Today's Weather ,1111,1 4 lira %alley: Fair to- 0%, high predicted 66-71, bow It-IS ISSUe 06-52. Northuesterly wind, Directory The Student and Violin), IN - the recent San Jaw: High today 79, low in San j,. rectory for San Jose State, sir- rising a Peso days 11{1.4., is now ect" Spirits! Ft . day foreeast: No rain ex- light rain in ra- on kale in the Spartan Book - i.rI11 or-casional stain., net. rding to manager, isin, North. Temperatures cateut Harry .I. Wineroth. shoe normal. SAN RIDING JOSE STATE COLLEGE

MY ol. 51 4111PP se SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1963 No. 30 I BROOM What's Nhu? I TO GET Homecoming Grand Marshal Air Science PEOPLE

.STUME Officer Joins Recalls Celebrations Since '21 Mme. Nhu Wants To Be lis. JEANNE GATES the dinners and the feature of the earlier to 1,541 to 1943-44. Admissions t Rental event was bringing back A. this campus has changed those who Post -World War II years Duncan calls "the real old-timers." brought attempts for An Air Force veteran of 20 years ri..Til 9 00 um a Normal School of 1,000 more de- Friends With Americans Golden GriaLs from 50 years back partmental activities and tours will be SJS new admission officer. CY 7.409 ideals to a State College of were welcomed and one man or of the newest wings and buildings Roy J. Delpier, who holds the By SCOTT NHXDIE Vietnam would drive the Commu- burliest police guarded Mme. Nhu lvirly 20,000, so has the type of woman was cited in a special for returning alums. rank of Major in the Air Force Hurricane Nhu struck San! nists from her country, which she and her beautiful daughter, 18- nnual celebration for bringing ceremony as oldest returning It was decided that the Athletic Reserve, will take office Dec. 1. Francisco yesterday. repeatedly emphasised is "a demo- year-old Thuy. prk alums changed through the alum or an alum prominent while Department could boost home- South Vietnam's best looking cratic regime." The helmeted police whisked at SJS. coming attendance He succeeds Samuel Milioto, who rms. says Dr. Carl D. Duncan, with an annual little warrior, radiant Mme. Ngo Winning the war without U.S. them from their eighth floor Gov- Entertainment football recently became personnel officer. ssi Homecoming Grand Marshal. in these times game. Dinh Nhu, was the center of a , aid would be impossible, she said, ernor's suite to a small reception was by one of Duncan's favorite Homecoming in the beginning massive typhoon of humanity at land fin' friends and reporters prior to Isinean, chairman of the Nat- pleaded that her country he groups, the "5:40 Boys." He ex- was a one-day event, but now the the Sheraton-Palace Hotel, where the speech. She was the calm eye Sciences Area, has been on treated as "a trusted friend" by sal plains that the name was simply event called Alumni Day has been she is staying. of the hurricane as mountainous SJS faculty since 1921, and the U.S. derived from the fact that the combined with it parade, queen, policement closed around her like was chosen Its Grand Interest generated by the con- "We want to be good partners armfore groups met to practice at 5:40 game, and complete week of ac- a steel vice. keeping with this year's troversial lady's final major veech to the Americans," she emphasized jarshal in p.m. This group combined combo tivities. of her U.S. tour threatened to' in her halting English. Islam "Spartan Memoirs." Duncan pictures today's Home- TICKET HOLDERS turn the normally serene hotel Irs true, too, that this short, roming as an evolvement from Traffic up and down Market in- into chaos. LASHING sy-eheekNI, white-haired man dividual assemblages, to common Street near the hotel was hope- A sellout throng of 2,000 per- American press received a sharp 0, sea a lot to remember dur- :salsifies, to a centering of inter- lessly snarled for a period in the A sons literally crashed into three lashing from her fabled biting g Ill years on the campus. est on returning alums. morning as ticket holders began ballrooms, set up by the sponsor- tongue for headlining South ’iel- Ile huts seen homecoming go to storm the hotel for a place in ing Commonwealth Club to accom- nam's defeats against 'Nash three phases of develop- in the war line. tinily ter me modals. the crowd, when they est. Homecoming in 1921 tea- were Communists anti playing down Hundreds of milled hunt. fish rs, persons1around count,' Tv, dinners by interest admitted just before noon. ;najor victories. and outside the ho- ways Hsu! group inside ready ro Polls Open They heard her predict Steil Some of San Francisco's biggest, it CV. Up .1 ad major organizations and was tel during the speech to get a ;god travel 4' tesuipas, ss ishlighted by an AWS banquet. glimpse of the much publicized sits 4.1 uuriental beauty. ATTENDANCE HIGHER early attendance was About two dozen pickets 0 l'ioportionately For Queen Quarter System Plan the in the morning paraded near Uell higher at the activities in hotel entrances. Matronly mothers ese first years of homecoming, and whiskered old men solemnly Tooling to Duncan. At that time IER signs saying "Freak Wel- here were two sororities, not ROY J. DELPIER Under carried irr.tIonst 3542tX Balloting Consideration comes Mrs. NMI," anti "Ni, More stional ones bearing Greek ... assumes duties Dec. I By STEVE Nhtis." ernes, 1,iit Itrganizations bearing Voting began at It a ii. today SPENCE At the same time it is believed Pickets increased gradually terary names. and will continue through tomor- Delpier has been office manager The move to put California's that colleges will save money byl . throughout the day. A changing AWS was a much more im- row in the last balloting fur the for the Air Science Department publicly supported colleges, and putting students through in three of the guard later brought in ',mint srisanization then partially 1963 Homecoming Queen. university on a year-round basis years, rather than four. at SYS since 1958. about 50 students, sandal clad -c.rm there was no larger worn- Students may vote for one fin- is beginning to take positive form. DR. CARL D. DUNCAN Ile flew combat missions in PROGRAM ATTACKP:D and solemn, who replaced the h., organization competing with alist only. Booths ss ill he located For the California state colleges, State College Chaneellor Glenn S. . . . 1963 Grand Marshal Europe in 1944-45, and was in mothers anti grandfathers. I. ,s, plains the Grand Marshal. in front of the cafeteria and book- and SJS students in particular, Inimke has both praised and at- this may mean going to school for a light blue silken The old Vendome Hotel on N. music with comedy and Duncan store and will remain open until 4 charge of an Air Force recruiting tacked the year-'round plan. Dr. Wearing four quarters each year. ' gown, the Oriental Dragon Lady nsi Street and the Masonic is especially fond of their version p.m. both days. office in Indiana for six years. Dumke first attacked the full -year At the same time, students nor- 'was once again trapped inside the capil. were used for the large of "Ghost Riders in the Sky." Ballots will be counted Wednes- He has also been a wing person- plan on the assumption that it molly would complete their col- 'tight little security web of polire 'niters .itch as AWS. Besides din- Homecoming had now moved day evening and the results will be would save money. He argued that nel inspector and group personnel lege education in three rather than r and hustled off to a press confer- r hulks, entertainment, and toward acts to entertain large kept secret until Saturday night it would cost $25 million a year in , sergeant for the Air Force. four years. ! ence of waiting reporters. ns. I. students inr facility, there groups and it was confined to the when the Queen will be crowned at faculty salaries alone to put the Delpier attended the University WHEN AND WHERE 'a,. al, iy, a poet at the function assembling of alums. the Coronation Ball. colleges on a full -year basis. CAL SPEECH of Detroit and the University of At present. the plan is drifting .. to hail jot usi down a few words Finalists are Anne Chambers, Then Dr. Dumke toned-down his canceled her DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES Florida. around committee tables anti board There she formally ; s. the occasion. Nancy Niederholzer, Kerry stand, saying that after a decade today at Uni- Homecoming during the war fell meetings. Nothing has been writ- speech scheduled for STRACT O'Brien. Carolyn Ohliger, and the lives with his wife and three of the four-quarter system, the California at Berkeley. RARRECI'IS to its lowest point in 1943-44, ten down as to when and where versity of Sally Jane Prahr. ‘"11 at 119k C"Y'ac It11 year-'round plan would save the Nialean the state Eater, 1550 students front the spon- mentions that the rea- along with school enrollment. Ii at all colleges "i" colleges money by putting students lm m:iny operate soring organization were whisked 44-iy student and alumni At this point in his reminiscing, ir on a full -year basis. througn in three years. ,,,ed to be a barbecue Speculation as to when the state Then he enehmed: scnoiering , into Mme. Nhir's room and argued the white-haired Grand Marshal TRACT ii Alum ' her back into appearing today. Rock Park. Invited along leaned back in his chair, tapped u, 'lieges will go on the four gnar- the rising costs of education, the luitill now calls for her .I barbecue functions his foot, and finally recalled that 1,' system varies. A San Fran- change it,, the year-1 1mnd pro- Her schedule Ira.a Jo. Harmon Gymnasium flian named "Charlie," enrollment had dropped from 4,000 - liewspaper claimed that all gram; is inevitable." to speak at university campus and then 22"; Ii,incan says. was "great" usilleges will go year-round This was the chancellor's post - on the i its for a Tokyo visit. CONTRACT and therefore was made "in a lew years," A number of col- tion last June. leave i part us esery major affair. lege administrators are betting on . : Several of the huge men from .chisite" had a good voice too, Coronation Ball at least 10 years. TRI STEEs FAVOR PROGRAM the police department guarded the 14.1.1,1 Sines, the summer, the year- Grand Marshal Dun- WHY CHANGE? (('ontinued on Page 6) an , f-ound snovioh aI has bee nti rot CON. and could he found in the Why change the USING "'resent " downhill. In the monthly Octohr. rulls us, ssoiking along and sine- Bids Available .rolester system? ws siusle !fleeting of the trostees of its. operas. part in tenor. Bids, free to all ASB earll hold- Isobably the original reason 55.'. tart California State Colleges,h. MUN Delegates ;ONTRACT - m Iro man% and part in bass. ers, will br available for the Coro- termed Califts! "hat was , waste to is went on record as (assns.. nation Ball all this week in front money.' as tbe college' it, fulls' 11%\i.Es M1DE--NEW PHASE '1"' the four quarter system over Is. of the cafeteria and the Spartan utilize their Miildings and farilo es D HOUSING lai-sdInient grew and this earn- trimester, or three semester ye., Get Unit Credit Bookstore from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. during the year %shad) had been three-quarters Last week, a technical commit - dance will be held Saturday ' "’I lb. !flo t'II1 l'gal.IN more proportionately The lee studying the subject for ti:. night from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the ,tes deleeatiout ;it the .ten Al this point, Duncan re- State Co-ordinating Council on Hawaiian Gardens, with music pro- Ceremony Today 10164 Model lnited Nations^ Con- lull, an emphasis on building I higher Education recommended 111 111, vided by Del Courtney and his or- tact Enid Munsinger Iran 2-4 p m ',liege image was begun. Sgt Vitgil .1 Cullen ssiii the four-quarter system to pub- chest ra. in Cutllege Union, issuitne less knit H.S i,,morefl this afterraxm at 1:30 in a licly supported California colleges. The highlight of the evening will I 'tilted Nations meets and instead formed lot )'l'( Cadet Corps formation um From all angles, the year-'round S.JS Model crowning of the homecom- m in ' interest groups. he the the drill field. college system appears to he a Wednesdas i,...hrs at '7 it queen. to or, 1,110 of credit !nay pattern to fit this, was ing Sgt. Cullen, who has been tier sure thing for California colleges. 353. Up he given It -'11h lit attends the ioups lutgether in larger Lre;itlt major of the SJS ROT(' How soon the operation goes into It II '\ ass April at V, tEMOVED. 'miners and program, BARRICADE REPAIREDCollege maintenance men James des,chment since 1960, retires Oct. effeet will depend on how soon the E. 210 S. Rat. w it Ii v, the gyms and out. Social Satirist Benson, right. and Walter Berger hurriedly repair Seventh .1 with more than 20 years it California Legislature acts on this ingt' 'Ii I. were set up on saw- Street barricades which were run down early yesterday rrise service in the Arno problem. i,1-ted tables under the Campus Today morning. I. Ph. 2484410. On French Classics talred people attended 15 S Mo"' Dick Gregory, social sat iris 1. will he the featured guest of S.IS tuiday World Wire Shown Tomorrow lirch at ft press conference in the Spar- Seventh Street 'Walls' NO ONE INTERESTED IN MME. NIICSTEVENSON Society and -White 11 tan Cafeteria from 12-1 p.m. SAN FRANCISCO (um -United Nations Ambassador Adlai l'arrehique classic film lea - SPICE Students' questions to Gregory Stevenson, meeting with newsmen a few blocks from the hotel where' Mane.- are the I.4135 Aember T1155 at 3.30 To Speak must he written and placed in a Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhti is staying, said yesterday he didn't believe lures to be shown in Irv. Hit Early Yesterday ) Alto. host in the Cafeteria. He will Americans were too interested in the current trip of the outspoken and 7 p.m. tomorrow I dm At SJS Today choose those questions he wishes to The Grpal Will ill (lima, the I:01 hit Will and First Lady of South Viet Nam. "Farrebigue" is a French ulENT: 0,004 him answer. have one thing in erannion. 'flaysr id "I don't think anybody has paid much attention to Mrs. Nhirs in the documentary I I I.iy Area Street harriciiiles now the coordin- trip," Stevenson said. "I heard more about it. in California than in is a close-up of the soil and I bn4 the John been breached. Birch Society, New York." children thered, leaing nip sh00% ,sto. in !Miming, David Isiwrence. 114, 1126 Al' td I.bbi Cafeteria Rooms A TASC To Sponsor At 2 a.m. yesterday CIVIL RIGHTS RILL IS BOUNCED AROUND leaf, plant or insect unturned id 330 Rm. rr C4,1% "4 today as guest Man Lane, turned his ear from San Fernando Street onto Iii WASHINGTON 1UPI I Key House Reputtlicans and administra- When the sons are plowing the -II'. I Amoera tie Club. Viet Nam Speaker and headed south toward San Carlos Street. tion officials jockeyed behind the scenes yesterday in hopes nf work- field, the camera stops to ruck out peak tin "The NC Birch 'swimsuits; 01 ing out a eompromise civil rights bill that will win support from the an earthworm turning up Ft furraw /77 214' ii Vietnamese prob- Lawrence was faced with two obstacles America." The current its own. "FatTchique" lies in A iniestion rank-and -file members of the House Judiciary Committee, of and answer lem will he discussed tonight by both ends of Seventh. separates 'IItoiloy. period The aim of the politicking was to draft a bill that would woo the border region that the talk. Dr. Herbert Aptheker, past editor Not in the least hesitant, he slammed through the Ii ''.1 0/111 A support away front pending measures believed too strong to win documentars from feature, espe- moist- of San Affairs," the theoreti- When he reached the barricade al Si,, Jose, Fine has of "Political with no trouble at all. House passage. cially the epi,mie film. rhiluiren, of the Communist party ;Metaled Santa cal organ Carlos, however, he had to hit it twice before passing through RUSSIAN-U.S. "SPACE GAP" IS RACK AGAIN "A'hite 7slitiii." reveals the tragic ersity for Iwo years In the United States. 