Part 20: OFDMA TDD WMAN (Mobile WiMAX) TDD Base Stations (BS)

TC ETSI EN 301908-21:2011 ( V5.2.1 ) IMT cellular networks; Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Part 21: OFDMA TDD WMAN (Mobile WiMAX) FDD User Equipment

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Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

3. Normas Internacionais publicadas

NormasInternacionaisaprovadasepublicadaspelaComissãoElectrotécnicaInternacional(IEC)e pelaOrganizaçãoInternacionaldeNormalização(ISO) Paracadareferência,mencionaseoComitéTécnico,adesignaçãocodificada,adataeotítulo. IEC TC 77A IEC/TR 61000-3-15:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 3-15: Limits - TC 17C Assessment of low frequency electromagnetic immunity and IEC 62271-203:2011 ( Ed 2.0 ) emission requirements for dispersed generation systems in LV High-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 203: Gas-insulated network metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV TC 86A TC 22H IEC 60794-1-1:2011 ( Ed 3.0 ) IEC 62040-3:2011 /CORRIGENDUM Set:2011 ( Ed 2.0 ) Optical fibre cables Part 1-1: Generic specification - General Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) Part 3: Method of specifying the performance and test requirements TC CISPR/A CISPR 16-4-2:2011 ( Ed 2.0 ) TC 23A Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring IEC 61386-25:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) apparatus and methods Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit Conduit systems for cable management Part 25: Particular modelling - Measurement instrumentation uncertainty requirements - Conduit fixing devices TC CISPR/A TC 34C CISPR 17:2011 ( Ed 2.0 ) IEC 60929:2011 /CORRIGENDUM Set:2011 ( Ed 4.0 ) Methods of measurement of the suppression characteristics of AC and/or DC-supplied electronic control gear for tubular passive EMC filtering devices fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements TC 1 TC 34C IEC 60050-113:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) IEC 61347-2-3:2011 /CORRIGENDUM Set:2011 ( Ed 2.0 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Part 113: Physics for Lamp controlgear Part 2-3: Particular requirements for a.c. and/or electrotechnology d.c. supplied electronic control gear for fluorescent lamps TC 1 TC 47F IEC 60050-113:2011 /CORRIGENDUM Sep:2011 ( Ed 1.0 IEC 62047-12:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Part 113: Physics for Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices Part 12: electrotechnology Bending fatigue testing method of thin film materials using resonant vibration of MEMS structures TC 8 IEC/IEEE 63547:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) TC 48B Interconnecting distributed resources with electric power systems IEC 60603-7:2008 /A 1:2011 ( Ed 3.0 ) Connectors for electronic equipment Part 7: Detail specification for TC 15 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors IEC 60674-3-1:1998 /A 1:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) Plastic films for electrical purposes Part 3: Specifications for TC 59D individual materials Sheet 1: Biaxially oriented polypropylene (PP) IEC 60456:2010 /CORRIGENDUM Set:2011 ( Ed 5.0 ) film for capacitors Clothes washing machines for household use - Methods for measuring the performance TC 15 IEC 60819-3-3:2011 ( Ed 3.0 ) TC 59K Non-cellulosic papers for electrical purposes Part 3: Specifications IEC 60704-2-10:2011 ( Ed 2.0 ) for individual materials Sheet 3: Unfilled aramid (aromatic Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the polyamide) papers determination of airborne acoustical noise Part 2-10: Particular requirements for electric cooking ranges, ovens, grills, microwave TC 20 ovens and any combination of these IEC 60227-5:2011 ( Ed 3.0 ) Fire hazard testing Part 11-4: Test flames - 50 W flame - Apparatus TC 62D and confirmational test method IEC 60601-2-31:2008 ( Ed 2.0 ) Medical electrical equipment Part 2-31: Particular requirements for TC 20 basic safety and essential performance of external cardiac IEC 60227-7:1995 /A 2:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) pacemakers with internal power source Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V Part 7: Flexible cables screened and TC 65C unscreened with two or more conductors IEC/TR 62685:2010 ( Ed 1.0 ) Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Assessment TC 20 guideline for safety devices using IEC 61784 3 functional safe IEC 60245-3:1994 /A 2:2011 ( Ed 2.0 ) communication profiles (FSCPs) Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V Part 3: Heat resistant silicone insulated cables

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 20 TC 97 IEC 60245-4:2011 ( Ed 3.0 ) IEC 61821:2011 ( Ed 2.0 ) Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - 450/750 V Part 4: Cords and flexible cables Maintenance of aeronautical ground lighting constant current series circuits TC 20 IEC 60245-8:1998 /A 2:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) TC 110 Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 IEC/TR 62728:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) V Part 8: Cords for applications requiring high flexibility Display technologies - LCD, PDP and OLED - Overview and explanation of differences in terminology TC 57 IEC 61850-9-2:2011 ( Ed 2.0 ) TC CABPUB Communication networks and systems for power utility automation IECEE 01:2011 ( Ed 13.0 ) Part 9-2: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) - IEC System of Conformity Assessment Schemes for Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3 ElectrotechnicalEquipment and Components (IECEE) - Basic Rules

TC 57 IEC/TS 62351-8:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) Power systems management and associated information exchange - ISO Data and communications security Part 8: Role-based access control TC 22 TC 61 ISO 15006:2011 ( Ed 1 ) IEC 60335-2-16:2002 /A 2:2011 ( Ed 5.0 ) Road vehicles Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-16: Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems Particular requirements for food waste disposers Specifications for in-vehicle auditory presentation

TC 61 TC 28 IEC 60335-2-51:2002 /A 2:2011 ( Ed 3.0 ) ISO 20846:2011 ( Ed 2 ) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-51: Petroleum products Particular requirements for stationary circulation pumps for heating Determination of sulfur content of automotive fuels Ultraviolet and service water installations fluorescence method

TC 61 TC 33 IEC 60335-2-81:2002 /A 2:2011 ( Ed 2.0 ) ISO 12677:2011 ( Ed 2 ) Househould and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-81: Chemical analysis of refractory products by X-ray fluorescence Particular requirements for foot warmers and heating mats (XRF) Fused cast-bead method

TC 61 TC 34 IEC 60335-2-95:2011 ( Ed 3.0 ) ISO 6887-4:2003 /A 1:2011 ( Ed 1 ) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-95: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs Preparation of test Particular requirements for drives for vertically moving garage doors samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for for residential use microbiological examination Part 4: Specific rules for the preparation of products other than milk and milk products, meat and TC 81 meat products, and fish and fishery products IEC 62305-2:2010 ( Ed 2.0 ) Protection against lightning Part 2: Risk management TC 35 ISO 1518-2:2011 ( Ed 1 ) TC 81 Paints and varnishes IEC 62561-6:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) Determination of scratch resistance Part 2: Variable-loading method Lightning protection system components (LPSC) Part 6: Requirements for lightning strike counters (LSC) TC 35 ISO 12137:2011 ( Ed 1 ) TC 82 Paints and varnishes Determination of mar resistance IEC 62109-2:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems TC 38 Part 2: Particular requirements for inverters ISO 105-B10:2011 ( Ed 1 ) Textiles Tests for colour fastness Part B10: Artificial weathering -- TC 89 Exposure to filtered xenon-arc radiation IEC 60695-11-4:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) Fire hazard testing Part 11-4: Test flames - 50 W flame - Apparatus TC 38 and confirmational test method ISO 9092:2011 ( Ed 2 ) Textiles Nonwovens Definition TC 91 IEC 60068-2-83:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) TC 44 Environmental testing Part 2-83: Tests - Test Tf: Solderability ISO 10882-1:2011 ( Ed 2 ) testing of electronic components for surface mounting devices Health and safety in welding and allied processes Sampling of (SMD) by the wetting balance method using solder paste airborne particles and gases in the operator's breathing zone Part 1: Sampling of airborne particles TC 91 IEC/PAS 61249-6-3:2011 ( Ed 1.0 ) TC 44 Specification for finished fabric woven from "E" glass for printed ISO 15011-5:2011 ( Ed 1 ) boards Health and safety in welding and allied processes Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases Part 5: Identification of thermal-degradation products generated when welding or cutting

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos through products composed wholly or partly of organic materials using pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry TC 213 ISO 15530-3:2011 ( Ed 1 ) TC 44 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Coordinate measuring ISO 15609-5:2011 ( Ed 2 ) machines (CMM): Technique for determining the uncertainty of Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic measurement Part 3: Use of calibrated workpieces or measurement materials Welding procedure specification standards Part 5: Resistance welding ISO/IEC JTC1 TC 44 ISO 15792-1:2000 /A 1:2011 ( Ed 1 ) Welding consumables Test methods Part 1: Test methods for all- TC 1 weld metal test specimens in steel, nickel and nickel alloys ISO/IEC 14882:2011 ( Ed 3.0 ) Information technology - Programming languages - C++ TC 45 ISO 6224:2011 ( Ed 4 ) TC 1 Thermoplastics hoses, textile-reinforced, for general-purpose water ISO/IEC 15897:2011 ( Ed 2.0 ) applications Specification Information technology - User interfaces - Procedures for the registration of cultural elements TC 45 ISO 30013:2011 ( Ed 1 ) Rubber and plastics hoses Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources Determination of changes in colour, appearance and other physical properties

TC 67 ISO 20312:2011 ( Ed 1 ) Petroleum and natural gas industries Design and operating limits of drill strings with aluminium alloy components

TC 86 ISO 5912:2011 ( Ed 4 ) Camping tents

TC 106 ISO 3630-5:2011 ( Ed 1 ) Dentistry Endodontic instruments Part 5: Shaping and cleaning instruments

TC 145 ISO 7010:2011 ( Ed 2 ) Graphical symbols Safety colours and safety signs Registered safety signs

TC 156 ISO 7539-6:2011 ( Ed 3 ) Corrosion of metals and alloys Stress corrosion testing Part 6: Preparation and use of precracked specimens for tests under constant load or constant displacement

TC 164 ISO 26203-2:2011 ( Ed 1 ) Metallic materials Tensile testing at high strain rates Part 2: Servo-hydraulic and other test systems

TC 204 ISO 14906:2011 ( Ed 2 ) Electronic fee collection Application interface definition for dedicated short-range communication

TC 211 ISO 19118:2011 ( Ed 2 ) Geographic information Encoding

TC 211 ISO 19131:2007 /A 1:2011 ( Ed 1 ) Requirements relating to the inclusion of an application schema and feature catalogue and the treatment of coverages in an application schema

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4. Projectos de normas portuguesas

OsprojectosdenormasestãoorganizadasporGruposclassificativos,indicandoseareferênciae orespectivotítulo.

4.1 Projectos em inquérito público

Paracadareferênciamencionaseadesignaçãocodificada,otítuloeacorrespondência europeiaouinternacional,quandoexista,eadatalimiteparaaapresentaçãodecomentários.

E100 / CTE 1 prNP 2626-617:2011 Preço: 0,00 EUR Vocabulário Electrotécnico Internacional Capítulo 617: Organização/mercado da electricidade Data de Início do Inquerito: 2011-11-16 Data de Fim do Inquerito: 2011-12-16

C460 / CT 46 prNP 1800:2011 Preço: 0,00 EUR Segurança contra incêndios Agentes extintores Selecção segundo a classe de fogos Data de Início do Inquerito: 2011-11-16 Data de Fim do Inquerito: 2011-12-16

C460 / CT 46 prNP 4413:2011 Preço: 0,00 EUR Segurança contra incêndios Manutenção de extintores Data de Início do Inquerito: 2011-11-16 Data de Fim do Inquerito: 2011-12-16

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Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

4.2 Projectos anulados

Paracadareferênciamencionaseadesignação,acorrespondênciaeuropeiae/ou internacional,bemcomoodocumentoqueosubstitui,quandoexista. LISTA VAZIA

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Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

5. Projectos de normas e propostas de estudo de novas normas do Comité Europeu de Normalização(CEN) e do Comité Europeu para a Normalização do Ferro e do Aço (ECISS)

Osprojectosdenormaseaspropostasdeestudodenovasnormasestãoorganizadaspor "Comités"TécnicosdoCENedoECISS. 5.1 Projectos em inquérito público

Paracadareferênciamencionaseadesignaçãocodificada,otítuloeadatalimiteparaa apresentaçãodecomentários. prEN 13352:2011 Specification for the performance of automatic tank prEN 16342:2011 contents gauges Cosmetics Analysis of cosmetic products Quantitative Data Limite: 2011-12-27 determination of zinc pyrithione, piroctone olamine and climbazole in cosmetic products prEN 13617-2:2011 Data Limite: 2012-04-03 Petrol filling stations Part 2: Safety requirements for construction and performance of safe breaks for use on prEN 16343:2011 metering pumps and dispensers Cosmetics Analysis of cosmetic products Determination Data Limite: 2011-12-27 of 3-iodo-2-proynyl butylcarbamate (IPBC) in cosmetic preparations, LC-MS methods prEN 13617-3:2011 Data Limite: 2012-04-03 Petrol filling stations Part 3: Safety requirements for construction and performance of shear valves prEN 16344:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-27 Cosmetics Analysis of cosmetic preparations Detection and quantitative determination of UV filters in cosmetic prEN 13617-4:2011 preparations, HPLC method Petrol filling stations Part 4: Safety requirements for Data Limite: 2012-04-03 construction and performance of swivels for use on metering pumps and dispensers prEN ISO 22007-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-27 Plastics Determination of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity Part 1: General principles prEN 14125:2011 (ISO 22007-1:2009) Thermoplastic and flexible metal pipework for underground Data Limite: 2011-11-23 installation at petrol filling stations Data Limite: 2012-02-08 TC 12 prEN ISO 13628-14:2011 prEN 16310:2011 Petroleum and natural gas industries Design and Engineering consultancy services Terminology at a high operation of subsea production systems Part 14: Subsea level to describe the engineering services in construction high integrity pressure protection systems (HIPPS) of buildings, infrastructure and industrial facilities (ISO/DIS 13628-14:2011) Data Limite: 2011-12-14 Data Limite: 2012-03-13 prEN 16311:2011 TC 12 Engineering consultancy services Terminology at a high prEN ISO 13678:2011 level to describe the engineering services for industrial Petroleum and natural gas industries Evaluation and products testing of thread compounds for use with casing, tubing, Data Limite: 2011-12-14 line pipe and drill stem elements (ISO 13678:2010) prEN 16321-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-02 Petrol vapour recovery during refuelling of motor vehicles at service stations Part 1: Test methods for the TC 12 type approval efficiency assessment of petrol vapour prEN ISO 13679:2011 recovery systems Petroleum and natural gas industries Procedures for Data Limite: 2012-02-08 testing casing and tubing connections (ISO/FDIS 13679:2011) prEN 16321-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Petrol vapour recovery during refuelling of motor vehicles at service stations Part 2: Test methods for verification TC 12 of vapour recovery systems at service stations prEN ISO 14998:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-08 Petroleum and natural gas industries Downhole equipment Completion accessories prEN 16325:2011 (ISO/DIS 14998:2011) Guarantees of Origin related to energy Guarantees of Data Limite: 2011-12-14 Origin for Electricity Data Limite: 2012-02-22 Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 37 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 12 materials prEN ISO 23936-2:2011 (ISO/DIS 11114-2:2011) Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries Data Limite: 2011-11-30 Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production Part 2: Elastomers TC 33 (ISO/FDIS 23936-2:2011) prEN 1906:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Building hardware Lever handles and knob furniture Requirements and test methods TC 19 Data Limite: 2012-02-15 prCEN/TR 16366:2011 Liquid petroleum products Middle distillates and fatty TC 33 acid methyl ester (FAME) fuels and blends Round Robin prEN 13126-9:2011 report on applicability of Rapid Small Scale Oxidation Building hardware Hardware for windows and door height Test method windows - Requirements and test methods Part 9: Data Limite: 2012-01-20 Hardware for horizontal and vertical pivot windows Data Limite: 2011-12-07 TC 19 EN 589:2008 /prA 1:2011 TC 33 Automotive fuels LPG Requirements and test methods prEN 13126-13:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-15 Building hardware Hardware for windows and balcony doors Part 13: Requirements and test methods - Sash TC 19 balances prEN 590:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-22 Automotive fuels Diesel Requirements and test methods Data Limite: 2012-03-06 TC 33 prEN 13126-14:2011 TC 19 Building hardware Hardware for windows and balcony prEN 1562:2011 doors - Requirements and test methods Part 14: Sash Founding Malleable cast irons fasteners Data Limite: 2011-12-13 Data Limite: 2012-02-22

TC 19 TC 38 prEN 16144:2011 prEN 335:2011 Liquid petroleum products Determination of ignition Durability of wood and wood- based products Use delay and derived cetane number (DCN) of middle classes: definitions, application to solid wood and wood distillate fuels Fixed range injection period, constant based panels volume combustion chamber method Data Limite: 2011-12-28 Data Limite: 2011-12-27 TC 49 TC 19 prEN 30-1-2:2011 prEN 16300:2011 Domestic cooking appliances burning gas Safety Part Automotive fuels Determination of iodine value 1-2: Appliances having forced-convection ovens Calculation method from gas chromatographic data Data Limite: 2012-01-25 Data Limite: 2011-11-02 TC 49 TC 19 prEN 30-1-4:2011 prEN 16329:2011 Domestic cooking appliances burning gas Safety Part Diesel and domestic heating fuels Determination of cold 1-4: Appliances having one or more burners with an filter plugging point Linear cooling bath method automatic burner control system Data Limite: 2012-03-06 Data Limite: 2012-03-06

TC 19 TC 52 prEN ISO 13736:2011 prEN 71-4:2011 Determination of flash point Abel closed-cup method Safety of toys Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and (ISO/DIS 13736:2011) related activities Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Data Limite: 2011-11-16

TC 23 TC 53 prEN 15888:2011 prEN 13374:2011 Transportable gas cylinders Cylinder bundles Periodic Temporary edge protection systems Product inspection and testing specification Test methods Data Limite: 2012-02-29 Data Limite: 2012-02-22

TC 23 TC 53 prEN ISO 10961:2011 prEN 16031:2011 Gas cylinders Cylinder bundles Design, manufacture, Adjustable telescopic aluminium props Product testing and inspection specifications, design and assessment by calculation and (ISO 10961:2010) tests Data Limite: 2012-02-08 Data Limite: 2012-03-27

TC 23 TC 54 prEN ISO 11114-2:2011 prEN 764-2:2011 Gas cylinders Compatibility of cylinder and valve Pressure equipment Part 2: Quantities, symbols and units materials with gas contents Part 2: Non-metallic Data Limite: 2011-11-08

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 67 TC 55 prEN ISO 10545-4:2011 prEN ISO 1797-3:2011 Ceramic tiles Part 4: Determination of modulus of Dentistry Shanks for rotary instruments Part 3: Shanks rupture and breaking strength made of ceramics (ISO 10545-4:2004) (ISO/DIS 1797-3:2011) Data Limite: 2011-12-07 Data Limite: 2012-03-27 TC 67 TC 55 prEN ISO 10545-6:2011 prEN ISO 5832-2:2011 Ceramic tiles Part 6: Determination of resistance to deep Implants for surgery Metallic materials Part 2: Unalloyed abrasion for unglazed tiles titanium (ISO 10545-6:2010) (ISO 5832-2:1999) Data Limite: 2011-12-28 Data Limite: 2012-03-27 TC 67 TC 55 prEN ISO 10545-16:2011 prEN ISO 5832-3:2011 Ceramic tiles Part 16: Determination of small colour Implants for surgery Metallic materials Part 3: Wrought differences titanium 6-aluminium 4-vanadium alloy (ISO 10545-16:2010) (ISO 5832-3:1996 including Amd 1:2011) Data Limite: 2011-12-28 Data Limite: 2012-03-27 TC 69 TC 55 prEN 12266-2:2011 EN ISO 6360-2:2004 /prA:2011 Industrial valves Testing of metallic valves Part 2: Dentistry Number coding system for rotary instruments Tests, test procedures and acceptance criteria - Part 2: Shapes - Amendment 1 Supplementary requirements (ISO 6360-2:2004/FDAM 1:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 TC 69 TC 55 prEN 12516-1:2011 prEN ISO 10323:2011 Industrial valves Shell design strength Part 1: Tabulation Dentistry Bore diameters for rotary instruments such as method for steel valve shells discs and wheels Data Limite: 2012-02-29 (ISO/DIS 10323:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-30 TC 69 prEN 12516-2:2011 TC 55 Industrial valves Shell design strength Part 2: prEN ISO 13078:2011 Calculation method for steel valve shells Dentistry Dental furnace - method for temperature Data Limite: 2012-02-29 measurement with separate thermocouple (ISO/DIS 13078:2011) TC 69 Data Limite: 2012-01-04 prEN 12516-4:2011 Industrial valves Shell design strength Part 4: TC 55 Calculation method for valve shells manufactured in prEN ISO 20126:2011 metallic materials other than steel Dentistry Manual toothbrushes General requirements and Data Limite: 2012-02-29 test methods (ISO/FDIS 20126:2011) TC 69 Data Limite: 2011-12-27 prEN 14141:2011 Valves for natural gas transportation in pipelines TC 58 Performance requirements and tests prEN 126:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-11 Multifunctional controls for gas burning appliances Data Limite: 2011-11-29 TC 69 prEN ISO 4126-7:2011 TC 58 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure prEN 16304:2011 Part 7: Common data Vent Valves (ISO/DIS 4126-7:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Data Limite: 2011-11-15

TC 58 TC 72 prEN 16340:2011 prEN 54-14:2011 Combustion product sensing devices for gas burners and Fire detection and fire alarm systems Part 14: Guidelines gas burning appliances for planning, design, installation, commissioning, use Data Limite: 2012-04-03 and maintenance Data Limite: 2012-02-08 TC 67 prEN 14891:2011 TC 74 Liquid-applied water impermeable products for use prCEN/TR 1591-5:2011 beneath ceramic tiling bonded with adhesives Flanges and their joints Design rules for gasketed Requirements, test methods, evaluation of conformity, circular flange connections Part 5: Calculation method for classification and designation full face gasketed joints Data Limite: 2012-02-08 Data Limite: 2011-11-11

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 74 Data Limite: 2011-12-21 prEN 1591-4:2011 Flanges and their joints Design rules for gasketed TC 112 circular flange connections Part 4: Qualification of prEN 120:2011 personnel competency in the assembly of bolted joints Wood-based panels Determination of formaldehyde fitted to equipment subject to the Pressure Equipment release Extraction method (called the perforator method) Directive Data Limite: 2012-04-03 Data Limite: 2012-03-27 TC 112 TC 74 prEN 712-2:2011 prEN 13555:2011 Wood-based panels Determination of formaldehyde Flanges and their joints Gasket parameters and test release Part 2: Gas analysis method procedures relevant to the design rules for gasketed Data Limite: 2012-04-03 circular flange connections Data Limite: 2012-04-03 TC 113 prEN 14825:2011 TC 88 Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat prEN 13172:2011 pumps, with electrically driven compressors, for space Thermal insulation products Evaluation of conformity heating and cooling Testing and rating at part load Data Limite: 2011-11-08 conditions and calculation of seasonal performance Data Limite: 2011-12-13 TC 89 prCEN/TR 15601:2011 TC 114 Hygrothermal performance of buildings Resistance to prEN ISO 13856-1:2011 wind - driven rain of roof coverings with Safety of machinery Pressure-sensitive protective devices discontinuously laid small elements Test methods Part 1: General principles for design and testing of Data Limite: 2012-01-06 pressure-sensitive mats and pressure-sensitive floors (ISO/DIS 13856-1:2011) TC 89 Data Limite: 2012-01-25 prEN 16012:2011 Thermal insulation for buildings Reflective insulation TC 114 products Determination of the declared thermal prEN ISO 14119:2011 performance Safety of machinery Interlocking devices associated with Data Limite: 2011-11-22 guards Principles for design and selection (ISO/DIS 14119:2011) TC 89 Data Limite: 2012-02-22 prEN ISO 13788:2011 Hygrothermal performance of building components and TC 121 building elements Internal surface temperature to avoid prCEN ISO/TS 15011-6:2011 critical surface humidity and interstitial condensation Health and safety in welding and allied processes Calculation methods Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases Part 6: (ISO/DIS 13788:2011) Procedure for quantitative determination of fume and Data Limite: 2011-11-09 gases from resistance spot welding (ISO/DTS 15011-6:2011) TC 93 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 prEN 131-7:2011 Ladders Part 7: Mobile ladders with platform TC 121 Data Limite: 2012-02-29 prEN 1708-3:2011 Welding Basic weld joint details in steel Part 3: Clad, TC 98 buttered and lined pressurized components prEN 1808:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-27 Suspended access equipment Design calculations, stability criteria and construction Examinations and tests TC 121 Data Limite: 2012-01-18 prEN ISO 3581:2011 Welding consumables Covered electrodes for manual metal TC 104 arc welding of stainless and heat-resisting steels prCEN/TR 16349:2011 Classification Framework for a specification on the avoidance of a (ISO 3581:2003/Cor 1:2008 + Amd 1:2011 damaging Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) in concrete Data Limite: 2011-12-07 Data Limite: 2012-01-13 TC 121 TC 104 prEN ISO 12153:2011 prEN 480-15:2011 Welding consumables Tubular cored electrodes for gas Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout Test methods shielded and non-gas shielded metal arc welding of nickel Part 15: Reference concrete and method for testing and nickel alloys Classification viscosity modifying admixtures (ISO 12153:2011) Data Limite: 2012-03-06 Data Limite: 2012-03-06

TC 107 TC 121 EN 253:2009 /prA 1:2011 prEN ISO 14174:2011 District heating pipes Preinsulated bonded pipe systems Welding consumables Fluxes for submerged arc welding for directly buried hot water networks Pipe assembly of and electroslag welding Classification steel service pipe, polyurethane thermal insulation and (ISO/FDIS 14174:2011) outer casing of polyethylene Data Limite: 2011-12-27

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 127 TC 121 prEN 1364-4:2011 EN ISO 15614-1:2004 /prA 2:2011 Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements Part 4: Specification and qualification of welding procedures for Curtain walling - Part configuration metallic materials Welding procedure test Part 1: Arc and Data Limite: 2012-04-03 gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys TC 127 (ISO 15614-1:2004/FDAM 2:2011) prEN 13381-1:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-20 Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members Part 1: Horizontal TC 121 protective membranes prEN ISO 18275:2011 Data Limite: 2012-04-03 Welding consumables Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of high-strength steels Classification TC 127 (ISO 18275:2011) prEN 13381-6:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-20 Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members Part 6: Applied TC 122 protection to concrete filled hollow steel columns prEN ISO 11064-4:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-13 Ergonomic design of control centres Part 4: Layout and dimensions of workstations TC 127 (ISO/DIS 11064-4:2011) prEN 15254-6:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-22 Extended application of results from fire resistance tests Non-loadbearing walls Part 6: Curtain walling TC 124 Data Limite: 2012-04-03 prEN 14081-3:2011 Timber structures Strength graded structural timber with TC 127 rectangular cross section Part 3: Machine grading; prEN 15882-4:2011 additional requirements for factory production control Extended application of results from fire resistance tests Data Limite: 2011-11-15 for service installations Part 4: Linear joint seals Data Limite: 2012-02-29 TC 124 prEN 15497:2011 TC 128 Structural finger jointed solid timber Performance prEN 1024:2011 requirements and minimum production requirements Clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying Determination Data Limite: 2012-01-25 of geometric characteristics Data Limite: 2011-12-21 TC 126 prEN ISO 717-1:2011 TC 128 Acoustics Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of prEN 12326-1:2011 building elements Part 1: Airborne sound insulation Slate and stone for discontinuous roofing and external (ISO/DIS 717-1:2011) cladding Part 1: Specifications for slate and carbonate Data Limite: 2011-11-09 slate Data Limite: 2011-12-29 TC 126 prEN ISO 717-2:2011 TC 129 Acoustics Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of prEN 1096-1:2011 building elements Part 2: Impact sound insulation Glass in building Coated glass Part 1: Definitions and (ISO/DIS 717-2:2011) classification Data Limite: 2011-11-09 Data Limite: 2011-11-02

TC 126 TC 129 prEN ISO 3382-3:2011 prEN 1096-2:2011 Acoustics Measurement of room acoustic parameters Part Glass in building Coated glass Part 2: Requirements and 3: Open plan offices test methods for class A, B and S coatings (ISO/FDIS 3382-3:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-02 Data Limite: 2011-12-13 TC 129 TC 126 prEN 1096-3:2011 EN ISO 10140-1:2010 /prA:2011 Glass in building Coated glass Part 3: Requirements and Acoustics Laboratory measurements of sound insulation of test methods for class C and D coatings building elements Part 1: Application rules for specific Data Limite: 2011-11-02 products - Amendment 1: Guidelines for the determination of the sound reduction index of joints filled with fillers TC 129 and/or seals prEN 13541:2011 (ISO 10140-1:2010/FDAM 1:2011) Glass in building - Security glazing Testing and Data Limite: 2011-12-22 classification of resistance against explosion pressure Data Limite: 2011-11-30 TC 127 prEN 1364-1:2011 TC 130 Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements Part 1: prEN 14037-1:2011 Walls Free hanging heating and cooling surfaces for water with Data Limite: 2012-03-27 a temperature below 120°C Part 1: Technical specifications and requirements