19, addres,. rtstry of a Isty's lose in A passenger of the ear. Randy Weir, of the same WASHINGTON c UPI i A Republican member of the Ilusise RINI MN thle Ft. 8. Navy during Aptheker will speak at 7:30 photogrorphed and noffered farial rill . wan talsen Spare Committer said yesterday that U.S. sfsoirity will be m daggee for a vrikl horse. it Convert Hall as a guest of TAge hit the st ind.,Itield it the United States continues to rare to the moon while flu,. u -ins against the watery v.ildriness of sod. Active Student Com- Santa tlara County Ilithpitill nd l'ellhrthint alter observation, the 41 -Year-"Id Croward an concentrate on military spare objectives. the Camargue region tot southern sus. affiliated to San Jose Police refsityls, Imwretwe',, HI II with the munity Avoirding D. Weaver, I ft-Pas, said in a House France. This film has alai seven .soriety. historian was Rep. -billlf.S speech that a In March 1962, he The writer and mobile was considered totally damaged, and he was cited for including the 1,Tarne "space gap" like this already has developed. Ile said Rtassia, which international awards. sollinteer section leader of awarded a prize In history from he society reckless driving. has announced its withdraw' from the moon race, chalked up 375 International Grand Prize, Cannes with control over the Association for the Study of :aunties. four 0 I hours of manned space flight compared with America's 5314 hours. Film Festival. Negro Life. 2-PIPAATAN DAILY T,ieertny Oetober 2O la61 Arab-Africa Leaders Talk Peace ean ermg3 As Frontier Fighting Continues By DIANE MAUZY Feature Editor lion, political 1 RN PHIL NEVI'SOM from positions of strength. oppoi.ii and free enterprise .! If there had to be an emotional eruption during Madame Nhu's UPI Furrivi News Analyst But these were moves viewed There also stormy U. S. visit, wouldn't you know it would happen in San In Rabat, a UPI correspondent from the short term. Morocco grown.: Francisco. just back from the scene of the In the long view, Ben Bella of that the Western There have been egg throwing episodes strewn along the way desert fighting along the Alger- Algeria and King Hassan of Mo- , interested in t he and they marked well the Dragon Lady's course to the West Coast. ian-Moroccan frontier, sat down rocco had become the personifi- 4)11 .t1 I t44. gerian Sahara than But it took the enchanted "Gateway to the Pacific" to provide a at his typewriter and endeavored cations of a struggle convulsing in or wrongs of Moroc('o'. real reception. Police had to escort Madame Nhu and her daughter tu sort out his impressions. both the Arab and the African , But in the long Into the Sheraton-Palace via the back alley. . . like something out of worlds. run by evolution or Perhaps the City is unusually pent up after the disappointment Beau Geste," wrote UPI man revolat, ADMIRER OF CASTRO struggle must go of Titus cancellation. He picked up a political flu and not even Carolos Mend. beyend 1,, Ben Bella is a dedicated so- boundaries of the ready-to-be demonstrators can fight the common either Algeria cold. "In Hasid Beida, I counted of Nas- cialist, an admirer both Morocco. For this is a The fact is, though, that Madame Nhu has made the headlines eight date palm trees. No town. strirel,!, ser and Fidel Castro of Cuba. of opposing ideologie., in eery stop of her "unofficial" visit despite the State Depart_ No vegetatiim except los. those And Moroccans ask Western re- idutionary socialism ment's wish that she not be given an overzealous welcome. The pitiful palms clustered around porters: ser or a Ben Belt South Viet Nam henchwoman thrives on controversy. one well . . ." "Have you forgotten Cuba?" long tolerate pe, Unlike in her own country, Madame Nhu is speaking in a Indeed, it scarcely seemed In Moroccan eyes, Morocco tence ith a fraut.!. nation where she has the right to be heard. No one particularly life. worth a man's staruk; between Nasser and a so- has to listen. But those vvho demonstrate against her visit do as the small ern Tunisia or the But around cialist federation of North Af- much to bloat and expand the significance of her appearance as dying, of Libya, Moro,. Beida oasis men were rica wherein private enterprise those who clamor for her attention and schedule her for speeches. Africa even as leaders of both would be subject to nationaliza- Saudi Arabia and .1 What constructive can he gained by her visit? Madame Nhu and the Arab world maneuvered Is not really here to test the winds of American opinion. She is peace. ....... =...... here to see how far the American public. Congress and the Presi- There were compelling reasons Earners! You're Needed Now! dent can be pushed. She is here to see if U.S. policy really has its for settling the quarrel quickly. Money new Thrifty back to the wall concerning South Viet Nam. 1 \MLA. SiaJG- ANY tF YOJ e ,a,sE But there also were reasons why We want you to introduce the fabulous Dinner Club 1 WiL.k. Sit.1G ANY iF YcA.r . This dinner book She coos and hisses alternately and runs questions aground with peace would not come easily Book to the college community. contains 33 is a welcome "Your money isn't the only money in Viet Nam" and "The problem and why, if it did come, it might free dinners at local restaurants. It chance for a money at the same time. between us is that we South Viet Nam, are more anti -commu- pn,... as illusory as Arab or person to eat out and save In order please contact nistic than you United States)." .\I nean unity. to be the bearer of such happy news, Mr. Taylor, The Dragon Lady is shrewd and hardened to the political CY 8-6298, between 9 a.m. - I p.m. I rioarroa: MAY SPREAD Parry needed! women are her that the South Viet and Men and It didn't phase Nam Embassy fortunes. I Thrust A compelling reason for peace explained emphatically that she dues not represent the government EDITOR'S NOTE: Thrust and Parry College I .:11,11 was a fear that, if continued for or the country. letters, because of space limitations, At fir .-t I was glad to see will be limited to long, the fighting could not be Madame Nhu is indeed typical of the Siamese heritage. She a maximum of 300 something had been started, I'm words, preferably typed and doubie. eenfined to a single border. "A man of his time- aware, critical and deeply committed. But most ol an, can purr softly but when she decides to growl it's not without all for a College Union, but then tunny." spaced. Letters exceeding this In Paris, with intimate know- he's just plain flexed claws. It's too bad that demonstrators and publicity have amount either will not be printed or I took a closer look at the pic- ledge of both, there was a be- followed her every move and given her the opportunity to con- will be edited to conform to length. ture. I was quite disturbed, and itr***************************** ...... * lief that militarily the Moroc- temptuously swipe the face of American pride and dignity. The editor also reserves the right to rightly so, because it looked like edit letters to conform to style and cans were better trained and It would have been a far better thing and more effective if a creation of the State Depart- good taste. Letters of personal at- equipped for this kind of fight- San Franciscans had ignored or silently boycotted her visit. tacks will not be printed. All letters ment of Architecture Califor- *11. ing and would win out over Al- IDICK must include the writer's signature * ------nia's answer excuse?) for beau- GREGORY . al*****11414444444444444441 and ASB geria. number. tiful buildings. But there was also the belief I will be very frank. When 'Sterile' Architecture that United Arab Republic GUARALDI MARGIE McCOY the Sole does come before the VINCE President Gamal Abdel Nasser with For Union --Student student body, and it is indicated and the Communist bloc would NeapsMcMillan that the "glorious" group in behind the int en. ene to save Algerian Presi- walking Sacramento %%111 design it, in all --(/ ( A either of "flatly ifuund the hay, Biro" eafeteria recently and lo and be- dent Ahmed Ben Bella from dis- 1st 8:30 p.m. lilr4111 good conscience I v, ill hae to November and .. Barefoot Bug icith ( '1.r. {.'' . hold I ,aw a sign indicating the at Sole against the Union. We Moe futUre sight of our pioposed Eentually, such a war would enough sterile buildings on cam- engulf the whole of North Af- SAN JOSE CIVIC AUD. pus now and to have our College HOW SMALL CAN YOU GET? rica. Trio rrtqpr,0, Union look the same is too much Tickets: $1.75, $2.75. $3.75 There were plenty of would- to take. has long rocked be peace-makers, including vir- Today let us address ourselves to a question that I hope more students feel the On sale at th,, and roiled the academic world: Is a student better off at a small tually every head of every state same way about the union and college than at a large college? bordering on the Sahara. The San Jose Box Office The Traveling also vote NO. Let's have a beau- To answer this question it is necessary first to define terms. belligerents also spoke of a de- 40 W. San Carlos CY 5-0888 tiful one or none at all. What, exactly, do we mean by a amoI2 college? Well ler, some sire for peace but continued Presented by say that in order to be called truly small, a college should have James F. Francis military maneuvers to negotiate ALPHA DELTA SIGMA an enrollment of not more than four students. Hooleoaolly ASB A141412 I surely have nts quarrel with this statement; a four-student EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. Dwight college must unequivocally be called small. Indeed, I would Bentel, chairman of the College even call it intirne if I knew what intime meant. But I submit Union iPlanning Committee, said SpattanTiaily Take, for instance, a there is such a thing an being too small. the Union will he designed by a recent unfortunate event at Crimscott A and M. Entered as second class matter April private architect hired by the Crimneott A and M, situated in a pleasant valley nestled 24, i934, at San Jose, California, un- between Philadelphia and Salt Lake City, was founded by der the act of March 3, 1879, Mem- ber California Newspapers Publishers 'Thanks' Given Daily Association. Published daily by Asso- ciated Students of San Jose State For Clock Reminder College except Saturday and Sunday, during collage year. Subscription ac- .ongrat illations on and thanks cepted only on a remainder-of-semes- ter basis. Full academic yew, $9; each for your reminder to set back semester, $4.50. Off-campus price pr all clocks Sunday morning. With copy, 10 cents. CY 44414 - Editorial more reminders like that, very Ext. 2383, 2384, 2385, 2386. Adver- lew campus activities could he tising Ext. 2081, 2082, 2083, 2084. Press of Globe Printing Co. Office forgotten. hours 1:45.4.20 p.m., Monday through Bill Cooper Friday. Lou Gottlieb ASH A12290 Editor ..... JERRY ARCA (M.C.) Advertising Mgr.__ DAVE BLOOM I. ':1 U'( Day Editor GERALD GU IBOR News Editor ...... - .....RON BOTTINI Modern Folk Quartet KSJS Log Business Mgr. _ MIKE DANIELS TUESDAY Promotion Mgr. BOB RAUH do we meat/ We Ctve Feature Editor ..... DIANE MAUZY Wexdcily, eede Lynn Gold 4:15-Spartan Show 4:30-News Class. Ad. Mgr. GARY GREATHOUSE Society A. and M. Crimscott, two brothers who left Ireland in 1625 4:45-Spartan Show Editor KAI SIMMS Sports Editor DAVE NEWHOUSE to escape the potato famine of 1841. As a result of their fore- Bessie Griffin & 5:00-Doctor Tell Me Fine Arts Edit.. . STAN NASCIMENTO CONSIDERED 5:05-Aperitif HAVE YOU sight, the Critic:eat brotherm never went without potatisis for Exchange Editor .... RONALD LEINIO 6:00-Twilight Concert one single day of their liven -and mighty grateful they were! The Gospel Pearls Special Assignments MIKE DUNNE 7.00-Exploring the Child's World One night, full of gratitude after a wholewene meal of French Copy Editor NICK FERENTINOS 7:30-Eastman Band Favorites UNION BANK'S fries, cottage fries, harsh browns, and au gratin, they decided Reporters-Steve Agosta, Judie Block, Knob Lick -News 8.00 Jan Brantley, Forrest Cassidy, Mike to show their appreciation to this bountiful land of potatoes 8:15-Commentary '63 Dunne, Jeanne Marie Gates, Patricia by endowing a college. But their generosity contained one HIGHLIGHTS . Unique banking concepts? Upper 10,000 Givens, Gerald Guiber, Minko . . stipulation: the enrAhnent of the college must never exceed DOCTOR TELL ME - Do doctors SAN JOSE CIVIC AUDITORIUM lyama, Maryanne La Guardia, Bill four students. They felt that only by keeping the school this ever give free medical care? program2 Tomorrow at 8:30 Marquardt, Mike Murphy, Roy Nord, . . . Individualized training could each be immured of the perwinalized atten- TWILIGHT CONCERT - Berlipx. small student ALL SEATS RESERVED -$2 00 Thomas O'Neil, Starr Perrin, James Royal Hunt and Storm (from Tro. tion, the camaraderie, the merit, that it; all too often lacking iu On Salo: Wandell Watkins tat. Quick, Richard H. Raab, Allan MO in jans): Kodaly, Due for Violins and . . . Opportunities for rapid larger institutions of higher learning. Sheian Clay, 09 So 10 St ..Cy1-6252 K. Risdon, William Solidsy, John Cello: Handel, Water Music. Well sir, things went along swimmingly until one Saturday Souriall, Stephen Spence, William advancement? a few years ago. On thin day Criinncott had a football gunie Watson, Jacquelyn Zimmerman. !scheduled against Minnesota, its, traditional rival. Football, ADVERTISING STAFF-Dave Attencio, as you can well imagine, was something of ti problem at Chin- John Amino, Janet Braun, Rex Buss, Interviews: November 6 Virginia soitt, what with only four undergraduates+ in the entire college. Collins, Chuck Could, Susan Hervilla, Jim Hill, John Jaeger, Tak It was plow enough to muster a backfield, but to find a good Komatsuzalti, Lee Lindeman, Dick Make interview arrangements line or even a bud line -baffled some of the most reaourceful Mecedo, Barry Namen, Arthur Patch, at the Placement office coaching rairolm in the nation. Ed Pavane, George Winters and Jim Well sir, on the morning of the big game against Minnesota, Williamson. its traditional rival, a capricious fate dealt Crimscott u cruel - - - 400 S lit St. blow in feet, four cruel blows. Sigafoos, the quarterback, 552 S. Bascom CY 5 7238 woke up that !Horning with an impacted inclier. Wrichards, "THE MOUSE ON THE MOON" "GARDEN OF EDEN" the -lotback, thinkrel his taxidermy exam and was declared in- Peter Sellers Margret Rutherford "BIG MONEY" "NUDE CAMERA" eligible. Beerlohni-Tree, the wingback-tailback, got his neck- Enian Carmichael tie caught in his espresso machine. Yuld, the fullback, was "BODY BEAUTIFUL" ATTENTION SPORTS CAR OWNERS - Students $1.00 Medea by gypsies - - Students $1.00 - Connequently, none of the Crimscott team showed up at the football galtie, cud Ml11110tatta, RA traditional rival, was able te Y 7 Yager & Silva now has a factory trained FOREIGN CAR TOWNE(306r ISINtre 111110ttit. at will. Crinatoott was se cross after this humiliating SARATOGA Mechanic they 1433 THE ALAMEDA who specializes in: defeat that immediately broke off football relations with 14502 BIG BASIN WAY Minnesota, its tnultiored rival. This later became known as "Stranger Knocks" Danish Thriller Lubrication Services the Sacco-Vanzetti Cam. "The Gypsy and The Gentleman" "THIS SPORTING LIFE" Se you can see how only four students Melina Mercouri Color might be tee meagre - Students $1.00 - Engine overhauls an enrollment. The number that I personally favor is twenty. (Star of "Nes,a, on Sunday I Why? you ask. Because, I reply, when you have twenty Transmission Repairs students and one of them opens a pack of Marlboro Cigarettes, Complete Brake Service there are enough to go cround for everybody, and no otie has Zifte&I TROPICAIRE to be deprived of Marlboro's flavor, of Marlboro's filter, of Alma and Atmadon Rd. 1969 Alum Rock Ave. Electrical and Tune-up Service Marlboro's staunch and nteurlfaet companionship, and MY a result you have a student body that is brimming with sweet "WIVES AND LOVERS" Front Alignment North S,roen content and tunity and harmony and concord and togetherness "IT'S ONLY MONEY" and soft park and Flip-Top box. "LILIE OF THE FIELD" Carburetion That's why. Ions Max Mumma. "JUDGMENT AT NURENBERG" * * "STUDIO we honor all credit cards) are twenty There fine cigarettes in every park of Marlboros, 1st & San Salvador CY 2-6778 Sit S,rnen there are millions of parks CY 5-8968 S. 4th Street and of Marlboros in every om of YAGER & SILVA 78 the fifty slates of the Union. We. the makers of Marlboro and "IRMA LA DUCE" the sponsors of this column, hope you will try our wares soon. "LAWRENCE OF ARABIA" (the complete service station) "COME BLOW YOUR HORN" eace Toesany neliJier le4r, sP4 AN 10411.9-4 Kaatskill Show Opens I ITT! r AA AN ON CAMPUS Pro/Commits r cWatqw Prof Paintings Go Jes Sell Too Soon , Friday at SJS Theater 4814 II Irtrcs Off FAN! Today Seth Slough a Ai; ski familiar leyriirl with a will he playas, by Di Haw. T Jeis isI Christopher Curitis, and his wife spot. He has erannutted tho ) new college east. Katchen will be played by 11/ a ler:11We on Comparai,o This describes "Rip Van Win- oilrbf the A Louise Wallace. Jacob Stein will Education, yet he doesn't has, V4111 11:1'.e IIIS 1/11 flaln1Ings sri production of an Ir. . kle," the second be played by David Hubert. the material for it. I , t Nrt Cod.