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Data Limite: 2012-04-03 TC 134 prEN ISO 23996:2011 TC 130 Resilient floor coverings Determination of density prEN 14037-2:2011 (ISO 23996:2007) Free hanging heating and cooling surfaces for water with Data Limite: 2011-11-23 a temperature below 120°C Part 2: Test method for thermal output of ceiling mounted radiant panels TC 134 Data Limite: 2012-04-03 prEN ISO 23997:2011 Resilient floor coverings Determination of mass per unit TC 130 area prEN 14037-3:2011 (ISO 23997:2007) Free hanging heating and cooling surfaces for water with Data Limite: 2011-11-30 a temperature below 120°C Part 3: Rating method and evaluation of radiant thermal output of ceiling mounted TC 134 radiant panels prEN ISO 23999:2011 Data Limite: 2012-04-03 Resilient floor coverings Determination of dimensional stability and curling after exposure to heat TC 130 (ISO 23999:2008) prEN 14037-4:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-30 Free hanging heating and cooling surfaces for water with a temperature below 120 °C Part 4: Test method for TC 134 cooling capacity of ceiling mounted radiant panels prEN ISO 24011:2011 Data Limite: 2012-04-03 Resilient floor coverings Specification for plain and decorative linoleum TC 130 (ISO 24011:2009) prEN 14037-5:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-30 Free hanging heating and cooling surfaces for water with a temperature below 120°C Part 5: Test method for TC 134 thermal output of open or closed heated ceiling surfaces prEN ISO 24340:2011 Data Limite: 2012-04-03 Resilient floor coverings Determination of thickness of layers TC 130 (ISO 24340:2006) prEN 16313:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-23 Connections for heating and cooling appliances Detachable connection with outside threaded pipe G 3/4 TC 134 A and inside cone prEN ISO 24341:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-21 Resilient and textile floor coverings Determination of length, width and straightness of sheet TC 133 (ISO 24341:2006) prEN 1977:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-23 Copper and copper alloys Copper drawing stock (wire rod) TC 134 Data Limite: 2012-03-13 prEN ISO 24342:2011 Resilient and textile floor -coverings Determination of TC 134 side length, edge, straightness and squareness of tiles prEN ISO 10580:2011 (ISO 24342:2007) Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings Test Data Limite: 2011-11-16 method for volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions (ISO 10580:2010) TC 134 Data Limite: 2011-11-30 prEN ISO 24343-1:2011 Resilient and laminate floor coverings Determination of TC 134 indentation and residual indentation Part 1: Residual prEN ISO 10582:2011 indentation Resilient floor coverings Heterogeneous poly(vinyl (ISO 24343-1:2007) chloride) floor coverings Specification Data Limite: 2011-11-16 (ISO 10582:2010) Data Limite: 2011-11-30 TC 134 prEN ISO 24344:2011 TC 134 Resilient floor coverings Determination of flexibility and prEN ISO 10595:2011 deflection Resilient floor coverings Semi-flexible/vinylcomposition (ISO 24344:2008) (VCT) poly(vinyl chloride) floor tiles Specification Data Limite: 2011-11-23 (ISO 10595:2010) Data Limite: 2011-11-30 TC 134 prEN ISO 24345:2011 TC 134 Resilient floor coverings Determination of peel resistance prEN ISO 10874:2011 Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings (ISO 24345:2006) Classification Data Limite: 2011-11-23 (ISO 10874:2009) Data Limite: 2011-11-30 TC 134 prEN ISO 24346:2011 Resilient floor coverings Determination of overall thickness

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos (ISO 24346:2006) TC 138 Data Limite: 2011-11-23 prEN 14584:2011 Non-destructive testing Acoustic emission Examination TC 134 of metallic pressure equipment during proof testing prEN ISO 26985:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-18 Resilient floor coverings Identification of linoleum and determination of cement content and ash residue TC 138 (ISO 26985:2008) prEN ISO 19232-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-30 Non-destructive testing Image quality of radiographs Part 1: Image quality indicators (wire type) - Determination TC 134 of image quality value prEN ISO 26986:2011 (ISO/DIS 19232-1:2011) Resilient floor coverings Expanded (cushioned) poly(vinyl Data Limite: 2011-11-16 chloride) floor covering Specification (ISO 26986:2010) TC 138 Data Limite: 2011-11-30 prEN ISO 19232-2:2011 Non-destructive testing Image quality of radiographs Part TC 134 2: Image quality indicators (step/hole type) - prEN ISO 26987:2011 Determination of image quality value Resilient floor coverings Determination of staining and (ISO/DIS 19232-2:2011) resistance to chemicals Data Limite: 2011-11-16 (ISO 26987:2008) Data Limite: 2011-11-23 TC 138 prEN 19232-3:2011 TC 136 Non-destructive testing Image quality of radiographs Part prEN 567:2011 3: Image quality classes for ferrous metals Mountaineering equipment Rope clamps Safety (ISO/DIS 19232-3:2011) requirements and test methods Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Data Limite: 2011-12-28 TC 138 TC 136 prEN ISO 19232-4:2011 prEN 12270:2011 Non-destructive testing Image quality of radiographs Mountaineering equipment Chocks Safety requirements Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values and test methods and image quality tables Data Limite: 2011-12-28 (ISO/DIS 19232-4:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-16 TC 136 prEN 14960:2011 TC 138 Inflatable play equipment Safety requirements and test prEN ISO 19232-5:2011 methods Non-destructive testing Image quality of radiographs Data Limite: 2011-12-07 Part 5: Image quality indicators (duplex wire type) - Determination of image unsharpness value (ISO/DIS TC 137 19232-5:2011) prEN 15051-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Workplace exposure Measurement of dustiness of bulk materials Part 1: Requirements and choice of test TC 139 methods prEN 927-1:2011 Data Limite: 2012-04-03 Paints and varnishes Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood Part 1: Classification and TC 137 selection prEN 15051-2:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-11 Workplace exposure Measurement of the dustiness of bulk materials Part 2: Rotating drum method TC 139 Data Limite: 2012-04-03 prEN ISO 1524:2011 Paints, varnishes and printing inks Determination of TC 137 fineness of grind prEN 15051-3:2011 (ISO/DIS 1524:2011) Workplace exposure Measurement of the dustiness of Data Limite: 2012-01-04 bulk materials Part 3: Continuous drop method Data Limite: 2012-04-03 TC 139 prEN ISO 11127-1:2011 TC 137 Preparation of steel substrates before application of prEN ISO 13138:2011 paints and related products Test methods for non-metallic Air quality Sampling conventions for airborne particle blast-cleaning abrasives Part 1: Sampling deposition in the human respiratory system (ISO/FDIS 11127-1:2011) (ISO/FDIS 13138:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Data Limite: 2011-12-20 TC 139 TC 138 prEN ISO 11127-2:2011 prCEN/TR 16332:2011 Preparation of steel substrates before application of Non-destructive testing Interpretation of EN ISO/IEC paints and related products Test methods for non-metallic 17024 for NDT personnel certification application blast-cleaning abrasives Part 2: Determination of particle Data Limite: 2012-01-06 size distribution (ISO/FDIS 11127-2:2011)

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Data Limite: 2012-01-11

TC 139 TC 142 prEN ISO 11127-3:2011 prEN 847-3:2011 Preparation of steel substrates before application of Tools for woodworking Safety requirements Part 3: paints and related products Test methods for non-metallic Clamping devices blast-cleaning abrasives Part 3: Determination of Data Limite: 2012-01-11 apparent density (ISO/FDIS 11127-3:2011) TC 142 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 EN 940:2009 /prA 1:2011 Safety of woodworking machines Combined TC 139 woodworking machines prEN ISO 11127-4:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-08 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products Test methods for non-metallic TC 142 blast-cleaning abrasives Part 4: Assessment of hardness by prEN 1870-4:2011 a glass slide test Safety of woodworking machines Circular sawing (ISO/FDIS 11127-4:2011) machines Part 4: Multi-blade rip sawing machines with Data Limite: 2011-11-22 manual loading and/or unloading Data Limite: 2011-12-20 TC 139 prEN ISO 11127-5:2011 TC 142 Preparation of steel substrates before application of prEN 1870-10:2011 paints and related products Test methods for non-metallic Safety of woodworking machines Circular sawing blast-cleaning abrasives Part 5: Determination of machines Part 10: Single blade automatic and moisture semiautomatic up-cutting cross-cut sawing machines (ISO/FDIS 11127-5:2011) Data Limite: 2011-12-14 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 TC 142 TC 139 prEN 1870-12:2011 prEN ISO 11127-6:2011 Safety of woodworking machines Circular sawing Preparation of steel substrates before application of machines Part 12: Pendulum cross-cut sawing machines paints and related products Test methods for Data Limite: 2011-12-21 non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives Part 6: Determination of water-soluble contaminants by TC 142 conductivity measurement prEN 1870-18:2011 (ISO/FDIS 11127-6:2011) Safety of woodworking machines Circular sawing Data Limite: 2011-11-22 machines Part 18: Dimension saws Data Limite: 2011-12-21 TC 139 prEN ISO 11127-7:2011 TC 142 Preparation of steel substrates before application of EN 1870-6:2002+A1:2009 /prA 2:2011 paints and related products Test methods for non-metallic Safety of woodworking machines Circular sawing blast-cleaning abrasives Part 7: Determination of machines Part 6: Circular sawing machines for firewood water-soluble chlorides and dual purpose circular sawing machines for (ISO/FDIS 11127-7:2011) firewood/circular saw benches, with manual loading Data Limite: 2011-11-22 and/or unloading Data Limite: 2012-01-06 TC 140 prEN ISO 16256:2011 TC 142 Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test EN 1870-13:2007+A1:2009 /prA 2:2011 systems Reference method for testing the in vitro activity Safety of woodworking machines Circular sawing of antimicrobial agents against yeast of fungi involved in machines Part 13: Horizontal beam panel sawing infectious diseases machines (ISO/DIS 16256:2011) Data Limite: 2011-12-29 Data Limite: 2012-02-08 TC 142 TC 140 EN 1870-14:2007+A1:2009 /prA 2:2011 prEN ISO 23640:2011 Safety of woodworking machines Circular sawing In vitro diagnostic medical devices Evaluation of stability machines Part 14: Vertical panel sawing machines of in vitro diagnostic reagents Data Limite: 2011-12-29 (ISO/FDIS 23640:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-08 TC 144 prEN ISO 4254-1:2011 TC 142 Agricultural machinery Safety Part 1: General prEN 847-1:2011 requirements Tools for woodworking Safety requirements Part 1: (ISO/DIS 4254-1:2011) Milling tools, circular saw blades Data Limite: 2012-01-04 Data Limite: 2012-01-11 TC 144 TC 142 prEN ISO 11680-1:2011 prEN 847-2:2011 Machinery for forestry Safety requirements and testing Tools for woodworking Safety requirements Part 2: for pole-mounted powered pruners Part 1: Machines Requirements for the shank of shank mounted milling fitted with an integral combustion engine

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos (ISO/FDIS 11680-1:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-01 TC 147 prEN 13155:2011 TC 144 Cranes Non-fixed load lifting attachments prEN ISO 11680-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-28 Machinery for forestry Safety requirements and testing for pole-mounted powered pruners Part 2: Machines for TC 147 use with back-pack power source prEN 14985:2011 (ISO/FDIS 11680-2:2011) Cranes Slewing jib cranes Data Limite: 2011-11-01 Data Limite: 2011-11-08

TC 144 TC 150 prEN ISO 11681-1:2011 EN 1459-:1998+A2:2010 /prA 3:2011 Machinery for forestry Portable chain-saw safety Safety of industrial trucks Self-propelled variable reach requirements and testing Part 1: Chain-saws for forest trucks service Data Limite: 2011-11-02 (ISO/FDIS 11681-1:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-01 TC 150 prEN 15830:2011 TC 144 Rough-terrain variable reach trucks Visibility Test prEN ISO 11681-2:2011 methods and verification Machinery for forestry Portable chain-saw safety Data Limite: 2011-12-21 requirements and testing Part 2: Chain-saws for tree service TC 151 (ISO/FDIS 11681-2:2009) EN 474-1:2006+A1:2009 /prA 3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-01 Earth-moving machinery Safety Part 1: General requirements TC 144 Data Limite: 2011-12-14 prEN ISO 11806-1:2011 Agricultural and forestry machinery Safety requirements TC 153 and testing for portable, hand-held, powered prEN 453:2011 brushcutters and grass-trimmers Part 1: Machines fitted Food processing machinery Dough mixers Safety and with an integral combustion engine hygiene requirements (ISO/FDIS 11806-1:2011) Data Limite: 2012-03-20 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 TC 153 TC 144 prEN 454:2011 prEN ISO 11806-2:2011 Food processing machinery Planetary mixers Safety and Agricultural and forestry machinery Safety requirements hygiene requirements and testing for portable, hand-held, powered Data Limite: 2012-03-20 brushcutters and grass-trimmers Part 2: Machines for use with back-pack power unit TC 153 (ISO/FDIS 11806-2:2011) prEN 12041:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Food processing machinery Moulders Safety and hygiene requirements TC 144 Data Limite: 2012-03-20 prEN ISO 16231-1:2011 Self-propelled agricultural machinery Assessment of TC 153 stability Part 1: Principles prEN 12042:2011 (ISO/DIS 16231-1:2011) Food processing machinery Automatic dough dividers Data Limite: 2011-12-07 Safety and hygiene requirements Data Limite: 2011-12-21 TC 144 prEN ISO 22867:2011 TC 153 Forestry and gardening machinery Vibration test code prEN 15180:2011 for portable hand-held machines with internal combustion Food processing machinery Food depositors Safety and engine Vibration at the handles hygiene requirements (ISO/FDIS 22867:2011) Data Limite: 2012-03-20 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 TC 154 TC 146 prEN 932-5:2011 prEN 415-1:2011 Tests for general properties of aggregates Part 5: Safety of packaging machines Part 1: Terminology and Common equipment and calibration classification of packaging machines and associated Data Limite: 2011-11-29 equipment Data Limite: 2012-02-08 TC 154 prEN 1744-7:2011 TC 146 Tests for chemical properties of aggregates Part 7: prEN 415-10:2011 Determination of loss of ignition of Municipal Safety of packaging machines Part 10: General Incinerator Bottom Ash Aggregate (MIBA Aggregate) Requirements Data Limite: 2011-12-06 Data Limite: 2012-01-04

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 155 Performance testing of un-ducted mechanical supply and prCEN/TS 1329-2:2011 exhaust ventilation units (including heat recovery) for Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low mechanical ventilation systems intended for a single and high temperature) within the building structure room Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) Part 2: Data Limite: 2012-03-13 Guidance for the assessment of conformity Data Limite: 2011-12-08 TC 156 prEN 16282-1:2011 TC 155 Equipment for commercial kitchens Components for prCEN/TS 1455-2:2011 ventilation of commercial kitchens Part 1: General Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low requirements including calculation method and high temperature) within the building structure Data Limite: 2011-12-07 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity TC 156 Data Limite: 2011-12-08 prEN 16282-2:2011 Equipment for commercial kitchens Components for TC 155 ventilation of commercial kitchens Part 2: Kitchen prCEN/TS 1565-2:2011 ventilation hoods - Design and safety requirements Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low Data Limite: 2011-12-07 and high temperature) within the building structure Styrene-copolymer blends (SAN+PVC) Part 2: Guidance TC 156 for the assessment of conformity prEN 16282-3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-08 Equipment for commercial kitchens Components for ventilation in commercial kitchens Part 3: Kitchen TC 155 ventilation ceilings - Design and safety requirements prCEN/TS 1566-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-07 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure TC 156 Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) Part 2: prEN 16282-4:2011 Guidance for assessment of conformity Equipment for commercial kitchens Components for Data Limite: 2011-12-08 ventilation in commercial kitchens Part 4: Air inlets and outlets - Design and safety requirements TC 155 Data Limite: 2011-12-07 prCEN/TS 13598-3:2011 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground TC 156 drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl prEN 16282-5:2011 chloride)(PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene Equipment for commercial kitchens Components for (PE) Part 3: Guidance for assessment of conform ventilation in commercial kitchens Part 5: Air duct - Data Limite: 2012-01-13 Design and dimensioning Data Limite: 2011-12-07 TC 155 prEN 1796:2011 TC 156 Plastics piping systems for water supply with or without prEN 16282-6:2011 pressure Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) Equipment for commercial kitchens Components for based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP) ventilation of commercial kitchens Part 6: Aerosol Data Limite: 2011-11-23 separators - Design and safety requirements Data Limite: 2011-12-07 TC 155 prEN 12201-4:2011 TC 156 Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for prEN 16282-7:2011 drainage and sewerage under pressure Polyethylene (PE) Equipment for commercial kitchens Components for Part 4: Valves for water supply systems ventilation in commercial kitchens Part 7: Installation Data Limite: 2011-11-15 and use of fixed fire suppression systems Data Limite: 2011-12-07 TC 155 prEN 14364:2011 TC 156 Plastics piping systems for drainage and sewerage with or prEN 16282-8:2011 without pressure Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics Equipment for commercial kitchens Components for (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP) ventilation in commercial kitchens Part 8: Installations Specifications for pipes, fittings and joints for treatment of cooking fumes - Requirements and Data Limite: 2011-11-23 testing Data Limite: 2011-12-07 TC 155 prEN 14758-1:2011 TC 158 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground prEN 397:2011 drainage and sewerage Polypropylene with mineral Industrial safety helmets modifiers (PP-MD) Part 1: Specifications for pipes, Data Limite: 2011-11-16 fittings and the system Data Limite: 2011-12-21 TC 158 prEN 812:2011 TC 156 Industrial bump caps prEN 13141-8:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Ventilation for buildings Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation Part 8:

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 158 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 prEN 966:2011 Helmets for airborne sports TC 161 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 prEN ISO 20344:2011 Personal protective equipment Test methods for footwear TC 158 (ISO/FDIS 20344:2011) prEN 1078:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Helmets for pedal cyclists and for users of skateboards and roller skates TC 161 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 prEN ISO 20345:2011 Personal protective equipment Safety footwear TC 158 (ISO/FDIS 20345:2011) prEN 1384:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Helmets for equestrian activities Data Limite: 2011-11-16 TC 161 prEN ISO 20347:2011 TC 158 Personal protective equipment Occupational footwear prEN 1385:2011 (ISO/FDIS 20347:2011) Helmets for canoeing and white water sports Data Limite: 2011-12-27 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 TC 162 TC 158 prEN ISO 6529:2011 prEN 12492:2011 Protective clothing Protection against chemicals Mountaineering equipment Helmets for mountaineers Determination of resistance of protective clothing Safety requirements and test methods materials to permeation by liquids and gases (ISO/DIS Data Limite: 2011-11-16 6529:2011) Data Limite: 2011-12-14 TC 158 prEN 13087-2:2011 TC 162 Protective helmets Test methods Part 2: Shock absorption prEN ISO 13688:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Protective clothing General requirements (ISO/DIS 13688:2011) TC 158 Data Limite: 2011-12-14 prEN 13087-4:2011 Protective helmets Test methods Part 4: Retention system TC 162 effectiveness prEN ISO 20471:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 High-visibility warning clothing for professional use Test methods and requirements TC 158 (ISO/DIS 20471:2011) prEN 13087-5:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Protective helmets Test methods Part 5: Retention system strength TC 163 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 prEN 997:2011 WC pans and WC suites with integral trap TC 158 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 prEN 13087-6:2011 Protective helmets - Test methods Part 6: Field of vision TC 164 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 EN 15664-1:2008 /prA 1:2011 Influence of metallic materials on water intended for TC 158 human consumption Dynamic rig test for assessment of prEN 13087-10:2011 metal release Part 1: Design and operation Protective helmets Test methods Part 10: Resistance to Data Limite: 2012-02-08 radiant heat Data Limite: 2011-11-16 TC 164 prEN 15975-2:2011 TC 158 Security of drinking water supply Guidelines for risk prEN 13484:2011 and crisis management Part 2: Risk management Helmets for users of luges Data Limite: 2012-03-13 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 TC 165 TC 158 prEN 16323:2011 prEN 13781:2011 Glossary of wastewater engineering terms Protective helmets for drivers and passengers of Data Limite: 2012-03-20 snowmobiles and bobsleighs Data Limite: 2011-11-16 TC 166 prEN 1457-1:2011 TC 158 Chimney Clay/ceramic flue liners Part 1: Flue liners prEN 14052:2011 operating under dry conditions - Requirements and test High performance industrial helmets methods Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Data Limite: 2011-11-15

TC 158 TC 166 prEN 14572:2011 prEN 1457-2:2011 High performance helmets for equestrian activities Chimney Clay/ceramic flue liners Part 2: Flue liners

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos operating under wet conditions - Requirements and test methods Data Limite: 2011-11-15 TC 170 prEN ISO 11979-1:2011 TC 166 Ophthalmic implants - Intraocular lenses Part 1: prEN 14241-1:2011 Vocabulary Chimneys Elastomeric seals and elastomeric sealants - (ISO/DIS 11979-1:2011) Material requirements and test methods Part 1: Seals in Data Limite: 2012-01-11 flue liners Data Limite: 2012-02-22 TC 170 prEN ISO 11979-3:2011 TC 166 Ophthalmic implants Intraocular lenses Part 3: prEN 14471:2011 Mechanical properties and test methods Chimneys System chimneys with plastic flue liners (ISO/DIS 11979-3:2011) Requirements and test methods Data Limite: 2012-01-11 Data Limite: 2012-02-22 TC 170 TC 167 EN ISO 11979-4:2008 /prA 1:2011 prEN 1337-1:2011 Ophthalmic implants Intraocular lenses Part 4: Structural bearings Part 1: General Labelling and information - Amendment 1 Data Limite: 2012-02-08 (ISO 11979-4:2008/DAM 1:2011) Data Limite: 2012-01-11 TC 169 EN 13032-1:2004 /prA 1:2011 TC 170 Light and lighting Measurement and presentation of EN ISO 11979-7:2006 /prA 1:2011 photometric data of lamps and luminaires Part 1: Ophthalmic implants Intraocular lenses Part 7: Clinical Measurement and file format investigations Data Limite: 2011-12-14 (ISO 11979-7:2006/FDAM 1:2011) Data Limite: 2012-01-03 TC 170 prEN ISO 8598-1:2011 TC 170 Optics and optical instruments Focimeters Part 1: prEN ISO 14889:2011 General purpose instruments Ophthalmic optics Spectacle lenses Fundamental (ISO/DIS 8598-1:2011) requirements for uncut finished lenses Data Limite: 2011-11-22 (ISO/DIS 14889:2011) Data Limite: 2012-03-20 TC 170 prEN ISO 8980-3:2011 TC 170 Ophthalmic optics Uncut finished spectacle lenses Part prEN ISO 22665:2011 3: Transmittance specifications and test methods Ophthalmic optics and instruments Instruments to measure Data Limite: 2012-03-13 axial distances in the eye (ISO/DIS 22665:2011) TC 170 Data Limite: 2012-03-13 prEN ISO 9394:2011 Ophthalmic optics Contact lenses and contact lens care TC 172 products Determination of biocompatibility by ocular prEN ISO 534:2011 study with rabbit eyes Paper and board Determination of thickness, density and (ISO/DIS 9394:2011) specific volume Data Limite: 2012-02-29 (ISO/FDIS 534:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-01 TC 170 prEN ISO 10685-1:2011 TC 172 Ophthalmic optics Spectacle frames and sunglasses prEN ISO 12625-11:2011 electronic catalogue and identification Part 1: Product Tissue paper and tissue products Part 11: Determination identification and electronic catalogue product hierarchy of wet ball burst strength (ISO/DIS 12625-11:2011) (ISO/FDIS 10685-1:2011) Data Limite: 2012-02-01 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 TC 175 TC 170 prCEN/TS 15912:2011 prEN ISO 10685-2:2011 Durability of reaction to fire performance Classes of Ophthalmic optics Spectacle frames and sunglasses fire-retardant treated wood-based product in interior and electronic catalogue and identification Part 2: exterior end use applications Commercial information Data Limite: 2012-01-13 (ISO/DIS 10685-2:2011) Data Limite: 2012-01-04 TC 175 prEN 1910:2011 TC 170 Wood flooring and wood panelling and cladding prEN 10685-3:2011 Determination of dimensional stability Ophthalmic optics Spectacle frames and sunglasses Data Limite: 2012-02-08 electronic catalogue and identification Part 3: Technical information TC 175 (ISO/DIS 10685-3:2011) prEN 14342:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-04 Wood flooring Characteristics, evaluation of conformity

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos and marking TC 193 Data Limite: 2012-01-25 prEN 302-1:2011 Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures Test methods TC 181 Part 1: Determination of longitudinal tensile shear prEN 417:2011 strength Non-refillable metallic gas cartridges for liquefied Data Limite: 2011-11-09 petroleum gases, with or without a valve, for use with portable appliances Construction, inspection, testing TC 193 and marking prEN 302-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures Test methods Part 2: Determination of resistance to TC 182 delamination EN 378-3:2008 /prA 1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-09 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps Safety and environmental requirements Part 3: Installation site and TC 193 personal protection prEN 302-3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-22 Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures Test methods Part 3: Determination of the effect of acid TC 182 damage to wood fibres by temperature and humidity EN 378-4:2008 /prA 1:2011 cycling on the transverse tensile strength Refrigerating systems and heat pumps Safety and Data Limite: 2011-11-09 environmental requirements Part 4: Operation, maintenance, repair and recovery TC 193 Data Limite: 2011-12-22 prEN 302-4:2011 Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures Test TC 182 methods Part 4: Determination of the effects of wood EN 378-1:2008+A1:2010 /prA 2:2011 shrinkage on the shear strength Refrigerating systems and heat pumps Safety and Data Limite: 2011-11-09 environmental requirements Part 1: Basic requirements, definitions, classification and selection criteria TC 193 Data Limite: 2011-12-22 prEN 302-5:2011 Adhesives for load-bearing structures Test methods TC 182 Part 5: Determination of maximum assembly time under prEN 13136:2011 referenced conditions Refrigerating systems and heat pumps Pressure relief Data Limite: 2011-11-09 devices and their associated piping Methods for calculation TC 193 Data Limite: 2011-12-28 prEN 302-6:2011 Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures Test TC 183 methods Part 6: Determination of the minimum pressing prEN 16194:2011 time under referenced conditions Mobile non-sewer-connected toilet cabins Requirements of Data Limite: 2011-11-09 services and products relating to the deployment of cabins and sanitary products TC 193 Data Limite: 2011-12-13 prEN 302-7:2011 Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures Test TC 187 methods Part 7: Determination of the working life under prEN ISO 14719:2011 referenced conditions Chemical analysis of refractory material glass and Data Limite: 2011-11-09 glazes Determination of Fe2+ and Fe3+ by the spectral photometric method with 1,10-phenanthroline TC 193 (ISO/FDIS 14719:2011) prEN 12703:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Adhesives for paper and board, packaging and disposable sanitary products Determination of low temperature TC 191 flexibility or cold crack temperature prEN 671-1:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-04 Fixed firefighting systems Hose systems Part 1: Hose reels with semi-rigid hose TC 193 Data Limite: 2012-02-08 prEN 12704:2011 Adhesives for paper and board, packaging and disposable TC 191 sanitary products Determination of foam formation for prEN 671-2:2011 aqueous adhesives Fixed firefighting systems Hose systems Part 2: Hose Data Limite: 2012-01-04 systems with lay-flat hose Data Limite: 2012-02-08 TC 197 prEN 13951:2011 TC 192 Liquid pumps Safety requirements Agrifoodstuffs prEN 16327:2011 equipment; Design rules to ensure hygiene in use Fire-fighting Positive pressure foam proportioning Data Limite: 2011-12-21 systems (PPFPS) and compressed air foam systems (CAFS) TC 198 Data Limite: 2012-02-22 prEN 1034-8:2011 Safety of machinery Safety requirements for the design and construction of paper making and finishing machines

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Part 8: Refining plants TC 207 Data Limite: 2011-12-07 prEN 1729-2:2011 Furniture Chairs and tables for educational institutions TC 198 Part 2: Safety requirements and test methods prEN 1034-16:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-11 Safety of machinery Safety requirements for the design and construction of paper making and finishing TC 207 machines Part 16: Paper and board making machines prEN 16337:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-07 Hardware for Furniture Strength and loading capacity of shelf supports TC 198 Data Limite: 2012-03-20 prEN 1034-26:2011 Safety of machinery Safety requirements for the design TC 215 and construction of paper making and finishing EN ISO 5359:2008 /prA 1:2011 machines Part 26: Roll packaging machines Low-pressure hose assemblies for use with medical Data Limite: 2012-01-18 gases Amendment 1 (ISO 5359:2008/FDAM 1:2011) TC 204 Data Limite: 2011-12-01 prEN ISO 11153:2011 Sterilization of health-care products Ethylene oxide TC 215 Requirements for the development, validation and routine prEN ISO 5360:2011 control of a sterilization process for medical devices Anaesthetic vaporizers Agent-specific filling systems (ISO/DIS 11135:2011) (ISO/FDIS 5360:2011) Data Limite: 2012-02-15 Data Limite: 2011-12-15

TC 204 TC 215 EN ISO 13408-1:2011 /prA 1:2011 EN ISO 7396-1:2007 /prA 3:2011 Aseptic processing of health care products Part 1: Medical gas pipeline systems Part 1: Pipeline systems General requirements for compressed medical gases and vacuum - (ISO 13408-1:2011/DAM 1:2011) Amendment 3 Data Limite: 2012-02-29 (ISO 7396-1:2007/DAM 3:2011) Data Limite: 2012-03-06 TC 205 prEN ISO 10555-1:2011 TC 215 Intravascular catheters Sterile and single-use catheters EN ISO 10524-3:2006 /prEN ISO 1:2011 Part 1: General requirements Pressure regulators for use with medical gases Part 3: (ISO/DIS 10555-1:2011) Pressure regulators integrated with cylinder valves Data Limite: 2012-02-29 Amendment 1: Filtration and information to be supplied by the manufacturer TC 205 (ISO 10524-3:2005/DAM 1:2011) prEN ISO 10555-3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Intravascular catheters Sterile and single-use catheters Part 3: Central venous catheters TC 215 (ISO/DIS 10555-3:2011) prEN ISO 80601-2-55:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-29 Medical electrical equipment Part 2-55: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential TC 205 performance of respiratory gas monitors prEN ISO 10555-4:2011 (ISO/FDIS 80601-2-55:2011) Intravascular catheters Sterile and single-use catheters Data Limite: 2011-11-01 Part 4: Balloon dilatation catheters (ISO/DIS 10555-4:2011) TC 218 Data Limite: 2012-03-06 prEN 853:2011 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies Wire braid reinforced TC 205 hydraulic type Specification prEN ISO 10555-5:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-27 Intravascular catheters Sterile and single-use catheters Part 5: Over-needle peripheral catheters TC 218 (ISO/DIS 10555-5:2011) prEN 854:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-06 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies Textile reinforced hydraulic type Specification TC 205 Data Limite: 2012-03-27 prEN ISO 81060-1:2011 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers Part 1: Requirements TC 218 and test methods for non-automated measurement type prEN 855:2011 (ISO 81060-1:2007) Plastics hoses and hose assemblies Thermoplastics textile Data Limite: 2012-03-27 reinforced hydraulic type Specification Data Limite: 2012-03-27 TC 206 prEN ISO 10993-3:2011 TC 218 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 3: Tests prEN 856:2011 for genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and reproductive Rubber hoses and hose assemblies Rubber-covered spiral toxicity wire reinforced hydraulic type Specification (ISO/DIS 10993-3:2011) Data Limite: 2012-03-27 Data Limite: 2012-01-04

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 218 TC 224 prEN 857:2011 prCEN/TS 15480-4:2011 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies Wire braid reinforced Identification card systems European Citizen Card Part compact type for hydraulic applications Specification 4: Recommendations for European Citizen Card Data Limite: 2012-03-27 issuance, operation and use Data Limite: 2011-11-22 TC 218 prEN 1360:2011 TC 226 Rubber and plastic hoses and hose assemblies for prCEN/TR 1317-6:2011 measured fuel dispensing systems Specification Road restraint systems Part 6: Pedestrian restraint system Data Limite: 2012-02-15 - Pedestrian parapets Data Limite: 2012-01-06 TC 218 prEN 13483:2011 TC 226 Rubber and plastic hoses and hose assemblies with prCEN/TS 1317-8:2011 internal vapour recovery for measured fuel dispensing Road restraint systems Part 8: Motorcycle road restraint systems Specification systems which reduce the impact severity of motorcyclist Data Limite: 2012-02-15 collisions with safety barriers Data Limite: 2012-01-06 TC 218 prEN ISO 8331:2011 TC 226 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies Guidelines EN 1317-5:2007+A1:2008 /prA 2:2011 for selection, storage, use and maintenance Road restraint systems Part 5: Product requirements and (ISO/DIS 8331:2011) evaluation of conformity for vehicle restraint systems Data Limite: 2011-12-14 Data Limite: 2011-12-22

TC 218 TC 226 prEN ISO 10619-1:2011 prEN 1423:2011 Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing Measurement of Road marking materials Drop on materials Glass beads, flexibility and stiffness Part 1: Bending tests at ambient antiskid aggregates and mixtures of the two temperature Data Limite: 2011-11-16 (ISO/FDIS 10619-1:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-08 TC 227 prEN 12697-1:2011 TC 218 Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt prEN ISO 10619-2:2011 Part 1: Soluble binder content Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing Measurement of Data Limite: 2012-03-27 flexibility and stiffness Part 2: Bending tests at subambient temperatures TC 227 (ISO/FDIS 10619-2:2011) prEN 12697-6:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt Part 6: Determination of bulk density of bituminous TC 218 specimens prEN ISO 10619-3:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-08 Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing Measurement of flexibility and stiffness Part 3: Bending tests at high and TC 227 low temperatures prEN 12697-11:2011 (ISO/FDIS 10619-3:2011) Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Part 11: Determination of the affinity between aggregate and bitumen TC 218 Data Limite: 2012-02-08 prEN ISO 28017:2011 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies, wire or textile TC 227 reinforced, for dredging applications Specification prEN 12697-19:2011 (ISO/FDIS 28017:2011) Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Part 19: Permeability of specimen Data Limite: 2012-01-25 TC 223 prEN 12579:2011 TC 227 Soil improvers and growing media Sampling prEN 12697-20:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-15 Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt Part 20: Indentation using cube or cylindrical specimens TC 223 (CY) prEN 12580:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-25 Soil improvers and growing media Determination of a quantity TC 227 Data Limite: 2012-02-15 prEN 12697-21:2011 Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt TC 224 Part 21: Indentation using plate specimens prCEN/TS 15480-2:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-25 Identification card systems European Citizen Card Part 2: Logical data structures and security services TC 227 Data Limite: 2011-12-08 prEN 12697-24:2011 Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Part 24: Resistance to fatigue TC 229 Data Limite: 2012-02-22 EN 15050:2007 /prA 1:2011 Precast concrete products Bridge elements TC 227 Data Limite: 2011-12-21 prEN 12697-30:2011 Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt - TC 230 Part 30: Specimen preparation by impact compactor prEN ISO 7887:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-25 Water quality Examination and determination of colour (ISO/FDIS 7887:2011) TC 227 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 prEN 12697-34:2011 Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt TC 230 Part 34: Marshall test prEN ISO 10523:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-29 Water quality Determination of pH (ISO 10523:2008) TC 227 Data Limite: 2011-12-14 prEN 12697-39:2011 Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt TC 230 Part 39: Binder content by ignition prEN ISO 16265:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-27 Water quality Determination of the methylene blue active substances (MBAS) index Method using TC 227 continuous flow analysis (CFA) prEN 12697-45:2011 (ISO 16265:2009) Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt Data Limite: 2011-12-14 Part 45: Saturation Ageing Tensile Stiffness (SATS) conditioning test TC 231 Data Limite: 2012-02-22 EN 30326-1:1994 /prA 2:2011 Mechanical vibration Laboratory method for evaluating TC 227 vehicle seat vibration Part 1: Basic requirements - prEN 12697-46:2011 Amendment 2 Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt (ISO 10326-1:1992/FDAM 2:2011) Part 46: Low temperature cracking and properties by Data Limite: 2011-11-22 uniaxial tension tests Data Limite: 2012-02-02 TC 234 prEN 12732:2011 TC 227 Gas infrastructure Welding steel pipework Functional prEN 12697-49:2011 requirements Bituminous mixtures Test methods for hot mix asphalt Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Part 49: Determination of friction after polishing Data Limite: 2012-03-13 TC 237 prEN 16314:2011 TC 227 Gas meters Additional functionalities prEN 13286-47:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-18 Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures Part 47: Test method for the determination of California bearing ratio, TC 240 immediate bearing index and linear swelling prEN ISO 13123:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-08 Metallic and other inorganic coatings Test method of cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under TC 227 temperature gradient prEN 13286-54:2011 (ISO/FDIS 13123:2011) Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures Part 54: Test Data Limite: 2011-11-29 method for the determination of frost susceptibility - Resistance to freezing and thawing of hydraulically TC 241 bound mixtures prEN 13950:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-23 Gypsum board thermal/acoustic insulation composite panels Definitions, requirements and test methods TC 227 Data Limite: 2012-03-20 prEN 13863-4:2011 Concrete pavements Part 4: Test methods for the TC 241 determination of wear resistance of concrete pavements prEN 13963:2011 to studded tyres Jointing materials for gypsum boards Definitions, Data Limite: 2012-02-08 requirements and test methods Data Limite: 2012-03-20 TC 227 prEN 16333:2011 TC 241 Slurry surfacing Specification for airfields prEN 14190:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-06 Gypsum board products from reprocessing Definitions, requirements and test methods TC 229 Data Limite: 2012-03-20 EN 14992:2007 /prA 1:2011 Precast concrete products Wall elements TC 241 Data Limite: 2012-03-06 prEN 14195:2011 Metal framing components for gypsum board systems Definitions, requirements and test methods

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Data Limite: 2012-03-20 Data Limite: 2011-11-09

TC 243 TC 246 prEN ISO 14644-8:2011 prEN 16306:2011 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments Part Natural stone test methods Determination of resistance 8: Classification of air cleanliness by chemical of marble to thermal and moisture cycles concentration Data Limite: 2011-11-30 (ISO/DIS 14644-8:2011) Data Limite: 2012-02-15 TC 247 prEN 12098-1:2011 TC 243 Controls for heating systems Part 1: Control equipment prEN ISO 14644-10:2011 for hot water heating systems Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments Part Data Limite: 2011-11-16 10: Classification of surface cleanliness by chemical concentration TC 247 (ISO/DIS 14644-10:2011) prEN 12098-3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Controls for heating systems Part 3: Control equipment for electricale heating systems TC 246 Data Limite: 2011-12-07 prEN 1467:2011 Natural stones Rough blocks Requirements TC 248 Data Limite: 2012-02-08 prEN 14362-1:2011 Textiles Methods for determination of certain aromatic TC 246 amines derived from azo colorants Part 1: Detection of the prEN 1468:2011 use of certain azo colorants accessible with and without Natural stones Rough slabs Requirements extracting the fibres Data Limite: 2012-02-08 Data Limite: 2011-11-22

TC 246 TC 248 prEN 14066:2011 prEN 16315:2011 Natural stone test methods Determination of resistance Textiles Silk woven fabrics for women's wears, foulards to ageing by thermal shock and scarves, ties Requirements and test methods Data Limite: 2011-11-09 Data Limite: 2012-02-08

TC 246 TC 248 prEN 14617-4:2011 prEN ISO 1140:2011 Agglomerated stone Test methods Part 4: Determination Fibre ropes Polyamide 3-, 4-, 8- and 12- strand ropes of the abrasion resistance (ISO/DIS 1140:2011) Data Limite: 2012-02-08 Data Limite: 2011-11-23

TC 246 TC 248 prEN 14617-5:2011 prEN ISO 1141:2011 Agglomerated stone Test methods Part 5: Determination Fibre ropes Polyester 3-, 4-, 8- and 12- strand ropes of freeze and thaw resistance (ISO/DIS 1141:2011) Data Limite: 2012-02-08 Data Limite: 2011-11-23

TC 246 TC 248 prEN 14617-6:2011 prEN ISO 1346:2011 Agglomerated stone Test methods Part 6: Determination Fibre ropes Polypropylene split film, monofilament and of thermal shock resistance multifilament (PP2) and polypropylene high tenacity Data Limite: 2012-02-08 multifilament (PP3) 3-, 4-, 8- and 12- strand ropes (ISO/DIS 1346:2011) TC 246 Data Limite: 2011-11-23 prEN 14617-10:2011 Agglomerated stone Test methods Part 10: Determination TC 248 of chemical resistance prEN ISO 1833-26:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-08 Textiles Quantitative chemical analysis Part 26: Mixtures of melamine and cotton or aramide fibres TC 246 (method using hot formic acid) prEN 14617-12:2011 (ISO/DIS 1833-26:2011) Agglomerated stone Test methods Part 12: Determination Data Limite: 2012-02-29 of dimensional stability Data Limite: 2012-02-08 TC 248 prEN ISO 3758:2011 TC 246 Textiles Care labelling code using symbols prEN 15286:2011 (ISO/FDIS 3758:2011) Agglomerated stone Slabs and tiles for wall finishes Data Limite: 2011-11-22 (internal and external) Data Limite: 2011-12-07 TC 248 prEN ISO 13015:2011 TC 246 Woven fabrics Distortion Determination of skew and prEN 16301:2011 bow (ISO/DIS 13015:2011) Natural stone test methods Determination of sensitivity to Data Limite: 2012-03-13 accidental staining

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 249 Data Limite: 2011-12-07 EN ISO 179-2:1999 /prA 1:2011 Plastics Determination of Charpy impact properties Part TC 252 2: Instrumented impact test prEN 1888:2011 Amendment 1: Precision data Child care articles Wheeled child conveyances Safety (ISO 179-2:1997/Amd 1:2011 requirements and test methods Data Limite: 2012-02-08 Data Limite: 2011-11-15

TC 249 TC 254 prEN ISO 1133-1:2011 prEN 13583:2011 Plastics Flexible sheets for waterproofing Bitumen, plastic and Determination of the melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing Determination of melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics Part 1: hail resistance Standard method (ISO/FDIS 1133-1:2011) Data Limite: 2012-03-06 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 TC 254 TC 249 prEN 13967:2011 prEN ISO 1133-2:2011 Flexible sheets for waterproofing Plastic and rubber damp Plastics Determination of the melt mass-flow rate proof sheets including plastic and rubber basement (MFR) and melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of tanking sheet Definitions and characteristics thermoplastics Data Limite: 2012-02-22 Part 2: Method for materials sensitive to time-temperature history and/or moisture TC 254 (ISO/FDIS 1133-2:2011) prEN 14909:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Flexible sheets for waterproofing Plastic and rubber damp proof courses Definitions and characteristics TC 249 Data Limite: 2012-02-29 prEN ISO 11963:2011 Plastics Polycarbonate sheets Types, dimensions and TC 256 characteristics prEN 13272:2011 (ISO/DIS 11963:2011) Railway applications Electrical lighting for rolling stock Data Limite: 2012-01-11 in public transport systems Data Limite: 2011-11-15 TC 249 prEN ISO 22007-2:2011 TC 256 Plastics Determination of thermal conductivity and prEN 14067-4:2011 thermal diffusivity Part 2: Transient plane heat source Railway applications Aerodynamics Part 4: Requirements (hot disc) method and test procedures for aerodynamics on open track (ISO 22007-2:2008) Data Limite: 2011-12-28 Data Limite: 2011-11-23 TC 256 TC 249 prEN 14752:2011 prEN ISO 22007-3:2011 Railway applications Bodyside Entrance Systems for Plastics Determination of thermal conductivity and rolling stock thermal diffusivity Part 3: Temperature wave analysis Data Limite: 2012-01-25 method (ISO 22007-3:2008) Data Limite: 2011-11-23 TC 256 EN 15085-1:2007 /prA 1:2011 TC 249 Railway applications Welding of railway vehicles and prEN ISO 22007-4:2011 components Part 1: General Plastics Determination of thermal conductivity and Data Limite: 2011-12-21 thermal diffusivity Part 4: Laser flash method (ISO 22007-4:2008) TC 256 Data Limite: 2011-11-23 prEN 16286-2:2011 Railway applications Gangway systems between vehicles TC 249 Part 2: Acoustic measurements prEN ISO 25762:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-28 Plastics Guidance on the assessment of the fire characteristics and fire performance of fibre-reinforced TC 256 polymer composites prEN 16334:2011 (ISO 25762:2009) Railway applications Passenger Alarm System System Data Limite: 2011-11-23 requirements Data Limite: 2012-03-13 TC 251 prEN ISO 27789:2011 TC 260 Health informatics Audit trails for electronic health prCEN/TS 16317:2011 records Fertilizers Determination of trace elements (ISO/DIS 27789:2011) Determination of arsenic by inductively coupled Data Limite: 2012-01-03 plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) after aqua regia dissolution TC 252 Data Limite: 2011-12-29 prEN 1400:2011 Child use and care articles Soothers for babies and young children Safety requirements and test methods

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 260 (ISO/DIS 16701:2011) prCEN/TS 16318:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-20 Fertilizers Determination of trace elements - Determination of chromium(VI) by photometry (method TC 263 A) and by ion chromatography with spectrophotometric detection prEN 1143-1:2011 (method B) Secure storage units Requirements, classification and Data Limite: 2011-12-29 methods of test for resistance to burglary Part 1: Safes, ATM safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms TC 260 Data Limite: 2012-02-15 prCEN/TS 16319:2011 Fertilizers Determination of trace elements TC 263 Determination of cadmium, chromium, lead and nickel by prEN 1300:2011 inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry Secure storage units Classification for high security (ICP-AES) after aqua regia dissolution locks according to their resistance to unauthorized Data Limite: 2011-12-29 opening Data Limite: 2012-02-29 TC 260 prCEN/TS 16320:2011 TC 264 Fertilizers Determination of trace elements prEN 16339:2011 Determination of mercury by vapour generation (VG) Ambient air Method for the determination of the after aqua regia dissolution concentration of nitrogen dioxide by diffusive sampling Data Limite: 2011-12-29 Data Limite: 2012-04-03

TC 260 TC 264 prEN 16328:2011 prEN ISO 16911-1:2011 Fertilizers Determination of 3,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole Stationary source emissions Determination of velocity phosphate (DMPP) Method using high-performance and volume flow rate in ducts Part 1: Manual reference liquid chromatography (HPLC) method Data Limite: 2012-02-22 (ISO/DIS 16911-1:2011) Data Limite: 2012-03-13 TC 262 prEN ISO 7539-1:2011 TC 264 Corrosion of metals and alloys Stress corrosion testing prEN ISO 16911-2:2011 Part 1: General guidance on testing procedures Stationary source emissions Determination of velocity (ISO/DIS 7539-1:2011) and volume flow rate in ducts Part 2: Automated Data Limite: 2012-03-20 measuring systems (ISO/DIS 16911-2:2011) TC 262 Data Limite: 2012-03-13 prEN ISO 9223:2011 Corrosion of metals and alloys Corrosivity of TC 267 atmospheres Classification, determination and EN 13480-3:2002 /prA 5:2011 estimation Metallic industrial piping Part 3: Design and calculation (ISO/FDIS 9223:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-30 Data Limite: 2011-12-21 TC 267 TC 262 prEN 13480-4:2011 prEN ISO 9224:2011 Metallic industrial piping Part 4: Fabrication and Corrosion of metals and alloys Corrosivity of atmospheres installation Guiding values for the corrosivity categories Data Limite: 2011-11-30 (ISO/FDIS 9224:2011) Data Limite: 2011-12-21 TC 267 prEN 13480-5:2011 TC 262 Metallic industrial piping Part 5: Inspection and testing prEN ISO 9225:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-30 Corrosion of metals and alloys Corrosivity of atmospheres Measurement of environmental parameters TC 269 affecting corrosivity of atmospheres prEN 12952-18:2011 (ISO/FDIS 9225:2011) Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations Part 18: Data Limite: 2011-12-21 Operating instructions Data Limite: 2011-12-07 TC 262 prEN ISO 9226:2011 TC 269 Corrosion of metals and alloys Corrosivity of atmospheres prEN 12953-1:2011 Determination of corrosion rate of standard specimens for Shell boilers Part 1: General the evaluation of corrosivity Data Limite: 2011-12-06 (ISO/FDIS 9226:2011) Data Limite: 2011-12-21 TC 269 prEN 12953-2:2011 TC 262 Shell boilers - Part 2: Materials for pressure parts of prEN ISO 16701:2011 boilers and accessories Corrosion of metals and alloys Corrosion in artificial Data Limite: 2011-12-06 atmosphere - Accelerated corrosion test involving exposure under controlled conditions of humidity cycling and intermittent spraying of a salt solution

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 269 ISO/DTS 16407-2:2011) prEN 12953-13:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-29 Shell boilers Part 13: Operating instructions Data Limite: 2011-11-08 TC 278 prCEN ISO/TS 16410-2:2011 TC 271 Electronic fee collection Evaluation of equipment for prEN 1953:2011 conformity to ISO/TS 17575-3 Part 2: Abstract test suite Atomising and spraying equipment for coating materials (ISO/DTS 16410-2:2011) Safety requirements Data Limite: 2011-12-29 Data Limite: 2011-11-23 TC 278 TC 275 prCEN/TS 16331:2011 prEN 13804:2011 Electronic fee collection Interoperable application Foodstuffs Determination of elements and their chemical profiles for autonomous systems species General considerations and specific requirements Data Limite: 2011-12-08 Data Limite: 2012-03-13 TC 278 TC 275 prEN 16312:2011 EN ISO 7218:2007 /prA 1:2011 Intelligent transport systems Automatic Vehicle and Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs General Equipment Registration (AVI/AEI) Interoperable requirements and guidance for microbiological application profile for AVI/AEI and Electronic Register examinations Amendment 1 Identification using dedicated short range (ISO 7218:2007/DAM 1:2011) communication Data Limite: 2012-03-13 Data Limite: 2011-12-21

TC 275 TC 278 EN ISO 24276:2006 /prA 1:2011 prEN ISO 12855:2011 Foodstuffs Methods of analysis for the detection of Electronic fee collection Information exchange between genetically modified organisms and derived products service provision and toll charging General requirements and definitions (ISO/FDIS 12855:2011) (ISO 24276:2006/DAM 1:2011) Data Limite: 2011-12-27 Data Limite: 2012-02-29 TC 278 TC 278 prEN ISO 14819-1:2011 prCEN ISO/TS 13140-2:2011 Intelligent transport systems Traffic and travel Electronic fee collection Evaluation of on-board and information messages via traffic message coding Part roadside equipment for conformity to ISO/TS 13141 Part 1: Coding protocol for Radio Data System - Traffic 2: Abstract test suite (ISO/DTS 13140-2:2011) Message Channel (RDS-TMC) using ALERT-C Data Limite: 2011-12-29 (ISO/DIS 14819-1:2011) Data Limite: 2011-12-14 TC 278 prCEN ISO/TS 16401-1:2011 TC 278 Electronic fee collection Evaluation of equipment for prEN ISO 14819-2:2011 conformity to ISO/TS 17575-2 Part 1: Test suite Intelligent transport systems Traffic and travel structure and test purposes information messages via traffic message coding Part (ISO/DTS 16401-1:2011) 2: Event and information codes for Radio Data System Data Limite: 2011-12-29 - Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC) using ALERT-C

TC 278 (ISO/DIS 14819-2:2011) prCEN ISO/TS 16401-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-14 Electronic fee collection Evaluation of equipment for conformity to ISO/TS 17575-2 Part 2: Abstract test suite TC 278 (ISO/DTS 16401-2:2011) prEN ISO 14819-3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-29 Intelligent transport systems Traffic and travel information messages via traffic message coding Part TC 278 3: Location referencing for Radio Data System - prCEN ISO/TS 16403-1:2011 Traffic message Channel (RDS-TMC) using ALERT-C Electronic fee collection Evaluation of equipment for (ISO/DIS 14819-3:2011) conformity to ISO/TS 17575-4 Part 1: Test suite Data Limite: 2011-12-14 structure and test purposes (ISO/DTS 16403-1:2011) TC 279 Data Limite: 2011-12-29 prEN 1325:2011 Value Management Vocabulary TC 278 Data Limite: 2012-02-29 prCEN ISO/TS 16403-2:2011 Electronic fee collection Evaluation of equipment for TC 285 conformity to ISO/TS 17575-4 Part 2: Abstract test suite prEN ISO 25539-3:2011 (ISO/DTS 16403-2:2011) Cardiovascular implants Endovascular devices Part 3: Data Limite: 2011-12-29 Vena cava filters (ISO/FDIS 25539-3:2011) TC 278 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 prCEN ISO/TS 16407-2:2011 Electronic fee collection Evaluation of equipment for conformity to ISO/TS 17575-1 Part 2: Abstract test suite

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 286 (ISO/DIS 19157:2011) EN 1440:2008 /prA 1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-14 LPG equipment and accessories Periodic inspection of transportable refillable LPG cylinders TC 289 Data Limite: 2011-11-29 prEN 16055:2011 Leather Raw cattle hides and calf skins Description, TC 286 presentation and preservation EN 12493:2008 /prA 1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 LPG equipment and accessories Welded steel tanks for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) Road tankers - Design TC 289 and manufacture prEN ISO 2419:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-29 Leather Physical and mechanical tests Sample preparation and conditioning TC 286 (ISO/FDIS 2419:2011) prEN 13776:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-03 LPG equipment and accessories Filling and discharge procedures for LPG road tankers TC 289 Data Limite: 2012-01-18 prEN ISO 3376:2011 Leather Physical and mechanical tests Determination of TC 286 tensile strength and percentage extension prEN 13799:2011 (ISO/FDIS 3376:2011) LPG equipment and accessories Contents gauges for Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) tanks Data Limite: 2011-12-13 TC 289 prEN 3377-1:2011 TC 286 Leather Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of prEN 14129:2011 tear load Part 1: Single edge tear LPG Equipment and accessories Pressure relief valves (ISO/FDIS 3377-1:2011) for LPG tanks Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Data Limite: 2012-01-18 TC 289 TC 286 prEN ISO 5402-1:2011 prEN 14427:2011 Leather Determination of flex resistance Part 1: LPG equipment and accessories Transportable refillable Flexometer method composite cylinders for LPG Design and construction (ISO/FDIS 5402-1:2011) Data Limite: 2012-01-25 Data Limite: 2011-11-22

TC 286 TC 289 EN 14678-2:2007 /prA 1:2011 prEN ISO 5403-1:2011 LPG equipment and accessories Equipment for Liquefied Leather Determination of water resistance of flexible Petroleum Gas automotive filling stations Part 2: leather Part 1: Repeated linear compression Components other than dispensers, and installation (penetrometer) requirements (ISO/FDIS 5403-1:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-25 Data Limite: 2011-11-22

TC 287 TC 289 prEN ISO 19111-2:2011 prEN ISO 5403-2:2011 Geographic information Spatial referencing by Leather Determination of water resistance of flexible coordinates Part 2: Extension for parametric values leather Part 2: Repeated angular compression (Maeser) (ISO 19111-2:2009) (ISO/FDIS 5403-2:2011) Data Limite: 2012-02-08 Data Limite: 2011-11-22

TC 287 TC 289 prEN ISO 19143:2011 prEN ISO 5404:2011 Geographic information Filter encoding Leather Physical test methods Determination of water (ISO 19143:2010) resistance of heavy leathers Data Limite: 2012-02-08 (ISO/FDIS 5404:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-22 TC 287 prEN ISO 19144-1:2011 TC 289 Geographic information Classification systems Part 1: prEN ISO 14087:2011 Classification system structure Leather Physical and mechanical tests Determination of (ISO 19144-1:2009) bending force Data Limite: 2012-02-08 (ISO/DIS 14087:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-15 TC 287 prEN ISO 19148:2011 TC 289 Geographic information Linear referencing prEN ISO 14088:2011 (ISO/FDIS 19148:2011) Leather Chemical tests Quantitative analysis of tanning Data Limite: 2011-12-20 agents by filter method (ISO/FDIS 14088:2011) TC 287 Data Limite: 2012-01-03 prEN ISO 19157:2011 Geographic information Data quality

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 289 TC 294 prEN ISO 17186:2011 prEN 13757-4:2011 Leather Physical and mechanical tests Determination of Communication systems for meters and remote reading of surface coating thickness meters Part 4: Wireless meter readout (Radio meter (ISO/FDIS 17186:2011) reading for operation in SRD bands) Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Data Limite: 2012-02-08

TC 289 TC 296 prEN ISO 17235:2011 EN 13081:2008 /prA 1:2011 Leather Physical and mechanical tests Determination of Tanks for transport of dangerous goods Service softness equipment for tanks Vapour collection adaptor and (ISO/FDIS 17235:2011) coupler Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Data Limite: 2011-11-23

TC 290 TC 296 prEN ISO 1119:2011 EN 13082:2008 /prA 1:2011 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Series of Tanks for transport of dangerous goods Service conical tapers and taper angles equipment for tanks Vapour transfer valve (ISO/FDIS 1119:2011) Data Limite: 2011-11-23 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 TC 296 TC 290 prEN 14564:2011 prEN ISO 1938-1:2011 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods Terminology Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Dimensional Data Limite: 2012-01-18 measuring equipment Part 1: Plain limit gauges of linear size TC 301 (ISO/DIS 1938-1:2011) prEN ISO 18542-1:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-18 Road vehicles Standardized repair and maintenance information (RMI) terminology Part 1: General TC 290 information and use case definition prEN ISO 3040:2011 (ISO/DIS 18542-1:2011 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Dimensioning Data Limite: 2011-11-23 and tolerancing Cones (ISO 3040:2009) TC 310 Data Limite: 2012-01-18 prEN ISO 13482:2011 Robots and robotic devices Safety requirements for TC 290 non-industrial robots Non-medical personal care robot prEN ISO 17450-1:2011 (ISO/DIS 13482:2011) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) General Data Limite: 2012-02-08 concepts Part 1: Model for geometrical specification and verification TC 312 (ISO/FDIS 17450-1:2011) prEN 12975-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Thermal solar systems and componentsThermal solar systems and components Solar collectors Part 1: TC 290 General requirementsGeneral Requirements prEN ISO 25178-70:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-28 Geometrical product specification (GPS) Surface texture: Areal Part 70: Physical measurement standards TC 312 (ISO/DIS 25178-70:2011) prEN 12975-3-1:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-18 Thermal solar systems and components Solar collectors Part 3-1: Qualification of solar absorber surface TC 290 durability prEN ISO 25178-605:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-28 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Surface texture: Areal Part 605: Nominal characteristics of TC 312 noncontact (point autofocus probe) instruments prEN 12977-1:2011 (ISO/DIS 25178-605:2011) Thermal solar systems and components Custom built Data Limite: 2012-03-06 systems Part 1: General requirements for solar water heaters and combisystems TC 293 Data Limite: 2012-01-18 EN ISO 10328:2006 /prA 1:2011 Prosthetics Structural testing of lower-limb prostheses TC 312 Requirements and test methods prEN 12977-2:2011 (ISO 10328:2006/DAM1:2011) Thermal solar systems and components Custom built Data Limite: 2012-03-27 systems Part 2: Test methods for solar water heaters Data Limite: 2012-01-18 TC 293 EN ISO 22675:2006 /prA 1:2011 TC 312 Prosthetics Testing of ankle-foot devices and foot units prEN 12977-3:2011 Requirements and test methods Thermal solar systems and components Custom built (ISO 22675:2006/DAM 1:2011) systems Part 3: Performance test methods for solar water Data Limite: 2012-03-27 heater stores Data Limite: 2012-01-18

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 312 prEN 12977-4:2011 TC 331 Thermal solar systems and components Custom built prCEN/TS 16326:2011 systems Part 4: Performance test methods for solar Postal Services Hybrid Mail Functional Specification for combistores postal registered electronic mail Data Limite: 2012-01-18 Data Limite: 2012-01-06

TC 312 TC 332 prEN 12977-5:2011 prEN ISO 6556:2011 Thermal solar systems and components Custom built Laboratory glassware Filter flasks systems Part 5: Performance test methods for control (ISO/DIS 6556:2011) equipment Data Limite: 2012-01-25 Data Limite: 2012-01-18 TC 335 TC 322 prEN 16126:2011 prEN 15949:2011 Solid biofuels Determination of particle size distribution Safety of machinery Safety requirements for bar mills, of disintegrated pellets structural steel mills and wire rod mills Data Limite: 2011-12-06 Data Limite: 2011-11-29 TC 335 TC 327 prEN 16127:2011 prEN 15621:2011 Solid biofuels Determination of length and diameter of Animal feeding stuffs Determination of calcium, sodium, pellets phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sulphur, iron, zinc, Data Limite: 2011-12-06 copper, manganese and cobalt after pressure digestion by ICP-AES TC 336 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 prEN 58:2011 Bitumen and bituminous binders Sampling bituminous TC 327 binders prEN 16158:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-06 Animal feeding stuffs Determination of semduramicin content Liquid chromatographic method using a tree TC 336 analytical approach prEN 1425:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-29 Bitumen and bituminous binders Characterization of perceptible properties TC 327 Data Limite: 2012-02-29 prEN 16159:2011 Animal feeding stuffs Determination of selenium by TC 336 hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry prEN 1429:2011 (HGAAS) after microwave digestion (digestion with 65 % Bitumen and bituminous binders Determination of residue nitric acid and 30 % hydrogen peroxide) on sieving of bituminous emulsions, and determination of Data Limite: 2011-11-29 storage stability by sieving Data Limite: 2012-02-22 TC 327 prEN 16160:2011 TC 336 Animal feeding stuffs Determination of Hydrocyanic prEN 13075-1:2011 acid by HPLC Bitumen and bituminous binders Determination of Data Limite: 2011-12-13 breaking behaviour Part 1: Determination of breaking value of cationic bituminous emulsions, mineral filler TC 327 method prEN 16162:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-06 Animal feeding stuffs Determination of decoquinate by HPLC with fluorescence detection TC 336 Data Limite: 2012-01-03 prEN 13808:2011 Bitumen and bituminous binders Framework for TC 327 specifying cationic bituminous emulsions prEN 16206:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-22 Animal feeding stuffs Determination of arsenic by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry TC 336 (HGAAS) after microwave pressure digestion (digestion prEN 13924-2:2011 with 65 % nitric acid and 30 % hydrogen peroxide) Bitumen and bituminous binders Specification framework Data Limite: 2011-11-29 for special bitumen Part 2: Multigrade bituminous binders TC 327 Data Limite: 2012-02-22 prEN ISO 17180:2011 Animal feeding stuffs Determination of lysine, TC 336 methionine and threonine in commercial amino acid prEN 14769:2011 products and premixtures (ISO/DIS 17180:2011) Bitumen and bituminous binders Accelerated long-term Data Limite: 2012-03-13 ageing conditioning by a Pressure Ageing Vessel (PAV) Data Limite: 2012-03-06 TC 331 prCEN ISO/TS 16316:2011 TC 336 Postal services Open interface Sortplan prEN 14770:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-08 Bitumen and bituminous binders Determination of