cirrx)) the College drama season this The demons will be played by Ile was planning to obtain the year. Me play will open Friday Leo Namba, Sandra Emery material for this ()lass ,hile 141 Wood, Joye Packard, Diana Es- a three week trip to Ito- Ha and and alsii will be performed Sat- go V, posiirr, and Marian Slave. Vil- the Scandinavian ()tailor,- Tho .oirl Noy. 69, witb mat - 1.1 A11111. ./11 .1 thei urday lagers will he .11,1111 Gunderson, trip included 60 (slur...hos :mil 9 fAening , ,.. 111/111 is IS a [Y.), 6 Albert and FiralltIall ft .1.1i 011 by the Agnelli..., ',Is, .1 . * k_1.1 NI 1 .1 - 1,1 is s''' V.111 he 8-15 ill the Joanie and Le)Tey Me( 'reatli, AS,.:1/113111/11. 1111 11111.i . itd !ism ..ilege Theater, and matinees oral Ann Tray is as t ho children. I ::11../Pa. oust rtre C1/1111/:111,0 ii be 2 p.m. Gizella Italazs, I.orrene 'itS iii SI/elely. The story is about a drunkard Carol Falk, Robert Franklin, But the trip was eanceiled for inkl. who can't discipline himself very Martha Johns, Peter Liederman, Dr. Jensen, professor rit Educa- the and his wife drives him Kevin Seligman, and David Hu- tion. l'ancelled by the l'h;in- out. He ends up in the Kaatskill bert will be the adults. cellor's office just before the Mountains, where he goes to start of this semester. al I drinking, and passes out and It was a shame. fLr. Jensen later. The last ------comes to 20 years Gregory Contest has been planning this Irip Si R,' scenes of the play show the dif- just after Christmas last year. d Now! ferences in the town as he re- Ile had the appraival of the ms y Dlnner Club turns. Winners Named cation department and the Presi- Van A 'A k contains 33 Playing the lead as Rip dent's office. Over- "yolf ' NICE ut.iN chance for a Winkle will be Richard Winners for the Dick Gregory Everyone encouraged him. He Gretchen lime. In order 111%., .Ir. As his wife contest have heell anntaineed. planned his sehedule ea/141111Y play - ct Mr. Trlyk)r, wslI Is) I luflfliC Roseveale SI/ he would 1111s, 1 /ION e Winning kyr, tickets :piper) for 111, 11;111011er Meellel ssill he And II. :111,1/114.4i iii the In 10-.1 torie) air pers1/11S. 11 (;11111111*- I,sit 1111111111‘1,, 1../' PlaY her :IS a young a iii Chan, Itirliaid Smith e in 111111 SINGERDennis Day will take ' 11 IA111 time while Marjorii 5torore will In 1.111 1.1Ie:IS, MaI'Val el (.10.1.1'1, Traveling I ie /111911 /1 11/911,.1.1,-111 111114/ off Wednesday night and ,aolit, Hootenanny of his play her as a young lady. pleee ItIlTa/fe It,' bring a portion show to 0/11111 V1111,111. Ntadrlyri Worn) set Pr." ""I the 7 I'laying Nick Vedder, the inn- himself with appriipi ntl .11/1/./1.11 Newman Club Wednes- Diane Fennel, Jet I rey Hoven, day currently ap- keeper, will be Colin Johnson. 1.1/1' e11111 IiIISSi/la Clays, III pass night. Day is Anne ('arr, and linger Slatt. The pearing at in von Beekman. owner At port and ).isa through the Safari Room Derrick Civic Tomorrow started As stories could be no less than 125 night un- 1,1 most of the town, will be the proper channels. His soriii- East San Jose every AI) ;,-. oho- I words. til Dennis Fimple. Hendrick Ved- pox vaccination even tork. Nov. 3. The Dick Gregory Show will der, Nick's sun will be played hy Being an administrat ); r he presented Friday night at two persons. As a child will be though, Dr. Jensen ircognizrd 8:30 in the San Jose Civic audi- KSJS Features John Barnes, and as a man will the need for arranging last torium. Appearing with the sa- be Thomas Novi. minute details. Details which comedian will be Vince SJS Prof Tonight Derrick's nephew Cockles will tirical never arrange themselves. Guaraldi and Margie McCoy. be Larry Arzie. Katchen Slough, So, seven months after he be- 1 i gan planning the trip, he again Low cost PHONOUNCF: THIS passed thmaigh channels to he 'sin I,- I- FON THE charter bus service The longest English word is 43 sore everything was and ULTIMATE IN FASHIONS letters king and appears in the Ire II 111111.. had the go ahead. Kelita Sorooy FALCON %Vele:ter Merriam Dictionary. It Ile got a phone call j11S1 Bobbie Brooks Miss Pat D. is pnemnonor II I ra m icroscopiesi I- frav schrsil started In I:11/.111 1A. CHARTER SERVICE and after Liz Porter Ltd. icovolcanokoniosis which means guest, Dr Airs', 295-9111 the deadline, The Chancellor's