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos complex shear modulus and phase angle using a kernels Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) (ISO/FDIS 11746:2011) Data Limite: 2012-03-06 Data Limite: 2012-04-03

TC 336 TC 342 prEN 14771:2011 EN 14917:2009 /prA 1:2011 Bitumen and bituminous binders Determination of the Metal bellows expansion joints for pressure applications flexural creep stiffness Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) Data Limite: 2011-12-07 Data Limite: 2012-03-06 TC 342 TC 336 EN 15266:2007 /prA 1:2011 prEN 15322:2011 Stainless steel pliable corrugated tubing kits in buildings Bitumen and bituminous binders Framework for for gas with an operating pressure up to 0,5 bar specifying cut-back and fluxed bituminous binders Data Limite: 2012-01-20 Data Limite: 2012-03-06 TC 345 TC 337 prEN ISO 17380:2011 prCEN/TS 15430-2:2011 Soil quality Determination of total cyanide and easily Winter and road service area maintenance equipment Data liberatable cyanide Continuous-flow analysis method acquisition and transmission Part 2: Protocol for data (ISO/DIS 17380:2011) transfer between information supplier and client Data Limite: 2012-03-13 application server Data Limite: 2012-01-13 TC 346 prEN 16302:2011 TC 337 Conservation of cultural property Test methods prEN 15432-2:2011 Measurement of water absorption under low pressure Winter and road service area maintenance equipment Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Mechanical interface on vehicles for front-mounted equipment Part 2: Interchangeability on lifting systems TC 346 Data Limite: 2012-03-06 prEN 16322:2011 Conservation of cultural property Test methods TC 337 Determination of drying properties prEN 15583-2:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-08 Winter maintenance equipment Snow ploughs Part 2: Testing criteria and their requirements TC 350 Data Limite: 2011-12-13 prEN 16309:2011 Sustainability of construction works Assessment of TC 337 social performance of buildings Methods prEN 16330:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-21 Winter and road service area equipment Power system and related controls Power hydraulic system and electric TC 372 interfaces prCEN/TS 16371:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-06 Guidelines for implementors of EN 15744 and EN 15907 Data Limite: 2012-01-20 TC 338 prCEN/TR 16324:2011 TC 383 Technical report of the interlaboratory study for the prCEN/TR 16214-5:2011 determination of Besatz in common wheat, rye and Sustainability criteria for the production of biofuels and durum wheat bioliquids for energy applications Principles, criteria, Data Limite: 2012-01-06 indicators and verifiers Part 5: Guidance towards definition of residue and waste via a positive list TC 338 Data Limite: 2011-12-16 EN 15587:2008 /prA 1:2011 Cereals and cereal products Determination of Besatz in TC 385 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), durum wheat (Triticum prCEN/TS 16118:2011 durum Desf.), rye (Secale cereale L.)and feed barley Sheltered housing Requirements for services for older (Hordeum vulgare L.) people provided in a sheltered housing scheme Data Limite: 2012-03-13 Data Limite: 2011-12-29

TC 338 TC CSM11 prEN 15948:2011 prEN ISO 7625:2011 Cereals Determination of moisture and protein Method Sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals using Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy in whole kernels Preparation of samples for chemical analysis for Data Limite: 2011-12-27 determination of carbon content (ISO/DIS 7625:2011) TC 338 Data Limite: 2011-11-09 prEN ISO 5526:2011 Cereals, pulses and other food grains Nomenclature TC CSS26 (ISO/DIS 5526:2011) prEN ISO 1406-3:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-20 Greenhouse gases Part 3: Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas TC 338 assertions (ISO 14064-3:2006) prEN ISO 11746:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-04 Rice Determination of biometric characteristics of

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC CSS26 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 EN ISO 14021:2001 /prA 1:2011 Environmental labels and declarations Self-declared TC AECMA environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling) prEN 2234:2011 Amendment 1 Aerospace series Cable, electrical, fire resistant (ISO 14021:1999/FDAM 1:2011) Technical specification Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Data Limite: 2011-11-22

TC CSS26 TC AECMA prEN ISO 14064-1:2011 prEN 2311:2011 Greenhouse gases Part 1: Specification with guidance at Aerospace series Bushes with self-lubricating liner the organization level for quantification and reporting Technical specification of greenhouse gas emissions and removals (ISO Data Limite: 2011-11-22 14064-1:2006) Data Limite: 2012-01-04 TC AECMA prEN 2835:2011 TC CSS26 Aerospace series Chloroprene rubber (CR) - Heat prEN ISO 14064-2:2011 resistance Hardness 40 IRHD Greenhouse gases Part 2: Specification with guidance at Data Limite: 2011-12-20 the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or TC AECMA removal enhancements (ISO 14064-2:2006) prEN 2836:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-04 Aerospace series Chloroprene rubber (CR) - Heat resistance Hardness 50 IRHD TC CSS26 Data Limite: 2011-12-20 prEN ISO 14065:2011 Greenhouse gases Requirements for greenhouse gas TC AECMA validation and verification bodies for use in prEN 2837:2011 accreditation or other forms of recognition (ISO Aerospace series Chloroprene rubber (CR) - Heat 14065:2007) resistance Hardness 60 IRHD Data Limite: 2012-01-04 Data Limite: 2011-12-20

TC CSH99 TC AECMA prEN ISO 24442:2011 prEN 3155-035:2011 Cosmetics Sun protection test methods In vivo Aerospace series Electrical contacts used in elements of determination of sunscreen UVA protection connection Part 035: Contacts, electrical, triaxial, size (ISO/FDIS 24442:2011) 08, female, type D, crimp, class R - Product standard Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Data Limite: 2011-11-22

TC ECISS/109 TC AECMA EN 10169:2010 /prA 1:2011 prEN 3312:2011 Continuously organic coated (coil coated) steel flat Aerospace series Titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V Annealed - products Technical delivery conditions Forgings - De <= 150 mm Data Limite: 2012-03-13 Data Limite: 2011-11-22

TC ECISS/109 TC AECMA prEN 10209:2011 prEN 3354:2011 Cold rolled low carbon steel flat products for vitreous Aerospace series Titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V - Annealed enamelling Technical delivery conditions Sheet for superplastic forming - a <= 6 mm Data Limite: 2012-01-03 Data Limite: 2011-11-22

TC ECISS/109 TC AECMA EN 10268:2006 /prA 1:2011 prEN 3355:2011 Cold rolled steel flat products with higher yield strength Aerospace series Titanium alloy TI-P64001 (Ti-6Al-4V) for cold forming Technical delivery conditions Annealed - Extruded section - De <= 150 mm - 900 Data Limite: 2012-02-29 MPa <= Rm <= 1 160 MPa Data Limite: 2011-11-22 TC ECISS/110 prEN 10294-2:2011 TC AECMA Hollow bars for machining Technical delivery conditions prEN 3373-007:2011 Part 2: Stainless steels with specified machinability Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for properties crimping on electric conductors Part 007: Nickel plated Data Limite: 2011-11-15 aluminium terminal lugs for crimping on nickel plated aluminium cable for inch series studs - Product standard TC ECISS/111 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 EN 10213:2007 /prA 1:2011 Steel castings for pressure purposes TC AECMA Data Limite: 2012-01-11 prEN 3373-008:2011 Aerospace series Terminal lugs and in-line splices for TC AECMA crimping on electric conductors Part 008: Copper lugs prEN 2213:2011 nickel plated ring shaped for copper conductors nickel Aerospace series Steel FE-PL1505 (15CrMoV6) Air plated for inch series studs up to 340 °C - Product melted - Hardened and tempered - Bars - De <= 16 mm standard - 980 MPa <= Rm <= 1 180 MPa Data Limite: 2011-11-22

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos - Product standard TC AECMA Data Limite: 2011-11-22 prEN 3707:2011 Aerospace series Headless threaded plugs Installation TC AECMA holes prEN 6049-007:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Aerospace series - Electrical cables, installation Protection sleeve in meta-aramid fibres Part 007: TC AECMA Selfwrapping mechanical and electrical protective sleeve, prEN 3718:2011 flexible post installation operating temperature from - Aerospace series Test method for metallic materials 55 °C to 260 °C - Product standard Ultrasonic inspection of tubes Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Data Limite: 2011-12-20

TC AECMA prEN 3745-301:2011 Aerospace series Fibres and cables, optical, aircraft use - Test methods Part 301: Attenuation Data Limite: 2011-12-20

TC AECMA prEN 3768:2011 Aerospace series Nuts, anchor, self-locking, one lug, fixed, reduced series, with counterbore, in heat resisting steel, MoS2 Iubricated Classification: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 °C Data Limite: 2011-11-22

TC AECMA prEN 4531-001:2011 Aerospace series Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by threaded ring - Flush contacts Part 001: Technical specification Data Limite: 2011-11-22

TC AECMA prEN 4687:2011 Aerospace series Paints and varnishes Chromate free non corrosion inhibiting two components cold curing primer for military application Data Limite: 2011-12-20

TC AECMA prEN 4688:2011 Aerospace series Paints and varnishes Corrosion inhibiting two components cold curing primer for military application Data Limite: 2011-12-20

TC AECMA prEN 4689:2011 Aerospace series Paints and varnishes - Two components cold curing polyurethane finish High flexibility and chemical agent resistance for military application Data Limite: 2011-12-20

TC AECMA prEN 4701-001:2011 Aerospace series Connectors, optical, rectangular, modular, operating temperature 125 °C, for EN 4531 contacts Part 001: Technical specification Data Limite: 2011-12-20

TC AECMA prEN 4704:2011 Aerospace series Tartaric-Sulphuric-Acid anodizing of aluminium and aluminium wrought alloys for corrosion protection and paint pre-treatment (TSA) Data Limite: 2011-11-22

TC AECMA prEN 6049-006:2011 Aerospace series Electrical cables, installation - Protection sleeve in meta-aramid fibres Part 006: Selfwrapping protective sleeve, flexible post installation

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5.2 Questionários preliminares

Listadedocumentosdereferência(RD)objectodeQuestionáriosPreliminares(PQ),comvistaà suaaceitaçãocomonormaseuropeias. LISTA VAZIA

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5.3 Comités Técnicos do CEN ListadosComitésTécnicosdoComitéEuropeudeNormalização(CEN)emrelaçãoaosquaisnão existeONS(OrganismodeNormalizaçãoSectorial)ouCT(ComissãoTécnica)ecujosprocessosse encontramdisponíveisparaconsultanoIPQ.

AECMA Europeanassociationofaerospace CEN/TC130 manufacturers Spaceheatingapplianceswithoutintegral heatsources CEN/TC12 Materials,equipmentandoffshorestructures CEN/TC135 forpetroleumandnaturalgasindustries Executionofsteelstructures CEN/TC44 CEN/TC136 Householdrefrigeratingappliancesand Sports,playgroundandotherrecreational commercialrefrigeratedcabinets equipment CEN/TC50 CEN/TC145 Lightingcolumnsandspigots RubberandplasticsmachinesSafety CEN/TC53 CEN/TC146 Temporaryworksequipment PackagingmachinesSafety CEN/TC87 CEN/TC148 Gasfuelledsmokerslighters Continuoushandlingequipmentandsystems Safety CEN/TC88 Thermalinsulatingmaterialsandproducts CEN/TC149 Raildependentstorageandretrieval CEN/TC89 equipmentSafety Thermalperformanceofbuildingsand buildingcomponents CEN/TC150 IndustrialtrucksSafety CEN/TC99 Wallcoverings CEN/TC151 Constructionequipmentandbuilding CEN/TC105 materialmachinesSafety Valvesandfittingstoequipradiators CEN/TC152 CEN/TC107 Fairgroundandamusementparkmachinery Prefabricateddistrictheatingpipesystems andstructuresSafety CEN/TC113 CEN/TC153 Heatpumpsandairconditioningunits FoodprocessingmachinerySafetyand hygienespecifications CEN/TC123 Lasersandlaserrelatedequipment CEN/TC156 Ventilationforbuildings CEN/TC125 Masonry CEN/TC163 CEN/TC128 Sanitaryappliances Roofcoveringproductsfordiscontinuous layingandproductsforwallcladding

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos CEN/TC166 CEN/TC197 Chimneys Pumps CEN/TC167 CEN/TC198 Structuralbearings PrintingandpapermachinerySafety CEN/TC169 CEN/TC200 Lightingapplications TannerymachinerySafety CEN/TC171 CEN/TC201 Heatcostallocation Leatherandimitationleathergoodsand footwearmanufacturingmachinerySafety CEN/TC173 Brushware CEN/TC202 Foundrymachinery CEN/TC176 Heatmeters CEN/TC216 Chemicaldisinfectantsandantiseptics CEN/TC177 Prefabricatedreinforcedcomponentsof CEN/TC217 autoclavedaeratedconcreteorlightweight Surfacesforsportareas aggregateconcretewithopenstructure CEN/TC219 CEN/TC178 Cathodicprotection Pavingunitsandkerbs CEN/TC221 CEN/TC182 Metallicshopfabricatedtanks Refrigeratingsystems,safetyand environmentalrequirements CEN/TC222 Featheranddownasfillingmaterialforany CEN/TC183 article,aswellasfinishedarticlesfilledwith Wastemanagement featheranddown CEN/TC186 CEN/TC225 IndustrialthermoprocessingSafety Barcoding CEN/TC188 CEN/TC226 Conveyorbelts Roadequipment CEN/TC189 CEN/TC232 Geotextilesandgeotextilerelatedproducts CompressorsSafety CEN/TC190 CEN/TC239 Foundrytechnology Rescuesystems CEN/TC193 CEN/TC241 Adhesives Gypsumandgypsumbasedproducts CEN/TC195 CEN/TC242 Airfiltersforgeneralaircleaning Safetyrequirementsforpassenger transportationbyrope CEN/TC196 CEN/TC245 MachinesforundergroundminesSafety Leisureaccommodationvehicles Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 65 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos CEN/TC247 CEN/TC291 Controlsformechanicalbuildingservices Selfserviceshoppingtrolleys CEN/TC253 CEN/TC293 Selfadhesivetapes Technicalaidsfordisabledpersons CEN/TC256 CEN/TC296 Railwayapplications Tanksfortransportofdangerousgoods CEN/TC259 CEN/TC297 Medicalalarmsandsignals Freestandingindustrialchimneys CEN/TC263 CEN/TC301 Securestorageofcash,valuablesanddata Electricallypropelledroadvehicles media CEN/TC303 CEN/TC270 Floorscreedsandinsituflooringsinbuildings Internalcombustionengines CEN/TC305 CEN/TC271 PotenciallyexplosiveatmospheresExplosion SurfacetreatmentequipmentSafety preventionandprotection CEN/TC273 CEN/TC309 Logistics Footwear CEN/TC274 CEN/TC310 Aircraftgroundsupportequipment Advancedmanufacturingtechnologies CEN/TC277 CEN/TC313 Suspendedceilings IndustrialcentrifugsSafetyrequirements (provisional) CEN/TC278 Roadtransportandtraffictelematics CEN/TC314 Masticasphaltforwaterproofing CEN/TC279 ValuemanagementValueanalysis, CEN/TC315 functionalanalysis Spectatoraccomodations CEN/TC280 CEN/TC317 Offshorecontainers Derivatesfromcoalfrompyrolisis CEN/TC318 CEN/TC283 Hydrometry PreciousmetalsApplicationinjewelleryand associatedproducts CEN/TC320 Transportationservices CEN/TC288 Executionofspecialgeotechnicalworks CEN/TC322 Equipmentformetalproductionandrolling CEN/TC289 millsSafetyrequirements Leather CEN/TC290 CEN/TC323 Dimensionalandgeometricalproduct Raisedaccessfloors specificationandverification CEN/TC324 Castorsandwheels Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 66 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos CEN/TC325 Preventionofcrimebyurbanplanningand buildingdesign(provisional) CEN/TC326 Gassupplyfornaturalgasvehicles(NGV) CEN/TC328 Standardmeasuringsystemforcleaning performance CEN/TC329 Criteriafordescribingtouristservicesin objectivetouristinformationsystems CEN/TC332 Laboratoryequipment(provisional)

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6. Projectos de normas e propostas de estudo de novas normas do Comité Europeu de Normalização Electrotécnica (CENELEC)

OsprojectosdenormasepropostasdeestudodenovasnormasestãoorganizadasporComités TécnicosdoCENELEC.

6.1 Projectos em inquérito público

Paracadareferênciamencionaseadesignaçãocodificada,otítuloeadatalimiteparaa apresentaçãodecomentários. BTTF 69-3 Technical criteria for the coordination between power FprEN 50293:2011 supply (substation) and rolling stock to achieve Electromagnetic compatibility - Road traffic signal interoperability systems Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Data Limite: 2012-03-30 SC 9XB BTTF 133-1 prEN 50547:2011 FprEN 50849:2011 Railway applications - Batteries for auxiliary power Sound systems for emergency purposes supply systems Data Limite: 2012-03-30 Data Limite: 2011-12-16

BTWG 112-1 SC 46XC EN 60309-1:1999 /FprA 2:2011 prEN 50288-1:2011 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and purposes Part 1: General requirements digital communication and control Part 1: Generic (IEC 60309-1:1999/A2:201X) specification Data Limite: 2011-11-25 Data Limite: 2012-03-30

BTWG 112-1 SC 46XC EN 60309-2:1999 /FprA 2:2011 prEN 50288-2-1:2011 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and purposes Part 2: Dimensional interchangeability digital communication and control Part 2-1: Sectional requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories specification for screened cables characterized up to (IEC 60309-2:1999/A2:201X) 100 MHz - Horizontal Data Limite: 2011-11-25 and building backbone cables Data Limite: 2012-03-30 BTWG 112-1 EN 60309-4:2007 /FprA 1:2011 SC 46XC Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial prEN 50288-2-2:2011 purposes Part 4: Switched socket-outlets and connectors Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and with or without interlock digital communication and control Part 2-2: Sectional (IEC 60309-4:2006/A1:201X) specification for screened cables characterized up to Data Limite: 2011-11-25 100 MHz - Work area and patch cord cables Data Limite: 2012-03-30 JWG FCGA prEN 50465:2011 SC 46XC Gas appliances -Combined heat and power appliance of prEN 50288-3-1:2011 nominal heat input inferior or equal to 70 kW Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and Data Limite: 2011-12-02 digital communication and control Part 3-1: Sectional specification for unscreened cables characterized up to SC 9XB 100 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables prTR 50501-2:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-30 Railway applications - Rolling stock - Intercommunication between vehicles and train/wayside SC 46XC Part 2: Technical contents os standardization work in the prEN 50288-3-2:2011 field of intercommunication Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and Data Limite: 2012-01-06 digital communication and control Part 3-2: Sectional specification for unscreened cables characterized up to SC 9XC 100 MHz - Work area and patch cord cables FprEN 50317:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-30 Railway applications - Current collection systems - Requirements for and validation of measurements of the SC 46XC dynamic interaction between pantographs and overhead prEN 50288-4-1:2011 contact line Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and Data Limite: 2011-11-18 digital communication and control Part 4-1: Sectional specification for screened cables characterised up to SC 9XC 600 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables FprEN 50388:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-30 Railway Applications - Power supply and rolling stock -

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos SC 46XC SC 46XC prEN 50288-4-2:2011 FprEN 50441-1:2011 Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and Cables for indoor residential telecommunication digital communication and control Part 4-2: Sectional installations Part 1: Unscreened cables - Grade 1 specification for screened cables characterized up to Data Limite: 2011-12-16 600 MHz - Work area and patch cord cables Data Limite: 2012-03-30 SC 46XC FprEN 50441-2:2011 SC 46XC Cables for indoor residential telecommunication prEN 50288-5-1:2011 installations Part 2: Screened cables - Grade 1 Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and Data Limite: 2011-12-16 digital communication and control Part 5-1: Sectional specification for screened cables characterized up to SC 46XC 250 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables FprEN 50441-4:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-30 Cables for indoor residential telecommunication installations Part 4: Cables up to 1 200MHz - Grade 3 SC 46XC Data Limite: 2011-12-16 prEN 50288-5-2:2011 Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and SR 3D digital communication and control Part 5-2: Sectional FprEN 62656-1:2011 specification for screened cables characterized up to Standardized product ontology register and transfer by 250 MHz - Work area and patch cord cables spreadsheets Part 1: logical structure for data parcels Data Limite: 2012-03-30 (IEC 62656-1:201X) Data Limite: 2012-02-10 SC 46XC prEN 50288-6-1:2011 SR 4 Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and EN 62097:2009 /FprA 1:2011 digital communication and control Part 6-1: Sectional Hydraulic machines, radial and axial - Performance specification for unscreened cables characterized up to conversion method from model to prototype 250 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables (IEC 62097:2009/A1:201X) Data Limite: 2012-03-30 Data Limite: 2012-02-03

SC 46XC SR 7 prEN 50288-6-2:2011 FprEN 62567:2011 Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and Methods for testing self-damping characteristics of digital communication and control Part 6-2: Sectional stranded conductors for overhead lines specification for unscreened cables characterized up to (IEC 62567:201X) 250 MHz - Work area and patch cord cables Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Data Limite: 2012-03-30 SR 7 SC 46XC FprEN 62568:2011 FprEN 50288-8:2011 Method for fatigue testing of conductors for overhead Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and lines digital communication and control Part 8: Specification (IEC 62568:201X) for type 1 cables characterised up to 2 MHz Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Data Limite: 2011-12-16 SR 15 SC 46XC EN 60626-3:2008 /FprA 1:2011 FprEN 50288-9-1:2011 Combined flexible materials for electrical insulation Part Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and 3: Specifications for individual materials digital communication and control Part 9-1: Sectional (IEC 60626-3:2008/A1:201X) specification for screened cables characterised up to Data Limite: 2012-03-30 1000 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables Data Limite: 2011-12-16 SR 15 FprEN 61212-3-2:2011 SC 46XC Insulating materials - Industrial rigid round laminated FprEN 50288-10-1:2011 tubes and rods based on thermosetting resins for Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and electrical purposes Part 3: Specifications for digital communication and control Part 10-1: Sectional individual materials Sheet 2: Round laminated moulded specification for screened cables characteriszed up to tubes 500 MHz - Horizontal floor and building backbone (IEC 61212-3-2:201X) cables Data Limite: 2012-02-03 Data Limite: 2011-12-16 SR 29 SC 46XC FprEN 60601-2-66:2011 FprEN 50288-11-1:2011 Hearing instruments and hearing instrument systems - Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and General requirements for basic safety and essential digital communication and control Part 11-1: Sectional performance specification for un-screened cables, characteriszed up (IEC 60601-2-66:201X) to 500 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables Data Limite: 2011-11-04 Data Limite: 2011-12-16 SR 29 FprEN 61260-1:2011 Electroacoustics - Octave-band and fractional-octave-band

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos filters Part 1: Specifications Data Limite: 2011-11-11 (IEC 61260-1:201X) Data Limite: 2012-03-02 SR 47 EN 60749-27:2006 /FprA 1:2011 SR 32B Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test EN 60269-4:2009 /FprA 1:2011 methods Part 27: Electrostatic discharge (ESD) Low-voltage fuses Part 4: Supplementary requirements for sensitivity testing - Machine model (MM) fuse-links for the protection of semiconductor devices (IEC 60749-27:2006/A1:201X) (IEC 60269-4:2009/A1: 201X) Data Limite: 2012-01-27 Data Limite: 2011-11-18 SR 48D SR 34A FprEN 60297-3-107:2011 EN 60662:2010 /FprA A:2011 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - High-pressure sodium vapour lamps - Performance Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 specifications in) series Part 3-107: Dimensions of subracks and plug-in Data Limite: 2011-11-25 units, small form factor (IEC 60297-3-107:201X) SR 34A Data Limite: 2011-12-02 EN 60810:2003 /FprA 2:2011 Lamps for road vehicles - Performance requirements SR 48B (IEC 60810:2003/A2:201X) FprEN 60512-1-100:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-16 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements Part 1-100 Ed 3.0: General - Applicable SR 34A publications EN 62560:2010 /FprA A:2011 (IEC 60512-1-100:201X) Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by Data Limite: 2012-01-06 voltage > 50 V - Safety specifications Data Limite: 2011-11-25 SR 48B FprEN 60512-27-100:2011 SR 34A Connectors for electrical equipment - Tests and FprEN 62612:2011 measurements Part 27-100: Signal integrity tests up to Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services 500 MHz on IEC 60603-7 series connectors - Tests 27a with supply voltages > 50 V - Performance requirements to 27g Data Limite: 2012-03-30 (IEC 60512-27-100:201X) Data Limite: 2011-11-18 SR 46F FprEN 61169-1:2011 SR 48 Radio-frequency connectors Part 1: Generic FprEN 60512-28-100:2011 specification - General requirements and measuring Connectors for electrical equipment - Tests and methods measurements Part 28-100: Signal integrity tests up to (IEC 61169-1: 201X) 1 000 mhz on IEC 60603-7 and IEC 61076-3 series Data Limite: 2011-11-04 connectors - Tests 28a to 28g (IEC 60512-28-100:201X) SR 46F Data Limite: 2012-03-30 FprEN 61169-43:2011 Radio-frequency connectors Part 43: Sectional SR 48B specification for RBMA Series Blind mating RF coaxial FprEN 60512-99-001:2011 connectors Test schedule for engaging and separating connectors (IEC 61169-43:201X) under electrical load Part 99-001: Connectors used in Data Limite: 2012-03-16 twisted pair communication cabling with remote power (IEC 60512-99-001:201X) SR 47D Data Limite: 2011-11-18 FprEN 60191-4:2011 Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices SR 48D Part 4: Coding system and classification into forms of FprEN 60917-2-5:2011 package outlines for semiconductor device packages Modular order for the development of mechanical (IEC 60191-4: 201X) structures for electronic equipment practices Part 2-5: Data Limite: 2011-11-04 Cabinet interface dimensions for miscellaneous equipment SR 47D (IEC 60917-2-5:201X) FprEN 60191-4:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-16 Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices Part 4: Coding system and classification into forms of SR 48D package outlines for semiconductor device packages FprEN 61587-4:2011 (IEC 60191-4: 201X) Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests Data Limite: 2011-11-11 for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 Part 4: Combination of performance levels for modular cabinets SR 47D (IEC 61587-4:201X) FprEN 60191-6-1:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices Part 6-1: General rules for the preparation of outline SR 49 drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device FprEN 60679-3:2011 packages - Design guide for gull-wing lead terminals Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality (IEC 60191-6-1:201X) Part 3: Standard outlines and lead connections

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos (IEC 60679-3:201X) Data Limite: 2011-12-02 SR 87 FprEN 61689:2011 SR 56 Ultrasonics - Physiotherapy systems - Field FprEN 62628:2011 specifications and methods of measurement in the Guidance on software aspects of dependability frequency range 0,5 MHz to 5 MHz (IEC 62628:201X) (IEC 61689:201X) Data Limite: 2011-12-16 Data Limite: 2012-02-24

SR 65B SR 87 FprEN 61499-4:2011 EN 62127-1:2007 /FprA 1:2011 Wind turbines Part 12-2: Power performance verification Ultrasonics - Hydrophones Part 1: Measurement and of electricity producing wind turbines characterization of medical ultrasonic fields up to 40 (IEC 61499-4:201X) MHz Data Limite: 2012-01-13 (IEC 62127-1:2007/A1:201X) Data Limite: 2012-02-24 SR 65E FprEN 62337:2011 SR 87 Commissioning of electrical, instrumentation and control EN 62127-2:2007 /FprA 1:2011 systems in the process industry - Specific phases and Ultrasonics - Hydrophones Part 2: Calibration for milestones ultrasonic fields up to 40 MHz (IEC 62337:201X) (IEC 62127-2:2007/A1:201X) Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Data Limite: 2012-02-24

SR 65E SR 87 FprEN 62381:2011 EN 62127-3:2007 /FprA 1:2011 Automation systems in the process industry - Factory Ultrasonics - Hydrophones Part 3: Properties of Acceptance Test (FAT), Site Acceptance Test (SAT), and hydrophones for ultrasonic fields up to 40 MHz Site Integration Test (SIT) (IEC 62127-3:2007/A1:201X) (IEC 62381:201X) Data Limite: 2012-02-24 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 SR 87 SR 66 FprEN 62555:2011 FprEN 61010-2-032:2011 Ultrasonics - Power measurement - Output power Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement for high intensity therapeutic ultrasound measurement, control, and laboratory use Part 2-032: (HITU) transducers and systems Particular requirements for HAND-HELD and (IEC 62555:201X) hand-manipulated current sensors for electrical test and Data Limite: 2012-03-30 measurement (IEC 61010-2-032:201X) SR 89 Data Limite: 2012-03-09 FprEN 60695-2-10:2011 Fire hazard testing Part 2-10: Glowing/hot-wire based SR 85 test methods - Glow-wire apparatus and common test FprEN 61557-10:2011 procedure Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up (IEC 60695-2-10:201X) to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c.- Equipment for Data Limite: 2012-01-27 testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures Part 10 : Combined measuring equipment for testing, SR 89 measuring or monitoring of protective measures FprEN 60695-2-11:2011 (IEC 61557-10:201X) Fire hazard testing Part 2-11: Glowing/hot-wire based Data Limite: 2012-02-17 test methods - Glow-wire flammability test method for end-products SR 85 (IEC 60695-2-11:201X) FprEN 61557-14:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-03 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c and 1 500 V d.c - Equipment for testing, SR 89 measuring or monitoring of protective measures Part 14: FprEN 60695-11-2:2011 Equipment for testing the safety of electrical equipment Fire hazard testing Part 11-2: Test flames - 1 kW of machinery nominal pre-mixed flame: Apparatus, confirmatory test Data Limite: 2012-03-23 arrangement and guidance (IEC 60695-11-2:201X) SR 87 Data Limite: 2012-01-27 EN 61157:2007 /FprA 1:2011 Standard means for the reporting of the acoustic output SR 89 of medical diagnostic ultrasonic equipment FprEN 60695-11-10:2011 (IEC 61157:2007/A1:201X) Fire hazard testing Part 11-10: Test flames - 50 W Data Limite: 2012-02-24 horizontal and vertical flame test methods (IEC 60695-11-10:201X) SR 87 Data Limite: 2012-01-27 FprEN 61161:2011 Ultrasonics - Power measurement - Radiation force SR 89 balances and performance requirements FprEN 60695-11-20:2011 (IEC 61161:201X) Fire hazard testing Part 11-20: Test flames - 500 W Data Limite: 2012-02-24 flame test method

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos (IEC 60695-11-20:201X) SR 110 Data Limite: 2012-01-27 FprEN 61747-40-1:2011 Liquid crystal display devices Part 40-1: Mechanical SR 90 testing guidelines for display cover glass for mobile FprEN 61788-16:2011 devices Superconductivity Part 16: Electronic characteristic (IEC 61747-40-1:201X) measurements - Power-dependent surface resistance of Data Limite: 2012-01-06 superconductors at microwave frequencies (IEC 61788-16:201X) SR 110 Data Limite: 2012-03-30 FprEN 61988-2-1:2011 Plasma display panels Part 2-1: Measuring methods - SR 90 Optical and optoelectrical FprEN 61788-17:2011 (IEC 61988-2-1:201X) Superconductivity Part 17: Electronic characteristic Data Limite: 2012-01-06 measurements- Local critical current density and its distribution in large-area superconducting films SR 110 (IEC 61788-17:201X) FprEN 62341-6-2:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-30 Organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays Part 6-2: Measuring methods of visual quality and ambient SR 91 performance FprEN 61189-11:2011 (IEC 62341-6-2:201X) Test methods for electrical materials, interconnection Data Limite: 2012-01-06 structures and assemblies Part 11: Measurement of melting temperature or melting temperature ranges of SR 110 solder alloys FprEN 62595:2011 (IEC 61189-11:201X) Electro-optical measurement methods of LED backlight Data Limite: 2012-02-10 unit for liquid crystal displays (IEC 62595:201X) SR 91 Data Limite: 2011-12-09 FprEN 61191-1:2011 Printed board assemblies Part 1: Generic specification - SR 112 Requirements for soldered electrical and electronic FprEN 60544-2:2011 assemblies using surface mount and related assembly Electrical insulating materials - Guide for determining of technologies the effects of ionizing radiation on insulating materials (IEC 61191-1:201X) Part 2: Procedures for irradiation and test Data Limite: 2012-03-30 (IEC 60544-2:201X) Data Limite: 2011-11-04 SR 91 FprEN 61191-2:2011 TC 2 Printed board assemblies Part 2: Sectional specification FprEN 60034-28:2011 - Requirements for surface mount soldered assemblies Rotating electrical machines Part 28: Test methods for (IEC 61191-2:201X) determining quantities of equivalent circuit diagrams Data Limite: 2012-03-30 for three-phase low-voltage cage induction motors (IEC 60034-28:201X) SR 95 Data Limite: 2012-02-17 FprEN 60255-26:2011 Measuring relays and protection equipment Part 26: TC 9X Electromagnetic compatibility requirements FprEN 50553:2011 (IEC 60255-26:201X) Railway applications - Requirements for running Data Limite: 2012-02-17 capability in case of fire on board of rolling stock

SR 100 Data Limite: 2011-12-16 FprEN 62665:2011 Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia TC 13 e-publishing and e-book technologies - Texture map for FprEN 62059-32-1:2011 auditory presentation of printed texts Electricity metering equipment - Dependability Part 32-1: (IEC 62665: 201X) Durability - Testing of the stability of metrological Data Limite: 2011-11-25 characteristics by applying elevated temperature (IEC 62059-32-1:201X) SR 101 Data Limite: 2011-11-11 FprEN 61340-4-4:2011 Electrostatics Part 4-4: Standard test methods for specific TC 17B applications - Electrostatic classification of flexible EN 60947-4-1:2010 /FprA 1:2011 intermediate bulk containers (FIBC) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 4-1: (IEC 61340-4-4:201X) Contactors and motor-starters - Electromechanical Data Limite: 2011-11-18 contactors and motor-starters (IEC 60947-4-1:2009/A1:201X) SR 105 Data Limite: 2011-11-04 EN 62282-6-100:2010 /FprA 1:2011 Fuel cell technologies Part 6-100: Micro fuel cell power TC 17B systems - Safety FprEN 62683:2011 (IEC 62282-6-100:2010/A1:201X) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Product data Data Limite: 2012-03-02 and properties for information exchange (IEC 62683:201X)

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Data Limite: 2012-03-02 TC 34Z EN 60061-1:1993 /FprA 48:2011 TC 20 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the prEN 50565-1:2011 control of interchangeability and safety Part 1: Lamp Electric cables - Guide to use for cables with a rated caps voltage not exceeding 450/750 V Part 1: General (IEC 60061-1:1969/A48:201X) guidance Data Limite: 2012-01-13 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 TC 34Z TC 21X EN 60061-2:1993 /FprA 45:2011 FprEN 61056-2:2011 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the General purpose lead-acid batteries (valve-regulated control of interchangeability and safety Part 2: types) Part 2: Dimensions, terminals and marking Lampholders (IEC 61056-2:201X) (IEC 60061-2:1969/A45:201X) Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Data Limite: 2012-01-13

TC 23BX TC 34Z FprEN 60669-2-5:2011 EN 60061-3:1993 /FprA 46:2011 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the installations Part 2-5: Switches and related accessories control of interchangeability and safety Part 3: Gauges for use in home and buiding electronic systems (HBES) (IEC 60061-3:1969/A46:201X) (IEC 60669-2-5:201X) Data Limite: 2012-01-13 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 TC 34Z TC 23BX EN 60598-2-18:1994 /FprA 1:2011 EN 60669-2-5:2011 /FprA A:2011 Luminaires Part 2: Particular requirements Section 18: Switches for household and similar fixed electrical Luminaires for swimming pools and similar applications installations Part 2-5: Switches and related accessories (IEC 60598-2-18:1993/A1:201X) for use in home and buiding electronic systems (HBES) Data Limite: 2011-11-25 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 TC 34Z TC 23BX FprEN 60598-2-24:2011 EN 60669-2-6:2011 /FprA A:2011 Luminaires Part 2-24: Particular requirements - Switches for household and similar fixed electrical Luminaires with limited surface temperatures installations Part 2-6: Fireman's switches for exterior and (IEC 60598-2-24: 201X) interior signs and luminaires Data Limite: 2011-11-18 Data Limite: 2011-11-11 TC 34Z TC 23E EN 60838-2-2:2006 /FprA 1:2011 EN 60934:2001 /FprA 2:2011 Miscellaneous lampholders Part 2-2: Particular Circuit-breakers for equipment (CBE) requirements - Connectors for LED-modules (IEC 60934:2000/A2:201X) (IEC 60838-2-2:2006/A1:201X) Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Data Limite: 2012-02-03

TC 23E TC 34Z EN 61008-1:2004 /FprA C:2011 EN 61347-1:2008 /FprA 2:2011 Residual current operated circuit-breakers without Lamp controlgear Part 1: General and safety integral overcurrent protection for household and requirements similar uses (RCCB's) (IEC 61347-1:2007/A2:201X) Part 1: General rules Data Limite: 2012-01-20 Data Limite: 2011-11-25 TC 34Z TC 23E FprEN 61347-2-2:2011 EN 61009-1:2004 /FprA D:2011 Lamp controlgear Part 2-2: Particular requirements for Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic step-down convertors for overcurrent protection for household and similar uses filament lamps (RCCO's) (IEC 61347-2-2:201X) Part 1: General rules Data Limite: 2011-11-18 Data Limite: 2011-11-25 TC 34Z TC 26A FprEN 61347-2-7:2011 FprEN 60974-2:2011 Lamp controlgear Part 2-7: Particular requirements for Arc welding equipment Part 2: Liquid coolings systems battery supplied electronic controlgear for emergency (IEC 60974-2:201X) lighting (self-contained) Data Limite: 2012-01-06 (IEC 61347-2-7:201X) Data Limite: 2011-11-18 TC 31 FprEN 60079-35-2:2011 TC 34Z Explosive atmospheres Part 35-2: Caplights for use in FprEN 62034:2011 mines susceptible to firedamp - Performance and other Automatic test systems for battery powered emergency safety-related matters escape lighting (IEC 60079-35-2:201X) (IEC 62034:201X) Data Limite: 2011-11-18 Data Limite: 2012-01-06

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 37A TC 57 prEN 50539-11:2011 FprEN 61968-11:2011 Low-voltage surge protective devices - Surge protective Application integration at electric utilities - System devices for specific application including d.c. Part 11: interfaces for distribution management Part 11: Common Requirements and tests for SPDs in photovoltaic information model (CIM) extensions for distribution applications (IEC 61968-11:201X) Data Limite: 2011-11-04 Data Limite: 2012-01-06

TC 37A TC 59X prEN 61643-11:2011 prEN 60312-1:2011 Low-voltage surge protective devices Part 11: Surge Vacuum cleaners for houshold use - Dry vacuum - protective devices connected to Low-voltage power Methods for measuring performance distribution systems - Performance requirements and (IEC 60312-1:2010, modif) testing methods Data Limite: 2012-02-03 (IEC 61643-11:2011. modif) Data Limite: 2011-11-25 TC 59X FprEN 60312-3:2011 TC 40XA Vacuum cleaners for household use Cleaning robots for FprEN 60384-2:2011 houshold use - Dry cleaning - Methods of measuring Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 2: performance Sectional specification: Fixed metallized (IEC 60312-3:201X) polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric d.c. capacitors Data Limite: 2012-03-09 (IEC 60384-2:201X) Data Limite: 2011-11-18 TC 59X FprEN 60705:2011 TC 40XA Household microwave ovens - Methods for measuring FprEN 60384-13:2011 performance Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 13: (IEC 60705:2010, modif) Sectional specification - Fixed polypropylene film Data Limite: 2012-02-03 dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors (IEC 60384-13:201X) TC 59X Data Limite: 2011-11-18 EN 61591:1997 /prA A:2011 Household range hoods and other cooking fume TC 40XA extractors - Methods for measuring performance FprEN 60384-21:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-09 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 21: Sectional specification: Fixed surface mount multilayer TC 59X capacitors of ceramic dielectric, Class 1 FprEN 62512:2011 (IEC 60384-21:201X) Electric clothes washer-dryers for household use - Data Limite: 2011-11-18 Methods for measuring the performance (IEC 62512:201X) TC 40XA Data Limite: 2012-01-27 FprEN 60384-22:2011 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 22: TC 59X Sectional specification: Fixed surface mount multilayer prEN 62552:2011 capacitors of ceramic dielectric, Class 2 Household refrigerating appliances - Characteristics and (IEC 60384-22:201X) test methods Data Limite: 2011-11-18 (IEC 62552:2007, modif + corrigendum Mar 2008) Data Limite: 2011-11-25 TC 44X FprEN 61496-2:2011 TC 61 Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective EN 50416:2005 /FprAB B:2011 equipment Part 2: Particular requirements for equipment Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - using active opto-electronic protective devices (AOPDs) Particular requirements for commercial electric (IEC 61496-2:201X) conveyor diswashing machines Data Limite: 2012-03-02 Data Limite: 2011-11-11

TC 45B TC 61 FprEN 62387-1:2011 FprEN 50569:2011 Radiation protection instrumentation - Passive Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - integrating dosimetry systems for environmental and Particular requirements for commercial electric spin personal monitoring Part 1: General characteristics and extractors performance requirements Data Limite: 2011-11-18 (IEC 62387-1:2007, modif) Data Limite: 2011-11-25 TC 61 FprEN 50570:2011 TC 57 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - FprEN 61850-10:2011 Particular requirements for commercial electric tumble Communication networks and systems for powerutility dryers automation Part 10: Conformance testing Data Limite: 2011-11-18 (IEC 61850-10:201X) Data Limite: 2012-01-06 TC 61 FprEN 50571:2011 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Particular requirements for commercial electric washing TC 61 machines EN 60335-2-48:2003 /FprA A:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-25 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-48: Particular requirements for commercial electric TC 61 grillers and toasters EN 60335-2-7:2010 /FprA 1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-11 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-7: Particular requirements for washing machines TC 61 (IEC 60335-2-7:2008/A1:201X) EN 60335-2-49:2003 /FprAB A:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-18 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-49: Particular requirements for commercial electric TC 61 hot cupboards EN 60335-2-14:2006 /FprA A:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-11 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-14: Particular requirements for kitchen machines TC 61 Data Limite: 2011-12-16 EN 60335-2-54:2008 /FprA A:2011 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part TC 61 2-54: Particular requirements for surface-cleaning EN 60335-2-15:2002 /FprA A:2011 appliances for household use employing liquids or steam Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part Data Limite: 2012-01-13 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids TC 61 Data Limite: 2011-12-16 EN 60335-2-58:2005 /FprA C:2011 Household ans similar electrical appliances - Safety TC 61 Part 2-58: Particular requirements for commercial EN 60335-2-23:2003 /FprA 2:2011 electric dishwashing machines Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part Data Limite: 2011-11-11 2-23: Particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care TC 61 (IEC 60335-2-23:2003/A2:201X) EN 60335-2-64:2000 /FprAB B:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-09 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Part 2-64: Particular requirements for commercial TC 61 electric kitchen machines EN 60335-2-30:2009 /FprA A:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-11 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-30: Particular requirements for room heaters TC 61 Data Limite: 2012-01-13 EN 60335-2-65:2003 /FprA A:2011 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part TC 61 2-65: Particular requirements for air-cleaning appliances EN 60335-2-36:2002 /FprA A:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-11 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part 2-36: Particular requirements for commercial TC 62 electric cooking ranges, ovens, hobs and hob elements EN 60601-1-8:2007 /FprA 1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-11 Medical electrical equipment Part 1-8: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - TC 61 Collateral Standard: General requirements, tests and EN 60335-2-37:2002 /FprA A:2011 guidance for alarm systems in medical electrical Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part equipment and medical electrical systems 2-37: Particular requirements for commercial electric deep (IEC 60601-1-8:2006/A1:201X) fat fryers (IEC 60601-1-8:2006) Data Limite: 2011-11-11 (IEC 60601-1-8:2003/A1:200 Data Limite: 2011-11-18 TC 61 EN 60335-2-39:2003 /FprA A:2011 TC 62 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety EN 60601-2-1:2009 /FprA 1:2011 Part 2-39: Particular requirements for commercial Medical electrical equipment Part 2-1: Particular electric multi-purpose cooking pans requirements for basic safety and essential performance Data Limite: 2011-11-11 of electron accelerators in the range 1 MeV to 50 MeV (IEC 60601-2-1:2009/A1:201X) TC 61 Data Limite: 2012-03-16 EN 60335-2-42:2003 /FprA A:2011 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety TC 62 Part 2-42: Particular requirements for commercial EN 60601-2-41:2009 /FprA 1:2011 electric forced convection ovens, steam cookers and Medical electrical equipment Part 2-41: Particular steam-convection ovens requirements for basic safety and essential performance Data Limite: 2011-11-11 of surgical luminaires and luminaires for diagnosis (IEC 60601-2-41:2009/A1:201X) TC 61 Data Limite: 2011-11-25 EN 60335-2-47:2003 /FprA A:2011 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part TC 62 2-47: Particular requirements for commercial electric FprEN 60627:2011 boiling pans Diagnostic X-ray imaging equipment - Characteristics Data Limite: 2011-11-11 of general purpose and mammographic andti-scatter grids

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos (IEC 60627:201X) TC 64 Data Limite: 2012-02-03 prHD 60364-7-719:2011 Low-voltage installations Part 7-719: Requirements for TC 62 special installations or locations - Lighting FprEN 61217:2011 installations for advertising signs with a rated output Radiotherapy equipment - Coordinates, movements and voltage not exceeding 1 000 V, which are illuminated scales by hot-cathode-flurescent-lamps luminous-discharge (IEC 61217:201X) tubes (neon-tubes), inductive discharge lamps, light Data Limite: 2011-11-18 emitting diodes (LED) and/or LED modules Data Limite: 2012-02-10 TC 64 prHD 50573-5-57:2011 TC 64 Electrical devices coordination FprHD 60364-7-722:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-27 Low voltage electrical installations Part 7-722: Requirements for special installations or locations - TC 64 Supply of Electric vehicle HD 60364-5-56:2010 /FprA A:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-16 Low-voltage electrical installations Part 5-56: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Safety services TC 65X Data Limite: 2011-11-04 FprEN 61010-2-201:2011 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for TC 64 measurement, control, and laboratory use Part 2-201: FprHD 60364-5-557:2011 Particular requirements for control equipment Low-voltage electrical installations Part 5-557: Selection (IEC 61010-2-201:201X) and erection of electrical equipment - Auxiliary circuits Data Limite: 2011-12-02 (IEC 60364-5-55:2001/A3:201X) (fragment 2) Data Limite: 2011-11-11 TC 65X FprEN 61131-3:2011 TC 64 Programmable controllers Part 3: Programming EprHD 60364-5-559:2011 languages Low-voltage electrical installations Part 5-559: Selection (IEC 61131-3:201X) and erection of electrical equipment - Luminaires and Data Limite: 2012-01-27 lighting installations (IEC 60364-5-55:201X) TC 65X Data Limite: 2011-12-02 FprEN 61499-1:2011 Function blocks Part 1: Architecture TC 64 (IEC 61499-1:201X) HD 60364-5-559:2011 /FprA A:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-18 Low-voltage electrical installations Part 5-559: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Luminaires and TC 65X lighting installations FprEN 61499-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-02 Function blocks Part 2: Software tool requirements (IEC 61499-2:201X) TC 64 Data Limite: 2011-12-09 FprHD 60364-7-710:2011 Low-voltage electrical installations Part 7-710: TC 65CX Requirements for special installations or locations - FprEN 62439-7:2011 Medical locations Industrial communication networks - High availability (IEC 60364-7-710:2002, modif) automation networks Part 7: Ring-based Redundancy Data Limite: 2011-12-02 Protocol (RRP) (IEC 62439-7:201X) TC 64 Data Limite: 2011-11-18 FprHD 60364-7-714:2011 Low-voltage electrical installations Part 7-714: TC 65X Requirements for special installations or locations - FprEN 62603-1:2011 External lighting installations Industrial process control systems - Guideline for (IEC 60364-7-714:201X) evaluating process control systems Part 1: Specifications Data Limite: 2011-12-02 (IEC 62603-1:201X) Data Limite: 2012-03-02 TC 64 FprHD 60364-7-715:2011 TC 72 Low-voltage electrical installations Part 7-715: FprEN 60730-1:2011 Requirements for special installations or locations - Automatic electrical controls for household and similar Extra-low-voltage lighting installations use Part 1: General requirements (IEC 60364-7-715:201X) (IEC 60730-1:201X) Data Limite: 2011-12-02 Data Limite: 2012-04-06

TC 64 TC 79 HD 60364-7-715:2011 /FprA A:2011 prTS 50131-2-8:2011 Low-voltage electrical installations Part 7-715: Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems Part 2-8: Requirements for special installations or locations - Intrusion detectors - Shock detectors Extra-low-voltage lighting installations Data Limite: 2011-12-16 Data Limite: 2011-12-02

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 79 -Basic optical cable test procedures - Environmental FprEN 50136-1:2011 test methods Alarm systems - Alarm transmission systems and (IEC 60794-1-22:201X) equipament Part 1: General requirements for alarm Data Limite: 2012-03-09 transmission systems Data Limite: 2011-11-18 TC 86A FprEN 60794-1-23:2011 TC 81X Optical fibre cables Part 1-23: Generic specification - FprEN 62305-2:2011 Basic optical cable test procedures -Cable elements Protection against lightning Part 2: Risk management Test Methods (IEC 62305-2:2010, modif) (IEC 60794-1-23:201X) Data Limite: 2012-02-10 Data Limite: 2012-03-09

TC 82 TC 86A FprEN 61701:2011 FprEN 60794-2-11:2011 Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules Optical fibre cables Part 2-11: Indoor optical fibre (IEC 61701:201X) cables - Detailed specification for simplex and duplex Data Limite: 2011-11-25 cables for use in premises cabling (IEC 60794-2-1:201X) TC 86BXA Data Limite: 2011-12-09 FprEN 50411-2-2:2011 Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre TC 86A communication systems - Product specifications Part 2-2: FprEN 60794-2-21:2011 Sealed pan fibre splice closures Type 1, for category S Optical fibres cables Part 2-21: Indoor optical fibre & A cables Detailed specification for multi-fibre optical Data Limite: 2011-11-11 distribution cables for use in premises cabling (IEC 60794-2-21:201X) TC 86BXA Data Limite: 2011-12-09 FprEN 50411-2-3:2011 Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre TC 86A communication systems - Product specifications Part 2-3: FprEN 60794-2-31:2011 Sealed inline fibre splice closures Type 1, for category Optical fibre cables Part 2-31: Indoor optical fibre cables S & A - Detailed specification for optical fibre ribbon cables Data Limite: 2011-11-11 for use in premises cabling (IEC 60794-2-31:201X) TC 86BXA Data Limite: 2011-12-09 FprEN 50411-2-4:2011 Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre TC 86A communication systems - Product specifications Part 2-4: FprEN 60794-4-20:2011 Sealed dome fibre splice closures Type 1, for category S Optical fibre cables Part 4-20: Aerial optical cables & A along electrical power lines - Family specification for Data Limite: 2011-11-11 ADSS (All Dielectric Self Supported) Optical cables (IEC 60794-4-20: 201X) TC 86A Data Limite: 2012-03-02 FprEN 60793-1-42:2011 Optical fibres Part 1-42: Measurement methods and test TC 86BXA procedures - Chromatic dispersion FprEN 60876-1:2011 (IEC 60793-1-42:201X) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive Data Limite: 2012-02-24 components - Fibre optic spatial switches Part 1: Generic specification TC 86A (IEC 60876-1:201X) FprEN 60793-1-54:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-18 Optical fibres Part 1-54: Measurement methods and test procedures - Gamma irradiation TC 86BXA (IEC 60793-1-54:201X) FprEN 61300-2-11:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures TC 86A Part 2-11: Tests - Axial compression FprEN 60793-2-30:2011 (IEC 61300-2-11:201X) Optical fibres Part 2-30: Product specifications - Data Limite: 2011-11-25 Sectional specification for category A3 multimode fibres (IEC 60793-2-30:201X) TC 86BXA Data Limite: 2012-01-06 FprEN 61300-3-44:2011 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive TC 86A components - Basic test and measurement procedures Part FprEN 60793-2-50:2011 3-44: Examinations and measurements - Fibre optic Optical fibres Part 2-50: Product specifications - trancsceiver receptacle endface visual and automated Sectional specification for class B single-mode fibres inspection (IEC 60793-2-50:201X) (IEC 61300-3-44:201X) Data Limite: 2012-02-24 Data Limite: 2011-11-25

TC 86A TC 86BXA FprEN 60794-1-22:2011 FprEN 62664-1-1:2011 Optical fibre cables Part 1-22: Generic specification Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos components - Fibre optic connector product Data Limite: 2012-01-06 specifications Part 1-1: LC-PC duplex multi mode connectors terminated on IEC 60793-2 category A1a TC 116 fibre EN 60745-2-22:2011 /FprAB B:2011 (IEC 62664-1-1:201X) Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety Part Data Limite: 2011-11-25 2-22: Particular requirements for cut-off machines Data Limite: 2012-03-15 TC 88 FprEN 61400-12-2:2011 TC 205 Wind turbines Part 12-2: Power performance verification prEN 50491-6-1:2011 of electricity producing wind turbines General requirements for Home and Building Electronic (IEC 61400-12-2:201X) Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control Data Limite: 2012-01-13 Systems (BACS) Part 6-1: HBES installations - Installation and plannnning TC 106X Data Limite: 2011-12-09 EN 50360:2001 /FprA A:2011 Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile TC 206 phones with the basic restrictions related to human FprEN 62087:2011 exposure to electromagnetic fields (300 MHz - 3 GHz) Methods of measurement for the power consumption of Data Limite: 2012-01-06 audio, video and related equipment (IEC 62087:2011) TC 106X Data Limite: 2012-01-06 prEN 50566:2011 Product standard to demonstrate compliance of radio TC 209 frequency fields from handheld and body-mounted FprEN 50083-2:2011 wireless communication devices (30 MHz - 6 GHz) Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and Data Limite: 2012-02-03 interactive services Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility for equipment TC 106X Data Limite: 2011-11-11 FprEN 62209-1:2011 Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held TC 209 and body-mounted wireless communication devices human FprEN 60728-3-1:2011 models, instrumentation, and procedures Part 1: Procedure Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and to determine the specific absorption rate (sar) for interactive services Part 3-1: Methods of measurement of devices used next to the ear (frequency range of 300 mhz non-linearity for full digital channel load with DVB-C to 6 ghz) signals (IEC 62209-1:201X) (IEC 60728-3-1:201X) Data Limite: 2012-01-20 Data Limite: 2011-12-02

TC 108X TC 210 prTS 62441:2011 EN 55016-2-1:2009 /FprA 2:2011 Safeguards against accidentally caused candle flame Specification for radio disturbance and immunity ignition for audio/video, communication and measuring apparatus and methods Part 2-1: Methods of information technology equipment measurement of disturbances and immunity - Conducted (IEC/TS 62441:2011) disturbance measurements Data Limite: 2011-12-16 (CISPR 16-2-1:2008/A2:201X) Data Limite: 2011-12-09 TC 111X FprEN 50574:2011 TC 210 End of life requirements for household appliances EN 55016-2-3:2010 /FprA 2:2011 containing volatile fluorocarbons or volatile Specification for radio disturbance and immunity hydrocarbons measuring apparatus and methods Part 2-3: Methods of Data Limite: 2012-02-17 measurement of disturbances and immunity - Radiated disturbance measurements TC 116 (CISPR 16-2-3:2010/A2:201X) FprEN 50144-2-7:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Safety of hand-held electric motor operated tools Part 2-7: Particular requirements for spray guns TC 210 Data Limite: 2011-12-02 FprEN 55032:2011 Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment TC 116 - Emission requirements FprEN 60335-2-107:2011 (CISPR 32:201X) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part Data Limite: 2011-12-09 2-107 - Particular requirements for robotic battery powered electrical lawnmowers TC 210 (IEC 60335-2-107:201X) EN 55103-2:2009 /FprA ISA:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for audio, video, audio-visual and entertainment lighting TC 116 control apparatus for professional use Part 2: Immunity EN 60745-2-3:2011 /FprA 2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-04 Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety Part 2-3: Particular requirements for grinders, polishers and TC 213 disk-type sanders EN 50085-1:2005 /prA A:2011 (IEC 60745-2-3:2006 /A2:201X) Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos electrical installations Part 1: General requirements Data Limite: 2012-01-27

TC 215 prEN 50173-99-3:2011 Information technology - Generic cabling systems Part 99-3: Home cabling infrastructures up to 50 m in length to support simultaneous and non simultaneous provision of applications (BT/FR0178/Not) Data Limite: 2012-01-13

TC 215 EN 50173-5:2007 /prA B:2011 Information technology - Generic cabling systems Part 5: Data centres Data Limite: 2012-03-02

TC 216 EN 50291-1:2010 /FprA A:2011 Electrical apparatus for the detection of carbon monoxide in domestic premises Part 1: Test methods and performance requirements Data Limite: 2012-03-30

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Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

6.2 Propostas de anulação de Normas

AspropostasdeanulaçãodenormasestãoorganizadasporComitésTécnicosdoCENELEC. Paracadareferênciamencionaseadesignaçãocodificada,otítuloeadatalimiteparaa apresentaçãodecomentários.


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6.3 Proposta de estudo de novas normas - "Vilamoura Procedures"

Listadepropostasdeestudobaseadasemnovasnormasouemrevisãodenormasapresentadas pororganismosnacionaismembrosdoCENELEC,comvistaàpossívelelaboraçãodenormas europeias


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6.4 Questionários preliminares

ListadosDocumentosdeReferência(RD)objectodeQuestionáriosPreliminares(PQ),comvistaà suaaceitaçãocomonormaseuropeias.

TC 45AX PQ/UQ 61513:2011 Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - General requirements for systems (IEC 61513:2011) Data Limite: 2011-12-09

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7. Projectos de Normas e Propostas de Estudo de Novas Normas do Comité Europeu de Normalização (CEN) / Comité Europeu de Normalização Electrotécnica (CENELEC)

7.1 Projectos em inquérito público

Paracadareferênciamencionaseadesignaçãocodificada,otítuloeadatalimiteparaa apresentaçãodecomentários.


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8. Projectos de normas do Instituto Europeu de Normalização para as Telecomunicações (ETSI)

8.1 Projectos em inquérito público

Paracadareferênciamencionaseadesignaçãocodificada,otítuloeadatalimiteparaa apresentaçãodecomentários.