a form of pneumoconiosis. office had rlenied permission. sistant prolessor 455 1 WILUMB * as 10thStreet ,, Open Thurs. Mitts CV 4.5629 They had recognized finally science his value to the college and he _ Of could not be spared, so said the .-0888 Chancellor's office. MORE FOR LEES AT MEALTIME So, Dr. Jensen has a set of new luggage, a passport, warm Ilen 1111.01111111. 10111es. 1.11 I Ile M.1111 '11,11 11.1 lira,' underwear, and a smallpox vac- (or sell 11111111,51 11111, .11 1,1i.. cinatim to show for his esin- all% celled trip to Russia. Choice of' FOUR ENTREES and 20 SALADS 950 Unique Christianity All you can eat for For South Africans MAIN STREET JZ, I f By- 1O1'1.1.55 1)I1,11 Ill All 1 111-.1 *-1. 243.2011 !5511 Jit-I n 51 $ S.41 51h. .5.41 5th, .s 41 I., :)1b) United Prei.a International \\ \\01/ PLAYERSThe Knob Lick Upper 10,000 are one of the many PIETERSBURG. South Africa Quick Clean Center (UPI t The South Afrieall 113- o -- singing groups to be presented at tomorrow night's "Traveling o Dry Clean & k Hootenanny" show at 8:30 in the San Jose Civic Auditorium. 1ise has his own unique type rit $ - Launderette :4 Christianity. $ A "Traveling Hootenanny" from Boston, Ma-- Iswain A large part of it is a pecithai Bus Tickets Are Still Available 8 Lbs. Drycleaning $2.00 NZ show will come to the San Jose Story from Somersi.t. Ky.; and outgrowth of tribal ritual \ :.--- \ -- Large Load 8 to 10 Garments Z4 Civic Auditorium tomortmw Erik Jacobsen. American Midwest evangeli- 0 Some innovations are Inn::,'. for vt 24 minute service yt evening at 8:30. Featured in the Childs adds greatly to the 21 Is Bring in this ad and program will be Lou Gottlieb of group, for he has been active .2- -) ..--; SAN 1:: 51ii: the Limeliters, the Modern Folk musically on guitar. banjo, do- One example is the natie San Jose State * t Quartet, Bessie Griffin and the hro, and autoharp for 15 years. Bantu) minister who uses a tele- Corner 9+11 and W;11/arn Open 8 are. 'Ill Midnight ,i,s phone in his church services. : ,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,w,orr,,V, Gospel Pearls, Lynn Gold, and After graduating from Oberlin U. of Oregon Football Game the Knob Lick Upper 10,000. College in 1959, he set 00 as a He tells his flock that the tole - The last group has a reason single performer and rapidly phone, which stands on his pul- All Expenses included in Ticket Price for picking such a name. Knob gained a reputation as one of the pit, is his own private longdis- You Specialties tance line to Heaven. should try the Char-Broiled Lick is the name of a small finest instrumentalists in the Bus Leaves 10:00 p.m., Friday Nov. 1 hamlet in Kentucky, and upper folk field. Late in the summer of Such church leaders command Beef Burgers Shrimp Sandwich 590 the spiritual life of 1.5 million 250 10.000 is a literal translation of 1962, he joined the Knob Lick Christians in thousands of Available for the Hootenanny, Chuck Burgers 390 Fishwich 450 a German word meaning the group. Bantu Separate Tickets also pis? South African Christian sects Steak Burgers 590 B.B.Q. Beef -- 450 "upper crust" or "gentry." Story, as lead singer and Eugene Hotel, Nov. 2nd nephew and are frequently revered as Steak Sandwich 890 Foot-long Hot Dog 350 As the Limeliters present comic r)f the group. is program? bluegrass and gospel prophets by their followers. (with sauerkraut or chili) "folk music for moderns" so do of famous Story. The other Many are believed by their the Knob Lick Upper 10.000 pre- singer Carl Ticket Sales at 411 So. 5th St. group. Jacobsen, flocks to have miraculous heal- Try our newly featured Pizza and Dinners sent "blue grass for moderns." member of the After graduat- ing powers. 12:00 Noon - 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m e, 00 p ro. Their music has been rear- plays the banjo. Large These "prophets" also (lain - Pizza 990 Shrimp Boat 890 rangtx1 and the harmonies al- ing from Oberlin College, he and to possess s ;slim in dreargs Monday thru Friday Extra Large $1.25 990 tered from traditional bluegrass the idea of pio- Chicken Story conceived through which they can foretell Spare to appeal to a wide variety of Ribs 890 1/2 -Lb, Salisbury Steak 890 neering a different sound in coming events and diagnose sick - or call 293-6204 for Reservations tastes, and the presentation is commercial folk music that of ?less. liberally salted with a light, 111, a BIG BEN tongue-in-cheek humor which is instrumental sophistication unique in its field. more exciting balance with m- 460 44344 E. Williams Between 10 & 11. Phone CY The trio consists of Pete Child eal expression. HERE'S YOURP416 :RS It's the talk CASH FOR COLLEGE SWEEPSTAKES entry! CAMPUS INTERVIEWS of San Jose! ,R Win one of these valuable HERE ARE THE EASY RULES educational prizes: ' or MANAGEMENT TRAINEE PROGRAM ANGELO'S 2 4.year scholarships ($6692 cash value) 2. I 4 $1000 scholarships .11.1 If you're a male student 21 to 30, majoring in business, liberal arts, $125 Famous rir er ' Steak 10 $500 scholarships 51n. 3. Wiwi,. 1 55 physical education, or any general field of concentration explore the vast Dinner 32 sets Compton's Pictured We. 1/., Encyclopedia All opportunities Thrifty . . . Thrifty management. Representative, Mr. 1.14. with VISIT 100 Compton's Illustrated Science Tirbak will be on campus Mon., Nov. 4, interviewing students for Thrifty's Dictionaries OUR 200 Replogle 12" world globes management trainee program. Ask him about: I. Lori& Just send four labels from any of these I) Promotions on ability and merit. Corn, Peas, Pineapple. Fruit Cocktail, Peaches, tomato e, Room prefer, enclose a hand drawn copy 01 the name "tinny's" Yearly bonuses Sand to: Libby's, P.O. Box 6, Los Angeles 51, California Unmatched profit sharing SOON * Starting salary of $425 Street Street PARKING ANGELO'S THRIFTY DRUG STORES Co. Inc. STEAK HOUSE City - /or n Make an appointment at the Placement Office CONTEST CLOSES NOVEMBER 30, 1963. ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE. s Id 72 E. SANTA CLARA S. 011-41PASTAN mins Tt.esday October 29 1963 Harriers Face Tribe; Gurule, Tucker Shine The Spartan cruss-countri tea:: . :at..::- "fr a cons-incing win o% e: .t._ tne race - ...-tiaiited Golder, fiate a in.ades Stanford Murphy, 14ho..0 veer+ hare ..--r..rsday for a ;9:az-az-ailed c:ash been womethiag Ie.. than great - Payton J-,r^lan's harrie:-s up to non. ina.t he rr-sid,. for a tuna. top effort aga/not the Indiana trampled f.;GTC Miller eornnsented that Murphy 7. e 'fiE,Y 'earn perf-,:mance .if Ift% the ..loping Tribe golf a: the :t.Ca.s your.* rurs hi.. top I. -ft Fbhhark %AM the %%Inner. rare. there. hut superb efforts. bs isene i.u- -Stanford wiii ue rough. Mi:ier rule and Ben Tucker dress rates say.. They have everything at from Miller and m.o.* obwertera stake. From what I hear they have a. G..r..e is knoiAn to to win or else forget a tear teammates. ran the finest ;-ace trip back east -f his career in finishing second. That should be the ince:-..-- He improved h;s best ter.e over they'li need to run well against : rie local course by a min -e and us.- he added_ THE UPSSe" Jose Ste s number one cross- east Spartan Stadium ;ocJne in s race a half The Indians tripped a t - country ruerer Jeff i:ishbaci (r) and Bill Morgan won by SJS. Ben Tucker, (1.e4: !..)anny Murphy The smallish senior came here UCLA squad nine days ago THE DOWNSJeff Fishback leads Ben Tucker (part:a . of He Goloe- 'Safe T,ecr Club head up the (right) Ron Davis and Tom T. , last fall from Cerrncis IC where on the Palo Alto course. St r. - at right), Danny Murphy and Bill Morgan (partially he was the sree's second best ford's Harry McCalla finished :.r- left) down the west side of Spartan Stadium en route - harrier behind the Spar an, Dsck in 20:25 2. one sA the top 10 part of the SJS cross-country course. ever registered at The Farm. ViagesignerelnitailatneeeneneeeeekrOaskiehiOneakelleseageekseressesil Poloists Test Thursday's meet will also exr- bine the NorCal freshman chair. - Prepare now for Homecoming! No. 1 Ranked Come in and discover for OUNi h beautiful your hair can Tribe Friday Gibson Places hms be. just treatise flair p, fans tcr. the Third in Judo : tiie r :on Vk inner, of oser 40 awards in St,d,:,rd laur st!. ling anil hair cuttip4. think e.,:n- tr.:. Spaz-tan for a NorCa. League scrap with the Promotional Permanent Waves

San Jose State's judoists Special Frosting of it. 0 fare to well in the brown belt competition but Richard - 81295 captured third place among-i. . inkeo USC. you can open a new black belts in Sunday's promo- r: the chin tional tournament at Palo Alt, loos/Atkins SUPER/CHARGE 1-’ Ida' 11-5 '; ' -:’artford GENE GURULE International Coif f and Lone Bear-. e onl> . . . . greet effort High School. Julefeated major %satyr pow- Gibson won his first match :t 2 7. Montgomery Phone ;.2 and take months to pay! Fernandez. who then ran for El ers on the mast. the tournament and fought to a (amino JC. Whs., Every Werra, Can Be Bea65;:,,I SJS coach Lee Walton said that draw in his second battle for thira He just missed a trip to East place. n.s team would have to make vir- Lan,ing. Mich . for the NCAA Last year's NCJA overall cham- tually r.o mistakes and control the onamplionships but hard work and pion, Dave Sawyer. won his first oall 75 p?r cent of the time in d.-termination has enabled him to encounter but was defeated in ,rder to upset Jim Gaughrari '-rash the top five this year. second. Gary Newquist captured What he lacks in ability. he one victory and battled to a draw The Spartans were on the shot' rnore than makes up for in de- First at Santa Clara end of is 25-7 score in the fir,' termination and desire.- says Gary Matteoni was San Jose's meeting between the two team, only other winner. He captured this season. Tocker finished in a tie for one win and before being elimin- third with Danny M Irphy Sattir- ated. Chinese Roaster ,. after it was ear le^ Spartan r’ ,eh L-chit: ne wouidn't run due to a tender stated that the brown belts are ,thilles heel. mostly sophomores and juniors and The Continental H owe ver. the senior mller for a large number of them it was their first competition. "However WORLD-WIDE NETTER we were able to spot the area, Ci44+1ty San Jose State tearus Coach where we must improve.' JI "1" 1TE (:(11.1.1.:1;1:. -"It I II No.. 5. 10 San Jose State judio D'Ach Krikorian. a former riol- ists will compete t11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111110t. "-giale champion at rJs in 1953. in the North - co u PON FOR has also competed at Wimbledon South All-Star Tournament at ;r1 England. In 117,tt-fib. Krikorian South San Francisco High Schonl E STUDENT PLATE SPECIAL E ..vas the third ranking singles It will he the Southern Cali- Choice of any 3 servings pla;.et :a he 1 rio,.,! fornia judoists against Northein Bowl of hot soup 'alifornia's top performers. Oolong tea and cookie Representing SJS will be Hi:: Knabke. Richard :corona. $ 1.00 morday Si )s. ;arnasaki. Larry Dobashi. Rich- c, any %ewe. Ned,e:da, : wian. PLEASE PP.E.P." ED ri11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110r.

has returned to vote for

Pardon me if I sound as if the executive position I've landed deals with thz.. whole future of It does. thr: wori J. sr; /atinn today conduct. e vita f,irmes-, ir in the tkemessnf the

r ',rates Air Force. And very few org7iiiza :5 give a college graduate greater oppor tur, . to, responsibility and growth. As an Air Force officer. you'll be a leader on the Aerospace Teamwith good pay. a 30 -day paid vacation each year, educational opportunities. How can you get started? For many, the best way Does a man really take unfair advantage of women is through Air Force ROTC. But if you missed out on AFROTC. or if there's no unit on your campus, when he uses Skin Bracer? you can still apply for Air Force Officer Training ANNE CHAMBERS All depends on why he uses it. School. This three-month course leads to a com Most men simply think Menthol-Iced Skin Bracer is the best mission as a second lieutennt in the United for after-shave lotion around. Because it cools rather than burns. States Air Force. Because it helps heal shaving nicks and scrapes. Because it helps prevent blemishes. For more information about Air Force OTS, see HOMECOMING So who can blame them if Bracer's crisp, long-lasting aroma your local Air Force representative. QUEEN just happens to affect women so remarkably? Of course, some men may use Mennen Skin Bracer because e Why don't you? pi this effect. c U. S. Air Force How intelligent! Spartans Idle Today w Tuesday October 74 1911 SPARTAN DAIII-T-111 Bears, Undefeated Indians Clash 'Finest Collegiate Backfield' By TOM O'NEIL battle the Spartans next Tuesday a 2-1 win over California Saturday instead of center-forward, LOU night at San Jose State's soccer players, Spartan Stadium in the on the Bear field. The victory en- Fraser, the mgular wing, played enjoying the comforts of a day off, crucial soccer game of the season abled the Spartans to gain a split inside right, and Efiok Akpan Opposes San Jose Saturday for the re- for both schools. are anxiously waiting with California In league play Cal switched to center-forward," Stanford edged the By DAVE: NEWHOUSE: keep hint Er sults of today's match between Spartans 5-4 edged San Jose 3-2 in an earlier stated Menendez. 'Then we put all Oregon tetun In eight at- and In overtime the last time the two "The best set of college backs da), Menges replied,"Ite the University of California match at Spartan Stadium. Dave Kingsley at left halfback for looked tempts. anywhere Stanford. teams met. However, the Spat-tans "I felt that our boys deserved to part of the game." in the country," will hurt ulien lie left the field at 'There's no question about 11:. -ii Menendez are out to avenge that loss. face San Jose State Saturday at the end 01 the game hut Spartan coach Julie win the Cal game." stated Menen- Akpan and Korbus scored the I look being high for the Washingioi, University of Oregon's Multnomah for hint to play against gave his squad the day off so that With no games on the Spartan's dez. "They out played them two goals for San Jose State. Ak- us." game. Hilt, Kanehe's costly injury -Indian Stadium. he could scout the Bear schedule this next week, San Jose throughout the match." "Cal pan used his head to knock in one Oregon is deep in the backfield, and Berry and Renfro's being hurt. This is the opinion of Gene 1. clash at Palo Alto. A Califorina Will sit back and wait to see if played our key players man to goal on a kick from Fraser and hut not as strong in the line. may have hampered them." State Menges, SJS assistant coach, who sictury could put San Jose the other NorCal League team man instead of using a zone de- Korbus won the game on a penalty "They've got solid renlaeemenl. "We've played good hall win watched the Ducks bow 26-19 in in an excellent position to can dispose of Stanford's unde- kick in the fourth period. in the backfield behind the four against Oregon in the last two fense," added Menerwiez. "But we the fading minutes last SaturilaN Is Its' NorCal League championship. feated record. "Our win over Cal was a team slatting backs. The lint. has 10,11 years. We lost 11-11 last were able to open up their defense Stanford, undefeated in league California is the big hope for the effort and I thought that our de- to fired -tip Washington. 111111 t's en more when Milt Kanehe fall, hut had the ball inskle their Menges rated the game play, has compiled a 3-0 mark and Spartans. They have two games by moving players around. fense was exceptionally good," con- as 250-pound tackle / ill’ik his 10 se%eral times. It was Just "one shutout San Francisco State Sat- with the Indians. One match today "Al Korbus moved to right wing cluded Menendez. of the hest l'se e%er seen. ankle, lie's out for the year." 11-6 tao :,ears ago. When Washington 40.41r.41 110 urday 3-0. and another in two weeks. The Menges praised the performance "We're going to be high fol. Ito - Albert Nnoll and Larry Chuk- University of San Francisco also make It 16-19, Rob Piero. play- of Dick Imwalle, Oregon end, who one. Ken Berry's mery hit the warlebe, two Nigerians, team with has two games remaining with ing Oil an injured leg, brought caught two touchdown passes fighter. his brother is and really Klaus Bergman of Sweden to give Stanford and could help San Jose Oregon all the way domn the against the Huskies. Imwalle and wants to heat Bob." the Indians a well balanced at- gain the title. Berry are both fiom San Jose. The younger Berry has teem.- "They fumbled on the Washing- tack. The Spartans cannot afford to Menges sees the Spartans AA sered from a minor concussion t'i'- C ton 17 on the same type of hard San Jose is keeping a close lose another match and must de- liming as good tkanee Saturday' in the Idaho game anti tackling that both teams used witch oer Stanford. The Indians feat Stanford in order to stay in II is inning it.. I gam,. al; Alin, orked out ltrIonday. throughout the game," Meng4, - contention. Going into today's said. ONE OR MORE matches, Stanford leads the loop But, the fleet backfield of Berry XEROX" COPIES with its perfect mark, San Jose is All-American halfback Mel ltor, MADE AT second at 4-2. California is 1-1-I, fro, Larry Hill and 1.11 Bain. rc:i1:. USF in fourth at 1-2-1 and SFS HILLIS PRINTING CO. caught Menges' eye. trails 0-5. SAVE MONEY 38 Soidh Fourth St. "These four, excluding San Jose's last soccer action was a fir game 17-7 loss to Penn State have led Oregon's scoring PER GAL. Out of this World Food than 19 points per game" I.. ETHYL GAS at Down to Earth Priies Casanova's Webfoot% are fl h' 7, 2 3c OFF "Renfro can he expected to Whether it's a meal or go all the way lin eser% 11140. PER GAL, a snack . . . try lie's that dangerous a player. REG. GAS Larry 11111 Is another breakaway 2c OFF Howard's threat. So is Lit Rain. Guelfairlf,,d M, Cd 011 CO. GaSOrn Crystal Creamery Menges pointed ,,,it that Oregon is basically a passing team. Berry FOUNTAIN RESTAURANT has ranked in top 10 national pass- 7th & Sante Clara, San Jos ing most of the year. Lowest Gas Prices In San Jose 7 a.m.-10:30 p.m.Closed on Mon. "This kid is a real fighter. After hurting his leg against Washinv- ton, he practically brought th down the field on just ,mt. le, PURITAN OIL CO. Menges declared. 6TH & KEYES 4TH & WILLIAM Right near Asked whether reports tnt al ing that Berry's ball leg mill 10TH & TAYLOR SPECIALISTS Campus ... * * Season Statistics San Jose Foreign Car Service RUSHIN,, Plays Gain Loss Nor Avg Dennis Parker I 12 0 12 12 00 Expert repair on all imported cars Jerry trooraro 20 106 3 103 5 IS Bob Paterson 5 30 0 30 500 INNSBRUCK Transmission overhaul and Lubrications Charles Harraway 12 54 0 54 4 50 Walt Roberts 36 154 9 145 403 GROUND LEADERFullback Herb Engel leads San Jose State Herb Engiti 54 169 8 161 295 Tune-ups, Brakes, Motors Cass Jackson 34 125 27 98 285 rushers with 161 yards gained in 54 carries for a 2.9 average. Ken IIrry 23 91 37 62 270 Fort Bragg, has caught one pass for six Collett 11 34 8 26 2 36 Bring this ad ... Engel, a junior from Dave Johnson 511011220 yards and scored one touchdown this season. Br Lic Robertson 1 2 5 2 2 00 71790 GOOD FOR.10/e STUDENT DISCOUNT John Owens 1 0 0 0 0 Rand Carter 22 12 93 .111 -3.68 286-1100 PASSING 180 So. Market Alt Crno Pct Int Yd, Td Ken Berry 48 10 625 2 401 4 Rand Carter 99 52 525 8 517 3 WINTER OLYMPICS Championship Berths Bob Miller 11 2 182 0 41 0 John Owens 1 0 000 I 0 0 21 day excursion to \ SBRI1 air borne t,i sA ring Walt Roberts I 0 000 0 0 0 PUNTING plan noir for an eteiting winter vocation stop orev in No Yds Avg A CHUNK OF TASTY, LUS- Bob Paterson 32 1295 40 47 Paris CIOUS, SAVORY, TENDER, Three Teams PASS RECEIVING to sr - vi hint prvarran Open tz,41 No nit Td - Cass Jackson 22 172 U.S. CHOICE, NEW YORK First round playoffs in intra- Red Horde, "C" winner, the Cork- Walt Roberts 13 252 2 headline this soakers, play "A" second place Harry Kellogg 12 98 Call CY 3-1031 OR TOP SIRLOIN STEAK mural touch football Dare Johnson B6 week's intramural slate at San finisher Moulder Hall to complete Carl Kahn 5 64 Bob Bonds 61 COOKED THE WAY YOU Jose State. the schedule. "A" titlist Cal- Bill Holland 4 60 Hawaiians draws a bye. Bob Paterson 60 t-m travel agency LIKE IT FOR ONLY $1.49. Today's final games in the "B" Ron Wanner 3 50 League will determine the last The winner of the independent Je,y Collett 3 27 berth. playoffs will clash with the fra- John Owens 2 9 & SUNDAY post-season championship Bob Davis 1 60 NORTH FIRST ST.. SAN JOSE SATURDAY ternity champion for the intra- Herb EngI 1 6 The rest of the playoff field has Tony Mischa's 1 5 BREAKFAST SPECIALS mural championship Nov. 15. San Charley Harraway 1 0 III 1, already been decided. __ 1110M11181M Three teams in the "B" League Jose State radio station KSJS will 542 S. 2nd ST. will find out which one of them broadcast the title encounter. Fru Parking will be in the championships. ATO- Fraternity teams have five play No. 2 battles league winner Red games remaining in league meets Horde and Phi Sig No. 2 plays before the league champion against Kappi Pi to determine the the independent winner. ATO, Phi Sig and SAE are all in the run- only second place finisher. The three squads in the running ning for the frat crown. afternoon, Int ra - arau4 are either a half game in front or Wednesday Dan Unruh has behind other teams in contention. mural Director all man- However, if Phi Sig wins its game, scheduled a meeting for persons interested in it will qualify as the second "B" agers and our hair knows activities. The League playoff representative. coming intramural al :1:30 teakliouse Wednesday afternoon has been meeting will be in MGM scheduled for the first day of the competition for the independent championship. The contests will GIRLS it's there! start at 3:45 on the athletic fields Keep in shape at the at the South Campus. It's invisible, man! You can't see it. She can't feel it. Only your hair Paired in the playoff games are SAN JOSE knows it's there! It's CODE 10 for men, the new invisible hairdressing Fountain Hall, "A" League third HEALTH CLUB place, against "B" League second from -. Non-greasy CODE 10 disappears in your hair, place. The Ho-Dads, "A" fourth RESULTS IN 60 DAYS gives it the clean, place, battle "B" League champ Low manly look that inflames women, infuriates in- 3- off waist ferior men! Be in. Let new CODE 10 groom your I" off thigh hair all day, invisibly. 3" off hip FORMAL 12 -IS llos wigt. Gain: 2- on thigh I" on calf guitars WEAR 2" on bust 3" on hip Ira is' amplifiers for Frnralt:lear Grooms your hair since 1906 all day invio,bly! SEE,015 ifiAlt ALL THAT'S NOW IN THE EPIPHONE LI141 SALES - RENTALS