TC ETSI prEN 300019-2-2:2011 TC ETSI Equipment Engineering (EE); Environmental conditions prEN 300392-3-3:2011 and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Voice plus Data Part 2-2: Specification of environmental tests; (V+D) Part 3: Interworking at the Inter-System Transportation Interface (ISI); Sub-part 3: Additional Network Feature Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Group Call (ANF-ISIGC) Data Limite: 2011-11-07 TC ETSI prEN 300113-1:2011 TC ETSI Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum prEN 300396-1:2011 Matters (ERM); Land mobile service; Radio equipment Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Technical intended for the transmission of data (and/or speech) requirements for Direct Mode Operation (DMO) Part 1: using constant or non-constant envelope modulation and General network design having an antenna connector Part 1: Technical Data Limite: 2011-12-22 characteristics and methods of measurement Data Limite: 2011-11-21 TC ETSI prEN 300396-2:2011 TC ETSI Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Technical prEN 300113-2:2011 requirements for Direct Mode Operation (DMO) Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Radio aspects Matters (ERM); Land mobile service; Radio equipment Data Limite: 2011-12-22 intended for the transmission of data (and/or speech) using constant or non-constant envelope modulation and TC ETSI having an antenna connector Part 2: Harmonized EN prEN 300396-3:2011 covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Technical R&TTE Directive requirements for Direct Mode Operation (DMO) Data Limite: 2011-11-21 Part 3: Mobile Station to Mobile Station (MS-MS) Air Interface (AI) protocol TC ETSI Data Limite: 2011-12-22 prEN 300132-2:2011 Environmental Engineering (EE); Power supply interface TC ETSI at the input to telecommunications and datacom (ICT) prEN 300396-4:2011 equipment Part 2: Operated by - 48 V direct current (dc) Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Technical Data Limite: 2011-12-09 requirements for Direct Mode Operation (DMO) Part 4: Type 1 repeater air interface TC ETSI Data Limite: 2011-12-22 prEN 300132-3-0:2011 Environmental Engineering (EE); Power supply interface TC ETSI at the input to telecommunications and datacom (ICT) prEN 300396-5:2011 equipment Part 3: Operated by rectified current source, Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Technical alternating current source or direct current source up to requirements for Direct Mode Operation (DMO) 400 V Sub-part 0: Overview Part 5: Gateway air interface Data Limite: 2012-02-09 Data Limite: 2011-12-22

TC ETSI TC ETSI prEN 300132-3-1:2011 prEN 300753:2011 Environmental Engineering (EE); Power supply interface Equipment Engineering (EE); Acoustic noise emitted by at the input to telecommunications and datacom (ICT) telecommunications equipment equipment Part 3: Operated by rectified current source, Data Limite: 2011-11-10 alternating current source or direct current source up to 400 V Sub-part 1: Direct current source up to 400V TC ETSI Data Limite: 2012-02-09 prEN 301025-1:2011 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum TC ETSI Matters (ERM); VHF radiotelephone equipment for prEN 300328:2011 general communications and associated equipment for Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Class "D" Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Part 1: Matters (ERM); Wideband transmission systems; Data Technical characteristics and methods of measurement transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM Data Limite: 2011-11-10 band and using wide band modulation techniques; Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of TC ETSI article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive prEN 301178-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-24 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 84 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Matters (ERM); Portable Very High Frequency (VHF) Data Limite: 2011-11-07 radiotelephone equipment for the maritime mobile service operating in the VHF bands (for non-GMDSS TC ETSI applications only) Part 1: Technical characteristics and prEN 302208-1:2011 methods of measurement Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Data Limite: 2011-11-21 Matters (ERM); Radio Frequency Identification Equipment operating in the band 865 MHz to 868 MHz TC ETSI with power levels up to 2 W Part 1: Technical prEN 301489-23:2011 requirements and methods of measurement Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Data Limite: 2011-11-07 Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services Part 23: TC ETSI Specific conditions for IMT-2000 CDMA, Direct Spread prEN 302208-2:2011 (UTRA and E-UTRA) Base Station (BS) radio, repeater Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum and ancillary equipment Matters (ERM); Radio Frequency Identification Data Limite: 2011-11-10 Equipment operating in the band 865 MHz to 868 MHz with power levels up to 2 W Part 2: Harmonized EN TC ETSI covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the prEN 301545-2:2011 R&TTE Directive Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Second Generation Data Limite: 2011-11-07 DVB Interactive Satellite System (DVB-RCS2) Part 2: Lower Layers for Satellite standard TC ETSI Data Limite: 2011-12-29 prEN 302583:2011 Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Framing Structure, TC ETSI channel coding and modulation for Satellite Services to prEN 301559-1:2011 Handheld devices (SH) below 3 GHz Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Data Limite: 2011-12-07 Matters (ERM); Short Range Devices (SRD); Low Power Active Medical Implants (LP-AMI) operating in the TC ETSI frequency range 2 483,5 MHz to 2 500 MHz Part 1: prEN 302774:2011 Technical characteristics and test methods Broadband Wireless Access Systems (BWA) in the 3 400 Data Limite: 2011-11-10 MHz to 3 800 MHz frequency band; Base Stations; Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of TC ETSI article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive prEN 301559-2:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-15 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Short Range Devices (SRD); Low Power TC ETSI Active Medical Implants (LP-AMI) operating in the prEN 302878-1:2011 frequency range 2 483,5 MHz to 2 500 MHz Part 2: Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of (ATTM); Third Generation Transmission Systems for article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Interactive Cable Television Services - IP Cable Modems Data Limite: 2011-11-10 Part 1: General; DOCSIS 3.0 Data Limite: 2011-11-14 TC ETSI prEN 301649:2011 TC ETSI Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications prEN 302878-2:2011 (DECT); DECT Packet Radio Service (DPRS) Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing Data Limite: 2012-02-15 (ATTM); Third Generation Transmission Systems for Interactive Cable Television Services - IP Cable Modems TC ETSI Part 2: Physical Layer; DOCSIS 3.0 prEN 301681:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-14 Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Harmonized EN for Mobile Earth Stations (MESs) of Geostationary TC ETSI mobile satellite systems, including handheld earth prEN 302878-3:2011 stations, for Satellite Personal Communications Networks Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing (S-PCN) in the 1,5/1,6 GHz bands under the Mobile (ATTM); Third Generation Transmission Systems for Satellite Service (MSS) covering the essential Interactive Cable Television Services - IP Cable requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Modems Part 3: Downstream Radio Frequency Data Limite: 2011-11-18 Interface; DOCSIS 3.0 Data Limite: 2011-11-14 TC ETSI prEN 301839:2011 TC ETSI Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); 5 GHz high prEN 302878-4:2011 performance RLAN; Harmonized EN covering the essential Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive (ATTM); Third Generation Transmission Systems for Data Limite: 2011-11-11 Interactive Cable Television Services - IP Cable Modems Part 4: MAC and Upper Layer Protocols; TC ETSI DOCSIS 3.0 prEN 301841-3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-14 VHF air-ground Digital Link (VDL) Mode 2; Technical characteristics and methods of measurement for TC ETSI ground-based equipment Part 3: Harmonized EN covering prEN 302878-5:2011 the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing Directive (ATTM); Third Generation Transmission Systems for

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Interactive Cable Television Services - IP Cable Modems Part 5: Security Services; DOCSIS 3.0 Data Limite: 2011-11-14

TC ETSI prEN 302885-1:2011 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Portable Very High Frequency (VHF) radiotelephone equipment for the maritime mobile service operating in the VHF bands with integrated handheld class D DSC Part 1: Technical characteristics and methods of measurement Data Limite: 2011-11-10

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8.2 Propostas de anulação de Normas

Paracadareferênciamencionaseadesignaçãocodificada,otítuloeadatalimiteparaa apresentaçãodecomentários.


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9. Projectos de normas e propostas de estudo de novas Normas de Organização Internacional de Normalização (ISO)

OsprojectosdenormasepropostasdeestudodenovasnormasestãoorganizadasporComités TécnicosdaISO.

9.1 Projectos em inquérito público Paracadareferênciamencionaseadesignaçãocodificada,otítuloeadatalimiteparaa apresentaçãodecomentários. FDIS 3376:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Leather Physical and mechanical tests Determination of tensile strength and percentage extension TC 1 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 DIS 13383-1:2011 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical FDIS 3377-1:2011 ceramics) Leather Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of Microstructural characterization Part 1: Determination of tear load Part 1: Single edge tear grain size and size distribution Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Data Limite: 2012-01-18

FDIS 5402-1:2011 TC 4 Leather DIS 3228:2011 Determination of flex resistance Part 1: Flexometer Rolling bearings Cast and pressed housings for insert method bearings Boundary dimensions and tolerances Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Data Limite: 2012-03-21

FDIS 5403-1:2011 TC 6 Leather Determination of water resistance of flexible FDIS 534:2011 leather Part 1: Repeated linear compression Paper and board Determination of thickness, density and (penetrometer) specific volume Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Data Limite: 2011-11-01

FDIS 5403-2:2011 TC 6 Leather Determination of water resistance of flexible DIS 2469:2011 leather Part 2: Repeated angular compression (Maeser) Paper, board and pulps Measurement of diffuse radiance Data Limite: 2011-11-22 factor (diffuse reflectance factor) Data Limite: 2012-02-06 FDIS 5404:2011 Leather Physical test methods Determination of water TC 6 resistance of heavy leathers FDIS 5628:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Paper and board Determination of bending stiffness General principles for two-point, three-point and FDIS 11664-3:2011 four-point methods Colorimetry Part 3: CIE tristimulus values Data Limite: 2011-12-19 Data Limite: 2012-03-21 TC 6 FDIS 14087:2011 DIS 6588-1:2011 Leather Physical and mechanical tests Determination of Paper, board and pulps Determination of pH of aqueous bending force extracts Part 1: Cold extraction Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Data Limite: 2012-03-10

FDIS 17186:2011 TC 6 Leather Physical and mechanical tests Determination of DIS 6588-2:2011 surface coating thickness Paper, board and pulps Determination of pH of aqueous Data Limite: 2011-11-22 extracts Part 2: Hot extraction Data Limite: 2012-03-10 FDIS 17235:2011 Leather Physical and mechanical tests Determination of TC 6 softness DIS 12625-11:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Tissue paper and tissue products Part 11: Determination of wet ball burst strength FDIS 17731:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-01 Vehicle headlighting systems photometric performance Method of assessment TC 6 Data Limite: 2012-03-21 FDIS 12830:2011 Paper, board and pulps Determination of acid-soluble DIS 39001:2011 magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, sodium Road traffic safety (RTS) management systems and potassium Requirements with guidance for use Data Limite: 2011-11-01 Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 88 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Data Limite: 2012-03-21 TC 8 DIS 16145-1:2011 TC 20 Ships and marine technology Protective coatings and FDIS 10784-1:2011 inspection method Space systems Early operations Part 1: Spacecraft Part 1: Dedicated sea water ballast tanks initialization and commissioning Data Limite: 2011-12-05 Data Limite: 2011-11-20

TC 8 TC 20 DIS 16145-2:2011 FDIS 10784-2:2011 Ships and marine technology Protective coatings and Space systems inspection method Early operations Part 2: Initialization plan Part 2: Void spaces of bulk carriers and oil tankers Data Limite: 2011-11-20 Data Limite: 2011-12-05 TC 20 TC 8 FDIS 10784-3:2011 DIS 16145-3:2011 Space systems Early operations Part 3: Commissioning Ships and marine technology Protective coatings and report inspection method Data Limite: 2011-11-20 Part 3: Cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers Data Limite: 2011-12-05 TC 20 DIS 11225:2011 TC 8 Space environment (natural and artificial) Guide to DIS 16548:2011 reference and standard atmosphere models Ships and marine technology Ship design General Data Limite: 2011-11-29 guidance on emergency towing procedure Data Limite: 2012-01-23 TC 20 DIS 11227:2011 TC 8 Space systems Test procedure to evaluate spacecraft DIS 30004:2011 material ejecta upon hypervelocity impact Ships and marine technology Ship recycling management Data Limite: 2011-12-13 systems Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 30000 Data Limite: 2012-03-26 TC 20 DIS 12584:2011 TC 10 Aerospace Hydraulic fluid components Expression of FDIS 9177-1:2011 particulate contamination levels Mechanical pencils Part 1: Classification, dimensions, Data Limite: 2011-11-29 performance requirements and testing Data Limite: 2011-11-01 TC 20 DIS 14200:2011 TC 13 Space environment (natural and artificial) Guide to DIS 6263:2011 process-based implementation of meteoroid and debris Hydraulic fluid power environmental models (orbital altitudes below GEO + 2 Compensated flow-control valves Mounting surfaces 000 km) Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Data Limite: 2011-12-19

TC 17 TC 20 DIS 5001:2011 DIS 14222:2011 Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet for vitreous enamelling Space environment (natural and artificial) Earth upper atmosphere Data Limite: 2011-12-22 Data Limite: 2012-02-14

TC 17 TC 20 FDIS 9364:2011 DIS 16159:2011 Continuous hot-dip 55 % aluminium/zinc alloy-coated Space systems Launch pad and integration site Facility, steel sheet of commercial, drawing and structural system and equipment failure analysis qualities Data Limite: 2012-02-26 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 TC 20 TC 17 DIS 16682:2011 DIS 13270:2011 Aerospace Steel fibres for concrete Definitions and specifications Terminology for clamping devices Data Limite: 2012-01-17 Data Limite: 2011-12-12

TC 17 TC 22 DIS 16162:2011 DIS 2974:2011 Cold-rolled steel sheet products Dimensional and shape Diesel engines 60° female cones for high-pressure fuel tolerances injection components Data Limite: 2012-03-21 Data Limite: 2011-11-30

TC 17 TC 22 DIS 16163:2011 DIS 3560:2011 Continuously hot-dipped coated steel sheet products Road vehicles Frontal fixed barrier or pole impact test Dimensional and shape tolerances procedure

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Data Limite: 2012-02-28 requirements Data Limite: 2012-01-04 TC 22 DIS 4164:2011 TC 23 Mopeds Engine test code Net power FDIS 11680-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-30 Machinery for forestry Safety requirements and testing for polemounted powered pruners Part 1: Machines fitted TC 22 with an integral combustion engine DIS 6550-3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-01 Road vehicles Sheath-type glow-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing TC 23 Part 3: M10 glow-plugs FDIS 11680-2:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-16 Machinery for forestry Safety requirements and testing for polemounted powered pruners Part 2: Machines for TC 22 use with back-pack power source FDIS 8855:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-01 Road vehicles Vehicle dynamics and road-holding ability Vocabulary TC 23 Data Limite: 2011-11-01 FDIS 11681-1:2011 Machinery for forestry Portable chainsaw safety TC 22 requirements and testing Part 1: Chain-saws for forest FDIS 11452-4:2011 service Road vehicles Component test methods for electrical Data Limite: 2011-11-01 disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy TC 23 Part 4: Harness excitation methods FDIS 11681-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-27 Machinery for forestry Portable chainsaw safety requirements and testing Part 2: Chain-saws for tree TC 22 service DIS 12357-3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-01 Photography Psychophysical experimental methods for estimating image quality TC 23 Part 3: Quality ruler method DIS 11783-14:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-19 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry Serial control and communications data network Part 14: TC 22 Sequence control DIS 14229-3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-07 Road vehicles Unified diagnostic services (UDS Part 3: Unified TC 23 diagnostic services on CAN implementation FDIS 11806-1:2011 (UDSonCAN) Agricultural and forestry machinery Safety requirements Data Limite: 2011-12-01 and testing for portable, hand-held, powered brushcutters and grass-trimmers Part 1: Machines fitted TC 22 with an integral combustion engine DIS 16121-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Road vehicles Ergonomic requirements for the driver's workplace in line-service buses TC 23 Part 1: General description, basic requirements FDIS 11806-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-19 Agricultural and forestry machinery Safety requirements and testing for portable, hand-held, powered TC 22 brushcutters and grass-trimmers Part 2: Machines for DIS 16750-3:2011 use with back-pack power unit Road vehicles Environmental conditions and testing for Data Limite: 2011-11-08 electrical and electronic equipment Part 3: Mechanical loads TC 23 Data Limite: 2012-01-11 DIS 16231-1:2011 Self-propelled agricultural machinery Assessment of TC 22 stability Part 1: Principles DIS 18542-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-07 Road vehicles Standardized repair and maintenance information (RMI) terminology TC 23 Part 1: General information and use case definition DIS 16438:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-23 Agricultural irrigation equipment Thermoplastic collapsible hoses for irrigation Specifications and test TC 22 meth DIS 23274-2:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-12 Hybrid-electric road vehicles Exhaust emissions and fuel consumption measurements Part 2: Externally TC 23 chargeable vehicles FDIS 22867:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-09 Forestry and gardening machinery Vibration test code for portable handheld machines with internal combustion TC 23 engine Vibration at the handles DIS 4254-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Agricultural machinery Safety Part 1: General

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 28 DIS 11132:2011 DIS 13736:2011 Sensory analysis Methodology Guidelines for monitoring Determination of flash point Abel closed-cup method the performance of a quantitative sensory panel Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Data Limite: 2011-11-16

TC 29 TC 34 DIS 513:2011 DIS 13484:2011 Classification and application of hard cutting materials Foodstuffs General requirements for molecular biology for metal removal with defined cutting edges Designation analysis for detection and identification of destructive of the main groups and groups of application organisms in plants and derived products Data Limite: 2012-01-15 Data Limite: 2012-03-10

TC 29 TC 34 DIS 603-18:2011 DIS 13495:2011 Bonded abrasive products Dimensions Part 18: Grinding Foodstuffs Principles of selection and criteria of wheels for flat glass edge grinding machines validation for the varietal identification methods using Data Limite: 2012-03-01 specific nucleic acid analysis Data Limite: 2012-02-22 TC 29 ISO 10243:2010 /FDAM 1:2011 TC 34 Tools for pressing Compression springs with DIS 17180:2011 rectangular section Housing dimensions and colour Animal feeding stuffs Determination of lysine, coding methionine and threonine in commercial amino acid AMENDMENT 1 products and premixtures Data Limite: 2011-11-13 Data Limite: 2012-03-13

TC 30 TC 34 DIS 17089-2:2011 DIS 24115:2011 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits Ultrasonic Green coffee or raw coffee Procedure for calibration of meters for gas moisture meters Routine method Part 2: Meters for industrial applications Data Limite: 2011-12-27 Data Limite: 2011-11-29 TC 34 TC 31 ISO 24276:2006 /DAM 1:2011 DIS 3324-1:2011 Foodstuffs Methods of analysis for the detection of Aircraft tyres and rims genetically modified organisms and derived products Part 1: Specifications General requirements and definitions Data Limite: 2011-12-18 AMENDMENT 1 Data Limite: 2012-02-29 TC 31 DIS 3324-2:2011 TC 35 Aircraft tyres and rims Part 2: Test methods for tyres DIS 1524:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-18 Paints, varnishes and printing inks Determination of fineness of grind TC 31 Data Limite: 2012-01-04 ISO 4251-1:2005 /FDAM 1:2011 Tyres (ply rating marked series) and rims for TC 35 agricultural tractors and machines Part 1: Tyre FDIS 11127-1:2011 designation and dimensions, and approved rim Preparation of steel substrates before application of contours AMENDMENT 1 paints and related products Test methods for nonmetallic Data Limite: 2011-11-14 blast-cleaning abrasives Part 1: Sampling Data Limite: 2011-11-15 TC 31 ISO 4251-2:2005 /FDAM 1:2011 TC 35 Tyres (ply rating marked series) and rims for FDIS 11127-2:2011 agricultural tractors and machines Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products Test methods for nonmetallic Part 2: Tyre load ratings AMENDMENT 1 blast-cleaning abrasives Part 2: Determination of particle Data Limite: 2011-11-15 size distribution Data Limite: 2011-11-15 TC 34 DIS 5526:2011 TC 35 Cereals, pulses and other food grains Nomenclature FDIS 11127-3:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-20 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products Test methods for nonmetallic TC 34 blast-cleaning abrasives Part 3: Determination of ISO 7218:2007 /DAM 1:2011 apparent density Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs General Data Limite: 2011-11-15 requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations TC 35 AMENDMENT 1 FDIS 11127-4:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-13 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products Test methods for nonmetallic TC 34 blast-cleaning abrasives Part 4: Assessment of hardness by

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos a glass slide test Part 1: Geometric accuracy of machines operating under Data Limite: 2011-11-15 no-load or quasi-static conditions Data Limite: 2011-12-17 TC 35 FDIS 11127-5:2011 TC 41 Preparation of steel substrates before application of FDIS 5291:2011 paints and related products Test methods for nonmetallic Belt drives Grooved pulleys for joined classical V-belts blast-cleaning abrasives Part 5: Determination of Groove sections AJ, BJ, CJ and DJ (effective system) moisture Data Limite: 2011-11-26 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 TC 41 TC 35 DIS 5294:2011 FDIS 11127-6:2011 Synchronous belt drives Pulleys Preparation of steel substrates before application of Data Limite: 2012-03-05 paints and related products Test methods for nonmetallic blast-cleaning abrasives Part 6: TC 42 Determination of water-soluble contaminants by DIS 12234-1:2011 conductivity measurement Electronic still-picture imaging Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Removable memory Part 1: Basic removable-memory model TC 35 Data Limite: 2012-01-09 FDIS 11127-7:2011 Preparation of steel substrates before application of TC 42 paints and related products Test methods for nonmetallic DIS 18913:2011 blast-cleaning abrasives Part 7: Determination of Imaging materials Permanence Vocabulary water-soluble chlorides Data Limite: 2011-11-21 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 TC 42 TC 38 DIS 18929:2011 DIS 1140:2011 Imaging materials Wet-processed silver-gelatin type Fibre ropes Polyamide 3-, 4-, 8- and 12- strand ropes blackand-white phototgraphic reflection prints Data Limite: 2011-11-23 Specifications for dark storage Data Limite: 2011-12-04 TC 38 DIS 1141:2011 TC 42 Fibre ropes Polyester 3-, 4-, 8- and 12- strand ropes DIS 20462-3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-23 Photography Psychophysical experimental methods for estimating image quality TC 38 Part 3: Quality ruler method DIS 1346:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-20 Fibre ropes Polypropylene split film, monofilament and multifilament (PP2) and polypropylene high tenacity TC 43 multifilament (PP3) 3-, 4-, 8- and 12- strand ropes DIS 532-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-23 Acoustics Method for calculating loudness Part 1: Stationary sounds TC 38 Data Limite: 2011-12-19 DIS 1833-26:2011 Textiles Quantitative chemical analysis Part 26: TC 43 Mixtures of melamine and cotton or aramide fibres DIS 717-1:2011 (method using hot formic acid) Acoustics Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of Data Limite: 2012-02-29 building elements Part 1: Airborne sound insulation Data Limite: 2011-11-09 TC 38 FDIS 3758:2011 TC 43 Textiles Care labelling code using symbols DIS 717-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Acoustics Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements Part 2: Impact sound insulation TC 38 Data Limite: 2011-11-09 DIS 13015:2011 Woven fabrics Distortion Determination of skew and TC 43 bow DIS 1999:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-20 Acoustics Estimation of noise-induced hearing loss Data Limite: 2012-02-01 TC 38 DIS 13029:2011 TC 43 Textiles Determination of drying rate in dynamic state FDIS 3382-3:2011 by the modified sweating-guarded hotplate Acoustics Measurement of room acoustic parameters Part Data Limite: 2011-12-27 3: Open plan offices Data Limite: 2011-12-13 TC 39 FDIS 230-1:2011 TC 43 Test code for machine tools ISO 10140-1:2010 /FDAM 1:2011 Acoustics Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos elements Part 1: Application rules for specific products TC 45 AMENDMENT 1: Guidelines for the determination of the FDIS 10619-3:2011 sound reduction indexof joints filled with fillers and or Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing seals Measurement of flexibility and stiffness Part 3: Bending Data Limite: 2011-11-22 tests at high and low temperatures Data Limite: 2011-11-08 TC 43 FDIS 28961:2011 TC 45 Acoustics Statistical distribution of hearing thresholds FDIS 14932:2011 of otologically normal persons in the age range from 18 Rubber compounding ingredients Organic vulcanizing years to 25 years under free-field listening conditions agents Determination of organic peroxide content Data Limite: 2011-12-13 Data Limite: 2011-12-21

TC 44 TC 45 ISO 15614-1:2004 /FDIS 2:2011 FDIS 28017:2011 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for Rubber hoses and hose assemblies, wire or textile metallic materials Welding procedure test Part 1: Arc and reinforced, for dredging applications Specification gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and Data Limite: 2011-11-08 nickel alloys AMENDMENT 2 TC 48 Data Limite: 2011-12-20 DIS 6556:2011 Laboratory glassware Filter flasks TC 45 Data Limite: 2012-01-25 FDIS 125:2011 Natural rubber latex concentrate TC 54 Determination of alkalinity DIS 1342:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-05 Oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) Data Limite: 2012-02-06 TC 45 FDIS 1407:2011 TC 54 Rubber Determination of solvent extract FDIS 3065:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-13 Oil of eucalyptus Australian type, containing a volume fraction of 80 % to 85 % of 1,8-cineole TC 45 Data Limite: 2011-11-21 FDIS 3384-1:2011 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic Determination of TC 58 stress relaxation in compression Part 1: Testing at DIS 11114-2:2011 constant temperature Gas cylinders Data Limite: 2011-11-09 Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents Part 2: Non-metallic materials TC 45 Data Limite: 2011-11-30 FDIS 6072:2011 Rubber Compatibility between hydraulic fluids and TC 58 standard elastomeric materials DIS 19078:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-01 Gas cylinders Inspection of the cylinder installation, and requalification of high pressure cylinders for the TC 45 on-board DIS 8330:2011 storage of natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies Data Limite: 2012-01-02 Vocabulary Data Limite: 2011-12-07 TC 59 FDIS 21542:2011 TC 45 Building construction Accessibility and usability of the DIS 8331:2011 built environment Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies Guidelines Data Limite: 2011-11-22 for selection, storage, use and maintenance Data Limite: 2011-12-14 TC 59 DIS 21929-2:2011 TC 45 Sustainability in buildins and civil engineering works FDIS 10619-1:2011 Sustainability indicators Part 2: Framework for the Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing development of indicators for civil engineering works Measurement of flexibility and stiffness Part 1: Bending Data Limite: 2012-03-18 tests at ambient temperature Data Limite: 2011-11-08 TC 59 DIS 29481-2:2011 TC 45 Building information models Information delivery manual FDIS 10619-2:2011 Part 2: Interaction framework Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing Measurement of Data Limite: 2012-02-14 flexibility and stiffness Part 2: Bending tests at sub-ambient temperatures TC 60 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 DIS 1328-1:2011 Cylindrical gears ISO system of flank tolerance classification Part 1: Definitions and allowable values of deviations

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos relevant to flanks of gear teeth TC 61 Data Limite: 2012-02-16 DIS 13636:2011 Plastics Film and sheeting Non-oriented poly(ethylene TC 60 terephthalate) (PET) sheets DIS 10300-1:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-11 Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears Part 1: Introduction and general influence factors TC 61 Data Limite: 2011-12-06 ISO 17282:2004 /DAM 1:2011 Plastics Guide to the acquisition and presentation of TC 60 design data AMENDMENT 1 DIS 10300-2:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-10 Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears Part 2: Calculation of surface durability (pitting) TC 67 Data Limite: 2011-12-06 DIS 13628-14:2011 Petroleum and natural gas industries Design and TC 60 operation of subsea production systems Part 14: Subsea DIS 10300-3:2011 high integrity pressure protection systems (HIPPS) Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears Data Limite: 2012-03-13 Part 3: Calculation of tooth root strength Data Limite: 2011-12-06 TC 67 FDIS 13679:2011 TC 61 Petroleum and natural gas industries Procedures for FDIS 1133-1:2011 testing casing and tubing connections Plastics Determination of the melt mass-flow rate Data Limite: 2011-11-15 (MFR) and melt volumeflow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics Part 1: Standard method TC 67 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 DIS 14998:2011 Petroleum and natural gas industries Downhole TC 61 equipment Completion accessories FDIS 1133-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-14 Plastics Determination of the melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and melt volumeflow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics Part TC 67 2: Method for materials sensitive to timetemperature FDIS 23936-2:2011 history and/or moisture Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production TC 61 Part 2: Elastomers FDIS 2559:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Textile glass Mats (made from chopped or continuous strands) Designation and basis for specifications TC 68 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 DIS 17442:2011 Financial services Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) TC 61 Data Limite: 2011-12-14 FDIS 3342:2011 Textile glass Mats Determination of tensile breaking TC 68 force DIS 20022-6:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Financial services Universal financial industry message scheme TC 61 Part 6: Message transport characteristics FDIS 4604:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-29 Reinforcement fabrics Determination of conventional flexural stiffness TC 70 Fixed-angle flexometer method DIS 8528-5:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-07 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets Part 5: Generating sets TC 61 Data Limite: 2012-03-26 FDIS 4900:2011 Textile glass TC 71 Mats and fabrics Determination of contact mouldability DIS 14824-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-07 Grout for prestressing tendons Part 1: Basic requirements TC 61 Data Limite: 2011-11-29 DIS 11963:2011 Plastics Polycarbonate sheets Types, dimensions and TC 71 characteristics DIS 14824-2:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-11 Grout for prestressing tendons Part 2: Grouting procedures TC 61 Data Limite: 2011-11-29 DIS 13106:2011 Plastics Blow-moulded polypropylene containers for TC 71 packaging of liquid foodstuffs DIS 14824-3:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-19 Grout for prestressing tendons Part 3: Test methods Data Limite: 2011-11-29

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 92 TC 71 DIS 19701:2011 DIS 16204:2011 Methods for sampling and analysis of fire effluents Durability Service life design of concrete structures Data Limite: 2012-03-25 Data Limite: 2012-02-14 TC 92 TC 71 DIS 29903:2011 DIS 16311-1:2011 Guidance for comparison of toxic gas data between Maintenance and repair of concrete structures different physical fire models and scales Part 1: General principles Data Limite: 2011-12-14 Data Limite: 2011-11-24 TC 94 TC 79 DIS 6529:2011 FDIS 8287:2011 Protective clothing Magnesium and magnesium alloys Unalloyed magnesium Protection against chemicals Determination of resistance Chemical composition of protective clothing materials to permeation by liquids Data Limite: 2011-11-15 and gases Data Limite: 2011-12-14 TC 84 DIS 10555-1:2011 TC 94 Intravascular catheters Sterile and single-use catheters DIS 13688:2011 Part 1: General requirements Protective clothing General requirements Data Limite: 2012-02-29 Data Limite: 2011-12-14

TC 84 TC 94 DIS 10555-3:2011 ISO 16602:2007 /DAM 1:2011 Intravascular catheters Sterile and single-use catheters Protective clothing for protection against chemicals Part 3: Central venous catheters Classification, labelling and performance requirements Data Limite: 2012-02-29 AMENDMENT 1 Data Limite: 2012-01-26 TC 84 DIS 10555-4:2011 TC 94 Intravascular catheters DIS 16900-3:2011 Sterile and single-use catheters Part 4: Balloon Respiratory protective devices Methods of test and test dilatation catheters equipment Part 3: Determination of particle filter Data Limite: 2012-03-06 penetration Data Limite: 2011-12-21 TC 84 DIS 10555-5:2011 TC 94 Intravascular catheters Sterile and single-use catheters DIS 16900-11:2011 Part 5: Over-needle peripheral catheters Respiratory protective devices Methods of test and test Data Limite: 2012-03-06 equipment Part 11: Determination of field of vision Data Limite: 2012-01-26 TC 85 DIS 8300:2011 TC 94 Nuclear fuel technology Determination of plutonium DIS 17420-3:2011 content in plutonium dioxide of nuclear grade quality Respiratory protective devices Performance requirements Gravimetric method Part 3: Thread connection Data Limite: 2012-01-22 Data Limite: 2012-02-23