IN SAN JOSE 75 SOUTH 2ND DATE: October 29 CY 4-2322 Open Thurady until 5:30 p.m TIME: p.m. San Jos. Heal% Club PLACE: Offstage Theafer SAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND 413 E. Santa Clara St. 970 S. 1 if Sirooet BIRABIr SACRAMENTO " ... lOst CALL 295-9910 PP'

illIPARTAN DAILY Tuesday, October 29, 1963 Harriers Face Tribe; Gurule, Tucker Shine The Spartan eross-country team, warmed up okay Saturday 1111,111- without tresh from a convincing win over ing and finished the lace hi. highly -touted Golden Gate a complaint. Track Club, invades Stanford Murph whose races have Thursday for a long-awaited Itien something less than great vv Oh Payton Jordan's harriers. up to may be ready for a Dean Miller's sensational dis- top effort against the Indians. tancemen trampled GGTC, 16-43, Miller Tiled that Murphy in the best team performance of loves the sloping Tribe golf the year for the locals. course and always runs his top Jeff Fishback was, the %sinner. races there. but superb efforts by Gene I its- -Stanford will be rough," Miller rule and Ben Tucker drew raves says. "They have everything at from Miller and meet ObtiVIM err.. stake. From what I hear they have "IIinks." as Gurtile is known to to win or else forget about a team his teammates, ran the finest race trip back east. of his career in finishing second, 'That should be the incentive He improved his best time over they'll need to run well against the local course by a minute and us," he added. THE UPSSan Jose State's number one cross- east Spartan Stadium iodine in Saturday's race a half. The Indians tripped a tough Tucker (partially country runner Jeff Fishback (1) and Bill Morgan won by SJS. Ben Tucker, (left) Danny Murphy The smallish senior came here , UCLA squad nine days ago, 19-40, THE DOWNSJeff Fishback leads Ben (partially of the Golden Gate Track Club head up the (right), Ron Davis and Tom Tuite trail. lust fall from Cerritos JC where on the Palo Alto course. Stan- at right), Danny Murphy and Bill Morgan hid& n hi. was the state's second best ford's Harry MeCalla finished first left) down the west side of Spartan Stadium en route to tb harrier behind the Spartans' Dick in 20:25.2, one of the top 10 times part of the SJS cross-country course. ever registered at The Farm. Thursday's meet will also com- Poloists Test now for Homecoming! bine the Niad'al freshman cham- Prepare No. 1 Ranked pionships. Come in anti discover for 0111'S(11 how beautiful sour hair can be. Tribe Friday Gibson Places just Creative Ilair ts lists iter ludo tans all the watch Third in Judo innerr of oer 40 award, in team in the nation Friday Nib cultiii;!.. ght when unbeaten Stanford and hair think the Spartan pool for a League scrap with the Promotional Permanent Waves

San Jose State's judoists didn't Special Frosting The Indians, with three All- - 81295 of it. . Americans back from last year's fare to well in the brown belt Pet defending league champions, boast competition but Richard Gibson record including a captured third place among the nationally-ranked US(. you can open a new black belts in Sunday's promo- The clowns iO4.1i it On the chin tional tournament at Palo Alto Friday, I I.:, The liys 1..11 Stanford GENE GURULE f itres loos/Atkins SUPER/CHARGE High School. biternational Coif 1.,)ng licaeh State a, the only . . . great effort .0111 2)7, aidovaled!,,,),a.v,aterpok,p0w.. Gibson won his first match in 277 S. MmHg,' imery Phone and take months to pay! Fernandez. who then ran for El ors on tly the tournament and fought to a WhereEvery Worndn Cdo B.. Beaotifol Camino JC, his second battle for third iIii s.ui,l that He just missed a trip to East ' 'I ""ke dr' Lansing, Mich., for the NCAA Last year's NCJA overall cham- it till' yhampionships. but hard work and pion, Dave Sawyer, won his first ill thi 111111.tu determination has enabled him to encounter but was defeated in his irder It (11.1ghr:111', crash the top five this year. second. Gary NeVIMUISt captured "What he lacks in ability, he one victory and battled to a draw. The Si. 1.. the short more than makes up for in de- First at Santa Clara end ho first termination and desire," says Gary Mattison was San Jose's Miller. only other winner. He captured Tucker finished in a tie for one win and before being elimin- third with Danny Murphy Satur- ated. Chinese Roaster day, after it was earlier thought Spartan 'oar's Yosh Uchida he wouldn't run due to a tender stated that "the brown belts are :whines heel. mostly sophomores and juniors and Me CA mtimintal However, the senior miler for a large number of them it was it their first competition. "Ilia...ever, offers to WORI.1)- WI N F;l'TE It we were able to spot the areas San Jose State tennis Coach where we must improve." : J Vr1:, (:01.1.1.:(A: !Nil Iii Nov. 5, 10 San Jose State judo- Ituteh Krikorian, a former col- tIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100011111111.- ists will compete in the North - let.Mite champion at 5.15 in 1953, COUPON FOR has also conii at ea at N.Virobletion South All -Star Tournament at S.eith San Francisco E STUDENT PLATE SPECIAL = in England. In 1959-60, KrIkOrlittl High School. as the third i'anking Ii vvill lie thy S uthern Cali- Choice of any 3 servings player in the rnited tornia judoists Northern Bowl of hot soup ti. Oolong tea and cookie ftern,111111:’ 5.15 st. ill he Hill Khablo Itirthaill Norma'. Kw. $1.00 any Monday. Tuesday or Wednesday Night Larry Dohashi, Rich - = on PLEASE PRESENT COUPr.M 1 l' i. and Paill -fill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r: ii nut ( itaot. ED ilowomeeserwee,-eers,

has returned to vote for

Pardon me if I sound as if the executive position I've landed deak with th3 whole future of thr: woril It does. r,ertainly, there', nr. or;:ini,,itinn today conduct. more vital hosmf.,s5 than the business of the ited ;tate; Air Force. And very few organiza. ' ivy that give a college graduate greater oppor. tlri dies Iv responsibility and growth. As an Air Force officer, you'll be a leader on the Aerospace Teamwith good pay, a paid vacation each year, educational opportunities. How can you get started? For many, the best way Does a man really take unfair women is through Air Force ROTC. But if you missed out advantage of on AFROTC. or if there's no unit on your campus, when he uses Mennen Skin Bracer? you can still apply Force Officer Training for Air ANNE All depends on why he uses it. School. This threemonth course leads to a com. CHAMBERS Most men simply think Menthol-Iced Skin Bracer mission as a second lieutent.nt in the United is the best for after-shave lotion around. Because it cools rather than burns. States Air Force. Because it helps heal shaving nicks and scrapes. Because it For more information about Air Force OTS, see HOMECOMING helps prevent blemishes. So who can blame them if Bracer's hroye! your local Air Force representative. crisp, long-lasting aroma ; . skin QUEEN just happens to affect women so remarkably? . . Of course, some men may use Mennen Skin Bracer becawIn ti.s.Air Force Why don't you? 2! this effect. c How intelligent! F31 FOITGIMI Spartans Idle Toda Tuesday October 2q 19g1 SPARTAN DAILY-111, Bears, Undefeated Indians Clash Finest Collegiate Backfield battle the Spartans Its TOM O'NF.11. next Tuesday a 2-1 win over California Saturday Instead of center-forward, Lou soccer players, night at Spartan Stadium in the on opposes san Jose the Saturday . Siate's Rear field. The victory en- ',laser, the regular wing, played off, crucial soccer game of the comlorts of a day si.asini abled the Sparttms to gain a split inside right, and !:fi.itt Akpa ii re- for both schools. ao..iy waiting for the with California In league play Cal switched to center-forward," Stanford edged the Ity today's match between Spartans 5-4 edged San Jose 3-2 in an earlier stated Menerak.z. "Then we put 13AVE NEW SE keep him Irina pittIng Sat or 411 Or.14.11 team In elghl tat- sult. of In overtime besi mo 4,1 hacks of California and the last time the two match at Spartan Stadium. Dave Kingsley at left halfback for "The ...11,T.. %lenge. .41 !, lows the University teams met. However, the Spartans "I felt anyss here in the ri,ailry IA ill hurt he left I he field at . no 404.stion about then StanPird. that our boys deserved to part of the game." are out to avenge that loss. face Sr Jose Slate Saturday at the end Spartan coach Julie Menendez win the Cal game," stated Menen- Akpan and Korbus scored the the Kann. tuft I look fin 1111. Washineton ,,f tor the day off so that With no games on the Spartan's dez. "They out played them two goals for San Jose State. Ak- MI/J1r11,111,111 him to iday against us.'' Kanehe costly injitif gave his squad the Bear-Indian schedule this next week, San Jose throughout Sta11111111. Ore-gun .ind Renfro- being hurt he could scout the match." "Cal pan used his head to knock in one- in: Alto. A Califorina will sit back and wait to see if played our key Thlti of Lem. a- JS. hampered them" Hash at Palo players man to goal on a kick from Fraser and hut not .1, San Jose State the other NorCal .!,i coach, as Ii: . def,,f iould put League learn man instead of using a zone de- Korbus won the game on a penalty . r' "We've played good ball I 111.11 the .,i 1,5 .2619 excellent position to win can dispose of Stanford's unde- kick in the fourth period. ii in the against Oregon in the last Isso it! ati fense." added Menendez.. "But we :, league championship. feated record. "Our win over Cal learn st art ing bacr IstI tio- :vocal was a years. Me lost 11-0 to them were able to open tip their defense 1.111.11-1,1, 1,.11.'1,11 SIMI1 11 (I, undefeated in league California Is the big hope for the effort and I thought that our de- hurt esert tn.!, 1: ri.11,. tall. lull had thi ball instil.. their a 3-0 mark and Spartans. They have two by moving players around. Nleteges I Ill atone as 230-101111,1 eta, compiled games fense was exceptionally good," con- re ,I . I,, Ill seyeral It %ars just play. " lit lorst Sail Francisco State Sat- with the Indians. One match today "Al Korbus moved to right wing cluded Menendez.. the Fie er seen, !I 1; RA iriirs ago. and another in two weeks. The When 1Vashinglon svored to 'din p,11,,t',11.,111 i I. urday :;tt I ri high for this Nil anti Larry (Auk- University of San Francisco also make it ISerrN. pla.s- end 'ere, 1..1. I:. esery bit the ing ii,, an injured leg, brought wu,1,40, tsso Nigerians, team with has two games remaining with . is anti realis to give Ongon all the SS;15 (11.5511 the Klaus. Bergman of Sweden Stanford and could help San Jose balanced at- field. J., I' the Indiums a well gain the title. .if II : ,511 Wei I 'Ally has :Pew. - "They funii,led on the Washirig- Menges tack. The Spartans cannot afford to sees the Spartans as a minor concussion re- keeping a close ton 17 on the ante type of hard lits%Ing a good (-limit, OW,' I I Ji ISP is lose another match and must de- urda s '1!:;1,iift,iyho.,,1 game Indiana tackling that both teams used , Stanford. The feat Stanford in order to stay in it us inriiuug its first 14:1111.- :1:4,611,1 throughout Ihr game," Meng!, contention. Going into today's said. etteuratieer ONE OR MORE matches, Stanford leads the loop But, the fleet backfield of Berry. XEROX' COPIES with its perfect mark, San Jose is All-American hail tack Mel Ren- MADE AT second at 4-2, California is 1-1-I, fro, Larry 11111 and 1,11 Hain, CO. USF in fourth at 1-2-1 and SFS FH HILLIS PRINTING caught Menges' (-ye, 0-5. MONEY trails SAVE '.,,th Fourth St. "These, I',: i ws,1-1,11,11’ San Jose's last soccer action was be! game 17-7 to Pei.). is,, PER GAL. '016 Out of this World Food than Pi point -, 10.1' ETHYL GAS at Down to Earth Pri(es raan4Aa’s 3c OFF Whether it's a meal or -Renfro tati be exp,t-t...t go :ill the us is uu,l eery play. PER GAL. a snack . . . try J. lie's that dangerous a player. REG. GAS Howard's Larry 11111 is another liriakassay 2c OFF threat. So Is Lis Rain. Guaranteed Major Oil Crystal Creamery Menges pointed out that (he, ..f. Co. Gasollo FOUNTAIN RESTAURANT is basically :1 tifan. lic, . has ranked in ton lo fiat tonal 1, iroic 7th & Santa Clara. San Joss /11til Of I II, Lowest Gas Prices In San Jose 1111) 7 cm.- 10:30 p.m.Closed on Mon. Thi, kid fefil tufhter. . iiiirtitiff 1,1' toy. fii, TWA,' tc:Illy Iii,iijIi1 I lull, ;ItAs-G fu- III fat 1 , PURITAN OIL CO. 'S 6TH & KEYES 4TH & WILLIAM FOREIGN CAR Right near %sku'uI ii het lier reports stat- ing that !terry's had kg %s ill 10TH & TAYLOR SPECIALISTS Campus... * * * San Jose Foreign Car Service Season Statistics Loss Net Avg Denn, P. - 1 11 0 12 12 00 Expert repair on all imported cars Jerry Bo, - , 20 106 3 103 5.15 Bob Pate ,Ln 6 30 0 30 500 INNSBRUCK Transmission overhaul and Lubrications Charles Har,away 12 54 0 54 450 Walt Roberts 36 154 9 145 403 Tune-ups, Brakes, Motors GROUND LEADERFullback Herb Engel leads San Jose State Herb Engel 54 169 8 161 290 Cass Jackson 14 175 27 98 208 rushers with 161 yards gained in 54 carries for a 2.9 average. Ken Berry 23 99 37 62 270 Bring this ad ... Engel, a junior from Fort Bragg, has caught one pass for six Jerry Collett 11 34 8 26 736 Dave Johnson 5 11 0 11 2 20 71790 yards and scored one touchdown this season. II r u c Robertson 1 2 0 2 2 00 GOOD FOR 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT John Owens 1 0 0 0 0 Rand Carter 22 12 93 .81 .3 68 180 So. Market 286-1100 PASSING Alt Cogs Pet Int Yd, Td Yen Berry 48 30 625 1 401 4 P.,nd Carter 99 52 525 8 517 3 WINTER OLYMPICS Championship Berths' 0,4 Miller II 1 182 0 01 0 ts,Isn Owens 1 0 000 1 0 0 21 day 1,.11 ii ion itr 1.; th, horns' ,t,ng Walt Roberts 1 0 000 0 0 0 PUNTING - plan now an rs in!, I- vacation - stop u,ir in A CHUNK OF TASTY. LUS- No Yd, Avg Bob Paterson 32 179$ 40 07 Paris PASS RECEIVING CIOUS, SAVORY, TENDER, Three Teams I to it nrearrangrd Open No Yds - Eli -- Cass Jackson 22 172 U.S. CHOICE, NEW YORK First round playoffs in intra- Red Horde, "C' winner. the Cork -1 Walt Roberts 13 157 Harry 12 98 touch football headline this stinkers, play "A" second place Kellogg Call CY 3-1031 OR TOP SIRLOIN STEAK mural Dave Johnson 8 86 week's intramural slate at San finisher Moulder Hall to complete Carl Kahn S 64 COOKED THE WAY YOU Bob Bonds 61 Jose State. the schedule. "A" titlist Cal- Bill Holland 4 60 t -m games in the "B" Hawaiians draws a bye. Bob Paterson 3 60 travel agency LIKE IT FOR ONLY $1.49. Today's final Ron DeMonner 3 50 League will determine the last The winner of the independent Je, ry Collett 3 17 John Owens 2 9 post-season championship berth. playoffs will clash with the fra- Bob Davis 8 60 NORTH FIRST ST. SAN SATURDAY & SUNDAY Herb Engel 6 JOSE The rest of the playoff field has ternity champion for the intra- BREAKFAST SPECIALS Tony Machetes 5 already been decided. mural championship Nov. 15. San Charley Harraway Jose State radio station KSJS will V, Three teams in the "B" League broadcast the title encounter. 542 S. 2nd ST. will find out which one of them Fraternity teams have five Free Perking will be in the championships. ATO- in league play No. 2 battles league winner Red games remaining champion meets Horde and Phi Sig Ni,. 2 plays before the league the independent winner. ATO, Phi against Kappi Pi to determine the Sig and SAE are all in the run- only second place finisher. ning for the [rat crown. The three squads in the running Wednesday afternoon, Intra- are either a half game in front or mural Director Dan Unruh has behind other teams in contention. scheduled ti meeting for all man- However. it Phi Sig wins its grime, agers unit persons interested in it will qualify as the second "It" our hair knows coming intramural fictisities. 'rhe Steak I.eague playoff representative. meeting v, ill he iii NI(;201 al :1:30. louse Wednesday afternoon has been scheduled for the first day of the 41,- ,-. competition fur tho, independent GIRLS championship. The contests will it's there! start at 3:45 on the athletic fields Keep in shape at the at the SOU th Campias. It's invisible, man! You can't see it. She can't feel it. Only your hair Paired in the playoff games are SAN JOSE knows it's there! It's CODE 10 for men, the new invisible hairdressing Fountain Ilan, "A" League third HEALTH CLUB place, against "It" League second from Colgate-Palmolive. Non-greasy CODE 10 disappears in your hair, place. The Ifo-Dads. "A" fourth RESULTS IN 60 DAYS ’.’ gives it the clean, manly look oho, haul, "Ii" League champ Lose: that inflames women, infuriates in- 3" off waist ferior men! Be in. Let new CODE 10 groom your hair all day, invisibly. I" off thigh 3" off hip FORMAL 12.15 lbs. wgt. Geis: 2" on thigh I" on calf guitars euritalti WEAR 2" on bust 3" on hip basses 1 First in amplifiers your hair formal wear Grooms toSi I' all day invis,bly! el since 1906 SEE Mai AKAR ALL THAT'S NW IN THE PgLOK EPIPHOWENE LINE SALES - RENTALS

IN SAN JOSE .... 11 I 75 SOUTH 2ND DATE: October 29 CY 4-2322 -1. Open Thar.d.y until 8:30 p.m. TIME: 8 p.m. San Jose Health Club PLACE: CAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND Offstage Theater 413 DIRKELfS SACRAMINTO E. Santa Clara St. 970 S. 1st Sheet CALL 295-9910


6-SPARTAN DAILY Tuesday, October 29, 1961 NWF Scholarship BEWITCHED FOR HALLOWEEN Mrs. Nhu Shows Friendly Attitude (Continued I Page 11) Le Thuy and her mother bloom Awards Available off..laien.ys jubostyfhriereent'" orli corridor leading to the Nhu's suite.