TC 91 TC 94 FDIS 4317:2011 FDIS 20344:2011 Surface-active agents and detergents Determination of Personal protective equipment Test methods for footwear water content Karl Fischer methods Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 TC 94 TC 92 FDIS 20345:2011 DIS 12468-1:2011 Personal protective equipment Safety footwear External exposure of roofs to fire Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Part 1: Test method Data Limite: 2012-01-16 TC 94 DIS 20471:2011 TC 92 High-visibility warning clothing for professional use DIS 13571:2011 Test methods and requirements Life-threatening components of fire Guidelines for the Data Limite: 2011-11-08 estimation of time to compromised tenability in fires Data Limite: 2012-02-06 TC 96 ISO 4306-3:2003 /FDAM 1:2011 TC 92 Cranes DIS 14934-2:2011 Vocabulary Part 3: Tower cranes Fire tests Calibration and use of heat flux meters Part 2: AMENDMENT 1 Primary calibration methods Data Limite: 2011-11-13 Data Limite: 2011-11-21

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 96 ISO 7752-1:2010 /DAM 1:2011 TC 107 Cranes Control layout and characteristics DIS 13826:2011 Part 1: General principles Metallic and other inorganic coatings Determination of AMENDMENT 1 thermal conductivity of thermally sprayed ceramic Data Limite: 2011-12-19 coatings by laser flash method Data Limite: 2012-02-12 TC 96 DIS 15442:2011 TC 108 Cranes Safety requirements for loader cranes DIS 21940-21:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-15 Mechanical vibration Rotor balancing Part 21: Description and evaluation of balancing machines TC 96 Data Limite: 2012-03-13 DIS 16625:2011 Cranes and hoists Selection of wire ropes, drums and TC 112 sheaves DIS 14291:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-23 Vacuum gauges Definitions and specifications for quadrupole mass spectrometers TC 104 Data Limite: 2012-01-11 DIS 668:2011 Series 1 freight containers Classification, dimensions and TC 113 ratings DIS 4359:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-05 Liquid flow measurement in open channels Rectangular, trapezoidal and U-shaped flumes TC 104 Data Limite: 2012-01-17 DIS 1496-1:2011 Series 1 freight containers TC 113 Specification and testing Part 1: General cargo DIS 4377:2011 containers for general purposes Hydrometric determinations Flow measurement in open Data Limite: 2012-01-17 channels using structures Flat-V weirs Data Limite: 2011-11-16 TC 104 FDIS 18186:2011 TC 114 Freight containers RFID cargo shipment tag system FDIS 10552:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-26 Timekeeping instruments Crowns and sealed tubes Designs and dimensions TC 106 Data Limite: 2011-12-11 ISO 6360-2:2004 /FDAM 1:2011 Dentistry Number coding system for rotary instruments TC 118 Part 2: Shapes DIS 3857-4:2011 AMENDMENT 1 Compressors, pneumatic tools and machines Data Limite: 2011-11-22 Vocabulary Part 4: Air treatment Data Limite: 2012-03-05 TC 106 DIS 10323:2011 TC 119 Dentistry Bore diameters for rotary instruments such as DIS 7625:2011 discs and wheels Sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals Data Limite: 2011-11-30 Preparation of samples for chemical analysis for determination of carbon content TC 106 Data Limite: 2011-11-09 DIS 13078:2011 Dentistry Dental furnace Test method for temperature TC 119 measurement with separate thermocouple FDIS 13947:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-28 Metallic powders Test method for the determination of non-metallic inclusions in metal powders using a TC 106 powder-forged specimen FDIS 20126:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Dentistry Manual toothbrushes General requirements and test TC 119 methods FDIS 14168:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-06 Metallic powders, excluding hardmetals Method for testing copperbase infiltrating powders TC 107 Data Limite: 2011-11-01 FDIS 12670:2011 Thermal spraying Components with thermally sprayed TC 120 coatings Technical supply conditions ISO 5431:1999 /DAM 1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Leather Wet blue goat skins Specification AMENDMENT 1 TC 107 Data Limite: 2012-01-15 FDIS 13123:2011 Metallic and other inorganic coatings Test method of TC 120 cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under ISO 5432:1999 /DAM 1:2011 temperature gradient Leather Wet blue sheep skins Specification Data Limite: 2011-11-29 AMENDMENT 1

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Data Limite: 2012-01-15 TC 122 TC 120 DIS 17367:2011 ISO 5433:1999 /DAM 1:2011 Supply chain applications of RFID Product tagging Leather Bovine wet blue Specification Data Limite: 2011-11-03 AMENDMENT 1 Data Limite: 2012-01-15 TC 122 DIS 17451-1:2011 TC 120 Packaging DIS 11396:2011 Numeric Codification of Contents for Electronic Crocodile skins Description of presentation and defects, Inventories and Manifests of Household Goods and grading on the basis of defect, size (length) and origin Personal Effects Shipments Part 1: Messaging and coding Data Limite: 2011-12-29 of inventory numbers, locations and exceptions Data Limite: 2011-12-12 TC 120 DIS 11398:2011 TC 122 Raw ostrich skins Description of defects, guidelines for DIS 18601:2011 presentation and grading on basis of defects Packaging and the environment General requirements for Data Limite: 2012-02-12 the use of ISO standards in the field of packaging and the environment TC 121 Data Limite: 2012-01-02 ISO 5359:2008 /FDAM 1:2011 Low-pressure hose assemblies for use with medical TC 122 gases AMENDMENT 1 DIS 18602:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-01 Packaging and the environment Optimization of the packaging system TC 121 Data Limite: 2012-01-02 FDIS 5360:2011 Anaesthetic vaporizers Agent-specific filling systems TC 122 Data Limite: 2011-12-15 DIS 18603:2011 Packaging and the environment Reuse TC 121 Data Limite: 2012-01-02 ISO 7396-1:2007 /DAM 3:2011 Medical gas pipeline systems Part 1: Pipeline systems TC 122 for compressed medical gases and vacuum DIS 18604:2011 AMENDMENT 3: Alarm system terminology Packaging and the environment Material recycling Data Limite: 2012-03-06 Data Limite: 2012-01-02

TC 121 TC 122 ISO 10524-3:2005 /DAM 1:2011 DIS 18605:2011 Pressure regulators for use with medical gases Part 3: Packaging and the environment Energy recovery Pressure regulators integrated with cylinder valves Data Limite: 2012-01-02 AMENDMENT 1: Filtration and information to be supplied by the manufacturer TC 122 Data Limite: 2012-02-08 DIS 18606:2011 Packaging and the environment Organic recycling TC 121 Data Limite: 2012-01-02 FDIS 80601-2-55:2011 Medical electrical equipment Part 2-55: Particular TC 123 requirements for the basic safety and essential DIS 3548-3:2011 performance of respiratory gas monitors Plain bearings Thin-walled half bearings with or without Data Limite: 2011-11-01 flange. Part 3: Measurement of peripheral length Data Limite: 2011-12-22 TC 122 DIS 17363:2011 TC 123 Supply chain applications of RFID Freight containers DIS 13939:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-03 Foil bearings Guidelines for testing of the performance of foil journal bearings Testing of load capacity, friction TC 122 coefficient and lifetime DIS 17364:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-23 Supply chain applications of RFID Returnable transport items (RTIs) TC 126 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 DIS 7210:2011 Routine analytical cigarette-smoking machine Additional TC 122 test methods for machine verification DIS 17365:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-29 Supply chain applications of RFID Transport units Data Limite: 2011-11-03 TC 126 DIS 10315:2011 TC 122 Cigarettes Determination of nicotine in smoke DIS 17366:2011 condensates Gas-chromatographic method Supply chain applications of RFID Product packaging Data Limite: 2012-03-07 Data Limite: 2011-11-22

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos TC 131 TC 126 DIS 7790:2011 DIS 13110:2011 Hydraulic fluid power Four-port modular stack valves and Cigarettes Determination of menthol in smoke four-port directional control valves, sizes 02, 03, 05, 07, condensates Gas-chromatographic method 08 Data Limite: 2012-03-11 and 10 Clamping dimensions Data Limite: 2011-11-07 TC 126 DIS 16055:2011 TC 131 Tobacco and tobacco products Monitor test piece DIS 11170:2011 Requirements and use Hydraulic fluid power Sequence of tests for verifying Data Limite: 2012-02-22 performance characteristics of filter elements Data Limite: 2012-02-14 TC 126 DIS 16632:2011 TC 131 Tobacco and tobacco products Determination of water DIS 14540:2011 content Gas-chromatographic method Hydraulic fluid power Dimensions and requirements for Data Limite: 2012-03-07 screw-to-connect quick-action couplings for use at a pressure of 72 MPa (720 bar) TC 127 Data Limite: 2012-01-04 DIS 11979-1:2011 Ophthalmic implants Intraocular lenses TC 131 Part 1: Vocabulary DIS 14541:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-11 Hydraulic fluid power Dimensions and requirements for screw-to-connect type quick-action couplings for general TC 130 purpose DIS 12647-6:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-04 Graphic technology Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proofs and production TC 131 prints Part 6: Flexographic printing FDIS 16589-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-13 Rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating thermoplastic sealing elements Part 2: Vocabulary TC 130 Data Limite: 2011-11-03 DIS 15339-1:2011 Graphic technology Printing from digital data across TC 135 multiple technologies DIS 19232-1:2011 Part 1: Principles and characterized reference printing Non-destructive testing conditions Image quality of radiographs Part 1: Image quality Data Limite: 2012-01-04 indicators (wire type) - Determination of image quality value TC 131 Data Limite: 2011-11-16 DIS 6162-1:2011 Hydraulic fluid power Flange connections with split or TC 135 one-piece flange clamps and metric or inch screws DIS 19232-2:2011 Part 1: Flange connectors, ports and mounting surfaces Non-destructive testing Image quality of radiographs for use at pressures of 3,5 MPa (35 bar) to 35 MPa (350 Part 2: Image quality indicators (step/hole type) - bar), DN 13 to DN 127 Determination of image quality value Data Limite: 2011-11-17 Data Limite: 2011-11-16

TC 131 TC 135 DIS 6162-2:2011 DIS 19232-3:2011 Hydraulic fluid power Non-destructive testing Flange connections with split or one-piece flange Image quality of radiographs Part 3: Image quality clamps and metric or inch screws Part 2: Flange classes for ferrous metals connectors, ports and mounting surfaces for use at a Data Limite: 2011-11-16 pressure of 42 MPa (420 bar), DN 13 to DN 76 Data Limite: 2011-11-17 TC 135 DIS 19232-4:2011 TC 131 Non-destructive testing Image quality of radiographs DIS 6195:2011 Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values Fluid power systems and components Cylinder-rod and image quality tables wiperring housings in reciprocating applications Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Dimensions and tolerances Data Limite: 2011-11-28 TC 135 DIS 19232-5:2011 TC 131 Non-destructive testing DIS 6358-3:2011 Image quality of radiographs Part 5: Image quality Pneumatic fluid power Determination of flow-rate indicators (duplex wire type) - Determination of image characteristics of components unsharpness value Part 3: Method for calculating steady-state flow-rate Data Limite: 2011-11-16 characteristics of assemblies Data Limite: 2012-03-06 TC 138 DIS 8513:2011 Plastics piping systems Glass-reinforced thermosetting

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos plastics (GRP) pipes Test methods for the determination of the apparent initial longitudinal tensile strength TC 145 Data Limite: 2011-12-05 ISO 7010:2011 /DAM 117:2011 Graphical symbols TC 138 Safety colours and safety signs - Registered safety DIS 12230:2011 signs AMENDMENT 117: Safety sign E026: First aid Polybutene-1 (PB-1) pipes Effect of time and temperature call point on the expected strength Data Limite: 2012-03-04 Data Limite: 2011-11-30 TC 145 TC 138 ISO 7010:2011 /DAM 118:2011 DIS 15398:2011 Graphical symbols Safety colours and safety signs - Specifications for thermoplastics covers and frames for Registered safety signs AMENDMENT 118: Safety sign manholes and inspection chambers used in non-traffic F007: Fire alarm sounder areas Data Limite: 2012-03-04 Data Limite: 2011-11-24 TC 146 TC 138 FDIS 13138:2011 DIS 16422:2011 Air quality Sampling conventions for airborne particle Pipes and joints made of oriented unplasticized deposition in the human respiratory system poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O) for the conveyance of water Data Limite: 2011-12-20 under pressure Specifications Data Limite: 2012-01-11 TC 146 DIS 14382:2011 TC 138 Workplace atmospheres Determination of toluene DIS 17467-1:2011 diisocyanate vapours using 1-(2-pyridyl)piperazine-coated Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels glass fibre filters and analysis by high performance Unplasticized polyamide (PA-U) piping systems jointed liquid chromatography with ultraviolet and fluorescence by solvent cement Part 1: General detectors Data Limite: 2012-03-01 Data Limite: 2012-03-04

TC 138 TC 146 DIS 17467-2:2011 FDIS 16000-4:2011 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels Indoor air Unplasticized polyamide (PA-U) piping systems jointed Part 4: Determination of formaldehyde — Diffusive by solvent cement Part 2: Pipes sampling method Data Limite: 2012-03-01 Data Limite: 2011-11-15

TC 138 TC 146 DIS 17467-3:2011 FDIS 16000-6:2011 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels Indoor air Part 6: Determination of volatile organic Unplasticized polyamide (PA-U) piping systems jointed compounds in indoor and test chamber air by active by solvent cement Part 3: Fittings sampling on Tenax TA„µ sorbent, thermal desorption Data Limite: 2012-03-01 and gas chromatography using MS or MS-FID Data Limite: 2011-11-09 TC 138 DIS 17484-1:2011 TC 146 Plastics piping systems FDIS 16000-25:2011 Multilayer pipe systems for indoor gas installations Indoor air with a maximum operating pressure up to and including 5 Part 25: Determination of the emission of bar (500 kPa) Part 1: Specifications for systems semivolatile organic compounds by building products - Data Limite: 2012-01-23 Micro-chamber method Data Limite: 2012-05-29 TC 138 FDIS 19893:2011 TC 146 Plastics piping systems Thermoplastics pipes and DIS 16911-1:2011 fittings for hot and cold water Test method for the Stationary source emissions Determination of velocity resistance of mounted assemblies to temperature cycling and volume flow rate in ducts Part 1: Manual reference Data Limite: 2011-11-20 method Data Limite: 2012-03-13 TC 145 ISO 7010:2011 /DAM 115:2011 TC 146 Graphical symbols Safety colours and safety signs - DIS 16911-2:2011 Registered safety signs AMENDMENT 115: Safety sign Stationary source emissions Determination of velocity E024: Evacuation temporary refuge and volume flow rate in ducts Part 2: Automated Data Limite: 2012-03-04 measuring systems Data Limite: 2012-03-13 TC 145 ISO 7010:2011 /DAM 116:2011 TC 147 Graphical symbols Safety colours and safety signs - FDIS 7887:2011 Registered safety signs AMENDMENT 116: Safety sign Water quality Examination and determination of colour E025: Emergency call point Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Data Limite: 2012-03-04

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Data Limite: 2012-02-01 TC 147 DIS 14189:2011 TC 159 Water quality Enumeration of Clostridium perfringens DIS 11064-4:2011 Method using membrane filtration Ergonomic design of control centres Part 4: Layout and Data Limite: 2012-03-21 dimensions of workstations Data Limite: 2012-02-22 TC 147 FDIS 14380:2011 TC 160 Water quality Determination of the acute toxicity to FDIS 28278-1:2011 Thamnocephalus platyurus (Crustacea, Anostraca) Glass in building Glass products for structural sealant Data Limite: 2011-11-01 glazing Part 1: Supported and unsupported monolithic and multiple glazing TC 150 Data Limite: 2011-11-01 FDIS 14242-1:2011 Implants for surgery Wear of total hipjoint prostheses TC 163 Part 1: Loading and displacement parameters for DIS 13788:2011 wear-testing machines and corresponding environmental Hygrothermal performance of building components and conditions for test building elements Internal surface temperature to avoid Data Limite: 2011-12-12 critical surface humidity and interstitial condensation Calculation methods TC 150 Data Limite: 2011-11-09 FDIS 25539-3:2011 Cardiovascular implants Endovascular devices Part 3: TC 164 Vena cava filters FDIS 13314:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 Mechanical testing of metals Ductility testing Compression test for porous and cellular metals TC 156 Data Limite: 2011-11-27 DIS 7539-1:2011 Corrosion of metals and alloys Stress corrosion testing TC 171 Part 1: General guidance on testing procedures DIS 14739-1:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-20 Document management - 3D use of Product Representation Compact (PRC) format Part 1: PRC TC 156 10001 DIS 7539-10:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-07 Corrosion of metals and alloys Stress corrosion testing Part 10: Reverse U-bend method TC 171 Data Limite: 2011-12-08 DIS 19005-3:2011 Document management - Electronic document file format TC 156 for long-term preservation Part 3: Use of ISO 32000-1 DIS 7539-11:2011 with support for embedded files (PDF/A-3) Corrosion of metals and alloys Data Limite: 2011-11-29 Stress corrosion cracking Part 11: Guidelines for testing the resistance of metals and alloys to hydrogen TC 172 embrittlement and hydrogen-assisted cracking DIS 8598-1:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-25 Optics and optical instruments Focimeters Part 1: General purpose instruments TC 156 Data Limite: 2011-11-22 DIS 13573:2011 Corrosion of metals and alloys Test method for TC 172 thermal-cycling exposure testing under high-temperature DIS 8600-7:2011 corrosion conditions for metallic materials Optics and photonics Medical endoscopes and Data Limite: 2012-02-06 endotherapy devices Part 7: Basic requirements for medical endoscopes of TC 156 water-resistant type DIS 16701:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-15 Corrosion of metals and alloys Corrosion in artificial atmosphere Accelerated corrosion test involving exposure TC 172 under controlled conditions of humidity cycling and DIS 8980-3:2011 intermittent spraying of a salt solution Ophthalmic optics Uncut finished spectacle lenses Part Data Limite: 2012-03-20 3: Transmittance specifications and test methods Data Limite: 2012-03-13 TC 156 DIS 21601:2011 TC 172 Corrosion of metals and alloys Guidelines for assessing DIS 9211-4:2011 the significance of stress corrosion cracks detected in Optics and photonics Optical coatings Part 4: Specific service test methods Data Limite: 2012-01-25 Data Limite: 2012-03-10

TC 156 TC 172 DIS 26146:2011 DIS 9394:2011 Corrosion of metals and alloys Method for Ophthalmic optics Contact lenses and contact lens care metallographic examination of samples after exposure to products Determination of biocompatibility by ocular high-temperature corrosive environments study with rabbit eyes

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Data Limite: 2012-02-29 Part 3: Determination of effectiveness of brakes Data Limite: 2011-11-28 TC 172 FDIS 10685-1:2011 TC 181 Ophthalmic optics Spectacle frames and sunglasses ISO 8124-1:2009 /FDAM 1:2011 electronic catalogue and identification Part 1: Product Safety of toys identification and electronic catalogue product hierarchy Part 1: Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical Data Limite: 2011-11-22 properties AMENDMENT 1 TC 172 Data Limite: 2011-11-26 DIS 10685-2:2011 Ophthalmic optics Spectacle frames and sunglasses TC 184 electronic catalogue and identification DIS 13482:2011 Part 2: Commercial information Robots and robotic devices Safety requirements for Data Limite: 2012-01-04 nonindustrial Non-medical personal care robot Data Limite: 2012-02-08 TC 172 DIS 10685-3:2011 TC 184 Ophthalmic optics Spectacle frames and sunglasses DIS 14306:2011 electronic catalogue and identification Industrial automation systems and integration JT file Part 3: Technical information format specification for 3D visualization Data Limite: 2012-01-04 Data Limite: 2012-03-14

TC 172 TC 184 DIS 11979-3:2011 DIS 22400-2:2011 Ophthalmic implants Automation systems and integration Key performance Intraocular lenses Part 3: Mechanical properties and indicators for manufacturing operations management Part test methods 2: Definitions and descriptions Data Limite: 2012-01-11 Data Limite: 2012-03-04

TC 172 TC 185 ISO 11979-4:2008 /DAM 1:2011 DIS 4126-7:2011 Ophthalmic implants Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure Intraocular lenses Part 4: Labelling and information Part 7: Common data AMENDMENT 1 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Data Limite: 2012-01-11 TC 188 TC 172 FDIS 12133:2011 DIS 14889:2011 Small craft Carbon monoxide (CO) detection systems Ophthalmic optics Spectacle lenses Fundamental Data Limite: 2011-11-20 requirements for uncut finished lenses Data Limite: 2012-03-20 TC 190 DIS 17380:2011 TC 172 Soil quality Determination of total cyanide and easily DIS 17123-4:2011 liberatable cyanide Continuous-flow analysis method Optics and optical instruments Field procedures for Data Limite: 2012-03-13 testing geodetic and surveying instruments Part 4: Electro-optical distance meters (EDM TC 194 measurements to reflectors) DIS 10993-3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-28 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 3: Tests for genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and TC 172 reproductive toxicity DIS 17123-6:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-04 Optics and optical instruments Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments TC 197 Part 6: Rotating lasers DIS 15869:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-03 Gaseous hydrogen and hydrogen blends Land vehicle fuel tanks TC 172 Data Limite: 2011-12-07 DIS 22665:2011 Ophthalmic optics and instruments Instruments to measure TC 198 axial distances in the eye DIS 11135:2011 Data Limite: 2012-03-13 Sterilization of health-care products Ethylene oxide Requirements for the development, TC 172 validation and routine control of a sterilization process FDIS 25297-2:2011 for medical devices Optics and photonics Electronic exchange of optical data Data Limite: 2012-02-15 Part 2: Mapping to the classes and properties defined in ISO 23584 TC 198 Data Limite: 2011-11-11 ISO 13408-1:2008 /DAM 1:2011 Aseptic processing of health care products Part 1: TC 173 General requirements DIS 7176-3:2011 AMENDMENT 1 Wheelchairs Data Limite: 2012-02-29

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TC 199 TC 206 DIS 13856-1:2011 DIS 14603:2011 Safety of machinery Pressure-sensitive protective devices Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical Part 1: General principles for design and testing of ceramics) Test method for open-hole tension of pressure-sensitive mats and pressure-sensitive floors continuous fibre-reinforced ceramic matrix composites Data Limite: 2012-01-25 at room temperature Data Limite: 2011-12-27 TC 199 DIS 14119:2011 TC 206 Safety of machinery Interlocking devices associated with DIS 14604:2011 guards Principles for design and selection Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical Data Limite: 2012-02-22 ceramics) Methods of test for ceramic coatings Determination of fracture strain TC 201 Data Limite: 2011-12-08 DIS 11952:2011 Surface chemical analysis Scanning probe microscopy TC 206 Determination of geometric quantities using SPM: DIS 14627:2011 Calibration of measuring systems Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical Data Limite: 2012-03-13 ceramics) Test method for fracture resistance of silicon nitride materials for rolling bearing balls at room TC 201 temperature by indentation fracture method FDIS 16243:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-29 Surface chemical analysis Recording and reporting data in X.ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) TC 206 Data Limite: 2011-11-21 DIS 14628:2011 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical TC 202 ceramics) Test method for rolling contact fatigue of DIS 22029:2011 silicon nitride ceramics at room temperature by Microbeam analysis EMSA/MAS standard file format for balls-on-flat method spectral-data exchange Data Limite: 2011-12-11 Data Limite: 2011-12-15 TC 206 TC 204 DIS 22197-4:2011 DIS 14819-1:2011 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical Intelligent transport systems Traffic and travel ceramics) Test method for air-purification performance information messages via traffic message coding of semiconducting photocatalytic materials Part 1: Coding protocol for Radio Data System - Part 4: Removal of formaldehyde Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC) using ALERT-C Data Limite: 2012-03-03 Data Limite: 2011-12-14 TC 206 TC 204 DIS 22197-5:2011 DIS 14819-2:2011 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical Intelligent transport systems Traffic and travel ceramics) information messages via traffic message coding Test method for air-purification performance of Part 2: Event and information codes for Radio Data semiconducting photocatalytic materials Part 5: System — - Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC) Removal of methyl mercaptan using ALERT-C Data Limite: 2012-03-03 Data Limite: 2011-12-14 TC 207 TC 204 ISO 14021:1999 /FDAM 1:2011 DIS 14819-3:2011 Environmental labels and declarations Self-declared Intelligent transport systems environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling) Traffic and travel information messages via traffic AMENDMENT 1 message coding Part 3: Location referencing for Data Limite: 2011-11-15 Radio Data System - Traffic message Channel (RDS-TMC) using ALERT-C TC 209 Data Limite: 2011-12-14 DIS 14644-8:2011 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments Part TC 205 8: Classification of air cleanliness by chemical FDIS 16817:2011 concentration Building environment design Indoor environment Design Data Limite: 2012-02-15 process for visual environment Data Limite: 2011-12-05 TC 209 DIS 14644-10:2011 TC 206 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments DIS 13383-2:2011 Part 10:Classification of surface cleanliness by chemical Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical concentration ceramics) Microstructural characterization Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Part 2: Determination of phase volume fraction by evaluation of micrographs TC 211 Data Limite: 2012-01-18 FDIS 19148:2011 Geographic information Linear referencing Data Limite: 2011-12-20

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TC 211 TC 217 DIS 19153:2011 FDIS 12787:2011 Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Cosmetics Analytical methods Validation criteria for Model (GeoDRM RM) analytical results using chromatographic techniques Data Limite: 2012-03-18 Data Limite: 2011-11-22

TC 211 TC 217 DIS 19157:2011 FDIS 24442:2011 Geographic information Data quality Cosmetics Sun protection test methods In vivo Data Limite: 2011-12-14 determination of sunscreen UVA protection Data Limite: 2011-11-15 TC 212 DIS 16256:2011 TC 218 Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test DIS 16415:2011 systems Reference method for testing the in vitro activity Non-structural timber grading requirements of antimicrobial agents against yeast of fungi involved in Data Limite: 2011-11-30 infectious diseases Data Limite: 2012-02-08 TC 219 DIS 4919:2011 TC 212 Carpets Determination of tuft withdrawal force FDIS 23640:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-17 In vitro diagnostic medical devices Evaluation of stability of in vitro diagnostic reagents TC 219 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 DIS 10575:2011 Resilient floor coverings Specification for rubber sheet TC 213 floor coverings with backing FDIS 1119:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-18 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Series of conical tapers and taper angles TC 219 Data Limite: 2011-11-15 DIS 10577:2011 Resilient floor coverings Specification for rubber sheet TC 213 floor coverings without backing DIS 1938-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-18 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Dimensional measuring equipment TC 219 Part 1: Plain limit gauges of linear size FDIS 11638:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-18 Resilient floor coverings Heterogeneous poly(vinyl chloride) flooring on foam Specification TC 213 Data Limite: 2011-11-20 DIS 10360-8:2011 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) TC 219 Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate DIS 14486:2011 measuring machines (CMM) Laminate floor coverings Part 8: CMMs with optical distance sensors Laminate floor covering Specification Data Limite: 2011-11-16 Data Limite: 2011-11-08

TC 213 TC 220 FDIS 17450-1:2011 DIS 12991:2011 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) General Liquefied natural gas (LNG) Transportable tanks for use concepts Part 1: Model for geometrical specification and on board vehicles verification Data Limite: 2011-12-14 Data Limite: 2011-11-08 TC 223 TC 213 DIS 22311:2011 DIS 25178-70:2011 Societal security Video-surveillance Export Geometrical product specification (GPS) interoperability Surface texture: Areal Part 70: Physical measurement Data Limite: 2012-03-10 standards Data Limite: 2012-01-18 TC 228 FDIS 13289:2011 TC 213 Recreational diving services Requirements for the DIS 25178-605:2011 conduct of snorkelling excursions Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Surface Data Limite: 2011-11-07 texture: Areal Part 605: Nominal characteristics of non-contact (point autofocus probe) instruments TC 228 Data Limite: 2012-03-06 FDIS 13970:2011 Recreational diving services Requirements for the TC 215 training of recreational snorkelling guides DIS 22857:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-07 Health informatics Guidelines on data protection to facilitate trans-border flows of personal health data Data Limite: 2011-11-28

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TC 228 DIS 28621:2011 Medical spas using natural resources Service requirements Data Limite: 2012-03-18

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9.2 Comités Técnicos da ISO

ListadosComitésTécnicosdaOrganizaçãoInternacionaldeNormalização(ISO)emrelaçãoaos quaisnãoexisteONS(OrganismodeNormalizaçãoSectorial)ouCT(ComissãoTécnica)ecujos processosseencontramdisponíveisparaconsultanoIPQ ISO/TC4 ISO/TC67 Rollingbearings Materials,equipmentandoffshorestructures forpetroleumandnaturalgasindustries ISO/TC12 Quantities,units,symbols,conversionfactors ISO/TC70 Internalcombustionengines ISO/TC14 Shaftsformachineryandaccessories ISO/TC81 Commonnamesforpesticidesandother ISO/TC19 agrochemicals Preferrednumbers ISO/TC83 ISO/TC20 Sportsandrecreationequipment Aircraftandspacevehicles ISO/TC85 ISO/TC24 Nuclearenergy Sieves,sievingandothersizingmethods ISO/TC86 ISO/TC25 Refrigeration Castironandpigiron ISO/TC100 ISO/TC36 Chainsandchainwheelsforpower Cinematography transmissionandconveyors ISO/TC37 ISO/TC101 Terminology(principlesandcoordination) Continuousmechanicalhandlingequipment ISO/TC41 ISO/TC102 Pulleysandbelts(includingveebelts) Ironores ISO/TC42 ISO/TC110 Photography Industrialtrucks ISO/TC47 ISO/TC112 Chemistry Vacuumtechnology ISO/TC48 ISO/TC113 Laboratoryglasswareandrelatedapparatus Hydrometricdeterminations ISO/TC57 ISO/TC114 Metrologyandpropertiesofsurfaces Horology ISO/TC59 ISO/TC115 Buildingconstruction Pumps ISO/TC60 Gears ISO/TC116 Spaceheatingappliances ISO/TC65 Manganeseandchromiumores ISO/TC117 Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 105 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Industrialfans Jewellery ISO/TC118 ISO/TC175 Compressors,pneumatictoolsand Fluorspar pneumaticmachines ISO/TC177 ISO/TC119 Caravans Powdermetallurgy ISO/TC179 ISO/TC120 Masonry Leather ISO/TC182 Geotechnics ISO/TC123 Plainbearings ISO/TC183 Copper,leadandzincoresandconcentrates ISO/TC127 Earthmovingmachinery ISO/TC184 Industrialautomationsystemsandintegration ISO/TC131 Fluidpowersystems ISO/TC185 Safetydevicesforprotectionagainst ISO/TC132 excessivepressure Ferroalloys ISO/TC190 ISO/TC137 Soilquality Sizingsystem,designationsandmarkingfor bootsandshoes ISO/TC191 Humaneanimal(mammal)traps ISO/TC153 Valves ISO/TC192 Gasturbines ISO/TC154 Documentsanddataelementsin ISO/TC195 administration,commerceandindustry Buildingconstructionmachineryand equipment ISO/TC155 Nickelandnickelalloys ISO/TC197 Hydrogenenergytechnologies ISO/TC163 Thermalinsulation ISO/TC202 Microbeamanalysis ISO/TC166 Ceramicware,glasswareandglassceramic ISO/TC203 wareincontactwithfood Technicalenergysystems ISO/TC167 ISO/TC204 Steelandaluminiumstructures Transportinformationandcontrolsystems ISO/TC170 ISO/TC205 Surgicalinstruments Buildingenvironmentaldesign ISO/TC173 ISO/TC206 Technicalsystemsandaidsfordisabledor Fineceramics handicappedpersons ISO/TC207 ISO/TC174 Managementenvironnemental Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 106 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos ISO/TC208 Thermalturbinesforindustrialapplication (steamturbines,gasexpansionturbines)

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Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

10. Projectos de normas e propostas de estudo de novas normas da Comissão Electrotécnica Internacional (IEC)

Os projectos de normas e propostas de estudo de novas normas estão organizadas por Comités Técnicos.

10.1 Projectos em inquérito público

Paracadareferênciamencionaseadesignaçãocodificada,otítuloeadatalimiteparaa apresentaçãodecomentários.

SC 3D SC 23H CDV 62656-1:2011 FDIS 62613-2:2011 Standardized product ontology register and transfer by Plugs, socket-outlets and ship couplers for high-voltage spreadsheets Part1: logical structure for data parcels shore connection systems (HVSC-systems) Part 2: Data Limite: 2012-02-10 Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability requirements for accessories to be used by various types SC 17B of ships IEC 60947-4-1:2009 /CDV A1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-04 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 4-1: Contactors and motor-starters - Electromechanical SC 32B contactors and motor-starters IEC 60269-4:2009 /CDV A1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-04 Low-voltage fuses Part 4: Supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of semiconductor devices SC 17B Data Limite: 2011-11-18 FDIS 61915-2:2011 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Device profiles SC 34B for networked industrial devices Part 2: Root device IEC 60061-1:1969 /FDIS A47:2011 profiles for starters and similar equipment Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the Data Limite: 2011-10-07 control of interchangeability and safety Part 1: Lamp caps SC 23H Data Limite: 2011-10-28 IEC 60309-1:1999 /CDV A2:2011 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial SC 34B purposes Part 1: General requirements IEC 60061-1:1969 /CDV A48:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-25 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety Part 1: Lamp SC 23H caps IEC 60309-2:1999 /CDV A2:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-13 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes Part 2: Dimensional interchangeability SC 34B requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories IEC 60061-2:1969 /FDIS A44:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-25 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety Part 2: SC 23H Lampholders IEC 60309-4:2006 /CDV A1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-10-07 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes Part 4: Switched socket-outlets and connectors SC 34B with or without interlock IEC 60061-2:1969 /CDV A45:2011 Data Limite: 2011-11-25 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety Part 2: SC 23B Lampholders CDV 60669-2-5:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-13 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations Part 2-5: Switches and related accessories SC 34B for use in home and building electronic systems (HBES) IEC 60061-3:1969 /FDIS A45:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety Part 3: Gauges SC 23E Data Limite: 2011-10-07 IEC 60934:2000 /CDV A2:2011 Circuit-breakers for equipment (CBE) SC 34B Data Limite: 2012-01-06 IEC 60061-3:1969 /CDV A46:2011 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the SC 23A control of interchangeability and safety Part 3: Gauges FDIS 62549:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-13 Articulated systems and flexible systems for cable guiding SC 34A Data Limite: 2011-10-07 IEC 60432-1:1999 /CDV A2:2011 Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications Part 1: Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 108 15 Novembro 2011

DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general SC 34A lighting pruposes IEC 61549:2003 /CDV A3:2011 Data Limite: 2011-10-14 Miscellaneous lamps Data Limite: 2011-10-28 SC 34A IEC 60432-2:1999 /CDV A2:2011 SC 37A Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications Part 2: IEC 61643-21:2000 /CDV A2:2011 Tungsten-halogen lamps for domestic and similar general Low voltage surge protective devices Part 21: Surge lighting purposes protective devices connected to telecommunications and Data Limite: 2011-10-14 signalling networks - Performance requirements and testing methods SC 34A Data Limite: 2011-10-28 IEC 60432-3:2002 /CDV A3:2011 Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications Part 3: SC 45B Tungsten-halogen lamps (non-vehicle) CDV 61275:2011 Data Limite: 2011-10-14 Radiation protection instrumentation - Measurement of discrete radionuclides in the environment - In-situ SC 34D photon spectrometry system using a germanium detector FDIS 60598-2-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-09 Luminaires Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Recessed luminaires SC 45B Data Limite: 2011-10-14 CDV 62387:2011 Radiation protection instrumentation - Passive SC 34D integrating dosimetry systems for personal and CDV 60598-2-24:2011 environmental monitoring Luminaires Part 2-24: Particular requirements - Data Limite: 2012-02-10 Luminaires with limited surface temperatures Data Limite: 2011-11-18 SC 45B CDV 62618:2011 SC 34A Radiation protection instrumentation - Spectroscopy-based IEC 60810:2003 /CDV A2:2011 alarming personal radiation devices (SPRD) for detection of Lamps for road vehicles - Performance requirements illicit trafficking of radioactive material Data Limite: 2011-12-16 Data Limite: 2012-02-17

SC 34B SC 45A IEC 60838-2-2:2006 /CDV A1:2011 CDV 62651:2011 Miscellaneous lampholders Part 2-2: Particular Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation important to requirements - Connecteurs for LED-modules safety - Thermocouples: Characteristics and test methods Data Limite: 2012-02-03 Data Limite: 2011-12-02

SC 34A SC 45A IEC 60901:1996 /FDIS A5:2011 CDV 62671:2011 Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control specifications important to safety - Selection and use of industrial Data Limite: 2011-10-14 digital devices of limited functionality Data Limite: 2011-12-02 SC 34C IEC 61347-1:2007 /CDV A2:2011 SC 45A Lamp controlgear Part 1: General and safety CDV 62646:2011 requirements Nuclear power plants - Control rooms - Computer based Data Limite: 2012-01-20 procedures Data Limite: 2011-11-04 SC 34C FDIS 61347-2-2:2011 SC 46A Lamp controlgear Part 2-2: Particular requirements for FDIS 60096-0-1:2011 d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic step-down convertors for Radio Frequency Cables Part 0-1: Guide to the design of filament lamps detail specifications - Coaxial cables Data Limite: 2011-11-18 Data Limite: 2011-11-18

SC 34C SC 46F FDIS 61347-2-7:2011 CDV 61169-1:2011 Lamp controlgear Part 2-7: Particular requirements for Radio Frequency Connectors Part 1: Generic battery supplied electronic controlgear for emergency specification - General requirements and measuring lighting (self-contained) methods Data Limite: 2011-11-18 Data Limite: 2011-11-04

SC 34C SC 46A CDV 61347-2-9:2011 FDIS 61196-1-108:2011 Lamp electromagnetic controlgear Part 2-9: Particular Coaxial communication cables Part 1-108: Electrical test requirements for electromagnetic contrlgear for methods - Test for characteristic impedance, phase and discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps) group delay, electrical length and propagation velocity Data Limite: 2011-10-14 Data Limite: 2011-10-14

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos SC 46A SC 46A FDIS 61196-1-304:2011 CDV 61196-8-8:2011 Coaxial communication cables Part 1-304: Mechanical Coaxial communication cables Part 8-8: Detail test methods - Impact resistance specification for 75-141 type semi-flexible cables with Data Limite: 2011-10-14 solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation Data Limite: 2011-11-11 SC 46A FDIS 61196-1-308:2011 SC 46A Coaxial communication cables Part 1-308: Mechanical test CDV 61196-8-9:2011 methods - Test for tensile strength and elongation for Coaxial communication cables Part 8-9: Detail copper-clad metals specification for 75-250 type semi-flexible cables with Data Limite: 2011-11-18 solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation Data Limite: 2011-11-11 SC 46A FDIS 61196-7:2011 SC 47D Coaxial communication cables Part 7: Sectional CDV 60191-4:2011 specification for cables for BCT cabling in accordance Mechanical Standardization Of Semiconductor Devices with ISO/IEC 15018 (EN 50173-4) - Indoor drop cables Part 4: Coding system and classification into forms of for systems operating at 5 MHz to 3000 MHz package outlines for semiconductor device packages Data Limite: 2011-11-18 Data Limite: 2011-11-11

SC 46A SC 47D CDV 61196-8-2:2011 CDV 60191-6-1:2011 Coaxial communication cables Part 8-2: Detail Mechanical Standardization Of Semiconductor Devices specification for 50-047 typesemi-flexible cables with Part 6-1: General rules for the preparation of outline solid polytetrafluroethylene (PTFE) insulation drawings of surface mounted semiconductor device Data Limite: 2011-11-11 packages-Design guide for gull-wing lead terminals Data Limite: 2011-11-11 SC 46A CDV 61196-8-3:2011 SC 47E Coaxial communication cables Part 8-3: Detail CDV 60747-3:2011 specification for 50-086 type semi-flexible cables with Semiconductor devices Part 3: Discrete devices - Signal, solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation switching and regulator diodes Data Limite: 2011-11-11 Data Limite: 2012-01-13

SC 46A SC 48B CDV 61196-8-4:2011 FDIS 60512-7-2:2011 Coaxial communication cables Part 8-4: Detail Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and specification for 50-141 type semi-flexible cables with measurements Part 7-2: Impact tests (free components) - solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation Test 7b: Mechanical strength impact Data Limite: 2011-11-11 Data Limite: 2011-10-14

SC 46A SC 48B CDV 61196-8-5:2011 FDIS 60512-27-100:2011 Coaxial communication cables Part 8-5: Detail Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and specification for 50-250 type semi-flexible cables with measurements Part 27-100: Signal integrity tests up to solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation 500 MHz on 60603-7 series connectors - Tests 27a to Data Limite: 2011-11-11 27g Data Limite: 2011-11-18 SC 46A CDV 61196-8-5:2011 SC 48B Coaxial communication cables Part 8-5: Detail CDV 60512-99-001:2011 specification for 50-250 type semi-flexible cables with Test schedule for engaging and separating connectors solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation (Note: under electrical load Part 99-001: Connectors used in The diameter of the inner conductor has been twisted pair communication cabling with remote power corrected from 1,63 mm to 1,65 mm according to the Data Limite: 2011-11-18 comment from the Swiss NC. See 46A/1007/CC.) Data Limite: 2011-11-11 SC 48D CDV 60917-2-5:2011 SC 46A Mechanical structures for electronic equipment -Modular CDV 61196-8-6:2011 order for the development of mechanical structures for Coaxial communication cables Part 8-6: Detail electronic equipment practices Part 2-5: Cabinet specification for 75-047 type semi-flexible cables with interface dimensions for miscellaneous equipment solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation Data Limite: 2011-12-16 Data Limite: 2011-11-11 SC 48D SC 46A CDV 61587-4:2011 CDV 61196-8-7:2011 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests Coaxial communication cables Part 8-7: Detail for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 Part 4: Combination of specification for 75-086 type semi-flexible cables with performance levels for modular cabinets solid polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Data Limite: 2011-11-11

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos SC 48D Data Limite: 2011-11-18 FDIS 61969-1:2011 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor SC 65B enclosures Part 1: Design guidelines CDV 61499-2:2011 Data Limite: 2011-10-28 Function blocks Part 2: Software tool requirements Data Limite: 2011-12-09 SC 48D FDIS 61969-2:2011 SC 65B Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - CDV 61499-4:2011 Outdoor enclosures Part 2: Coordination dimensions Function blocks Part 4: Rules for compliance profiles Data Limite: 2011-10-07 Data Limite: 2012-01-13

SC 48D SC 65C FDIS 61969-3:2011 FDIS 62601:2011 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Outdoor Industrial communication Networks - enclosures Part 3: Environmental requirements, tests and Specifications - WIA-PA communcation Network and safety aspects Communication Profile Data Limite: 2011-10-07 Data Limite: 2011-10-14

SC 59D SC 86A CDV 62512:2011 CDV 60793-1-54:2011 Electric clothes washer-dryers for household use - Optical fibres Part 1-54: Measurement methods and test Methods for measuring the performance procedures - Gamma irradiation Data Limite: 2012-01-27 Data Limite: 2012-01-06

SC 62A SC 86A IEC 60601-1-8:2006 /CDV A1:2011 CDV 60793-2-30:2011 Medical electrical equipment Part 1-8: General Optical fibres Part 2-30: Product specifications - requirements for basic safety and essential performance Sectional specification for category A3 multimode fibres Collateral Standard: General requirements, tests and Data Limite: 2012-01-06 guidance for alarm systems in medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems SC 86A Data Limite: 2011-11-18 CDV 60794-2-11:2011 Optical fibre cables Part 2-11: Indoor optical fibre SC 62D cables - Detailed specification for simplex and duplex IEC 60601-2-41:2009 /CDV A1:2011 cables for use in premises cabling Medical electrical equipment Part 2-41: Particular Data Limite: 2011-12-09 requirements for basic safety and essential performance of surgical luminaires and luminaires for diagnosis SC 86A Data Limite: 2011-11-25 CDV 60794-2-21:2011 Optical fibres cables Part 2-21: Indoor optical fibre SC 62B cables Detailed specification for multi-fibre optical CDV 60627:2011 distribution cables for use in premises cabling Diagnostic X-ray imaging equipment - Characteristics of Data Limite: 2011-12-09 general purpose and mammographic andti-scatter grids Data Limite: 2012-02-03 SC 86A CDV 60794-2-31:2011 SC 62C Optical fibre cables Part 2-31: Indoor optical fibre cables FDIS 61217:2011 - Detailed specification for optical fibre ribbon cables Radiotherapy equipment coordinates, movements and for use in premises cabling scales Data Limite: 2011-12-09 Data Limite: 2011-11-18 SC 86B SC 62D FDIS 60874-1:2011 FDIS 80601-2-55:2011 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive Medical electrical equipment Part 2-55: Particular components - Connectors for optical fibres and cables requirements for the basic safety and essential Part 1: Generic specification performance of respiratory gas monitors Data Limite: 2011-10-14 Data Limite: 2011-11-18 SC 86B SC 65B FDIS 60874-1-1:2011 CDV 61131-3:2011 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive Programmable controllers Part 3: Programming components - Connectors for optical fibres and cables languages Part 1-1: Blank detail specification Data Limite: 2012-01-27 Data Limite: 2011-10-07

SC 65B SC 86B CDV 61131-6:2011 CDV 60876-1:2011 Programmable Controllers Part 6: Functional safety Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive Data Limite: 2011-10-21 components - Fibre optic spatial switches Part 1: Generic specification SC 65B Data Limite: 2011-11-18 CDV 61499-1:2011 Function Blocks Part 1: Architecture

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos SC 86B SC 86C FDIS 61274-1:2011 CDV 62149-7:2011 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive Fibre optic active components and devices - Performance components - Adaptors for fibre optic connectors Part 1: standards Part 7: 1 310 nm discrete vertical cavity Generic specification surface emitting laser devices Data Limite: 2011-10-14 Data Limite: 2011-10-07

SC 86B SC 86B FDIS 61274-1-1:2011 CDV 62664-1-1:2011 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Adaptors for fibre optic connectors Part components - Fibre optic connector product 1-1: Blank detail specification specifications Part 1-1: LC-PC duplex multi mode Data Limite: 2011-10-07 connectors terminated on IEC 60793-2 category A1a fibre SC 86B Data Limite: 2011-11-25 CDV 61300-2-11:2011 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive SC CISPR/A components - Basic test and measurement procedures Part CISPR 16-2-1:2008 /CDV A2:2011 2-11: Tests - Axial compression Transfer of AAN requirements and general conducted Data Limite: 2011-11-25 emissions requirements from CISPR 22 Data Limite: 2011-12-09 SC 86B FDIS 61300-3-39:2011 SC CISPR/A Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive CISPR 16-2-3:2010 /CDV A2:2011 components - Basic test and measurement procedures Part Transfer of general radiated emissions requirements 3-39: Examinations and measurements - Physical Contact from CISPR 22 (PC) optical connector reference plug selection for Data Limite: 2012-01-06 return loss measurements Data Limite: 2011-10-14 TC 1 CDV 60050-114:2010 SC 86B International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Part 114: CDV 61300-3-44:2011 Electrochemistry Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive Data Limite: 2012-02-17 components - Basic test and measurement procedures Part 3-44: Examinations and measurements - Fibre optic TC 1 trancsceiver receptacle endface visual and automated IEC 60050-131:2002 /CDV A2:2011 inspection International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Part 131: Data Limite: 2011-11-25 Circuit theory - Proposed horizontal Standard Data Limite: 2011-10-14 SC 86B FDIS 61314-1:2011 TC 1 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive IEC 60050-151:2001 /CDV A1:2011 components - Fibre optic fan-outs Part 1: Generic International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Part 151: specification Electrical and magnetic devices Data Limite: 2011-10-07 Data Limite: 2011-10-14

SC 86B TC 2 FDIS 61314-1-1:2011 CDV 60034-28:2011 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive Rotating electrical machines Part 28: Test methods for components - Fibre optic fan-outs Part 1-1: Blank detail determining quantities of equivalent circuit diagrams specification for three-phase low-voltage cage induction motors Data Limite: 2011-10-07 Data Limite: 2012-02-17

SC 86B TC 4 CDV 61753-087-6:2011 IEC 62097:2009 /CDV A1:2011 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive Hydraulic machines, radial and axial - Performance components - Performance standard Part 087-6: conversion method from model to prototype Non-connectorised single-mode bidirectional 1310 nm Data Limite: 2012-02-03 upstream and 1490 nm downstream WWDM devices for category O - Uncontrolled environment TC 7 Data Limite: 2011-10-21 CDV 62567:2011 Methods for testing self-damping characteristics of SC 86B stranded conductors for overhead lines CDV 61754-28:2011 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces Part 28: TC 7 Type LF3 connector family CDV 62568:2011 Data Limite: 2011-10-28 Method for fatigue testing of conductors for overhead lines SC 86C Data Limite: 2012-01-06 CDV 61757-1:2011 Fibre optic sensors Part 1: Generic specification TC 9 Data Limite: 2011-10-07 CDV 60349-4:2011 Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for rail

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos and road vehicles Part 4: Permanent magnet synchronous electrical machines connected to an electronic converter TC 29 Data Limite: 2011-10-21 CDV 60601-2-66:2011 Hearing instruments and hearing instrument systems - TC 9 General requirements for basic safety and essential CDV 60571:2011 performance Railway applications - Electronic equipment used on Data Limite: 2011-11-04 rolling stock Data Limite: 2011-10-21 TC 31 FDIS 60079-35-2:2011 TC 9 Explosive atmospheres Part 35-2: Caplights for use in CDV 60913:2011 mines susceptible to firedamp - Performance and other Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electric safety-related matters traction overhead contact lines Data Limite: 2011-11-18 Data Limite: 2011-10-21 TC 40 TC 10 FDIS 60384-2:2011 FDIS 60475:2011 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 2: Method of sampling insulating liquids Sectional specification - Fixed metallized polyethylene Data Limite: 2011-10-07 terephthalate film dielectric d.c. capacitors Data Limite: 2011-11-18 TC 10 FDIS 60567:2011 TC 40 Oil-filled electrical equipment - Sampling of gases and FDIS 60384-13:2011 analysis of free and dissolved gases - Guidance Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 13: Data Limite: 2011-10-07 Sectional specification Fixed polypropylene film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors TC 13 Data Limite: 2011-11-18 FDIS 62059-32-1:2011 Electricity Metering Equipment - Dependability Part 32-1: TC 40 Durability - Testing of the stability of metrological FDIS 60384-21:2011 characteristics by applying elevated temperature Fixed Capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 21: Data Limite: 2011-11-11 Sectional specification Fixed surface mount multilayer capacitors of ceramic dielectric, Class 1 TC 15 Data Limite: 2011-11-18 CDV 61212-3-2:2011 Insulating materials - Industrial rigid round laminated TC 40 tubes and rods based on thermosetting resins for FDIS 60384-22:2011 electrical purposes Part 3: Specifications for Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 22: individual materials Sheet 2: Round laminated moulded Sectional specification: Fixed surface mount multilayer tubes capacitors of ceramic dielectric, Class 2 Data Limite: 2012-02-03 Data Limite: 2011-11-18

TC 20 TC 42 FDIS 60840:2011 CDV 61083-2:2011 Power cables with extruded insulation and their Instruments and software used for measurement in accessories for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um = 36 high-voltage and high-current tests Part 2: Requirements kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) - Test methods and for software for impulse tests requirements Data Limite: 2011-10-21 Data Limite: 2011-10-07 TC 47 TC 20 CDV 60749-26:2011 FDIS 62067:2011 Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing - Power cables with extruded insulation and their Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) - Component Level accessories for rated voltages above 150 kV (Um = 170 Data Limite: 2011-12-09 kV) up to 500 kV (Um = 550 kV) - Test methods and requirements TC 47 Data Limite: 2011-10-07 CDV 60749-26:2011 Electrostatic discharge sensitivity testing - Human TC 21 body model (HBM) - Component Level CDV 61982-1:2011 Data Limite: 2011-12-09 Secondary batteries (except lithium) for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Performance and endurance tests TC 47 Data Limite: 2011-10-14 IEC 60749-27:2006 /CDV A1:2011 Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test TC 26 methods Part 27: Electrostatic discharge (ESD) CDV 60974-2:2011 sensitivity testing - Machine model (MM Arc welding equipment Part 2: Liquid cooling systems Data Limite: 2012-01-27 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 TC 49 TC 26 CDV 60679-3:2011 CDV 60974-7:2011 Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality Arc welding equipment Part 7: Torches Part 3: Standard outlines and lead connections Data Limite: 2011-10-21 Data Limite: 2011-12-02

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos 4: Inmarsat-C ship earth station and Inmarsat enhanced TC 55 group call (EGC) equipment - Operational and performance CDV 60317-49:2011 requirements, methods of testing and required test results Specifications for particular types of winding wires Data Limite: 2011-10-28 Part 49: Glass-fibre wound high temperature resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper TC 80 wire, temperature index 180 CDV 61097-15:2011 Data Limite: 2011-10-14 Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) Part 15: Inmarsat FB500 ship earth station - Operational and TC 55 performance requirements, methods of testing and required CDV 60317-50:2011 test results Specifications for particular types of winding wires Data Limite: 2011-12-02 Part 50: Glass-fibre wound silicone resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire, TC 80 temperature index 200 CDV 62729:2011 Data Limite: 2011-10-14 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne equipment for long-range TC 56 identification and tracking (LRIT) CDV 62628:2011 Data Limite: 2011-10-14 Guidance on Software Aspects of Dependability Data Limite: 2011-12-16 TC 81 FDIS 62561-7:2011 TC 57 Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) Part 7: CDV 61850-10:2011 Requirements for earthing enhancing compounds Communication networks and systems for powerutility Data Limite: 2011-10-28 automation Part 10: Conformance testing Data Limite: 2012-01-06 TC 82 IEC 61730-1:2004 /FDIS A1:2011 TC 57 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification Part 1: CDV 61968-11:2011 Requirements for construction Application integration at electric utilities - System Data Limite: 2011-10-14 interfaces for distribution management Part 11: Common information model (CIM) extensions for distribution TC 82 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 IEC 61730-2:2004 /FDIS A1:2011 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification Part 2: TC 59 Requirements for testing CDV 60704-2-14:2011 Data Limite: 2011-10-14 Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise Part TC 88 2-14: Particular requirements for refrigerators, CDV 61400-12-2:2011 frozen-food storage cabinets and food freezers Wind turbines Part 12-2: Power performance verification Data Limite: 2011-10-07 of electricity producing wind turbines Data Limite: 2012-01-13 TC 59 CDV 60704-2-14:2011 TC 89 Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code CDV 60695-2-10:2011 for the determination of airborne acoustical noise Part Fire hazard testing Part 2-10: Glowing/hot-wire based 2-14: Particular requirements for refrigerators, test methods - Glow-wire apparatus and common test frozen-food storage cabinets and food freezers procedure Data Limite: 2011-10-07 Data Limite: 2012-01-27

TC 61 TC 89 IEC 60335-2-7:2008 /FDIS A1:2011 CDV 60695-2-11:2011 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety Part Fire hazard testing Part 2-11: Glowing/hot-wire based 2-7: Particular requirements for washing machines test methods - Glow-wire flammability test method for Data Limite: 2011-11-18 end-products Data Limite: 2012-02-03 TC 64 IEC 60364-5-55:2001 /CDV A3:2011 TC 89 Low-voltage electrical installations Part 5-55: Selection CDV 60695-4:2011 and erection of electrical equipment - Other equipment Fire hazard testing Part 4: Terminology concerning fire Clause 557: Auxiliary circuits tests for electrotechnical products Data Limite: 2011-11-11 Data Limite: 2011-10-21

TC 65 TC 89 CDV 61010-2-201:2011 CDV 60695-11-2:2011 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for Fire hazard testing Part 11-2: Test flames - 1 kW measurement, control, and laboratory use Part 2-201: nominal pre-mixed flame: Apparatus, confirmatory test Particular requirements for control equipment arrangement and guidance Data Limite: 2011-12-02 Data Limite: 2012-01-27

TC 80 TC 89 CDV 61097-4:2011 CDV 60695-11-10:2011 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Part Fire hazard testing Part 11-10: Test flames - 50 W

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DOCUMENTOS Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização normativos horizontal and vertical flame test methods TC 100 Data Limite: 2012-01-27 CDV 62665:2011 Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia TC 89 e-publishing and e-book technologies - Texture map for CDV 60695-11-20:2011 auditory presentation of printed texts Fire hazard testing Part 11-20: Test flames - 500 W Data Limite: 2011-11-25 flame test method Data Limite: 2012-01-27 TC 104 CDV 60068-2-65:2011 TC 89 Environmental testing Part 2:Methods of test - Test Fg: CDV 60695-6-31:2011 Vibration, acoustically induced Fire hazard testing Part 6-31: Smoke obscuration - Data Limite: 2011-10-28 Small-scale static method - Materials Data Limite: 2011-10-21 TC 106 CDV 62209-1:2011 TC 89 Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held CDV 60695-6-31:2011 and body-mounted wireless communication devices human Fire hazard testing Part 6-31: Smoke obscuration - models, instrumentation, and procedures Part 1: Procedure Small-scale static method - Materials to determine the specific absorption rate (sar)for devices Data Limite: 2011-10-21 used next to the ear (frequency range of 300 mhz to 6 ghz) TC 90 Data Limite: 2012-01-20 CDV 61788-13:2011 Superconductivity Part 13: AC loss measurements - TC 110 Magnetometer methods for hysteresis loss in CDV 61747-40-1:2011 superconducting multifilamentary composites Liquid crystal display devices Part 40-1: Mechanical Data Limite: 2011-10-07 testing guidelines for display cover glass for mobile devices TC 91 Data Limite: 2012-01-06 CDV 60194:2011 Printed board design, manufacture and assembly - Terms TC 110 and definitions CDV 62595:2011 Data Limite: 2012-02-10 Electro-optical measurement methods of LED backlight unit for liquid crystal displays TC 91 Data Limite: 2011-12-09 CDV 61189-11:2011 Test methods for electrical materials, interconnection TC 112 structures and assemblies Part 11: Measurement of CDV 60544-2:2011 melting temperature or melting temperature ranges of Electrical insulating materials - Guide for determining of solder alloys the effects of ionizing radiation on insulating materials Data Limite: 2012-02-10 Part 2: Procedures for irradiation and test Data Limite: 2011-11-04 TC 96 CDV 61558-2-14:2011 TC 116 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and IEC 60745-2-3:2006 /CDV A2:2011 combinations thereof Part 2-14: Particular requirements Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety Part 2-3: and test for variable transformers and power supply units Particular requirements for grinders, polishers and incorporating variable transformers disk-type sanders Data Limite: 2011-10-07 Data Limite: 2012-01-06

TC 96 TC CABPUB FDIS 61558-2-15:2011 CDV 17065:2011 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies combinations thereof Part 2-15: Particular requirements certifying products, processes and services and tests for isolating transformers for the supply of Data Limite: 2011-10-28 medical locations Data Limite: 2011-10-14

TC 96 CDV 61558-2-26:2011 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof Part 2-26: Particular requirements and tests for transformers and power supply units for saving energy and other purposes Data Limite: 2011-10-07

TC 100 CDV 60728-3-1:2011 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services Part 3-1: Methods of measurement of non-linearity for full digital channel load with DVB-C signals (TA5) Data Limite: 2011-12-02

Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 115 15 Novembro 2011

Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

11. Projectos de normas da Organização Internacional de Normalização (ISO)/Comissão Electrotécnica Internacional (IEC)

Osprojectosdenormaestãoorganizadospor“ComitéTécnicoconjunto”ISO/IEC .

11.1 Projectos em inquérito público

Paracadareferênciamencionaseadesignaçãocodificada,otítuloeadatalimiteparaa apresentaçãodecomentários. LISTA VAZIA

Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 116 15 Novembro 2011

Publicação oficial do IPQ, enquanto Organismo Nacional de Normalização

12. Edição e anulação de Documentos Normativos

12.1 Documentos Normativos Portugueses

DNP CLC/TR 50403:2011 Preço: 14,00 EUR

Normalização e liberalização do mercado de energia. 12.2 Projectos em inquérito público de Documentos Normativos Portugueses prDNP Guia1:2011 Guia interpretativo da NP 4487:2009

Lista mensal ▪ documentos normativos Mod-DNOR-01-08_00 117 15 Novembro 2011