The National Wildlife Feder- Reporters entrenched at the far bu,siues5'. plained 'Mach. Le es. Spartan Daily Classifieds ation has announced that scholar- end of the corridor received peri- Thuy told tha reporter she didn't know ships and fellowships in conserva- odical visits from To Ngoc Thach, anything about it "until I tion are available to all persons Mme. Nhu's press secretary. read it in the BUY 'EM! who are citizens or nationals of papers EXHAUSTED States or will be by ttr:a3’ three weeks the United from her in the Visibly exhausted U.S., Mme. Nhu leaves March 1964. Sin Fran. U.S. tour, the Oriental beauty was happy LARGE ROOM: For occupancy to 'tu- Scholarships are available in the cisco a Dragon Lady, she., ANNOUNCEMENTS (1) spirited back into her rooms im- says, g"' 37C S 4th. CV 7-7222 after 3:30. fields of conservation education, happy, she because Arten. mediately after the press confer- cans have been 2 FOR I SLACK SALE. ', on at GIRL WANTED: To share 2-bedroom journalism, radio and television, such good audi. op vrttrr 6 t Is from SJCC. Call ence. landowner - sportsmen relations, - - I aio.. 4 p mr 241 1648. Once in her room, she never WANTED and related fields. ensceheS's even happy to have r ROOM AND BOARD. I man, many ex- again came out. Thach reported ae. Graduate students are eligible quired the name "Dragon .- , 29! ,245. she would rest until this morning. Lady." AUTOMOTIVE 12) for awards up to $1,000 and under- because, in the Orient, in HOME COOKING. 7,:rrh. QconuttreaTct, next woman reporter who draeon graduates up to $500. One blonde is a good symbol that is resen.ed '55 MG IF 1500 successfully slipped past guards Applications must be post- only for men, she explains SNA. "2,, GIRLS APPROVED CONTRACT. Call and into Mme. Nhu's room was im- marked before Dec. 1. Announce- 60 MGA B. r '153 9914. mediately escorted back to the line 4th N of awards will be made in mr ".7 A-ppr. ment GIRL WANTED now of reporters. COMPLETE TV RENTALS A.1-1.- SPRITE, ,d;Con 5-, Inn Hall, 351 5 1 I, Cm 3.4955. March 1964. Rent a good, modern, T.' ' 294-6056 UNAPPROVED 2 Bedroom apartmentt Application blanks may be ob- 'BOYFRIEND' 21" Iv set for $10 a month. roe* Monthly rates from $120. Near tained from the Executive Director Bruce Baxter III, millionaire Includes '63 1.40NZA. r ri :nod, reo delivery, outside antanna end SJSC campus and downtown. Inquire. of the National Wildlife Feder- Texas rancher headlined as Le any service rguirtd. dual speakers, extras. 5,600 miles. 414 E. William_ CV 7-8877 Are CV 5 9520 eves. ation, 1412 16th St., NW., Wash- Thuy's "boyfriend," spent all after- Phone 227.7426 WOMEN'S APPROVED CONTRACT - otter 5 '55 CHEVROLET tel Air 4 Door. 6 ington, D.C. 20036. noon near the Nhu's rooms. Both . -ond. AL 2 3514. VOLKSWAGEN C .rfibie New ti MEN'S UNAPPROVED HOUSING r. V , $475 or best oil, CONTRACT FOR SALE. 1r 41N -rr,' Job Interviews AUTO REPAIRS 2 -BEDROOM APTS. t roar 5J5. Motor Tune-ups Engine Rebuilding '56 RENAULT 4 CV. . 8726. Job Interviews are held at OPEN DAILY Brake Service Ignitiors Systems WOMEN'S APPROVED CONTRACT - 803 S. Ninth SC January gradu- TO 6:30 Incl, TRICK 'R' TREAT-Be set for a "trick" this year at Halloween Carburetors Starters & Generators '55 FORD V-8. VICTORIA. ates are requested to make ap- SATURDAYS if you don't purchase a "treat," better known in the form of a Writtn Motor Guarantroi - Courtaly Car Awailablit $: pointments at the Placement 1964 La Torre. Even this "witch" portrayed by Judy Shaw, of VW CONY. - ROOMMATE NEEDED: t.r. L .'mry Office, ADNI234, prior to the in- 30' .4' 1182. the La Torre staff, knows better and has purchased hers. Also t.erviews. -4[110111d ifissittie 2 MALE ROOMMATES NEEDED. Unap- La Torre sales staff members, Walt Firstbrook (I), Fred Demarest 1,L'alJOI1 63 LAMBRETTA. 1 . 537 50 ea ' fr - John WEDN ESDA : and Jim Kaufman are getting treats from their purchases. Year- Call IunMuuSulrcsSr majors in slept 111,1 books are on sale for $6.25 at the Students' Affairs Business LOST AND FOUND (61 UNIVAC: 1) '57 MGA engineering or math with interest office and sales staff members are selling them also. The price School Ubrary San Jose FOUND: Part or s P, in computer work. rises to $6.75 Feb. I. 141 South 3rd St. 1 B10c6 from , 69 month. 5 57 FORD County of Los Angeles: majors , LOST, 10/20: 5 , s Hr in accounting, chemical engineer- ing, social science, economics, Registration Date Rotary Fellowships Opens Friday! PERSONALS (71 science. or others. EVA SALE (3) political Corp: SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED. By Fiberboard Paper Products 10% DISCOUNT Ill lectrolysis. Nantes R. E. 210 S. First accounting or any major For Scholarship Open to Students '(I;2 Winkle,/ 794-4499. triing interest in sales male Ulm Joseph Jefferson Version SUNCR ES TA SERVICES 1111 Peat, Marwick, Mitchell dk. CO: Set for Nov. 9 During 1965-66 A Drama Department Production AUTO INSURANCE for all. Ph. 248-2420 accounting mairms male only. HELP WANTED (4) an -ambassador of good Chet Barley Insurance. 385 S Monroe Lawrence Radiation Lahr ma- NoV. 9 is the ditto to rernomber To be November 1,2, and 6-9 JUNIOR AND SENIOR MEN TV RENTALS jors in mechanical and chemical for students planning to apply will" and a -scholar" are the two $10 month College Theatre - Curtain 8:15 p.m. Phone 292-3457 engineering, chemistry, math, and for California state scholarships. aims for Rotary Fellowships. physics. EXPERT TYPING SERVICE This date is deadline for stand- Interested San Jose State men Day or night. 258-4335. CHILDREN'S MATINEE - 2 p.m., November 2 and 9 THURSDAY: ard registration for the Dee. 7 must have high scholastic ability, TYPING 45tt Page, Palo Alto. Irene all majors for be single,1 327.0448. Evenings. Pitman-Moore: Scholastic Aptitude Test. hold a bachelor's degree, leaf sales. Gen. Adm, $1.25 Box Office open I 5 p.m. PART TIME TELEPHONE SOLICITORS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT: Owned pharmaceut Final closing date is Nov. 23. and between the ages of 20-28 in Insurance majors Oct. 23 -Nov. 9 B r, co- ". Claire Factory At4/411.: Late registration requires pay- order to apply, S.J.S. Students 500 - s , ceauty in chemical, mechanical and indus- ment 01 a late fee. Phone 294-1931 - These feliowships arc available Children under 14 500 trial engineering, and other tech- This te,t must be to qualify for ? f.I, -:1 I eltsy nf to men for the academic year of ' nical field male only. the scholarships. which range BABYSITTER, HOTEL. San Carlos and 1965-66. They provide one fully Goodyear Aerospace Corp: ma- from $3(1) to $1,500, varying ac- o mechanical, electrical andi paid academic year of graduate RELIABLE TYPING jors itt cording to student need and col- PART-TIME OFFICE GIRL WANTED industrial engineering, math, and at tidy abroad. 792 2346 lege tuition at the institution at- The applicant must also be able " physics. tended. TRANSPORTATION 191 to speak, read, and write the PART-TIME, 4:30 TO 8.30 National Aeronautics and Space Applications for the test and the majors in elec- language of the country he selects. RIDE WANTED - T- drd from Los Administration: scholarship are available in the . r- '"7-r- I Inro, trical and mechanical engineering, Applications should be made be- Dcan of Students office, ADM269. fore April 15. llr84. o ! aeronautics, physics, physical I for scholarship applica- An additional 10 fellowships, HOUSING (5) chemistry. i ions is Jan. 8, 1964. with less stringent requirements, APPROVED HOUSING CONTRACT To place en ad: are available to both men and FOR MAN. ' - 4: - Call a+ Spartan Deily Club women. GIRL ROOMMATE Ad Office, .1207, 1:30-3:30 Entomology Wives To Form ' S . - Send in handy order blank Slides of 551,,t orn nal lona I GIRL'S APPROVED HOUSING CON - Enclose cash or check parks will he shins n at this after- Group at Meet Engineers Slate TRACT 1. No phone orders noon's meeting of the SJS Ento- I otornatirrna 1 Stirdolit Center :it mology Club at 1:30 in S237. SItS Is cm-molly trying Its Orgirtl- Electronics Talk Featured speaker today is Dr. it, It group of foreign student,' .1. Gordon Edwards, professor of 1%%ives. The ficI meeting is set "Nlicro-l-drad r'' iii,' and Inte- BUY DAILY CLASSIFIEDS! r-ntr nnology. for 10 a.m. today. grated ()root," is the topic of a Ser \ For further information, call To buy, rent, or sell a cymbidium, a Didus inephis, a Refreshments will he lecture tomornAk night by W.A. frangipanni, or any other sensible thing, just fill out this lrr the meeting. Mr,.. Marguerite Scott at 278-1496.5. Sutton of the Raytheon Corpo- POWE handy order form, clip it, and send it with a check or r-nrrrireatle.modorn-Sopor Kle,ints cash to the Spartan Daily Advertising Office, J207, San ralisifl at 7:30 in El-)100. Sot ion's appearance is sprat- 7 .S.AC:PIC, TO LOS ANGE r LS Jose State College. San Jose 14, California. Ads must Mgr, i,,,,, in Lo Oingaitri be in by 2:30 P.M. two days prior to publication. Spartaguide < dirk, of Electrical 19.85' to Sae D'oqo ;11111 1.:111t I IPSIC 1,):!Illr’1.1., I IEEE). CONON/1Y 14011)AV: Iml MVO VI.111111 attnSAS 1.1.1 1 included ill 1. 1..e I Fowerorl Eat.. to Loa Ang,,1as NEW CLASSIFIED RATES arta ,,n rlow _._ CoPfl I II iir r1,11riri SI I rPI :11 ,11,i1 111,,,’1:0111 Minimum nffrl,i1111,’Ili a ill hl. 0 is i-cl lit steal' music isuildiru; spartaa Shields, Ii: lit It iii.. r 'alc. Two lines One time Three times Five times II lorPo Room B. .11111' the myelin:4 One time 50t a line 250 a line 20c a line Soria! Affairs f'ommittee, 2 p in., A!)M23(i. Lutheran Student Assn., '.-, II 2 lines $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 Women's Recreation Assn., 4:30 ' fr or . 'amp], Christian (''tit ''I', Recreation Society m.. WRA lounge. ..rolt .--;" 10th Sl. SA C111101 scuppiroa Ja 7-Sit Thl nd Itocrrir e&- .-'.W8 open meeting, 3:30 p.m.. , 3 California Parks arid Rnereation t ion Sae -arty will moot at 7:30 912 Stockton Stroot 761-0818 lines 1.50 2.25 3.00 liege Union. 0. v.., Siuriet, p.m., Physical Eri,1- Ii night in the rteW Physical Mu- A SCHEDULED AIRLINI14 chrisuan Selene'. ()pionig.tion, 4 lines 2.00 3.00 4.00 rlition and Itricroal ion Building. e,tiriti Itoriaat Ion 131111,hr-it:, Roe Fraaol000 Los Angolos a Mag. 7 41 p.m., Memitrial Chapel, tair:. - - . Na arra ,,. r r.-. Social Work Chas field trip, spartao Christian Fellowtship, 'I ..... aorta ref ea ore atevrit rar rat 4.4.440 5 lines 2.50 3.75 5.00 71rforld and I Add this Itemorerrstbe (dolt, 1. II It's s amount for .50 .75 1.00 HOW :rod It it calot, I la. each addt1 line IN NI gYM IN atil Mble II TO SUCCEED f)31(11t1t.OW: 31,alel United FOR DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES, CALL CY 4-6414, EXT. Nations, 1 2081, FROM 1:20 TO 4:20, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. IN PRO BALL! I II TO. 1. -Nm lair as, one of the alldrom Wranen's fleld hocke). 1 :III I, io u sr , ',liege basketball star-. s playintr, I ield near MIIrle till hI flip...flop...lug...tug now a pro. In the I/member CHECK A CLASSIFICATION: (treisesis dance group, 7 p sop of spORT megazinr. ,,I I find not %bat (rim a. land r... Witmen's dance studio. l i Announcements II I Help Wonted (4) 0 Personals 171 ,oll..arstarl ha. til I--urn to "so' Newman Club, 8 p.m., 79 S. 1 - Automotive 121 Housing 151 0 Services 181 'red" as a pro, as hi. forarrr trrnmmate John Hash, ek go, irifth St. push...jump...leap... For Sole Ill Lost and Found (4111] T Wien (9) lom inside pointers nn the 'srlIt Newman Club Moral Issiir, and its stars... Plus the Print your ad hure: NIRT 'Class, 4:30 p.m 7tt S. Filth Sr potlight is on , ollean frrothall, it eariting photo raprirt - Rally (7 MII14.1., 3:30 I,ii Leorge Mira, the nation's Nn. 1 rollege quarterbar chin..liftpull.. Alpha Phi Omega. 7 p.m., col John Mr-Kay el 1'4: and StrI }knit.. of Orrgcn. SPORT r r., lege Union. err. 'ports in depili. a- Pershing Rillcs, 7.30 p.m.. 1:11 ,11 act ladundahwo ene. o age WI all pro ..porIN In Ii...... run...puff her lsPORT you'll also wart in puff... rearl "I Sav Liston is 1;no,1 tor Boxing." an cx,lu-arr am, le Is things go Rocky Merriam,. :,l'ORT mac amine keeps you apace of all Crest pip 11$1pip rrnI4 on the Ronne acne.. with (Count 33 Letters and Spaces for Each Line) pause authoritative coverage. sharp Starting Date Run Ad For 7/3/4/5 Days (Circle One) aria!', -,, informattse prohles aol 4/ North Fint Street 6(067; err ion par ked phntn....(el bet8t8qth Smoking Enclosed I, Check No. Enjoy December Nem* SMOKE A PIPE! one ol our sele1 blends of line ______SPORT Address - - - - ,mported or domestic tobacco Just Favorite mogonne of the sports Coke111.1)1,14061114 rind NO* for you, the discriminetrog pipe Bottled under the authority01 The Cots-Cele Compeny byt City noes oars th sports minded! smoker. Coca Cola Bottling NOW ON SALE! Company of San Joss San Jose, California